

Eleanor Z. Wallace, Anne C. Carter

J Clin Invest. 1960;39(4):601-605. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI104073.

Research Article

Find the latest version: https://jci.me/104073/pdf STUDIES ON THE MECHANISM OF THE PLASMA 17-HYDROXY- ELEVATION INDUCED IN MAN BY ESTROGENS * BY ELEANOR Z. WALLACE AND ANNE C. CARTER (From the Department of Medicine, State University of New York, College of Medicine at New York City, and the Medical Service (Division II), Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y.) (Submitted for publication September 15, 1959; accepted December 4, 1959)

The administration of estrogens to man pro- . One male was studied during recovery from a elevation above normal levels myocardial infarction. duces sustained After appropriate control studies, the patients were of plasma 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OHCS) treated for periods of 2 weeks to 6 months with either (1, 2). The elevated levels of plasma 17-OHCS oral ethinyl (Estinyl), diethylstilbestrol or are associated with an augmented response of conjugated equine estrogens (Premarin). Only doses of these to exogenous of these preparations which uniformly elevated plasma plasma levels 17-OHCS levels above normal were used in the studies adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and with (Table I). Ethinyl estradiol 0.1 and 0.5 mg, diethylstil- a marked delay in the rate of clearance of exoge- bestrol 15 mg, and Premarin 10 mg, daily by mouth, nous from plasma (2). The last trimester all caused significant increases in the levels of plasma is associated with similar changes in 17-OHCS. of The effect of oral ethinyl estradiol, 0.5 mg daily, on levels of plasma 17-OHCS and in their response urinary of free and total 17-OHCS and of to exogenous ACTH (3-9). In the last trimester 17-ketosteroids was studied. Twenty-four hour urinary of pregnancy there is a variable increase in urinary excretion of steroids was determined in each patient be- 17-OHCS excretion, a decrease in the rate of fore therapy and again after plasma 17-OHCS levels had become elevated. All determinations were clearance of exogenous cortisol from plasma performed on 24-hour collected under refrigera- (9-11), a decrease in the rate of clearance of ex- tion. Urinary creatinine determinations were made on ogenous tetrahydrocortisone from plasma (11) all specimens by the method of Bonsnes and Taussky and an increase in corticosteroid-binding (13). Urinary 17-ketosteroids were measured by the Gibson and Norymberski modification (14) of the method (12). The apparently normal adrenal status of of Drekter and associates. Urinary 17-OHCS were de- pregnant women and of patients treated with termined before (free 17-hydroxycorticosteroids) and estrogens for long periods of time suggests that after (total 17-hydroxycorticosteroids) hydrolysis with the administration of estrogens to man elevates f3-glucuronidase,' by the modification of the Silber- of Peterson and colleagues (15). plasma 17-OHCS levels by altering the normal Porter technique of endogenous cortisol by a mecha- TABLE I nism similar to that seen in pregnancy. Studies Effect of various estrogen preparations on have been made of urinary 17-OHCS excretion, plasma 17-hydroxycorticosteroids of clearance of tetrahydrocortisone from plasma, Plasma 17-OHCS and of plasma corticosteroid-binding protein after Dose p.o. Subjects Control After therapy the administration of estrogens to man. Therapy mg/day no. pg/100 ml 0.1 5 23 1 5.0* 46 + 12.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS Ethinyl estradiol Ethinyl estradiol 0.5 18 15 4 6.0 58 :1: 18.1 The patients studied were primarily adult females 15.0 8 19 :1 4.1 54 + 10.1 ranging in age from 37 to 75 years, all of whom either Conjugated 10.0 5 24 41 4.8 42 :1: 5.0 had been surgically castrated or were at least 3 years estrogens past a spontaneous . A number of these sub- (Premarin) jects were patients with metastatic carcinoma of the * Mean 4 standard deviation. * This work was supported in part by a research grant from The National Institute, Bethesda, Md. 1 Ketodase, Warner-Chilcott. 601 602 ELEANOR Z. WALLACE AND ANNE C. CARTER The clearance from plasma of exogenous tetrahydro- was studied in 7 patients in whom plasma 17- OHCS levels had been elevated by estrogen therapy and X-i 100 in 4 control subjects. Seventy-five mg of crystalline 0 tetrahydrocortisone was dissolved in 7 to 8 ml of hot al- 2 80 cohol, added to 80 to 100 ml of normal saline and adminis- 60 tered intravenously over a period of 2 to 5 minutes. C) 50 x Plasma samples were obtained prior to and at approxi- 0 mately 20, 40, 60 and 90 minutes after each infusion. r- 40 Plasma 17-OHCS were determined by the method of .4 ,30II. Peterson and colleagues (15). 4 The binding of cortisol to a corticosteroid-binding globulin, , was kindly determined by Drs. 20 Sandberg and Slaunwhite by the method which they have described (12, 16). Binding was determined by dialyzing 10 ml of diluted plasma (1: 5 with physiological saline) against 30 ml of saline, containing approximately 0.3 ,sg 20 40 60 s0 90 of C14 cortisol at 4° C. Binding was also determined by TIME IN MINUTES the addition of 1 1Ag of cortisol to the saline in order to measure the decrease in the binding caused by the addi- FIG. 1. SEMILOGARITHMIC GRAPH OF RATE OF FALL OF tion of cortisol-"transcortin capacity." The binding ca- PLASMA 17-HYDROXYCORTICOSTEROIDS AFTER RAPID INTRA- pacity is inversely related to the decrease in binding VENOUS OF TETRAHYDROCORTISONE, 75 MG, IN caused by the addition of 1 Ag of cortisol. Plasma 17- FOUR NORMAL SUBJECTS. OHCS levels, transcortin-binding and transcortin ca- 12 of whom previ- pacity were measured in patients, 6 Mean urinary 17-ketosteroid excretion was unal- ously have been reported (16), before and at 2 to 3 day intervals after the institution of therapy. tered by estrogen therapy (p > 0.05). 2. Effect of the administration of estrogens upon RESULTS the clearance of exogenous tetrahydrocortisone from plasma. The rate of disappearance of intra- 1. Effect of oral ethinyl estradiol (0.5 mg per venously administered tetrahydrocortisone from day) upon urinary excretion of steroids. Ethinyl plasma of four control subjects and of seven pa- estradiol administration for periods of 2 to 4 tients in whom plasma 17-OHCS levels had been weeks resulted in a significant decrease (p < 0.01) elevated by the administration of either diethylstil- in the mean excretion of total urinary 17-hydroxy- bestrol or ethinyl estradiol is shown in Figures in nine patients studied (Table II). 1 and 2. The mean decline for each group is Since the excretion of free urinary 17-OHCS was shown in Figure 3. The group treated with estro- not significantly altered by the administration of gens cleared intravenously administered tetrahy- estrogens, the major decrease in urinary 17- drocortisone from blood at a significantly (p < OHCS appeared to be in the conjugated fraction. 0.01) slower rate than did the control group. The decline per minute of plasma 17-OHCS levels TABLE II was 1.86 and 0.69 per cent in the control and Urinary excretion before and after ethinyl estradiol * treated groups, respectively. 3. The effect of administration of estrogens upon Control Postestrogen the binding of cortisol to transcortin. The effects Patients excretion excretion Pt of ethinyl estradiol, diethylstilbestrol and Pre- no. mg/24 hrs mg/24 hrs marin on transcortin-binding of cortisol were Total urinary 9 4.3 4 1.41 3.1 4: 1.5 <0.01 17-OHCS identical (Table III). Therapy with these hor- Free urinary 8 0.51 it 0.19 0.67 :i 0.46 >0.05 mones produced an increase in the percentage of 17-OHCS cortisol bound to transcortin from mean levels Urinary 6 8.2 1 3.5 7.7 1 2.3 >0.05 17-KS of 90 4.1 per cent cortisol bound before therapy to 97 1.4 per cent bound after therapy when * Per os, 0.5 mg per day. levels of plasma 17-OHCS had become elevated t Determined by t test. t Mean 41 standard deviation. (p < 0.01). In addition, estrogen therapy pro- EFFECT OF ESTROGENS ON 17-HYDROXYCORTICOSTEROID METABOLISM 603

