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1 Review: Placental and theirA roleCCEPTED in regulating MANUSCRIPT human fetal growth.


3 Padma Murthi

4 Department of Perinatal Medicine Pregnancy Research Centre and University of Melbourne Department of Obstetrics and

5 Gynaecology, Royal Women’s Hospital, Parkville, Victoria, 3052. Australia.




9 Key words: homeobox genes; trophoblast function; target genes; hormonal regulators; FGR







16 Corresponding Author:

17 Dr Padma Murthi, Department of Perinatal Medicine Pregnancy Research Centre and University of Melbourne Department of

18 Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Women’s Hospital, Parkville, Victoria, 3052. Australia. Tel: +61383453747; Fax:+61383453746. 19 Email: [email protected]. MANUSCRIPT 20








28 29 ACCEPTED 30







37 The regulation of fetal growth is multifactorial and complex. Normal fetal growth is determined by the genetically predetermined

38 growth potential and further modulated by maternal, fetal, placental, and environmental factors. The placenta provides critical transport

39 functions between the maternal and fetal circulations during intrauterine development. Formation of this interface is controlled by

40 several growth factors, cytokines and transcription factors including homeobox genes. This review summarises our current knowledge

41 regarding homeobox genes in the human placenta and their differential expression and functions in human idiopathic fetal growth

42 restriction (FGR). The review also describes the research strategies that were used for the identification of homeobox genes, their

43 expression in FGR, functional role and target genes of homeobox genes in the trophoblasts and the hormonal regulators of homeobox

44 expression in vitro. A better understanding of molecular pathways driven by placental homeobox genes and further elucidation of

45 signaling pathways underlying the hormone-mediated homeobox gene developmental programs may offer novel strategies of targeted

46 therapy for improving feto-placental growth in idiopathic FGR pregnancies.




2 48 1. Introduction ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT

49 During pregnancy, the placenta is the principal site of metabolic, respiratory, excretory and endocrine action. These functions provide

50 essential support for the growing fetus. The generation of distinct trophoblast cell types within the placenta is required to implement

51 the complex biological processes of implantation, maternal-fetal exchange and maternal tolerance to fetal-parental antigens. Failure in

52 any one of these functions is associated with a range of complications associated with human pregnancy disorders, including missed

53 abortion, miscarriage, fetal growth restriction (also known as intrauterine growth restriction), and pre-eclampsia [1-3].


55 The placenta is derived from two major cell lineages [4,5]. Cytotrophoblast stem cells originate from the trophectoderm, the outermost

56 epithelial cell layer of the blastocyst, which triggers attachment and implantation in the receptive maternal endometrium. Stromal cells

57 and blood vessels of the placenta are derived from the extra-embryonic mesoderm. The cytotrophoblast stem cells differentiate into

58 either the villous or the extravillous cytotrophoblast lineages. Villous cytotrophoblasts are found in the floating villi, which are present

59 in the intervillous space, and these cytotrophoblasts remain attached to the villous basement membrane to form a monolayer of

60 epithelial cells. These mononuclear cytotrophoblasts proliferate, differentiate and fuse to form the multinucleated syncytium of the

61 definitive placenta, the syncytiotrophoblast, which covers the entire surface of the villus. The syncytium is multi-functional and its

62 primary roles include absorption, exchange and transport of nutrients and gases from the maternal to the fetal circulation as well as the

63 production of pregnancy hormones. The multinuclear syncytium is the primary site of endocrine activity in the placenta and secretes

64 hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), human placental lactogen (hPL) and placental growth hormone (PGH), all of

65 which are important for placental growth and/or maternal adaptation to pregnancy [6-8]. 66 MANUSCRIPT 67 The extravillous cytotrophoblast lineage is derived from cytotrophoblast cells of the anchoring villi, which proliferate, detach from the

68 basement membrane and aggregate into multilayered columns of non-polarised cells that rapidly invade into the uterine wall. This

69 extravillous cytotrophoblastic invasion is confined to the decidua, the inner third of the myometrium, and the associated spiral

70 arterioles. Extravillous cytotrophoblast cells give rise to interstitial cytotrophoblasts, which invade the stroma of the decidua and parts

71 of the myometrium, and to endovascular cytotrophoblasts that migrate and invade along the wall of the uterine spiral arterioles. The

72 consequence of these processes is the remodelling of the uterine spiral arterioles to provide low resistance, high flow blood vessels,

73 allowing increased blood flow to the placenta to cope with the increasing nutritional demands of the rapidly growing fetus [9]. Thus,

74 differentiation of cytrophoblast cells is fundamental to normal human placental development. In particular, modification of the

75 maternal vessels by extravillous cytotrophoblasts, which replace the maternal endothelium, is thought to be critical for the successful 76 progression of pregnancy, ACCEPTEDsince reduced invasion of interstitial and endovascular cytotrophoblasts is associated with pre-eclampsia and 77 fetal growth restriction [10,11]. Thus, it is evident that elucidation of the key molecular mechanisms controlling trophoblast cell

78 lineage commitment and identification of regulators of cytotrophoblast differentiation in humans is crucial for our understanding of

79 normal and pathological placental development.


