Case 21-10461-JTD Doc 314 Filed 06/03/21 Page 1 of 3


In re: Chapter 11

CMC II, LLC,1 Case No. 21-10461 (JTD)

Debtors. (Jointly Administered)


1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of their respective tax identification numbers, are as follows: CMC II, LLC (6973), Salus Rehabilitation, LLC (4037), 207 Marshall Drive Operations LLC (8470), 803 Oak Street Operations LLC (3900), Sea Crest Health Care Management, LLC (2940), and Consulate Management Company, LLC (5824). The address of the Debtors’ corporate headquarters is 800 Concourse Parkway South, Maitland, Florida 32751. Case 21-10461-JTD Doc 314 Filed 06/03/21 Page 2 of 3


21 ______Jun-03, 20___



Jun 3, 2021, NYT & Natl, pg B7

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F.B.I. Names Cybercriminal Group Behind Attack on Meat Processor

FROM FIRST BUSINESS PAGE NielsenIQ. that had been used in previous The attack highlighted con- REvil attacks, people briefed on cerns about the vulnerability of the attack said. REvil has targeted critical American businesses. Jen some 237 organizations since Psaki, the White House press sec- 2020, according to Recorded Fu- retary, urged companies on ture, a cybersecurity firm. The Wednesday to increase their number of victims could be much cybersecurity measures, saying it higher given that many quietly was “up to a number of these pri- pay their extortionists to spare vate-sector sector entities to pro- their reputations and avoid the tect themselves.” cost of having to rebuild their data Ms. Psaki declined to say from scratch. whether the U.S. government was Like the Colonial Pipeline inci- planning to retaliate. “We’re not dent before it, the ransomware at- taking any options off the table in tack on JBS demonstrates how a terms of how we may respond, but breach of a single American busi- of course there is an internal pol- ness can have wide-ranging im- icy review process to consider pact. It also drew further aware- that,” she said. ness to ransomware invasions, Among REvil’s other victims which have become a digital are E. & J. Gallo, the winemaker, scourge. Just days after the attack which was hit this year, and on Colonial Pipeline triggered jet Quanta Computer, an Apple sup- fuel shortages and panic buying, a plier. In April, REvil held Quanta different group of cybercriminals Computer hostage, then de- held the Irish national health sys- manded $50 million from Apple in tem hostage with ransomware. In exchange for not releasing propri- just the last week, dozens more or- etary product plans. REvil even- ganizations have been hit, rang- tually dumped confidential sche- ing from the City University of matics for Apple laptops and a New York, to the Massachusetts CHET STRANGE/GETTY IMAGES new Apple watch online on April Steamship Authority, which runs A JBS processing plant in Greeley, Colo., that was dormant on Tuesday. Production began to resume at nine JBS beef plants in the U.S. on Wednesday. 20, the day of a major Apple prod- ferries to Martha’s Vineyard and uct announcement, but later Nantucket, to the Birmingham scrubbed them from its site. The Barons, a minor-league baseball “vast majority” of its plants would rocketing. Meatpacking plants “Everyone suddenly woke up to a meatpacker like JBS on any giv- group also hit 23 cities in in team. reopen the next day. are struggling to meet high de- the reality that we didn’t have en day is earmarked for standing a coordinated ransomware attack “We’re only going to see these About 400 workers were back mand, largely because of the same enough product around,” said Al- orders for large, national grocery in 2019 that froze up courts, law ransomware attacks on major, in- on the job at the JBS beef plant in labor-shortage issues that restau- tin Kalo, the head economist at store chains like Kroger or restau- enforcement, real estate transac- ternational businesses continue,” Souderton, Pa., versus about 1,500 rants and other industries have Steiner Consulting Group, which rants like McDonald’s, Mr. Kalo tions and water bill payments. said Allan Liska, an intelligence