MARCH 2016

Commodore Donna Beckett (510) 857-6599 – [email protected]

Greetings! I hope you have had a chance to stop by the office and see the new look. Some of the members spent a Saturday clearing out the outside storage room and the two back rooms in the office in order to consolidate, clean up and coordinate a new office. It’s a fresh look and is greatly appreciated by all the employees. Their input was obtained before anything was done because they’re the ones that have to live with it all day. They had the final say of what they wanted their individual areas to look like and after all was said and done they’re extremely pleased. Adam, as the office manager, has a desk right up in front and will be ready, willing and able, as always, to answer all your questions on all things relating to the Club. Dan has the desk right behind Adam where he can do his paperwork before heading down to the docks to do his usual great work in keeping our marina afloat. When he is there he’ll be available to answer any questions regarding the marina. Cameron Kauffman, our new controller, will be at the last desk near the printers, fax and copy machine, where he’ll keep our financial records in shape and up to date. Robert has an actual office where he’ll be able to meet with people in private and take care of the day to day running of the Club. As I mentioned last month, we’re looking into removing cash from both the galley and the bar. Cash would still be accepted in the office. Many other clubs have done this as it helps reduce shrinkage and increases productivity of the staff. It is a tedious and time consuming process to count cash taken in upstairs and from the office. We are hoping to have this in effect June 1. The exact details are being developed and will be provided long before we institute this so that all members are informed. I would like to give a big thanks to both Robert and Dan for the Herculean effort they put in in an attempt to get our water heater to work earlier in February. Robert did not want to close the Club down but we did have to in order to protect our license. The Health Department requires running hot water for kitchen employees. Robert worked diligently with Dan in an attempt to keep the Club open so the members could enjoy their Friday night dinner but we had to close. He was able to talk the plumber into coming out on Saturday at no extra charge and repair the heater so we were able to resume normal meal service and have our Super Bowl party. Here’s a recap of the February Board of Directors meeting:  The Harbor Committee reported that Dan is working on the eastern portion of the Dock 3 pitchfork. The dinghy dock project is progressing. The Committee is looking for owners of some of the dinghies that are currently stored on our existing dinghy dock. The Committee is documenting the current state of our marina for the Town Hall meeting on June 4. They are also looking to enforce Harbor Policies and looking to end informal agreements that are not within the Policy guidelines.  The House Committee reported that in order to clear out the office temporary off-site storage has been obtained for boxes that were stored in various locations at the Club. An outside consultant to the Committee made a recommendation for replacement flooring and the Committee voted to accept their recommendation. Bids are being obtained. Table identification holders were chosen and will be ordered for the Commodore’s Hall. The Committee will consider ideas of replacing photos on the wall in the Commodore’s Hall with a flat screen TV displaying a rotating display of all the members’ boats.  The Treasurer reported that the Buz software has been installed and the accounting records are in transition from Quick Books to Buz. The normal reporting was not finished for January but a preliminary report was prepared. Based on that report, the Club’s cash position improved by $38,000 in January which provides funds for reserve payments.  The General Manager reported that January catering had revenues of almost $20,000. Currently we have a 94% occupancy rate for the harbor. We had no member resignations or applications in February. The hot water heater was repaired under warranty. Two $16,000 payments were made to the Harbor Reconfiguration fund on February 18 which does not appear in the January summary. Cameron Kauffman, our new controller, is a CPA and is focused on getting the rest of the Buz configuration completed. The goal is to generate our financial statements for February totally out of Buz.  Phil Davies, our Measurer, reported that member boat photos will be taken on the same days as the OYC open house, Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1, so that we have a lot of member activity on those days. The membership will be split into two groups alphabetically for the photos.  Wayne Martin, Membership chair, requested $795 for extensive advertising of our open house, which was approved. The possibility of having a booth at Wind River in April advertising our open house is being investigated. The Committee is looking into the possibility of using Jack London and Governor Pardee, both past members of Oakland Yacht Club, as part of the advertising. Thumb drives are being investigated as an advertising give away. They could be pre-loaded with information about the Club and links to the web site, etc. Volunteers are needed to work the upcoming Richmond Strictly Sail Boat Show. The dates are April 7-10. Sign-ups will be on line.  Spinnaker Yacht Club is cruising in on February 27-28.  The Race Committee is offering a regular membership package for the boat show that provides free racing for the year with the rental of a 28’ berth.  We have cruise outs scheduled for Sausalito and St. Francis in April. The dinghy cruise- out to Brotzeit restaurant has been postponed. San Leandro Yacht Club has extended an invitation to cruise in. Tides are being investigated.  The Ladies Luncheon and St. Patrick’s Day parties are upcoming.  The new phone system is in effect and saving us over $250 a month. Each of the office personnel has their own extension and voice mail box.  Jim Conger reported the new Buz web site is largely configured. Each member will receive a new ID and password which we will provide well in advance. The start-up date will depend on when the integration of the member records to the web page is completed by Buz. That’s it for the Board meeting. We have a new bar menu and the Club is now open on Saturday afternoons. The menu is varied and fairly priced. When you’re hard at work on your boat and need a break and some sustenance, come on up to the dining room, enjoy a great lunch and then get back to your project refreshed and revegetated. The dance club will have their first get together March 19th where Bob Chope and Bobbi Johnson will teach the Cajun Cha Cha (a line dance). The dance club is open to all members, free of charge, who are interested in learning and/or practicing different types of dance and just basically having fun. So be sure to put the 19th on your calendar. You can have a great dinner and then a fun evening moving your feet. The Richmond Strictly Sail boat show is April 7-10. Volunteers are needed to work the OYC booth. Sign-ups are on line or contact Maggie Sabovich.


