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GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173) is published monthly by The Geological The Great Sand Dunes Colorado Photo by Martin Miller Society of America, Inc., with offices at 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado. Mailing address: P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Boulder, Colorado, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to GSA Today, Member Services, Colorado Plateau uplift and erosion evaluated using GIS P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140. Joel L. Pederson, Rob D. Mackley, and James L. Eddleman 4 Copyright © 2002, The Geological Society of America, Inc. (GSA). All rights reserved. Copyright not claimed on content prepared wholly by U.S. Dialogue Overcoming Obstacles to Incorporating Experiential government employees within scope of their employment. Individual scientists are hereby granted permission, without fees or further requests to GSA, Learning into the Curriculum 11 to use a single figure, a single table, and/or a brief paragraph of text in other subsequent works and to make unlimited photocopies of items in this journal for noncommercial use in classrooms to further education DEADLINE! Last Chance to Vote 11 and science. For any other use, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA, fax 303-357-1070, GSA Establishes Limnogeology Division 12 [email protected]; reference GSA Today, ISSN 1052-5173. Per- mission is granted to authors to post the abstracts only of their articles on their own or their organization’s Web site providing the posting Call for Geological Papers: 2003 GSA Section Meetings 13 includes this reference: “The full paper was published in the Geological Society of America’s journal GSA Today, [include year, month, and page numbers if known, where the article will appear].” GSA provides this and Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer for other forums for the presentation of diverse opinions and positions by 2003 Announced 14 scientists worldwide, regardless of their race, citizenship, gender, religion, or political viewpoint. Opinions presented in this publication do not reflect official positions of the Society. E&EG Science Co-editor Named 15

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fact, less uplift on the plateau than pro- Cenozoic epeirogeny (e.g., Hunt, 1956; Joel L. Pederson, Rob D. Mackley, posed sources can supply. This suggests Morgan and Swanberg, 1985; and James L. Eddleman, Department Laramide uplift of the plateau was signifi- Humphreys, 1995; Spencer, 1996; of Geology, Utah State University, cantly less than that of the Rocky McQuarrie and Chase, 2000). The earliest Logan, Utah 84322-4505, USA Mountains, consistent with its prevalent researchers visiting the Colorado Plateau sedimentary basins, and/or that there has saw the deep incision of its spectacular been little or no post-Laramide uplift be- canyons and concluded that erosion has ABSTRACT yond erosional isostasy. been driven by recent—and ongoing— Study of the interaction between uplift uplift (e.g., Powell, 1875; Dutton, 1882; and erosion is a major theme of our sci- INTRODUCTION Davis, 1901; Hunt, 1956). This conclusion ence, but our understanding of their in- Pioneering geologists such as John was in keeping with W.M. Davis’ influen- terplay is often limited by a lack of Wesley Powell, Clarence Dutton, G.K. tial model that large-scale cycles of uplift quantitative data. A classic example is Gilbert, and pon- and erosion end with landscapes de- the Colorado Plateau, for which the dered the Colorado Plateau landscape nuded to a near sea level, and starting and ending points are well evolution, and questions still puzzle re- with the related assumption that incision known: The region was at sea level in searchers today. In particular, what is the must be driven by subsequent uplift the Late Cretaceous, and now, the explanation for the plateau’s mild struc- rather than other means of lowering base deeply eroded land surface is at ~2 km. tural deformation compared to surround- level for streams. The concept of a The path of the landscape between ing areas, its high average elevation, and plateau denuded to near sea level after these endpoints is less clear, and there its dramatically incised landscape (Fig. 1)? Laramide time, and then epeirogenically has been longstanding debate on the Hypotheses for uplift of the Colorado uplifted later in the Cenozoic to account mechanisms, amounts, and timing of Plateau include mechanisms such as flat- for canyon incision, has persisted, but uplift and erosion. We use a geographic slab subduction, crustal thickening, and most workers recognize that the eleva- information system to map, interpolate, anomalous mantle properties during two tional history and the timing of erosion of and calculate the Cenozoic rock uplift stages of activity: (1) early Cenozoic the Colorado Plateau are still unknown. and erosional exhumation of the (Laramide) uplift; and (2) middle-late Colorado Plateau and gain insight into its landscape development through time. Initial results indicate uplift and erosion are highly spatially variable with mean values of 2117 m for rock uplift and 406 m for net erosional exhumation since Late Cretaceous coastal sandstones were deposited. We estimate 843 m of erosion since ca. 30 Ma (a larger value because of net deposition on the plateau over the early Cenozoic), which can account for 639 m of post-Laramide rock uplift by isostatic processes. Aside from this iso- static source of rock uplift, paleobotanical and fission-track data from the larger re- gion suggest the early Cenozoic Laramide orogeny alone should have caused more than the remaining rock uplift, and geo- physical studies suggest mantle sources for additional Cenozoic uplift. There is, in

Figure 1. Physiographic extent of the Colorado Plateau according to Hunt (1956), which is used here for all discussion and analyses. Mean elevation is taken from merged 90 m digital elevation models (NAD83).