+ 200 in the control subjects and of 12 2.6 per cent bound in the patients treated with estrogens. The increase in transcortin-binding capacity was significant at the 1 per cent level as determined o 10C by the t test.

0 TABLE III 6a En Effect of estrogen therapy on binding of cortisol 5C (F) to transcortin in 12 patients 0 ,_. 4C 40 Before therapy During therapy X 30 4 Plasma 17-OHCS (,ug/ 20 4 5.7* 50 i 11.8 100 ml) 20 Cortisol binding before 90 4.1 97 ± 1.4 1 ,ug F (% bound) Decrease in % bound 23 i 3.9 12 d 2.6 after 1 Mug F

Z0 40 60 80 90 * :1 TIME IN MINUTES Mean standard deviation.

FIG. 2. SEMILOGARITHMIC GRAPH OF RATE OF FALL OF DISCUSSION PLASMA 17-HYDROXYCORTICOSTEROIDS AFTER RAPID INTRA- VENOUS INJECTION OF TETRAHYDROCORTISONE, 75 MG, IN There has been increased interest in alterations SEVEN ESTROGEN-TREATED SUBJECTS. in the metabolism of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OHCS) induced by pregnancy and by the ad- duced a significant increase in transcortin-binding ministration of estrogens in man. The demonstra- capacity when this was determined by the sup- tion that orally administered diethylstilbestrol pro- pression of binding following the addition of 1 duced elevations of plasma 17-OHCS levels (1) jug of cortisol (F) to the binding system. There in man has led to a number of studies designed to was a mean decrease of 23 3.9 per cent bound define the mechanism of these increases. The description by Daughaday (17-19) of a specific corticosteroid-binding globulin in human plasma has stimulated investigations of the ef- ICDO0 fects of pregnancy and of estrogen administration 0so upon the protein-binding of plasma 17-OHCS. 6so- Slaunwhite and 550 Sandberg (12, 16), using differ- -1 ent conditions of have increases 4SO ESTROGEN TREATED SUBJECTS dialysis, reported in a corticosteroid-binding protein (transcortin) 330O during the administration of diethylstilbestrol and