Next Meeting: Thursday, March 24, 5:30 p.m.

Location: Regatta Room

March's Selection: "Nightingale”, by Kristin Hannah

Please join us if you are interested. Any female OYC member or partner/significant other of an OYC member is always welcome at the Women's Book Group. For more information about the OYC Women's Book Group, please contact Mindy Hart- Shaw. email: [email protected] cell: 510-882-5371

Let Your Voice Be Heard Hello OYC Members! Have you ever had a passing idea on ways the Club could engage its members? Have you questions or thoughts on processes in place. Is there something that would make your OYC Membership more valuable or a better experience? Do you have a skill or experience that you think would benefit the Club, but you don’t know how to get involved? There are numbers of ways to have your voice heard and become part of the fabric of the Club. First and foremost are the standing Committees. We have Committees that oversee the needs of House, Harbor, Membership, Racing, and Social gatherings. If you are interested in helping to direct the resources allocated to these areas, the best way to have a hand in our successes, is to volunteer as a Member of the Committees. The Committee meetings are published on our Website, in Seascape and also in the Weekly Blasts.

Next, Board of Directors…these folks are members, just like you. Your Board of Directors’ goal is to oversee the process and operation of the club “for the good of the members”. They have agreed to volunteer their time to usher through policies and procedures that make this Club run. Any of these folks are a good place to start if you have questions or want to discuss changes in progress or provide some insight on ways to invigorate the Club experience. You can always attend a Board of Directors Meeting (3rd Thursdays at 6:30pm) and The Commodore will periodically make themselves available to members in an Open

Forum so you have an opportunity to bring your ideas and concerns forward. Commodore Donna Beckett just held an open chat session on Saturday, Feb 27. These meetings are a great opportunity to have one on one discussion to answer questions you may have Membership benefits, Club resources Club Process or anything that comes to mind.

Did you know the Board of Directors has three Directors at Large? And did you know that this job is defined in the By Laws of the club to “Serve as representatives and advocates of Club members and present their issues and concerns to the Board of Directors”? Your Directors at Large, this year, are John Speakman, John Ratto and Chris Bailey. We (your DaL’s) are very interested in hearing from you. We understand it is not always possible to attend the committee meetings due to drive times/meeting times and other scheduling conflicts. But we want to know how you think the Club is doing with regard to meeting member needs, the direction of the Club, your specific access to what we have to offer and how you would like to see the Club grow. We thought it might be useful to make a Comments Form available for you to submit your thoughts. These forms will be online from the Website (soon) and at the office. We want to make sure that everyone has an ear on the Board and a connection to Club Governance. Let us know how you feel. Are you getting ample information about the forward progress of the Club? Are you getting the information you need to come enjoy the many goings on we host at the Club? What could be done differently, new, better? The Directors are your dedicated advocates. If other inroads to the Club Governance are not accessible for you, please feel free to contact us or fill out a form. If you want one of us to contact you regarding your feedback, please remember to fill in your contact information and preferred method of response (email/phone). Thanks much. The Board and Committees want to hear from you. Let’s make sure the member voices are heard. It’s your Club!

