FEST 2OL2 The Wcstcrn Rcgior-ral Silken Windhound Specialty Tr,rzo ISWS Specialty Shows - ISWS Race Meet - ASFA Field Trial

Sponsorcd by

Thrs shor,r, is held under lnternational Sill

Satrrr-day, Octobcr 27th & Sunda\r, Octobcr 2Bth - Kirigin Cellars Winery, Gilroy, CA Schedule of Events

All events are held at Kirigin Cellars Winery 11550 Watsonville Road, Gilroy, CA 408-847-8827

Saturdiy, October 27,2012 - ISWS Specialty Show One 7:45am Set up and pick up catalogs and armbands from the Ring Stewards B:0Oam-noon ISWS Specialty Show One 12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch 72:00 - 1:00pm LGRA Racing Check In, Inspection and Roll Call Racing will begin after roll call and inspection as soon as the board is set 6:3Opm Dinner, Auction and Costume Contest

Sunday, October 28.,ZOLZ - ISWS Specialty Show Two 7:45am Check In with Ring Steward for Armbands B:0Oam-noon ISWS Specialty Show Two 12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch 1:00pm (or t hour after show, which ever is later) Lure Trial Roll Call and Inspection

Area Veterinarians (on call) South County Animal Hospital, 15790 Monterey Street #500, Morgan Hill, CA 408-779-6867 24Hour Animal Clinic of San fose, 5440 Thornwood Dr., San fose, CA 408-578-5622 Silken Windhounds of California BooFest Regional Specialty

ONE Sr?f ISWS Showk Richard G. (Rick) Beauchamp

Rick Beauchamp has been involved in purebred since childhood as breeder, exhibitor, judge, author, and lecturer. He bred and showed some of the Bichon Frise breed's all time top winners and producers. He has bred National Specialty, Group, and all breed Best in Show winning Bichon Frises, Doberman Pinschers, Boxers and Papillons as well as champion Cockers Spaniels, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Toy and Miniature Poodles and Chinese Shar-Pei. He has competed and taken dogs to thcir championships in all 7 Variety Groups

Rick has judged all breeds throughout the world, In the United Kingdom he has judged the famed Crufts show. Among his many assignments at home he is honored to include multiple assignments at Westminster Kennel Club, the American Kennel Club-Eukanuba Invitational, and the famed International Kennel Club of Chicago.

Rick judges all breeds for the UKC and the Non Sporting, Sporting, and Toy Groups as well as many breeds throughout the other 4 Variety Groups for the AKC. Silken Windhounds of California BooFest Regional Specialty

S,ff ISWS Showffie'TLtr: Marianne Klinkowski

I crrterrc:cl thc n,orld of purcbrcd dogs in1962 wlrcn nry fhrher-and Ibroirght honrc our first . I had a linritcd but successful breeding program and hanriled my ort,n dogs and thosc of fr"rcrids to top ar,rarcls anci for nranv yoars traric:lccl to shonrs r,r,ith fricnds rn,ho successfullyz competcd i,t,ith a varicty of n,orking siglrthriunds. To this dar,, Iarn still passionate airout clogs and currcntlyscrvc as Judgcs Education Coordinator for thc Baiscnji Club of Anrcric.a.

I be'lierve very str()I")BIv in a firnctional and look for"thost'heart-stopping hunters nrith ellicient, Iight, ef-fortlcss n-]orzement r,i,hen ljLrdge. Ilook fonvarcl to nrectingyour bcautiful Silkern Windhounds ancl larr honrircd to havc ilc.cr-r invitcd to judge at BooFcst. Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2OL2, - October 28,2012

Saturday - f udge Rick Beauchamps

Sunday - f udge Marianne Klinkowski

JUNIOR HANDLER* I 09 Sat: I ELESSAR',S SUPERB TUSCAN. ISWS# 2005-1.61,/08. DOB LA/05/05. Breeders: Lori and Michael Silvestri. By Allagante Aragorn Elessar x Kristull Firestar of Elessar. Dog. Owners: Lori and Michael Silvestri.

funior Handler: M. f . Silvestri.


