For details about the PPIH Group’s IR information and ESG initiatives, refer to the resources available on the following sites. Investor Relations Integrated Report PPIH Report (PPIH report + CSR report)

PPIH Group’s Sustainability

The PPIH Group aims to resolve environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues through its business in pursuit of sustainable growth. We believe that the ESG initiatives in our core business are congruent with the aims of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Pan Pacific International Holdings

Corporate Profile

Pan Pacific International Holdings 2-19-10 Aobadai, -ku, 153-0042 Phone: (+81) 3-5725-7532 Fax: (+81) 3-5725-7322

Printed in Japan Bringing anticipation and excitement to our customers

Three shared concepts of ConVenience Wide-ranging product lineups PPIH Group stores encompassing everything from foods and daily consumables to PPIH Group stores are built on the electrical appliances and brand- three shared concepts of Convenience name products, as well as extended store hours in diverse locations convenience (CV), discounts (D), and Discount amusement (A), referred to Amazing discounts that bring The Customer smiles to customers with collectively as the CV+D+A concept. Matters Most competitive prices that rival those These three concepts form the of competitors business Amusement foundation of our stores and are Discount Amusement Enjoyable shopping experiences employed in store development provided by compression displays, Led by Don Quijote, the core business of handwritten POP advertisement the PPIH Group, we aim to create stores initiatives rooted in local cards, and other space production that are favored by the local community by techniques that stimulate the communities with the aim of creating senses providing a variety of store formats with enjoyable stores that foster feelings different targets, shop floor spaces, and product lineups, etc. of anticipation and excitement and that allow customers to enjoy the act of shopping itself. Overseas operations

We are expanding our stores in and Committed to “The Customer Matters Most,” California in the United States, and in Southeast Asia, including , our in-store spaces offer and . We are also beginning new initiatives to expand into the Pacific Rim area. convenience, discounts and amusement 大 中(正称細め) 小(正称なし)

In addition to deploying discount store operations and general merchandise store 大 中(正称細め) 小(正称なし) operations in Japan in diverse business formats centered on our Don Quijote, Apita and business General merchandise store 大 中(正称細め) 小(正称なし) Piago stores, we are also expanding our overseas network. Both in Japan and around the To target such demographics as women, families, and world, we are seeking to ensure that our in-store spaces offer convenience, discounts seniors and enrich their daily lives, we are deploying a and amusement to all our customers. variety of store formats, such as those with a broad customer reach or general featuring products and services that closely match the needs of the local community.

Delegation of authority x Ability to adapt 大 中(正称細め) 小(正称なし) Distinctive values of the PPIH Group

Reverse pyramid structure with customers as the starting point

Customers Adhering to our corporate principle of “The Customer Matters Most,” PPIH Other retail operations places store staff Delegation of authority members at the top of the • Tenant recruitment and space to store staff in-house structure as they ・基本形 utilization have more opportunities than anyone else for direct • Product procurement interaction with • Smartphone app operation ・正称込み _ 狭小スペース用。正称がつぶれないように文字の線幅を細く調整しています customers. Management

Headquarters delegates considerable • Real estate leasing, maintenance ・正称なし _ 狭小スペース用。正称なしの拡大版は使用しないでください authority to these and management employees in all aspects of ※右側のマークは、シンボルマーク的でないため、PPIT 部分と分離して使用するのも良いと思います。 store operations, from • Real estate business support product procurement and pricing to decisions on merchandise mix and displays. 1 Founder Takao Yasuda and The Source(Genryu) The Founding Spirit

The progenitor of the PPIH Group was a single, 60 ㎡ a collection of our corporate ideals general merchandise store called Doroboichiba, established in 1978 in Tokyo’s City by Group No one has devoted more passion to their business than founder of the founder Yasuda. This enterprise began with no retail experience, no ingrained expertise, and no established PPIH Group Takao Yasuda. Always giving customers top priority, he network. With convenience stores open only until 11pm, continued to carry out contrary idea with a mindset of never imitating this small general merchandise store that resembled an other major retailers. This founding spirit has been maintained by each upturned toy box and was open until midnight quickly gained popularity, earning annual sales of 200 million new generation of employees, and is the foundation of the PPIH Group yen. Subsequently, the opening of the first Don Quijote of today. store in March 1989 marked the beginning of a greater expansion of the group. The DNA of breeding innovation The Source (Genryu) is a collection of our with unprecedented ideas that go against standard corporate ideals that were compiled at the strong industry practices dates back to our founding and initiative of Yasuda. These clearly delineate the continues to live on in the PPIH Group today. corporate principle and the management philosophy that we expect all PPIH Group employees and officers to abide by. By basing our daily business activities on The Source and Discovery of unmet Start of delegation of seeking to exercise The Source principles, our aim Creation of distinct shop is to enable a shift to independent, self-driven night-time demand floors authority founded on trust management, so that we can overcome the challenges presented by the times and continue to One day, when Yasuda was stocking Doroboichiba was initially lacking in store After the opening of the first Don Quijote grow, even without a charismatic leader. shelves at Doroboichiba late at night and storage space, and Yasuda would store, founder Yasuda attempted to after business hours with the lights still therefore pack the store with products transmit his expertise to the employees Founding Chairman and Supreme Advisor of the Company on, a customer visited the store, from floor to ceiling and adorn the shelves working at the store, but was unable to mistakenly assuming that the store was with countless handwritten point-of- achieve the desired results. Yasuda then Takao Yasuda still open. He saw this as a possible sign purchase (POP) advertisements decided to entrust the employees with of demand for shopping at night, introducing products. This was the origin almost all aspects of store operations, heralding the start of late-night of Don Quijote’s compression displays and marking the start of the Group’s operations. shop floors* with a treasure-hunting delegation of authority. 2019 saw the start of the new Reiwa Imperial era and we best-served by launching business overseas. As you are atmosphere. also entered a new phase – a second founding – as we aware, it is clear that the domestic consumer market will * Many in retail use the term “sales floor,” but we take the customer’s perspective and refer to “shop floors” instead. changed our company’s name to Pan Pacific shrink in the future both in terms of population and International Holdings Corporation. Looking back now, in economic structures. This is an inevitable phenomenon the space of just over 40 years since the establishment of that we cannot weather alone. Therefore, unless we Doroboichiba, a small 60 m² store that was Don Quijote’s develop a strategy that expands our domain across the The secret story of the birth of DON DON DONKI predecessor, and the 30 years since the opening of the Pan-Pacific region, keeping Japan as our home base, our first Don Quijote store, we have successfully grown into a company cannot grow. This strong determination to company with sales of nearly 2 trillion yen. If you ask transform crisis into opportunity is also incorporated into When he decided to take on the challenge of expanding “harmony price” and was accepted as a foregone me why I think we have been able to come this far, I that PPIH’s new company name. the Group’s footprint into overseas markets, Yasuda felt conclusion. At the time, Yasuda thought that there was no it is first and foremost because of our unprecedented Moving forward, we will strive to uphold our corporate that making the same Don Quijote that existed in Japan more neglectful way to treat the customer. The practice of ideas. We were a team of absolute novices and outsiders principles, The Source (Genryu), and its assertion that would be meaningless. Here, he discovered the benefits of the harmony price was completely opposed to the at the outset. That meant it would be entirely impossible The Customer Matters Most. Further, we will uphold a “ ” Japanese cuisine. In Singapore, Japanese food was very company principle that “The Customer Matters Most.” to outcompete the existing major retailers if we faithfully system that is centered on the individual store, working to popular with locals, and would sell for two to four times the Yasuda realized that resolving this issue could also imitated the traditional distribution and franchising become a global firm that finds support not only at home theories of the time. We therefore went in the exact in Japan but also overseas. Also, we will put every effort we price it would domestically. Locally, this was called the support those producing Japanese food items. Most opposite direction. Put simply, we delegated authority to can into bravely advancing through this second founding importantly, not only would the families of Japanese individuals working at our shops rather than controlling phase. As we strike out into this new world, I once again expatriates working locally at Japanese firms be pleased, them from the headquarters, creating a chemical reaction ask our treasured customers and business partners for but so too would local Singaporean consumers, resulting in that set the stage for our explosive growth. their support and continued patronage. a boost to Japan’s image. Yasuda believed he was uniquely At the same time, however, although it may seem suited to make this social contribution with his many years surprising, we were in fact much more defensive than of retail experience, sensing this may be his calling, or offensive as a company. Specifically, we augmented our portfolio using our so-called golden ratio of 30% offense even fate. and 70% defense. I am proud to say that this ratio, Today, the Group rigorously implements a system that alongside our proprietary compound gain management puts the local community first, tailoring all policies to it. scheme, were direct factors in our setting a gold standard Furthermore, we place the highest emphasis on creative of continuous increased sales and profits for 31 destruction, without reliance on the success stories of the consecutive years since the opening of the first Don past. By building our DON DON DONKI business Quijote store. framework based on these principles, the product Today, I devote the majority of my efforts into new business and business format creation overseas, notably composition of our overseas stores has ended up being through DON DON DONKI. The reason is that, when we entirely different to that of our domestic stores, almost looked ahead to our future vision for the company ten entirely without any industrial products and with a focus years out and beyond, and then looked back at what First Don Quijote store instead on food items. Whenever we have opened stores in today’s company needs to do now, we saw that it would be (Fuchu, Tokyo) new locations, they have swiftly been accepted by local residents who find great enjoyment in visiting them.