Rear Commodore Greg Lonie [email protected]

The Club has been a very busy place this month! Now that the holidays are behind us, and the weather is getting better, more people are choosing to spend time on their boats, and at the club. During the last couple of weeks I have had the opportunity to talk to people I haven’t seen for some time, and I really enjoyed catching up. I look forward to seeing more of you in the coming months. One of the many things that were accomplished this month was the re-organization of the clubs storage spaces. It all started with a thoroughly researched and well thought out plan that was developed by Judy Labbe. After securing an off site storage space to temporarily house some of the clubs files, Judy recruited a small but capable group of dedicated people who volunteered to spend their Saturday sorting and repacking all of the boxes that hold the Club’s decorations. With the help of Carol Martin, Toni Lyman, Donna Beckett, and Marya Budinger, the number of boxes were reduced substantially. While these items were being sorted, the rest of us moved boxes and cleaned up the storage areas. When the work was done, we had enough room in the front storage room to hold the chairs from the Commodores Hall as well as the decorations. Thanks also to Jim Labbe, John Ratto, Wayne Martin, John Speakman, and Robert Lovejoy, who worked so hard on Saturday to achieve this goal! As most of you probably heard, we had a water heater that failed, forcing the club to close for a Friday and Saturday, however due to the relentless effort of Robert and Dan, repairs were coordinated in time to open the club for scheduled events on Sunday. Great work Robert and Dan! We have an incredibly dedicated and productive House Committee this year! I would like to say “thank you” to all who are attending the meetings, and taking on additional tasks each month. I don’t think there was a single member who left the February meeting without a task for the committee. We have a large facility that is aging, and without the support and dedication of each of the members, we wouldn’t be able to keep ahead of the maintenance. After a lengthy February meeting, decisions were made on several items including table numbers for the Commodores Hall, care and security of the art work in the Commodores Hall, and most importantly, a decision was made on the flooring and color scheme for the club. Judy Labbe presented the House Committee with several options for new table numbers this month. The decision was made to purchase new 4” tall silver colored holders with large numbers so they can be seen from a distance. Carmen Konkle researched options for securing the two pieces of artwork in the Commodores Hall, and Mindy Hart-Shaw volunteered to draft a policy for the care and handling of the artwork going forward. The decision on the flooring was the most difficult for the Committee. We were presented with a recommendation from a designer from H&H Designs that included carpeting, hardwood, and tile for the Commodores Hall, and hardwood for the hallway on the first floor. The presentation by Theresa from H&H was the result of eight months of meetings and discussions with Robert Lovejoy and Carmen Konkle. Theresa’s recommendations were based on specific criteria, with durability and price being the top factors. The fact that the Commodores Hall is predominantly used for dining and beverage service limited the options to darker colors, and sound issues drove the decision to stay with carpeting. I want to thank the committee members for their professionalism in addressing this decision. While the discussion was lively and lengthy, comments were always professional and respectful. I also want to thank the many club members for expressing their opinions on the carpet selection as well. Many strongly supported the selection, many questioned the use of carpet, and many had different ideas of completely different color schemes. All of these opinions are important to me, but I support the decision that was made, and look forward to moving ahead with this project. Robert is currently soliciting bids from two additional vendors for the work and has agreed to deliver three qualified bids to the House Committee for the March meeting. Memory bricks are still available! This is a great opportunity to create a lasting memory for future generations of club members and guests. As an added incentive, the cost of the bricks will be discounted by 10% starting in January. Order forms for the memory bricks are available in front of the office area. OYC will once again offer a youth sailing scholarship for the Community Sailing Center in Alameda. Details are in the weekly Blast, Seascape, on the website, and in the office. Matt and the galley staff are now serving food from the new bar menu on Saturday afternoons! I have had the opportunity to try some of the new items, and really enjoyed them. Hope to see you at the club!

