Clubs of Champions by EDWARD S

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Clubs of Champions by EDWARD S USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMENT: NOVEMBER, 1952 Clubs of Champions By EDWARD S. KNAPP, JR. USGA EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT One of the first sights that meets the "The psychology I used at this time eye of the visitor to "Golf House" is a would aid me greatly in the play-off, I glass case in the lobby to the right of felt, and it did." the front door containing clubs of cham- MISS BEATRIX HOYT'S LOFTER: Miss pions. Each club, of course, could tell Hoyt found the head in some bushes at a dozen stories. A few of these are: the Shinnecock Hills Golf Club, South- JAMIE ANDERSON'SSPOON: A McEwan ampton, N. Y., and had it shafted. It spoon used by the British Open Champion aided her in winning three USGA Wo- of 1877, 1878 and 1879. In the last men's Amateur Championships in 1896, round of the 1878 Championship at 1897 and 1898. Prestwick, he made a hole-in-one on the MRS. DOROTHY CAMPBELL HURD'S 17th hole, possibly using this club, and CLEEK: This iron was a factor in eleven he won by only one stroke. championship victories in four countries, TOMMY ARMOUR'SMONGRELMASHIE: the USGA Women's Amateur in 1909, In the 1927 USGA Open Championship, 1910 and 1924; the British Women's in Armour played a second shot with this 1909 and 1911; the Scottish Women's of club to the 72nd green and tied Harry 1905, 1906 and 1908, and the Canadian Cooper. Armour won the play-off, 76-79. Women's of 1910, 1911 and 1912. MRS. EDWIN H. VARE, JR.'S SPOON: JOCK HUTCHISON'S MASHIE-NIBLICK: A club which played a part in the six Hutchison used this club in making a USGA Women's Amateur Championships hole-in-one on the eighth hole while win- Mrs. Vare won. Mrs. Vare used this club ning the British Open in 1921 at his from about the time she started to play birthplace, St. Andrews, Scotland. It golf continually until 1936. She re- had become his pet club as a result of marked: "I had it re-shafted several a hole-in-one at the eighth hole at St. times and finally it got really tired." Andrews Golf Club, Mount Hope, N. Y., MISS MARGARETCURTIS' CLEEK: Miss in 1906. Curtis played it in the first USGA Wo- HARRISONR. JOHNSTON'SSPADEMASHIE: men's Amateur Championship in which Johnston used this club to play his she competed, in 1897, when she was 13 famous shot from Carmel Bay onto the and had only four clubs. She was still 18th green at Pebble Beach against Dr. using it in 1907 when she won her first O. F. Willing in the 1929 USGA Amateur Championship. final. He gained a half in par and said WALTERHAGEN'SMASHIE-IRON: Hagen that the moral value of that half was in- relates of the 1919 USGA Open Cham- estimable. pionship: "I played my second shot with FRANCIS OUIMET'S PUTTER: This is this club on the 72nd hole, where it was the putter used by Ouimet in the 1913 necessary for me to get a par to tie Mike USGA Open Championship when he tied Brady. I put the ball about 15 feet to the famous British professionals, Harry the right of the hole, where I had my Vardon and Ted Ray, and then defeated famous putt for a birdie to win. them in the historic play-off. "Then, of course, I missed. But before GENE SARAZEN'S SAND-IRON: This addressing the ball, I looked around the club, a factor in Gene Sarazen's victories gallery of several thousand and said, in both the USGA and British Open 'Where is Mike?' knowing of course he Championships in 1932, is one of the would be there somewhere. earliest sand irons. Sarazen, who fre- USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMENT: NOVEMBER, 1952 On a recent visit to "Golf House," Gene Sarazen inspected fondly the rudimentary sand wedge which he himself fashioned from a niblick and used in winning the USGA and British Open Championships in 1932. quently experimented with clubs, added "The original Calamity Jane was an an appreciable amount of lead to the old Winton iron given to me by Jim sole in 1931, making the back of the sole Maiden. I got the original club in 1920 about a quarter inch lower than the front. and I should judge it was at least 15 His splendid play with the club helped or 20 years old at that time. Constant popularize it. buffing and polishing caused the face to JESS SWEETSER'S "BAKSPIN" MASHIE: be so irregular, I had a copy made and Sweetser played with this club in win­ from then on used the copy. The