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Kirtland, J.P., Report on the zoology of Ohio. Rep.geol.Surv.Ohio, 2:157-97 1838

Kishinouye, K., Notes on the natural history of the ( melanostica Schlegel). J.Imp.Fish.Bur. 1907 Tokyo, 14(3):71-105 (Japanese version, 1908, Suisan Chosa Hokuku, Tokyo, pp.72-111) , ------Description of the clupeoid fishes from Ogasawara or Bonin Islands. J.Coll.Agric.imp.Univ. 1911 Tokyo, 2(7):383-6

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Klunzinger, C.B., Synopsis der Fische des Rothen Meeres, part 2 (1871)., 21:441-688, 1870-71 1352-68 (part 1, 20:669-834 of 1870; the two parts in one volume issued separately, 1871; reprint, Weinheim, 1964)

Kner, R. and F. Steindachner, Neue Fische aus dem Museum der Herren Joh.C.Godeffroy and Sohn in Hamburg. 1866 Sber.Akad.Wiss.Wien, 54:356-95

Kottelat, M., Catalogue des types du Musée d’Histoire Naturelle de Neuchâtel. I. Pisces. Bull.Soc.neuchâtel. 1984 Sci. nat.,107:143-53

Kow, T.A., (see Tham, A.K.)

Kowtal, G.V., A note on the early development of balangi, nasus (Bloch), from Chilka Lake. 1970 J.Inland Fish.Soc.India, 11:155-7

Kroyer, H.N., Danmarks fiske, 3. S. Trier, Copenhagen, 320 pp. (dated 1846-53 on title page; first part, to p. 1846 704, assumed 1846)

Krzelj, S., Note sur les stades larvaires d'Harengula rouxi (Poll, 1953). UNDP(SF)/FAO, Results Regional 1971 Survey West Africa, Abrdjan Sci.Rem12 pp. mimeo)

Kurita, S., Causes of fluctuations in the sardine population off Japan. FAO Proc.Wld scient.Meet.Biol., 1960 3:913-35

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Lacepède, B.G.E., Histoire naturelle des poissons, 5. Plassan, Paris, xlviii plus 803 pp. 1803

Larrañeta, M.G., (see Gomez Larrañeta, M., 1960) 1960

Last, P.R., E.O.G. Scott and F.H. Talbot, Fishes of Tasmania. Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority, 1983 Hobart, 563 pp.

Leary, D.F., G.I. Murphy and M. Miller, Fecundity and length at first spawning of the Hawaiian or Nehu 1975 (Stolephorus purpureus Fowler) in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. Pacif.Sci., 29(2):171-80

Leggett, W.C. and R.R. Whitney, Water temperature and the migrations of American shad. Bull.Fish 1972 Wild.Serv.U.S., 70(3):659-70

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Lewis A.D., B.R. Smith and C.P. Ellway, A guide to the common baitfishes of the South Pacific l983 Commission Area. South Pacific Commn, Noumea, Handbook, (23):82 pp.

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Linnaeus, C., Chinensia Lagerströmiana, Joh.Laur.Odhelius, W.G. 5.c. (dissertation), Stockholm, 36 pp. (Linnaeus 1754 acted as president or praeses for 186 dissertations and is accorded authorship; see Steam, 1957:51-5) , ------Systema naturae, 10th ed., 1. Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm, 824 pp. (Nantes and Pisces pp, 230- 1758 338)(fascimile of vol.1, Trustees, British Museum (Natural History), 1939; reprinted 1956) , ------Chinensia Lagerstromiana. Amoen.Acad., Stockholm, 4(61):230-60 (the so-called Linnaeus 1759 edition of the Amoenitates Academicae or reprinting of dissertations; see ‘Whitehead, 1973a:138, fn and Stearn, 1957:62-3)

, Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm, xlvi plus ------Fauna Svecica, sistens animalia Sveciae regni, 2nd ed., 1761 578 pp.

, ------Systema naturae, 12th ed., 1. Laurentii Salvii, Stockholm, 1327 pp. (Nantes and Pisces, 1766 pp. 394-532)

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Lowe, R.T., (error, see 1838) 1837 , A synopsis of the fishes of Madeira; with the principal synonyms, Portuguese names, ------1838 and characters of the new genera and species.Trans.zool.Soc.Lond., 2(3):173-200 (dated 5 December 1838 by Peavot, 1937:83; June 1839 by C.D. Sherborn in BMNH copy; 1841 in CLOFNAM)

Lowe (McConnell), R.H., The fishes of the British Guiana continental shelf, Atlantic coast of South America, 1962 with notes on their natural history. J.Linn.Soc.Lond.(Zool.), 44(301):669-700 Lozano y Rey, L., Las clupeidas de la peninsula ibérica y de1 rif. Mems R.Soc.esp.Hist.nat., 15:647-66 1929 , ------Etude systematique des clupéidés et des engraulidés de I’Espagne, du Maroc et du Sahara 1950 espagnols. Rapp.P.-v.Ré, 126:7-20 528

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Macleay, W., Descriptions of some new fishes frorn Port Jackson and King George’s Sound. Proc.Linn.Soc. 1879 N.S.W., 3:33-7

, ------(error, see 1884) ) 1883 , ------Notes on a collection of fishes from the Burdekin and Mary rivers, Queensland. 1884 Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W., 8:199-213

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, Memoir 5, Trustees, ------Check-list of the fishes recorded from Australia, Part I (pp. l-144). 1929 Australian Museum, Sydney, 534 pp. (published 29 June 1929; parts II and III 1929, part IV 1930)

