MINUTES OF A MEETING OF AND PARK PARISH COUNCIL held on 6 January 2014 in the Vernon Institute, Church Road, Saughall

In attendance: Councillor Mrs J Edwards Councillor Mrs K Ford Councillor DF Holman Councillor H Jennings (Homewatch Co-ordinator) Councillor Mrs J Johnson Councillor B Kerr Councillor Mrs J Knox (Part) Councillor RK Shukla Councillor Mrs JE Storrar Councillor RA Storrar Councillor A Councillor Mrs D Whitton Councillor Mrs JM Young (in the Chair) Councillor PP Young (Part)

Mr Bob Salisbury, Internal Auditor


Apologies were received from:

PCSO Wendy Leason West and Councillor Brian Crowe


Councillor Mrs K Ford declared a personal interest in Item No. 4 (a) (ii) on the agenda - planning application Ref: 13/04333/FUL regarding Kings Acre, Kingswood Lane, Saughall as she knew the owners.



That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 2 December 2014 be confirmed as a correct record.


(a) Planning Applications

(i) 13/04913/FUL Proposal: Two storey side extension (demolition of garage). Location: 39 Hermitage Road, Saughall, Chester, Cheshire.

“This proposal could be seen to be out of character with the rest of the local area.

Please tell the Parish Council what the percentage increase is?”

Page 1 (ii) 13/04333/FUL Proposal: Renovation and reinstatement of derelict land to farm land comprising creation of new pond, hard standing and embankment. Location: Kings Acre, Kingswood Lane, Saughall, Chester, Cheshire.

“The wording reinstatement of derelict land is inaccurate. Please look into this, in the light of the land infill site close by. There are similar problems at Mollington Golf Course. Please let the Parish Council have your findings.

What is the purpose/intention of the work being done?”

{The Planning Officer (Niall Mellan) responded as follows:

The application seeks permission for various engineering works to restore some of the land at the site in order to make it more suitable for agricultural purposes. The land has suffered from neglect over a number of years from dumping and removal of the top soil. It is the applicant’s intention to return the land to a fully working farm.

The Clerk responded as follows:

The Parish Council does not believe that this reflects what is happening on the ground. It accepts that the land is in a sorry state and has been for some time. The Council would be perfectly happy for it to be returned to agricultural use. However, there has been dumping of material on this site for some three years which it believes includes hardcore and which some local residents believe may contain dangerous materials. A lot of this has been formed into a large crossing embankment and the plans show that either side of this embankment are two ponds, one existing and one new.

The standing gives space for 40 cars and five buses (on the application). A large marquee and what looks like a toilet block have been on the site for some considerable time and are beginning to look permanent. None of this is consistent with the stated aim of "returning to agricultural use".

Please can we request a visit to the site by a senior planning officer to investigate our concerns that the site is being developed for a commercial use, and can we please be sent a copy of their report?}

(iii) 13/05444/FUL Proposal: Single storey rear extension. Location: 2 Rosewood Grove, Saughall, Chester, Cheshire.

“No objections.”

Page 2 (iv) 13/05157/FUL Proposal: Installation of gas storage compound. Location: Wheatsheaf Inn, Parkgate Road, Saughall, Chester, Cheshire.

“No objections.”

(b) Planning Decisions

The Council noted the following planning decision that had been made by Cheshire West and Chester Council – the Planning Authority:

(i) 13/04796/FUL Proposal: Single storey front extension. Location: Fonly, Fiddlers Lane, Saughall, Chester, Cheshire.

‘Planning Permission.’

(ii) 13/04779/FUL Proposal: Addition of two dormers to front elevation (Retrospective). Location: Pinetrees Lodge, Kingswood Lane, Saughall, Chester, Cheshire.

‘Planning Permission.’

(iii) 13/03765/FUL Proposal: Convert beauty salon into dwelling and addition of a conservatory. Location: The Red Lodge Rear of Oak Villa, 90 Church Road, Saughall, Chester, Cheshire.

‘Planning Permission.’