4 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY Isostatic response to the erosional ex- humation of the plateau over the middle- late Cenozoic should itself result in sig- nificant rock uplift, but this has not been adequately considered in evaluating the above ideas. Several well-known studies have investigated this effect in other areas using approaches different from those used here (e.g., Molnar and England, 1990; Montgomery, 1994; Tucker and Slingerland, 1994; Small and Anderson, 1995, 1998; Whipple et al., 1999). Here Figure 2. Illustrations of terms as described in text: U = rock uplift, U = we use a straightforward approach of di- R S ε rectly measuring rock uplift and exhuma- surface uplift (surface lowering when negative), = exhumation. A: The case of “active” tectonic rock uplift. B: “Passive” rock uplift due to isostatic tion using information preserved in the response to exhumation. landscape and the stratigraphic record. We first quantify mean Cenozoic rock uplift for the plateau. Then, by estimating erosional exhumation, we evaluate how the plateau’s upper crust in the Laramide patterns on the central and northern much of this uplift can be accounted for orogeny (Spencer, 1996), but McQuarrie plateau are thought to have developed by “passive” isostatic response to erosion. and Chase (2000) have suggested that by the Oligocene (Hunt, 1969), though The remaining amount of uplift is what weak midcrustal material flowed east- development of present-day drainage off must be accounted for by Laramide ward from the thick Sevier orogen pro- the southwest margin of the plateau, and events and other mechanisms for post- viding Laramide crustal thickening and probably most erosion, postdates Laramide epeirogeny. uplift. Changes in lithospheric buoyancy Miocene structural differentiation be- Our focus here is specifically on rock have been attributed to low-angle sub- tween it and the Basin and Range. uplift and erosional exhumation, and we duction of a relatively buoyant slab and Studies of Cenozoic deposits on the use definitions of these terms after its aftereffects (Humphreys, 1995). This southern and southwestern margins of England and Molnar (1990), as illustrated includes mechanical thinning of the man- the Colorado Plateau document that in Figure 2. Rock uplift (UR) is the vertical tle lithosphere and its subsequent modifi- drainages flowed northeast away from displacement of rock relative to a datum cation by upwelling asthenosphere (Bird, Laramide highlands onto the plateau dur- (e.g., the geoid), exhumation (ε) is the 1984; Humphreys, 1995; Spencer, 1996). ing the early Cenozoic. These drainages thickness of rock removed through tec- Bird (1984) suggested complete removal were disrupted by normal faulting along tonism and/or erosion, and the resultant of mantle lithosphere during low-angle the Basin-and-Range transition zone, and change in ground-surface elevation con- subduction, but isotopic and geophysical then the Colorado was integrated − ε stitutes surface uplift (US = UR ) or studies suggest preservation of some off this escarpment, reversing surface thickness of mantle lithosphere (Livaccari drainage to the southwest after 6 Ma lowering (when US is negative). In an erosional setting, rock uplift may drive and Perry, 1993; Spencer, 1996; Lastowka (e.g., Lucchitta, 1972; Young and significant exhumation and thus results in et al., 2001). Paleobotanical studies from Brennan, 1974; Young and McKee, 1978; less surface uplift (Fig. 2A). Likewise, after the region, including those from the Pierce et al., 1979; Cather and Johnson, “active” uplift, exhumation is typically northern plateau, suggest that in the mid- 1984; Potochnik and Faulds, 1998). This several times the resultant surface lowering dle-late Eocene after the Laramide uplift, drainage change resulted in a significant because of isostatic response (Fig. 2B). regional surface elevations were as high effective base-level drop for streams, or higher than now (Gregory and Chase, driving late Cenozoic incision that proba- Early Cenozoic Rock Uplift 1992; Wolfe et al., 1998). Middle Eocene bly accounts for most erosion on the The Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimen- flora from the Green River Formation are plateau. A key debate has been whether tary sections of the Colorado Plateau con- interpreted to indicate surface elevations neighboring Basin-and-Range basins tribute ~3 km to its 40–45-km-thick crust of 1.5–3 km (Wolfe, 1994; Wolfe et al., have undergone faulting and subsidence (Keller et al., 1998; Lastowka et al., 2001). 