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6> **. “ » i per’ **Year, $S.M - tf— pau JiIiTMGe,]la J TOMS RIVER, N. i H THURSDAY, JANUARY U, 1877. t T»l^.«y*!W B |w 7 t; aurfm inuM nsncsM caxss. 8UMDAY SCHOOL LESSONS. northern part of Palestine prope.'. It had no tyGU^melxir heavy atugor There, half a dozen of his friends had such religion associations to give U cMfoetat- ness. Ho was unprovided; wltX amine abet xsrosuc. First Quarter. Lesson IL Jan. It. Slw had not moved sines assembled, and the buxx of conversation .ewart Post, No 4, every Tbnrsdny | # W. CARMICHAEL, as bed SetM). Perhaps the idea in Jerobo­ i bMrt bent ov«r W wnNaMh o u n «n«. 96. Jeroboam built 8hechem... .That Is. !p|tf ; V l‘*JPv * • <(>' • had bidden him come to with h n habit o( ohtdlaro. .h o IffDRHT ORMRW ODD FEIAOWS, CMaueliM- a t l a w a M atter In C h a ie ti? , representative of God] In the extremes of his so placitf did her exquisitely The carriages which were to Mnvey them enlarged, beautified, and perhaps fortified It, to the church wero at the do<$, and Mr. delay. Neither had h i been able to Moors* BreiSrasNr, No M, Toma kiugdom, was to beget the thoughts that the futures appear, as she lay there, hor tinoe his limval, .m l ] , m thff I meet* first and third Thursday la making It one of his chief residence. She* * young gkl hesitated; “Why, Derwent proposed their starting a t onoe. -- - “'Mi wHn us im m V ^l-W w am f! mean creators that booth. whole land was holy, and therefore any p art of herr lmatylmsty summons—for— - Verson la hit betrayed mi/* he «■ M meets on Monday at Toma roue n m ,».,. chem must before this have been n place of ken«lf,--‘ whj should I strive to Who wasp to give the bride a w a jf wm impetuosity, 1 Of It might be properly used for religious, pnr- *dtet*»*at th e question th a t now presented itaelf. tu o .it,, dnggad him ■, m m i»to th* considerable note, or wonld not have been se­ posei. apartmtuent ent when, th . brtdffl purtj w m at- as the gathering place of the people at oould awaken Mr,, Derwent tamed to the father of nembled. fJ .. .. ^ .... i i n w i , 80. Tills thing became a sin.... Becaiisd .tiie aha’i might fly before the Violet’s friend, Mima. “Mr, Caverly, will odge o the coronation of Rchoboam. It seems to ( L , N 48, meets oa Thursday occasion cf sin, by leading into open hud! ioeme„ sijjjj^ll T« known!“ yon oblige IMF Thanks! Will you give V |XIL1 J? J* * !"* • iCff* Attorney and'" Solicitor in Chancery have been Jeroboam's Intention to make it hi* your arm to Miss Lindsly f ’* luidil, that iho should pootpouo bra a , No 90, Freehold, Monday rank idol ary . But not only so. U was sin" *pew net how mtm tiak. and give him tiiha to Urureto* lu*. capital, pi obebiy being uliureu to this both by per **—In tself. I was, fit-si, a violation'of • Bight he ttiuni Decors this gsstlem an oould comply. Sir "Lodob, No » , Red Bank, Monday •meeffTertkB Monk, its beautiful location and its suitableness as the la* which forbad^jhe making, for objects edtodiwipf^tt John Lefrore, who hod entered the room M i r BLODdR, No m, Mata wan, Monday . - Tui aim, Mi A one of the chief towns of thefylnclpal tribe. unperceived, stepped between him and the worship, Of any Image or representation. shrinking Violet. “V W ot. you OMtuot—,0 0 must not oattw Its natural position made It, we judge, easily It was “sin,*' secondly,tn that it assigned oth­ ■ 0 lo*%. At j&fttr; no succaft erbwnee . jruUlffelt to this u a a . I l l had not bttoww ioooa, No a , Estontowa, Thursday eQ pfi' but jukt ae ihe w ei shout' to rc- defensible. Went, .thence and built Peoucl er places for national worship than “the place brn— tow hffworthiw w w w h hw , I wouldwoum naveham striton.W w , No IT, Long Branch, Saturday R f * ALLEN, JR ., This, we may suppose, was after he had notme/s them in diapatr, the doth eyes bb- which God should choose,' end thus destroyed K&nYjiaolois, andkOk' wooderingly into tSHiNoroN Loom, No 18. Degree of Re- Counsellor at Law, Master in Chancer? “built’’ Shechem. “Penncl,” ancflSntly called unity of God’* people; it was.a schism. . I t welcomed his unexpected gttest. "This is j, Katontown, Friday evenings on or b#> by Jacob, Penfel- Face of God—(Gen. xxxii, a pleasure we. e*v.roely cosntedcoanted on.< M yocv.roely .11 mdon. _ AND was “;sin,t thirdly, in that U necessitated the , Loooa, NO. 88, 8q n u vuiofo; rridey Commiiakmer lor Now T o * * Penetylranla. 81.) was on the Eastern aide of the Jordan, the employment of men as Ha ministers wfcoiqa dear Violet, I ut ost leave it to yea to uanr to the brook Jabbok. and commanding thank Sir John Vlolut ululd f«I tha lund (hat giam d ' Boa Boot, a. j.. Octoberisu God has not chosen, and thus Infracted one of t o n grow cold u ioo M thff Vchemnt Vn- itgfordy. It 1 ^ on the route from Shccb^m to the highest prerogatives of the Almighty* J i t bwy uttorffdthlff tanfMff w M ira iM Jonas, No. 70, K. of P., at Toms River Damascus. Jeroboam seems to have fortified , but there Its every Tuesday evening. BAH8TOB, tt. D. was from first to tho last, a “sin." TTie people time to do so soinetliing ln his look th at Tuade1 H r. Der* M r. Drrwcnt g ffn so ffthffr tohffo ■( toiffw. It for the better security of the route between went to worship, e tc .... The 8pcakei’a Com­ either startled or angered by the charge these two cities. The words fell upon dulled ears. Sybil went turn ghastly pale and then spring IMPROVED ORDER OP RED MEN. mentary suggests that some words have been- forward to clasp Violet in his srms. brought against him. him forward. Every one shrank from com - N Tbibe No 39—Meet at their Wigwam, P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n , listened but she dia not comprenend. The ing into contact with a murderer; and ae The exact site is unkown. It was near to omitted here from the text, and that the pas­ But ero he could do this, Vernon Aubrey "This is turning the tables with a venge­ jingd&le, every other 4th 7th sun. lethargy in which her senses had been thoy^ aved aside, an applling sight pre- the {dace where Jacob had his great find suc­ sage should read, “ The people went to wor­ steeped still hung over her; and Miilioent’s rushed between them, exclaiming, “Pollute ance 1” he cried soornfully. “Mr. Aubrey, MASONIC. BRICKSBmtO, N. J. cessful straggle with the unknown God-man, her not with your touch! Murderer of who knows that his own doubtful conduct HIBAM • iHAPTSR, No 1 , R. A. M.