Friday 30Th September 2016
FRIDAY, 30TH SEPTEMBER, 2016 The Parliament resumed at 9.30 a.m. pursuant to adjournment. HONOURABLE SPEAKER took the Chair and read the Prayer. PRESENT All Honourable Members were present, except the Honourable Attorney-General and Minister for Economy, Public Enterprises, Civil Service and Communications; the Honourable Minister for Forests and the Honourable A.T. Vadei. MINUTES HON. LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT IN PARLIAMENT.- Madam Speaker, I move: That the Minutes of the sitting of Parliament held on Thursday, 29th September, 2016, as previously circulated, be taken as read and be confirmed. HON. A. SUDHAKAR.- Madam Speaker, I beg to second the motion. Question put. Motion agreed to. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CHAIR Welcome HON. SPEAKER.- I welcome all Honourable Members to today’s sitting. I also welcome students from Corpus Christi Teachers College who are observing today’s proceedings. A special welcome to our friends from the West who are there in blue shirts, thank you for being here. Finally, I welcome members of the public who are joining us in the gallery and those who are watching proceedings on television and the internet and listening to the radio. Thank you for your interest in your Parliament. Daily Hansard – Thursday, 29/09/16 Honourable Members, I also advise that yesterday’s Daily Hansard will be slightly delayed and will be delivered as soon as practicable. 30th Sept., 2016 Presentation of Papers & Certain Documents 257 Senior Citizens Day – Saturday, 01/10/16 Honourable Members may be interested to know that tomorrow is Senior Citizens Day and I invite us all to think of our senior citizens and indeed encourage us all to continue to show them the love and respect they all rightly deserve.
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