$1 Weekend Edition Saturday, June 1, 2013 Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — www.chronline.com Art Dog Locals Shine at Centralia Canine Wins Award / Feeder Game / Main 5 Sports Anglers Accused Angered Over Lack of Fish in Winlock Cowlitz River Rapist’s Fish Fight Trial to Begin DENIED: Despite Judge Ruling Victim Cannot Testify Via Skype, Lewis County Prosecutor Says He Is Prepared to Proceed By Stephanie Schendel
[email protected] Prosecutors anticipate the case against the accused rap- ist who has racked up nearly $200,000 in medical bills while in custody will go to trial Mon- day. The trial will go on despite the ruling of a Lewis County judge Friday that the alleged ail- ing victim can- not testify via Skype — she must do it in person — even after doctors Pete Caster /
[email protected] said the stress Mitchel Olson, Chehalis, casts his line into the Cowlitz River near the Cowlitz River Trout Hatchery on Friday, Jan. 18. could be fatal to the woman. MEETING: 90 Attendees enough energy to serve 135,000 tion facilities that make up the THE WASHINGTON Depart- Leo Bunker III Leo Bun- homes — and enough strife to Cowlitz River project. ment of Fish and Wildlife and facing trial ker III’s alleged Attend Heated Meeting draw more than 90 attendees Since the dams were built Tacoma Power jointly hosted victim, who Held by Fish and to an informational meeting more than five decades ago, Wednesday’s meeting, held in suffers from a Wildlife, Tacoma Power Wednesday night. salmon populations have de- Washington Hall on the Centra- serious heart condition, under- Fishing on the Cowlitz River creased significantly — particu- lia College campus.