Passion Sunday Dear , Lord and Redeemer, we know that when you entered the city of Jerusalem for the last time you were hailed as a king. Later the people turned against you and forgot all that you had taught them. As we prepare to celebrate Passion Sunday we remember all that you did for us. May we never turn away from you. We give praise and glory to your name as the Redeemer of our world. Amen.

Holy Thursday Prayer Jesus Today we celebrate Holy Thursday and the meal you shared with the apostles. You share yourself with us too in the bread and wine each time we gather to celebrate the Mass. Help us to appreciate this great gift you have given us and to serve others in your name. Amen.

Good Friday Prayer Jesus, Lord and Redeemer, today is . We remember all that you did for love of us. Help us to walk in your way and to do what is right all the days of our lives. Amen.

Easter Prayer Leader: During this holy season we offer our to God.

Reader 1: God, Father and Creator, Easter is a time of hope and a time of new beginnings.

All: Alleluia

Reader 2: We thank you for the gift of new life through the resurrection of your Son, Jesus.

All: Alleluia

Reader 3: May we live our faith in the risen Jesus in all we say and all we do.

All: Alleluia

Reader 4: We ask this through your Holy Spirit of love who lives in our hearts.

All: Alleluia

Leader: Help us to live always as Easter people. Amen.