PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5th April 2011 At 8pm in HORSPATH VILLAGE HALL.

Present: Mr P Dobson, Ms S Gray, Mr D Horsley, Mr Apologies Mrs A Julian, Mr A Hodgson, M Harris, Mr C Henderson, Mrs H Palmer, (District Councillor), Mr S Turnbull, Mrs S Woodcock, Mrs J Carr (District Councillor), Mrs A Purse (County Councillor), Mrs H Kogel – Clerk. Public: 6

49/11 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Apologies were made on behalf of Mrs Julian and Mr Hodgson.

50/11 MINUTES FOR APPROVAL - Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st March 2011. The minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman.

51/11 MATTERS ARISING 40/11 Grit Boxes – The Clerk to order grit boxes from OCC.

52/11 PLANNING APPLICATIONS. P11/W0162 Horspath Methodist Chapel, The Green, Horspath (Minor) Change of use of chapel to single dwelling. Minor alterations (as amended by agent’s email and accompanying plans dated 25th February 2011) – The Planning Committee will consider this application on 6th April 2011. A letter has been received from Mr Martin Slade, Circuit Property Steward. The Clerk to reply stating that the Parish Council does not have a copy on file of the permission that was granted in 1951 but is aware that it exists. This document may be stored at the archives in , but this is closed until June 2011 for refurbishment. It was agreed that the Clerk acknowledge the letter and send a copy of the boundary map for Horspath Village Green. 11/00672/ Land South of Oxford Road, Oxford. FUL Erection of 70m high anemometer mast for a temporary period of 3 years. – Mr Harris wrote to Oxford City Council on behalf of the Parish Council to object to this application.

PLANNING PERMISSIONS/REFUSALS/APPEALS. P11/W0014 Way’s Barn, Gidley Way, Horspath (Other) Construction of new vehicular access. – Granted. P10/W1983/ 40 Church Road, Horspath (Other) LB Repair & alterations to roof, dormers and wall of cottage. – Granted. 11/00196/ Unipart House, Road, Oxford FUL Alterations to existing bays (No.s 2 & 3) of main warehouse to raise door heights. – Granted.

53/11 COUNTY & DISTRICT COUNCILLORS. Mrs J. Carr (District Councillor) – Localism Bill - After the forthcoming elections, forums will be held for Town/Parish Councils. Mrs Purse (County Councillor) – OCC will be looking at the library situation, as more money is available. It is hoped that most libraries will be saved. Each library will be receiving an action plan. Youth Centres will be closed apart from those in cities and major towns. Wheatley Parish Council has applied for a grant from the “Big Society” fund for an independent youth worker their youth club. Horspath may wish to consider applying for a grant. Mrs Purse has to finalise her bid by the end of May. 54/11 CLERK’S UPDATE. – Sgt. Jell has reported that the 19 year old youth charged with death by careless driving will appear at Oxford Crown Court on 15th April 2011 where he will enter a plea to the offence charged. Depending on the plea entered depends on what happens next.

