2017 Liberty League Football

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2017 Liberty League Football 2017 Liberty League Football (APPROVED 8/2016) 2017 FTBL RPI UNI HOB STL ROC ITH Sat Sep 23 ITH @STL Sat Sep 30 @ITH HOB Sat Oct 7 @HOB STL RPI @UNI ITH @ROC Sat Oct 14 ITH @ROC UNI @RPI Sat Oct 21 HOB @UNI ROC @STL Sat Oct 28 @STL RPI Sat Nov 4 ROC @ITH STL @HOB @RPI UNI Sat Nov 11 @UNI RPI @ROC HOB 2H/3A 3H/2A 2H/3A 3H/2A 3H/2A 2H/3A NCAA First Round: Saturday, November 18, 2017 2017 Liberty League Field Hockey (APPROVED 6/2016) 2017 FHOC ROC WMS STL SKD ITH UNI RPI VAS Sat Sep 23 Sat Sep 30 VAS RPI @ITH @UNI STL SKD @WMS @ROC Sat Oct 07 @RPI @VAS UNI ITH @SKD @STL ROC WMS Fri Oct 13 @ITH @UNI RPI VAS ROC WMS @STL @SKD Sun Oct 15 UNI ITH @VAS @RPI @WMS @ROC SKD STL Fri Oct 20 SKD STL @WMS @ROC @VAS @RPI UNI ITH Sun Oct 22 @STL @SKD ROC WMS RPI VAS @ITH @UNI Travel Part. @WMS ROC SKD @STL @UNI ITH @VAS RPI Breakdown 3H/4A 4H/3A 4H/3A 3H/4A 3H/4A 4H/3A 3H/4A 4H/3A Liberty League Tournament: Wednesday, November 1 and Saturday, November 4 2017 Liberty League Men’s Soccer (APPROVED 9/2016) 2017 MSOC CLK STL HOB RIT ITH BRD VAS RPI SKD UNI Sat Sep 23 ITH UNI @SKD VAS @CLK RPI @RIT @BRD HOB @STL Sat Sep 30 @RIT @ITH BRD CLK STL @HOB @UNI @SKD RPI VAS Sat Oct 07 HOB RIT @CLK @STL BRD @ITH SKD UNI @VAS @RPI Fri Oct 13 @VAS @BRD @UNI @RPI @SKD STL CLK RIT ITH HOB Sat Oct 14 @BRD @VAS @RPI @SKD @UNI CLK STL HOB RIT ITH Sat Oct 21 UNI SKD VAS BRD RPI @RIT @HOB @ITH @STL @CLK Sat Oct 28 RPI @HOB STL UNI @VAS SKD ITH @CLK @BRD @RIT Midweek #1 STL @CLK @ITH ITH @RIT @VAS BRD @STL CLK SKD Midweek #2 @SKD RPI RIT @HOB HOB UNI @RPI VAS @UNI @BRD Breakdown 5H/4A 4H/5A 4H/5A 5H/4A 4H/5A 5H/4A 5H/4A 4H/5A 5H/4A 4H/5A Liberty League Tournament: Wednesday, November 1 and Saturday, November 4 NCAA Selections: Sunday, November 5 2017 Liberty League Women’s Soccer (APPROVED 9/2016) 2017 WSOC CLK STL WMS RIT ITH BRD VAS RPI SKD UNI Sat Sep 23 @ITH @UNI SKD @VAS CLK @RPI RIT BRD @WMS STL Sat Sep 30 RIT ITH @BRD @CLK @STL WMS UNI SKD @RPI @VAS Sat Oct 07 @WMS @RIT CLK STL @BRD ITH @SKD @UNI VAS RPI Fri Oct 13 VAS BRD UNI RPI SKD @STL @CLK @RIT @ITH @WMS Sat Oct 14 BRD VAS RPI SKD UNI @CLK @STL @WMS @RIT @ITH Sat Oct 21 @UNI @SKD @VAS @BRD @RPI RIT WMS ITH STL CLK Sat Oct 28 @RPI WMS @STL @UNI VAS @SKD @ITH CLK BRD RIT Midweek #1 @STL CLK ITH @ITH RIT VAS @BRD STL @CLK @SKD Midweek #2 SKD @RPI @RIT WMS @WMS @UNI RPI @VAS UNI BRD Breakdown 4H/5A 5H/4A 5H/4A 4H/5A 5H/4A 4H/5A 4H/5A 5H/4A 4H/5A 5H/4A Liberty League Tournament: Wednesday, November 1 and Saturday, November 4 NCAA Selections: