Number of Country Department Partner Institution of Higher Education Erasmus code outgoing Study cycle code students IF Applied Informatics Neapolis University Pafos CY PAFOS01 CY 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics Mendel University in Brno CZ BRNO02 CZ 2 I; II; III IF Applied Informatics CZ OSTRAVA02 CZ 2 I ; II ; III IF Applied Informatics University of Pardubice CZ PARDUB01 CZ 2 I;II;III IF Applied Informatics Goethe University Frankfurt am Main D FRANKFU01 DE 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics University of Mannheim D MANNHEI01 DE 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics University of Regensburg D REGENSB01 DE 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics Zittau/Goerlitz University of Applied Sciences D ZITTAU01 DE 3 I IF Applied Informatics University of Alcala E ALCAL-H01 ES 1 I ; II ; III IF Applied Informatics University of the Basque Country E BILBAO01 ES 2 I IF Applied Informatics University of Valencia E VALENCI01 ES 2 I IF Applied Informatics Polytechnic University of Valencia E VALENCI02 ES 2 I IF Applied Informatics University of Paris Dauphine F PARIS009 FR 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics University of Paris 13 F PARIS013 FR 2 I ; II, III IF Applied Informatics EPITECH - Paris Graduate School of Digital Inovation F PARIS360 FR 5 I ; II IF Applied Informatics National Institute for Applied Sciences, Rouen (INSA) F ROUEN06 FR 2 I; II; III IF Applied Informatics HR SPLIT01 HR 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics Szechenyl Istvan University HU GYOR01 HU 1 I; II IF Applied Informatics University of Genova I GENOVA01 IT 4 II ; III IF Applied Informatics University of Salento I LECCE01 IT 2 I ; II ; III IF Applied Informatics University of Naples Federico II I NAPOLI01 IT 2 I; II; III IF Applied Informatics Rezekne University of Applied Sciences LV REZEKNE02 LV 2 I ; II ; III IF Applied Informatics Goce Delcev University MK STIP01 MK 2 I; II University of Southeastern Norway (previously Telemark IF Applied Informatics NO 1 I University College) N KONGSBE02 IF Applied Informatics Lusofona P PORTO57 PT 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics University of Bialystok PL BIALYST04 PL 2 I,II,III IF Applied Informatics AGH University of Science and PL KRAKOW02 PL 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics University of Economics and Innovation (WSEI) PL LUBLIN09 PL 2 I ; II ; III IF Applied Informatics Romanian-American University RO BUCURES18 RO 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics Babes-Bolyai University RO CLUJNAP01 RO 2 I; II; III IF Applied Informatics University of Turku SF TURKU01 FI 1 I ; II ; III IF Applied Informatics Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School SI LJUBLJA08 SI 2 II ; III IF Applied Informatics Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica SK BANSKA01 SK 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava SK TRNAVA02 SK 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics Karabuk University TR KARABUK01 TR 2 I ; II IF Applied Informatics Istanbul Aydin University TR ISTANBU25 TR 2 I IF and Statistics University of Leoben A LEOBEN01 AT 1 II IF Mathematics and Statistics University of Ostrava CZ OSTRAVA02 CZ 2 I ; II ; III IF Mathematics and Statistics University of Mannheim D MANNHEI01 DE 2 I ; II IF Mathematics and Statistics University of Wurzburg D WURZBUR01 DE 2 I ; II IF Mathematics and Statistics University of the Basque Country E BILBAO01 ES 2 I IF Mathematics and Statistics University of Zaragoza E ZARAGOZ01 ES 2 I ; II IF Mathematics and Statistics National Institute for Applied Sciences, Rouen (INSA) F ROUEN06 FR 2 I; II IF Mathematics and Statistics University of Split HR SPLIT01 HR 2 I ; II IF Mathematics and Statistics Goce Delcev University MK STIP01 MK 2 I; II IF Mathematics and Statistics University of Bialystok PL BIALYST04 PL 2 I, II IF Mathematics and Statistics Istanbul Aydin University TR ISTANBU25 TR 2 I IF Mathematics and Statistics Karabuk University TR KARABUK01 TR 2 I IF Mathematics and Statistics Karadeniz Technical University TR TRABZON01 TR 2 I ; II IF Mathematics and Statistics Karadeniz Technical university TR TRABZON01 TR 3 I ; II