Silken Windhound - Puppy 3 - 6 Months Dogs !l 11 Sat: / / - EVENTNG -Sun:WrND TNDEPENDENCE. rSWS# 20t2-358/04. DOB 07 /07 /12. Breeder: Susan Godfrey. By Scirocco Liar's Dice x Rubia White Moon Heart. Dog. Owner: Susan Mohler.

Silken Windhound - Puppy 3 - 6 Months Bitches

10 Sat: Sun: EVENING WIND',S FREEDOM',S FrRE. rSWS# 2012-358/01. DOB 07 /07 /L2. Breeder: Susan Godfrey. By Scirocco Liar's Dice x Rubia White Moon Heart. -Bitch. Owners: Ann and Rick Steele venml td;,nd $;ue ll4e eo^ -335 -o2- Su*"*- G*lG*7 €tT satT-s6-a7 b{ E,ien', *1 atil;'d L',ber+qtl &zltew"e c#7 6a'w? a,,s *tt oD/6" 'Srea'n' rutu xNot an official class due to the age of the funior Handler.

10 Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2012 - October 28,2012


Silken Windhound - Companion Dogs 6l Sat: d- Sun: -\ 13 nErtrerSSer.rCs nUr'rE ^S DUNCAN. ISWS# 2006-223/0r. DOB 03/L7 /06. Breeder: Chris Swilley. By Kristull Yataghan Tangaloor x Deb's Smallworld Love. Dog. Owner: Patricia Evridge Hill.

15 Sat: | ,,rr, I RENATSSANCE HIGH TECH. ISWS# 20OB-243/07. DOB 0B/28/08. Breeder: Chris Swilley. By Renaissance Romeo x Kristull Sunset. Dog. Owners: Donna Claggett and Gary Claggett.

Silken Windhound - Companion Bitches ,l 12 Sat: I Sun: I pr ne; r R-5-s srAR o FIAG n'rA. r sws# zo as -zs1./0 s. Do B 0 6 / 0B / os. Breeder: Barbara Deis. By Kristull Dante by Cool Run x Renaissance Royal Firebird. Bitch. Owner: |. Vookles

Saturday Sunday

funior Handler ffi

Companion Dog t{ r

Companion Bitch l2 B

t ) 11 # Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2012 - October 28,ZOLZ


Saturday - Judge Rick Beauchamps

Sunday - Judge Marianne KI inkor,r,ski

Silken Windhound - Puppy 6 - 9 Months Dogs , 1,7 Sat: / Sun: MORGANDELL VALENTTNO. rSWS# 2012-343 /05. DOB 03 /OB /1,2. Breeder: Cyndi Dell. By Kohana IM Aiden x Kumbaya Kilauea Morgandell. Dog. Owner: Cyndi Dell.

1s Sat: 3 sun, 4 - TALISMAN ARDENT FALKOR',S LUCK. ISWS# 2A1,2-356/01. DOB 02/22/12. Breeders: Joyce Chin, Linda Sinclair and Steve Tradewell. By Talisman's Ursa Major x Talisman Renaissance Platinum. Dog. Owner: Joyce Chin. -'t fl 21 Sat: cl Sun: rf - ELESSAR',S WHITE RABBIT. ISWS# 2012-351,/06. DOB A4/08/1,2. Breeder: Lori Silvestri. By Kumbaya James Bond x Kristull Firestar of Elessar. Dog. Owner: Jamie Arp. 23 sut, tf srn, 3 ARDENT TALTSMAN RrNIrN. rSWS# 2012-356/02. DOB A2/22/12. Breeders: |oyce Chin, Linda Sinclair and Steve Tradewell. Dog. Owners: Linda Sinclair and Steve Tradewell. o-itr Silken Windhound - Puppyfi2 Months Dogs zs sut .ftb-- sun: scrRocco ATGRETTE--L-__ HANGTOWN RED. rSWS# ZA1,t3Z0/03. DOB 10/14/11. Breeders:Terri Campbell and Ann and Rick Steele. By Scirocco Liar's Dice x Aigrette's Wild Thyme. Dog. Owners: Ann Steele and Terri Campbell.