who would work in a typical day, struggled with in the pandemic. analyzes and creates forecasts said. A smaller portion is available Typically, the group publishes analyst at Recorded Future who is said Wendell Young IV, the presi- “We’ve got this logjam happen- about the protein industry. each day for purchase in the “spot stolen data on a website it calls its tracking some 38 ransomware dent of the United Food and Com- ing at the slaughterhouses, and Mark Lauritsen, the interna- market” by smaller grocery store “Happy Blog,” but as of late after- groups, the vast majority of which mercial Workers Local 1776, which that’s happening when demand, tional vice president who over- or restaurant chains, he said. noon Wednesday none of JBS’s are based in Russia, with a few in represents workers at the plant. A both domestic and export, has sees meatpacking for the food The shutdown at JBS could data had appeared online. That Iran and one in North Korea. JBS beef plant in Cactus, Texas, been exceptional,” said Don Close, workers union, said that many cause that supply to further suggested that perhaps REvil had Production began to resume at canceled work for many employ- a senior animal protein analyst at meatpacking plants in the United tighten, with the meatpacker not stolen the data it had held nine JBS beef plants in the United ees scheduled for one of its shifts RaboResearch. States have been about 10 to 20 likely to fulfill the big, standing or- hostage, or that the company was States on Wednesday. Thousands on Wednesday, according to a In recent months, reopened percent below full staffing levels ders first, leaving less for the still in negotiation with the group, of workers at JBS’s beef, pork and Facebook post meant for workers. restaurants began putting in or- but that the situation was gradual- smaller buyers. said Mr. Liska of Recorded Future. poultry plants in Australia, Cana- Mr. Young added that the com- ders for beef, pork and poultry ly improving as the union negoti- “That supply is where you’ll see JBS has said it believes none of its da and the United States were af- pany had told the union that the again and people began gathering ated wage increases with compa- a spike — a spike in wholesale data had been stolen. fected as shifts were altered or plant would be running essentially and grilling outside as vaccination nies like JBS. beef prices over the next few days Ms. Psaki said Wednesday that canceled on Monday and Tuesday. as normal by Thursday, although levels rose and the weather be- In the wake of the closure of JBS or even through the end of the the administration was in direct Many of JBS’s pork and poultry workers’ start times would be de- came warmer. The increase in de- plants on Monday and Tuesday, week,” Mr. Kalo said. contact with the Russians and plants and a beef plant in Canada layed by a few hours. mand, combined with the hiring the Department of Agriculture es- Higher wholesale beef prices that President Biden would bring were at least partially operational JBS has not said whether it has challenges, has caused wholesale timated a drop-off in the number are often being passed along to up the issue of cyberattacks with on Tuesday. paid its attackers and did not re- beef prices to shoot up 49 percent of cattle and hogs slaughtered consumers, albeit at smaller price President Vladimir Putin of Rus- Union officials said Wednesday turn requests for comment. since mid-March and prices of across the country that Mr. Kalo increases. So far this year, the sia when they meet in two weeks. that beef plants were operational The disruptions come at a time steak cuts to skyrocket 64 per- said roughly correlated with JBS’s price of beef in the grocery store is “Responsible states do not har- but were not at full capacity. JBS when prices for beef as well as cent, according to the Department market share. 6 percent above what it was at this bor ransomware criminals,” she had said late Tuesday that the chicken and pork have been sky- of Agriculture. A big chunk of beef produced by time last year, according to said.

