Why Mobile-to-Mobile Wireless Won’t Cause a Storm

Nathaniel Husted Steven Myers Indiana University Indiana University

Abstract the cellular carrier level. Three infamous examples of mobile-to-mobile malware include the Worms The enhanced capabilities of are creating Mabir [4], [1], and Commwarrior [3]. These the opportunity for new forms of malware to spread di- viruses used flaws in the phone’s Bluetooth stack or ba- rectly between mobile devices over short-range radio. sic social engineering to install themselves on discover- This has been observed already in Bluetooth radios, and able bluetooth phones in the local vicinity. Numerous WiFi capabilities of smartphones provide an opportune pieces of research have focused on studying Bluetooth new spreading vector. The increasing complexity of viruses [10–12, 15, 18, 25, 28, 29, 33–35] as well as gen- phone operating systems coupled with disclosed vulner- eral articles on mobile malware [17]. With WiFi becom- abilities suggest it is simply a matter of time before WiFi ing a predominant feature on Smartphones, WiFi offers based worms are possible. Works that have considered an emerging vector for moble-to-mobile malware. this problem for Bluetooth suggest outbreaks would re- The increasingly complex operating systems and ap- sult in epidemics [11,28,32]. We use traditional epidemi- plications that run on smartphones create yet other broad ological modeling tools and high-fidelity realistic human attack surfaces when compared to the traditional fea- mobility data to study the spreading speed of this emer- ture phones targeted by Mabir, Cabir, and Commwarrior. gent threat. As opposed to other works, we take in to ac- Modern operating systems have been found count the effects of exposure times, wireless propagation to have both minor [2, 9] and major [7] security flaws. radii, and limited population susceptibility. Importantly, The valuable data stored on such phones, and the trans- we find that lowering the susceptibility of the population actions made with them, leads to a strong incentive to to infection gives significant herd immunity as with bio- write malware to attack such phones. logical infections, but unlike traditional Internet worms, making such threats unlikely in the near to medium term. WiFi offers a potentially superior mobile-to-mobile Specifically, with susceptibility rates below 10% the re- malware spread mechanism compared to Bluetooth: sult is near total immunity of the population. We find WiFi traffic is easily sniffable and forgeable; even when exposure times, and wireless transmission radii have no data packets are encrypted, management frames are un- significant effect on outbreaks. encrypted; and, there is no authentication performed on packets permitting spoofing (a predominant tactic in WEP cracking [31]). These all result in different tech- 1 Introduction niques that can be used to attempt to inject traffic on to an unsuspecting device, leading to different avenues of The popularity of smartphones has created new avenues attack. Finally, many phones always have WiFi on. Blue- for exploitation. As smartphones include advanced wire- tooth not only must be on but must be in discoverable less capabilities such as Bluetooth, 802.11 access (WiFi), mode to be seen and exploited. and even the ability to masquerade as access points (e.g., We provide preliminary results on our study of the dy- DroidX), they offer an open vector for the spread of namics of mobile-to-mobile, wireless, malware outbreak mobile-to-mobile malware using its short-range radio, dynamics in metropolitan areas. Using a combination and eschewing the cellular 3G or 4G data network. Such of realistic population data, simulated human mobility malware is potentially concerning due to its ability to data, and epidemiological modeling, we propose a set be spread off of major monitored network backbones, of estimates predicting the speed at which the malware making detection and malware scrubbing impossible at spreads. Our analysis is the first to comprehensively study the spread of malware on a large urban scale, using The start of a mobile-to-mobile infection requires a fine grained realistic traces of human mobility. We are point of initial infection, which need not be over the P2P the first to consider the effects of varying levels of sus- network. It might be transmitted through the use of so- ceptibility of the population, something that we find is cial engineering to download malicious applications con- of the utmost importance to the spreading dynamics, and taining the malicious wireless P2P payload. Strategies suggests that peer-to-peer spread is far less concerning for initial infection are well understood, and outside the than previously believed. scope of this paper. The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows: Sec. Access points are not considered as a malware carrier 2 discusses how WiFi based malware would spread and in this paper. The current empirical datasets do not pro- the feasibility of WiFi malware; Sec. 3 provides an vide accurate positioning in three dimensions. Previous overview of epidemiological models and a description experiment have shown the contact between individuals of the model used in this paper; Sec. 4 discusses the and access points is negligible compared to phone-to- methodology used in our simulations; Sec. 5 discusses phone contact [16]. the findings of our experiments; Sec. 6 discusses the dif- ferences between simulated and empirical data, and the 3 Epidemiological Models need for simulated data; Sec. 7 discusses the defenses that will help stop WiFi based malware; Sec. 8 discusses Biological epidemiological models have been suggested related work; and, finally, Sec. 9 gives our final thoughts as a way of modeling digital viral spreads since the first and plans for future work. Internet worms [22]. Due to the scale-free nature of the Internet, essentially all computer viruses over traditional 2 The Anatomy of Wireless Malware networks translated in to epidemics. Technically, this was due to the epidemiological constants being 0 (i.e, There are multiple standards for wireless device-to- there was no herd resistance). However, with wireless device communication, such as WiFi and Bluetooth. P2P networks, the connectedness of the graph is greatly Bluetooth and WiFi malware are similar in that they both reduced, to models that are more like traditional biologi- provide short-range, peer-to-peer (P2P) wireless commu- cal models. nications. These differ from wireless communications Compartmental models are the most frequently used with the cellular provider, as the channel is not managed forms of epidemiological models. In such models in- by a large organization that might monitor or limit data in dividuals in the population finds themselves in a given an effort to prevent the outbreak of malware on their net- compartment at any given time. Compartments are la- work. However, malware would need to consider a num- beled to represent the different states of illness and health ber of different technical details when targeting trans- individuals can be in. All compartmental epidemiolog- mission through one P2P technology versus the other. ical models, such as the SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed- For example, Bluetooth malware must not only target a Infected-Recovered) model we use in this paper, involve device with Bluetooth enabled, but the target must also the use of two or more compartments. For most of these be discoverable.1 WiFi based malware may only require models, there are assumptions about homogenous mix- that WiFi be turned on, something that with todays usage ing of individuals in the population that result in dif- patterns seems more likely. ferential equations that are used to predict the relative susceptibility of populations to outbreaks of different 2.1 Potential Methods of Spread pathogens. With no significant history of P2P worms, there is no data to validate these homogenous mixing as- Mobile-to-mobile wireless malware needs to take advan- sumptions, nor is it clear what effects attack times and tage of mobile vulnerabilities or mo- transmission radii have on them, so the value of these bile application vulnerabilities in order to spread. Blue- differential equations for predicting P2P outbreaks is un- tooth based malware has taken advantage of OBEX push clear. An overview of epidemiological models can be vulnerabilities and human behavior in order to spread. found in Piqueira et al. [24] and Serazzi et al. [26]. The vulnerabilities that WiFi based malware could take Pastor-Satorras and Vespignani also provide an analysis advantage of include a vulnerability in the 802.11 net- of epidemic spread in scale-free networks [23]. working stack or applications that frequently listen for incoming traffic (e.g. the i-Jetty web server for Android 3.1 Overview of the SEIR Model phones [13]). Of key importance is that for the wireless payload to spread, an infected phone must be in radio The Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) contact with the victim for a long-enough period of time model is a well known compartmental model [26]. The to attack the victim’s system, and upload the payload. model consists of four compartments representing i) a