55/11 REPORTS/UPDATES. Wildlife Conservation Area – Our group of regular volunteers worked very hard on Saturday 19th March to shift about 3 tonnes of gravel and pea grit in wheelbarrows to various places along the ‘circular path’ around the site to render this very heavily used path safely negotiable in wet weather as well as when it is dry. This path can now be enjoyed by anyone capable of walking up the hill, who will not need to wear waterproof boots to negotiate it, and with such a good path, there will be less reason for walkers to leave the path and trample the interesting plants and fungi, for example, which grow alongside it. We will need some more gravel in stock on the site to make up the profile of the paths as they get worn down. Frogs deposited about 30 clumps of frogspawn in the pond when they mated there in early March, and as the main clumps were in the warmest part of the pond, they were this year not moved into the protection of the frog cages, and some of these tadpoles are now beginning to swim free. The pond has been visited regularly by a pair of Mallard ducks which eat almost anything, by passing herons hoping to catch any frogs not already hiding from them in the frog cages or in the various concrete frog houses around the ponds, and by passing badgers and deer which go there to drink, and unfortunately also by some uncontrolled dogs. Most dogs brought into the Wildlife Conservation Area by their owners are under control, but some very clearly still regularly foul the footpaths and their owners do not remove this unacceptably nasty mess, while other dogs have been allowed to rampage around in the frog pond after the frogs and even eating frogspawn, while others have been allowed to hunt down the nearly tame pheasants which shelter in this quiet woodland. At some stage we will have to tackle the problem of the minority of uncontrolled dogs and a few anti-social dog downers, and if the problem continues, it may be necessary to require all do owners to keep their dogs on a lead on this site. A tree with rot invisible below the ground unexpectedly fell across the circular path to leaving it hanging there dangerously on 2nd April, so this was removed by Andy and Pete the same afternoon, and although no other unsafe trees have been identified near the circular path, the policy inside the woodland away from the paths is to let old trees fall down and rot naturally to create a richer natural habitat. The Council approved the purchase of another tonne of gravel for the paths. The Police have advised that a Fixed Penalty Fine of £80 may be imposed on any dog owner caught not picking up their dog’s faeces in a public place. It may be necessary to require all dog owners to keep their dogs on a lead in the Wildlife Conservation Area if the dog fouling continues. South District Council will supply a few notices to address the problem of dog fouling of public areas. Horspath Parish Plan - In 2008 the large group of volunteers who successfully carried out the Horspath Parish Plan Household Questionnaire provided the village community with a very clear view of the community’s priorities, which was forwarded as good advice to the Parish Council, to the District Council, to the County Council and to the Police and other service providers to communicate what this community identified and voted for as its priorities. Many of those priorities highlighted in the results of the Questionnaire have now been acted upon: the Bridge is protected from demolition; the City Council’s giant wind turbine plan has apparently been defeated; the Green Belt all around the village has been defended; the Village Hall is now thriving under a new Management Committee; the Village Sports Association, and especially the Cricket Club, have vastly improved the Clubroom and have developed a fine new cricket ground to the west of the Village Hall; the Wildlife Conservation Area has been improved and 650 new trees planted at the Oxford Road site; and a totally new Play Area has been installed on the Village Hall site, while the original one beside the Village Hall has been totally redesigned according to the wishes expressed by its users. All this is very good news of ways in which the ideas coming from the Parish Plan Household Questionnaire were acted upon, and there are many other examples of good progress toward making Horspath an even better place to live in. However, the government really took the wind out of the sails for our Parish Plan volunteers by announcing, even before we could write up a final summary of all this and produce the final document “The Horspath Parish Plan” that such Parish Plans would no longer have any status in the Planning system in . This meant that SODC would no longer recognise any Parish Plan as a “Supplementary Planning Document” with any legal status in the Planning process which helps to define Planning Policy and ensures that the appropriate decisions are taken over every Planning Application affecting Horspath. SODC concentrated on producing a Local Development Framework (LDF) in which they have now got as far as producing a “Core Strategy”, outlining the general Planning Policy for , but not giving us much detailed help in planning the appropriate or sustainable development of villages like Horspath. With the arrival of the new Coalition Government, there is very soon to be a total revision of the Planning System, masterminded by our own MP, John Howell. As the convenor of the Horspath Parish Plan volunteer group Martin Harris met with John Howell MP OBE on Friday 1st April to ask him exactly what to expect in the Localism Act which will become law after its expected approval by the House of Lords by January 2012. Firstly John Howell made clear that he is intending to simplify the Planning System, so that there are far fewer central government regulations imposed on local planning by neighbourhoods, and that there will be a re-introduction of a “Local Plan” for SODC, in which the Core Strategy from the LDF will remain, and that there will be an opportunity and a need to for village residents themselves to produce a “Neighbourhood Plan” for Horspath. In answer to Martin’s question “Could we use our existing work on the Horspath Parish Plan as the basis for producing a Horspath Neighbourhood Plan”? John advised that the basic required elements for inclusion in a “Neighbourhood Plan” would be published by the government later this summer, and that there will be advice on the ways to convert Parish Plans into Neighbourhood Plans, and that Neighbourhood Plans will form the basis for all the future Planning decisions taken by a Parish Council for all developments within that Parish, and will have the legal status within the Planning System which was denied to the Parish Plans. So it is clear what we need to do in Horspath – watch out for the new requirements for producing a “Neighbourhood Plan”, reconvene the Horspath Parish Plan group of volunteers to see how we can build on the work already done, and then communicate with every household in Horspath what the new Neighbourhood Plan for Horspath will do for us, and what we all will need to do to make it work properly to make Horspath an even better place to live. Wind Turbine - Work on the giant wind turbine planned for Horspath has been apparently been halted, due to an objection to it from the Ministry of Defence, whose Primary Surveillance Radar used for air traffic control would be interfered with by the wind turbine blades. Mr Harris cautioned the Parish Council that, although Partnerships for Renewables had sent an e-mail to the Parish Council on 30.3.2011 indicating that this development company’s expert aviation consultants had been unable to find a resolution to the MoD’s objection to a turbine of the scale proposed for the site south of Oxford Road, nowhere in that e-mail is there any indication that Oxford City Council has given up its hopes of establishing a wind turbine there. The problem may not yet have gone away. Oxford City Councillor John Tanner has also stated publicly that he would be looking at all possibilities, including establishing a wind turbine on City Council land near Sandford Brake near Toot Baldon. Mr. Harris felt that there would be more projects proposed for wind turbines near Horspath and elsewhere in South Oxfordshire, so he asked for the Council’s approval for four actions: 1. To formally cancel the contract with PSH Skypower Ltd, to fly a tethered kite balloon to the proposed height of the wind turbine in Horspath. To recommend that CPRE Oxfordshire or the Parish Council continue to use PSH Skypower Ltd to fly this balloon wherever the next wind turbine is proposed. CPRE has offered to pay half of Horspath Parish Council’s costs incurred to date with PSH Skypower Ltd. 2. To organise the removal of the “No wind turbine” posters from the public areas around the village, and to store them in the Scout Hut, in case they are needed again, if the threat of a wind turbine returns, or recycle them as tree stakes. Some of the notices might also be of value to another village threatened by a wind turbine proposal. 3. To formally thank our legal counsel who has advised the Parish Council free of charge during the campaign of opposition to PfR’s giant wind turbine, but will no longer be required to lead the legal case for the Parish Council in any public Planning Inquiry.