81 2. Transcriptional control of placental development

82 Growth factors and signalling molecules are the cues to which a cell responds, either by maintaining or altering its state of

83 differentiation. However, it is the transcription factors that act within the cell nucleus which determine how these cues are interpreted

3 84 and what the cellular response will be. TranscriptionACCEPTED factors achieve MANUSCRIPT this by regulating expression of their target genes within the cell.

85 Numerous transcription factors play essential roles in cellular development and differentiation of a variety of cell types, including the

86 trophoblast cell type in the placenta [5,12]. Transcription factors are categorised into a few large families such as the ,

87 , helix-loop-helix, helix-turn-helix and homeobox genes [13,14] and also include the ligand-activated nuclear

88 superfamily. Our interest is in one of the largest and most important groups of transcription factors called the superfamily of homeobox

89 genes. Several homeobox genes potentially control commitment and differentiation and were identified in human invasive extravillous

90 cytotrophoblasts [15,16]. Our present knowledge of homeobox transcription factors that are involved in human feto-placental growth

91 is summarised below.


93 3. Homeobox genes

94 Homeobox genes (also known as homeotic genes) were originally discovered in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, where they act

95 as transcriptional regulators to control embryonic development [reviewed in 17-19]. Homeobox genes contain a highly conserved 183

96 homeobox sequence, which encodes a 61 amino acid motif called the homeodomain. Structural analyses reveal that the

97 homeodomain consists of an evolutionarily conserved helix-turn-helix motif that binds to DNA. The specificity of this binding allows

98 homeodomain to activate or repress the expression of batteries of down-stream target genes [20]. Homeobox genes are

99 subdivided into the “clustered” homeobox genes known as “HOX’ genes, the “non-clustered” divergent or orphan HOX-like genes, as

100 well as several distinct classes of atypical homeodomain containing genes. Homeobox genes are grouped together into subfamilies

101 based on criteria such as their functional and structural characteristics. These subfamilies of homeobox genes are essential for the 102 control of specific aspects of placental growth and differentiation [3, 12, MANUSCRIPT 21]. 103

104 Homeobox genes are directly or indirectly involved in a variety of developmental disorders, diseases and cancers [reviewed in 22].

105 Deregulation of specific homeobox genes in cancer and other diseases provides support for the idea that homeobox genes are crucial

106 for normal mammalian development. Furthermore, characterisation of homeobox genes involved in disease progression may lead to a

107 greater understanding of the developmental mechanisms that are disrupted in a variety of disease states. Normal homeobox gene

108 expression is altered in various disease states. For example, decreased expression of Cdx2 is detected in the intestinal epithelium of

109 patients with colorectal cancers and decreased Meox2 expression is detected in brain endothelial cells of patients affected by

110 Alzheimer’s disease [22,23]. Thus, homeobox genes could be used as disease markers or potential therapeutic targets of diseases, such

111 as cancer, diabetic wound healing, lymphedema, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke due to atherosclerosis [24-26]. 112 ACCEPTED 113 4. Homeobox genes in human feto-placental development

114 Several homeobox genes affect placental and embryonic development. Murine knockout models provide genetic proof that homeobox

115 genes play a pivotal role in murine placental development. For example, targeted disruption of Dlx3, Esx1 and Tgif-1murine

116 homeobox genes result in placental maldevelopment and growth restricted phenotypes in embryos [27-29]. Therefore, understanding

117 the expression and localisation of homeobox genes in human placental development and their role in pregnancy pathologies including

118 fetal growth restriction (FGR) is highly important.