2 cessful, then they become infected individuals and are moved to the I compartment. In principle, an infected individual may attempt to recover. If they recover from the infection, they are moved to the R compartment and are immune from future infection. In our models we do Figure 1: The movement between compartments is uni- not present any recovery, as we are interested in short- directional except in the case of S to E. term infectious spread, but the unsusceptible population is placed in the recovered compartment. The movement between compartments can be seen in Fig. 1. susceptible population, ii) an exposed population, iii) an infected population, and iv) a recovered population. The 4.2 Detecting Susceptible Wireless Users susceptible population contains users who could poten- tially be infected by the worm. The exposed are those in We simulate the infection spread with wireless transmis- the incubation period of the worm. In our case, the ‘in- sion radii of 15m, 30m, and 45m. These range from cubation’ period is the time in which the worm is both conservative to optimistic for 802.11g, but are conser- attacking a victim and when its payload is being trans- vative for 802.11n. In order to reduce computational ef- ferred between mobile devices. The infected are the indi- fort, we use an inner and outer bounding cube around viduals infected with the worm. The recovered are those a spherical detection area to approximate transmission who have recovered from the worm. In the model, recov- radii. Since the spherical transmission radius is an ap- ered individuals can either be infected again (e.g. bacte- proximation, this seems a reasonable trade-off. In all rial infections) or are now immune depending upon the data presented there was only minor differences between disease under consideration. For worm modeling, we as- the results for the outer bounding cube, and the inner. For sume that the individuals become immune due to the in- clarity in graphs, we present all of the results using the stallation of a patch. outer-bounding cube.