4. Based on Horspath Parish Council’s recent extensive research into wind turbine matters, to offer South Oxfordshire District Council assistance in putting in place a planning policy to govern the location of wind turbines in the District.

The Council agreed all four actions. Mr. Harris reported that the proposal by Councillors Janet Carr and Elizabeth Gillespie to adopt a planning policy for wind turbine location in South Oxfordshire had been accepted by SODC last month. Mrs Woodcock passed thanks to Mr Harris for all of his hard work with this project. It was agreed that the Clerk write to the Chief Executive of Oxford City Council stating that Horspath Parish Council wishes to purchase the field on the south side of Oxford Road, Horspath which was recently the subject of proposals for a giant wind turbine, this project now having been abandoned. Mr Horsley stated that there may be personal benefactors prepared to finance such a purchase. Stagecoach – Mr Horsley circulated the minutes from the meeting with Blake, Lapthorn, Linnell. No further action can be taken until a reply is received back from the Solicitors. Mr Horsley advised that there will obviously be costs involved in this project but the amount is unknown at this point. It was agreed that the trustees of the Stone pit Charity will deal with this project and report back to the Parish Council.

HVHMC – Following the tragic death of Jonathan Stobart an emergency meeting of the HVHMC was held. Mr Ed Murray has agreed to act as Chairman of the committee for 3 months. Mr Murray and Mr Dobson have agreed to become trustees of the HVHMC but one more volunteer is required. The white lining in the village hall car park has now been completed. Mr Harris asked what the situation of the conservatory for the clubroom. Mr Murray stated that the supplier is still prepared to supply the conservatory but it would have to be paid for, so this remains a possibility for the future. Mr Murray reported that dog mess is becoming a problem on the sports field around the village hall. Mr Harris will supply Mr Murray with dog fouling notices.

56/11 HORSPATH NURSERY – DONATION REQUEST Councillors voted unanimously that a donation of £195.00 is made to Horspath Nursery to cover the cost of equipment needed. The Clerk to request a receipt from the nursery.

57/11 PARISH COUNCIL PAYROLL – 2 Quotes received. It was agreed that the Clerk will obtain more information and will be discussed at the next meeting.

58/11 ROYAL WEDDING CELEBRATIONS Councillors agreed that the Clerk write and offer the full support of the Parish Council.

59/11 RISK ASSESSMENTS. Councillors agreed that this item be deferred until the June 2011 meeting.

60/11 CORRESPONDENCE a. TW Ramblers Poster.*# - (Circulated via email). b. Rural Services Network – Newsletter March 2011.* - (Circulated via email). c. CPRE – Oxfordshire Campaign Briefing February 2011. – (Circulated via email). d. ORCC – News Bulletin March 2011. – (Circulated via email). e. SODC – Extra Garden Waste Collection & Election Information.* - (Circulated via email). f. OCC – Revised Household Waste Recycling Centre Strategy for Oxfordshire. – (Circulated via email). g. OCC – Consultation on Proposed Residential Parking Provision Policy for New Developments.- Noted. h. Clerks & Councils Direct Newsletter March 2011.* i. Thames Valley Police – Community Policing Awards 2011.*# j. Cerda Planning Ltd – Introductory Letter.* - Noted. k. Citizens Advice Bureau – Thank you letter for donation.* l. Open Space – Spring Newsletter 2011.* m. OALC – Copies of Publications.* n. SODC – Submission of South Oxfordshire Submission Core Strategy. – Noted. o. ORCC – Annual Subscription.* p. ORCC – A History of the Best Kept Village Competition in Oxfordshire.* * original held by the Clerk, copy available on request. # displayed on Village Hall & village noticeboards.