-OOUVO- befoM the one to Bethel, and before the most earnest adjurations wero heard with as related Gen. xxxii, 24-80. Robert Walters, stand back I ” has induced many to believeAim to be, tho On the carpet knelt Violet, the bridal union at Katontown, on the first Mon­ onctoBothcl, aud before the other to Dan.” an apathetic indifference th at Bhe could veil torn from her golden tresses, her white day after the full of the moon, at T not overcome. guilty wretch who took Robert Walter’s o’clock, P. M. IHABLBi B IH IIU . Jeroboam said In heart__ An expres­ Dr. Jamieson says, the worda should be ren­ robes dabbled in gore. On her lap rested At last, 8he spoke the name of Robert life, now tries to shift the odium on to my Iaptkh, No 14, R. A. M.—Convocations O sion often used to denote thought or inward dered, “The people even to Dan wont to wor­ the head of Sybil, from whose white neck lyport on Monday, on or before full Walters, and now Sybil rnieed her hands to CHAPTER XVII. shoulders. Is there no other evil doed you DENTIST, reasoning. Now shall the kingdom return to ship bcfoijj the one," [at Bethel,] and cites in can impute to me ?” * the life-stream was slowly welling. H er the house of David... .In this reasoning in his her head, and seemed to be trying to com­ THE ACCUSATION DENIED. dork eves were fixed upon die anguished CHAPTER, No 98, R. A, M., Toms River, confirmation, Jer. xlvlii, 13; Amos iy. 4, 5. prehend what Millicent was saying. A m urm ur of sympathy arose amongst 'uesday evening each month. RBD BANK, NSW JM 8IT . heart we have the key of the character of Jer- those who stood around. Mr. Derwent’s (ace of Charles Malcolm, who was bending Lodge, No is—Regular Communica­ So, also, Roil. Thus Jeroboam “drove Israel “Walters!” she repeated. “Why is he When the accusing words of Vernon obam. Shrewd, active, self-reliant, farseelng, calm and imposing manuur had a greater her, and vainly striving to __ diafpover . nt Toms River, on first and third Tues- . Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas administered from following the Lord, aud made thorn sin here f Why will be persist in rem&ing ? Aubrey fell on Mr. Derwent’s ears, he be­ a little warmth into her nervelesB hands. •enings of eacls month. dally. Prices moderate. All work warranted as he lacked the quality of simple trust In God. Have I not cautioned him th at he is not came ghastly p a le ; but only for a m om ent effoct upon them than thehub uuKiniumudisordered KMigrglooks ’on Loodi, No 9-Ragular Communica­ groat sin.” 2 Kings xvil, 21. Ghastly as the dying giri he gated on, represented. 43 The Lord had, by the prophet Ahijah, (chap, safe within these walls? Yes, cruelly as , P utting ths young man aside, with a force and passionate assertions of Vernon Au­ nt Eatontewn, on Monday evening on or 31. He. J .. Jeroboam. Made a house of high brey. Mr. Derwent uttered a wailing cry, and every Full moon xl, 88, 39,) promised to bnild Jeroboam a sure he ha.a insulted me, I have not let him which he vainly endeavored to resist, staggered back. How came Sybil there ? ANCH Lodge, No 16—Regular Comma places — Meaning, a sort of temple or sauct- rush upon his fate without a warning. In 1 he seized the hands of Violet and, drew hor But the latter was not daunted by this. ins at Freehold, on Tuesday Eveuing, house, or dynasty on the simple condition of MI repeat it,” he said, addressing himself Ana was this his doing ? W . SNYDER, tuary at each of the two cities where the a disguise that he could not penetrate, I to his side, ’efore every Full Moon. E. obedience to the divine precepts. He had to Violet. “ I repeat my words. To this Ho bod not seen her enter the room, , iothekhood Lodge, 91—Regular Com- ‘calves" were set up. Perhaps the expression,' ^*7° stolen to his side and bidden him fly “ Are you suddenly bereft of your senses thus far fulfilled his word. But now the king ...... Whw JnA. Itn __All * man, and none other, did Robert Walters neither hod any one else marked her e n ­ iatiens at Red Bank, on first and third FASHIONABLE TAILOR, "house of high places,” denotes their great In­ Why does he not go P” M r: Aubrey,” be sternly demanded, “ that trance, so absorbed hod they all been in a.v Evenings of each month. “leans to his own understanding.” instead of “You forget,” said Millicent, speaking you come into my house, and u tter such owe his untimely death.” Lodge, No (14—Regular Communications feriority an compared with the temple at Je­ listening to the chargee made by Vernon Cawperthwalt’N Exchange, relying on and trusting in God. What had he ridiculous nonsense boforo my friends P I t was the voice of the deeply moved >|iot, ou alternate Wednesday Evenings, rusalem. Made prie»ts of the lowest of the slowly and emphatically; “Robert Wal- Aubrey, and so bolfily refuted by the . N(T74—Regular Communications at to do with this reasoning? His continued tors is dead. Poison was infused in a glass W ere it not th a t I feel some compassion Maloolm that answered him. "If this be Tons River. N. J. people— Literally, from the etids of the peo­ wretched man, whoso last and worst deed llage oa Wednesday Evening, on or prosperity as king of Israel was dependent on of lemonade, which I10 swallowed unsus* j for you, as a disappointed man, I should be true, why have you so long kept silent ? ^rv Full Moon. ple—of all classes—from tli*» •''west to the Why have you permitted yourself to be of all convicted him. _ Lodge, No T—Regular communl- Garments cut and made to order. his obedience to the God of Israel, and not on pectingly, and so perished." disposed to call in my servants, and bid Sybil, confused by the drug she had 8 them expol you ! *' suspected ?” second and fourth Friday