12 Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2012 - October 28,2012


Silken Windhound - Novice Dogs 27 Sat: / I - sclRocco's-Sun: LAST STARFIGHTER. ISWS# 2011,-324/01,. DOB 09 /1,3/1,1. Breeders: Ann and Rick Steele. By Tangaloor Unusual Suspect x Talisman of Tarazed Scirocco. Dog. Owners:Ann and Rick Steele.

Silken Windhound - Bred By Exhibitor Dogs

Zg sat, ,3 Srrn, * sctRocco LIAR'S DrcE. rsws# 2009-267 /03. DoB 11/04/09. Breeders: Ann and Rick Steele. By Gryffyn's Strange Brew x Cool Run Enchanted Mia. Dog. Owners: Ann and Rick Steele.

31 Sat: / Srn, A - WYNDOLYN STERLTNG STLVER. rSWS# 2011-319 /03. DAB 04/06/11. Breeder: Susan Mohler. By Kohana Pardon My Dust x Allagante Raincoast Cleopatra. Dog. Owner: Susan Mohler.


Breeders: f oyce Chin and Chris Swilley. By Talisman's Byzantine Empire x Kristull Xerox of Renaissance. Dog. Owners:Joyce Chin, Linda Sinciair and Steve Tradewell.

Silken Windhound - American Bred Dogs

,t, 35 Sat: nL Sun: / AERACURA',S FANTASY GILBERT. ISWS# 2A10-284/07. DOB 0B/26/10. Breeder: Barb Franklin. By Scirocco Dakar x Kristull Yasu. Dog. Owners: Michelle Smith and Barb Franklin. /) r', 37 Sat: J stn.9 WYNDOLYNS MOONDLISl-N SHADOWS. ISWS# 2A11,-31,g /02. DOB 04/06/11. Breeder: Susan Mohler. By Kohana Pardon My Dust x Allagante Raincoast Cleopatra. Dog. Owner: Lee Hurd.

l3 t.,

Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2012 - October ZB,2012


American Bred Dogs Continued

39 'sat, /- sun, ? FTREBTRD',S- F-86 SABRE IET. rSWS# 201,1.-314/A2. DOB 04/22/11,. Breeder: Barbara Deis. By Firebird's Dare to Dream x Ricmar Ladyhawke at Firebird. Dog. Owners: Cindy and Rick Wolpin.

Silken Windhound - Open Dogs

4l Sat: il sun, -E-.4 AIGRETTE',S GOLDEN KEy. ISWS# 2A09-269/03. DOB 12/1/09. Breeder: Terri Campbell. By Talisman of Merovingian x Kristull Xerox of Renaissance. Dog. Owners: Donna Claggett and Terri Campbell. 43 srt,,zl(t\un, I i^;O STLKEN MYTHOLOGY THUNDER. rSWS# 201,1-307 /02. DOB 03/1.8/1.1. Breeder: Carmen L. Carrouche. By Kumbaya James Bond x Morgandell Emporada. Dog. Owner: Carmen L. Carrouche. 4s s^t S-sun, scrRocco sTrLL WATER.-Z-(trb rsws# 2009-256/02. DoB 1,0/20/09. Breeders: Ann and Rick Steele. By Lagniappe Shadow on the Teche x Talisman of Tarazed Scirocco. Dog. Owner: Susan Mohler. 47 Sat:- sun, 4 -- wYNDOLYN DUST DEVTL. rSWS# 201,1,-319 /04. DOB 04/06/1,1.. Breeder: Susan Mohler. By Kohana Pardon My Dust x Allagante Raincoast Cleopatra. Dog. Owner: Marilyn Laudenslager. 49 s"t J-trLt un, ,l"lta€ lfP 7b clu"u4 c/asl ALLAGANTE ARAGORN ELESSAR. rSWS# 2003-105/02. DOB 05/26/03. Breeders: Karen and Paul Sanders. By Windspirit Apache Allagante x Kristull Dabisha Allagante. Dog. Owners: Lori and Michael Silvestri.

