EASTERN AFRICA Humanitarian Snapshot December 2020

Conflict and violence in the Greater Horn of Africa continue to cause violence earlier in 2020. Severe food insecurity (IPC 3 and above) is as people are experiencing a critical hunger situation with extreme widespread displacement and drive humanitarian needs. In , affecting at least 28.5 million people across Eastern Africa. Despite a depletion of livelihoods, insufficient food consumption and high acute conflict since early November in the Tigray Region has forcibly displaced slight improvement in recent months in line with seasonal trends, malnutrition¹. At least 3.9 million people have been impacted by floods and tens of thousands of people internally, while more than 50,300 refugees below-average rains are forecast through December 2020, together with landslides across large swathes of East Africa since June 2020. In have fled across the border into Sudan. In Sudan, pockets of violence in substantial and widespread breeding of Desert Locusts—especially in , Cyclone Gati made landfall in Bari region of on 22 Darfur region, Kassala and Red Sea State earlier this year led to eastern Ethiopia and central Somalia—which could jeopardize food November, affecting 180,000 people of whom 42,100 were temporarily displacement and increased humanitarian needs. In South Sudan, security in the period ahead. In South Sudan, the Integrated Phase displaced. In Sudan, about 885,000 people were affected by the country’s fighting continues in multiple locations, especially in the Greater Classification (IPC) Global Support Unit has indicated that tens of worst floods in decades, with torrential downpours, landslides, flash and Equatoria region, while Jonglei experienced devastating sub-national thousands of people are likely to face famine conditions in Pibor county riverine flooding compounding the situation of people already struggling KEY FIGURES FOR THE REGION due to economic challenges. 28.5M 8.8M 4.6M 4.0M 272,115 23,752 6M SEVERELY FOOD- INTERNALLY REFUGEES & FLOOD-AFFECTED PEOPLE COVID-19 CASES CHOLERA CASES PEOPLE LIVING INSECURE PEOPLE2 DISPLACED PEOPLE ASYLUM-SEEKERS3 (Since June 2020)4 (As of 14 December 2020)5 (January- December 2020) WITH HIV6 FOOD INSECURITY / LOCUST AFFECTED AREAS FLOODS / DISEASE OUTBREAKS DISPLACEMENT / VIOLENCE



ETHIOPIA ETHIOPIA SOMALIA SOUTH SUDAN SOUTH SUDAN 8.6m 1.1M SOUTH SUDAN ETHIOPIA796k 1.0m 1.85m 22k 5.8m 306k SOMALIA SOMALIA 833K 1.62m 2.6m UGANDA 1.3m UGANDA 124K KENYA 1.44mUGANDA 2.0M KENYA 17K KENYA 499k 1.9m RWANDA RWANDA RWANDA 149k Desert locust spread BURUNDI BURUNDI 489k BURUNDI (as of 15 December 2020) 1.3m 79k Swarms 128k TANZANIA TANZANIA Bands TANZANIA No locusts 276k Forecasted Desert Locust migration routes Breeding areas (Oct - Dec 2020) Tigray Region XX IPC Acute Food Insecurity Phase Number of refugees / asylum seekers Violence type (1 Jun 2020 - 14 Dec 2020) Flood-affected areas xx Flood-affected Gati Battles 1: Minimal 3: Crisis 5: Catastrophe/Famine (since June 2020) people No. of internally No. of Refugees Explosions/ Remote violence & 2: Stressed 4: Emergency Not classified / no data available Cholera Measles COVID-19 displaced people violence against civilians 1. The final IPC report issued by the South Sudan IPC Technical Working Group on 18 December did not include the findings of the IPC Global Support Unit’s Real Time Quality Review (RTQR) indicating a likelihood of populations in Catastrophe (IPC Phase 5) acute food insecurity in Akobo, Aweil South, Tonj East, Tonj North and Tonj South, as well as a Famine Review Committee (FRC) report indicating that some payams in Pibor are classified as Famine Likely; 2. This figure includes the current and projected IPC Acute Food Insecurity Phase Classification for: Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda 3. UNHCR (as of 30 Nov 2020); 4. Ethiopia (OCHA), Kenya (NDOC), Somalia (OCHA), South Sudan (OCHA), Sudan (OCHA), Uganda (IOM); 5. WHO, MOH; 6. UNAIDS Data 2020 report. The administrative boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation date: 22 December 2020 Sources: IPC, FAO, OCHA, WFP, DTM, Floodlist, ACLED, WHO, MOH, UNAIDS, UNHCR Feedback: [email protected] Twitter: @unocha_rosea www.unocha.org/rosea www.reliefweb.int