4 Methodology 4.3 Metropolitan Topography and Popula- tion 4.1 Agent Based SEIR Model For initial results, we wanted to generate mobility traces Our agent-based SEIR model depends upon a set of for high-density metropolitan areas. Intuitively these traces representative of human mobility. In principle, provide the best environments for wireless worms’s traces can be simulated or taken from empirical data sets. propagations, due to population density. We chose a For our experiments we use simulated data whose gener- 3-by-3 block region in downtown Chicago: the area is ation is described in Sec. 4.4. We argue the difficulties bound on the north by W. Wacker Dr., the south by W. of using empirical data in Sec. 6. All mobility traces Washington St., the east by N. Clark St and the west by and corresponding detections are done in three dimen- N. Franklin St, and is shown in Fig. 2. The simulator pro- sions. Preliminary work showed that simulating a given vides for three different classes of buildings with corre- population projected on to two dimensions created unre- sponding different behaviors of individuals within them: alistically high rates of close proximity between individ- Offices (OF), Service (SR), and Residences (RE). We uals [16]. simulate a population of 9056 individuals. This popula- Given a set of traces of individuals we choose, at ran- tion figure was gathered from the LandScan dataset [6]. dom, a given fraction of the population to represent the susceptible population, and denote them by the compart- 4.4 Mobility Generation ment S. From this susceptible population, we choose, at random, a given fraction of the individuals to be those To generate our mobility traces we use the UdelMod- that are initially infected with the worm. These individ- els simulator [8]. The UdelModels simulator generates uals are removed from S and placed in the compartment realistic human mobility for downtown metropolitan ar- I. Next, time is simulated forward. We determine when eas. The simulator bases its traces on research from the infected agents are within wireless transmission range Bureau of Labor Statistics, Urban Planning Research, of susceptible agents. These individuals become mem- and worker meeting research. These simulated mobility bers of the exposed, E, compartment so long as they traces are used for simulations of high-fidelity position- are in transmission radius. If these individuals remain ing for large urban populations. in the E compartment for a long enough period of time The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2003 American Time for the proposed attack and payload upload to be suc- of Use study is used to determine realistic distributions

3 4.6 Malware Exposure Time Different security flaws require differing amounts of time to exploit. Similarly, different payloads and transmission rates result in different payload transmission times. In our simulations we have chosen exposure times based on conservative transmission speeds and viruses sizes cho- sen by other researchers in prior work [12, 32, 33, 35]. These exposure times range from five seconds to two minutes.

4.7 Viral Infection Behavior: Serial vs. Parallel Serial spreading allows a worm on an infected phone to Figure 2: Metropolitan mobility maps include number of only actively infect one other device at a time, whereas floors and building function (Courtesy of UDel Models parallel spread allows multiple simultaneous infections. MapBuilder Software [8]) To simulate serial spreading for each infected agent (σ) let Hσ denote those susceptible individuals within the transmission sphere/cube at a given time. In the se- rial model, uniformly at random, one non-infected agent for the time an individual arrives at work, the duration (γ ∈ Hσ) is chosen to be infected and placed in the ex- they’re at work, when the individual takes a break from posed compartment E. If at any point during the expo- work, the number of activities they perform, and the sure period γ leaves Hσ, then γ is returned to the suscep- duration of the activities. Urban planning research is tible compartment S, otherwise γ is infected and moved used to determine the paths that individuals take between to the infected compartment I. The process is then re- buildings and around the city. Worker meeting research peated. is used to determine the mobility within buildings and σ between floors. The research determines where individ- To simulate parallel spreading, each infected agent ( ) uals have meetings, where the meetings are in relation to keeps a tally of how long each susceptible agent has been H H the individuals position in the building, and how long the in ( σ). All agents who remain continuously in σ for meetings last. [19, 20]. The UDelModels simulator pro- the exposure period are infected, and those that leave are duces traces that statistically agree with the above data reset back to susceptible. and models. While true experimental traces would be Due to hardware specifications on wireless transmis- preferable, we discuss the high unlikelihood and diffi- sions, serial spreading seems like the most likely behav- culty of getting such traces in Sec. 6. ior of a wireless P2P worm, but understanding paral- lel transmission can help us understand some worst-case behavior that may be possible in the near-future, say if many phones behave as access points (AP).