4 119 Our approach to understanding the molecularA pathwaysCCEPTED of homeobox MANUSCRIPT genes and their role in feto-placental growth was based on the

120 following strategy: (i) identifying the spatio-temporal expression pattern of homeobox genes in human placental development that have

121 been identified as regulators of cell fate decisions during embryonic development; (ii) determining whether specific homeobox gene

122 expression levels are altered in placentae from FGR-affected pregnancies compared to placentae from gestation-matched

123 uncomplicated pregnancies; (iii) creating in vitro models using manipulated placental cultured cells that “mimic” homeobox gene

124 expression changes detected in FGR placentae (the manipulation involves the use of loss- or gain-of-function phenotypes by RNA

125 interference systems or gene overexpression plasmids); (iv) identifying the targets of homeobox genes using in vitro cell culture

126 models; and (v) identifying hormonal regulators of homeobox genes. Similar strategies have been proven successful in identifying

127 transcriptional control of endocrine functions during murine placental development [reviewed in 3]. Therefore, identification of the

128 homeobox target genes, their targets and hormonal regulators in specialised cell types of the human placenta could reveal important

129 molecular pathways responsible for feto-placental growth. Using the strategy described above, we undertook extensive analyses of

130 homeobox genes in placentae from FGR-affected and uncomplicated, gestation-matched control pregnancies.


132 5. Homeobox genes in the human placenta

133 5.1. Spatio-temporal expression patterns of homeobox genes in the placenta

134 We and others have identified the potential importance of homeobox genes DLX3, DLX4, GAX, ESX1L, HLX and TGIF-1 in the human

135 placenta [27, 30-34]. These homeobox genes are also expressed in the embryo and play pivotal roles in embryonic development [29,

136 35, 36]. More specifically, we demonstrated that homeobox gene HLX is expressed primarily in proliferating cytotrophoblast cell types 137 during early placental development [32]. We also determined the expressionMANUSCRIPT profile of homeobox gene DLX3 and TGIF-1 in the 138 human placenta [33, 34]. In first trimester and term placentae, DLX3 and TGIF-1 localised to the nuclei of villous cytotrophoblast

139 cells, the syncytiotrophoblast layer and proliferating extravillous trophoblast cells in the proximal region of the invading cell columns.

140 The following section summarises our current knowledge of homeobox gene regulation in human feto-placental development,

141 specifically in human trophoblast cells and reveals novel mechanisms behind trophoblast dysfunction, which is observed in placentae

142 from FGR pregnancies.


144 5.2. Homeobox levels are changed in idiopathic FGR placentae compared with gestation-matched controls

145 The pattern of normal human fetal growth is complex. Evidence reveals that maximal growth rate for length is detected in the second

146 trimester, whereas the maximal rate of weight gain is detected early in the third trimester [37-39]. Using a clinically well-defined 147 cohort of FGR pregnancies,ACCEPTED we identified homeobox genes that showed differential gene expression in FGR-affected placentae 148 compared with gestation-matched control placentae. The cohort of FGR-affected pregnancies used for our studies was carefully

149 defined in clinical terms, representing the severe end of the spectrum for idiopathic FGR. Idiopathic FGR pregnancies were identified

150 with the general inclusion criterion of a birth weight less than the 10th centile for gestation age, employing Australian growth charts.

151 FGR cases were classified as idiopathic if there was also evidence of underlying pathology, assessed by the presence of at least two of

152 the following antenatal ultrasound diagnostic criteria: abnormal umbilical artery Doppler flow velocimetry, oligohydramnios [as

153 determined by amniotic fluid index (AFI) <7], or asymmetric growth of the fetus as measured from the HC (head circumference) to AC

154 (abdominal circumference) ratio (>1.2). Homeobox genes HLX [40] and ESX1L [41] showed reduced expression in idiopathic FGR-

5 155 affected placentae compared with gestation-matchedACCEPTED placental controls. MANUSCRIPT However, homeobox genes DLX3, DLX4 and TGIF-1 showed

156 increased expression [34, 42, 43] in idiopathic FGR-affected placentae compared with gestation-matched controls. Our observation of

157 altered homeobox gene expression levels, i.e. decreased (HLX, ESX1L) or increased (DLX3, DLX4 and TGIF-1) expression in FGR-

158 placentae compared with gestation matched controls, led us to model these effects in cell culture.


160 5.3. Creating in vitro models of placental cultured cells to “mimic” homeobox gene expression changes observed on FGR

161 Changes in the rate of trophoblast differentiation, proliferation and invasion are detected in FGR. We used well characterised,

162 transformed, trophoblast-derived cell lines, which model first trimester human villous and extravillous cytotrophoblast cells, and which

163 exhibit fundamental trophoblast cell properties including proliferation, differentiation, migration and invasion. The functional role of

164 homeobox genes was determined by changing homeobox gene expression to “mimic” the changes observed in FGR. We used the

165 techniques of gene inactivation or over-expression in these trophoblast-derived cell lines in vitro. For example, to assess the functional