2 3 FY2020 Net sales (unit: 100 million yen) Launched a new organizational framework 15,000 Launched and reinforced new governance framework Aiming to be a company that is truly needed by Started the new Medium/Long-Term Management Plan “Passion 2030”

FY2019 all our stakeholders and local communities Embarked on journey to grow from being 大 中(正称細め) 小(正称なし) Japan-focused Don Quijote to a globally oriented PPIH Group Acquired UNY Co., Ltd., as a consolidated subsidiary Responding to all changes swiftly and flexibly Changed name to Pan Pacific International Holdings Corporation

2020 was a milestone year, marking the 40th anniversary of the founding of PPIH and the responsible for developing and operating stores bearing both the Don Quijote and UNY 50th anniversary of the founding of UNY, which became a PPIH Group company in 2019. names. As for the UNY business, instead of transitioning the Apita and Piago stores into FY2018 Greeting Meanwhile, it would, under normal circumstances, have also been a brilliant year for Don Quijote UNY stores, we will create an entirely new store format based on our unique Implemented post-GMS and Japan, with the Olympic and Paralympic Games due to have been held in Tokyo. The New GMS Strategy. NEXT Convenience Store strategy Commenced capital and business alliance with reality, however, was a year of historic upheaval of the kind that only comes around once Overseas, our DON DON DONKI stores, which specialize in Japanese food and produce, FamilyMart UNY Holdings Co., Ltd a century, caused by the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. have demonstrated an impressively high level of profitability. Going forward, we will set our (currently FamilyMart Co., Ltd.) I would like to first offer my prayers for the people who have fallen victim to COVID-19, sights on attaining even higher profitability, by striving to establish a comprehensive Acquired QSI, Inc., as a consolidated subsidiary and express my sincere condolences to those affected and the families who have lost loved distribution system that encompasses planning, manufacturing, logistics and retail, Opened first DON DON DONKI store ones. I would also like to express by deepest appreciation to all the essential workers who centered on the concept of “an SPA model for food.” are giving their all day and night in the midst of this adversity. Incidentally, since the inauguration of the administration of Prime Minister Yoshihide 10,000 Though it may be somewhat unconventional to do so in a corporate profile, please also Suga, the government’s support for Japan’s agricultural exports has become even clearer allow me to say a big “thank you” to all of our employees. Keeping our stores open is of no (a target of 5 trillion yen in exports by 2030). Coinciding with this, we have established small social significance. At the same time, it also means asking our employees to bear Pan Pacific International Club (PPIC), a cooperative organization that works together with certain risks. In this context, I would like to share that our Founding Chairman has paid agricultural producers, in an effort to integrate the value chain. tribute to all our employees, telling them that they too are all “essential workers.” Alongside these initiatives, we will also kill two birds with one stone: improve Even in the midst of such global upheaval, we have recorded increases in net sales and profitability with the Marshmallow framework, which promotes the digitalization of our operating income in each of the past 31 years. This is an achievement that would not have businesses, and reduce sales, general and administrative costs by visualizing work been possible without the generous support and encouragement of all our stakeholders. structures and operations. In this coming year, our 41st (ending June 30, 2021), the PPIH Group looks to maintain Under these new measures, we will transform our organization into one that is brimming our steadfast progress, working with diligence and devotion, based on the principle of “The with passion. As defined in The Source (Genryu), a collection of our corporate Customer Matters Most.” For this, I humbly seek the continued support of all our patrons. philosophies, we will adapt to changing circumstances with speed, responding swiftly and In terms of our domestic retail operations, this fiscal year, we aim to realize our flexibly, no matter what changes we face, to be a company that is truly needed by our corporate principle “The Customer Matters Most” to an even higher standard, by making stakeholders and the communities that we serve. greater and more thorough efforts to delegate authority, which is the source of growth at I look forward to your continued kind support and understanding. our Don Quijote stores. Specifically, we have created a totally new organization that operates in line with FY2007 competition principles, by minimizing the hierarchy between management and branch Accelerated store openings through managers and having 102 boss-free branch managers oversee operations at four to five mergers and acquisitions “ ” FY2014 stores on average in a concentrated manner. Also, depending on the business, we will have Acquired Doit Co., Ltd., as a FY2008 consolidated subsidiary Rebuilt general merchandise Accelerated expansion in the United States an in-house company system, headed by a president and Chief Merchandising Officer store (GMS) business President and CEO, Turned MARUKAI CORPORATION into a (CMO) to speed up decision-making processes. In the merchandise division (product Acquired Nagasakiya Co., Representative Director consolidated subsidiary 5,000 policy), we plan to announce a new policy during the second half of the fiscal year that Ltd., as a consolidated Launched “majica” e-money service brings us more in line with the changing needs of our customers. subsidiary Naoki Yoshida FY2006 We also aim to post a cumulative surplus in our UD Retail business, which is Commenced overseas operations FY2010 Launched the Jonetsu Acquired Don Quijote (USA) Co. Ltd., Kakaku private brand as a consolidated subsidiary FY2001 FY1989 Listed stock on the First Section of the Opened first Don Quijote store Consolidated net sales Number of purchasing customers in Fuchu, Tokyo Launched new Picasso store format 40 years of continuous innovation and change FY2002 ¥1,681.9 billion 660.6 million 1978 Commenced nationwide Establishment of Doroboichiba, expansion Operating income majica e-money card membership the origin of the PPIH Group “ ” 1980 Establishment of Just Co. Ltd. million (currently PPIH) ¥76.0 billion 10.69

FY1997 Registered stock FY1998 Return on equity (ROE) Number of group employees (full-time) for trading on the Listed stock on the over-the-counter Second Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange 14.3% 14,186 FY2020 0

4 5 New Medium/Long-Term Management Plan Domestic: Solid ¥2 trillion operation Profitability enhancement as an “only one retailer” Until now, we have implemented a growth strategy driven by opening more stores. In our future policy, we “Passion 2030” aim to transition from “quantity” to “quality,” refining our existing stores and maximizing customer income. We will enhance corporate value by deepening understanding of customers and thoroughly implementing our

“The Customer Matters Most” philosophy. ・ Portfolio management and maximization ・ Expansion of financial service business of group synergies and achievement of profitability Building a low-cost, high-profitability business model that brings ・GMS business revival and income reforms ・ Optimization of the cost structure to improve competitiveness ・ Promotion of digitalization strategy joy to customers inside and outside Japan

