Quadrangle 1978
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COLLEGE T~E lllJfl[]~flrl[]LE 1111~ rTl[]IJrJfnsufl [)ull~~~ rTl[]IJrJ~rsufl~ ~r.flsr.s llulum~ fil I[J i i u r~ IJr.m lJNI ~IJ ljusifl~SS rn~r·~ [)~fliS~ L~fl~~· ~ssi. E[Jiiur~ ~flfl~ UJr.r[J conTEnTs Student Life ~g. G Or"gcnizcticns ~g. 30 Ccm~et i t i cn ~g. so f'ec~le ~g. 'G ~duer"t i sements ~g. ,30 the future ... who l~nows? 1. Neatness counts as one team races the clock to cover two of their members with toilet paper. 2. Glenace Baldner appears to be out In front during the gunny sack race. 3. Many students came for an afternoon of food and games. 4. Students enjoyed eating lunch In the park. Fall Follies Provides An Afternoon of Fun Many students, new and retur part of the fun. ning, turned out for a warm The bat race proved to be one autumn afternoon of food and of the more exciting events of the games. Fall Follies got underway afternoon. The race Involved run at noon with lunch In the park. ning to a baseball bat and turning Teams were then chosen by dorm 10 circles around 11 by putting floors and the rest of the after your forehead on one end and the noo11 was spent m competition m other end on the ground. Few of a variety of races which seemed to those with enough courage to par be designed to bring out the best ticipate remained standing for of everyone's speed, coordination long before hitting the ground and talent. An egg toss. gunny from a combination of dizziness o;ack races. toilet paper "mum and laughter. mies" and a bat race were just a Zong Show Helps Charity During Homecoming weekend, the college held a Zong Show to ra1se money tor the United Way. The JUdges were urged by the audience to zong the contestants and booed when they rated too h1gh or too low. The talent con sisted of everything from ballerinas to "Coneheads" The wmner was Franchlel Spencer w1th her impression of "Nadia", accompamed on the piano by Cosette Button. Franch1el con tributed her $15 prize winnmgs to the Un1ted Way to start off the dnve Gamblers Go For Prizes The gamblers came out In full force Casino Night Students received their poker chips and played to win. The gamblers played Bingo, 21 , and Craps. The night ended with the players bid ding their winnings on prizes such as coupons for hamburgers and record albums 10 Homecoming Is Still Crazy After All These Years The Homecommg theme "Still crossed the f1nlsh line together to Crazy After All These Years" fit the defeat the Alumni. The Bulldog occasion. Homecoming Weekend football team was beaten by was wet but that didn't bother the Southwestern College 17 to 6, but students at Mac. Trustees, alumni put up a good fight. During half and parents showed up to help time at the football game recogni make the weekend enjoyable. The tion was given to the 1952 Football activities started with trustee Team, which was undefeated. meetings, which students were Bruce Wagoner and Paula encouraged to attend. The even Schnaithman were crowned King ing meal wa~; Colonel Kelly's Kan and Queen, with Kirk Higgins and sas Fried Chicken with all the fix Brenda Brenneman as ings anyone could Imagine. The Sophomore attendants, and Ken Zong Show, pep rally and Casino Nagamatsu and Kim Eisele as night concluded Friday's ac Freshman attendants. "A Comedy tivities. of Errors" was the homecoming Saturday morning started off play presented by the Drama with the parade. Both students Department. Homecoming ac and faculty were involved. The hvltles came to a close w1th the women's tennis team hosted Fort performance of "Madgic" at the Hays and was defeated by a score Homecom1ng Dance. of 3 to 6. The Cross Country team 11 Will We Ever Forget? living in the dorm g1ves you a chance to see what everybody else looks like when they wake up In the morning. You get the opportunity to scream at your neighbors to turn down the stereo or just to shut up! Raids and paybacks tor "what you did to us" add to surprise and excitement in the dorm. Dorm life also means birthday parties, gab sessions, open dorm hours and what do we do now? Some students find their way to the library (some more than others). In the library you can fmd everything from magaz1nes to the College Lear ning Skills Lab. A most Important part of campus life Is the cafeteria. Who hasn't had the thrill of being at the bottom of the sta1rs In line? (We know who you are!) And the dream of every student Is to make it through 4 years of school without breaking a glass or dropping a tray. Ah. yes. the joys and pains of campus htel Will we ever forget them? 12 13 ,. ""A Comedy of Errors"" Homecoming weekend