Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 21, Number 24, June 10, 1994

LaRouche IIloveIIlent organizes to stop Cairo '94 depopulation conference

by Marianna Wertz

The international political movement headed by physical issued a call to "Stop the U.N.'s Killer Conference," which economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche is running a warns that the goal of the Cairo '94 conference is to "set no-holds-barred campaign to shut down the United Nations the stage for an intensified campaign to drastically reduce International Conference on Population and Development population levels, especially in the, developing sector ... (ICP D) planned to take place in Cairo, Egypt Sept. 5-13. [and] to further consolidate the United Nations' emergence LaRouche signalled the start of the fight on a radio interview as a global government." This call i$ contained in a 32-page on April 7, where he charged that "there is no difference pamphlet, titled "Never Again! Stpp the United Nations' between those in the U.N. who are convening and supporting Genocide Conference," issued by!the weekly newspaper this population conference, and ." LaRouche New Federalist, which has been printed and circulated in warned that, if the U.N.'s plans for this conference are not 100,000 copies to date. Also included in the pamphlet are stopped, the entire globe will soon become one vast "game the background of U.N. Secretary General Boutros-Ghali, park," in which U.N. "blue helmets" will serve as "park called "Britain's Brown- Skinned Hitler," an Egyptian whose rangers" systematically culling the human "herd" to keep it family has worked as British agents for at least three genera­ in check. He pointed to Bosnia, where this policy has already tions; excerpts of the Cairo '94 dran agenda; and a timeline been implemented, and where U.N. forces-and Secretary history of how population control became U.S. government General Boutros Boutros-Ghali in particular-have been bit­ policy. terly denounced as Nazis for their hateful complicity in the The is now in the process of gaining genocidal destruction of the Bosnian people. endorsements of this statement from lleaders of nations, polit­ Although Pope John Paul II has fully mobilized the Ro­ ical parties, and religious and civic otganizations worldwide, man Catholic Church to fight the Cairo organizing docu­ which the institute plans to publi$h as advertisements in ment, and some nationalist forces (very notably the Presi­ prominent newspapers and other neWs media. To date, well dent of Benin) correctly see the Cairo document as an as­ over 100 such leaders have signed tlte statement. sault on their national sovereignty and on religious free­ To gain these endorsements, and to organize the popula­ dom, still the LaRouche movement is playing a unique role tion to stop the conference, members of the LaRouche move­ in mass organizing in the advanced sector nations to actual­ ment have been striking on all fronts, meeting with embassy ly halt the conference and prevent it from taking place, be­ and consulate officials worldwide, speaking before ministe­ cause its underlying purpose is genocidal: Cairo '94 is rial alliances, churches, political bOdies, on campuses, and based on the same contempt for human life that drove Hit­ to the media, as well as holding forums on Cairo '94 in ler's extermination camps. Its fundamental premise, name­ cities across the United States. ly, that the world has a finite "carrying capacity" which can only support a limited number of people, has absolutely no Political candidates leading initiative scientific basis; yet the implementation of this fraud means Leading the initiative are LaRO\�che Democrats who are that billions of people must die to meet the U.N .'s popula­ running congressional campaigns nationwide in the mid­ tion goals. Therefore, the LaRouche movement has insist­ term elections, including several L�ouche Democrats who ed, all individuals and institutions who uphold the principle are directly opposing congressiomU sponsors of a House of the sacredness of human life must rally to shut down concurrent resolution supporting the Cairo conference. Wil­ Cairo '94! liam Jones, EIR's Washington, D.C. bureau chief who is currently petitioning to run in Vi�ginia's 8th C.D. as an Strike on all fronts independent against incumbent Democrat Rep. Jim Moran, On April 25, the Schiller Institute, founded and headed a sponsor of the Cairo '94 support re$olution, gave testimony in Germany by LaRouche's wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche, on May 17 before the U.S. Senate Appropriations Commit-