61/11 PAYMENTS Chq To Whom Paid Details Vat Total £ 2064 E S Hawes Hedge Cutting 56.00 336.00 2065 Wilson & Scott White lines in V/Hall Car Park 100.00 600.00 2066 Curtain World Supply of Curtains & Blinds for V/Hall 521.09 3126.00 2067 Mr D Gray Managing Burial Ground Jan/Feb/Mar 11 125.00 2068 CHEQUE CANCELLED 2069 Buildbase Materials for Conservation Area 17.46 104.76 2070 PWLB Village Hall Loan Repayment 1119.75 2071 Mrs H Kogel Salary Jan, Feb, March 2011 1181.65 Home Office Allowance 90.00 Stationery, Postage Photocopying 275.18 2072 Mr P Aries Bus Shelter Maintenance March 2011 60.00 2073 Horspath Nursery Donation 195.00 TOTAL 594.55 £7213.34

62/11 RECEIPTS Date From Who Received Details Total £ 17.3.11 Horspath Nursery Annual Rent 240.00 17.3.11 Stagecoach Annual Rent for 4 x Quarters 1300.00 2.2.11 Punch Taverns Rent for Chequer’s Car Park 712.50 2.2.11 OGBN Donation 12.00 2.2.11 Environment Agency Annual Rent for Borehole 150.00 6.12.10 Barclays Bank Interest Bus. Saver Acct 6.9.10-5.12.10 1.42 TOTAL 2415.92

Village Green Account 27.3.11 Horspath Parish Council Easement & Rent from Chequers Car Park 9410.03 TOTAL 9410.03 Horspath Stone Pit Charity 27.3.11 Horspath Parish Council Annual rent for 2010/11 from Stagecoach 1300.00 TOTAL 1300.00

63/11 ANY OTHER BUSINESS a. Mrs Woodcock reported that a letter has been received from a resident asking if the pathway on the right hand side of Gidley Way (by no.s 24 & 26) that used to be a right of way could be re-opened. This walkway takes you through to the allotments. Mrs Purse will liaise with OCC to check that the walkway is definitely a right of way and if so get it re-opened. b. Mr. Harris placed on record the Council’s sadness to learn of the death on 2nd March 2011 of Harry Sheppard, aged 89, who was a former Vice Chairman of the Parish Council and a Parish Councillor for many years, and was one of the village’s few navy veterans from World War Two. He was awarded medals by the Russian government and by the Queen for his service as a gunner on the Royal Navy destroyer, HMS Icarus, which escorted very hazardous winter convoys into the Arctic Ocean to deliver armaments and supplies to north Russia. His contribution to the life of the village community is much appreciated and greatly missed. c. Mr Turnbull reported that the Pump House doors were open. Mr Gray agreed to check it out. d. Mr Horsley stated that there will be a meeting in May 2011 before the elections. Mr Horsley thanked Ms Gray for the huge contribution she has made to both SODC and the Parish Council over the years. e. Mr Turnbull reported that he has been in contact with companies regarding solar PV arrays on houses. Mr Turnbull suggested that people are made aware of the information available. Ms Gray agreed to discuss this with anyone who is interested. f. Mrs Woodcock reported that the footpaths in Blenheim Way and Fords Close are being re-done which are not considered to be urgent when the footpath in College Way has been constantly reported for the last 4 years and is considered to be urgent. Mrs Woodcock also reported 2 large potholes 3 times that have still not been repaired. Mrs Purse will take this matter up with OCC. Mrs Purse reported that money is now available for repairing the potholes. g. Mrs Woodcock reported that a resident on the Green has cut down a lot of greenery but has left stumps. A resident has offered to remove them.. Public: h. Mr Bell commented that the new payroll for Clerk’s is very simple and is available to do online. i. Mr Gray reported that the church mower is broken and needs considerable repair. Councillors agreed that they can use the Parish Council’s small mower for the time being. Mr Gray to liaise with the Cricket Club. j. A resident asked if there are any plans for more affordable housing in the village. Mr Horsley stated that SODC are keen to build a 3rd phase next to the existing sites but the Parish Council will not support this unless the Parish Council is involved in the allocation process. k. Sylvia Watson stated that she had come along to the meeting as she may be available in joining the Parish Council. Mrs Woodcock stated that there will be vacancies in June 2011.

64/11 DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS. Parish Council Planning Meeting – Tuesday 19th April 2011 (To be confirmed) Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 26th April at 8.00pm. Horspath Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 3rd May 2011.