(iv) 13/04520/FUL Proposal: Adapt existing entrance lobby to include disabled WC. Location: Greyhound Inn, Seahill Road, Saughall, Chester, Cheshire.

‘Planning Permission.’

The Chairman adjourned the meeting for 10 minutes in order that public speaking time could take place.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm.

Page 3 Public Speaking Time

Whilst the meeting stood adjourned the Council was addressed by Mr B Huxley, the Chairman of Saughall Cricket Club who set out the reasons why he was against the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) being located in the Golden Jubilee where it was being proposed, immediately behind the car park. He detailed recent incidents of youth anti-social behaviour being experienced in the Park, including the drinking of alcohol, noise, aggression and intimidation of younger children and the mindless damage caused to the cricket square etc. He also informed of the costs and time it had taken for the Cricket Club to rectify the damage caused.

Mr Huxley told Members that he was not against the MUGA, in principle, but he perceived that the incidents of anti social behaviour would increase as a result of it. His view was that it should be located somewhere more suitable and if the MUGA could not be managed it would be a very expensive white elephant.

The Council was also addressed by Mrs J Brookes, the Booking Secretary for Saughall Uniformed Groups who set out her concerns over the MUGA project. She informed that the Uniformed Groups’ views had not been sought on the proposal and that she thought there should have been consultation with those who used the Park.

Mrs Brookes informed that the Uniformed Groups’ Headquarters which was located in the Park was used throughout the week under supervision. Those who used it tried to show consideration to those living nearby. The Headquarters building was monitored, and Mrs Brookes queried who would monitor the MUGA and referred to certain unsocial elements.

Mrs Brookes also informed that the Uniformed Groups’ would not take on any responsibility for the MUGA. She considered that it would be a waste of money and that the money could be better spent on something else.

Page 4 The meeting resumed at 7:55pm


(a) Home Watch and the Cheshire Police Alert System

Liz Biddle, Cheshire Police’s Home Watch Officer was in attendance at the meeting at the Council’s request to make a presentation on Home Watch and the Police Alert System and explain how they could operate together.

It was noted that the Alert System, a web based message network was integrated with the Fire and Rescue Service and the Police and Crime Commissioner’s systems. Before this System had been introduced the Home Watch had been the only way to cascade information out into the local community. It was an excellent System which would evolve and develop as more people were introduced to it.

Ms Biddle informed that the Home Watch needed to be turned around and would only be as good as the volunteers out in the local community who agreed to take on the role as co-ordinators.

Ms Biddle provided Members with a handout which contained information on both initiatives.

Following her presentation Ms Biddle answered a number of Members questions as appropriate.


That Liz Biddle be thanked for her informative presentation.

(b) PCSO’s Report

PCSO Wendy Leason had been unable to attend the meeting so the Chairman read out her written report which informed that during December 2013 there had been:

• Two road related incidents. • Two thefts. • Four incidents where there had been concerns raised over safety. • Five incident involving people acting suspiciously. (Two in the village and three in the Woodbank area.) • Two incidents of anti-social activity where youths had removed cones from Rakeway. • One incident of criminal damage. • One incident of shop lifting. • One road traffic accident. • One burglary in Puddington Lane.

PCSO Leason report also informed that Traffic Patrols had completed enforcement on Hermitage Road and Aspen Grove and seven fixed

Page 5 penalty notices and several warnings had been issued. Six had been issued to residents of Saughall.

PCSO Leason’s report also informed that crime prevention meetings had been held with the managers of the Tudor Rose, Craxton Wood and K’s Nursery.

PCSO Leason had undertaken the following community engagements:

• Christmas Lights Switch on and traffic management • Reassurance visits • Police Drop-in Surgeries held at the Farmers’ Market • Public Meeting to discuss the anti-social activities taking place in the Golden Jubilee Park. • Christmas Fair at the Methodist Church • Golden Link Christmas Party • Friday Club Christmas Lunch • All Saints Church – Christmas Fair • All Bartholomew’s Church – Christmas Craft Fair • Red Ensign Garage to conduct enquiries • School Patrols • Visit to the Co-op Stores regarding shop lifting


That PCSO Leason be thanked for her report.