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, ------Eggs, larvae, and young of the hickory shad, mediocris, with comments on its ecology in 1962 the estuary. Chesapeake Sci., 3(3):173-205

Marcgrave, G., (see Piso and Marcgrave, 1648) 1648

Marchal, E.G., Clé provisoire de determination des oeufs et larves des clupeidés et engraulidés ouest-africains. 1967 Doc.sci.prov.Centre Rech.océanogr. Abidjan, (014 S.R.)(8 pp., mimeo)

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Masuda, H. et al., The fishes of the Japanese archipelago. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, 2 vols, xxii plus 1984 437 pp. and 370 pls 529

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Mathews, J.P., Synopsis on the biology of the South West African pilchard (Sardinops ocellata Pappé). 1960 FAO Proc.Wild.scient.Meet.Biol.Sardines, 2:115-35 (FAO Fish.Synop., No.8)8

Matsui, T., Populations of anchovy baitfish (Stolephorus) in the vicinity of Maui, Hawaiian Islands. M.Sc.thesis, 1963 University of Hawaii, (June 1963), 98 pp.

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, Morphological studies of two Pristigasterinae larvae from southern Brazil, pp. 685-701 in J.H.S. ------1973 blaxter, The early life history of fish, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 765 pp.

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Meric, N., The biology and taxonomy of Clupeonella Kessler, 1877 (Clupeidae, Pisces) in Kücükcekmece Lake, 1984 Turkey. Istanb.Univ.Fen Fak.Mecm., (B)45:63-82

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, ------Systematics and biology of the gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and related fishes. 1960 Fish.Bull., 60(173):367-92 , Variation, distribution, and ecology of Anchoviella analis an engraulid fish from the Pacific slope ------1960 of Mexico. Copeia, (3):250-3 , ------Genus Dorosoma Rafinesque, 1820, pp. 443-451 In Hildebrand, 1964 1964 530

Minano, J.B., Estudio de la fecundidad y ciclo sexual de la anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) en Ia zona de Chimbote. 1968 Boln Inst.Mar Peru, 1(9):505-52

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Mitchill, S.L., Report in part of Samuel L. Mitchill, M.D., on the fishes of New York. New York, 28 pp. 1814 (reprinted, 1898 with an introduction and concordance of species by T.N. Gill) , ------The fishes of New York, described and arranged. Trans.lit.phil.Soc.N.Y., 1:355-492 1815

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Monteiro, R., On the occurrence of Sardinops ocellata (Pappé) in the waters of Central Angola. FAO Proc.Wld 1960 scient.Meet.Biol.Sardines, 3:1105-18

Montrouzier, Père, (see Thiolliere, 1856) 1857

Mookerjee, H.K. and P.S. Mookerjee, On some aspects of the natural history of Engraulis hamiltonii and 1950 Engraulis telara. Proc.37th Indian Sci.Congr. (Poona), (3)Abstracts:251

Moona, J.C., Studies on the cranial osteology of the Indian clupeoid fishes. 2. The skull of Coilia dussumieri 1960 C.V. Agra Univ.J.Res., 9:313-22 , ------Studies on the cranial osteology of the Indian clupeoid fishes. 3. Skull of Thrissocles purava 1968 (Ham.). proc.natn.Inst.Sci.India, (B)34:227-43

Morosov, A.V.,(Studies in the taxonomy of Caspian herrings.I. Application of Heincke’s method of character 1928 complexes to the identification of Volga-Caspian herrings.II. Herrings of the southeastern coast of the Caspian Sea. III. Biometric analysis of the taxonomic relations between Volga-Caspian herrings - in Russian). Trudjy nauch.Inst.ryb.Khoz., 2(4):47-94

Morrow, J.E. and G.S. Posner, Studies in ichthyology and oceanography off coastal Peru. Bull.Ringham 1957 oceanogr.Coll., 16(2):1-55

Miller, J. and F.H. Troschel, (Fishes), pp. 665-678 in R.H. Schomburgk, 1847 (reprinted, see Schomburgk, 1848) 1847 , ------Fische, pp. 618-644 in R.H. Schomburgk, 1849.Dating of this part is 13 March 1849 fide the 1849 Börsenblatt für den deutsche Buchhandel, (21) (and 18 July 1848 for part 2 of Schomburgk’s Reisen)

Munro, I.S.R., (error, see Munro, 1956) 1938 , ------The marine and freshwater fishes of Ceylon. Departrnent of External Affairs, Canberra, 349 pp. 1955

, ------Handbook of Australian fishes. Fish.Newsl.Sydney,N.S.W., (5-6):21-8 1956 , ------Additions to the fish fauna of New Guinea. Papua New Guin.agric.J., 16(4):141-86 1964 , The fishes of New Guinea. Dept. Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries, Port Moresby, Papua New ------1967 Guinea, 650 pp.

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, ------Systematic notes on some Amazonian clupeid fishes of the genus ..Copeia, (1):63-4 1950

Nair, K.K., On some early stages in the development of the, Gangetic anchovy, Engraulis telara (Ham.). 1940 Rec.Indian Mus., 42(2):277-88

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, ------Indian sardines. CSIR zoological Monograph, (2), CSIR New Delhi, 107 pp. 1973

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, (error,‘see Simpson and Gonzalez, 1967) ------1969

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, ------The sea fishes of southern Africa. Central News Agency, Cape Town, 550 pp. 1949b , ------Ibid., revised and enlarged edition, 564 pp. Further editions 1965, 1967 and fully revised 1986 (as 1953 M.M. Smith and P. Heemstra (eds), Smiths’ sea fishes, Macmillan South Africa, Johannesburg, 1047 pp.)

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