220O NORMAL SUBJECTS ethinyl estradiol. In the studies reported here, in- creases in the percentage of cortisol bound to transcortin and in transcortin-binding capacity

In t I -. are shown to occur with the administration of 20 40 60 80 90 TIME IN MINUTES Premarin as well as with diethylstilbestrol and FIG. 3. COMPARISON OF TETRAHYDROCORTISONE CLEAR- ethinyl estradiol. Evidence that the elevated ANCE RATES IN CONTROL AND ESTROGEN-TREATED SUBJECTS. Porter-Silber chromogens present after estrogen Solid lines indicate calculated means for the four con- therapy are cortisol has been reported by Peter- trol and seven estrogen-treated subjects. Stippled area son on the basis of isotope dilution and isotope indicates the extreme limits of variation for the con- derivative assays of the plasma cortisol (20). trol group. The mean percentage decreases of plasma 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels per minute for estrogen- If cortisol bound to corticosteroid-binding pro- treated subjects is significantly less than that for control tein is physiologically "inactive" and less avail- subjects at thle 1 per cent level. able for metabolic disposal than is unbound corti- 604 ELEANOR Z. WALLACE AND ANNE C. CARTER sol (12), then many of the changes in 17-OHCS tabolism during pregnancy and estrogen adminis- metabolism induced by estrogens may be explained tration remains to be defined. Although many of by increased binding of plasma cortisol to a the changes in steroid metabolism noted in both specific globulin. Increased levels of plasma 17- situations can be adequately explained by in- OHCS, without clinical evidence of hyper- or creases in corticosteroid-binding protein, the data hypoadrenocorticism, imply the presence of in- do not exclude the possibility of other contributing creased levels of protein-bound cortisol and nor- mechanisms. mal amounts of cortisol not bound to the specific binding protein. The absence of adrenal sup- SUMMARY pression, as manifested by augmented response of Estrogen administration to man in adequate levels of plasma 17-OHCS to ACTH, further dosage produces: suggests that the "active" moiety of circulating 1. Elevation above normal of plasma 17-hy- cortisol is not present in excess. These findings droxycorticosteroid (17-OHCS) levels and ex- suggest that the circulating increased levels of cessive rise of these steroids after intravenous plasma 17-OHCS do not suppress the pituitary ACTH without clinical hyperadrenocorticism. or adrenal glands. 2. Decreased urinary excretion of conjugated The quantitatively exaggerated rise in levels of 17-OHCS. 17-OHCS after corticotropin may be explained, 3. Delay in rate of clearance from plasma of at least in part, by the delay in clearance of cor- exogenous cortisol and tetrahydrocortisone. tisol from plasma. The delayed plasma clearance 4. Increase in cortisol-binding to corticosteroid- of cortisol is presumably due to the decreased binding (transcortin) and in transcortin- availability of the transcortin-bound fraction of binding capacity. This mechanism can explain the cortisol for metabolism and conjugation by the reported findings, excepting the diminished rate . The decrease in conjugated urinary 17- of clearance from plasma of exogenous tetrahy- OHCS may also be explained by such a sequence drocortisone which remains unexplained by the of events. The unchanged levels of free cortisol data reported. in the found in this study are compatible state with the clinically normal adrenal of patients ACKNOWLEDGMENTS receiving estrogens. The delayed clearance of exogenous tetrahydro- The authors are indebted to Dr. Avery A. Sandberg, in Roswell Park Memorial Institute, for the transcortin- cortisone, a steroid not bound any significant binding determinations and to Mr. Robert Israel and degree by corticosteroid-binding globulin (18), Dr. John Fertig of the Department of Biostatistics, cannot be explained by increases in the binding Columbia University, for their invaluable help in the capacity of this protein. The existence of a pro- statistical analyses. tein-binding system for tetrahydrocortisone, as Estinyl and Premarin were generously supplied by The Schering Corporation, and Ayerst, McKenna and yet undescribed, which may be influenced by the Harrison, respectively. Tetrahydrocortisone was gen- administration of estrogens, should be considered. erously supplied by Merck, Sharp and Dohme; and The There is evidence for a diversity of protein-bind- Upjohn Company. ing systems affected by estrogens in the reported The technical assistance of James McCarrick and increases in thyroid-binding globulin induced by Joel Spivak is gratefully acknowledged. the administration of diethylstilbestrol (21). REFERENCES The similarity in changes produced by adequate 1. Taliaferro, I., Cobey, F., and Leone, L. Effect of doses of estrogens and those that occur spontane- diethylstilbestrol on plasma 17-hydroxycorticos- ously in pregnancy is striking. All of the al- teroid levels in humans. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. terations in steroid metabolism induced by ad- (N. Y.) 1956, 92, 742. ministration of estrogens, except for the decrease 2. Wallace, E. Z., Silverberg, H. I., and Carter, A. C. 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