Talking Pictures by Horton Foote, the Fifthshow of the 2006-2007 Theatre Three Mainstage Season
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,, . Theatre Three's THEATRE THREE'S MAINSTAGE SEASON: Board of Directors CHEERING THE UNDERDOGS! Enika Schulze, Chair; Jae Alder, D'Metria Benson, Roland The FullMon by Da 1d Yazbek and Terrence cNallv July 20-August 20 Did YJ>U see it? " e unde�_ylng theme ls ab�ut g�ining self-respect as wen as e�rning some flucks, & Virginia Dykes, Gary W. and cl1reotor/choreographer. 11;'11ct,aelSerreCGh1a slays firmlyon-tnessage here. Betweenthe · R-rated jokes and pelvic ttir\Ists,tl'lere's genuine poignancy. You want these guys IQ be a hit." - Perrystew- Grubbs, Jeannine Lee, David art, FortWorth Star-Telegram. G. Luther, Sonja J. McGill, Shanna Nugent, Elizabeth v;eux Carreb Tennessee Williams September 14-0etober 15 The Dream Cafe D,id you see It? • � e first ef four WIiliams praductions.he(eab0uts over Che next month establishes a Rivera, Eileen Rosenblum, 2800 Routh Street high standard for the ottiersto keep up." - Lawson Taitte, The DallasMorning News. · Ph.D., Jeff Sanders, Janet Dallas, Texas 75201 Spencer Shaw, Katherine Next door to Theatre Three Glorious!by Peter Quilter November 9 - December 10 Did you see it? "Connie Ceil se good at being very_bad that her performancepaY.s ho111age not only Ward, Karen Washington, Sam 214-956-0486 10. th.e PQWerof illusion overllfe ,but also to the music she so skillfully slaughters. She ma�es you howl." - 'GlennAmery; People ivewspapers1 Yang, Patsy P. Yung We gladly take reservations Democraq b Michael Frayn . January 4-F�bruary 4 . for theatre-goers in a hurry Did you see 1 ? " he· performaneesar� e�c:ell�nt1 and no actor achievestoo much salience, as befits an ensemble piete. llke this6ne ...Theatr e, Threedeserves congratulations forgiving this all-male play The playbill is a publication of Theatre Three, Inc. 2800 Routh Street, Suite #168 Dallas, Texas 75201. about power such an imagiha�ve and lucid treatment." - Glenn :Amery,People Newspapers This Theatre Three playbill is published for: • Talking Pictures by Horton Foote, the fifthshow of the 2006-2007 Theatre Three Mainstage Season. Ta/kin Pictures b Horton Foote Februarv 22 - March 25 • The Big Bang by Jed Feuer & Boyd Graham, the fourth show of the 2006-2007 Theatre Too Season. ln 1929, he divoreedJc1w pia111st at thepicture show is abo.ur. to l@se her Job: the talkies are coming. And she's about lo lose Ilerteen-aged son: hes fallingfor his·father's empty_ promises . Harrison, Cover art is by Jae Alder and Buzz Print. Show artworkby Susan Holden, and subscription brochure Texas, li�e the whole Gountry, dealingis wilh the.uncertainty the depression is thrustingupon it. So design by Joanna Holden of I] 214. 526. 7356. Playbill editors: Jae Alder and Kimberly Richard now.fs ,t that th1slar;ly llves a fife of hope? f)esp,!J3her un.rt.erdog c1rcumstanoos1 or p_,erbapsbecause Mo,..,,._Jlll,. of them, she mustersthe resolve, even daresto hope forthe . kind oflove and appreciation everyone needs to findin tough times. 1 The Odd Couo/e b, Neil Simon April 12 - M�y 13 The 2006-2007 S S Two mid-/ife New Yorkersfas mismatchea in roommatelife as theyhad b.een in 1/f.eirm artiarJesJ I InspiredNell Simon to create A,merioa1s favorite·'fheatre, couple. His play inspited a gff!a(teTe vision show. Whars easy Ip forget, beeau� of the belovedTV seriesabout the underdogs, ts 1ust how excruciatinglyfunny and onrfarget th'e.original play is freshitssiluatibn and one-linersate for (iJlJt19alht'1 �Jnilt!J Jthr� any generation of actorsto get Jo perform. And for audiences to rediscover! Dallas TACA Theatre Three is supported by its Board of Directors, by subscribers, by funds from the City of Caroline, Or Chanae by Tonv Kushner and Jean·ne Tesori May 31-July 1 Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs, and The Texas Commission on the Arts. Supporters also in Excitiny, compl,ex, s.omefim-essµr:real and 9/ways theatrlea/1 this mus,eal storyenters the worldof a blac� maid woif(tf!g furwefl-to.-do a Louisiana family, On the natfonal stage, {fie.era of ciVII rightsls clude TACA. Major corporate season sponsors include American Airlines, The Dallas Morning JJ./aymg@ut: Dr. f<mg freedem ndes Supreme Courl debates, and·church bombings. But underdog f:aro/,neIs playing out the right a'hdwrong, of "flthat In the /aund_ryro@m of the rifce pe.ople (or whom. News, and WFAA Channel 8. For more information about Theatre Three's corporate sponsor sfiewocks. Theyoung son et the family, estrangedfrom his new stepmo'ther, r;e/ieson tier. Can Caro, ship program, please contact Jae Alder at 214-871-3300, #2. line squareher dreEJmswith the b.oy'sas her,own life ·changes with the times? A superbmusical score floodsthe stage with all the passion of· m.eme.ntoustimes in tflis greatnew muslcal. IN MEMORIAM Contributions have been