Evenings of human sagacity. highest, jde was ready to appoint any one as Sybil shuddered, and put out her hands ■wallowed, had been scarcely stive to th e ,ninth. prieri. Which were net of tho sons of Levi as if beseeching the speaker to cease these ; This bold speech reasured the paniu- He might have added, "Why have you id(!e, No 89—Regular Communications actual meaning of Millicunt Vyner's warn­ If this people go up to do sacrifice at • • • • Who c nly could be lawful priests of God. terrible details. atricken guests, and they began to gathor let mo so unjustly condemn the unfortu­ [iksburg, 1st and 3d Thursday nights In gTEPMEN F. IRONS, nate Sybil P” but he could not bring him­ ings, when the latter was compelled to Honth. Jerusalem, etc...... And humanly Bpeaking, he These, to their honor, remained true to Jeho­ “He was murdered, and the poisoner is around Mr. Derwent and Iub pale bride, leave her. But os by slow degrees he** Lodge, No on—Regular Communica- and cast resentful glances at the audacious self to acknowledge the dreadful doubts reasoned correctly, und concluded wisely, but vah, and left the cities and suburbs, and tl re v discovered at last,” Millicent went on. i mind became clearer, she was able to com ­ every alternate Friday Evening, at UNDERTAKER. "Charles Malcolm, who avowed to avenge intruder. of her innocence which hud tormented the whole spirit of the theocracy was against thcmsolvef for support upon their brethren of him. prehend what was occurring. Lodge, New , meets every Tnes- the death of his cousin, will be here in an­ But now Charles Malcolm stepped for­ C ow pertkw alt’* Exchange, .Main St., him, and against such reasoniugs. From the Judah and! Benjamin. Doubtless, Jeroboam Before Vernon Aubrey could reply, Mr. In that interview with her father, to •ht, before the full moon. other hour. Away with you before he ward, and before his steady gaze the eyes which Millicent had listened at the w in­ odoe. No 44—Regular Communication, promise given to Abraham of a numerous and would gladly have availed himself of their conies! Away!" of Violet’s guardian fell. But his grasp Derwent defiantly exclaimed, ‘ There has on or before full moon, at Vlnccn- Tomb Rivsk. N. j . powerful posterity to the present time, all the boon enough of this j I am not bound to dow, she had sternly reprobated hie attem pt services, a* their adherence to him would have But Sybil paid no hsed to the injunction. on the trembling girl tightened; and he to wed the innocent Violet, and had even Lodge, No 4—Regular Communica- marked events of the national history had been an indorsement in his act in setting up Sitting up on the couch, she incoherently partially interposed himself botweou her stand on my own hearthstone and hear my­ self---- bo —unwarrantably..... -..J ..uspersed. ffj. VI DffU ■ 4 Have, declared Tier resolve to interfere a t all haz- anu 4th Tuesday of eachmonth, at been above, and frequently in’ opposition, to his gulden calves. repeated the words, “M urdered! Yes, she and those who would have wrested her from ai ds if he persisted. Finding that she was on. human wisdom. Even his own elevation to tells me that- Robert W alters is d ead ! Poi­ his hold. you any proofu to bring forward of the Q.EORGE W. THU EX, I. Jeroboam ordained' a feast in the eighth truth of jvu,your statement? .wnuiiiHui j No!n u i Ii thoughtvnougne neither to be cajoled nor menaced into s i­ the kingdom was In consequence of kingly soned ! Why does she come telling me this P "Mr. Derwent,” said Malcolm, in the lence, Mr. Derwent pretended to yield tha Manufacturer of and Dealer in niontii.. Doubtless intended as a substitute Have not the mocking voices of the wind firm, equable tones which always command oa much. Like Mr. Malcolm, you think to and national violations of God’s precepts; and point; and she left him,hoping that her ar­ for the ancient feast of tabernacle, which was murmured it to me continually ever since respect and attention,—“Mr. Derwent, you frighten Miss Lindsly into believing mo a HARNESS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, yet he, to secure an assured good (if obedient) guments had prevailed, and that he would fire |.isur;mte. appointed {to held on the fifteenth of the that dreadful night ?" will do well to dismiss your visitors, and m onster!” rejects the condition on which that good was forego his deuigns. BLANKETS, seventh inhntfa. “It may," say the Speaker’s to unhand that young lady. The mar­ “Tho proofs of the crime are here!” said Millicent heard her name called in the a feminine voice j aud Millicent Vyner But he stole into her chamber in tha Also a good assortment of Whips, Brushes, Curry dependent. Such Is boasted human foresight Commentary, “ also have beeua feast of dedi­ corridor by several voices. The fair brides­ riage you have contemplated cannot take dead of tho night, and with a smile upon Combs, Ladles’ Shawl straps, VaiiBea, and Fancy when unoccupied by a true faith in Him place.” came forward, and stood, culm and un­ Goods 111 my line, constantly on hand. cation, [of pis sauctuaries.]aJ ter the example of maids had decided that it was time to daunted, boforo the speakers. his lips, which a determined ring in his He Mutual .Marine find Fire “who cannot lie." Then shall the heart of the commence their duties, and Miss Lindaly’s “Cannot, sir? I have Miss Lindsly’s suppressed tones contradicted, he foroed Toms River, N. J. Solomon, 1 Kings viii, 2.” This feast of ilive pledge to become mine within this “ You !” gasped Mr. Derwent, fear creep­ people turn again, etc... .In thus saying, Jer­ tabernacles was, perhaps, the most joyous maid was loudly summoned to assist them. ing over him for the first time. "W hy, her to swallow what he termed a sedative, INSURANCE COMPANY, oboam . ecoguizes the strong ties of a common 3he ran towards the door to answer the C ir; and neither your uncalled-for in­ to calm her excited nerves. He watched J£OGKH.