1998). This provides a minimum estimate relative to an already high plateau, This sedimentary package was generally of early Cenozoic rock uplift, since sur- whether the plateau has been uplifted formed near sea level but now outcrops face elevation at the close of the relative to the Basin and Range, or far above sea level, and thus there has Laramide orogeny would be less than to- whether both have been uplifted (cf. been uplift (quantified below) since the tal rock uplift because of concurrent ex- Lucchitta, 1979; Hamblin, 1984; Pederson Mesozoic. Proposed mechanisms for up- humation (Fig. 2A). et al., 2002). Discussion hinges on geo- lift of the region in the early to middle physical evidence (e.g., Morgan and Cenozoic include both crustal and mantle Middle-late Cenozoic Epeirogenic Uplift Swanberg, 1985; Parsons and McCarthy, modifications to provide crustal thicken- Post-Laramide events have continued 1995), the marine versus continental ori- ing or changed lithospheric buoyancy. to alter the landscape of the western gin of Neogene deposits along the lower There was no appreciable thickening of . The broad-scale drainage Colorado River corridor (cf. Lucchitta,

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 5 externally drained at about this time, but it arguably occurred in Miocene time in the southwestern plateau. For our pur- poses, the paleosurface we reconstruct, generalized as ca. 30 Ma, everywhere predates the major incision that has sub- sequently defined the landscape. In up- lands of the neighboring Rocky Mountains, the late Eocene–early Oligocene is represented by the “late Eocene erosion surface” that formed as Laramide highlands were eroded to rela- tively low relief and basin sedimentation slowed (e.g., Epis and Chapin, 1975). Though much of the Colorado Plateau was a depositional basin, there are vol- canic edifices and Laramide uplifts that must have been marked by an erosional Figure 3. Book and Roan Cliffs between Price and Green River, Utah, as an example of rather than depositional surface in the estimated rock uplift and post-Laramide exhumation, looking north at ~900 m of relief over Oligocene, which we take into account dual escarpment. Local marker of Cenozoic rock uplift is uppermost Castlegate Formation in our reconstruction. Through spatial re- coastal sandstone of Cretaceous Interior Seaway—the last known point in stratigraphy when construction of the present elevation of region was at sea level. The reconstructed Eocene-Oligocene stratigraphic boundary projects ~350 m above the peaks of the Roan Cliffs based on southward extrapolation of the middle Late Cretaceous coastal deposits, we Cenozoic stratigraphy preserved farther north in Uinta Basin. Thus we estimate there has quantify the total amount of Cenozoic been ~350 m of post-Eocene erosional exhumation above the peaks, but ~1250 m of rock uplift. Through reconstructing the exhumation at toe of escarpment in foreground. post-Laramide terrain, we can calculate subsequent erosional exhumation of the plateau by subtracting present-day eleva- 1979; Spencer and Patchett, 1997; Faulds rock uplift and erosion in the plateau are tion from it (Fig. 3), and then estimating et al., 2002), and paleoelevation studies essential for testing these ideas. the resultant isostatic uplift. (e.g., Wolfe et al., 1998). Mechanisms proposed to drive later- STRATIGRAPHIC-GEOMORPHIC-GIS Interpolation Methods Cenozoic epeirogeny of the overall EXERCISE We produce two spatially oriented data plateau include anomalous compositional Uplift and erosion can be directly re- sets of point values and then interpolate or thermal properties of the lithospheric constructed in the Colorado Plateau us- a continuous three-dimensional surface and asthenospheric mantle related to ing geologic evidence. Geographic infor- from each. The