In Passion 2030, we aim to attain 200 billion yen Operating profit Net sales in operating profit by executing the principle of “The Customer Matters Most,” to achieve 3 trillion ¥200billion ¥3trillion yen in sales with 1.2 billion customers. Overseas: Seeking an aspirational ¥1 trillion operation Financial service business profits, Building and expanding “Japanese brand specialty stores” etc. We intend to create new retail formats and build global SPA operations so as to establish an attractive and unique business format and seek growth driven by the expansion of our store network in the Pan-Pacific region. Cost optimization Overseas 1 ・ Creation and establishment of a new ・ Building a foundation and creation of a Always continue to deliver customer experiences that format focused on Japanese brands new format in North America evoke anticipation and excitement passionately and MD reforms ・ Promotion of food SPA ・ Construction of global shared service without holding back operations •Food SPA model ・ Business expansion in Asia • Enhanced PB business Passion 2 2030 3 Continue to be a Continue to pursue a distribution group that business model that understands realizes low costs and customers better than high earnings anyone else and adapts to change Promotion of further growth in Japan and abroad flexibly and quickly Organic

growth* We intend to advance strategies that assist the rapid implementation of strategies in Japan and abroad, * Growth driven including pursuit of edited-style merchandising (MD) that stays ahead of others, and digital transformation by the use of (DX) and customer relationship management (CRM) that support and strengthen our overwhelming frontline internal resources fighting capability, the most important strength of our Group. In the Medium/Long-Term Management Plan, to expand the sales of existing Passion 2030, which concludes in the fiscal year products and Utilization of economies of scale and promotion of MD Organization and system to foster managerial human ending June 30, 2030, the PPIH Group pursues services. ・ ・ “ Domestic policies and SPA suited to the business format resources” and “merchants” who underpin our “The the following three overlapping aims and seeks to Customer Matters Most” philosophy We intend to bolster our prepared foods (mobile food We aim to foster and spread managerial awareness by realize the Passion 2030 plan of 1 promoting delicatessen) business that understands customer needs and switching to the Million Star Program,* improve the expand the value chain through collaborative private brands business passionately, 2 becoming the world visualization of human resources utilizing data, and cultivate with manufacturers and other initiatives. global merchants. leader, and 3 harnessing economic driving force. Promotion of the Marshmallow Concept ・ Promotion of desired societal value creation (ESG) We aim to craft measures for a new era that involve IT and AI, We aim to achieve sustainable growth through our as well as collaboration with external companies, while still business activities as a comprehensive retailer. co-existing with Group strengths such as the delegation of authority. For details, refer to the following URL. ・ Promotion of financial strategy integrated with business strategy We intend to conduct efficient fund-raising and capital investments and optimize our balance sheet. 2020 2030 2020 2030 * A system in which we manage our stores as 102 subsidiaries, with each responsible for commercial areas with one million people and 10 billion yen. In this flat organization, “boss-free” branch presidents oversee operations as “a member of management. 6 7 Domestic Market Supported by a Wide Range of Customers Discount store business In the discount store business, MEGA Don Quijote Miyazaki Tachibanadori was opened in November 2020 on the basement floor (the whole floor) and the first and second floors (part of the floors) of The PPIH Group’s “discount store business” and “general merchandise store business” are operated primarily Miyazaki Nanairo, a commercial complex managed and operated by the PPIH Group. This store, in the domestic market, and each store is explicitly differentiated by their store concepts and targets. By boasting the largest shop floor in Miyazaki Prefecture, offers indispensable daily products such as food, beverages, daily consumables, and pharmaceuticals, as well as a variety of products produced adjusting product mixes and prices on an individual store basis, we develop stores that cater to the needs of in Miyazaki Prefecture, with the theme of local production for local consumption. wider customer age groups and that match their respective communities. UD Retail Co. Ltd., which promotes the development and management of stores bearing both the Don Quijote and UNY names, opened two converted stores, MEGA Don Quijote UNY Takamori in November and MEGA Don Quijote UNY Seikadai in December. These stores offer product lineups that leverage the strengths of MEGA Don Quijote and Apita, while at the same time focusing on products for kids and trendy items, to make them comprehensive discount stores that families enjoy visiting on weekends.

’s official mascot character Don Quijote Donpen Profile Antarctica-born, Tokyo-raised.8 Birthday: September With a midnight-blue body and 1998always. wearing a night cap, Donpen was created by a store POP advertisement writer in

The Don Quijote-style “compressed display” showcasing a huge variety and quantity of products to produce the impression of A vibrant space filled with colorful and entertaining handwritten POP adverts overwhelming volume

8 9 General merchandise store business Overview of the domestic retail sector

In the general merchandise store business, PIAGO Plus Myokoji reopened after conversion in June Ratio of sales by store format to total sales (fiscal year ended June 30, 2020; domestic) Ratio of sales by product category to total sales (fiscal year ended June 30, 2020; consolidated)

2020. This is the first shop converted based on UNY’s new strategy “New Apita Piago Concept” Apita / Piago mini Piago*2 Other products Tenant Other businesses 32.8% 0.7% 0.7% leasing 0.9% announced in May 2020. With the goal of realizing the sustainable growth of UNY, this concept is business 3.5% Home electrical aimed at rebranding Apita (broad-line supermarkets) and Piago (food supermarkets). Food appliances 20.3% The system of individual store management through the delegation of authority has been Nagasakiya 5.1% 0.1% introduced, and store staff, who are the closest to our customers, have discretion over purchasing, Home products Miscellaneous 4.5% household goods Doit*1 14.4% pricing, displaying, and selling products. We aim to create “stores that people want to go to every 0.6% Don Quijote General 28.0% merchandise day” by reflecting feedback from local customers and ideas from store staff. Picasso Clothing store business 1.2% 3.7% 29.2% In addition, Apita Iwakura underwent complete renovation and reopened in November 2020 as MEGA APITA Plus Iwakura. The area of directly managed shop floor was expanded 1.2 times and the store Don Quijote UNY Other Discount store 7.1% products business was transformed into a “Category Integrated GMS,” consisting of specialty stores in four categories. 1.9% 66.4% New MEGA MEGA Apita Iwakura aims to become the best store in the local community, by offering products focused Overseas Don Quijote Don Quijote 6.8% 15.7% 13.8% on making shopping fun for customers and setting prices based on the idea of “quality at low prices.” DIY goods 0.5% Foods *1 The Doit stores operated by Doit Co., Ltd. (currently Sky Green Co., Ltd.), 25.0% which operates home improvement and renovation businesses, were removed Sporting from the scope of consolidation effective February 1, 2020, following a and leisure goods Watches and fashion merchandise business transfer via an absorption-type company split. 3.5% 9.2% *2 On April 1, 2020, 80% of the shares held in 99ICHIBA Co., Ltd., the company that operates mini Piago stores, were transferred and, as a result, mini Piago stores were withdrawn from the PPIH Group as of the same date.

th Anniversary. Official mascot character’s 50 of Apita and Piago created on UNY Apitan Profile ” the land of the future “Apitan World th Born in 9 ’s 50 on UNY Date of birth: March 2020 Created in March anniversary. A bright-eyed character who always tries to make people happy.

A rich lineup of fresh foods, an area of strength, that rivals our competitors, with a focus on quality and freshness and based on the Catering to the needs of wider customer age groups, from clothing to daily goods and household products. concept of “quality at low prices”

10 11 The PPIH Group is steadily expanding its store network not only in Japan but also overseas. Our overseas Overseas Expansion operations comprise our Asia business, which develops DON DON DONKI stores based on the concept of a Japan-brand specialty store, and the United States business, which boasts brands with enduring customer Built on Rolling out Established Store Formats support. In these operations, we are leveraging the expertise we have cultivated in Japan, while asserting the competitiveness of our overseas stores. Asia business United States business

In the Asia Business, we opened DON DON DONKI The Market Main Store, our second location in In the United States, we operate TOKYO CENTRAL stores based on the concept of “food Thailand, in March 2020, inside a large shopping area in . Following this, in July, the PPIH entertainment” and the long-beloved Times brand stores in Hawaii. These stores are characterized by Group opened DON DON DONKI Pearl City, our first store on Hong Kong Island. Both stores offer a their lineups of locally procured vegetables and fish as well as prepared food corners offering wide selection of Japanese food that enjoy enduring popularity overseas, while also placing more Japanese dishes tailored to the local market. focus on snacks and cosmetics that make for popular souvenirs. Customers can enjoy shopping in TOKYO CENTRAL Yorba Linda, located in California, complements its lineups of fruits, vegetables, exciting and entertaining settings unique to Don Quijote stores. meat, and fish with prepared foods and sushi made using Japanese ingredients as well as authentic The PPIH Group is also promoting multi-store expansion of DON DON DONKI in Southeast Asia ramen prepared under the direction of a Japanese chef. This store also supplies Japanese sake and and East Asia, while localizing stores to the country and region where they are opened. In March shochu spirits, which can be difficult to find locally. It offers a mix of products, combining both 2021, we will open our first store in , a melting pot of diverse cultures that is experiencing imports from Japan and locally procured products. The PPIH Group aims to expand its network in rapid growth. Malaysia will be the fifth Asian country/region to which we have expanded our the United States centered on this format, fully leveraging the experience and expertise it has business, and we plan to open another two stores there as well. The first will be in Lot 10, a shopping cultivated thus far to create truly unique store formats and expand into new markets. complex located in Bukit Bintang, the main tourism and shopping district in Kuala Lumpur, and the second will be opened in mid-2021 in Tropicana Gardens Mall, a

SM commercial facility in central Petaling Jaya.