§ BROS., one of the year. It would seem that Jerobo­ terference nor th e ravings of your mad com- what can you know ?” religious faith—certainly one of the strongest inquries they were making; then the "Too much for your safety,” Millicent beside her until the narcotic began to take l MILLVILLE, N. J. COMMISSION DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP am either paid uo attention to the feast of thought of leaving Sybil in her present panion shall prevent it being fulfilled ! ” effect, and then left the room, exulting in passions of the human heart. Napoleon at­ first-fruits aud that of the passover, or kept “Then you compel me to speak openly. responded, “Like many other assassins, PRODUCE. AND DOMESTIC FRUIT, tributed, to a great extent, the deterioration condition, overcame all others. She went you have permitted your own carelessness tho thought that he had silenoed h e r them at the usual time. Wc incline to the back and made another effort to thorough­ MiBs Lindsly, your guardian has been false until the opposition she menaced him w ith 328 Greenwich Street, of the French people to the lack o f the recog­ ly arouse her. to his trust! ^ He has abused the confidence to convict you.” Ho would have Inter­ opinion that be ignored them as he could not rupted, but she went steadily on. “When would h<« unavailing. Bet. Duane and Jay, NEW YORK. nition of the principle; hence he said, “Miss Derwent, in pity to yourself, listen reposed in him, and tampered with your SETS JANUARY I, 1876, lawfully hold them. He offered upon the al­ you flung the phial from the window of the As Hybil’s senses returned, and she re ­ I. D. Rogers, “France must have a religion he gave it; to me.” proporty! I t is to conceal his guilt th at he called these things, sho started from her B. A. Rogers. / lyBO* tar— Jeroboam himself, probably, assuming strives to wed yon.” room where you mixed the deadly draught, $1,377,886 33. and the rale of anarchy ceased. Nothing is the place of high priest in the religious system “I am listening,” said Sybil, trying to you forgot to destroy the stopper which uod. She comprehended now that he had Nothing Is so likely to unite in affection and oommand her wandering senses. “I know Mr. Derwent smiled contemptuously. given her the sleeping potion to enable hint he bad introduced. “Miss Lindaly already knows the circum­ had closed it—you forget to do away with drone Mpff conservative Company Insures government as similarity of religious faith. you now. You are Millicent Vyner. W hat the cosa in which that phial, with three to m arry Violet in spite of her. Had she, I^B E N E Z E R COOK, 93. In the month, .be bad devised efhi*ew n do you want with m« 9 " stances on which you put so harsh a con- indeed, slept too long to prevent it? "'\,jrm Building*, Live stock, and Setting aside the special superintendence of ■truoticn. 6he is aware that m y affec­ oth«iw, had been hidden B is hor* I" «l,« of God iniu his personal and national interests heart— An expression denoting, wo think, “Charles Malcolm will be here directly. exclaimed, holding up a tinf glass stopper, wiuiiigComing ■•fullyswiftly downdowt stairs, the pushed Successor to Reuben Hoyt, Do you know on what errand he is coming?” tionate endeavors to make her happy, and Her property, against loss or damage God's condemnation of the change, and aud the little cafvod do* ; h« had taken her way through the group of servants Jeroboam was right: acknowledging these, Her dark eyeB dilated as she slowly re­ to------surrouud her with v.utjbiuugevorything KUOshe COcould me charging l|t upon Jeroboam as an act of impi­ from the drawer in his dressing-room. who, alarmed by 8ir John Lefroye having P iro and Liffli tutu ip, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST. he was utterly right In his conclusions. crave,------, led —- me —vw into uraj/viioaoexpenses Uetuuubeyond II my ety. plied, “Walters’ request was to be avenged. m8>i>flu * f/\ maaf wUi.U ;M _i —^ j “The long-sought proofs are hero; and to sent for the police, had gathered round th e IL ■ S Having received the promise of personal and Yet, yas^I remember th at. I t was you means; to meet which in an evil hour, i kt the lowest rates, for the term of you, Mr. Mai olin, m the avenger of Rob­ door of the room where the bridal p arty SOS Greenwich Street, national protection and blessing from God, lleflectidft—Israel never produced a more who told me so—was it not ? ” made use of my powers as co-trustee, to sell bod assembled. out some of her property, which, 1 regret ert W aiters, I confide them .” }) THREE, FIVE OR TEN TEARS, ly»» New Yoke. and the continuance of the government in his able ruler tbau was Jeroboam; but no nauus in “And it is I who bid you hasten away ere The first person on whom her eyes fell to say, I have n ot been able to replace.. I There was a momentary hush in the family on condition of obedience to the prin­ its history is so frequently spoken of in lan­ the bequest is fulfilled,” Millicent emphat­ * Gharles Malcolm, and she passed, fa in t guage of condemnation. The greater the m is­ have confessed this to Violet, and she has room, as she stopped, up to Maloolm, and with dreed; for she reooltected Mill ciples of the theocracy, he bad nothing to do ically ejaculated. “For Mr. Malcolm’s nobly, generously forgivqn me. Have you pu into his hands the articles she bad VESSELS, jjj^AMUEL C. BAILEY, chief effected in the same circumstances. sake if not for your own, do as I tell you. assertion, that he come te fulfil W alter’s with the seeming danger of the stated partici­ not, my dearest? ” disuyv... ’ Mr. Derwent still held hi* Think what he will suffer if he sees the request. The next moment, she saw Violet s a d F reig h ts, written on llberni nnAuraiN pation of his people In the established relig­ She bowed assent, for she could not com- head erect, u if ho defied his accusers; woman he so dearly loved crushed beneath My Into tbe embrace of Vernon Aubrey, ta d •f policies, without restrictions ious observance; bathe had not the needed mand her voice sufficiently to make any but his bluiK * tips, and a strange ex­ FRESH AND SALT MJJATS, MALCOLM, THE AVENGER a weight of shame