Female anti-suffragists opposed women’s right to vote during the Progressive Era—yet in the process, they utilized political techniques and eventually came to understand the benefits of political participation.

BY SUSAN GOODIER Anti-SuffragistsAnti-Suffragists

uring the Progressive Era educate members on the (1890–1917), virtually every ideas of anti-suffragism, and woman involved in philan- influence men to continue thropy chose one side or the to protect women through other in the woman suffrage legislation. The Association REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE controversy. Intelligent, had five presidents during its Dcapable women on both sides tenure; Alice Hill Chittenden of the issue often hailed from served as the last one, from the same social class and January 1913 until December were involved in many of the 1917. The granddaughter of same reform organizations. Simeon Baldwin Chittenden, After the 1917 referendum a Republican who served in granting enfranchisement in the House of Representatives New York State, many anti- from 1874 to 1881, Chittenden suffrage women accepted political role, and it embodies was born in Brooklyn, where their new status, joined the the political gains and experi- she lived most of her life. Her Republican Party, and shifted ences of many women as they father was an attorney and their energies to educating moved from disenfranchise- the family was quite well off. other women on the impor- ment to that role. During the twenty-three tance of the vote. years that she was involved We can explore this politi- Women Opposed with anti-suffrage, Chittenden cization process through the The New York State Association and her colleagues learned activities of an anti-suffrage Opposed to Woman Suffrage and utilized political behavior, leader, Alice Hill Chittenden was founded on April 8, 1895 whether or not they recog- (1869–1945). Between 1917 by women who, the year nized it as such. They appro- and 1926, Chittenden went before, had temporarily orga- priated a number of political from being president of the nized to prevent members of techniques, especially those New York State Association the New York State Constitu- used by suffragists, to promote Opposed to Woman Suffrage tional Convention from their campaign goals. For Above: Virtually nothing is known to being president of the removing the word “male” example, in contrast to the about Alice Hill Chittenden’s early Women’s National Republican from the constitution. Accord- yellow suffragists used, anti- life, nor is it clear whether she had any formal education. But by the Club. Her political growth ing to their prospectus, the suffragists chose pink—for age of twenty-five, she began her suggests that anti-suffragism purpose of the Association roses, paper, enrollment cards, involvement with anti-suffragism by may have served as a way for was to organize women in and leaflets—to indicate their attending meetings with her mother. resistant women to accept a opposition to woman suffrage, political position and to remind

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President Calvin Coolidge poses with members of the New York Women’s Republican Club, which Chittenden helped to found. asas OF CONGRESS LIBRARY PoliticiansPoliticians

people of their campaign. a panel member in these Many also wore lapel pins to During the twenty- debates. The early ones must show their affiliation. have been a bit confusing, Demands for anti-suffrage three years that she however, since each side was speakers such as Chittenden determined to make its point were great on the suffrage was involved with irrespective of the point the circuit. “Antis” spoke at labor anti-suffrage, opponent had just made. So, and Masonic organizations, for instance, when a suffragist Rotary and Elks Clubs, Chittenden and her remarked that “We must have the Young Men’s Hebrew clean milk,” an anti-suffragist Association, normal colleges, colleagues learned replied that “Government is philosophical societies, granges, and utilized political founded on force.” Many of churches, and girls’, mothers’, the newspaper accounts of and women’s cultural and behavior, whether or debates indicate that the political clubs—especially women were enjoying them- Republican clubs. They were not they recognized selves despite the seeming non- also a presence at state and it as such. sequiturs and the competition. local fairs. They sponsored Women became increasingly luncheons, lecture series, and polarized around suffrage, presentations on “The Menace however, and the confronta- of Feminism” and similar topics. met with state legislators tions could be brutal. According However, anti-suffragists whenever possible, usually with to newspaper reports, Carrie were never as adept as Chittenden in attendance. Chapman Catt once invited suffragists at fundraising. Although they were less Alice Chittenden to speak at Chittenden once asked experienced in lobbying than her suffrage “school” in members of her audience to suffragists, antis were politely , warning continue giving money to received and developed that she would be “heckled” charity, but to give to anti- political expertise as their by suffragists. Chittenden suffrage the money they would campaign progressed. accepted, appearing “cool normally spend on a new hat, and dignified” and wearing a pair of gloves, or on theatre Confronting the Opposition her colors on her hat and an or opera tickets––“and perhaps Debating the opposition was, “anti ribbon” pinned to her the men would be willing to for a time, a favorite political frock. Members of the audience give up some of their cigar technique for both sides, and often erupted into laughter or money.” Like suffragists, antis Chittenden was frequently hearty applause during parts