• Advice for exports Launching Pan Pacific International Club (PPIC) to share • Periodic business discussions • Information provision Japanese producers’ products and passion worldwide! Producers Overseas business On October 23, 2020, we launched PPIC, a membership organization consisting of producers and groups in the primary sector and the PPIH Group. Overseas, there is a great deal of trust and demand for “Japan brand” products, especially food, and there is great potential for • Product provision and cooperation in provision exports of Japanese products. The PPIH Group’s overseas stores are designed to be Japanese brand specialty stores that thoroughly embody the concepts of “Made in Japan” and “Made by Japan,” and we distribute great Japanese products to our stores all around the world. By joining the PPIC, producers are able to enter into business talks to supply overseas stores, and seek to secure long-term sales channels and stable prices. In addition, PPIC members have access to overseas market information based on the PPIH Group’s point-of- sale (POS) data, offering useful insights for the planning of crops and production. The PPIH Group has also begun reforming its overseas distribution infrastructure. By actively promoting direct trade whereby we act as the distributor, we will disrupt the local “harmony price” and provide customers with products priced at their true value. Strongly backed by the national and local governments, and working in integrated public-private partnerships, we will promote large and robust initiatives that benefit all stakeholders, including producers, the PPIH Group, and our customers.

TOKYO CENTRAL primarily offers a rich variety of prepared food, alongside imported Japanese food and miscellaneous goods, and American brands, creating a space where customers can enjoy “food” as entertainment.

12 13 Rich Lineup of PB products developed to meet customers’ requests for expanded product offerings Aiming to become our customers’ favorite go-to brand, the Jonetsu Kakaku series uses customer feedback as product development ideas. We strive to develop a wide range of original Private Brand Products products that no other Japanese brand could. In April 2020, Don Quijote affiliates nationwide started selling a 3-in-1 TV speaker. This speaker can be used in three ways: as a speaker for the TV with movie-theater sound quality, In order to meet customers requests for expanded product offerings, we develop private brand (PB) products that are 3-in-1 TV speaker ’ as a wireless speaker for Bluetooth® devices such as smartphones, and as a transmitter for high-quality, value for money, and fun. Our rich lineup of original products contributes to profitability, while also listening to the TV with wireless earphones or headphones. playing an important role in maintaining the support of customers across a wide range of age groups. In July, the PPIH Group released the Wi-Fi compact type network camera SMAMOTCHER+. This product allows customers to check the video taken by the camera on their smartphone from a remote location and can be used for home security or watching pets. Becoming our customers’ favorite go-to brand All of these products have been well-received by our customers amid increased at-home Wi-Fi compact network camera demand due to the Covid-19 pandemic. SMAMOTCHER+ For the Jonetsu Kakaku brand, we use customer feedback Besides low prices, Jonetsu Kakaku also strives to provide as product development ideas. While leveraging such products with added value, such as making them fun, feedback, we are working on product development and delicious, fashionable, or convenient. We aim to bring joy improvements in cooperation with partners (suppliers) in and wonder to our customers with our products. Japan and overseas, with the aim of offering good products at the lowest possible price. Style ONE Ratio of sales by original product category to total sales (fiscal year ended June 30, 2020) Striving to reach Customer as many Clothing (UNY) Home products (UNY) feedback customers as 6.7% 3.8% Other Customers possible Style One offers about 1,200 different indispensable 1.0% Sporting Home electrical day-to-day products, including food, lifestyle products, and leisure goods appliances and clothing! All of our products offer great quality at low 2.8% 7.8% prices and make our customer’s daily lives more

Jonetsu Kakaku enjoyable and happy. As a brand offering support for PPIH Group lineup everyday life, we will continue to actively develop new Watches and fashion Miscellaneous products that are our customers’ first choice. merchandise household goods 12.0% 12.6% Striving to provide Striving to develop good-quality products that Foods products at low Partner exceed customer companies (including UNY) ※ Scope (data): PB Jonetsu Kakaku and OEM products prices expectations 53.3% Scope (Group companies): Don Quijote Co., Ltd., Prime ONE Nagasakiya Co., Ltd., and UNY Co., Ltd.

Prime One is a food and home products brand for “building a new life,” delivering high quality at low prices. We develop safe, reliable products to deliver maximum satisfaction to our customers, helping them to enjoy their Jonetsu Kakaku daily lives in style.

The Jonetsu Kakaku series boasts a diverse lineup of more than 3,000 items including foods, household items, kitchen goods, beauty and healthcare products, clothing, electrical appliances, interior goods, bedding, sporting goods, outdoor equipment, auto accessories, eco!on bicycles, pet supplies, toys, and novelty goods. This series caters to wide-ranging customer needs through the development of products for a variety of situations. The environmentally-conscious product line eco!on develops and sells safe, reliable products that place a Jonetsu Kakaku Jonetsu Kakaku is a brand centered on foods and minimal burden on the environment. By selling these other items that are indispensable to daily life based on the concept of offering amazingly low products, we aim to assist customers in enjoying a prices. comfortable, healthy, eco-friendly life, contribute to preserving the environment together with our customers, and creating a sustainable society. 14 15 Promoting DX for the Continued Evolution of The Blue Marshmallow Project is aimed at developing new products with optimized pricing and more efficient turnover so as to promote merchandizing that enables customers to enjoy shopping even more. The Customer Matters Most PPIH-style digital AI vs. merchants (pricing) “ ” Building a PPIH-style pricing model based on our culture of delegating authority and allowing merchants to compete against AI in setting prices.

Utilizing digital technology in response to a new era in retail business PPIH-style digital AI vs. merchants (pricing) Blue Marshmallow Project Building a PPIH-style pricing model based on our culture of delegating authority and allowing merchants to compete against AI in setting prices. The PPIH Group is bolstering digital initiatives for the Positioning and significance of “digital” to continued evolution of the corporate philosophy of “The Framework that stimulates the PPIH Group desire to take on challenges Customer Matters Most” in a rapidly changing market Pricing based on intuition and experience Evaluation environment. We have started the Marshmallow* Concept The Customer Matters Most Freedom of selection as a new methodology that combines entertainment-style vs. ②Suitable evaluation Intuition and experience Delegation of Authority store operations and product measures, an important Digital ① (perseverance) Pricing based on AI-determined prices strength of the PPIH Group, and joint efforts with Relentless deepening of customer (data, science) external companies with a variety of experiences and understanding refined by the Forecasting the future using commitment to individual store internal and external data Competitor +α (POP, location) Digital marketing knowledge. These initiatives are suited to the new era of operation pricing Weather Temperature retail, create an even better store experience, and deepen Utilization of “digitalization” as a tool to further enhance the level of AI algorithm Verification Receipt our understanding of customers. “intuition and experience”

Marshmallow Co., Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the ③Massive volume of unique data Algorithm enhancement and evolution- driven success/failure learning Group, promotes open innovation as an integration bridge How “digitalization” will be put into practice between the PPIH Group and the latest digital Pricing based on technologies. AI-determined prices Middle Back We intend to utilize all types of external resources to Merchandising and Operations Analyze marketing automation For details, refer to the following URL. build operations for a new era where we make maximum Branding and store Supply chain, Digital back use of PPIH Group strengths in pricing optimization, format development inventory office analysis of consumer needs, new financial services, and Layout/lineup Store operations Talent analysis other activities. With the aim of realizing further growth in Prices and an environment of growing uncertainty, we will work with promotions external companies to live up to our corporate culture of Customer experience “conducting repeated hypothesis and verification” and taking on many challenges and develop measures that “ ” Infrastructure development Increased profits from a variety of sources (finance, are suited to a new era. PPIH Group’s original e-money service Organization and human resources (analysis and development) services, product sales) through the utilization of “majica” * This name likens the concept of the PPIH Group pursuing new initiatives customer data generated by expanding membership that accept new values with an open mind, not colored by the Group’s own distinctive style, thereby delivering enjoyment to consumers, to the New business (creation of new retail models, data-sales business, etc.) Membership of the PPIH Group’s original e-money organizations (majica and credit card) image of a soft, white marshmallow. service “majica” exceeded 10 million in April 2020 and Integration of all aspects of life (including finance) and retail-related data that for “majica” smartphone app exceeded 5 million in Development of various services through improved customer understanding January 2021. Since the launch of the app, many customers have welcomed and made use of a variety of Finance Retail services such as discount vouchers. We will make sure to Acquisition of customer Marshmallow Concept use the huge amounts of member data from both Don Accumulation and data through purchase expansion of customer Quijote and UNY to improve our stores. and payment at the data Platform for delivering better store experiences and deepening customer understanding storefront. In the retail industry, innovative efforts that go beyond respond to this significant change in consumption traditional marketing methods have become behavior. indispensable due to the diversification of the means by To achieve future growth, we think it is essential to Provision of finance Data analysis which customers obtain product information, the amount collaborate with internal and services unique to PPIH of information they obtain, and their values. external parties that have a variety Many of our customers no longer perceive any divide of value systems and ideas. We Shop floor curation between the online and offline worlds, and the PPIH have therefor adopted a new “color” Customer understanding Group has launched a system that can more actively to express respect for diversity. Financial needs Promotions and advertisements