Cruise Committee Chair – John Egland [email protected]

There are some very special cruise outs coming up. Be sure not to miss your opportunity to join the fun. In March, we have two all time favorite cruise outs: a weekend at St. Francis Yacht Club and a trip to Sausalito for a tour of the Bay Model. Both are always fun. St. Francis is one of the premier clubs in, not only the Bay Area, but the world. Both historically and now, the St. Francis has a strong involvement in racing. It’s worth the trip to walk the halls of the club and see full and half hull models of some of the boats that have been associated with the club through the years. One can even find a couple of boats associated to one of our former OYC Commodores, Jim Jessie. There’s a limit to how many boats can dock at St. Francis and, unfortunately, the limit has already been met and sign ups closed. Be sure to keep it on the calendar for next year. Also in March, a special trip to Sausalito for a personal tour of the Army Corp of Engineers’ Bay Model. This cruise is led by Len and Barbara Cardoza who are docents at the Bay Model. Len Cardoza, former Commander and District Engineer, San Francisco District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers always has great insights and understanding of the history and use of the model. His presentation is one not to miss. This cruise is posted and open for additional sign ups. Coming in April, on Friday, April 1, there is a unique opportunity for a cruise out to a place that many of us have seen; but, may never think of visiting. As part of a new program, for readjustment back to normal life and sponsored by the Division of Rehabilitative Programs, a branch of the Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, some of the inmates of San Quentin are running a small marina. We have been invited by San Quentin Warden, Ronald Davis, to be the first yacht club to visit. The area of the marina can be seen on the left side of the photograph. We are limited to five boats; but, we’ll have a unique chance to stay the weekend, on our boats, at San Quentin. Friday, April 1, all the boats need to arrive at the same time to get through the security parameter. The boats will be subject to full security measures that include a brief, but thorough, search of the boat. Friday night, dinner will be held on our boats. Saturday activities consist of a tour of the facility that includes the prison control station, kitchen facilities, and death row; in the evening, after dinner with representatives of some of the cell blocks, the San Quentin Drama Workshop will present a production of “12 Angry Men.” Departure, on Sunday, will be approximately noon or whenever the security search by the guard dogs is completed. This is one not to miss. Be watching the Blast, as the posting will go up earlier than normal and require people to sign up well in advance so a full background check can be completed.

Cruise to the Corps of Engineers’ Bay Model in Sausalito, March 11 – 13 Please join Cruise Captains Len & Barbara Cardoza for a cruise to and tour of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Bay Model Visitor Center in Sausalito, March 11-13, 2016 (weather permitting). I included the caveat “weather permitting” after discussing berthing arrangements with Schoonmaker Marina. Apparently, the Sausalito marinas are very nervous about potential / predicted winter storms this year…especially with south facing visitor docks and narrow fairways. The Bay Model Visitor Center is a fully accessible education center administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers which makes possible the viewing of a scientific / interpretive tool: a working hydraulic model of the and Sacramento - Delta System. The Model provides scientists, educators and the general public interested in San Francisco Bay and the Bay - Delta Model a unique opportunity to view the complete bay-delta system at a glance. Len Cardoza, former Commander and District Engineer, San Francisco District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will give an introduction to the Bay Model,