copy ning the 1922 USGA Amateur and the is the one I am sending you." 1926 British Amateur Championships. In Calamity Jane II was used by Jones 1922, the club was legal, although the in winning the USGA Amateurs of 1924, face was slotted to impart back-spin to 1925, 1927, 1928 and 1930; the USGA the ball. When the Rule was changed Opens of 1926, 1929 and 1930; the Brit­ in 1924, he had the grooves filled in, as ish Amateur of 1930, and the British can readily be seen, and continued to Opens of 1926, 1927, and 1930. use it. The USGA is constantly on the look­ ROBERT T. JONES. JR'S CALAMITY JANE out for similar items. We will be grate­ II: Of this club, perhaps the most famous ful for any assistance in enlarging this in the world, Jones wrote: collection, thereby making "Golf House" "This is the putter which I used reg­ an even more interesting place for golfers ularly from 1924 on through 1930. to visit. USGA JOURNAL AND TURF MANAGEMENT: NOVEMBER, 1952 The USGA is also anxious, of course, so that they can, by enrolling as Founders, to complete the financing of "Golf enable their Association to complete the House." which will require approximate­ job. Only 387 clubs are now enrolled, ly $110,000. Thus far, 5,133 individuals, although their contributions total more clubs and associations have contributed than $21,000. $92,275.99. In addition to those listed in previous The Members Clubs which have not issues, the following have enrolled as yet contributed are in sufficient number Founders: INDIVIDUALS Charles Allen, Jr. Addison H. Gery, Jr. Robert A. Magowan C. Scott Althouse Maj. Nevin H. Gibson, USAF Al Mengert B. Allan Arcuni John S. Giles Roy Moe, Jr. H. J. Arnot Willie Goggin F. A. J. Morrison J. Y. Ballard Miss Mary E. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Murray Joe E. Barnett WiHiam G. Harding Richard C. Palma Frank C. Beacham Hoyt E. Hayes Ma]. Gen. F. L. Parks James Beattie Grant Hellar, III Daryl Parshall Mrs. Martha Noll Beirne W. J. Hickey Julius C. Peters Hal L. Bemis Harry H. Hi!p, Sr. Frederick W. Phipps Edgar Bibas John S. Holl Harold W. Pierce Neiscn L. Bond Mrs. E. A. Hooton Mrs. Edwin A. Quier Bruce Brodie Evan Howell Loyal C. Radtke Jerry S. James Thomas J. Brogan, Jr. Bernard H. Ridder, Jr. Scot? McLain Buttfisld C. O. Johnson J. Russell Shaw Ben A. Calhoun Paul E. Johnson George F. Sheehan Edwin J. Carey Harry F. Jones Thomas Boardman Smith W. D. P. Carey James R. Kearney, Jr. Howard A. Spurrier WiiL'am P. Castleman, Jr. Raymond L. Klinck Charles L. Stacy W. Fitzhugh Catlett Miss Sandra Alison Kohlmann Daniel Stuckey John S. Chapman Frederick R. Krohn G. R. "Dick" Clover John N. Ledbetter, Jr. Otto C. Stuhmer John W. Dawson Col. and Mrs. Louis L. Lesser George M. Thompson Hugh Dean Perry Liebman Arthur H. Tiedemann John J. Donohue, Jr. William A. Liddell Mrs. Hazel A. Tilley John P. Drews Hsrold Lindquist Dr. O. C. Tomec Edward Loeb J. A. Ducournau Mrs. Benjamin Graser Troxell Mrs. Henry G. Lubke, Jr. Bernard L. Eberts Frank Urzetta Thomas G. McMahon George Ferrier Charles T. Wagner Leo E. McNamara Mrs. G. W. Foelochow John M. Waters F. J. D. Mackay James C. Frink George Weinhagen, Jr. Ed Maden Joseph M. Gambatese Dona'd E. Whitehead Mrs. Phyllis Madison Fred A. Gariepy John M. Young ASSOCIATIONS Hawaiian Golf Association Western Seniors' Golf Association Northeastern New York Women's Golf Association Willamette Valley-Southern Oregon Women's Oklahoma City Amateur Golf Association Golf Association Seniors Golf Association of Southern California Women's Cross County Golf Association, N. Y. Trans-Mississippi Golf Association Women's Golf Association of Philadelphia Tulsa District Golf Association CLUBS Columbus Country Club, Ohio The Misquamicut Club, R. I. Cypress Point Club, Cal. Montclair Golf Club, N.J. Farmington Country Club, Va. Northampton Country Club, Mass. Fort Washington Golf Club, Cal. Northwood Club, Tex. Fox Chapel Golf Club, Pa. Portland Country Club, Maine Green Hill Yacht and Country Club, Md. Ravisloe Country Club, III. Green Spring Valley Hunt Club, Md. The Ridgewood Country Club, Conn. Harding Park Golf Club, Cal. Taconic Golf Club, Mass. Hudson River Country Club, N. Y. The Wee Burn Country Club, Conn. Inglewood Country Club, Cal. Wheeling Country Club, W. Va. Kernwood Country Club, Mass. Williamsport Country Club, Pa. Leewood Golf Club, N. Y. Theodore Wirth Golf Club, Minn. .

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