16 17 Keeping customers happy and earning their Contributions to local communities patronage, in step with the times Educational support leveraging our Kid Cashier strengths as retail business with many We conducted an activity called “Kid Cashier,” offering children points of contact with customers. the chance to try working as cashiers and scanning products that We conduct Shoiku® learning opportunities for children at our customers were purchasing. Mothers and fathers were very proud ESG Initiatives to see their children having fun working as cashiers. Moreover, as Group stores nationwide, which provide an enjoyable experience and a sense of responsibility by allowing children to work in word of this activity spread among parents and guardians of commerce at Don Quijote. This experience also contributes to the children at kindergartens, nurseries, and elementary schools, cultivation of children’s perceptions of jobs and careers. In the more customers with children began to visit our stores in support. fiscal year ending June 2020, we received 1,661 children from The PPIH Group promotes such initiatives for the sake of the 208 schools (mainly elementary and middle school students). future of the community, not short-term profits, and is Furthermore, UNY organizes “visit courses” for the purpose of Social initiatives communication with the local community, mainly in the Tokai contributing to the development of communities that are region. UNY works to support education related to the attractive to families with young children. environment, including a course on the topic of “eco-friendly Social shopping.”

Donating hygiene products during the COVID-19 pandemic Initiatives by stakeholder Each store had discussions with local governments and nearby schools, and donated hygiene products such as hand sanitizer Customers Short-term workers gel, as well as food for households in need, depending on each area’s situation. We took swift action to consider and provide We continued operations to protect people’s well-being in the Employment support for dining and drinking establishments that items that people truly needed, so that local people could lead abnormal and unprecedented situation posed by the COVID-19 have voluntarily suspended their business Children working as cashiers their lives with peace of mind. pandemic, fulfilling our role as a lifeline for local communities. Many dining and drinking establishments voluntarily suspended Amid changing customer demand, each store swiftly sought the their business during the COVID-19 pandemic, and their staff cooperation of our partners (suppliers) and strived to secure members were furloughed or lost their jobs as a result. We products that would meet our customers’ needs. recruited these staff members as part-time employees, offering them at least short-term work. By providing them with opportunities to leverage their experience at PPIH Group stores Providing customers with a fun and relaxing space that handle fresh and prepared food, we were able to help them We have about 50 large aquariums installed in about 20 maintain their livelihoods. stores nationwide. The aquariums feature rare tropical fish from Palau and can be viewed free of charge by everyone from young children to senior citizens. Our aim is to raise awareness of one of the SDGs (Goal 14), “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources,” by recreating the marine ecosystem of Palau, which is said to be the most beautiful place in the world, with beautiful colorful fish, impressively uniform schools of fish, and wonderful coral reefs. We are proud to say that these aquariums serve as landmarks for our stores and that they provide customers with fun and Employees Partners relaxation. Building trust relationships with partners through Establishment of a Diversity Management Committee ※ All of the tropical fish and coral reefs in our aquariums have been In November 2020, the PPIH Group established a Diversity kyoeikai (co-prosperity club) collected by hand by authorized Palauan collectors under the guidance of the Palau Aquarium, with special permission from the national and Management Committee under the direct control of the CEO. We In 2013, the PPIH Group established the kyoeikai (co-prosperity local governments of the Republic of Palau. will actively plan and executive policies to empower women and club), a membership organization, believing that building strong promote diversity. relationships with partners form crucial lifelines for overcoming the intense competition of the retail industry. Through kyoeikai Establishment of “Human Resources Career Call” seminars and events, we aim to build relationships of trust with The “Human Resources Career Call’ was established in February partners in order to foster a sense of solidarity between the 2020 as a human resources and career consultation contact employees of our partners and those of the PPIH Group. The Large aquarium by the entrance of the Don Quijote Nakameguro Main Store point. activities of kyoeikai continue in 2020, with the number of member companies exceeding 2,500.

18 19 Environmental initiatives Environment Yasuda Scholarship Foundation Scholarships for students struggling to afford school fees since the foundation’s establishment. The rapid changes Yasuda Scholarship Foundation was established in 2005 in international affairs and economic conditions, as well by Takao Yasuda, the founder of the PPIH Group, with his as the COVID-19 pandemic, have made it clear to us that Eco-First Promise by optimizing order placement and lowering prices for own personal assets, in commemoration of the 25th the types of students who truly need support are products approaching their expiry dates at the right diversifying. As a leader in environmental initiatives, UNY submitted anniversary of the founding of Don Quijote Co., Ltd. timing. Its food recycling loop initiative promotes the use In light of this, the foundation has been taking more an Eco-First Promise to the Environment Minister. To (currently the PPIH Group). of food leftovers from various stores as compost and feed The goal of the foundation is to provide scholarships of flexible approaches. For example, last year, based on realize the promise, it is striving for “eco-friendly for local circular agricultural initiatives. UNY sells 100,000 yen per month (1.2 million yen per year / referrals from universities, we provided temporary shopping,” along with customers, by formulating an vegetables and other produce made as part of the food scholarships as an emergency support measure for environmental plan, promoting food recycling, enrolled period) to international students struggling to recycling loop at UNY stores. It intends to continue the Japanese students struggling to afford school fees due to implementing environmental education, and selling eco- afford school fees, thereby improving the pool of food recycling loop at all stores in an effort to attain a financial difficulties caused by the COVID- pandemic. friendly PB products. international students and helping them to become even 19 90% implementation rate for food recycling by 2023 in more valuable human resources, and ultimately Yasuda Scholarship Foundation will maintain a long- fulfillment of the Eco-First Promise. contributing to the friendship and goodwill between the term commitment to fostering capable human resources Lower CO2 emission volume home countries of these students and Japan. by providing and expanding schooling support that is We believe that the hosting of international students in truly demanded by the times, in line with the “ability to We are deploying solar power and wind power at some Food-related Japan and their development as human resources serve adapt,” an important part of PPIH’s management Yukenton original businesses stores and verifying the efficacy of renewable energy as a “ ” Eco-Friendly brand pork Stores as an intellectual contribution to the international philosophy, and, consequently, contributing to future energy source. eco!on Products community. Furthermore, we believe that this helps to development, peace, and friendship around the world. form human networks, and deepen mutual understanding Stores generating food recycling resources and friendly relations between Japan and other countries, Reduce food waste and strengthen recycling thus contributing to global peace and stability. As a comprehensive retailer, UNY is implementing its Food recycling 206 scholarship recipients have already graduated and own measures to resolve environmental issues, while also Agricultural Recycling entered the workforce. Each of them has been giving their producers loop company seeking to realize a sustainable society through shopping all and working hard every day as bridges between Japan that connects producers and consumers. UNY is making Consumers and their home countries. daily efforts to reduce food waste, a global issue, such as At the same time, as of 2020, 15 years have passed

Japanese language support for Indonesia Since 2014, Yasuda Scholarship Foundation has Governance initiatives supporting students in Indonesia who wish to study in Japan by providing them with scholarships. Furthermore, in 2020, the foundation also began providing scholarships to students selected from the winners of the Japanese presentation contest for Governance Indonesian high school students (formerly the Japanese speech contest for high school students), which the PPIH Group sponsors, if they meet the relevant criteria.