166 role of decreased HLX levels observed in FGR, we decreased HLX expression levels in trophoblast-derived cell lines SGHPL4 and

167 HTR8-SV/neo using short-interference RNAs (siRNA) specific for HLX [44,45]. The functional role of DLX3, which showed

168 increased expression in FGR, was determined by increasing the expression of DLX3 in trophoblast-derived cell line, BeWo, using a

169 DLX3 over-expressing plasmid construct [46]. Over-expression of DLX3 in BeWo cells augmented BeWo cell differentiation, as

170 measured by the following differentiation markers: 3β-HSD, syncytin and β-hCG . The complementary result of reduced BeWo

171 cell differentiation was obtained when DLX3 expression was reduced by the action of DLX3 siRNA [47]. The above studies led us to

172 conclude that homeobox genes may have several potentially important roles in the regulation of important functions of trophoblast 173 cells during human placental development, including proliferation and differentiation.MANUSCRIPT 174

175 5.4. Identification of downstream target genes of homeobox genes

176 Few studies of target genes regulated by transcription factors in the human placenta have been reported. Therefore, we attempted to

177 identify the downstream targets of human placental homeobox genes by employing in vitro models of trophoblast-derived cell lines,

178 which model villous and extravillous trophoblasts. We mimicked changes in expression of homeobox genes observed in FGR-affected

179 placentae, either by gene inactivation or gene overexpression, and then determined which target genes were affected by these changes.

180 For example, we used siRNA to inactivate HLX in SGHPL-4 and HTR-8/SVneo trophoblast cell line models and observed changes in

181 gene expression levels for the MAP (mitogen activated signaling)- kinase signaling pathways. The downstream target genes of HLX

182 were determined to be RB1, , EGR1, CDKN1C, ELK1, CCNB1 and JUN [45]. HLX homeobox gene targets were cell cycle 183 regulatory genes in trophoblasts.ACCEPTED Furthermore, our results provided evidence that decreased levels of HLX detected in FGR cause direct 184 or indirect effects on cell-cycle regulatory genes and these target genes were also altered in FGR [45]. On the other hand, inactivation

185 of homeobox gene DLX3 in the trophoblast derived BeWo cell line, and in primary villous cytotrophoblasts, resulted in reduced

186 expression of differentiation markers 3βHSD, βhCG and syncytin [33]. Expression of 3βHSD, βhCG, syncytin and DLX3 was

187 increased in FGR-affected placental tissues compared with controls, providing evidence that these genes are targets of DLX3 [46].

188 Together, these data suggest homeobox genes have multiple potentially important roles in the regulation of trophoblast function during

189 human placental development. Furthermore, there may be significant deleterious consequences to increased DLX3 in FGR, through the

190 action of target genes, 3βHSD, βhCG and syncytin, on trophoblast function. Recent studies from our laboratory have identified the

6 191 transcription factors, peroxisome proliferator-activatedACCEPTED receptors (PPAR)MANUSCRIPT and GATA2 as additional candidate downstream target genes

192 of DLX3 [47]. This is potentially significant since PPAR and GATA2 are important genes in placental trophoblast differentiation, and

193 the expression of PPAR and GATA2 is significantly changed in human FGR.


195 5.5. Endocrine regulators of homeobox genes

196 Our studies have thus far provided evidence that homeobox genes play a key role in cell-fate decisions during feto-placental growth.

197 However, little is known about the factors that control homeobox gene expression in the human placenta. Recently, members of the

198 superfamily and their cognate ligands were shown to regulate homeobox gene expression in both embryonic and adult

199 tissues [reviewed in 47]. Endocrine control of homeobox genes during embryogenesis determines the axial expression of various

200 homeobox genes that are necessary for body axis formation. For example, retinoic acid directly regulates HOXB1 expression in the

201 rostral embryonic domains where they are necessary for central nervous system development [48, 49] ; estrogen is necessary for

202 HOXA9-11 expression, where it is important for caudal differentiation [50]; and the secosteroid hormone, vitamin D, regulates

203 HOXA10 expression during hematopoietic development [51].


205 Many adult organ systems, including the female reproductive tract and the hematopoietic system, retain developmental plasticity and

206 there is ongoing tissue regeneration involving proliferation and differentiation, followed by degeneration. These organ systems are

207 targets of endocrine control. The control processes in many ways recapitulate embryogenesis, therefore, it is not surprising that

208 homeobox gene-mediated developmental programs driven by hormones are essential in these adult tissues and cells. For example, 209 estrogens [52] and vitamin D [53], which are important in embryogenesis, MANUSCRIPT are also active in adult tissues and provide functional 210 differentiation of cells and tissues [47].