4.5 Homogeneity of the Population 5 Results for Mobile Malware Outbreaks

A wireless worm would need to take advantage of a flaw We consider an initial experiment in which 1% of the in hardware or software in order to infect individuals, and population are chosen randomly in the population and only the population with said flaws would be suscepti- infected. There is an unrealistically high 100% suscepti- ble. In this paper we model homogeneity through the bility rate to the worm. We fix an initially conservative use of a susceptibile percentage of the population. This broadcast radius of 15m. We run our simulation from allows us to easily abstract different forms of homogene- 7am to 11am, starting at low-density period of the day ity (e.g., application, operating system family, hardware, when people commute to work, progressing towards the and corresponding versions of each). Thus, if there is a high-density lunch-hour. A four hour period was chosen x% susceptibility percentage, then x% of the devices in due to the large computational and memory requirements the area can be targeted by the malware and are consid- of the simulation. Periods greater than four hours were ered homogenous for purposes of malware spread. The not possible with the current computing systems avail- susceptible users are chosen uniformly at random from able and computationally intractable. We choose these the overall population. parameters, as we wish to see if the worm would spread

4 in the ideal condition of susceptibility, with conservative the wireless range from 15m, to 30m, to 45m. transmission estimates. We began with a short exposure Figure 4 shows at 25% increase in the final infection time of 10 sec., and varied it longer to 120 sec. Figure rate when the wireless range is increased from 15m to 3 shows the results. Clearly, when there is a large sus- 45m, but the trajectory suggests no effective difference in ceptibility, the population is at risk over small periods of the longer term. The noticeable difference in spread be- time (i.e., several hours). Exposure time has some effect tween serial and parallel infections is also removed when on the speed of viral spread, but not the overall uptake the radius is increased, at least over the period of several of the worm. Similarly, we see that while parallel spread hours. If immediate infection rates are of concern, then increases the speed of the spread somewhat, it has lit- parallel infection has some benefit. tle effect on the overall uptake of the worm on even the Population Infections from 7:00AM − 11:00AM in Chicago fairly short time-scales of the several hours simulated. 1 Given the simulation is over a four hour time frame, it 0.9 has hard to imagine a scenario where the relatively small difference in viral spread times would have much effect. 0.8

0.7 Population Infections from 7:00AM − 11:00AM in Chicago 1 0.6

0.9 0.5

0.8 0.4

0.7 15m (Serial) 0.3 15m (Parallel)

Fraction of Population Infected 30m (Serial) 0.6 0.2 30m (Parallel) 45m (Serial) 0.5 0.1 45m (Parallel)

0.4 0 0 5000 10000 15000 Time(Seconds) 0.3 10s(Serial)

Fraction of Population Infected 10s(Parallel) 0.2 30s(Serial) 30s(Parallel) Figure 4: Effects of varying the size of the wireless 60s(Serial) 0.1 60s(Parallel) broadcast radius in Chicago between 7:00-11:00AM. Ini- 120s(Serial) 120s(Parallel) tial infection of 1%. 0 0 5000 10000 15000 Time(Seconds) Next, we considered the effects of lowering the over- Figure 3: Effects of varying exposure time in Chicago at all population susceptibility on the spread of the worm. 7:00-11:00AM. 1% initial infection. In Fig. 5 we show the worms progression with differing levels of population susceptibility. Of importance is that We performed an experiment similar to the one just as the susceptibility of the population is lowered, there described, but where we fixed the infection time at 30 is a progressively large gap between the stable size of seconds and varied the initially infected population from the infected population, and the susceptible population: 1%-10% of the susceptible population. As would be we see the emergence of herd immunity. In particular, expected given the previous results the infection rates susceptibility below 10% results in a negligible infection quickly converge in a matter of three hours, making the rate. initial infection rate fairly unimportant from a security Finally, we wanted to see if the ranges of 802.11n perspective, given the small time frame. These results would negate the herd immunity generated by a popu- are not graphed due to space considerations. lation’s low susceptibility. We performed another exper- An increase in wireless range will, logically, increase iment with 25% of the population susceptible, but with the speed in which mobile malware is able to spread from variations on the wireless range. Results are given in device to device, as it decreases the amount of time that Fig. 6, and it can be seen that even at low infection rates, no person is in range to infect. Further, as the range in- wireless broadcast range has no mid- to long-term effects creases limitlessly, we get a fully connected graph which on the infected population size. ensures epidemic spread. The results given in Fig. 4 val- idate this line of reasoning. In the experiment we fixed 6 Simulated Vs. Empirical Mobility Data the initial infection percentage at 1% and the exposure time at 120s. We chose a long exposure time to better Mobility data is available in both an empirical form and a show the drastic effect an increase in wireless range has simulated form. For our purposes the datasets need three on the percentage of the population infected. We varied properties: i) spatial fidelity, ii) temporal fidelity, and iii)

