List Pieridae

Papilionidae Whites,Yellows

Swallowtails: Bath White

Apollo Berger's Clouded Yellow

Scarce Swallowtail Black-veined White

Small Apollo Brimstone

Southern Festoon Cleopatra

Spanish Festoon Clouded Yellow

Swallowtail Cryptic Wood White

Tiger Swallowtail Dappled White

Hesperiidae Green-veined White

Skippers: Large White

Chequered Skipper Moorland Clouded Yellow

Dingy Skipper Orange-tip

Essex Skipper Pale Clouded Yellow

Fiery Skipper Real's Wood White

Grizzled Skipper Small White

Large Chequered Skipper Wood White

Large Skipper

Lulworth Skipper

Mallow Skipper Riodinidae

Oberthür's Grizzled Skipper Metalmarks

Shy Saliana Duke of Burgundy

Silver-spotted Skipper

Small Skipper

British Butterfly List

Marbled White Marsh Fritillary Browns,Fritillaries,Aristocrats: Meadow Brown Albin's Hampstead Eye Monarch Almond-eyed Ringlet Mountain Ringlet American Painted Lady Niobe Fritillary Arran Brown Blue Pansy Painted Lady

Camberwell Beauty Peacock

Cardinal Pearl-bordered Fritillary

Purple Emperor Cassia's -butterfly Queen of Spain Fritillary Comma Red Admiral Dark Green Fritillary Ringlet False Scarce Tortoiseshell Scotch Argus Glanville Fritillary Silver-washed Fritillary Grayling Small Brown Shoemaker Great Spangled Fritillary Small Heath Heath Fritillary Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary Hermit High Brown Fritillary Small Tortoiseshell

Illioneus Giant Owl Speckled Wood

Spotted Fritillary Indian Red Admiral Tamarindi Owlet Julia Wall Large Heath Weaver's Fritillary Large Tortoiseshell White Admiral Large Wall Woodland Grayling Lesser Purple Emperor Map Zebra

Lycaenidae Slate Flash

Coppers,Hairstreaks,Blues: Small Blue

Adonis Blue Small Copper

Black Hairstreak Sooty Copper

Blue Spot Hairstreak Turquoise Blue

Brown Argus White-letter Hairstreak

Brown Hairstreak

Chalk Hill Blue

Common Blue

Geranium Bronze

Gray Hairstreak

Green Hairstreak

Green-underside Blue

Holly Blue

Ilex Hairstreak

Lang's Short-tailed Blue

Large Blue

Large Copper

Long-tailed Blue

Mazarine Blue

Northern Brown Argus

Purple Hairstreak

Purple-edged Copper

Purple-shot Copper

Scarce Copper

Short-tailed Blue

Silver-studded Blue