People receiving AstraZeneca’s vaccine at a prison in Morocco. The AstraZeneca in Negotiations to Find drug is not yet authorized in the U.S., so extra manufactured doses A New Partner to Make Its Vaccine are likely to be exported. committed to sharing 60 million By Noah Weiland, cine, ruining 15 million doses. The federal decision to strip doses of AstraZeneca’s vaccine. Sharon LaFraniere That episode has led to cascad- Emergent of the responsibility to Jeffrey D. Zients, the White and Sheryl Gay Stolberg ing problems for Emergent, John- manufacture AstraZeneca’s vac- House’s Covid-19 response coordi- son & Johnson and AstraZeneca. cine reduced the risks and com- WASHINGTON — The British- nator, said last month that 10 mil- Federal regulators asked Emer- plexity of the factory’s operations. Swedish company AstraZeneca is lion of those doses could be re- gent to halt all production at its But it left AstraZeneca temporar- negotiating with the federal gov- leased to other countries soon, plant while they inspected it. In- ily unable to produce its vaccine ernment to shift production of its with the rest to be shared in spectors returned on Wednesday coronavirus vaccine from a trou- for the government. months, pending an F.D.A. review. for another on-site review, accord- bled plant near Baltimore to a fac- Last May, the Trump adminis- Mr. Biden later expanded his tory owned by the pharmaceutical ing to people familiar with the tration pledged up to $1.2 billion to process. pledge, promising to send 20 mil- company Catalent, according to AstraZeneca to finance the devel- lion doses of other coronavirus people familiar with the govern- Regulators are also insisting opment and manufacturing of its that Johnson & Johnson and ANDRES YEPEZ/REUTERS vaccine overseas. Samantha ment’s plans. vaccine, and to supply the United Power, the administrator of the Catalent from Emergent. The offi- The AstraZeneca vaccine ap- Catalent, which is based in New States with 300 million doses if it United States Agency for Interna- cial estimated that Catalent could pears to be linked to a very rare Jersey, already produces Astra- proved effective. With the country tional Development, told lawmak- Millions of ruined produce about 25 million to 35 mil- but sometimes fatal blood clotting Zeneca’s vaccine for export at a awash in other vaccines, Astra- ers last week that three-fourths of lion doses of AstraZeneca’s vac- disorder, similar to the side effects factory in Harmans, Md., south of Zeneca doses seem mainly bound the excess supply in the United doses led to the cine a month on its new line — a that led to a pause on administer- Baltimore. It is now in discussions for export. Federal officials say States was likely to go to Covax, to retrofit a production line there shutdown of a plant. some might still be useful as rate similar to that expected from ing Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine in the United States. Many Euro- an international vaccine-sharing to make the vaccine for the federal booster shots, should those be Emergent. initiative, with the rest distributed government, taking over for needed and should AstraZeneca’s Unlike Johnson & Johnson, Pfi- pean countries temporarily AstraZeneca provide extensive stopped using the AstraZeneca through bilateral agreements. Emergent BioSolutions, which vaccine be cleared for distribution zer and Moderna, AstraZeneca Secretary of State Antony J. was forced to stop manufacturing proof that batches of their vac- in the United States. has not sought authorization from vaccine this year after a small cines produced by Emergent meet number of clotting episodes, but Blinken said this week that the ad- AstraZeneca’s vaccine more than Some experts say they worry the Food and Drug Administra- ministration would announce an six weeks ago after a major pro- regulatory standards before al- that producing more AstraZeneca tion to distribute its vaccine for they have largely restarted, in some cases with restrictions on overseas distribution plan within duction mishap. lowing them to be released either vaccine in the United States will emergency use in the United what age groups should receive it. two weeks. While