5 Population Infections at 7:00AM − 11:00AM in Chicago Population Infections from 7:00AM − 11:00AM in Chicago 1 1 5% Susc. (Ser) 5% Susc. (Par) 0.9 10% Susc. (Ser) 0.9 10% Susc. (Par) 25% Susc. (Ser) 15m (Serial) 0.8 25% Susc. (Par) 0.8 50% Susc. (Ser) 15m (Parallel) 50% Susc. (Par) 30m (Serial) 0.7 75% Susc. (Ser) 0.7 30m (Parallel) 75% Susc. (Par) 100% Susc. (Ser) 45m (Serial) 0.6 0.6 100% Susc. (Par) 45m (Parallel)

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 Fraction of Population Infected Fraction of Population Infected 0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0 0 5000 10000 15000 0 5000 10000 15000 Time(Seconds) Time(Seconds)

Figure 5: Effects of varying the size of the susceptible Figure 6: Effects of varying the wireless range in population in Chicago at 7:00-11:00AM. Initial infection Chicago at 7:00-11:00AM with low susceptibility 25%. of 30 devices. Initial infection of 30 devices. population density. Empirical forms of data such as the bluetooth viruses [17]. However, in such events we can MIT Reality Mining data set [14] and smaller sets on the remind users to keep their radios off or remind them to CRAWDAD data repository [5] all lack at least one of the only use WiFi when it is necessary. An alternate possibil- three properties. Wang et al. [32] used a cellular phone ity is to simply have a phone shut off its wireless radio if company’s data-set which had high density and tempo- not in active use in locations where it finds large numbers ral fidelity, but only positional information to the nearest of other phones. cell tower. Thus there are no known empirical data-sets As previously mentioned, unlike traditional Internet we could use for our study. In contrast, simulated data worms where anti-virus software and up-to-date patches can either be created via abstract mathematical models provide security only to those who install them, in the (e.g., brownian motion, levy flights, and random way- case of mobile-to-mobile wireless worms we see that points), or it can be created using stochastic processes lowering the susceptibility of the population has a signif- based on observed and measured data similar to method- icant effect of the population at risk, and grants herd im- ologies used by UdelModels [8, 19, 20]. The simulated munity. Therefore, patching and anti-virus software will processes allow us to satisfy our three properties, but we be a more formidable defense in this arena. The protec- argue processes that are based on or made to agree with tion against mobile malware gained from heterogeneity measured data are more likely to be representative of the can be viewed as a property stemming from two differ- real movements. Fig. 7 provides a comparison between a ent “levels” of the smartphone device. One level being walk generated by UDelModels and a walk generated by protection gained from heterogeneity at a software level. brownian motion; it is clear that UDelModels provides a The other being protection gained from heterogeneity at more realistic walk. the hardware level. One can argue that malware affect- ing one version of Android (e.g. 2.2) would not affect 7 Defending Against WiFi Malware

We’ve shown that susceptibility rates below 10% result in negligible infections. Therefore, given the current dis- tribution of major smartphone OSes, the likelihood of flaws, etc... it seems unlikely that there is the possibility of major transmission from peer-to-peer malware in large (a) Udel (b) Random metropolitan centers. We note that our analysis does not simulate large gatherings of people in close confinement, Figure 7: A visualization of the distinction between a such as sporting events in colosseums, social gatherings, sample UDEL Walk and brownian motion. Both repre- etc; therefore, in these occasions more transmission may sent approximately 1000 steps. be possible, and in fact there is precedent for such with