and disgrace which he other reply. her father, white-lipped end madly re. in 1 1 ports used, or register­ faith, and his kingdom terminated with his cannot avert.” pression in his (j.., set, eyes, betrayed the vengeful, slip bis hood into Us vest. Vernon Aubrey understood now all that ed tonnage...... _ MAW *. * 0 . ■on. They shall kill m e... .Jeroboam supops- She dared not stay to say more, but flew struggle going on w.lhin. She knew what he copied there; she At living prices, perplexed him so in her conduct. Mr. Sir John Lofroyw was the first to amve. ed, would be the natural result of n “return’ t h e M y s t e r i o u s m u r d e r . back to Violet’s apartments. To all ths guessed hi* fell purpose; And. to save the |«» L O S N K H C uraer uf M ala a n d W ashington streets, Derwent, well aware that when she took up He quietly left the apartment, and gave lTiy Toms River, n . J . of the people to the “house of David"—the reproofs for her negligence which were unconscious lovers,she threw herself before MRLY ADJUSTED AMD PAIR. her abode with Sir John Lsfroys, all his some directions which resulted >o the event he so much feared. This, he may have ^IV HARRISON AINSWORTH, levelled at her, she either made vague re­ speculations would be detected, had thrown plies or none a t all. As silent as ths list­ police making their appearance n< Der­ This generous action wae done so rapid­ thought, would be done by the Isiaelitcs himself upon her mercy. He had wrought went Ijodge in the course of a very sh o t1 Author o f |“ Tower JHU," “Baffled at JM&t," less bi He, who perm itted her friends to ly. th a t it was not u n til Sybil lay wounded f. STRATTON. President. MORTIMER LANE, order to Ingratiates themselves with their for­ upon her by his assurances that it was for time. F. L. MI LFORD, secretary. Tale o f Mystery," etc. etc. adorn, her os they pleased, Millicent obey­ at their feet that they knew the danger mer monarch. her he had sinned—that his overweening Violet hn l listened with breathless I, 1S76. 14 ed ths orders she received. But unlike love hod mode him half ruin himself, to horror te Millicent Vyner'i revelations, from which they had happily been rescued, H o u s e a n d S ig n P a i n t e r , 28. Whereupon the king took counsel. Violet she had not lost all hope; and was or to wjwni th*, ovod their ralttr. , (CONOLCOEI>») surround hor with luxuries, and indulge and now she tried to release herself from tJOY, Ager.k, Toms River, Not so much, ws take lt“couneel" in the sense even now listening for the coming of help. Whon By bit hwud hor father’• .xclffma- AB8TON, Agent, Bricksburg. Toma River, ft. S . cion of the p art she h ad heeq playing p the lightest wish she formed. And Violet Mr. Derwent's hold. When she found this of seeking advice, as •‘counsel’’ In the sense of The sacrifice for which they were wreath­ tioa o< horror a t the lig h t M ore him, d u H. JONES. Agent. Ware town. Hurrying by, lest he should emerge from had not beared him unwovoil. tiadly con­ Impossible, she shrieked to Aqbrey for wili attend to all •M en for consulting on a plan had already determined ing a passive victim with pearls and flowers vinced of Aubrey’s gill,, and regarding it help, in a fit of terror which she could not ffttffinptffd to n iM hffrfftll. "Aid hire tom e hie room, and put these questiuna to he*, should not be consummated, even if the to me," ,h, murmured to Chulra Malcolm, to adopt, and how sought the consent and co­ she went Ito her lady- But Miss Lindsly* as her duty to save Her guardian from the control. GIRARD” expected aid came not in time, and ,*he had consequences of tho guilty acts into which At the sound of her piteous cry—at the rrhss she found herroil incepebi, o. lire e f­ House and Sign Painting, operation of h's principal men to carvy out. who, afto): a miserable night, had throw n to oppose it alone. his love for her had betrayed him, she had sight of the look of mingled horror and re­ fort; - I m u t m eek to him before we e re (M U RANGE COMPANY, Th? plan was, to adopt a measure by which herself n the bed without undressing, Just as the lost touches were bring put parted for . ,r a ' PMELADELPHIA, PA.ELADELPHIA, the attendance of his people at Jerusalem, was now sleeping; and Bhe determined nob made herself th e sacrifice, and vowed to gret she cast upon him, Mr. Derwent’s for­ draining, Katsomining, to the bride’s toilet, and her attendants koep his secret. titude partially gave way, and his grasp Aooordiuelj, hii capture led him te the Realised Assets, both on stated and occasional religious ser­ to disturb her until it was absolutely nec­ wore tend in their praises of her appear­ mde at h i, dyino daughter. Greet drum ed Charles Malcolm’a next words ruthlessly relaxed.---— No sooner-wum didmu Violet »uiiwv uwuuverdiscover One Million Dollar*! vices, should be broken up, and so the antici­ essary. ance, Mr. borwent sent a servant to say egonv stood on hi, brow , th e edonj of lh e t PAPEE HANGING. Putting on her bonnet and eh*wl, Milli­ destroyed the iliu.non uuaer winch she n.ui this, than, forgetful of everything hut the ABLE, PROMPT, LIBERAL. pated danger avoided. that he wished to see Miss Lindsly ■ maid. bSeh laboring; and, in »t,ite of heraeti, a inspiring sense of freedom, she sprang in­ awful moment wee elmoet non than be cent descended to th e offices. H ere hex She could not help trembling a little when oould beer, but he d id not apeak; net a n a CHAS. M. SLOAH. Carriage Painting and (luring. Besides this, it might, be urged that the con­ snsj icion began to creep into her heart tu *i to the outstretched arms of Vernon Au­ haggard looks drew upon her the comments •he heared the summons. when ehe held out her h u d with e m ile of *1 n t r e r lw . . . 