it is unclear when the for domestic use or for export. use up valuable materials that States. Without an obvious or im- The vaccine is being used in 173 new line could begin operating, While no doses of any vaccine might be better directed overseas mediate need in the country, countries. Rebecca Robbins and Benjamin any extra doses that Catalent produced by Emergent have been or to make other vaccines. AstraZeneca officials are leaning President Biden in late April Mueller contributed reporting. produces for the government are distributed in the United States, One federal official, speaking on against pursuing authorization, also likely to be exported because the Biden administration had the condition of anonymity to dis- according to people familiar with the United States has not yet au- been counting on tens of millions cuss continuing discussions, said their thinking. The company IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT 7. IftheDebtorsdonotreceiveaQualifiedBid(otherthanthatofthe thorized the AstraZeneca vaccine of AstraZeneca doses to fulfill its FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE Manager and Remaining Assets Stalking Horse Bidder), the Debtors will the government was renegotiat- could still pursue licensure, a In re: Chapter 11 not conduct an Auction and shall designate the Manager and Remaining for domestic distribution and has promise to help other countries in ing AstraZeneca’s contract, at lengthier and more complicated CMC II,LLC et al ., 1 Case No.21-10461 (JTD) AssetsStalkingHorseBidderastheSuccessfulBidder. Debtors. (Jointly Administered) 8. A hearing to consider approval of the Successful Bid or Bids (or to enough of other vaccines to meet need. least partly to shift production to process. approvetheManagerandRemainingAssetsStalkingHorseAssetPurchase demand. NOTICE OF AUCTION AND SALE OF ASSETS Agreement, as applicable, if no Auction is held) (the“ Sale Hearing ”) is PLEASETAKENOTICEREGARDINGTHEFOLLOWING: proposedtotakeplaceon August3,2021,at1:00p.m.(Eastern) ,atthe “We can confirm we are work- 1. On March 1, 2021, CMC II, LLC and its affiliates, as debtors and United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware,824 N.Market IN THE UNTED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT debtors-in-possession (the “ Debtors ”) each filed a voluntary peti- Street,Wilmington,Delaware 19801. At the Sale Hearing,the Debtors will ing with Catalent but have not dis- SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, DIVISION NAVI MUMBAI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION tion for relief pursuant to chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code presenttheSuccessfulBidorBidstotheBankruptcyCourtforapproval. In re: ENTRUST ENERGY, Chapter 11 (the“ Bankruptcy Code ”) in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the closed specific details on supply,” 1 9. Objections, if any, to the Motion with respect to the sale of the INC. et al. Case No.: 21-31070 HEALTH DEPARTMENT DistrictofDelaware(the“ BankruptcyCourt ”). Manager and Remaining Assets to the Successful Bidder(s),must be filed said Holly Campbell, a spokes- Debtors. Jointly Administered 2. The Debtors have entered an Asset Purchase Agreement (the with the Bankruptcy Court and served upon counsel to the Debtors,coun- woman for AstraZeneca. A NOTICE OF DEADLINES FOR THE FILING OF PROOFS OF CLAIM “ Manager and Remaining Assets Stalking Horse APA ”) with CPSTN seltotheSuccessfulBidder(s),andcounseltotheCommitteeappointedin THECLAIMSBARDATEISAUGUST11,2021 3rd floor, Sector-15A, NMMC Head Office, CBD, Operations, LLC (the “ Manager and Remaining Assets Stalking these chapter 11 cases,so as to be actually received by July 23,2021,at spokesman for Catalent declined THEGOVERNMENTALCLAIMSBARDATEISSEPTEMBER27,2021 Horse Bidder ”) by which the Manager and Remaining Assets Stalking 12:00 p.m.