short history, and provide an overview of the system. Kame Richards’ Seminar at the Bay Model. The tour is scheduled for 1pm, Saturday, March 12. Len Photo Credit Lorrie Larsen & Barbara have been Bay Model volunteers and docents since 1990. Information about the Bay Model can be found at: Proposed Itinerary: We will generally follow the same itinerary as the successful cruises in 2014 and 2015…With some (hopefully) improvements. I am in the process of coordinating with Schoonmaker Point Marina and Clipper Yacht Harbor for berthing arrangements (see above caveat).  Friday, March 11 Travel to Sausalito. 5pm: Bring your own hors d’oeuvres to share together with a sundowner to the picnic tables in front of the Bay Model (water side). Either walk to the Bay Model or dinghy over. Dinner on your own.  Saturday, March 12 1pm: Meet in the lobby of the Bay Model for a tour of the same led by Led Cardoza…Be prepared for bad jokes and a sea story or two…But you know Len. WARNING! No Belly Flop contests allowed in the Bay Model…Bad Form! 7pm: Meet at Saylors' Landing Restaurant for dinner.  Sunday, March 13 Return to Alameda Other things to do / places to eat: Downtown Sausalito (shops, art galleries, trinkets galore) is about a 30 minute scenic walk south. Fish Restaurant. Delicious (but pricey food). Located about a 15 minute walk north of the Bay Model at 350 Harbor Drive. Le Garage Bistro. Continental setting! Also pricey. Located adjacent to Schoonmaker Point Marina, a few minutes’ walk north of the Bay Model Mollie Stone’s Market. One of Len & Barbara’s favorite destinations in Sausalito. Located about a 10 minute walk north of the Bay Model. Great deli. 100 Harbor Drive. Educational Tall Ship: Matthew Turner. 2330 Marinship Way. Located inside the white tent across the grassy field next to the Bay Model. Mon – Sat, 8-4. Volunteer to help build a ship! Ask Barbara or Sandy and Ken Fouts! They’ve done it (at least contributing to crafting some hefty frames! For more info: Berthing: Based on the weather caveat above, I will try to make arrangements for berthing at one or both of the following marinas:  Schoonmaker Point Marina. 415 331 5550. Schoonmaker is located a few minutes’ walk just south of the Bay Model.  Clipper Yacht Harbor. 415 332 3500. Clipper Yacht Harbor is located a few minutes’ walk north of the Bay Model (a bit further that Schoonmaker). Drive-ins: Drive-ins / Land Yachters are welcome. Parking is free at the Bay Model, located at 2100 Bridgeway, Sausalito, CA 94965 Sign-up link: For information: Len Cardoza 415 420 3749 or 510 638 1025 and/or [email protected]

TIME FOR A VACATION?? If any our members are interested in touring a place that is beautiful, with incredibly friendly people, has history that is incomparable, has large American 4 & 5 star hotels, offers a four day river cruise on a ship with impeccable service, a climate that is wonderfully comfortable for a winter getaway, will expand your mind in unforeseeable ways, and that will fill your heart with warmth; then they need to seriously explore a vacation to Egypt. Yup, he said Egypt. And yes, it is SAFE. If you know of anyone who's been to Egypt recently, ask them about it; you'll get a completely different view than the one you get from our press. The daily news from the mid-east doesn't apply to every place, just as the daily news from the U. S. doesn't apply to every city. Friends will ask, "Are you crazy?", but when you get home from Egypt you'll be telling them that it may have been the most incredible trip you've ever taken. If you're overwhelmed with disbelief, drop me a note. [email protected] -- Past Commodore Mike Jackson.

***If you missed the Valentine’s Weekend cruise to South Beach, here’s a brief recap from Jerry Vattuone. A total of 10 boats spent the Valentine's weekend at South Beach Marina in San Francisco. The weather cooperated and the evenings were warm enough to allow the members to spend significant time on the docks socializing and sipping. A number of our members spent part of Saturday at the extensive farmers market at the Ferry Building. On Saturday night the cruisers went to the Delancey Street Restaurant and were served a pretty good dinner by the residents. The highlight of the cruise was watching the cruise director show his skill at docking and undocking, while the women averted their eyes and the men took pictures to show their grand children. A few boats made a three day weekend out of it and stayed until Monday because conditions were so pleasant. We wished we had stayed also. Racing Committee Chair - Jim Hild (510) 277-4676 – [email protected] Article by Debby Ratto

OYC Sunday Brunch Series is off to the races! Our 4th race took place on Superbowl Sunday and true to our word, even with some good breeze, we ran short courses to get the boats in their slips and racers back to the Club by Kick-off. And look at the fleet that is building, yes, it’s the Columbia 5.5 fleet! And rumor has it there may be a couple more in the Estuary soon. OYC Sunday Brunch Series completed our 5th race on Sunday, February 21st. It was a sunny day with winds blowing at 10-12 knots and we had 22 boats on the line. The “Merit Fleet”, in quotes as it also includes a J24, is a very competitive fleet as evidenced by this first leg down wind.