www.nysarchives.org NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY/MANUSCRIPTS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS ded as a ence for venue to ask antis , Chittenden then In spite of their efforts, In spite of their efforts, to shift their efforts toward toward to shift their efforts blocking the federal woman amendment. The suffrage State Association New York Suffrage Opposed to Woman as the New was reorganized Voters’ State Women York result of their commitment to of their commitment to result during the Great war relief support as suffrage War—just had not for the Civil War gained women the franchise The final blow fifty years earlier. anti-suffrage to the New York campaign came in September supporters 1917, when suffrage in the upper echelons of the federal government conceived of the idea to reconsider as a “war woman suffrage an idea President measure,” Wilson supported as “wise.” State New York As a result, enfranchised women were on November 7, 1917. One Alice Chittenden week later, was encouraging former antis “to line up with the several political parties.” She also said that she would “probably join the Republicans, as my have been entirely affiliations with the G.O.P.” Acceptance some Perhaps receiving criticism for conceding defeat so quickly called a confer December 8 at her home on Madison A of being “warmongers.” of being “warmongers.” not rewar antis were - - . d. nment epared ewar esources to esources eiterated the antis’ , antis could not , State, or city above , State, or city above ed war without [their] Suffragists had the political Suffragists effectively campaign against effectively and do war work at suffrage the same time. Antis believed that all political activity should be set aside until the war was over and normal life could contemp They were resume. tuous of the stand taken by who argued that suffragists the gover had “raised armies and navies without [their] consent” and “declar ness and universal military service, as well as the willing- ness of all antis to render services to the nation with no expectation of any r Antis immediately committed their organizational and fundraising r sanction.” Antis aligned with the Woman’s suffragists Peace Party and accused the organization of being suffrage In “lukewarm in its loyalty.” turn, accused antis suffragists President Woodrow President efforts for war preparedness for relief and to the Red Cross By the fall of 1917, efforts. Chittenden had worked with and both anti-suffragists to raise $46,000 suffragists efforts. for Red Cross to work for wherewithal various goals simultaneously However and the best interests of their of and the best interests country all other considerations.” She often r support of national pr - - ork. n to antis. As opic, and educational The outbreak of war in The outbreak oman Suffrage offered their offered oman Suffrage esident of the National suffragists always put patriotism suffragists Other Issues for Women Other Issues for Women women, like Anti-suffrage encouraged higher suffragists, education and other advance for Katherine approval official appointment as B. Davis’s commissioner of charities in New Y and correction But even as they encouraged women to continue their involvement in charitable, philanthr of her speech. Chittenden composed, even remained during the heckling, and some applause was of the suffrage certainly in admiration of her equanimity. ments for women, including the appointment of women to governmental positions, as when Chittenden and the pr Association Opposed to W activities, they argued that women would better serve the state “as a non-partisan workers” body of disinterested rather than as voters. in 1914 was of partic- Europe ular concer Chittenden stated, “[A]nti FALL 2007 FALL •

archives archives NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY/MANUSCRIPTS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS SPECIAL AND LIBRARY/MANUSCRIPTS STATE YORK NEW “school” in “school” once invited invited once by suffragists.by September 1913, September warning that she would be “heckled” be would Alice Chittenden to to Chittenden Alice speak at her suffrage Carrie Chapman Catt NEW YORK NEW YORK 24 25

Anti-Suffrage Party. Yet by York City and in various reforming politics in the first THE ARCHIVES , Chittenden locations around the state. place. Instead, their focus on CONNECTION was serving as a canteen For many antis in New education served to convince volunteer worker with the York, most of the impetus to moderate anti-suffragists that he most useful resources Red Cross, and she spent the work against woman suffrage acquiring the vote was not as for this article were the next two years abroad in Nova dissipated after the referendum alarming as they had previ- T Jon A. Lindseth Collection of Scotia, , and . in 1917; as far as they were ously imagined. By studying American Woman Suffrage When she returned to the concerned, the decision had politics so carefully in their at the Kroch Library of United States, she served as been made. Others agreed efforts to prevent enfranchise- Cornell University; the president of the New York with a comment in the New ment, many of these anti- National American Woman State unit of the Women’s York Times that “[a]mid the suffragists were possibly less Suffrage Association National Overseas Service many pressing vital problems, opposed to the vote than Collection at the Library of League—and immediately domestic, foreign, economic, previously thought. Their Congress; the collections of publicized her support for industrial, with which the experience in war prepared- the Man Suffrage Association Republican candidates in state United States has to deal, the ness and relief efforts during Opposed to Political Suffrage and federal campaigns. She intrusion of feminism is may have also for Women and a full roster subsequently served on grotesque.” Any persistent served another purpose: these of the Republican Woman election and political advisory anti-suffrage sentiment in women may have used the war, at the New York Public committees, organized the state did not come from clearly a significant distraction Library; and the Clinton innumerable political events, Chittenden and other moderate from their agenda, as justifica- Political Equality Club and often spoke at Republican state leaders. Many former tion to stop fighting suffrage. collection at the Clinton meetings in New York State New York antis also joined After enfranchisement, most (New York) Historical Society. and elsewhere. Chittenden the Republican Party, the politically astute women was vitally interested in political party most connected gravitated to one or the other discussions of the perceived to business and property, of the parties; this was broadly success or failure of woman since many of these women acknowledged as the only suffrage, determined that it found Republicanism strongly “path to political effectiveness,” would succeed. related to their sense of although many suffragists themselves as Americans and and a few anti-suffragists The Newest Republicans as elites. Like former suffragists, joined the non-partisan Following women’s disap- Chittenden and other antis League of Women Voters. pointing experience with the were looking for a way to share Politically, the 1920s was GOP during the 1920 presi- in women’s political power; an exciting decade for many dential campaign, Chittenden dutifulness was inextricably women, even for those who helped to found the Women’s linked to anti-suffragism, and had been anti-suffragists. And National Republican Club of these former antis considered to a great extent, party politics , along with the vote a responsibility, not served to eliminate some of Henrietta Wells Livermore, the right suffragists argued it the divisions between former Pauline Sabin, and other was. These women were anti-suffragists and suffragists. members of the New York actually a crucial part of the Alice Hill Chittenden took the Republican Women’s State transitional phase between lessons of political involve- Executive Committee. progressivism and the New ment she had learned as Chittenden’s forte was edu- Deal era. president of the New York cating women in the political Perhaps the reason most anti-suffragists, made a process and training them to anti-suffragists did not have to commitment to furthering work for Republican candidates. face the dilemma of whether women’s political involvement, During her tenure as president or not to join a party once and transferred her energies of the club, the “school of suffrage became a reality was to party politics—specifically politics” was begun. The that they, unlike suffragists, the Republican Party—in school was repeated in New had never conceived of innumerable ways. ■