made in memoryof, or fromthe estates of... Sam & Shirley Jones Caller, Margaret Hatcher Coit, Bill Dallas, William T. Dobson, Scott Everheart, Javad Fiuzat M.D., Paula Goodlet, Oliver Hailey, Lloyd W. Kitchens Jr. M.D., Anne Weeks Jackson, Jim Jackson, Lynn Mathis, Masha Porte, Carolyn Ryburn, Frank Rey, Mary Blanche Scales, Charlotte E. Schumacher, Lynn Townsley, May Tweed, Audrey B. Waite, Evelyn Wilke, Martha Roselyn Wright, and Norma Young. EXCERPTS OF AN INTERVIEW WITH HORTON FOOTE in a 2006 interview with The Daily Gazette's Jack Rightmyer, Horton Foote talks about his hometown, writing for film and television, and one of his favorite projects, adapting To Kill A Mockingbirdfor the screen ... "'Those were exciting years to be involved in television: said Foote. "There was little money to be made. When I wrote the teleplay forThe Trip to Bountiful I made less than $5,000, but actors, writers and producers had a lot of freedom."ln those early days of television shows were produced much like the theatre. "Many shows were live," he said, "and they were produced in a small studio. We could take chances and e�eriment. Lillian Gish told me early television was like the early days of film," said Foote, when the technology to edit film came along and television moved to the coast. Although he admits to being a creature of the theatre, he does acknowledge that writing screenplays has brought him much success."! prefer to adapt my own plays to film," he said, "but I have adapted the work of others. I'll do that if the story connects with me. When you adapt another work you have to get into someone else's skin and ' that's not always very easy." The book To Kill A Mockingbirdby Harper Lee was something he desperately wanted to adapt. "From the moment I by Horton Foote read the book I felt that Harper Lee's town was just like my town," he said. "I knew these characters."He also knew Artistic Staff at the time the movie was going to be something special. "We had a verycreative team from the director Robert Mulligan to the producer Alan Pakula and especially Gregory Peck," said Foote. "Everyone who worked on that film Director Kerry Cole • felt it was important.It wasn't just a movie." Set Design Jae Alder & Barbara Murrell Since that movie came out Harper Lee has given only a handful of interviews, but she has always praised Horton Lighting Design Tristan Decker Foote's adaptation. "She and I hit it off right away in our first meeting," said Foote, "and we've become close friends Costume Design Michael Robinson Sound Design through the years."Harper Lee had complete faith in him to write the screenplay. "After the first meeting she said, Richard Frohlich 'Go home and write the screenplay."'According to Foote, Harper Lee was an observerbut not involved in the mak Cast ing of the film, and when it was made she spoke veryfavorably of it. "And there's absolutely no truth that Truman Gerard Anderson John Victor Allen Capote helped her write that book," laughed Horton Foote. "Harper Lee is the soul of integrity." Pete Reese Arrington Although he has lived most of his life in New York City he still findsthe setting for his stories to be the fictional town Mr. Jackson *Vince Davis of Harrison, Texas, which closely resembles his hometown of Wharton."! don't sentimentalize where I grew up," said Katie Bell Emily Jackson Foote, "but it's a landscape I know filled with people I know."HortonFoote learned many years ago how to live mod Myra Renee Krapff estly as a writer. "Success is never about how much money you make," he said. "I've never gotten involved with an Estaquio Michael Madrinkian expensive or Hollywood lifestyle."He also considers himself to be verylucky to have had a blessed marriage of over Vesta Allison Pistorius 60 years to a woman who encouraged him to take risks with his writing even when he could have taken on a project Gladys Jody Rudman that would have paid much more money."Writing doesn't always make you rich in money earned," said Foote, "but Ashenback Scott Smith you can become rich in many other ways." Willis *Derik Webb Mrs. Jackson *Wendy Welch The Staff of Theatre Three Production Staff Administration AEA Stage Manager • Jae Alder ExecutiveProduoor-Director JacAlder Company ManaQer Terry Dobson Master Scenic Artist Barbara Murrell Director ol Bus ness Alfairs Joan Sleight Computer Services Manager Nick Rusning Production Manager & Propmaster Linda Harrison Director or Publications& Comm1,mlcaUons K mbert�Richard Master Electrician Leann Ellis Webmaster Cl,lft Sleight In-House Accountant Wendy "wan Production Assistant **Mark C. Guerra ExecutiveAdministrative Assistant Adele Acrey Master Carpenterr JeffreySchmidt Production Crew **Andrew Phifer, Danielle Pickard Production Director or Deslgn JacAlder Musical Direcfor Terry Dobson Production Manager Linda Harrison Scene Synopsis Master CafP(lnler Jeffrey Schmidt lnlem Staff Mark C.