

Parents are Early Childhood usually the first to notice when Special their isn’t developing as Children ages three through five years old who qualify for Early Childhood receive special education and related services provided by quickly as other their district to meet their individual needs. children.

What is Early Childhood Special School districts often work with local Education? childcare providers so your child can Early Childhood Special Education is receive services in a location where special education and related services they are most comfortable. for children three through five years old that are provided by your local How do I know if my child may qualify school district at no cost to families. for Early Childhood Special Education? Your child may qualify if they have Special education is specialized been receiving consistent specialized instruction that meets your child’s instruction, developmental therapy individual and unique needs. services or speech and language services through an Individualized Related services are services a child Family Service Plan/One Plan and may need in order to benefit from demonstrates a developmental delay in special education, such as speech and one or more of the following areas: language, occupational or physical communication, self-help, therapy, transportation, or counseling. social/emotional, motor, or cognitive skills; or

Your child has a medical condition which may result in significant delays by their sixth birthday and the school Evaluation and Planning Team (EPT) has determined that your child needs Early Childhood Special Education services.

What can we do if we think our child might If new tests and measures are needed to have a medical condition or a developmental evaluate your child, the school must get your delay? written permission before it conducts the Talk to your child’s pediatrician. The evaluation. pediatrician may refer your child to the Child Development Clinic (CDC) for a more complete The school then has 60 days from the date you evaluation. The CDC is part of the Vermont give your written consent to complete your Department of Health’s Division for Children child’s evaluation and issue a report. If the with Special Health Needs and offers school must delay the evaluation for any evaluation and follow-up services for infants reason, they must notify you in writing before and children. You may also contact the CDC the 60 days end. directly. What if my child was evaluated by my What happens at the screening? pediatrician or the Child Development Clinic? At a screening, a child’s development is If your toddler or preschooler has been checked to determine whether they have evaluated by a pediatrician or by the Child delays in areas such as communication, vision, Development Clinic, the school may use this hearing, movement, social or self-help skills, or information as part of the evaluation, with learning. If screening results show that your your permission. child may have a significant developmental delay, the school will want to do further Who makes the decision about my child’s testing, which is known as a comprehensive eligibility for Early Childhood Special special education evaluation. Education services? When the evaluation is completed, the EPT will What is a comprehensive special education write a report summarizing the results. You will evaluation? be invited to attend an eligibility meeting to A comprehensive evaluation is the process of discuss the results. The EPT’s report will gathering information to find out a child’s indicate whether your child is eligible to current strengths, abilities and needs. This receive Early Childhood Special Education evaluation will determine whether your child is services. The school will notify you in writing eligible to receive services through Early about the eligibility decision and give you a Childhood Special Education. As part of the copy of the evaluation report. If you have evaluation process, the school and your family questions, ask the school to explain the will discuss how the Early Childhood Special contents of the report to you. If you disagree Education staff will address questions and with the school’s evaluation or the eligibility concerns about your child’s development. They decision, you have the right to request an will also discuss what measures they will take independent or outside evaluation of your to determine if your child has a developmental child. You may also request mediation or a due delay or medical condition. process hearing from the Vermont Agency of Education. Who conducts my child’s evaluation and when must it be done? What if my child has a but is not The EPT will arrange for your child’s evaluation found to be eligible for Special Education? and prepare a written plan describing areas to Talk to your school about whether your child be observed, and questions to be answered. As qualifies for a Section 504 plan. This plan helps a member of this team, you must be given a provide children with equal access chance to provide information about your child to their through the use before an evaluation plan is written. of appropriate accommodations and/or services. 2