Shifting to a system of individual companies people that each have a branch president and transcend Don Quijote, Nagasakiya, and UD Retail corporate To foster and spread management awareness, the PPIH boundaries. By placing 102 branch presidents directly College yokozuna Purevsuren Delgerbayar visits Yasuda Scholarship Foundation Group shifted to an internal company system. We have underneath executive officers, we aim to realize full reorganized the PPIH Group and subsidiaries into the On November 20, 2020, college yokozuna Purevsuren (as a university student).” Managing director Tsukiizumi delegation of authority. At the same time, we will also three axes of business (internal companies), products Delgerbayar (4th year student at Nippon Sport Science presented a bouquet and other commemorative items to work to realize mid- to long term feasible growth by and holding company functions, and we will give University, originally from Mongolia), winner of the All Mr. Delgerbayar. raising the incomes of the whole area. Japan University Sumo Championship, visited our significant authority to each, thereby promoting the * This rank is given to amateur sumo wrestlers who have achieved further delegation of management authority. Nakameguro headquarters. Mr. Delgerbayar is one of outstanding results and allows them to enter the professional sumo world Strengthening Governance to Improve Yasuda Scholarship Foundation’s international at a higher position than they would normally. scholarship recipients (sports category). After winning the Management Transparency Further evolution of delegation of authority All Japan University Sumo Championship on November 7, “ ” At the PPIH Group, we firmly adhere to the corporate he earned the sumo rank of makushita 15.* Visiting us with the Million Star Program principle of “The Customer Matters Most,” and strive to together with Mr. Kenshiro Matsunami, chairman of the Having simplified the corporate structure by shifting to reinforce corporate governance and compliance while board of directors at Nippon Sport Science University, and an internal company system, in September 2020, we employing an active disclosure policy and fostering a Mr. Kazuo Saito, manager of the sumo club at the promoted further reform by launching the Million Star deeper understanding of our efforts to coexist with university, Mr. Delgerbayar told managing director Hiroshi Program. This program introduces a sales management society. This commitment is integral to enhanced Tsukiizumi and the Secretariat of the foundation that, “I structure for 102 commercial zones with 1 million corporate value and is thus a top management priority. am happy to have won the championship in my last year

20 21 Number of Group Stores PPIH Group Today Japan 670stores Hawaii *Number of stores: as of May 31, 2021 585stores ※ Don Quijote 228 stores MEGA Don Quijote*1 139 28 MEGA Don Quijote UNY, Don Quijote UNY*1 51 Don Quijote 3 Apita, Piago, Piago La: Foods Core 140 MARUKAI 1 Nagasakiya, etc. 2 Times*2 24 *1 New MEGA Don Quijote is included under the Picasso*1 25 MEGA Don Quijote format. Essence, Kyoyasudo, *2 Big Save and other stores operated by QSI, California Ekidonki, Soradonki, and Jonetsu Shokunin are Inc. are included under the Times format. included under the Picasso format. 37stores MARUKAI 4 Hong Kong TOKYO CENTRAL 6 Gelson's Markets 27 7stores DON DON DONKI 6

Thailand 2stores DON DON DONKI 2 The PPIH Group converted UNY Co., Ltd. into a consolidated subsidiary in January 2019, greatly expanding its scale. We have been steadily expanding our store network both in Japan and overseas, and the total number of Group stores on May 31, 2021 was 670. The transformations brought about by the name change and the expansion of the Group’s scale have poised us to Malaysia accelerate our evolution with the aim of becoming a globally competitive retail group. Changes in the number of stores by store format

693 670stores 1店舗 629 JONETZ by DON DON DONKI 1 stores Overseas stores mini Piago*4 1 Nagasakiya MEGA Don Quijote 418 DON DON DONKI 1 368 Doit*3 Apita / Piago 341 306 MEGA Don Quijote UNY Don Quijote Picasso Singapore *3 The Doit stores operated by Doit Co., Ltd. (currently Sky Green Co., Ltd.), which operates home improvement and renovation businesses, were removed from the scope of consolidation effective February 1, 2020, following a business transfer via an absorption-type company split. *4 On April 1, 2020, 80% of the shares held in 99ICHIBA Co., Ltd., the company stores FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 May. 2021 that operates mini Piago stores, were transferred and, as a result, mini Piago 9 stores were withdrawn from the PPIH Group as of this date. DON DON DONKI 9 May. 2021

22 23 Diverse Store Formats Enabling Flexible New Store Openings Overview of domestic store formats The PPIH Group employs a diverse range of store formats with different concepts and targets that are compatible with a Average shop Average number of Product mix variety of locations and building structures, including urban shopping districts and roadside locations. This supports Store type floor area items characteristics Main target customers

flexible new store openings to suit specific locations and business areas, enabling us to operate stores that are rooted in 2 2 Amusement & Don Quijote 1,000m ~3,000m 40,000~60,000 novelty store Young people & couples the community, and contributing to addressing customer needs and issues. MEGA Don Quijote 8,000m2~10,000m2 60,000~100,000

Clothing, food, and New MEGA Don Quijote 3,000m2~5,000m2 40,000~80,000 household essentials Homemakers and families Mainly food items and 2 2 Discount store business Small-sized store format business Don Quijote UNY 4,000m ~5,000m 50,000~60,000 everyday household items

MEGA Don Quijote UNY 5,000m2~13,000m2 70,000~100,000 Don Quijote Small-sized store format Don Quijote is a chain of general Picasso, Essence, Kyoyasudo, Ekidonki, Soradonki Small-sized store format 2 2 Emphasis on specialty products Picasso, Essence, Kyoyasudo, Ekidonki, Soradonki 300m ~1,000m 10,000~20,000 (convenience stores & mini-grocery) Young people & couples discount stores based on a concept The small-sized store format is a that combines the three aspects of condensed version of the Don Quijote Clothing, food and Homemakers, families, and Apita and Apita Plus , m2 , m2 , , convenience, discount, and format, designed with a streamlined (some stores take the form of a mall-type shopping center) 6 000 ~15 000 50 000~80 000 household items in general senior citizens amusement (CV+D+A). The merchandise mix to cater to demand from Clothing, food and merchandise mix comprises 40,000 smaller commercial zones. Our aim is to Piago / Piago Power / Power Super Piago , m2 , m2 , , 1 500 ~8 000 40 000~60 000 household essentials to 60,000 items, ranging from foods create stores that are more tailored to Homemakers and and everyday household items to their respective local communities than senior citizens Food items and clothing, electrical appliances, and Piago La: Foods Core / U-Store , m2 , m2 , , other store formats and are convenient for (Grocery products only) 1 000 ~3 000 8 000~10 000 everyday household items brand-name products. the daily routines of customers.

General merchandise store business Overseas retail operations

MEGA Don Quijote Apita DON DON DONKI MARUKAI MEGA Don Quijote is a chain of Based on the concept of “stylish, DON DON DONKI is a new store format MARUKAI is a chain of Japanese food family-oriented general discount fun, and fresh,” Apita is a brand of designed for Southeast Asia that supermarkets located on the West stores based on a concept of general supermarkets designed to features made-in-Japan and made-for- Coast of the United States. These showcasing a rich merchandise mix enrich the lives of customers across Japan products based on the concept of stores sell a wide variety of affordably and amazing discounts. These a large commercial zone. The a Japan-brand specialty store. With priced Japanese vegetables, processed stores feature a robust lineup of merchandise mix of these stores in-store kitchens and food courts, these foods, seasonings, fish, other fresh products matched to customers’ comprises 50,000 to 80,000 items, stores are created to be a store space foods, sushi, boxed lunches, and diverse lifestyles, including fresh including foods, everyday household with an emphasis on experiential prepared foods. Other offerings at foods, daily consumables, electrical items, clothing, and household- consumption. these community-loved stores include appliances, and clothing. related products. Japanese sake and cosmetics.