And first across the finish line this Sunday, Blue Passion, with one of our newest competitors in the background, the Columbia 5.5 Slooperman.

Kame Richards will speak before the Oakland Yacht Club Sunday Brunch Race on March 6 10:00am. Kame Richards is a sail maker and sail designer at Pineapple Sails which he co- founded in Alameda in 1973. Kame's racing experience covers San Francisco Bay, the California Coast, races to Hawaii and Mexico, as well as races in the Great Lakes, Florida, Texas, and Europe. This year's topic will be Light Air Sail Trim and Tactics. The presentation is free, but tax deductible donations will be gladly accepted for Alameda Community Sailing Center, a 501c3 non-profit Jim Conger’s second OYC Educational Seminar on Sunday, 2/21 was a great success, as was the first seminar. Great turn out, and from those I talked to, a whole lot of useful information. And coming right in the middle of our last two Sunday Brunch races, you guess it; our Rites of Spring Race!

Perpetual Cup… results posted on the Photos Credit Lorrie Larsen bulletin board along with Race results. You can also find it on the OYC Race Info Web page. Other Racing News … THREE BRIDGE FIASCO held in the San Francisco Bay is noted to be the biggest keelboat race in North America. The first start was at 9am in front of the YC and this year there were 368 boats signed up. The objective is to sail in any direction you wish to round three marks: Blackaller, Red Rock and , thereby racing to the Golden Gate, Bay and Richmond/San Rafael bridges. This is a pursuit race and thereby if all boats raced to their handicap, they would all finish at the same time. I must say, thank goodness that doesn’t happen! Winds ranged from 0 – 20knots, with a big hole at Red Rock, where many drifted with the current waiting for the wind to fill. For those sailing from Red Rock to Yerba Buena, spinnakers up, fill, fold, fill again and for those on that leg around 2 – 2:30, the wind filled around the Berkeley pier area and blew 15-20 as they headed around Yerba Buena. Yahoo! I hope we have captured all the OYC Racers who challenged themselves and raced this year: Boat/Racers/finish time!  Spirit of Freedom: Bill Mohr/Reid Rankin 15:55:30  Zwei Flying Fish: Mike Berndt/Jeff Lee 16:13:04  Double Agent: Scott Ollivier/Livia Hsiao 16:29:30  Lelo Too: Emile Carles/Emily Zugnaui 16:34:19  Bay Wind: Greg Lonie/John Egland 18:03:00  Habanjero: Jim Hild/Jacob Hild DNF

Photos Credit John Egland. Find more photos on the OYC website racing section.

Island Yacht Club midwinters have one more race, the second Sunday of March. IYC Racing results hyperlink .. Racing! Island Yacht Club or go to

Encinal Yacht Club Jack Frost has one more race as well 03/19/16. EYC Racing results hyperlink ..Encinal Yacht Club or go to

Want to join the Race Committee; we’d love to have you. Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 7pm in the Regatta Room.

For additional information about the OYC Racing Program, call Jim Hild @ 510-277-4676 or email: [email protected]

Holder 12 Racing News The visitors creamed the local talent in Holder 12 racing on February 27. The final scores were: Jim Hammitt (Mr. Susie Klein), 5.3; Russ Klein, 4; Ted Keech, 3.3; Tim Crowe, 3; Jim Jessie, 2.7; Suzie Klein 2; Michelle Leonard 1.3. The racing was the best we have had in months, with steady westerly winds 6-8 knots, not much current and plenty of sunshine. Seven skippers raced the six boats, and the racing was phenomenally close. For example, Ted Keech finished within two seconds of another boat in each of the four races, and in the final race, three boats finished within five seconds. After the race Jim Jessie and Jocelyn Nash hosted all the racers about NALU for the ceremonial emptying of the Anonymous Bosch Perpetual Beer Growler.