212 Placental hormones and their control of cell function during feto-placental growth is well documented (reviewed in [54 ,55]).

213 Therefore, it is plausible that changes in endocrine regulation can result in dysregulated homeobox gene expression affecting placental

214 development and function. In a recent study from our laboratory, we hypothesised that endocrine control of homeobox gene expression

215 is necessary for diverse functions including proliferation, migration, invasion and differentiation of cytotrophoblasts of the human

216 placenta. We have evidence to show that (PGR) expression is significantly decreased in idiopathic FGR-affected

217 placentae compared with gestation-matched controls [0.53 ±0.09, FGR (n=25) vs. 1.10±0.31, GMC (n=25), t-test, p<0.05].

218 Immunoblotting revealed significantly reduced PGR protein (86 kDa) in FGR compared with GMC (Murthi et al., unpublished data). 219 We also have evidence to showACCEPTED that PGR expression in trophoblasts influences placental cell homeobox gene expression. Using siRNA 220 specific for PGR, we have identified that PGR expression is necessary for the expression of homeobox genes HOXB2 and HOXD12

221 that are known regulators of cellular proliferation. Furthermore, PGR inactivation increased the expression of homeobox genes DLX3,

222 HOXA10, HOXB9, TGIF-1, TLX2 and PROX1, which are regulators of cellular differentiation (Stevenson et al., unpublished data).


224 Recent studies in our laboratory have also identified that (VDR) expression is decreased in idiopathic FGR

225 compared with controls (0.18 ± 0.04, FGR (n=25) vs 1.79 ± 0.35, Control (n=25), p<0.05). We have also recently demonstrated that

7 226 VDR inactivation in trophoblasts may contributeACCEPTED to reduced feto-placental MANUSCRIPT growth by modulating the expression of homeobox genes in

227 trophoblasts in vitro (Cholangi et al., unpublished data). Our results provide evidence that VDR is necessary for the expression of

228 homeobox genes ARX, -2, HLX, HOXB4, HOXC9, HOXD12, DLX2, DLX3, ESX-1, MEIS-2, NKX-3.1, TGIF-1, TLX2 and VAX2

229 (Murthi et al., unpublished data). As depicted in Figure 1, growth factor, cytokines and pregnancy hormone-mediated signals in the

230 human placenta may control feto-placental growth by utilising the evolutionarily conserved homeobox gene-mediated developmental

231 programs, which allows generation of structural and functional diversity in the human placenta and differential expression and

232 functions of homeobox genes may contribute to reduced feto-placental growth in human idiopathic FGR. Therefore, we propose that

233 further elucidation of signaling pathways underlying the hormone-mediated homeobox gene developmental programs may offer novel

234 strategies of targeted therapy for improving feto-placental growth in idiopathic FGR pregnancies.


236 6. Conclusion

237 In this review, we have discussed the well-characterized roles of the homeobox genes in human placental development and function.

238 Here, we also propose that a differential response to fluctuating hormone signals may form a key controlling mechanism for homeobox

239 gene expression in the human placenta. By selectively modulating the activity of specific endocrine target genes, specific therapeutic

240 effects for the clinical management of FGR can be achieved.


242 Conflict of interest statement

243 There is no conflict of interest. The author has nothing to disclose. 244 MANUSCRIPT 245 Acknowledgment

246 The author wishes to thank Dr Bill Kalionis for critical reading of this review. The author wish to thank the consenting patients and the

247 clinical and research midwives of Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia for providing placental tissues. This work was

248 carried out with the funding support of Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC grant #509140), Early

249 Career Researcher Grant, Melbourne Research Grant and Melbourne Research Fellowship awarded from the University of Melbourne,

250 Australia to P. Murthi.


252 Figure Legend

253 Figure 1 depicts how the regulation of homeobox gene expression by growth factors, pregnancy hormones and cytokines controls basic 254 cellular functions such as proliferation,ACCEPTED migration, invasion, differentiation and apoptosis of placental cells. In fetal growth restriction- 255 affected pregnancies, differential expression and functions of homeobox genes may contribute to reduced feto-placental growth.


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Minerva Access is the Institutional Repository of The University of Melbourne

Author/s: Murthi, P

Title: Review: Placental homeobox genes and their role in regulating human fetal growth

Date: 2014-02-01

Citation: Murthi, P. (2014). Review: Placental homeobox genes and their role in regulating human fetal growth. PLACENTA, 35 (SUPPL), pp.S46-S50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.placenta.2013.11.006.

Publication Status: Accepted manuscript

Persistent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11343/41904

File Description: Accepted version