Statement by H.E. Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan. Minister of Environment of for the CVF Virtual Summit, 22nd November 2018

Excellencies, Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that the Republic of the Maldives extends our warm wishes for a constructive Virtual Summit ahead of COP 24, a crucial meeting in the international effort to tackle . Climate Change is an undeniable existential threat to our archipelagic nation. As a frontline country in the fight against climate change, rising sea levels, temperatures, bleaching of corals reefs and soil erosion have become every day issues for Maldivians.

The recent IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees, completed at the urging of Small Island States, underscored how serious the climate crisis is and what little time we have remaining to dramatically reduce emissions before global warming spirals out of control.

The Maldives is a proud founding member of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, with the first meeting of the CVF being held in 2009 in Bandos Island Resort. We wholeheartedly endorse the Summit’s efforts to raise ambition and, in the Talanoa Spirit, join its organizers in calling for a new level of cooperation by all nations to increase their efforts.

As one of the first countries to call for a Convention to address this global challenge, we still firmly believe in the fundamental principles of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

These principles are not only essential to cutting the emissions responsible for climate change, but also in safeguarding equity and fairness for the people who are most at risk from impacts, yet least responsible for the crisis.

What’s more, we underscore that the unique challenges faced by Small Island Developing States require special consideration, for these countries to achieve sustainable development while raising ambition at home.

Finally, we must not forget that from the beginning of the Convention, to the findings of the recent IPCCSpecial Report, it has been recognized that the adequate provision of means of implementation is prerequisite to meeting our climate goals. The IPCC Special Report confirms the necessity for call to action on realizing the goals set out by the Paris Agreement of 2015. It is imperative that there be a dramatic increase in climate finance immediately.

As our experience with severe impacts, from deadly hurricanes, to severe droughts, to coral bleaching, as well as the 1.5 degree Report has shown, the window to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, especially for SIDS, is rapidly closing. The Virtual Summit provides an important moment for countries to prepare to do what they must in Poland next month.

As we hold this summit, I convey the warmest felicitations and profound appreciation to the Republic of and the CVF for their continued efforts to ensure collective climate action is sustained.

Thank you.