(Eastern) . If a Successful Bidder that is not a Stalking Horse PLEASETAKENOTICEOFTHEFOLLOWING: Navi Mumbai - 400614, INDIA Horse Bidder or its designee, as permitted pursuant to the Manager and Bidder prevails at the Auction,then the deadline to object to solely with to comment. Deadlines for Filing Proofs of Claim .On May 20,2021,the United RemainingAssetsStalkingHorseAPA,willacquireallorsubstantiallyallof respect to the conduct of the Auction,any changes to the revised APA,or AstraZeneca has been search- States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas (the“Court”) the assets of CMC II,LLC as well as certain other assets,including certain the adequate assurance of future performance from such Successful entered an order (the “Order”) establishing certain deadlines for the claims and causes of action of the Debtors’ estates (the“ Manager and Bidder, shall be extended to July 29, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. (Eastern) ; ing for a new manufacturing part- filing of proofs of claim in the chapter 11 cases of the following debtors EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - GLOBAL INVITE RemainingAssets ”). provided, however, that the deadline to object to matters unrelated to (the “Debtors”): Entrust Energy, Inc.; Energistics, Inc.; Entrust Treasury 3. On March 11, 2021, in connection with a proposed sale of the the identity of a Successful Bidder or conduct of the Auction shall not be ner since the federal authorities Management Services, Inc.; SPH Investments, Inc.; Entrust Energy East, EOI NO. NMMC/HEALTH/116/2021 Assets pursuant to section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code (the “ Sale ”) to extended.Ineachcase,allobjectionsmust:(a)beinwriting;(b)conformto decided that Emergent, which re- Inc.;Akyta IP,Inc.;Power of Texas Holdings,Inc.;Surge Direct Sales,Inc.; the successful bidders (the“ Successful Bidders ”) at an auction, if nec- theapplicableprovisionsoftheBankruptcyRules,theLocalRules,andany Knocked, Corp.; Entrust Energy Operations, Inc.; Akyta Holdings, Inc.; Second Extension essary (the“ Auction ”),the Debtors filed a motion (the“ Motion ”) 2 seek- orders of the Bankruptcy Court; (c) state with particularity the legal and ceived hundreds of millions of dol- StrategicPowerHoldings,LLC;Enserve,Inc.;NGAE,Inc.;Akyta,Inc. ing approval of bidding procedures,procedures for contract assumption/ factual bases for the objection and the specific grounds therefor;and (d) lars from the federal government The Bar Dates. Pursuant to the Order, all entities (except assignments,andschedulingaSaleHearing,amongotherthings. be filed with the Bankruptcy Court no later than the applicable objection governmental units and other entities exempt from filing Proof(s) of Department Office of : Medical Officer of Health , 4. By order, dated May 28, 2021 (Docket No. 302) (the “ Manager deadline and served on (i) proposed counsel to the Debtors,(ii) counsel to to manufacture vaccines, was not Claim under the Order) who have a claim or potential claim against the and Remaining Assets Bidding Procedures Order ”),the Bankruptcy theManagerandRemainingAssetsStalkingHorseBidder,and(iii)counsel Debtors that arose prior to March 30, 2021 ,no matter how remote or 3rd floor, Sector-15A, NMMC Head Office, Court approved the bidding procedures (the“ Manager and Remaining to the Committee. Any party who fails to timely file an objection to capable of producing the Astra- contingent such right to payment or equitable remedy may be MUST Assets Bidding Procedures ”) that govern the sale of,or other transac- entry of the Sale Order (i) shall be forever barred from objecting Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM on or before August 11, 2021 (the “Claims CBD, Navi Mumbai - 400614, INDIA tion to acquire, the Manager and Remaining Assets by the highest and thereto,(ii)shallbedeemedtoconsenttothesaleoftheAssetsas Bar Date”).Governmental entities who have a claim or potential claim best bidder. Pursuant to the Manager and Remaining Assets Bidding approvedbyanySaleOrder,and(iii)shallbedeemedto“consent” vaccines simultaneously. The de- against the Debtors that arose prior to March 30,2021 ,no matter how Procedures Order,if one or more Qualified Bids are received before the Bid forpurposesofSection363(f)(2)oftheBankruptcyCode. cision came after Emergent work- remoteorcontingentsuchrighttopaymentorequitableremedymaybe, Section Medicine Tender Section Deadline (as defined below),the Debtors will conduct the Auction among 10. This notice is subject to the fuller terms and conditions of the MUST FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM on or before September 27, 2021 (the such Qualified Bidders to determine the highest and best Qualified Bid, Motion,the Manager and Remaining Assets Bidding Procedures,and the ers accidentally contaminated a “GovernmentalBarDate”). beginning on July 26,2021,at 10 a.m.