64 Sat: Sun: sctRocco's soARrNG FIREDMKE. ISWS# 2009-267102. DOB t7/4109. Breeder: Ann Steele. By Gryffyn's Strange Brew x Cool Run Enchanted Mia. Dog- Owners: Carol McHugh.

14 Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2012 - October 28,2012

Saturday winners ars Reserve il< points at Dogs t7 -11


winners ,r, 43 Reserve q{ points { Dogs 17 -

Point Scale for Dogs:

2 =lPoint 4=2Points 6=3Points B=4Points 1O=Spoints


Silken Windhound - Veteran Dog ti 51 Sat: / Sun: I ELESSAR ELFSTONE ALLAGANTE. rSWS# 2004-126/06. DOB 05/20/2004. Breeders: Karen Sanders and Lori Silvestri. By Allagante Aragorn Elessar x Kristull Suzie Q Tangaloor. Dog. Owners: Patricia and Carl Hill.

Class Winners fDogs):

Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday 3 - 6 ll l/ Novice 2'7 --e f- 6 - s 17 i7 Am Bred .q .1{-- e - 18 - Bred nv -31- 'fr 12_18 r open __fr__ 43

Veteran {l ,{l fmoves to BOB Class)

l5 Silken Windhounds of California October 27,ZOLZ - October 28,z0tz


Saturday - |udge Rick Beauchamps

Sunday - fudge Marianne Klinkowski

Silken Windhound - Puppy 6 - 9 Months Bitches

1,4 Sat: Sun: MORGANDELL CLARA BOW, rSWS# 2012-343/04. DOB 03/AB/12. Breeder: Cyndi Dell. By Kohana IM Aiden x Kumbaya Kilauea Morgandell. Bitch. Owner: Marilyn Laudenslager. 16 s^t, 4 srn, 4 ELESSAR',S LTTTLEWTNG. rSWS# 2012-351/03. DOB 04/08/12. Breeders: Lori and Michael Silvestri. By Kumbaya James Bond x Kristull Firestar of Elessar. Bitch. Owners: Kate Moses and Lori and Michael Silvestri.

1B Sat: )- Sun: elpffins sucan rraacruolrA. rsws# 201.2-3s1/07. DoB 04/08/1,2, Breeders: Lori and Michael Silvestri. By Kumbaya James Bond x Kristull Firestar of Elessar. Bitch. Owner: Iola Stetson.

20 ELESSAR',S WrLD THTNG. rSWS# 2012-351,/05. DOB 04/08/12. Breeders: Lori and Michael Silvestri. By Kumbaya James Bond x Kristull Firestar of Elessar. Bitch. Owners: Lori and Michael Silvestri.

22 Sat: _ Sun: TALISMAN ARDENT AIGRETTE SAPHTRA. ISWS# 201,2-356/03. DOB 02/22/12. Breeders: Joyce Chin, Linda Sinclair and Steve Tradewell. By Talisman's Ursa Major x Talisman Renaissance Platinum. Bitch. Owners: Terri Campbell and Ioyce Chin. &Nj. Ra b *sLl3 ?a tt; n( Jc& Nr r trtt /4+^b7 , l|ltuer*,' llov 3'*'dcl

I6 Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2012 - October 28,2012


Silken Windhound - Puppy 9 - 12 Months Bitches

24 Sat: * Sun, ,ft wrNSoME LADY GODTVA.- rSWS# 2011-331./04. DOB 11/19/11.

Breeder: f ane Taylor. By Allagante Aragorn Elessar x Allagante Hot Tamale. Bitch. Owner: Jane Taylor. 26 sat: / Suu I RUBrA BARCELONA.- rSWS# 2011-330/02. DOB 12/23/11. Breeder: Karen Fink. By Tangaloor Unusual Suspect x Rubia Moon Reflection. Bitch. Owner: Karen Fink.

Silken h ou nd --T2E8+4onths Bitches t lWVlT.e ClaS \ 2B Sat:lSun:/\ FANTASY FARM',S MUSETTA',S WALTZ. ISWS# 2010-ZB4/06. \ DOB 0B/26/ZO1A. Breeder: Barb Franklin. By Scirocco Dakar { KristullYasu. Bitch. Owner: Barb Franklin, t l7-tg ti 30 Sat; / Sun: / TANGALOOR FrRE DANCER. rSWS# 2011-31.5/06. DOB A7 /06/11. Breeder: Alison Brendel. By Tangaloor Unusual Suspect x Gryffyn's Fire Woman. Bitih. Owner: Carmen L. Carrouche.