(c) Public Meeting on Saturday, 7 December 2013

The Council had regard to the notes of a Public Meeting which had been held in the Uniformed Groups’ Headquarters to discuss with local residents and the Police concerns and perceptions in respect of anti-social behaviour that was regularly occurring in the Golden Jubilee Park.

It appeared from what local residents had told those at the meeting that anti-social behaviour in the Park was considered the norm. However, there had been little discussion at the meeting about what could be done and what strategies were being put in place to deal with the current problems. Some residents had stopped reporting incidents to the Police because they considered it to be a waste of time as nothing was ever done.

The Council agreed that this situation could not be allowed to continue and that the Police did not seem to recognise that there was a problem. There were serious ongoing problems that needed to be remedied in the Park and it would be necessary to draw them to the attention of the Neighbourhood Inspector, Kevin Chambers.

It was noted that Guide Meetings were regularly interrupted and the Boot Camp had stopped meeting because of the treatment they had received from youths whilst exercising in the Park.

Page 6 The Council agreed that it must engage with the Police and ensure they were aware of what those people who lived beside the Golden Jubilee Park were experiencing.


(1) a private meeting between Members and Inspector Kevin Chambers be held to discuss the level of anti-social behaviour in the Golden Jubilee Park and what can be done to alleviate it;

(2) the Clerk be requested to send Inspector Chambers a copy of the notes of the Public Meeting held on 7 December 2014 for information; and

(3) representatives of residents who live in Long Lane, Fiddlers Lane and Kingston Court be invited to attend the meeting at (1) above along with Mr B Huxley (Saughall Cricket Club) and a representative of the Uniformed Groups.

(d) Homewatch

Councillor H Jennings informed that no one had contacted him over the last month regarding Home Watch activities.

(e) Saughall Neighbourhood Management Team

(i) Councillor Mrs JM Young reported that the Neighbourhood Management Team had held a very successful Fish and Chip Supper event and raised approximately £684. This was being split between the Summer Play Scheme and the Sports Pavilion/Community Facility fund.

Councillor Mrs JM Young also informed that an anonymous benefactor had agreed to match the funding the Sports Pavilion/Community Facility Group had raised between September and December 2013.

The Team were making arrangements to assist the Chester Half Marathon

(ii) Ian Humphrey – Memorial Bench Councillor Mrs JM Young reported that no progress would be made on this initiative until the exact location of the new Sports Pavilion/Community Facility had been determined.


That Councillor Mrs JM Young’s reports be noted.

(f) Flashing Speed Signs

Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Area Engineer had informed that, dependant on the size and message displayed, the average cost of a flashing speed sign was approximately £6,000. This allowed for purchase, erection and future maintenance and energy supply.

Page 7 Councillor Mrs JM Young reported that the Police and Crime Commissioner was providing match funding for speed signs.


That the provision of a flashing speed sign for the village be considered on 13 January 2014 at the Council’s budget setting meeting.

(g) Traffic Cones

Cheshire Constabulary’s Road Liaison Officer, Chris Burnham had informed that traffic cones cost £ 5:73 each.


That the Clerk be requested to order twenty cones and apply for a match funding grant from the Police and Crime Commissioner.


Councillors H Jennings and RK Shukla had provided the Council with a brief overview of a Resilience System for Saughall.

The Council noted that resilience was essentially the formation of an emergency plan that could be activated by the community in the event of an occurrence that seriously affected the normal emergency services ability to respond.

The brief included twelve steps to form such a plan. However, it was noted that any plan formed would rapidly become out of date and so to be effective would need some form of automatic updating.

The Council considered the proposal and agreed that it was important to know where vulnerable people were but if people did not want help it could not be forced upon them. There could be some confusion between crime prevention and social support.


That the Clerk be requested to invite village people to meet to discuss Resilience Planning and the Home Watch, via the next edition of the Newsletter.


It was reported that as recent meetings with village children who attended Upton-by-Chester High School regarding the Multi Use Games Area had gone well, it was proposed that other similar meetings be held from time to time to brief youngsters about matters that would interest them.


That the proposal set out above be agreed.


