LEGISLATIVE REPORT #1 FROM: Martha Burton January 5, 2021

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LEGISLATIVE REPORT #1 FROM: Martha Burton January 5, 2021 LEGISLATIVE REPORT #1 FROM: Martha Burton January 5, 2021 mburton@craterpdc.org (804) 861-1666 Happy New Year! As unbelievable as it seems another General Assembly session is upon us. This is a “short session” and these sessions were established in order to amend the Commonwealth’s two-year budget and handle any urgent matters, and were set up originally to last for 30 days. Typically they have lasted 46 days. It remains to be seen if this one will only go for 30 days; that is a matter currently being argued. We do know that it will begin on Wednesday, January 13, 2021. The purpose behind sending these reports to you is to make you aware in a timely fashion of bills that could impact local government so that you will have time to ask questions and contact your legislators. Additionally, if you need someone to find out more information, or do a little research, please feel free to contact me and I will do my best. If you do not need to receive these reports, just send me a quick e- mail or call and tell Judy Smith and you will be removed from the list. The House of Delegates is going to continue to undertake its work remotely, while the Senate sessions will be held at the Science Museum of Virginia. If you have major concerns about a bill, you will need to try and make contact with your legislators quickly, as it is now much harder to find out about when bills are being discussed in subcommittees or committees. BUDGET AMENDMENTS: If you want your legislators to offer an amendment to the current State Budget, you need to contact them immediately. The DEADLINE for House members to offer budget amendments is 5:00 PM on January 8th. The DEADLINE for Senate members is 5:00 PM on January 15. PRE-SESSION MEETINGS January 8 – Committee Meetings and Full Commission Meeting of the Tobacco Commission throughout the day. Area legislators who are members: Senators Lucas, Morrissey; Delegates Aird, Carr, Tyler, Ware. January 11 – Joint Subcommittee on Local Government Fiscal Stress – Virtual – 2:00 PM January 11 – Senate Finance & Appropriations Committee – Virtual – 9:30 AM – Area Legislators who are members: Senators Norment, Lucas, Ruff, McClellan. Page 2 BILLS INTRODUCED: Administration of Government HB 1738 – Del. William Wampler, III, Abingdon – to allow localities to, by ordinance, create up to 3 Outdoor Refreshment Areas where alcoholic drinks can be purchased from on-premises retailers and consumed in the outdoor areas. These would be areas that have dining, entertainment, hotels, residential spaces and would allow people to consume their drinks outside. REFERRED TO HOUSE HB 1746 – Del. Mark Cole, Fredericksburg – RE: Elections – to require every locality’s registrar to have and maintain video recordings of each polling location while absentee ballots are being cast, votes are counted and returns are completed. REFERRED TO HOUSE COMMITTEE ON PRIVILEGES & ELECTIONS HB 1755 – Del. Lee Carter, Manassas – Full repeal of the Right to Work Law. REFERRED TO HOUSE LABOR & COMMERCE COMMITTEE HB 1778 – Del. Jeion Ward, Hampton – RE: Property Maintenance – to amend Section 15.2-901 to add “clutter” so that a locality could require removal or remove “clutter”, i.e. mechanical equipment, furniture, containers, that have accumulated in public view. REFERED TO HOUSE COUNTIES, CITIES & TOWNS COMMITTEE HB 1794 – Del. Glen Davis, Virginia Beach – RE: Collective Bargaining – to amend Section 40.1-57.2 to provide that in localities which permit collective bargaining, there will be no action or discussion re: the hiring, firing or disciplining of a local employee allowed in collective bargaining negotiations. REFERRED TO HOUSE LABOR & COMMERCE COMMITTEE SB 1135 - Sen. David Marsden, Fairfax County – RE: Dangerous Dogs – Overhaul of multiple code sections relative to how “dangerous” dogs are handled by animal control, law enforcement, issuance of summons, court proceedings- 7 pages. REFERRED TO SENATE AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION & NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Page 3 Education HB 1736 – Del. Dawn Adams, Richmond – RE: School Nurses – to remove them from Code provisions related to support services; to REQUIRE at least 1 FTE School Nurse (must be an RN) in every elementary, middle & high school. REFERRED TO HOUSE EDUCATION COMMITTEE HB 1780 – Del. Carter – RE: Collective Bargaining – to exempt school employees from the prohibition on STRIKING. REFERRED TO HOUSE LABOR & COMMERCE COMMITTEE SB 1106 – Sen. Bill Stanley, Franklin Co. – to establish the Public School Assistance Fund & Program to provide grants to local school boards for Roof Repairs or Replacements. REFERRED TO SENATE EDUCATION & HEALTH COMMITTEE SB 1109 – Sen. Stanley – to provide that there would be a statewide advisory referendum in November, 2021, re: should VA issue State G.O. Bonds ($3 Billion) for K-12 building construction, repair, modernization. REFERRED TO SENATE COMMITTEE ON PRIVILEGES & ELECTIONS SB 1114 – Sen. Mark Peake, Lynchburg – RE: Children’s Services Act – to allow the use of State Pool Funds for services that are provided in public school settings. REFERRED TO SENATE EDUCATION & HEALTH COMMITTEE SB 1133 – Sen. David Suetterlein, Roanoke - Same as SB 1114 except a pilot project would be required first. REFERRED TO SENATE EDUCATION & HEALTH COMMITTEE SJR 275 – Sen. Stanley – proposed Constitutional Amendment that would require the General Assembly to provide for a system of public schools with equal educational opportunities for all children and ensure all school-age children are provided with equal educational opportunities. REFERRED TO SENATE COMMITTEE ON PRIVILEGES & ELECTIONS Page 4 Environment HB 1801 – Del. James Edmunds, II, Halifax County – RE: Litter – to amend Section 33.2-802 to increase penalties for dumping trash, garbage to $500-$5,000 and to increase the minimum community service hours to 40. REFERRED TO HOUSE Miscellaneous HJR 521 – Del. Roslyn Tyler, Sussex Co. – to Commend the Crater PDC on 50 years of service. Public Safety HB 1753 – Del. Mike Webert, Fauquier Co. – to establish the VA Law-Enforcement Professional Standards Commission Accreditation Grant Fund and The VA Law-Enforcement Professional Standards Commission Accreditation Grant Program to assist agencies to pursue accreditation. REFERRED TO HOUSE HB 1757 – Del. John McGuire, III, Henrico Co. – RE: Firearm-Free Zones – to provide that if the state or a locality designates any property as a firearm-free zone, the state or locality would waive its sovereign immunity as it relates to injuries in the zone. REFERRED TO HOUSE HB 1793 – Del. Davis – RE: Guns – to amend Section 15.2-915 to provide that any local ordinance that prohibits firearms on any specified public property shall not apply to persons who have a valid concealed handgun permit. REFERRED TO HOUSE SB 1119 – Sen. Bryce Reeves, Fredericksburg – to create the Body-Worn Camera System Fund to help local law-enforcement agencies purchase, operate and maintain systems. REFERRED TO SENATE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY Page 5 Taxation SB 1130 – Sen. Reeves – RE: Personal Property Tax – This is the enabling legislation for the Constitutional amendment that was approved in November. It will provide that 1 motor vehicle of a veteran who has 100% service-connected, permanent and total disability shall be exempt from local personal property tax. REFERRED TO SENATE FINANCE & APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE .

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