Sunday, November 5 2017 Liberty League Volleyball (APPROVED – 9/13/16) 2017 VOLL BRD VAS UNI SKD STL CLK ITH RIT Fri Sep 22 ITH RIT CLK STL @SKD @UNI @BRD @VAS Sat Sep 23 RIT ITH STL CLK @UNI @SKD @VAS @BRD Fri Oct 06 @UNI @SKD BRD VAS @ITH @RIT STL CLK Sat Oct 07 SKD UNI @VAS @BRD RIT ITH @CLK @STL Fri Oct 20 @CLK @STL @RIT @ITH VAS BRD SKD UNI Sat Oct 21 @STL @CLK @ITH @RIT BRD VAS UNI SKD Single Date @VAS BRD @SKD UNI @CLK STL @RIT ITH Breakdown 3H/4A 4H/3A 3H/4A 4H/3A 3H/4A 4H/3A 3H/4A 4H/3A Liberty League Tournament: Friday, November 3 and Saturday, November 4 2017-18 Liberty League Basketball (APPROVED 9/2016) 2017-18 BK VAS BRD UNI RPI SKD ITH HWS RIT STL CLK FRI 12/01 ITH RIT HWS CLK STL @VAS @UNI @BRD @SKD @RPI SAT 12/02 HWS ITH RIT STL CLK @BRD @VAS @UNI @RPI @SKD --- --- B R E A K --- --- FRI 1/05 CLK STL @ITH @SKD RPI UNI @RIT HWS @BRD @VAS SAT 1/06 STL CLK @SKD @RIT UNI HWS @ITH RPI @VAS @BRD FRI 1/12 @RPI @HWS @CLK VAS @RIT @STL BRD SKD ITH UNI SAT 1/13 @RIT @RPI @STL BRD @HWS @CLK SKD VAS UNI ITH FRI 1/19 @UNI SKD VAS @ITH @BRD RPI @CLK @STL RIT HWS SAT 1/20 @BRD VAS RPI @UNI @ITH SKD @STL @CLK HWS RIT FRI 1/26 @STL @CLK SKD RIT @UNI @HWS ITH @RPI VAS BRD SAT 1/27 @CLK @STL ITH SKD @RPI @UNI RIT @HWS BRD VAS FRI 2/02 BRD @VAS @RPI UNI ITH @SKD STL CLK @HWS @RIT SAT 2/03 UNI @SKD @VAS ITH BRD @RPI CLK STL @RIT @HWS FRI 2/09 RIT RPI STL @BRD HWS CLK @SKD @VAS @UNI @ITH SAT 2/10 RPI HWS CLK @VAS RIT STL @BRD @SKD @ITH @UNI FRI 2/16 @HWS @ITH @RIT @STL @CLK BRD VAS UNI RPI SKD SAT 2/17 @ITH @RIT @HWS @CLK @STL VAS UNI BRD SKD RPI Schedule SKD UNI @BRD HWS @VAS RIT @RPI @ITH CLK @STL Independently @SKD @UNI BRD @HWS VAS @RIT RPI ITH @CLK STL Liberty League Championships: Wednesday, February 21 and Saturday, February 24 2018 Liberty League Men’s Lacrosse (APPROVED 9/2016) 2018 MLAX RIT ITH UNI VAS BRD RPI SKD STL CLK Sat 3/17 CLK @SKD --- @STL RPI @BRD ITH VAS @RIT Sat 3/24 @VAS @RPI SKD RIT STL ITH @UNI @BRD --- Sat 3/31 BRD VAS @CLK @ITH @RIT @SKD RPI --- UNI Sat 4/07 @RPI UNI @ITH --- @CLK RIT @STL SKD BRD Sat 4/14 SKD @BRD STL CLK ITH --- @RIT @UNI @VAS Sat 4/21 @STL --- VAS @UNI @SKD @CLK BRD RIT RPI Sat 4/28 UNI CLK @RIT SKD --- STL @VAS @RPI @ITH Midweek 1 --- @STL @BRD @RPI UNI VAS CLK ITH @SKD Midweek 2 @ITH RIT RPI BRD @VAS @UNI --- @CLK STL Breakdown 4H/4A 4H/4A 4H/4A 4H/4A 4H/4A 4H/4A 4H/4A 4H/4A 4H/4A Liberty League Tournament: Friday, May 4 and Sunday, May 6 NCAA Championship: Sunday, May 27 (Memorial Day: Monday, May 28) Midweek games are to be scheduled independently. 