Ephesus. The parents of the four featured two performances of were played by Steve Newcomer, Wilham Shakespeare's play "A Ageon, and Rae Ann Frantz, Comedy of Errors". The play Is the Amelia. complicated story of two sets of Aristocrats in the play were identical twins who have no Joan Cunnick, Debbie Stong, knowledge of the1r look-alikes. Celia Stover. Becky Balle, Kathryn Long hours of rehearsal paid off Frantz. Roy Dare, Jeff Gumm. for The McPherson College Paul Rohrer. John Hoffman, John Players and their director, Rick Fleming and Lori Christy. Tyler, as students, faculty, parents Cheryl Hammerlund, Yolanda and alumni found themselves Grove, Camlllla Lewis, Franchlel caught up in the fun. Spencer, Sara Janssen and Sara Excellent performances were Penner performed as the Dance turned in by all four leading ac and Acrobatic Troupe. The tors. Dromio of Syracuse and townspeople were Theresa Dromlo of Ephesus were played Netollcky, Marie Miller, Sandy by sisters Anne and Gall Erisman. Sharp. Michelle Keedy and Janice Mike Roberts was cast as An Monk. Janet Brumbaugh and tipholus of Syracuse and Kyle Karen Miller were cast as Robinson as Ant lpholus of puppeteers for the performance. Roles Change Sad1e Hawkins began w1th an Elvis Presley movie, " Blue Hawaii" The audience enjoyed singing along w1th Elvis and "real ly gettmg Into It" Next came lee cream in the Student Umon wh1ch was enjoyed by a good sized crowd Friday night the girls in vited the guys to a banquet and a disco dance afterward Saturday night was a home football game followed by a square dance In the gym. The couples were taught to square dance by a professional "caller". 1. Couples work on their square danc1ng techmques 2. Tammy Lavy and Guy Bourke relax durmg the square dance 3. Kevin Wood. LoUisa Panigides. Teresa Gregg and Bob Trocheck enjoy the lee cream i6 Ladies Night An evening of entertainment and delic1ous food was planned by a few men for the ladies at Mac College. Supper cons•sted of shish kebobs. baked alaska and eH•cient? wa1ters. Logan Tusow and Scott Robmson prov1ded the laughs along w•th other entertainment from a barbershop quartet. The roles chang ed, which prov•ded a wonderful "Ladies Night" out. 17 Sixteen Who's Who Selected f~om m~c Soxteen outstandong students ~rom McPherson College were selected lor "Who's Who Among Students on Rae Ann Masterson Frantz. Amerocan Colleges and Un1versoues These students ong1nally from Mt Morros. lllonoos were nomonated by faculty members and admlnostrators Is a premedocal student. Along on the basos of academoc achoevement. servoce to the woth her studoes she was mvolved community. leadershiP on extra-currocular actovotoes and on other actovotoes oncludong the future potentoal. Each and every one of the students McPherson Commun i ty chosen have contributed to McPherson College and woll Symphony Orchestra and par roon an elite group of students selected from more than 1 • Ucopatlng In the homecomong play 000 lnstotuUons In 50 states and the Dostroct of Columbia "Comedy of Errors " Rae Ann also served as dorm mother at Dotzour Hall and a biology lab assistant She has been accepted at the Unoverslty of Health Scoences Chocago Medical College Most of the people Involved woth McPherson College know Jeanne Suellentrop through her partocopa toon In a various number of athletoc events Much of her tome was devoted to basketball. track and volleyball Jeanne os a physocal educauon maJor comong to Mac from Colwoch Kansas. She was onvolved 1n band for two years and was a member of M-Ciub Student councol v1ce-presodent. Paula Schnaothman, Is a specoal educatoon major. from Billings, Oklahoma She was honored this year as Homecomong Queen and was picked to represent the state History major Linda Pfalzgraf of Kansas at the Orange Bowl. from Wellington, Kansas, served She also served as a Mac Am· on Stuco as a representative-at bassador, treasurer of SNEA. large. She has been Involved "" dorm councol member. resodent volleyball and basketball Lind. assostant and was a member of also served as a reporter ano the Board of Publications campus edotor for 'The Spec· tator She was a member o MCCC for one year and IS a member of the hostory lraternoty Pso Alpha Omega II Dave Crist. a biology major from McPherson, was president of Metzler Dorm Council and semor class vice-president. Dave served as a biology lab ass1stant, student council member and member of the educational policies com mittee. He was organ1zer of the campus blood drove and a North Central Evaluation Committee member. He has been accepted at the University or Kansas School of Medicine.