Collegiate Education Department -Plan Scheme 2018-19 - Allotment of fund under the Head of Account - ~2204-00-104-29(02)- Asslstanee to DCE for the rondo of Sports Phy Education" - Amount sanctioned • Orders issued.

ORDER No: P2118759/l018/CoU.Edn DATED: 04.05.2018 ' ------Read: Proposals received from Principals of Government Colleges. ORDER

In the current year's budget (2018-19) there is a provision of Rs.4S 1akhs under the Head of Account ''2204-00-104-29(02)- Assistance to DCE for the conduct of sports". The amount is provided for the promotion of Sports & Physical Education in Government Colleges under Drrectorate of Collegiate Education. Principals of Government Colleges have submitted proposals as per reference cited for financial assistance under this scheme.

After examining the proposals Rs.4S,OO~OOO/- (Rupees Forty Five Lakhs only) is sanctioned to 62 Govenunent Colleges as shown in the Annexure. Principals have to take urgent necessary action for the utilization of the allotted fund. Utilisation Certificate should also be duly furnished.

The expenditure on this account will be met from the head of account "2204-00- 104-29(02)- Assistance to DCE for the conduct of sports" in the current year's budget (2018-19) provision. All relevant rules in existence have to be strictly observed while utilizing the plan fund.


Copy to: 1. The Princinals concerned 2. Budget ~tions 3. Stock Ydc!Current File.

00 .08.05.2018 J ,... V._RALA2017-18 ' .-'!'. :t,~ ANNEXURE SL. Amount ame of College Purpose No. Allotted 1. Unit~ersity College, Thiruvanan'. Sports Coeching Camps 1,50,000 2. Government College for Women, Thiruvatl81l'"O:....,_.._.. Sports Coaching Camps 1,50,000 3. Maharaja's College, Coaching Camps Emakulam Spom 1,50~000 4. Government Victoria College, Sports Coaching Camps 1,50,000 5. Government Brennen College, n -1 Sports Coeching Camps 1,50,000 6. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 1,25,000 Chittur 7. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 1,25,000 8. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 1,25,000 v~ood 9. Sree Neclakanta Uovemment'~". Sports Coaching Camps 1,25,000 Sanskrit Coli~ 10. Government College, Sports Coeching Camps 1,00,000 ) K~v,_I_.. 11. Sri.C.Achutha Menon Government Sports Coaching Camps 1,00,000 Co~ Thrissur 12. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 1,00,000 Mal 13. Government College, MAI'kmA1ly Sports Coaching Camps 1,00,000 14. I~MM Government Women's Sports Coaching Camps 1,00,000 ~~e. 15. Gpvenunent Arts College. Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 'thiru ..L 16. rrvemment College, ' A_..' ,1 Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 17. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 ' Neduman~ KNM Government Arts & Science 18': Spom Coaching Camps 80,000 tf Coll~e. Kanjiramkulam 19. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 Kariavattom 20. BJM Govemrnen College, Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 - Chavara 21. Govetnm'. College. Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 Ka 22. T.M Jacob Memorial Government Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 1\~ eon~! Manimalak:kunnu K.K. T.M Government College, 23. Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 1 Pullut . 24. P.M Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 Chalakku~ I' 125. Government College, .... Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 26. P.T .M Government College, Sports Coaching Camps

GO ERN 2017-18 27. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 28. C.K. G Memoriai Government Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 College, 29. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 30. Government College, Sports Coacrung Camps 80,000 Kodencherv 31. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 Mokeri 32. N .M .S.M Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 . 33. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 80,000 34. Government Sanskrit College, Sports Coacrung Camps 50,000 Thiruvananthapuram 35. MMS Government Arts & Science Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 College, Malayinkeezhu 36. GovernmeJ¥ Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 Kulathoor, 37. Government Arts & Science College, .,. Sports Coachffig Camps 50,000 Elanthoor 38. Government College, Sports Coacrung Camps 50,000 Ambalapuzha 39. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 Munnar 40. Government College, \ Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 Tripunithura I 41. Government Sanskrit College, Sports Coachffig Camps 50,000 Tripunithura 42. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 Chelakkara 43. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 Kozhinjampara . 44. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 45. G.P.M Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 Manjeswaram · 46. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 Tanur 47. Government Arts & Science College, ili Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 Tavanur 48. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 Ko~ ,.. 49. E.K.N.M Government College, Spore; Coaching Camps 50,000 Elerithattu 50. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 50,000 51. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coachffig Camps 50,000 Koduvally 52. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 30,000 Nada_l)urarn 53. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 30,000 54. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 30,000 Thalasse:ry, Chokli

20 7- 55. Government College, Sports Coaching Camps 30,000 P~ome 56. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 30,000 Uduma 57. Government Arts & Science College, J 30,000 V_ypin Sports Coaching Camps 58. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 30,000 59. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 30,000 Thazhava, I.:;~ illy 60. Government Arts & Science College~ Sports Coaching Camps 30,000 Ollur 61. Government Arts & Science College, Sports Coaching Camps 30,000 ~a, Kongad 62. Government College For Women, Sports Coaching Camps 30,000 I TOTAL 45,00,000 ( (Rupees Forty Ftve Lakhs only)

Sd/- M.S. Jaya I.AS Director of Collegiate Education

II Approved for Issue/I
