6th October 2020,

Dear Parents / Carers of Year 6 pupils,

I trust and hope that you and your families are well? Owning to the restrictions placed on groups of individuals coming together as a result of the ongoing COVID -19 pandemic we will not be able to hold our annual Open Evening. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. However, it is important that the health and wellbeing of our must take priority during these challenging times. In response to this we will be producing a virtual open evening, which will include videos and virtual tours of the school. This will be ready to view by October half term.

Our school prospectus is available on our website and can be accessed via the following link.


We will also be holding a virtual Q and A session for all prospective parents on Monday 12th October at 5.30pm. This will be an opportunity to meet with and ask any questions to members of the Senior Leadership team. This meeting can be accessed via the link below,

https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_YTI4MzZiNzEtYzMxNC00YTQ1LTk5ZjUtY2Q0MGMyMWY2ZTQ5%40t hread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%224f3f0e52-b734-4164-9409- 1b601d147993%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b9192d30-cdcc-4368-bcda- 098f4e2ca4c8%22%7d

Please see the attached leaflet for key dates.

The application process for admissions is managed by Local Authority. A reminder that the deadline for applications is Wednesday 25th November 2020.

I look forward to meeting with you soon,

Kind regards,

Phil Collins - Headteacher

Headteacher / Prifathro: Mr Philip Collins BEd (Hons), MA, NPQH

Abersychan School | Ysgol Abersychan | Incline Road, Abersychan, , Torfaen, NP4 7DF Telephone / Ffôn: 01495 773068 | E-mail / E-Bost: [email protected]