6 another version of Android (e.g. 2.1). If malware can Bag” device that can be used to both scan and simu- only affect one version at a time, platforms which tend late infection of nearby bluetooth devices. They col- to have many different versions of the operating system lected data on the number of susceptible devices at high- in circulation would have greater protection against mal- transit locations in Milan. Finally, they provide a small ware outbreaks. The diversity of operating system ver- scale simulation of a bluetooth infection using a simu- sions would be an example of software heterogeneity. lated trace methodology similar to our, but on the scale One could also argue that the malware depends upon the of an individual shopping mall. Importantly, they do not underlying hardware of the device (e.g. if the malware consider susceptibility levels in the population other than attacked vulnerabilities in a WiFi driver). If the mal- 100%, nor do they consider the effects of alternate wire- ware is device specific, then platforms with many dif- less ranges, exposure times, etc... Tang et al. [30] use ferent hardware platforms (e.g. Android and Windows three empirical datasets from the low population data Mobile) would be protected by hardware heterogeneity. sets available in the CRAWDAD project [5] to model the Further, the ability of different vendors to kill appli- spread of malware using mathematical models of tempo- cations on phones (e.g., iPhone and Android) would be ral graphs. Su et al. [28] also perform data collection as effective even if not all instances of the application are a foundation for building an epidemiological model. The killed. This might allow for an opt-in, where people authors also look at spreading dynamics, e.g. they an- could choose to allow applications to be killed, while swer the question on whether or not infections can spread others would continue with the application. A rapid re- to devices moving in opposite directions. They provide a vocation of known malicious software from application simulation with 10,000 devices but their model does not markets also limits the initial infection vector of mobile take into account physical proximity and geographical malware. A rapid revocation policy is most needed for distribution. open application markets such as Google’s. Alternately, cellular carriers could push patches to populations who 9 Conclusions & Future Work are willing to receive them, and still grant some herd im- munity. In this paper we used realistic, simulated, mobility data and agent-based epidemiological modeling to analyze 8 Related Work the potential spread of mobile-to-mobile malware in a dense Metropolitan environment. We show in this pre- Much works has been done on the epidemic modeling liminary work that a mobile-malware outbreak is not of computer viruses, with a focus on successful inter- likely a threat in the short or medium term, due to the net worms (e.g., [21, 27, 36]). The first work looking limited ability of malware to spread when susceptibility at mobile-to-mobile viruses focused on Bluetooth based is below 10% of the population, a likely scenario given malware. Wang et al. [32] discuss Bluetooth worms the distributions of phones and software in todays smart- spreading at a metropolitan scale but do not have high phone market. We also show that a planned changes fidelity movement data. Specifically, their dataset is lim- in wireless transmission radius do not have a significant ited to the range of a cellular tower which has a much effect on viral spread. We similarly show that parallel larger range then a bluetooth device: populations are spread does not greatly effect the threat of worms. For placed uniformly at random within a cell-towers broad- future work, we will consider mobile malware spread un- cast region. Channakeshava et al. [12] also provided an der a number of different assumptions including topog- analysis of bluetooth worms propagating at a metropoli- raphy and susceptibility. While mobile-to-mobile mal- tan scale but did not discuss propagation occurring dur- ware will most likely appear within the next few years, ing pedestrian movement. Yan et al. created an analyti- it will not be as devastating as a number of bluetooth cal bluetooth worm model and compared it to the same epidemiology papers state it will be. In fact, with given model implemented in the NS-2 network simulator and hetrogeneity, the use of patches and anti-virus software, found their analytical model matched the simulated re- there should be heavy mitigation of the threat of mobile- sults to a close degree [33, 34]. Yan et al. also study the to-mobile malware; with the possible exceptions of large spread of a bluetooth virus using their epidemiological gatherings of people in close proximity. In the future we model under the conditions of different simplified mo- plan to work on combining the traditional analytical form bility models. The authors tested the random waypoint, of epidemiology modeling with the insights provided by random walk, random direction, and random landmark an agent-based mobility approach, with the goal of pro- mobility models and found that the mobility model sig- viding analytic micro-models that can take in to account nificantly effects results [35]. geographical, social and population features of a given Carettoni et al. [11] perform a more empirical study of area along with spread properties of a given worm, with- bluetooth malware propagation. They created a ”Blue- out the need for computationally expensive modeling.

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