(Eastern). The Auction shall Manager and Remaining Assets Bidding Procedures Order. In the event EXCEPT FOR A PERSON OR ENTITY THAT IS EXEMPT FROM beconducted bytelephoneorvideoconferenceorsuchothermeansthat of any conflict, the Manager and Remaining Assets Bidding Procedures batch of Johnson & Johnson’s vac- FILING A PROOF OF CLAIM UNDER THE ORDER, ANY PERSON OR Subject :- Supply for Covid-19 Vaccine, 0.4 Million Doses. theDebtorsmaychoose,fromtheofficesofChipman,Brown,Cicero&Cole, Order shall control, and the Debtors encourage parties in interest to ENTITYWHO FAILSTO FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM ON OR BEFORETHE LLP,Hercules Plaza, 1313 North Market Street, Suite 5400, Wilmington, review such documents in their entirety. Parties interested in receiving CLAIMSBARDATEORGOVERNMENTALBARDATE,ASAPPLICABLE, Delaware 19801.The Debtors shall notify all bidders that have submitted more information regarding the Sale and/or copies of any related docu- UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SHALL NOT BE TREATED AS A CREDITOR WITH RESPECT TO SUCH Tender Date Start Date - 30.05.2021 Qualified Bids (including the Manager and Remaining Assets Stalking ment, including the Motion, or the Bidding Procedures Order, may make FOR THE DISTRICT OF CLAIMFORTHEPURPOSESOFVOTINGANDDISTRIBUTIONINANY Horse Bidder), counsel to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors a written request to proposed counsel for the Debtors, Chipman, Brown, CHAPTER11PLANS. Due Date - 05.06.2021 upto 1.00 pm IST appointed in these chapter 11 cases,Consultation Parties,and any credi- Cicero & Cole, LLP,Hercules Plaza 1313 North Market Street, Suite 5400, In re The Diocese of Camden, New Jersey Filing aProof ofClaim. Proof of Claim forms are available at www. torsorotherpersonsthathaveinformedtheDebtorstheyplantoattendof Case No. 20-21257 (JNP) Wilmington,Delaware 19801 (Attn.William E.Chipman,Jr.,Esq.,Robert A. Each Proof of Claim must be submitted thetelephoneorvideoconferencedial-in. Weber,Esq.,and Mark L.Desgrosseilliers,Esq.) (see signature block below PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT on October 1, to BMC in one of the following ways: (i) by electronic submission 5. Only Qualified Bidders that have submitted Qualified Bids by July for email and telephone information) In addition, copies of the Motion, 2020, The Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, (the through the interface available at https://onlineclaims.bmcgroup. Website 19, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern) (the “ Bid Deadline ”) are eligible the Bidding Procedures Order,and this notice can be found (i) at https:// “Diocese”) filed for protection under Chapter 11 of com/entrustenergy/claim/filing410 or (ii) if submitted through non- to participate in the Auction, subject to the terms of the Manager and (free of charge); and (ii) through PACER on Title 11 of the United States Code. electronic means: (a) If by First-Class Mail: BMC Group, Attn: Entrust Remaining Assets Bidding Procedures and other limitations as may rea- the Bankruptcy Court’s website, (registra- The Bankruptcy Court has established June 30, Claims Processing, P.O. Box 90100, Los Angeles, CA 90009, and (b) If Contact Person Name : Dr. Dhanvanti Ghadge. sonably be imposed by the Debtors. All Qualified Bids,with the exception tion required),and are on file with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court,824 2021 at 11:59 p.m. (prevailing Eastern time) as by Hand Delivery or Overnight Mail: BMC Group, Attn: Entrust Claims oftheManagerandRemainingAssets StalkingHorseBid,mustbeaccom- N.MarketStreet,Wilmington,Delaware19801. the deadline to file proofs of claim against the Processing, 3732 West 120th Street, Hawthorne, CA 90250. Proofs of (Medical Officer Of Health) paniedwithadepositinanamountequaltotenpercent(10%)ofthetotal Claimsubmittedbyfacsimileorelectronicmailwillnotbeaccepted. Dated: May 28,2021,Wilmington,Delaware, CHIPMAN BROWN CICERO Diocese (the “Bar Date”). cashconsiderationprovidedundertheproposedManagerandRemaining &COLE,LLP, /s/RobertA.Weber , WilliamE.Chipman,Jr.