UPR-1086-T Lectures on D-branes, Gauge Theories and Calabi-Yau Singularities Yang-Hui He Department of Physics and Math/Physics RG University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104–6396, USA Abstract These lectures, given at the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the BeiJing/HangZhou International Summer School in Mathematical Physics, are intended to introduce, to the beginning student in string theory and mathematical physics, aspects of the rich and beautiful subject of D-brane gauge theories constructed from local Calabi-Yau spaces. arXiv:hep-th/0408142v1 18 Aug 2004 Topics such as orbifolds, toric singularities, del Pezzo surfaces as well as chaotic duality will be covered. ∗
[email protected] Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Minute Waltz on the String 5 2.1 The D3-brane in R1,9 ............................... 6 2.2 D3-branesonCalabi-Yauthreefolds . ...... 7 3 The Simplest Case: S = C3 8 4 Orbifolds and Quivers 10 4.1 ProjectiontoDaughterTheories. ..... 10 4.2 Quivers ...................................... 12 4.3 TheMcKayCorrespondence . 12 4.4 McKay, Dimension 2 and N =2......................... 15 4.5 N = 1 Theories and C3 Orbifolds ........................ 15 4.6 Quivers, Modular Invariants, Path Algebras? . ......... 17 4.7 MoreGames.................................... 17 5 Gauge Theories, Moduli Spaces andSymplectic Quotients 19 5.1 QuiverGaugeTheory............................... 20 5.2 An Illustrative Example: The Conifold . ...... 21 5.3 ToricSingularities.. .. .. ... 22 5.3.1 A Lightning Review on Toric Varieties . ... 23 5.3.2 Witten’s Gauged Linear Sigma Model (GLSM) . .. 23 5.4 TheForwardAlgorithm ............................. 24 5.4.1 Forward Algorithm for Abelian Orbifolds . ..... 25 5.5 TheInverseAlgorithm ............................. 28 5.6 Applications of Inverse Algorithm . ...... 29 5.6.1 delPezzoSurfaces ...........................