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The Province of announces a competition of ideas for the creation of a logo capable of synthesizing the contents of the project &2/(&20$1&2/ODERUDWLYH(&2V\VWHP0$1DJHPHQW - (Gestione partecipata degli Ecosistemi Comuni) – financed on the field of the communitarian initiative INTERREG III A GREECE- – Measure 3.1.

The project COLECOMAN sets to oneself the double object to reinforce the net Nature 2000 in the region of the lower Adriatic and of the upper reaches of the Ionic and to improve the management of eight sites included in the net Nature 2000 in Greece (Region of Epirus) and in Italy (Province of Brindisi).

The nucleus of the project consists on the collaborative management, based on the research of an ample consent between the different stakeholders, of the seas and seaboard ecosystems. These areas to protect has been individuated on the base of the principal common menace, that is essentially constitutes from the anthropogenic action (or from the human beings) and derives in large instance from the pollution and from the agricultural , the fishing and the tourist activities.

The project so will give an ample contribute to the creation and to the reinforcement of discussion platforms and to the comparison between the local participants, to the formulation of accords on themes of the conservation and of the development of economic activities in protect areas and to the transfer of competences to the human local resources on preparing and execute plans of action and guide lines on the management of sites.

The Province of Brindisi is leader project instead Italian partners in the initiative are the Consortium of Management of Torre Guaceto and the Communes of Brindisi, and . The Greek partners are the Body of Management of Amvrakikos, the Body of Management of Kalamas-Acheron, ETANAM (Agency of Development of the Prefectures of Arta and Preveza) and the Prefectures of Ioannina and Thesprotia.

$UWLFOH2EMHFWLYHVRI&RPSHWLWLRQ The competition of ideas has as object the selection of a mark formed by a logo or by a logo and a slogan that explain the characteristics and the peculiarity of the project &2/(&20$1, putting in evidence as possible as, a level of the graphic representation, the role that the partners involved

assume as promoters of the collaborative management of the seas and seaboard ecosystems. The mark, in fact, will be used to distinguish all the paper and informatics documentation connected with the activities expected from the project &2/(&20$1.


The competition is open to everybody who has an interest to participate.

Are not admitted to the competition: - the members of the jury, still less their consorts and their relatives until the third grade of relationship; - the employees of all administrations and of all the other body (both Greek and Italian) partners of the project.

The participation could happen in single form or in job groups. Every participant or group of participants could send only a mark, punishment the exclusion from the competition.


Is given free hand to the participants to characterise in the way retained more opportune the subject of the logo. For the sake merely indicative it makes present that the logo could content, in graphical form stylized, an element unequivocally representative of the territories involved (ex. geographical, historic, architectonic references), that are connected to the contents of the project &2/(&20$1.

The eventual slogan (logotype) must be composed from a maximum of four words.

The mark, anyhow composed (logo or logo and slogan) must have the characteristics of the originality. The colours of the mark,understood like inseparable union between graphical logo and logotype, must be realized in four–colour process and in black and white, kipping in consideration that the previous application will happen principally on a clear background .

The mark must be also susceptible of reduction or of enlargement, but without missing of communicative force. It must be easily memorized realizing the maximum cohesion possible between the graphical part and the words used.

The mark, so, must therefore be used in variable dimension from a minimum of 4 cm squares to a maximum of 1 metre square. To this aim is allowed to create alternative form of fusion between the graphical logo and the logotype.

$UWLFOH(ODERUDWHVUHTXLUHG  The candidates must present the following elaborates: x a descriptive relation of the projected idea in Italian or English language; x no. 1 graphical elaborate of the mark in colours on a format A4 on a white background; x no. 1 graphical elaborate of the mark in black and white on a format A4 on a white background. x The mark must be presented also on magnetic support (CD Rom or floppy disk) in the formats jpeg, png e tiff.

  $UWLFOH&RPSRVLWLRQRIWKH-XU\  The works will be examined from an apposite jury composed from: x Giovanni Antelmi, Directing of Communitarian Politics Services of the Province of Brindisi and Responsible of the project COLECOMAN, with the function of the President; x Irini Loi, coordinator of the project COLECOMAN for the ETANAM S.A. (Agency of Development of the Prefectures of Arta and of Preveza); x Egbert Gerrit Topper, collaborator of the Province of Brindisi.

As well the mansions of the secretary of the jury, without right of vote, will be carry out from Mr. Marco Raffaelli, Administrative Instructor by the Communitarian Politics Services of the Province of Brindisi.

