
Population dynamics and ecology of Javan , pardus melas, in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, West

Anton Ario1, Supian1, Eryan Hidayat1, Rijwan Hidayatullah1 2, Agung Gunawan2, Tangguh Triprajawan2, Iyan Sopian2, Robi Rizki Zatnika2, Dadan Maulana Yusup2, Woro Hindrayani2 2, Ali Mulyanto2 and Dadang Iskandar2



Corresponding author: Anton Ario;

ecology of the species in Bodogol-GGPNP area. We deployed 14 camera traps in a 2x2 km grid system covering an area of approximately 32 km² for six months per year. We obtained a total of 453 photos of Javan leopard from 10,080 trap days.

management of the species.

jejak berupa tapak kaki, kotoran, sisa makanan, urine, dan cakaran di pohon. Pada tahun 2002, pertama kali macan tutul

diperoleh 453 foto dalam 10.080 hari rekam. Hasil pemantauan diketahui pada periode 2002-2005 terdeteksi 3 individu

dimasa mendatang karena informasi ini belum pernah tersedia.

Panthera pardus melas

st March, 2018. Accepted 20th March, 2018

6 Study Area

habitat has been developed into agricultural land, Camera Trapping rural development and settlements, causing the

We deployed camera traps a locations with

and GGPNP commenced a camera trap survey aimed understanding the population dynamics and

single camera at each station, we were unable to

Figure 1 Ario

Population structure and composition

that was recorded at several camera trap locations

Figure 2 three individuals were repeatedly recorded during

years in captivity, with the oldest known individual

Activity patterns

and ecotourism activities, even moving between recorded in the area that we believed immigrated

8 Figure 3 - ing male in the study area and the father to M2, M3 and F3.

Figure 4 likely the mother of F3.

Figure 5

9 Ario

Figure 6

Figure 7

during breeding season and when rearing young

several individuals using the same path albeit at

and Figure 8

10 Figure 9

Leopard prey

Muntiacus muntjak Sus scrofa

Tragulus javanicus hermaphroditus

Presbytis comata Trachythecus auratus Macaca fascicularis recorded primate alarm calls when a leopard was leopard is an opportunistic and adaptable large predator

Petaurista petaurista Nycticebus javanicus Hylobates Moloch

11 Ario

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