Silken Windhound - Bred By Exhibitor Bitches 1.1 32 Sat: - 1 -- Sun: scrRocco wARRroR--*- FTRES. rsws# 2009-255/01. DoB 1,0/20/09. Breeders: Ann and Rick Steele. By Lagniappe Shadow on the Teche x Talisman of Tarazed Bitch. Owners:Ann and Rick Steele. 34 s^t ? srr, / TALTSMAN',S ARABTAN ANGEL.- rSWS# 2009-263/01. DOB 09/28/09.

Breeder: f oyce Chin. By Talisman of Merovingian x Talisman's Anasazi Sunrise. Bitch. Owner:foyce Chin.

l7 Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2012 - October 28,2012


Silken Windhound - Open Bitches 36 Sat:-Sun, 4 AIGRETTE'icoewEB. Is-ws# z008-2 38/oz. DoB 1r/14/oB. Breeder: Terri Campbell. By Talisman's Ursa Major x Kristull Xerox of Renaissance. Bitch. Owners: Donna Claggett and Terri Campbell.

tli9 ,,- .r chcury 3B sat: / Sun, rWvc- u{P fu KOHANA rM KYLA. ISWS# 2009-257 /03. DOB 09/07 /09. Breeder: Christine Port. By Lagniappe TiCayenne Cool Run x HMS Kohana Princess Alexandria, Bitch. Owner: Cyndi Dell.

40 sat: 2 sr* I UB Bkl TANGALOOR STORYTELLER. rSWS# 201.\- 305/03. DOB 03 /1.9 /11. Breeder: Alison Brendel. By Kristull Something Blue x Skyhaven's Western Heart. Bitch. Owner: Susan Mohler. 24 42 Sat: J Sun: * STLKEN MYTHOLOGY ZEPHYR. rSWS# 2011-307 /03. DOB 03 /1,8/1.1.. Breeder: Carmen L. Carrouche. By Kumbaya James Bond x Morgandell Emporada., Bitch. Owner: Jamie;frp. '<*T-

Sunday winners Birch 4A Reserve ru-points ,5- Bitches /b

l8 Silken Windhounds of California October 27,ZOLZ - October 28,ZOLL


Silken Windhound - Veteran Bitch 44 Sat: A Sun, A KRTSTULL FTRESTAR OF ELESSAR. rSWS# 2003-1,02/01,. DOB 05/05/03. Breeder: Francie Stull. By Kristull Ivanhoe x Kristull Z-Mystery. Bitch. Owners: Lori and Michael Silvestri.

Class Winners fBitches) :

Saturday Sunday Sunday No vrca 3-6 lb /D- L2_IB 6-9 Jop Bred By 9-12 2/" Open 3B

Veteran -/ [moves to BOB Class)

Point Scale for Bitches:

2 = l Point 4 = 2 Points 6 = 3 Points B=4Points 10 = 5points

t9 Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2012 - October 28,2012

Silken Windhound - Best of Breed

46 s^r, Pfr5 srn, 00S ELESSAR',S MARVEL STORM. rSWS# 2O0B-211/04. DOB 03/1 1. /08. Breeders: Lori and Michael Silvestri. By Gryffyn's Aeyrie Ready to Fly x Kristull Firestar of Elessar. Bitch. Owners: Lori and Michael Silvestri.

4B Srnr ft ELESSAR BELLE rsrS. rSWS# 2005-161/02. DOB 10/05/05. Breeders: Lori and Michael Silvestri. By Allagante Aragorn Elessar x Kristull Firestar of Elessar. Bitch. Owners: Lori and Michael Silvestri.

53 srt, 665 srr, BlSS TALTSMAN OF MEROVINGTAN. rSWS# 2007-2A6/01. DOB 12/21107.