8 U K ACfBt, tributions of the Israelites made on occasions •he oa t beet. ■ >jd, brey. T. HOLLY, N. J. Will endeavor to 111 h______of the servants; but she answered them fo rrireu m . of their religious visits to Jerusalem for the "Go, yon thirethome, thtupid girl I” "This tale did very well for an unsnspect- Like a frightened but confiding fihild, bol or written, with promptness. cheerfully; and, ou pretext of cuttfcff some cried Miuts Caverly, l&aghutg and gently tag giri, who had no means of tasting its "Father, we hem not brand each ether ae temple service, and the money otherwise ex­ i she clung to him, and sobbed upon his flowers for the breakfast-table, she wwoeod- pushing____ her toward the „ door. “I dors thay truth, and was generously ready to think breast i white hs, overjoyed to know that e . ehordd here done, rued prahepe the m a lt Li. 1 1 4a •------1M ______, FI, ft TUAL BENEFIT ^RAVING AN* RAID BRRMDW. pended there, was so much wealth taken from edin gaining the garden without giving he wanth to know if ws ore ready. Tefi the best of her guardian. But I happen ; he hod rescued her, and that her heart had of th at bee hem , ia » g reat eiennie, m ine. 8. CO,, Newark, N. J. Israel to enrich Judah. This, too, he sought any one reason * imagine that she had him he mntht give utb five-and fifty thee- to have learned, in some inquiries I nave | never held any other image than bis own, I h are been too Impatient, too rimm ed, to M u tu a l; No Stockholder*. The Subscriber weald mfenu Oh PUBLIC that to change. Made two calves of gold__ Not, concealed other 'utentions. i ondth more. Bridegroomth are alwavth im- instituted in the City, that Mr. Derwent ( •in that influence w ith yon that a gentler Assets i soothed her tenderly. In the softest whis­ on ^ **** rwm **** *°BrtdRU , perhaps, of solid gold, but of brass or wood, As long as she was ou that part of the patient.'1 has dabbled in sundry speculations not nature might ham acquired.” 1,000,000.00 D ollars I pers, he bade her remember that she had covered with gold. This, we suppose, grounds which the windows of Mr. Der- As she could a c t very well excuse her- very creditable to him; ari that tbe sums nothing to fear now—that, his arms were "Hay, my child, yoe may apeak freely L ife and Endow m ent wents apartments overlooked, M illicent self, Millicent went. Mr. Derwent, dressed rocured by th e sale of stock standing in thoee truths to your muntrara that yoe favorable terms SHAVING, HAIR DRESSING, done in accordance with the plan proposed by around her, and she was tnfe. quietly moved from bed to bed, apparently ; for his wedding, but looking pale and un- is ward’s name were paid into the firm of wonld not utter to your father,"ha im n r- will remember that the MUTUAL Jeroboam and adopted by bis council. The&u E Safe! Ah, the word was spoken too a “ home” Company, and when the Mhampoving, Dyeing of H air A Whiskers, absented. 1 —in * the work *" cf filling the* ...... little 1,^ jU8t paid and dismissed the (Julson and Rougem, whose frauds have quickly. ed, sombrely, " le y a t o ne. that yea k m best is obtainable at “ home,” It is were probably not made to be worshiped as basket she carried; but when a clump of ^•fV -oo^urad the rilhia ia me, ead eo farther and fare worse. The results man who had been employed to repair his ju st been exposed in the daily papers.” W hen Mr. Derwent saw the women whom .voroble to the insured than those pre- or anything else in his line of bi with 1 idols, but as mere representations of the true trees hid her from observation, she quick­ desk. Violet began to shiver in Mr. Derwent’s he had periled his sottl to win, clinging to any other company in the world. nsn and dispatch. God, answering to the figures of the cherubim ened her movements. Noiselessly unlock­ Ho pointed to it steruly, with an oJF of fierce clasp, and to look anxiously and fear­ "H u rt t” ah, mid. " I t u u not I who e deceived. Examine and test this mat- his detested rival, Without a thought, of the Constantly on hand, Excellent in the prescribed national ritual. The idea ing the e itrance-gate, she hurried through displeasure. fully in his lowering face. He saw this, to rtu re she wae inflicting on Aim, his breath •houid hen judged yon. I rtenld k m ay* are dangerou*. it, and the next minute was running up the Hair Rye, Bair Restorative, may have been taken from the Egyptian wor­ * “K th is has but just been brought and spoke to her in hurried whisperc. came and went, his teeth were fiercely tried whether my lo n n g weeds end leader CHAS. M. SLOAN, rood leading to the railway station. cereeeee would not teed you to purra oonreee. ship of Mne and Apis—Egyptian gods so nam­ iiome. You neglected, it appears, to give “You hear wlmt he says? Well, it is plashed, and an execration burst from his g t for Mercer, Monmouth, Burlington, for bringing HAIR to Its natural Color. Also, The porter, who was sweeping the plat­ ” l. kowercr, I may hare send, sty that and Ocean Counties, s preparation for preveatlag HAIR from falling ed, whose representative was a young bull, uiy montage. 1 shall lutve to pock this up false—all false! I t is a part of a cruel plot lipe, so awful, so blasphemous, that MT. HOLLY, NEW JERSEY. out, of his own Monafoctare. form, smiled as she came toward him, too after we come from church. Is Miss to ruin ine in your estimation. Go to your every one who heard it shrank from him yow forgive me." i SHINN, Agent for above Companies, JOHN KLIPP1L. and with whose worship Jeroboam was prob- breathlesi tospeak her errand. "You need own room, my beloved, for a few minutes. "Thie ia mockery." n s the I tedeennk P. O.. Ocean Co.. N. J. ly« Toma River, July IS, 1874. tun'd sly ready ?” affrighted. ably, from bis former residence in Egypt, I not hurrjf yourself like that, miss,” he civ- “She is nearly ready, sir.” I will get rid of these base slanderers, and The next minute a loud report was heard •poue. "bitaotlw he rtsaltplmt t m well acquainted—or from the conduct of illy observed; “the first train to London "Then you er n go a t once to mv daugh­ join you there.” --a shriek-and a heavy fall. He had pardon f" Aaron a t Mk Sluai, when he made a similar won’t go through for another five-atid-fort./ ter I can tra it you. can I not ? ” He would have led her away, saying, But Sybil meld say no men. -If my • C a p i t a l , ,' , . added another to UR many crimes. 