New MEGA Don Quijote Piago TOKYO CENTRAL Don Quijote USA New MEGA Don Quijote is a store Piago general supermarkets serve as TOKYO CENTRAL is a chain of “food format that is smaller in scale than daily convenience stores by offering entertainment” stores in California MEGA Don Quijote. At these stores, rich lineups of food and other mainly offering delicious and Don Quijote USA has three stores on the ratio of floor space dedicated to products as well as services that are authentic Japanese ready-made the Hawaiian island of Oahu. With fresh foods is less than that of tailored to their respective regions. meals such as buffet menus, wide aisles that can be comfortably standard MEGA Don Quijote, as We aim to develop comfortable prepared foods, sushi, boxed lunches, navigated with a shopping cart, as these stores place greater emphasis stores that are part of our customers’ baked goods, and more, at reasonable well as a 4-meter-high ceiling, these on profitability and efficiency with lives and make everyday shopping prices. Customers can feel as if they spacious stores offer an enjoyable lineups largely consisting of daily an enjoyable experience. are in modern-day Tokyo while shopping experience that is unique consumables and processed foods. shopping in these entertaining stores. to Don Quijote and full of surprises.

Don Quijote UNY / MEGA Don Quijote UNY Piago La: Foods Core/U-Store Times Don Quijote UNY and MEGA Don Piago La: Foods Core is a compact-size Quijote UNY are stores converted from store format focused on Apita and Piago brand general customers’ diets that provides supermarket stores. These stores have ingredients core to their eating habits. Times is a brand of stores long won support from customers of all ages With varied lineups of items ranging beloved by residents of Hawaii. At by offering a range of food items, an from the ingredients that are these stores, customers can find area of specialty for UNY, alongside an indispensable to our daily lives to everything they need in their daily assortment of non-food items, a ingredients carefully selected to match lives, with an emphasis on food strength of Don Quijote, which has been contemporary needs, these stores items such as fresh vegetables and enhanced through the conversion. propose new lifestyles involving food. fish procured locally.

24 25

②座り _ 両手

③立ち _ 片手

④立ち _ 両手 大 中(正称細め) 小(正称なし)

大 中(正称細め) 小(正称なし)

Real estate division, etc. Outsourcing division

大 中(正称細め) 小(正称なし)

Company Name MY SUPPORT Co., Ltd. Company Name Japan Asset Marketing Co., Ltd. President President Mitsuru Haginoshita President President Mitsuaki Shirahama Business Stuffing service, Contracting business, Job introduction service Business Tenant leasing, real estate management, facility maintenance Head Office 4F Hisaya Building, 1-10-37 Higashisakura, Higashi-ku, and security management Nagoya-shi, Aichi 461-0005 Head Office 4-14-1 Kitakasai Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 134-0081 Phone:(+81)52-968-1121 FAX:(+81)52+5963 Phone: (+81) 3-5667-8023 Fax: (+81) 3-5667-8024 Date Established Dec, 1999 Date Established September 2, 1999 Home Page Home Page Financial services division

Company Name Japan Commercial Establishment Co., Ltd. President President Kazuma Hirata Business Leasing space management Company Name UCS Co., Ltd. Head Office 4-14-1 Kitakasai Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 134-0081 President President Hideki Goto Phone: (+81) 3-5667-7241 Fax: (+81) 3-5667-7451 Business Credit card service (shopping, financing), Digital cash service, Date Established November 26, 2001 Insurance agency service, and others (lease, traveling, etc.) Home Page Head Office 1 Amaikegotanda-cho, Inazawa-shi, Aich 492-8686 Date Established May, 1991 Home Page

Company Name D-ONE Co., Ltd. Services division President President Mitsuaki Shirahama Business Store development, real estate monetization, advisory services, etc. Head Office 2-19-10 Aobadai Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0042 Phone: (+81) 3-5725-7537 Fax: (+81) 3-5725-7040 Date Established September 24, 2004 Home Page Company Name Airline Hotel Co., Ltd. President President and Representative Director, Kazuma Hirata Business Accomodation ・Restaurant Head Office 3 -10-19 Tachibanadorinishi, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki 大 中(正称細め) 小(正称なし) 880-001, Japan Phone: (+81) 985-29-7070 Fax: (+81) 985-29-7077 Date Established December th, Company Name Sun Sougou Maintenance Co., Ltd. 10 1980 Home Page President President Tsuyoshi Matsumoto Business Comprehensive maintenance service Head Office 1 Amaikegotanda-cho, Inazawa-shi, Aich 492-8680 Phone: (+81) 587-24-8285 Fax: (+81) 587-24-8278 Operation Shared Services Co., Ltd. Home Page Company Name Operation Shared Services Co., Ltd. President President Toyokazu Shikaya Business General affairs, Asset management, Procurement, etc. Head Office 2 -19-10 Aobadai Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0042 Date Established May 15, 2019 Company Name SUNREFORM Co., Ltd. Company overview President President Takeshi Hattori Business Renovation service, Repairing service Head Office 1 Amaikegotanda-cho, Inazawa-shi, Aich 492-8680 Phone: (+81) 587-24-8791 Home Page Digital division

Advertising and promotion division Company Name KaibaLab Corporation President Representative Director Naoki Yoshida Representative Director Tetsuya Karube Business Research and proposal regarding the use of technology in the retail field, information-related services, etc. Company Name REALIT Co., Ltd. Head Office 2 -19-10 Aobadai Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0042 President President Keiji Hayakawa Date Established October 7, 2019 Business Internet service business Home Page Head Office Kanda Yasukuni-dori Bldg. 5F, 3-3, Kanda Ogawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052 Phone: (+81) 3-5217-2590 Fax: (+81) 3-5217-2591 Date Established January 20, 2005 Home Page

Other Overseas Offices

Pan Pacific International Trading Co., Ltd. Pan Pacific International Trading Co., Ltd. Bangkok Representative Office Business Overseas import and export, product inspection, quality control, production control, product planning, and Business Product inspection, quality control, production control, information disclosure product planning, and information disclosure Shanghai Head Office Rm 630, Kuaiyimingshang Bldg., No. 555 Wuding Rd., No. Donki Mall Thonglor, Soi Sukhumvit , Klongton neau, Jingan Dist., Shanghai, 200040 Head Office 107 63 Phone: (+86) 21-5879-3241 Fax: (+86) 21-5879-4109 Wattana, Bangkok, 10110 Thailand TEL:( +66)96-809-3281 Guangzhou Branch Office Rm 1906, No. 11 Yunying Street, Shingang Middle Rd., Haizhu Dist., Guangzhou, 510310 Phone: (+86) 20-3880-6617 Fax: (+86) 20-3881-5476 Yiwu Branch Office Rm 1115, Jinfuyuan Bldg. A, No. 800 North Chouzhou Rd., Yiwu, Zhejiang Province 322000 Phone: (+ ) - - Fax: (+ ) - - 86 579 8565 8005 86 579 8564 5635

* Items not dated are as of August 1, 2021 Domestic retail division, etc. PPRM (Hong Kong) Company Name Pan Pacific Retail Management (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. President President Mitsuyoshi Takeuchi Business Operation of DON DON DONKI stores in Hong Kong Company Name Don Quijote Head Office Unit 2107, 21F, Mira Place Tower A, 132 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha President President Naoki Yoshida Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Business Selling home electrical appliances, miscellaneous household goods, Home Page Company Name Pan Pacific International Holdings Corporation (PPIH) Head Office 2-19-10 Aobadai Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0042 food, watches and fashion-related merchandise, sporting goods and leisure products and other items by the concept of “great convenience PPRM (Taiwan) Representatives President & CEO, Representative Director Naoki Yoshida Phone: (+81) 3-5725-7532 Fax: (+81) 3-5725-7322 and discount stores” Head Office 2-19-10 Aobadai Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0042 Company Name Taiwan Pan Pacific Retail Management Co.,Ltd. Business Corporate planning for and management of Group Date Established September 5, 1980 Phone: (+81) 3-5725-7532 Fax: (+81) 3-5725-7322 President President Mitsuyoshi Takeuchi companies through the holding of shares in such Date Established August 14, 2013 Business Operation of DON DON DONKI stores in Taiwan Paid-in Capital 23,009 million yen (As of December 31, 2020) companies, contracted administrative operation of Home Page Head Office 7 F.-6, No. 51, Hengyang Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., City 100, subsidiaries, and real estate management Taiwan (R.O.C.) Number of Employees 1,074 (Consolidated: 14,186) (As of Jun 30, 2020) Home Page