Councillor Mrs JM Young reported that the Christmas Lights Switch On event had gone well. However, there would be a review carried out in respect of the arrangements as it had not generated any funding for the Vernon Institute.


That Councillor Mrs JM Young’s report be received.


The Council reviewed its arrangements for the publication and printing of its quarterly Parish Council Newsletter. Members considered how often the Newsletter should be produced and whether it could be done in a different way.

It was agreed that it was imperative that every home in Saughall should receive a Newsletter and that it must be financially manageable. It was also agreed that the Council already had this balance right and that on the whole; people were generally pleased with it. They looked forward to it and found it informative.


That the Parish Council will make no changes to the way in which it provides its newsletter, at this time.


The Council noted the content of the revised Training Programme for Councillors and Clerks produced by the Cheshire Training Partnership.

A Planning Seminar had been run on 6 December 2014 and Councillor RA Storrar had been in attendance. Councillor RA Storrar provided a brief report on the proceedings informing that there had been three speakers providing information on Neighbourhood Plans and how they should influence planning policy and the National Policy Framework.


That Councillor RA Storrar be thanked for his report.


Further to Minute No. 268, Councillor Mrs JM Young reported that the proposed changes which were purely a cost cutting exercise put forward by Cheshire West and Chester Council would seriously affect Saughall children who moved up to Upton-by-Chester High School from 2015. It would affect the new in take in September 2015 and those in subsequent years. There would no longer be free transport to the School. Parents would have to pay for it.

It was noted that the nearest High School to Saughall was in Blacon. It was also noted that it did not have a sixth form and that the walking route along Hermitage School for large numbers of children was extremely dangerous.


That the Clerk be requested to respond to the consultation on the Council’s behalf setting out its concerns on the proposals in respect of Saughall.


Concerns were raised over the drainage of the new housing being provided on the former Ridings Infant School site. It was reported that the diameter of the pipes in the new build was great than the existing road drains. Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Planning Officer, Nick Smith had been informed that the existing drains would not be able to take the water.


That the Clerk be requested to contact the Planning Officer to express the Council’s concerns over the drainage and ascertain what was being done to ensure that the drainage was fit for purpose.


(a) Field Committee Report

The Field Committee had meet since the last meeting and noted that the new drainage was working well. The pond was clear of algae as a result of the trees being thinned out. The Committee recommended that the trees at the back of the pond be thinned out in the same way. The quote received for this work was between £400/500. Quotations for fencing had also been obtained and to put the fence at the other side of the ditch would cost £2000.

It was reported that the cricket pitch was not as wet as had been expected.

The Committee hoped that more bulbs could be bought and planted in the Park later this year.

Page 10 The Committee had noted that moles were evident in the play area and there was moss on the play surface which required attention. The Uniformed Groups would be asked to help clear the moss.


(1) the Field Committee be thanked for its report; and

(2) the fencing work be agreed and the moss killer be purchased.

(b) Proposal to build a Sports Pavilion/Community Facility

Councillor JM Young informed that there was no further progress to report at this stage on the Sports Pavilion/Community Facility

(c) Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)

The funding application made to WREN had been successful which meant that the Council now had all the necessary funding in place to go ahead and install the MUGA in the Golden Jubilee Park.

A letter from FCC Environment dated 11 December 2013 had been received requesting the third party contribution of £4,288:68 within 30 days or the grant allocation would be withdrawn. Consequently, the Clerk had written out a cheque ready for signature.

Cheshire West and Chester Council had written informing that the grant acceptance form must be returned by 3 January 2014 or the grant offer would be withdrawn. Therefore, the Clerk had accepted the grant and returned the form on the Council’s behalf.

Further to Minute No. 261 (c) Councillor Mrs K Ford provided a report on the MUGA project following meetings held by the Panel set up at the last meeting to make recommendations on the tendering process including the location, colour, edging and surface of the MUGA.

Tenders would be invited within an agreed timeline, to construct a Multi- Use Games Area 37m x 18.5m (684.5 sq m) to Sports Standards, with tarmac surface, including all excavation and drainage works, marking of playing surface and activity panels and construction of access pathway. To be supplied with one double-lockable-gate for vehicular access and two chicane player accesses. All surrounding areas to be made good at completion and MUGA left ready-to-use.