Breeder: Joyce Chin. By Gryffyn's f ust Push Play x Kristull Quite Black. Dog. Owner:Joyce Chin.

55 Sat: Sun: sclRocco DAKAR. rsws# 2007-1,91,/04. DoB 01/28/07. Breeders: Ann and Rick Steele. By Gryffyn's Strange Brew x Talisman of Tarazed Scirocco. Dog. Owner: Michelle Smith.

57 Sat: sun, AA M ALLAGANTE WINDSPIRIT BARBADOS. ISWS# 2009-254 / 08. DOB 09 /17 /09. Breeders: Karen and Paul Sanders. By Allagante Rvnswood It'se -YeYe x Windspirit Sabrina Allagante. Dog. Owner: l. Vookles,

59 Sat: Sun:

scrRocco's BLUE DITNN. rsws# 2007 -191/01. DoB 01/zB/07 . Breeders: Ann and Rick Steele. By Gryffyn's Strange Brew x Talisman of Tarazed Scirocco. Dog. Owners: Ann and Rick Steele.

61 sat: 40fi*- Sun: KUMBAYA JAMES BOND. rSWS# 2007 -Z0B/03. DOB 12/29 /07. Breeders: Kent Jones and Jay Cusker. By Kristull Unbreakable x Talisman Maia Mudita Kumbaya. Dog. Owner: Carmen L. Carrouche. 63 sat, fut\ sun, fr1/\ ELESSAR',S SUPERB TUSCAN. rSWS# 2005-L6U08. DOB 10/05/05. Breeders: Lori and Michael Silvestri. By Allagante Aragorn Elessar x Kristull Firestar of Elessar. Dog. Owners: Lori and Michael Silvestri.

4rl 'tSTr; d-ut" ./l1o u e Lap {ttV D*{. n 2A " blla /llofe ttp%'Su,v o*'/ Silken Windhounds of California October 27 ,2012 - October 28,ZOLZ


Best of Breed 5'3 BestofWinners- Lq -

Best of Opposite Sex qb

Awards of Merit -3-B--- --lpl


Best of Breed ,53 Best of Winners 4C

Best of opposite S.* 4b -

Awards of Merit S7 6,3

2t Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2017. - October 28,2012


Silken Windhound - Stud Dog rl 65 Sat: / _ Sun: / TALISMAN',S URSA MAIOR. rSWS# 2006-185/06. DOB 0B/30/2006.

Breeder: f oyce Chin. By Tangaloor Captain Sinclair x Kristull Talisman of Sheba. Dog. Owners: Terri Campbell and |oyce Chin.

Silken Windhound - Brood Bitch lt 50 Sat: / Sun: / KUMBAYA KILAUEA OF-- MORGANDELL. ISWS# 2007-208/01,. DOB 12/29 /2007. Breeders: Kent Jones and f ay Cusker. By Kristull Unbreakable x Talisman Maia Mudita Kumbaya. Bitch. Owners: Cyndi Dell and Bill Hemby.

Silken Windhound - Brace 52 Sat: I Sun: I TAL-IsffiNs LrGHi& HELros. rsws # z0o6-1ls/01. DoB 0B/30/06. Breeder: Joyce Chin. By Tangaloor Captain Sinclair x Kristull Talisman of Sheba. Dog. Owner:Joyce Chin. TALTSMAN',S ARABTAN ANGEL. rSWS# 2009-263/01. DOB A9/28/A9. Breeder: Joyce Chin. By Talisman of Merovingian x Talisman's Anasazi Sunrise. Bitch. Owner:Joyce Chin.

Saturday Sunday

Stud Dog /,r{

Brood Bitch

Brace 5* se*

22 Silken Windhounds of California October 27,2012 - October 28.,zOLz

Saturday Sunday

Best Puppy 20 70

Best opposite Sex Puppy /7 17

Best Bred by Exhibitor .? ^ 33

Best Veteran

Best Companion /L t{

Best Opposite Sex Companion /f /^

Best Stud Dog 6f b{

Best Brood Bitch ,9

Best Brace €Z {2

O Best funior Handler 7


ii;i : ! ''

,1 \.tj