(No.3818),Robert Additional Information. If you have any questions regarding the Mobile No. : +91 77387 57777 AssetsPurchaseAgreement.CreditorsmayattendtheAuctionbutnotpar- If you have a claim against the Diocese claims process and/or you wish to obtain a copy of the Order, a proof A.Weber(No.4013),MarkL.Desgrosseilliers(No.4083),MarkD.Olivere(No. including, without limitation, a claim related ticipate. 4291),Hercules Plaza,1313 North Market Street,Suite 5400,Wilmington, of claim form, or certain other pleadings, orders, notices, or related 6. Qualified Bidders participating in the Auction must appear by to sexual abuse committed by any person documents you may do so by: (a) contacting BMC at the following Delaware 19801,Telephone: (302) 295-0191,Facsimile: (302) 295-0199, connected with the Diocese, you must file a Note Changes in the EOI will be intimated telephone, videoconference or by such other means as the Debtors may Email: [email protected], [email protected], toll-free telephone number: 1-888-909-0100; and/or (b) visiting the approve in their sole discretion. Duly authorized representatives of such claim on or before the Bar Date with Prime Clerk Debtors’restructuringwebsiteat: [email protected], [email protected], Counsel to as corrigendum uploaded on the Qualified Biddersmayalso participateinthe Auctionby suchmeans. Only theDebtorsandDebtors-In-Possession LLC, the appointed Claims Agent. 1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases,along with the last four digits the Debtors, Qualified Bidders (including the Manager and Remaining 1 Please visit of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, as applicable, are: NMMC website. Assets Stalking Horse Bidder), and the Consultation Parties, together The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases,along with the last four dig- camdendiocese or call 877-465-8420 (Toll-Free) Entrust Energy,Inc.(2194); Entrust Treasury Management Services,Inc. with their respective professional advisors may attend and participate in itsoftheirrespectivetaxidentificationnumbers,areasfollows:CMCII,LLC or 347-817-4096 (Local) for more information on (2347); Entrust Energy East, Inc. (3446); Power of Texas Holdings, Inc. the Auction,also by telephone,videoconference,or by such other means (6973), Salus Rehabilitation, LLC (4037), 207 Marshall Drive Operations how to file your proof of claim. (8159); Knocked,Corp.(0195); Akyta Holdings,Inc.(7696); Enserve,Inc. Sign/- astheDebtorsmayapproveintheirsolediscretion. OnlyQualifiedBidders LLC (8470), 803 Oak Street Operations LLC (3900), Sea Crest Health IF YOU DO NOT TIMELY FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM, (9111);Akyta,Inc.(7560);Energistics,Inc.(3460);SPH Investments,Inc, Medical Officer Of Health (including the Manager and Remaining Assets Stalking Horse Bidder) will Care Management, LLC (2940), and Consulate Management Company, YOU MAY FORFEIT YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE ON ANY (0271);AkytaIP,Inc.(8798);SurgeDirectSales,Inc.(7225);EntrustEnergy beentitledtomakeanyBidsattheAuction.Fortheavoidanceofdoubt,the LLC (5824). The address of the Debtors’ corporate headquarters is 800 PLAN OF REORGANIZATION AND TO SHARE IN ConcourseParkwaySouth,Maitland,Florida32751. Operations, Inc. (7479); Strategic Power Holdings, LLC (7069); NGAE, NMMC RO PR ADV NO. 215/2021 Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation Consultation Parties may attend the Auction without sending prior writ- 2 ANY DISTRIBUTIONS TO CREDITORS IN CONNEC- Inc. (1888). The Debtors’ mailing address is Entrust Energy, Inc., 1301 tennoticeoftheirintentiontodoso. CreditorsmayattendtheAuctionbut Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the TION WITH THE DIOCESE’S CHAPTER 11 CASE. McKinneyStreet,Suite2950,Houston,TX77010. notparticipate. meaningsascribedtosuchtermsintheMotion.