ACSC Youth Sailing Scholarship

The Alameda Community Sailing Center (ACSC) is providing a series of summer sailing camps. The cost is $600.00 for a two week class. Oakland Yacht Club will sponsor one half of the current fee for two camps. An applicant for the camp must be sponsored by an Oakland Yacht Club member, and that member will pay the other half of the fee. For details regarding

the class sessions, please visit

Applications for the scholarship will be available on the OYC website, and in the office. Applications should be submitted the OYC Board of Directors by March 12, 2016 and will be acted upon by the Board during the March meeting. Applicants for the scholarship should indicate why the applicant wants to attend the ACSC Summer Sailing Camp, and what they hope to learn from the camp. This is a great program, check out their website for more information.

Social Report - Toni Lyman & Carol Martin [email protected] & [email protected]

Hi Everyone. Happy March! It's hard to believe Spring is just around the corner!

We had a great turnout for the Valentines Dinner Dance, everyone had a great time. Thank you to Chef Matt for the wonderful meals he prepared for us, and to our great staff for making this evening so memorable. We are celebrating St. Patrick's Day this year on Friday March 18th at OYC. Mark your calendars; it will be a regular Friday Night Dinner with an Irish Flair. Chef Matt has a delicious menu planned. Emeryville Yacht Club is also cruising in that day to join the fun. Don't forget to wear green! Easter Sunday is just around the corner. Come to OYC for Easter Brunch on Sunday, March 27th. Our chef has a fabulous brunch planned including mimosas! Saturday April 9th is the very popular Wine Maker’s Dinner. Anne Jacobson is chairing this event and she always does an amazing job. You don't want to miss this event! More details to come. Save the date -- June 4th. The Beatles are back with the Nigel, Clive and the British Invasion Band. If you haven't experienced this band yet you are in for a super treat. So dig out those 60's and 70's outfits and be ready to "Rock"! We have lots of fun at OYC; we hope to see you at one or all of these fun events!

OYC Dance Club We are getting ready to kick off our first meeting of the OYC Dance Club on Saturday March 19th in the Commodore's Hall at 2:30 to approximately 4:30 PM. At our first meeting we will talk a little about the objectives of the OYC Dance Club - a social gathering of OYC members with interest in dance, to learn new dances, dance steps, practice and have fun. Along those lines we want to poll the interests of members as to which types of dancing they are most interested in learning / practicing, how often and day of the week works best for them. We have a number of members who are comfortable teaching dance and hope to take advantage or their experience. The group may even want to hire a professional instructor. We will see what everyone is interested in and go from there. We do not expect to have any fees or expenses unless we hire professional instructors. For our first meeting March 19th, Bob Chope and Bobbi Johnson have offered to teach the Cajun Cha Cha (line dance). We will be primarily teaching couples dances, however we want to include a number of line dances so that singles can participate too. Please mark your calendars and join us on March 19th. Let us hear from you if you have suggestions or special interests. -- Larry and Pat Calfee, (707) 447 - 8663

PICYA Delegate Maggie Sabovich (510) 787-1258 – [email protected]