$UWLFOH6HOHFWLRQRIWKHPDUN  The commission will select the elaborates kipping in consideration, as well as everything already indicated in the paragraph of statute no. 4, of the following rules: x originality, clarity and efficacy of the computer graphics; x connection to the contents of the project &2/(&20$1; x efficacy of the communicative aspects; x reproducibility on all types of media (television, print, internet, etc.).

The judgement of the jury will be unappealable.

$UWLFOH8WLOL]DWLRQRIWKHPDUN  The author of the first three marks selected from the jury, at the moment of the adjudgement of the prize, will cede all rights of property and of utilization, also economic, to the Province of Brindisi. No ulterior right, apart from the prizes which in the paragraph of statute no. 9, will be recognized from the authors of the marks prizewinner.

The mark that will be classified at the first place, in any way, will constitute the logo for all the activities realized in ambit of the project &2/(&20$1, putting beside, where is necessary, the logos of the Province of Brindisi, of the Region Puglia, of the European Union (Fond European of the Regional Development) and of the Communitarian Initiative INTERREG IIIA Greece – Italy.

The jury, apart from the first three marks, could select other marks as long as retained significant. In this case the compensation will have exclusively moral character and will consist in eventual exposition of the elaborates during the public manifestations (included that of the prizegiving), on the publications inherent to the project &2/(&20$1 (included the web site of the project) and on the web site of the Province of Brindisi.

$UWLFOH3UL]HV - 1st prize : euro 2.000,00 - 2nd prize : euro 300,00 - 3rd prize : euro 200,00

The prizes are intended to the gross of eventual VAT and of every fiscal retention and/or social security foreseen from the law. For the other selected proposals the prize will consist in the exposition during the eventual public manifestations, on publications inherent to the project &2/(&20$1 (included the web site of the project) and on the web site of the Province of Brindisi, like previous from the paragraph of statute no. 8.


The elaborates must be sent (will bear witness the postmark of sending) in sealed envelope, by hand or by postal service or by post, by 18th of June of 2007 at the following address:


$UWLFOH$QRQ\PLW\  In order to guarantee the anonymity, the elaborates could arrive, to penalty of nullity, in an apposite sealed envelope, without any indication of the sender, bringing outside (apart from, clearly, the address of the receiver) the bearing words: “CONCORSO DI IDEE PER LA REALIZZAZIONE DI UN MARCHIO PER IL PROGETTO COLECOMAN”.

The envelope, always to penalty of nullity, will contain at its inside other two sealed envelopes: 1. the first will contain the elaborates of which the paragraph of statute no. 5 and could report on the envelope a countermark constituted from eight numbers (numbers and/or words) apart from the bearing words “CONTIENE ELABORATI”; even more, the countermark of eight numbers must be reported in pencil on the back of every papery elaborate of which the paragraph of statute no. 4 contained in the envelope in question (for this aim must be evidenced the fact that the descript relation of which the paragraph of statute no. 4, penalty the exclusion, doesn’t have to report any reference to the proposing subject to prevent the individuation of the same); 2. the second envelope must report at the outside the same countermark reported on the first envelope and about the elaborates, instead at the inside will be inserted the personal dates of the authors, complete address, e-mail e telephone number .

$UWLFOH'LIIXVLRQRIWKHDQQRXQFHPHQW  The present announcement will be published by the municipal notice board of the Province of Brindisi, on the web site of the Province of Brindisi (www.provincia.brindisi.it), on web sites of the Greek and Italian partners of the project and will be published, through a press release on dailies and local television broadcasting stations.

$UWLFOH3XEOLFDWLRQRIWKHUHVXOWRIWKHFRPSHWLWLRQ  The result of the competition will be published by the municipal notice board of the Province of Brindisi and on the web site of the Province of Brindisi (www.provincia.brindisi.it), on web sites of Greek and Italian partners of the project and, and more, will be published, through a press release,

on dailies and local television broadcasting stations. The participants prizewinner or selected will be informed in writing of the result of the competition .

$UWLFOH3URSRVDOVQRWZLQQHU  All the proposals not prizewinner or selected could be retired personally near the office of Communitarian Politics Services of the Province of Brindisi, by two following months to the publication of the result of the competition by the municipal notice board of the Province of Brindisi. Over this term the Province of Brindisi will not be any more obliged to answer of the restitution and/or the conservation of the arrived proposals .

$UWLFOH)LQDOGLVSRVLWLRQV  The participation to this competition presupposes the integral acceptance of all disposed in the present announcement.


Brindisi, May 22nd 2007 The Directing responsible of Communitarian Politics Services of the Province of Brindisi Dott.Giovanni Antelmi