2018 Liberty League Women’s Lacrosse (APPROVED 9/2016) 2018 WLAX STL CLK BRD VAS UNI SKD RPI ITH WMS ROC RIT Sat 3/17 RIT @RPI WMS --- --- ITH CLK @SKD @BRD --- @STL Fri 3/23 @RIT @ROC @WMS RPI SKD UNI Sat 3/24 VAS BRD @CLK @STL @WMS @RIT @ROC --- UNI RPI SKD Sat 3/31 @ROC @VAS @SKD CLK @ITH BRD RIT UNI --- STL @RPI Fri 4/06 ITH WMS ROC RIT @STL @CLK @BRD @VAS Sat 4/07 WMS ITH RIT ROC SKD @UNI --- @CLK @STL @VAS @BRD Sat 4/14 @BRD @RIT STL @WMS ROC --- @ITH RPI VAS @UNI CLK Fri 4/20 @UNI @SKD @ITH @RPI STL CLK VAS BRD Sat 4/21 @SKD @UNI @RPI @ITH CLK STL BRD VAS @ROC WMS --- Sat 4/28 RPI ROC --- UNI @VAS @WMS @STL @RIT SKD @CLK ITH Midweek 1 @CLK STL VAS @BRD @RPI RPI UNI WMS @ITH @RIT ROC Midweek 2 --- --- @UNI SKD BRD @VAS @SKD @ROC RIT ITH @WMS Travel Partner Games Scheduled Independently – may be played on open weekend. Liberty League Tournament: Friday, May 4 and Saturday, May 5 Easter: Sunday, April 1, 2018 2018 Liberty League Softball (APPROVED 6/2016) 2018 SOF ROC RIT ITH UNI RPI SKD STL CLK Sat, 4/07 CLK STL RPI SKD @ITH @UNI @RIT @ROC Sun, 4/08 STL CLK SKD RPI @UNI @ITH @ROC @RIT Sat, 4/14 @SKD @RPI @STL @CLK RIT ROC ITH UNI Sun, 4/15 @RPI @SKD @CLK @STL ROC RIT UNI ITH Sat, 4/21 ITH UNI @ROC @RIT @CLK @STL SKD RPI Sun, 4/22 @RIT ROC @UNI ITH SKD @RPI @CLK STL Sat, 4/28 UNI @ITH RIT @ROC STL CLK @RPI @SKD Sun, 4/29 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Breakdown 4H/3A 4H/3A 3H/4A 3H/4A 4H/3A 3H/4A 3H/4A 4H/3A * - Easter Sunday is April 1. Liberty League Tournament: Thursday, May 3 through Saturday, May 5. 2018 Liberty League Baseball (APPROVED 9/2016) 2018 BASE BRD CLK RPI ROC RIT SKD SLU UNI VAS Sat Mar 24 --- @RIT @SKD VAS CLK RPI --- --- @ROC Sun Mar 25 --- @RIT SKD VAS CLK @RPI --- --- @ROC Sat Mar 31 @SKD --- ROC @RPI @UNI BRD @VAS RIT SLU Sun Apr 1 SKD --- ROC @RPI @UNI @BRD @VAS RIT SLU Sat Apr 7 @RIT @UNI --- SLU BRD @VAS @ROC CLK SKD Sun Apr 8 @RIT @UNI --- SLU BRD VAS @ROC CLK @SKD Sat Apr 14 RPI VAS @BRD --- @SLU @UNI RIT SKD @CLK Sun Apr 15 @RPI VAS BRD --- @SLU UNI RIT @SKD @CLK Sat Apr 21 ROC SKD @RIT @BRD RPI @CLK UNI @SLU --- Sun Apr 22 ROC SKD @RIT @BRD RPI @CLK UNI @SLU --- Sat Apr 28 @SLU @RPI CLK @SKD --- ROC BRD @VAS UNI Sun Apr 29 @SLU @RPI CLK @SKD --- ROC BRD VAS @UNI Sat May 5 VAS SLU UNI RIT @ROC --- @CLK @RPI @BRD Sun May 6 @VAS @SLU @UNI @RIT ROC --- CLK RPI BRD DNP-1A CLK @BRD @SLU UNI @VAS SLU RPI @ROC RIT DNP-1B CLK @BRD @SLU UNI @VAS SLU RPI @ROC RIT DNP-2A UNI ROC VAS @CLK SKD @RIT @SKD BRD @RPI DNP-2B @UNI ROC @VAS @CLK SKD @RIT @SKD BRD RPI Saturday/Sunday Dates Scheduled by League, Games may be moved to Friday/Saturday by mutual agreement.
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