Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly 2008 SPECIAL SESSION
Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly 2008 SPECIAL SESSION I Convened March 13, 2008 Adjourned sine die April 23, 2008 Reconvened June 4, 2008 Adjourned sine die June 4, 2008 FINAL CUMULATIVE INDEX OF BILLS, JOINT RESOLUTIONS, AND RESOLUTIONS Patron Report - House of Delegates Patron Report - Senate Bill and Resolution Status Report Acts of Assembly Chapter Report Summary of Legislation Printed August 5, 2008 Compiled by the House of Delegates Bruce F. Jamerson Clerk of the House of Delegates and Keeper of the Rolls of the Commonwealth Jeffrey A. Finch Deputy Clerk Jacqueline D. Scott Enrolling Clerk Jeannine B. Layell Indexing Clerk Indexing Staff Patricia T. Anderson Carolyn G. Bahen Sarah A. Armistead Cathy C. Hooe Donna H. Meland in cooperation with the Senate of Virginia, Susan Clarke Schaar, Clerk the Division of Legislative Services, E. M. Miller, Jr., Director and the Division of Legislative Automated Systems, R. Jay Landis, Acting Director Beverley O. Lewis, Information Management Services, Manager James L. Garton, Jr., Systems Analyst FOREWORD This Final Cumulative Index includes bills, joint resolutions, and resolutions introduced for the 2008 Special Session I of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, which convened March 13, 2008. The General Assembly adjourned sine die April 23, 2008, reconvened June 4, 2008, pursuant to Section 6 of Article IV of the Constitution of Virginia, and adjourned sine die June 4, 2008. Legislative measures are indexed by subject, showing bill numbers, code sections, and chief patrons. The Chapter numbers assigned for the 2008 Special Session I Acts of Assembly are also included. Also included is a Patron Report, listing Delegates and Senators with the bills and resolutions they patron and co-patron, a Bill and Resolution Status Report containing the legislative history on all bills and resolutions, and the Acts of Assembly Chapter Report, which lists legislative measures by the chapter numbers assigned for the 2008 Special Session I Acts of Assembly.
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