8 1 0 0 0 000 ^fO L PI ERNST, Image. ■minutes, so you’vs plenty of time, ye see, “No! " said Millicent, boldly, for she was "Mis* Lindsly does not choose to listen to H e turned to fly as noon as the deed wae doe,fa should teach you to repet,.-----” she XANT7PACTUBBE OP The fact that very nearly the same expres­ and to Bp ire.” now wrought up to a pitch of excitement any more of these vile insinuattons. done, b u t ere he reached the door to which “I Want to send a telegram to town,” 8ht* prefers to retire to her own apart­ -----, ... _ urjjllo CICARI, sion is need by Jeroboam as were employed by that robbed hor of all fear for the con­ he directed his flight, two policemen ap­ IX INSURANCE CO. And d raw In all Una. or said Mi lioent, now recovering speech. sequences to herself, let them be what they ments.” f peared at it, and he found himself helpless­ they M ined that all wet raw. Mr. Dar- Aaron, “ Behold thy gods, O srael!" rather went, who occmcd otnnnod by the cngar- Chewing Kid Smoking “Where i|s the clerk ? Ask him to coma might. But Sir John Lefroye, who had mode ly their prisoner. U M C tn. V T. strengthens the supposition that the idea was here diroutly.” f ueacoo of hi, crime, ead mralsee whet bw. TobtM da, Plpffs, Ac llflkfrowned a t her angrily, b ut without several attempts to get a hearing, now an­ Aaronic. Similar figures, too, were already grily and fussily interposed. mmeod hire, w m lad from ths loom, usd . w m m i u n n a He was soon on the spot; the telegram CASH \SSETS, A Specialty. associated in the Hebrew mind in connection was dictated and dispatched; and Mil.icent “It is qnite time that I exercised my au­ CHAPTER XVIII. thoee who had come to aoriot at e gay a n * thority. I have been too vkidi.ig—too dal wen glad teeecape from a sow eo Patronage respect fully solic­ with religions gifts by the oxen which Solo­ with S heavy load removed from her mind, r a n mm o t the ctririwAL's c A « m . 1 P MILLION DOLLARS, ited. mon had made the supporters of hi* molten sped i»aek to Derwent Ln«Jg». Satisfied far church. This essence will arouse her good-natured. I ought to have insisted diflsomt to anythiag tlray had eattctpaOid. WATER STREET, i^pon taking Miss Lindsty away when I One futile struggle, and Mr. Derwent SMUT fOMS wnrsn, W. J. See 1 Kings viii, 23. etc. It is too much toot her Absence k id not been discovered, if she is still sleeping. Br ak the tidings CEORCE M. JOY, Agent, she resumed her occupation amidst the to her gen Hr, u toe asks wb*.4 are ftoa; came hers before. Violet Lindsly, in the acknowledged himself conquered. And for you to go up to Jerusalem— Thus Jero­ flowers, and gradually drew nearer to the und, if possible, prevail upon her to go name of -»»t dead father, I command yon now his suave manner returned, and he Tom s D ivert N. J . W . W EBB, U. R „ boam prudently makes the contemplated house. town and await ni there. I can make her to quit the aide of th at bad man, and place was sabs and nailing ae nasal. “You change professedly in the interest and for the “Tes MwpnsRwu an excuse for her doing this. yourself under my protection.” need not Vs rough with me,” he said to HOKEOPATfllC. He wants to know if Mf«* Linds- convenience of the people. 8sch a plea hr i« nyi Should toe offer any objectious, give her “Convince me that Mr. Derwent hoe his captors, “or feel afraad that I shall at­ would, he knew, be very likely to favorably this note, and impress upon her the pro­ tem pt to evade you. I have made a great himself on hie heoeo bemde the coach WATCHES A ID JEWELRY. Te’i - ed by this reply, she answered played the dishonorable part you impute te which they had k id bar. impress the unreasoning masses. The erec­ that she would and see, and returned to priety of obeying my wishes. You sse, my him, and I will obey,” she answered, firm­ m istake in losing my temper, and I m ust -7 to 8 A.M., to • sad 5 to 8 r j*. p o t o p with the consequence*.” 11 tion of the tea tribes into a separate nationali­ Violet. good girl,” he added, “Miss Derwent’s head ly- “But I will not retract my promise - J ? t** ■Hdomaod that in y e n h n it yon Tbe iriwHUng bri !e awoke as she en­ is often confused after these attacks, and until assured of his unworthinees. I would He glanced towards the group at the •fall ebmirtad oo (sad a n a m in m s of iO. W. WELSH ty furnished a plausible argument why the she makes speeches which lead her friends other end of the room. There, these who me." rte murmured; "bat ita people should not be obliged to perform their tered the room—awoke from s happy dream \ n ot turn away a servant on such mere as­ ef y j e d h t a torn m tra - A . 1 * 1 ’ of gliding over the sea in a felucca, to doubt her sanity. It is to avoid this sertions as you have been making j how, had had the courage to remain in the most so'emn religious rites at the metropolis "W oald to Heevea I eeaifl sara yaa.** h o Commission dealers la all vortettea of had sometimes done when at Malta with th at I wish her to leave the house before then, shall I break my vows to one whotft I room had gathered around aproetrate form, Greenwich S t, New York, (fawned. "My dear oao, t c mrae hepefal. of another, and in some respect* rival, nation. her father. In her pleasant vision. Vernon return to it. If you contrive to arrange have always trusted and respected T* and a woman's heavy sobs were heard above Yet we deem it clear that no such change of the murr ;ar of voices, that asked, "Is she and try to lira for my mka." l e a n e r PARK PLACE, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Anbraj it ft* ‘W.Tcn.b.U “If, assuanuioe that Mr Derr?ant Is a Sybil sighed. place had entered into God’s design, or he Headed ia tbe e re a ia - h r a a tbe effilora I »>H be wire to do the beet I caa (or bad man sught to be sufficient for you !” dead- Is there no means of staunching ISA R a il Street, New York. "Fm whs* weald yaa a w r a t h f l a t row an aws dbalk* m Him Derwent,” woe Millicente reply. Sir John exclaimed, drawing himself np th : bleeding till the doctor comes ?” would have made express provision for it were chanting, ae the tolls for eoerwkfhaiag rtemaead path, r were sounding sweetly upon the shore. ’ He did t._; detect the evasion it contained, with more than Ms usual pomposity. “Better than another’s.” mattered Cranberries soM si 9 per cent. Eel Bsbotd thy gods. ..Rather, behold thy God. b ut with a pleased “Thanh y00—thank Mr. Derwent, viciously; hot althoogh he from which H urra ie mrarifeDyn promptly. Try ns, and prove Jeroboam would no more establish polytheism Her first impulse was to sadly kx ' “Perhaps it ought; but I have been WATCHES. JEWELRY, “Ah! why did you wake me*” But jrtol^” he left her and went to meet his taught to hold my word sacred, and I shall ■poke thus, a sick faintness crept over him, than would Aaron. her eye Tell upon th e dree* '.nd veil that continue to do *o.” and he asked for some brandy. 