Concerns over the consultation carried out on the MUGA proposal were again raised. It was pointed out that the consultation carried out had satisfied both grant providers (Cheshire West and Chester Council and WREN who would not have agreed the funding otherwise).

It was also noted that the feedback from the survey in respect of the Parish Plan Refresh which had been carried out during 2012/13 had been that

Page 11 parishioners wanted to see more modern play facilities being made available for youngsters in the Golden Jubilee Park.

It was now important to move on as the decision to go ahead with the MUGA had been made and reaffirmed at the Council meeting in November and the last meeting in December the Council had established a Panel of Members to make recommendations on the tendering process including the location, colour, edging and surface of the MUGA. To revisit the decision at this stage was contrary to Standing Orders.

It was now necessary to agree the exact location of the MUGA within the Golden Jubilee Park and Members gave consideration to this.


(1) the MUGA be sited in the Golden Jubilee Park immediately behind the car park;

(2) the Council will now go out to tender for a MUGA based on the Panel’s recommendations; and

(3) the Clerk’s action in accepting the grant for the MUGA from Cheshire West and Chester Council by returned the form by 3 January 2014 be endorsed.



That as Councillor Mrs J Edwards is not in attendance at this meeting, the Youth Activities Report be deferred to 6 January 2014.



That this item of business be deferred for consideration at the Budget Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, 13 January 2014.


That this item of business be deferred for consideration at the Budget Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, 13 January 2014.


That this item of business be deferred for consideration at the Budget Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, 13 January 2014.


That this item of business be deferred for consideration at the Budget Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, 13 January 2014.



That as Councillor Brian Crowe is not in attendance at the meeting his report be deferred to the Council meeting scheduled for Monday, 3 February 2014.


(a) Payments made since the meeting of the Council held on 4 November 2013:


That the following payments be approved:

Financial Year 2012/2013 £ Cheque No Mrs S Hudspeth (Expenses) 30:00 102739 ChALC (Chairmanship Course for 30:00 102740 Councillor H Jennings) Massey and Harris (Engineering) Ltd 998:40 102741 (Repairs to play equipment) FCC Recycling (UK) Ltd 4288:68 102742 (Third Party Contribution towards MUGA) HM Revenue and Customs 1219:53 102743 Mrs S Hudspeth (Salary) 495:24 102744 Wirral Borough Council (Postage) 54:63 102745 Mrs S Hudspeth (Expenses) 59:60 102746 Mr JE Davies (Litter Picking) 63.00 102747 CPRE Subscription 29:00 102748

(b) Receipts

A grant had been received from Cheshire West and Chester Council (New Homes Bonus Community Fund 2013/14) for £10,228 paid through the BACS on 5 December 2013.

(c) Cash to Bank Reconciliation


That the contents of the cash to bank reconciliation sheet be noted.

Page 13 (d) Funding Opportunities/Attracting Grant Aid

The Community Investment Champion Working Group had no progress to report.

(e) Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Membership

The Council’s CPRE Membership was up for renewal. The subscription was £29 per annum.


That the Council’s Membership of CPRE be renewed for a further year at a cost of £29.


(a) Meetings Coming Up

• Cheshire Association of Local Council’s Area Meeting at 7pm on Wednesday, 29 January 2024 at Cheshire West and Chester Council’s HQ in Chester

Councillors Brian Kerr, Mrs JE Storrar and RA Storrar agreed to attend.


The content of the following correspondence was noted:

• Email dated 30 January 2014 from Andy White, Race Director, Active Leisure Events Limited informing that the Chester Half Marathon will be held on 18 May 2014 and asking if Members have any questions about the race, or would like him to attend a meeting to discuss it.

• Letter of thanks for the £30 donation towards the Friday Club Christmas Lunch.

• Letter dated 5 January 2014 from Mr and Mrs Brewin of The Poplars, Fiddlers Lane against the MUGA.


No circulars had been received.

Page 14