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© 1994 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. tee's Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, denouncing the Organizing U.N. diplomats conference. A major flank of the organizing drive has been discus­ Speaking to a packed hearing room, Jones demanded sions with diplomats at the United Nations and at embassies that the U.S. boycott the Cairo conference. He exposed and consulates of U.N. member-nations in the United States the lie that the Cairo conference has anything to do with and Canada.Many of these n.ions are named in the 1974 "protection of women" or "guaranteeing equality of access U.S. National Security Study !Memorandum 200 (released to reproductive services." "The real goal," he said, "as to the public only in 1991), drafted under 's explicitly stated in the proponents' literature, is to bring signature. NSSM-200 identifi¢s the population growth of down world population to about 2 billion people." He 13 large Third World nations las a national security threat pointed to a statement made on May 11 at a conference in to the United States, to bemet bycontraception and steriliza­ Stockholm, Sweden, by Mayone Stykos, Cornell University tion programs-precisely the �genda of Cairo '94. Professor of Demography, and a leading malthusian. Stykos In addition to public rallie5 in front of the New York favorably compared the Cairo conference to the infamous City headquarters of the United Nations, at which endorse­ 1932 InternationalConference on Eugenics held at the Muse­ ments of the Schiller Institute'$ statement have been made, um of Natural History in New York, which in effect laid Schiller Institute organizers have met with dozens of U.N. out an ambitious eugenics program that formed the basis and embassy officials to brief, them on the real agenda of for Hitler's program of genocide. Cairo '94.Until receiving the priefing,the diplomats were A shaken committee chair, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), generally resigned to merely demanding that the U.N. re­ intervened to try to water down the effect of Jones's words. spect their traditional cultural �alues.Once they understand "Well, shouldn't we attend the conference in order to give the full measure of the genocidC1 planned by the U.N.confer­ it a different direction?" Leahy asked. "Would you have ence organizers, and of the ongoing global economic col­ tried to attend the 1932 Eugenics Conference?" responded lapse, they begin to realize that unless they fight outside Jones. "Well, that's not the question," said Leahy, "and this controlled environment, participation in Cairo '94 is besides, I wasn't born then.. ..But how can we influence tantamount to suicide. it if we're not there to shape itT' Typical of the responses ",as the minister of an Asian "If one is opposed to the nature of the conference, the nation, who asked to meet afte. reading an excerpt from the best way to change it is simply to refuse to go, " Jones said NSSM-200 document sent him by the institute.He said the flatly."That would do it." president of his country had r(!ceived a medal for achieve­ The first intervention against the Cairo conference was ment in population control by I the United Nations, and he made in Baltimore on April 16. Three LaRouche Demo­ is very concerned about the Oairo conference, though not crats-state senate candidate Joni Ingalls, congressional certain what position his own government will take. candidate Jonathan Leeds, and state delegate candidate , Leighton Williams-intervened in a meeting of the Gray European Parliament c&n1paign Panthers, which had invited members of the radical malthu­ Schiller Institute Chairman in Germany Helga Zepp­ sian Sierra Club to speak on behalf of the Cairo conference. LaRouche is heading a slate of ¢andidates of the Civil Rights The Sierra Club has launched a lobbying effort in Washing­ Movement-Solidarity (BBS) p�y for elections to the Euro­ ton to force Congress to increase its financial support for pean Parliament on June 12.� Cairo conference is a major Cairo '94, which is currently at $800 million, to $1 billion issue in their election campaigp, and will be the subject of or more. The three LaRouche Democrats confronted the a press conference in Bonn on lune 6.Invitations and copies Sierra Club speakers repeatedly with the genocidal Cairo of the Schiller Institute's call to stop Cairo '94 have been agenda. Eventually, the meeting broke up in disarray. sent to the press, embassies, and institutions in the German In California, LaRouche Democrat Scott Gaulke has government nationwide.The Uundestag is planning to hold been holding weekly informational picket lines in front of a public hearingon the country'!S role in the Cairo conference the San Fernando Valley district office of 24th C.D. Rep. in mid-July. Anthony Beilenson, a key sponsor of the congressional reso­ Following the press confer¢nce on June 7, the BBS will lution against whom Gaulke was running in the June 7 hold a panel discussion in Berlin, to bring the issue to primary.On May 18, demonstrators at the rally unfurled a Germany's major city. large banner, which could be seen for blocks and from the In addition, two Americanileaders of the Schiller Insti­ adjacent freeway, reading "Beilenson . . . stop supporting tute, Vice Chairman Amelia Uoynton Robinson and board genocide." member Sheila Jones, have bej;:n touring Europe, speaking LaRouche Democrat Denise Ham is also running in a against the conference to audiences in several nations.Mrs. congressional race in ' 4th C.D.against Dem­ Robinson, a leader of the Am¢rican civil rights movement ocrat , another sponsor of the House Cairo since the 1950s, has spoken in more than a dozen German support resolution. cities, both to supporters of LaRouche's movement and to

48 International EIR June 10, 1994 school audiences, driving home the point that the fight for civil rights which she led together with Dr. Martin Luther King is the same as the fight today against the Cairo confer-' ence-both stand for fundamental human rights against an enemy that would obliterate the poor and oppressed of the world. Sheila Jones began her European tour in early May in war-tom Croatia, where she spoke before hundreds of Mexico's enemy is people in Osijek at the invitation of leading institutions of that city. Mrs. Jones is now addressing meetings on Cairo also Clinton's;enemy '94 in Germany, France, and Scandinavia. I

Life-or-death issue by Carlos Mendez The LaRouche movement in the United States has con­ ducted a wide-ranging mobilization to reach every possible The same British forces that are attacking U.S. President Bill layer of the American population on this life-or-death issue. Clinton have driven Mexico to the blink of an explosion that Activity has included speaking to churches, mosques, and threatens to sink the country in bloo� civil war. As one high­ synagogues, ministerial alliances, students, and the media. level analyst in the U.S. military c�mmunity told the daily On May 21, Schiller Institute member Matt Guice, who La lornada on May 26, "The forces [currently active in is also a candidate for Congress in New Jersey, addressed Mexico] are much like those in the ,period of Porfirio Diaz. the congregation of the Paterson, New Jersey mosque, with ... At that time, when [the syst¢m] ruptured, the crisis about 1,000 people in attendance. The week before, he ad­ lasted 10 years." dressed a ministers meeting in Neptune, on the Jersey south As the Ibero-American Solidarity Movement (M SIA) has shore, whose former president marched with the Schiller charged, the ongoing assault on Mexico is part of a series of Institute in its 1985 march for the Inalienable Rights of Man destabilizations run by the British, �e of whose instruments to celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday. Guice told the is the Hollinger Corp., which controls nearly 200newspapers ministers that the only two options before the world are throughout the world and on whose:executive board sits the "build, build, build, or kill, kill, kill," and that the omnipresent former U.S. Secretary of State and National LaRouche movement represents the former and Cairo '94 Security Adviser Henry Kissinger J For example, the star the latter. In California, U.S. Senate candidate Ted An­ reporterfor Hollinger's London Sunday Telegraph, Ambrose dromidas spoke on May 21 before the Baptist ministers alli­ Evans-Pritchard, recently publishe

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