visited most of the tribes west of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Mississippi River, seeking members for his confederation. . Tecumseh’s Plan called Prophetstown. Tecumseh hoped that Indians from different groups would As settlers moved west, they settled on come together at Prophetstown to defend lands that belonged to American Indians. their lands. Some tribes agreed to unite. Many times, the United States Army tried Others, though, did not want an alliance to drive the Indians away. In Canada, the with former enemies. British chose to help the Indians and to Still, Tecumseh continued his efforts. encourage them to fight the Americans. He used strong words in his speeches. Some Indian leaders began calling on Tecumseh believed that Indian groups their people to join together to fight the needed to set aside their differences. He settlers. Chief Tecumseh of the Shawnee said, “Brothers, we must be united . . . we tribe was one such leader. Tecumseh tried must fight each other’s battles.”* to persuade the Indian nations to join Tecumseh urged Indians to join with together against the United States. He the British. The British offered help said they should work together to stop because they hoped to stop the United settlers, who had encroached on their States from growing larger. Tensions grew lands. To encroach is to move beyond between the United States and Britain. established borders. Soon the two nations would be at war In 1808, Tecumseh and his brother, again. Tenskwatawa (ten•SKWAHT•uh•wah), GENERALIZE known by settlers as the Prophet, estab- Why did Chief Tecumseh ask other Indian nations lished in what is now Indiana a village to join together against the settlers?

*Tecumseh. Tecumseh: A Life by John Sugden. Owl Books, 1999. Chapter 12 ■ 523

SSXECA07ASEAX_U6C12L4.inddXECA07ASEAX_U6C12L4.indd 552323 112/14/042/14/04 2:58:122:58:12 PPMM American soldiers then crossed into A Second War British Canada. On October 5, 1813, they with Britain fought in the (TEMZ), defeating the British and their Indian Americans grew angry with the British allies. Chief Tecumseh was among those for many reasons. In the early 1800s killed in the fighting. After his death, the Britain was often at war with France. To partnerships he had built among Indian stop Americans from trading with France groups ended. and other nations, the British navy cap- British forces also won battles. In tured American trading ships at sea. In August 1814, British soldiers closed in on June 1812, President Washington, D.C. As fighting came closer, asked Congress to declare war on Britain, First Lady Dolley Madison began pack- and its members quickly agreed. ing at the White House. As she escaped, At that time, Britain had the strongest she was able to save important govern- navy in the world, and Britain’s navy ment papers and a portrait of George soon set up a blockade along the Atlantic Washington. That evening, the British set coast. Although the tiny United States fire to the White House, the Capitol, and Navy had only 16 ships, it won several the Library of Congress. important battles, including the Battle of With the city of Washington in flames, Lake Erie in 1813. the British sailed to , which

During the , many naval battles were fought.

524 I Unit 6

SSXECA07BSEAX_U6C12L4.inddXECA07BSEAX_U6C12L4.indd 552424 66/6/05/6/05 12:55:0012:55:00 PMPM was protected by Fort McHenry. weeks before the battle—the Although British ships bombed British and the Americans the fort for many hours, the had signed a peace treaty in Americans did not give up. Europe. Because news trav- The sight of the American eled slowly at that time, word flag waving over the fort of the peace treaty did not after the battle made Francis reach New Orleans in time to Scott Key so proud that he prevent the battle. wrote a poem that later became CAUSE AND EFFECT a song —“The Star-Spangled What event caused Francis Scott Key Banner.” to write “The Star-Spangled Banner”? When they could not beat the Dolley Madison Americans at Baltimore, the British Summary sailed south to New Orleans. American troops were waiting for them there. After Chief Tecumseh tried to persuade fierce fighting, General Indians to unite against American set- forced the British out. At that time, how- tlers. Britain offered to help the Indians. ever, the United States had already won Tensions between Britain and the United the war. On December 24, 1814—two States led to the War of 1812.

1. What events led Britain and the 6. Write an Interview Imagine that you United States to go to war again? are a newspaper reporter during the War of 1812. Write a list of questions 2. Use the term encroach in a sentence to ask Francis Scott Key about his poem about Tecumseh. “The Star-Spangled Banner. ” 3. Who led American troops to victory in

the ? Focus 7. Skill GENERALIZE On a separate sheet of paper, copy and CRITICAL THINKING complete the graphic organizer. 4. Why do you think the partnerships Tecumseh built among Indian groups &ACTS ended after his death? 4HE"RITISHENCOURAGED 4ECUMSEHARGUEDTHAT 5. Why was the relative location of !MERICAN)NDIANGROUPS !MERICAN)NDIANSSHOULD Washington, D.C. important to the British TOFIGHTSETTLERSFROMTHE ALLYWITHTHE"RITISH 5NITED3TATES during the War of 1812? 'ENERALIZATION

Chapter 12 ■ 525

SSXECA07BSEAX_U6C12L4.inddXECA07BSEAX_U6C12L4.indd 525525 99/27/05/27/05 4:38:084:38:08 PMPM