29. E « set the ose is Bethel__ Near the The assumed colaineee of Violet wse con­ A t the liit sMB |.ND SILVER WARE. lay in readiness for her bridal, she retnetn- Tet, while Violet—true to her honorable 'l l rteJI he m y e u e t e FRANKLIN NAURU southern extremity of the kingdom, and only berrd the rear-ulions formed in the silence tradicted by her movnful looks; and the teachings—wm saying this, her bins eyes courage revived. “What are you going light-hearted girls who sareeundod her do With me, my good feDowtf Take n eluehi yoa h e r rrery eerdraleek." about tweive miles from Jerusalem. If Jero­ of the night. eagerly sought and questioned the agitated P e t Orbit ebook h e r heed Step.tlim.fft Has 4Usd np and recently opened began to be infected by them. Tbe sport­ countenance of Vernon Aubrey. She loug- before a magistrate at once? Eh, wed; boam were desirous, as be may be supposed to A spajim crossed h er lovely face, b a t she ' You r a i d y n bm thkt sad en 'etra murmurmurmured el no more. In silence toe per- ive sallies ^in which they hod been indalg- to iy te his side—to know herself free from it must be as you please, I suppose. ! A NEW A R M hove bees, of selecting for the sanctuaries of to •hoald tike to take a change of clothes with yoa erald, I k een__ , h a t yea a a a t i h n *it | S irtte Offtb an* B rain his gods places already consecrated by relig­ Bitted Itillicefft to bnrab and im age bee w m . ll?*h*d, m 4 tig, TO* «. th e bonds which linked her to another; the bray Iragera tha* wiB beaatirnl (air h«ir: ud tbeT rob tb« *** -^cnderingly •n n g l, and significantlyiigadicffati,>t at each and more and more hateful became the me, and my desk and dressing-cases. If ion* associations, he was certainly wise in you will go with me to toy rooms, I will h th e r'e Crimea ' - — composure which she hod nerved herself to other. They had scan brides toed tears thought of the marriage she still consider­ r CWJ IMPOSTATTO^t Grocery and Provision adopting Bethel as see. It was here that Ja­ a t the a lt s , and heard their sorrow - i tear­ point out wfcat ! wish to h ers.” M et okas year eyra to me m ien Si _ assume, she went to give Mr. i/ervent the ed herscif bound to contract. wield inflict ra year prawd m art m IB cob, when Ms way ^ to ______,Padan-Aram, ____bad hi« private interriew for which be had peti- ing the borne and ootaponkms of their girl­ They had been careful to take from him STORE, hood. Bat Violet had uo home, no parents, Mr. Derwent smiled exultingiy ae he the revolver from which be bad fired the ware knova that yea had eraaestafl ram An d MI.VKB-PUT famous dream- and • called " * the place " Bet&el, * tioneu h A ore her bridesmaids earn# to on­ listened to her. to regret; while her grief was strangely •elf with the marderar ef yam esS a,” 'ito of God," Goo. xxviii. 11-19; here, “Miss Lindsly speaks tike tier own, no­ that he had no other ______"Ten rtal Rre •» ay aen. ay dement, Violet had gone to her guar- subdued and tearless, and to their whisper­ ATJiY REDUCED PRICES, too, Rod again retooled M assif to him oa bis ed inquiries toe mode no reptiee. They ble, generous self p* he eried. “And they signified their wiltingaem to swede wewfl ge efarad, wewrt ranrao em- retora, ia commemoration of which Jacob j it went to the chamber of Sj- -rbo snail dare to hinder our union t tom e, to his wishes. r tr a a id thorn rthgeM i he not forgotten Mr. Derwent’s ! were almost ae grave and m ate as the pete t tepaiw'ij a 1 agnto aoosed tt Beth*!, Gaa. xxxv. 9-15; here,; girl they surrounded, whew Mr. Derwent, my friends; we here tet there highly re- I “Where is my daughter ?” he cried, the preeadiag eeeaing-"S ke 1 ^ecteblegmDemon detain us quite long j suddenly renpOoctteglar. No one an- to®, b f espram command of Rad. Jacob built tm mrrmmmmra m to I impatient of any farther delay, came to to altar aod offered em itter, Terete ! and 7 j teed hw betnWlmd SO tto d»«w1ww-rnnm *-*’**'' swwring, ho beckoned to MiSkeet Vyner. n inffedJby his cool- > who was crowing B e offifir of eaii ebapte?- Dan was hi the extreme' to hare calculated with sas- Orelmeed oe ffasrrtPRfa - ■ M iu a ii We hare sontetimen heard those A Sharp Sea Captain. fltatei Jottings. Oenenl Z « * 1 The Recent T n u ary KAketr- * Why T it o O erarUter Etch Bay. who, under e mistaken idee of econ- W ashwoton, Jan. 7,1877. VEGETINE • A Uttittllttiu son A. K. Eaton, of There 1# a ttrlke among ice cutters oa Tlifl Secretary ol tfie Tmwurv « » An the moon rovolvo* around lha. Q ’ r - m atop my paper, or I The 8 « } i m g (Ml 0,^while pitying with bis >tto IfudRO^’ ill consultation late thiacTcnia^ with earth from what to east, she adypM ^nf *top „ny advertisement. They urlfla* tft* Blood, Reno, otton mill a fiprlngvalu. Me.. I* x' n - s -**«-- -s* •*— — Aut ;« orbit abottt - a despatch irom| fitter'* piiM oon Vtttirdaj^ot Uluiself, tiie the chief o f the Treamiry jworet ©er- ffii eaatwardly in frer do fio t.fi lee**ip the beginning, my, running More goodtlhau ever before. Consul at ~ vates and invigorates bill pKuinfpawing Ihrthrough his bogy near tbc heart vice in regard to the ftifcent Jobbery thirtsen degreeslea evftry . twenty- I wBVhAeen my table expenses, or I - .. .