OYC PICYA FEBRUARY 2016 REPORT The first PICYA Delegate’s meeting of 2016 was held at the Coyote Point Yacht Club in San Mateo on Monday, February 8th. OYC PICYA Delegate Maggie Sabovich and husband Roger Karlsrud attended the meeting, earning OYC 4 Club of the Year Points. Also attending were alternate PICYA delegate Doug Hipsley and wife Pam and OYC members Coast Guard Captain Greg Stump and wife Leigh-Ann. The OYC also earned another 10 Club of the Year points for providing 2016 current OYC member information to the PICYA Yearbook Editor, Patti Mangan, by the official cut-off date of February 3rd, 2016. OYC Manager Robert Lovejoy and OYC Commodore Donna Beckett were responsible for making sure that all current photos and information about OYC officers, members, member’s boats and club contact information was provided to Patti by the deadline, so kudos to Robert and Donna for all their efforts on behalf of the OYC! PICYA’s Annual Spring Leadership Conference will be held at the Martinez Yacht Club on Saturday, March 26th, starting at 8 AM with registration. As usual, a continental breakfast will be served in the morning, with a luncheon at noon. Cost is $25.00 per person. All new OYC Officers and Board Directors are urged to attend, plus this event provides the opportunity to earn 15 Club of the Year points for the attendance of club officers and directors. Subjects to be covered will include “The 2017 San Francisco Yacht Racing Challenge”, which will be presented by Tom Ehman. In 2017, a fleet of turbo-charged 12- meter mono-hulls will compete on San Francisco Bay for $500,000 in prize money in one design “Super 12s”, with carbon fiber hulls and decks, modern rigs, and minimum electronics, placing emphasis on sailing skills and teamwork. The “Super 12s” will be built from the same female mold by the same builder, all rigging and deck hardware will be identical, and each team will use the same restricted sail inventories. Instrumentation is limited to just a handheld GPS, a VHF radio, a depth sounder, a compass and a Windex. Along with Ehman’s presentation will be information about “Clean Boating and Coastal Clean- up Day in September 2016, “Insuring Your Club Against Financial Disaster”, the “Latest Challenges to Boaters” by Recreational Boaters of California Past President Greg Gibeson, “How Your Club Can Win Club of the Year”, ‘How to Compete in PICYA Regattas”, and a participatory “Leadership Forum”, where all attendees can discuss challenges their respective clubs are facing and how they are solving them. PICYA’S 2016 “Opening Day on the Bay” is scheduled for Sunday, April 24th, and this year’s theme is “Heroes on the San Francisco Bay”, which may refer to Military Heroes, Historical Heroes, Bay Area Innovators, Inspirational Figures, Acts of Bravery on the Bay, fictional Super-Heroes. Emergency Service Providers, etc. OYC members can decorate their boats to these themes or with flags and streamers and participate in the parade to earn the OYC up to 50 Club of the Year Points or can also bring friends and family members along to view the waterfront boat parade from the PICYA Committee Boat, which provides breakfast and lunch aboard a Hornblower yacht which accommodates 200 guests. PICYA member clubs will also be donating prizes for the 16 winning boats in each category, so the OYC will be providing our usual logo tee shirts, hats and wine for the opening Day Winner’s Award Bags as we usually do. The next PICYA Delegates Dinner meeting will be at the Benicia Yacht Club on Monday, March 7th.

Meetings & Committees

MARCH MEETINGS Open to all members 3/3 House Committee 1830 hrs 1st Thursday, Regatta Room

3/8 Racing Committee 1900 hrs 2nd Tuesday, Regatta Room 3/10 Harbor Committee 1600 hrs 2nd Thursday, Regatta Room 3/11 & 3/25 Membership Committee 1600 hrs Every other Friday, Regatta Room 3/17 Board of Directors 1830 hrs 3rd Thursday, Regatta Room

COMMITTEE CHAIRS Amateur Radio –Rich Beckett Photography – Lee Corkran Budget & Finance – Sam LaVanaway PICYA & RBOC – Maggie Sabovich Cruise – John Egland Racing – Jim Hild Education & Safety – Jim Conger Reciprocity – Vacant Position Harbor – Sam LaVanaway Reconfiguration – Dave Humphrey House – Greg Lonie Risk Management – Bill Fowler Library – Barbara Cardoza & Sandy Fouts Seascape – Bob Paulsen Membership – Wayne Martin Social – Toni Lyman & Carol Martin Merchandise – Michelle Leonard Staff Commodores – Jim Labbe Parliamentarian – Kim Lonie Webmaster – Jack Boeger


01 Jerry Vattuone 18 Don Alden 02 Michael Berndt 20 Shari Matthews 02 Joyce Taylor 20 Nikki West 03 Emile Carles 20 Carolyn Yurkovic 03 Robson English 21 Jim Brady 07 William Aubuchon 25 Bill Rosasco 08 Edward Gould 26 Stacey Myrick 08 Carmen Konkle 27 Richard Holden 08 Terry Sanders 27 Robert E Martin 10 Dolly Gurrola 27 Cindy Weiss-Sanders 10 James Kennemore 28 Paul Conrow 12 Laura Linsteadt 29 Cynthia Hutchinson 14 Jennifer Moss 29 Robin Rosasco 15 Richard Beckett 29 Rowena San Agustin 15 Susan LaVanaway 30 Juan Valdez 15 Jan Switzer 31 Shirley Johnson 17 David Lyman 31 Robert Nelson