Did Mossad, IDF intelligence failure lead to ?

The basis of the policy has been to prevent an economic implosion in Gaza following the PA cutting off its funding to due to ongoing strife between the groups.

By Yonah Jeremy Bob / May 20, 2021

Amid the debates set off by the current Gaza war, many observers are looking at ’s intelligence gathering and asking questions. […] LIKEWISE, BRIG.-GEN. (ret.) Udi Dekel, managing director of the Institute for Studies, wrote last week: “First and foremost, the current round of escalation illustrates the problematic nature of the current dealings with Hamas – the transfer of money from Qatar, which, along with allowing relief for residents of the Gaza Strip, enables Hamas to strengthen its control and terror-military power, and conduct defiant policies.” This policy also weakens “the Palestinian Authority, inter alia, by undermining its status as a partner for a deal with Israel,” he said. “Hamas’s brazenness and our inability to understand its rationale illustrate why Israel should strive for a stable, long-term settlement in Gaza that is not based on blackmail and the actual strengthening of Hamas, but on strengthening the Palestinian Authority,” Dekel wrote. “In Gaza, dependence on Qatari money has been shown not to be a stable, long-term solution,” he added. “It is better to find other tools to restrain Hamas and allow normal life for the population of the Gaza Strip.” Dekel listed a litany of Hamas assumptions and achievements from the current round of fighting. “Israel must shatter the validity of these assumptions, which drive Hamas’s policies and activities,” including the policy of handouts from Qatar, he wrote.

For full article: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/did-facilitation-of-qatar-funding-to-hamas-contribute- to-recent-violence-668559