What happens after my child becomes for the coming year; however, the IEP team eligible for Early Childhood Special Education can meet as often as needed throughout the services? year. If your child is determined eligible for services, the school will invite you to attend your child’s What can we do to change or improve our first Individualized Education Program (IEP) child’s Early Childhood Special Education meeting. An IEP is a written plan that describes program? your child’s educational goals and what the You have the right to disagree with the services school will do to support these goals over a one your child is receiving. To make changes in year period. The IEP also states the kinds of your child’s program, you can: special education and related services your • Ask for an IEP meeting to discuss your child will receive. concerns and the changes you want to make in your child’s education program. The IEP team, which includes you, will develop • Request a reevaluation of your child to your child’s first plan within 30 days after they look at the areas where you feel are found eligible for services. You must give improvement is needed. your written consent before your child first • Ask for an outside or independent receives special education and related services evaluation of your child, at the school’s through an Early Childhood Special Education expense, if you disagree with the school’s program. You have the right to consent to some evaluation. or all of the services in your child’s first IEP. • Request mediation or a due process hearing from the Vermont Agency of How often will my child be evaluated? Education. The school will reevaluate your child at least • You can also ask another parent, relative, every 3 years. Reevaluations may take place or a friend to help you work out your more often if you or the school believes it is differences with the school. needed. What should be in my child’s IEP? As members of the IEP team, parents play a • Your child’s strengths, challenges and vital part in helping their child get needed needs. Duration and frequency of services. You are the best source of services, and service provider information about your child. The information information. you share with those who help your child is an • Goals and objectives for your child which important part of an effective education plan are aligned with the Vermont Early that meets your child’s unique needs. Families Learning Standards and measured against of children with often work with three child outcomes: many different professionals. At first you may 1. Developing positive social emotional feel that you don’t have the information you skills: how children interact with their need to make good decisions. You may also find family, other adults and children it confusing to figure out what each 2. Acquiring and using knowledge and professional will be doing to help your child. skills: how children learn and use Setting up regular times to talk to your child’s language and communication skills teachers and service providers can help you 3. Taking appropriate actions to meet better understand IEP services. needs: how children become more independent by learning self-help skills How often do we meet with our child’s • Where services will be provided: teachers and other professionals? Placement considerations should include You may find it helpful to check your child’s public pre- , progress often. The IEP contains up to four goal private childcare, Head Start, and your review dates in a year. Once a year, your home. child’s IEP team will meet to develop a new IEP


What can we do to prepare for our Resources child’s move from Early Childhood Child Development Clinic (CDC), Special Education to elementary Vermont Department of Health school? Provides specialized medical care for Your child’s move into kindergarten children with special healthcare needs. will be more successful if you and the 800-660-4427 or 802-863-7338 school team plan carefully and early. In

order to ensure a smooth transition, Child Development Division, your child’s IEP team should meet Department for Children & Families three to six months before your child Seeks to increase access to high quality enters kindergarten. A kindergarten services for children and families. teacher and special education teacher 800-649-2642 or 802-241-3110 or service provider from your elementary school will be invited to Children’s Integrated Services, Early attend this meeting. Intervention CIS-EI provides family-centered early Work with your child’s teachers to intervention for children from birth to gather information about the age 3 who have, or may be at risk for, a elementary school’s procedures, delay in their development.

teachers, resources and programs so 802-279-6206 or 802-279-1302 you are more familiar with them. Nine East Network When possible, visit the elementary Statewide program for children who are school ahead of time and meet with deaf and hard of hearing. They provide your child’s new teachers, principal support and services for children with and other parents. speech and language challenges.

We are happy to 802-229-0100 hear that our Contact your school district’s Early materials are Childhood Special Education of Vermont, Center on appreciated and used by others. To coordinator or special education Disability & Community I- order copies of this administrator if you have questions or Team (CDCI) fact sheet, or to concerns. Assists school teams in the delivery of learn more about educational services to students with VFN’s materials and Contact your superintendent’s office to intensive education needs. services, please contact us at: find out the name and telephone 80-656-1132 number of these individuals if needed. 1 800 -800-4005 Vermont Agency of Education Early Childhood Special Education

Assistance for families and regarding Early Childhood Special Education and parental rights. 802-479-1030 or 802-479-1454

Published April 2016

Email: [email protected] Website: www.VermontFamilyNetwork.org