Home Page PPRM (Malaysia) Company Name UNY Co., Ltd. President President Kenji Sekiguchi Company Name Pan Pacific Retail Management (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd Business Operation of general retail stores centered on the Tokai area that President President Satoshi Machida provide multifaceted support for regional customers’ lifestyles with Business Operation of specialist stores in Malaysia offerings encompassing clothing, home-related products, foods, and Head Office R7, Level 5, Annexe Block, Lot 10 Shopping Centre, 50, Jalan The Founder leisure goods Sultan Ismail, 50250, Kuala Lumpur Head Office 1 Amaikegotanda-cho, Inazawa-shi, Aichi 492-8680 Home Page Takao Yasuda (Founding Chairman and Supreme Advisor of the Company) Phone: (+81) 587-24-8111 Fax: (+81) 587-24-8034 DONKI (Thailand) Date Established February 16, 2012 Home Page Company Name DONKI (Thailand) Co., Ltd. President President Yosuke Shimanuki Board of Directors and Executive Officers (As of July 1, 2021) Business Operation of DON DON DONKI stores in Thailand UDリテール Head Office No. 107 DONKI Mall Thonglor Floor no. 5, Room no. 501, Soi Sukhumvit (Ekamai), Klongton Neau, Wattana, Bangkok Thailand Company Name UD Retail Co., Ltd. 63 10110 Director President President Mikihira Katagiri Home Page Business Administration of discount general merchandise stores whose Don Quijote (USA) President & CEO, Representative Director Director (non-standing) business type was changed Naoki Yoshida Takao Yasuda (double-name stores between Don Quijote and UNY) Company Name Don Quijote (USA) Co., Ltd. Head Office 2 -18 Irie Kanagawa-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa 221-0014 President President Naoki Yoshida Director & Executive Officer Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member) Phone: (+81) 45-439-0881 Fax: (+81) 45-439-0883 Business Supermarket chain store in Hawaii Date Established November 13, 2017 Head Office 801 Kaheka St., Honolulu, HI 96814 USA Seiji Shintani Kazuhiro Matsumoto Kenji Sekiguchi Takeshi Nishii Yukihiko Inoue Yasunori Yoshimura Tomiaki Fukuda Home Page Home Page Ken Sakakibara Hideki Moriya Tetsuji Maruyama Yuji Ishii Jumpei Nishitani Masaki Yoshino Gelson's Markets

Director (Standing Audit & Supervisory Committee Member) Outside Director Company Name Gelson’s Markets Isao Kubo President President & CEO Robert McDougall Akio Ariga Company Name Nagasakiya Co., Ltd. Business Premium supermarket President President Shinichiro Akagi Head Office 16400 Ventura Boulevard Suite 240 Encino, CA 91436-2123 USA Business Prominent, well-established company in Japan’s distribution sector, Home Page Executive Officer where it develops GMS operations with a focus on food and clothing, and primarily operates MEGA Don Quijote family-oriented general QSI Naoki Yoshida Ken Sakakibara Nobuharu Ohashi Yoshihiro Habata discount stores Company Name QSI, Inc. President & CEO, Co-Chief Merchandising Officer(Co-CMO) President of East Don Quijote Company Vice Head of Tenant Leasing Business Head Office 2 -19-10 Aobadai Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0042 President President Naoki Yoshida Phone: (+81) 3-5725-7532 Fax: (+81) 3-5725-7322 Representative Director Director & Senior Executive Officer Executive Officer Company Business Supermarket operations in Hawaii Date Established January 31, 1948 Executive Officer Head Office 3375 Koapaka St., Honolulu, HI 96819 USA Home Page Kazuhiro Matsumoto Takeshi Nishii Shinichiro Akagi Home Page Chief Merchandising Officer (Global) President of West Don Quijote Company Co-Head of ANSWER MAN Headquarters Yosuke Shimanuki MARUKAI CORPORATION Vice President of Asia Company Director & Senior Executive Officer President of Nagasakiya Company Head of Thailand Business Director & Senior Managing Executive Officer Executive Officer Executive Officer 橘百貨店 Company Name MARUKAI CORPORATION Mikihira Katagiri President President Yasuyuki Sakamoto Company Name Tachibana Departmentstore Co., Ltd. ・基本形Business Super Market (sales of groceries and household items) and product Kenji Sekiguchi President of UDR Company Hitomi Ninomiya Yoshihiro Imai President President Satoshi Kimijima development of food and household items, import, and sales. President of GMS Company Senior Executive Officer Diversity Management Committee Chairman Head of Foods Merchandising, Business General retailer established in 1952 that operates the Miyazaki Nanairo Head Office 1740 West Artesia Blvd., Gardena, CA 90248 USA Director & Senior Managing Executive Officer Head of Design GMS Company (formerly Bonbelta Tachibana) commercial complex, where the MEGA Home Page Don Quijote Miyazaki Tachibana Street branch is a core store Kousuke Suzuki Executive Officer Executive Officer Head Office 3 -10-32 Tachibanadorinishi, Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki, 880-8586 MARUKAI HAWAII Seiji Shintani Vice President of UDR Company Phone: (+81) 985-24-4111 Fax: (+81) 985-25-1011 Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) Senior Executive Officer Keiji Hayakawa Hideharu Watanabe Date Established November 18, 1976 Company Name MARUKAI HAWAII Co., Ltd. Director & Senior Managing Executive Officer Head of Risk Management and Head of Clothing Merchandising, President President Naoki Yoshida Business Operation of supermarkets specializing mainly in Japanese foods Kazuma Hirata Human Resources GMS Company in Hawaii, USA Mitsuyoshi Takeuchi Head of Corporate Philosophy Promotion Executive Officer Executive Office Head Office 2310 Kamehameha HWY Honolulu, HI 96819-4531 USA Head of Hong Kong and Taiwan (Macau) Headquarters Overseas retail division Home Page Business Co-Head of ANSWER MAN Headquarters Yasuyuki Sakamoto Toyokazu Shikaya Distribution division Managing Executive Officer President of Tenant Leasing Business President of North America Company Head of Personnel and Labor Headquarters ・正称込み _ 狭小スペース用。正称がつぶれないように文字の線幅を細く調整しています Company Executive Officer Executive Officerr Satoshi Machida Senior Executive Officer Head of Singapore and Malaysia Business Takahito Kanno Hideki Goto Company Name Pan Pacific Strategy Institute Pte. Ltd. President Chairman & CEO Takao Yasuda Managing Executive Officer Toshiya Hatsuyama Vice President of UDR Company Head of Credit Card Business Business Management of overseas operating companies and related activities Company Name Pan Pacific International Trading Co., Ltd. Co-Chief Merchandising Officer(Co-CMO) Executive Officer Executive Officer Head Office 12 Marina Boulevard, #34-03 Marina Bay Financial CentreTower 3 President President Tetsuro Baba Hideki Moriya Senior Executive Officer 018982 Singapore ・正称なしBusiness _ 狭小スペース用。正称なしの拡大版は使用しないでください Product development, procurement, and production control overseas; Head of Management Strategy Headquarters Takayuki Hyuga Yuji Kozawa Date Established December 20, 2018 procurement of products for overseas markets; exports to Group Paid-in Capital 304 million US dollars + 1 SG dollar (as of June 30, 2020) companies; etc. Director General of Executive Committee Head of Legal Headquarters Manager of Ringi Deliberation Committee Tetsuya Karube Head Office 2 -19-10 Aobadai Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0042 Director & Managing Executive Officer Chief Marketing & Integration Officer (CMIO) Executive Officer Establishment and Date Established June 3, 2015 Senior Executive Officer Corporate Ethics Committee Establishment PPRM (Singapore) Home Page Yuji Ishii Shigenari Yasukawa Preparation Chief Administrative Officer(CAO) Tetsuji Maruyama Head of Special Purchase Division Executive Officer Company Name Pan Pacific Retail Management (Singapore) Pte., Ltd. ※右側のマークは、シンボルマーク的でないため、PPIT 部分と分離して使用するのも良いと思います。 Head of Accounting Headquarters Co-Chief Merchandising Officer(Co-CMO) Executive Officer President Chairman & CEO Takao Yasuda Director & Managing Executive Officer Director & Executive Officer Business Operation of DON DON DONKI stores in Singapore Head Office 12 Marina Boulevard, #34-03 Marina Bay Financial CentreTower 3 Company Name Fujiya Shoji Co., Ltd. Shuuichi Takeuchi 018982 Singapore President President Shingo Miyake Keita Shimizu Vice Head of Sales, GMS Company Home Page Business General wholesale, Logistic Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Executive Officer Head Office 2 -19-10 Aobadai Meguro-ku,Tokyo 153-0042 Executive Officer Phone: (+81) 42-316-3856 Fax: (+81) 42-316-5507 Date Established July 6, 1972