
284 NATURE MARCH 4, 1944, VoL. 153 Mathematics of Biological Assay represent the potency of a test preparation relative to a standard, when, in fact, the relative potency depends IF in a biological assay the mean responses, Yn• Yn• on the level of response at which a comparison is of two groups of n animals to doses of a standard made. preparation the logarithms of which are Xw Xu, are The standard error of M, as given by equation ( 2), is1 compared with the mean responses, y 21, Ys•• to doses of the preparation under test the logarithms of which - 8d. /R• + s• 8M- ±R•V-n-· are x21, x22, it is often possible to express the relation• ship between dosage and response adequately by the equations: For any chosen level of probability a value of t may be obtained corresponding to the number of degrees Y1 =a+ bx, Y 2 = a + b(x - M), (l) of freedom on which 8 is based ; provided that in which M is a constant difference between log• g = t 28 2/nR 2 is small, the fiducial limits to M are doses producing equa.l responses. It is usual to choose M ± fBM, but when g is large the precise formula pairsofdoseshaving a fixed ratio, so that (xu - x 11)= (xu - Xo1) = d. Writing M _ _jf__ Sd tsd . /R•(l _g)+ s• I- g R ± R 2(l- g)V n R t(Y•• - Yu + Yu - Yu), S = t(Y•• + Y•1 - Yu - Yu), must be used. and T = !(Y•• - Y21 - Yu + Yu), D . .r. FINNEY. it may be shown that M is estimated by Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Herts. M = !(x X - X - x ) - SdfR, (2) 22 + 21 12 11 Feb. 4. since Rfd is the estimated increase in response per 1 1 Bliss, C. I., and Marks, H. P., Quart. J. Pharm. PhrJ,rmlcol., 11, 192 unit increase in log-dose • In a recent communica• (1939). tion•, E. C. Wood has shown that, if a quadratic 1 Wood, E. C., NATURE, 153, 84 (1944). term is added to the response curves, still keeping the condition that there shall be a constant ratio between equally effective doses, so that 2 Tautomerism of Y 1 =a+bx+cx•, Y 2 =a+b(x-M)+c(x-M) , (3) equation (2) still estimates M. THE constitution of cyanamide, since its first It would be unfortunate if this interesting fact were synthesis in 1851, has been the subject of a very large allowed to conceal the limited applicability of the number of publications. the chemical pro• four-point assay. Equat1ons (I) express the hypothesis perties of this substance point to the structures that the responses are related to the log-doses NH2CN and NH : C : NH, its physical properties are by two parallel straight lines, and the data them• held1 to favour the former. The modern tendency selves provide a test of the adequacy of this is to regard cyanamide as a mixture of these isomers hypothesis. T is a measure of the departure from in tautomeric equilibrium•, with the position of parallelism of the straight lines connecting the equilibrium considerably in favour of the cyanide responses to the pairs of doses ; if 8 is the residual structure. standard error in an analysis of variance of the The equilibrium NH2CN NH : C : NH is a responses by the 4n animals (differences correspond• special case of amidine tautomerism, and the tauto• ing to doses and to litters or any other relevant meric behaviour of amidines has already been corre• classification having been eliminated), the standard lated" with their associated (-bond) struc• error of T, as also of R and S, is sfyn, and the ture. Since many of the physical properties of cyan• significance of T may then be judged by a t-test. amide are consistent with a high degree of molecular Equations (3) express the hypothesis that the association, it appeared of interest to examine the responses are related to the log-doses by quadratic molecular condition of cyanamide and its N-sub• curves, still with the condition that the curves are stituted derivatives to see whether a similar correla• identical save for a constant ratio of potencies ; the tion prevailed. A sufficient number of cyanamide four parameters, a, b, c and M, may be determined derivatives has now been examined to provide over• so that equations (3) reproduce the experimental mean whelming support for this suggestion, namely, that responses exactly, leaving no degrees of freedoll! for the tautomerism of cyanamide and its mono· assessing the adequacy of the hypothesis. may substituted derivatives (RNHCN RN : C : NH) is sometimes be strong a priori reasons for believing due to their molecular association. that the standard and test preparations have response Molecular weight measurements have been made curves of identical form, in spite of a difference in cryos09pically in solution, or, in cases where potency; a quadratic equation such as (3) may then the was too low at the freezing point of be a sufficiently good approximation, even when a benzene, in . Cyanamide itself was not linear is unsatisfactory, and the relative potency is sufficiently soluble in either solvent to give reliable estimated as the antilogarithm of the expression in results, and was measured cryoscopically in nitro• equation {2). Without this belief, it is unjustifiable benzene solution. In spite of the donor character to assume the existence of a constant relative potency, of this solvent, and its consequent tendency to and the four-point.assay cannot give a valid result simplify the solute , a 2 per cent solution unless a low value ofT indicates thtt adequacy of the of cyanamide in nitrobenzene showed an association hypothesis expressed by equations (1). In all cases of factor of well over 2 ·0. Molecular weight determina· uncertainty it is desirable to test at least three doses tions have been made oa more than a dozen N• of both preparations, so that more information on substituted . which are found to fall into the response curve may be obtained. Without such two distinct classes : those posseilSing an unsub· precautions, a spurious simplicity may appear in the stituted hydrogen atom (RNHCN) are markedly results of an assay, a single figure being said to a.ssooia.ted, their molooular weight rising rapidly with

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