best interpolation method magmatism or the fate of the Farallon mation systems (GIS), for example, for this was evaluated by doing an analo- slab, as partly described above (e.g., provide a tool for data compilation and gous exercise for present-day topogra- Morgan and Swanberg, 1985; Humphreys spatial calculations of this sort, and the phy. One hundred locations representa- and Dueker, 1994; Lowry et al., 2000; wealth of existing research and data on tive of topographic variability were Lastowka et al., 2001). For example, anal- the plateau’s stratigraphy enables land- chosen, and spot elevations at these ysis of crustal thickness and buoyancy scape reconstruction precise enough to places were extracted from the base digi- and mantle properties of the region sug- capture the spatial variability in rock up- tal elevation model (Fig. 4A). By compar- gest that anomalously buoyant or dy- lift and erosion within the region. Two ing the mean elevation and standard de- namic asthenosphere is required to sup- stratigraphic markers key to our effort viation of the interpolated surface to port the present elevation of the plateau are: (1) Late Cretaceous coastal marine actual topography, we found that a sur- (Lowry et al., 2000; Lastowka et al., 2001) strata that originally covered nearly the face fit as a tensioned spline using the and this may supply a fraction of the total entire Colorado Plateau and represent the five nearest points to interpolate the rock uplift. Isostatic rebound from ero- last known time surface elevation was at value of a given cell (cell diameter = sional exhumation of the Colorado sea level; and (2) the Eocene-Oligocene 1 km) worked well (Fig. 4B). Surfaces in- Plateau can also provide some rock up- stratigraphic boundary, which is the most terpolated in this manner are smoother lift, as evaluated in the following section, important datum we use to approximate and have longer wavelengths than pre- but this results in surface lowering rather the land surface before its transition from sent-day topography, but so do the pale- than surface uplift. internal drainage and sediment accumu- osurfaces we are reconstructing. The competing hypotheses posed for lation to overall erosion of the plateau uplift of the plateau underscore consider- landscape. The timing of this transition Calculating Total Rock Uplift able uncertainty in our understanding of certainly varied with locality. Hunt (1969) We derive Cenozoic rock uplift the uplift and erosional history of the re- hypothesized that the Uinta and Piceance through reconstructing the present depo- gion. Baseline data sets quantifying total basins of the northern plateau became sitional marker of upper Cretaceous

6 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY Figure 4. Illustration of interpolation methods using present-day topography. One hundred elevations were extracted from the present- day topography (A), and a surface interpolated as described in text (B). Paleosurfaces being reconstructed are smoother and have longer wavelengths than present-day topography, as do our interpolated surfaces. Major and example of superimposed drainage shown in A.

coastal marine strata (Table DR11). the east-west–trending Book Cliffs pro- 75–85 Ma (Campanian) strata were used, Cretaceous strata on the plateau have vides the youngest local datum record- but target strata are older (the oldest are been intensely studied and provide a ing part of the broad-scale retreat of the Turonian) to the south and west on the marker of the last known point in the Cretaceous Interior Seaway (Fig. 3). plateau because younger transgressions stratigraphy when and where a given lo- Coastal deposition ceased and uplift be- of the Cretaceous Interior Seaway did cation was at sea level—its present ele- gan at different times in different places, not cover this area. Data are distributed vation is thus a true measure of subse- and we use the highest possible coastal to provide even coverage and capture quent rock uplift. Late Cretaceous global marker in the Cretaceous stratigraphy of regional-scale uplifts and basins. Where sea level varied from 200 to 250 m a given location instead of just one older marker strata are in the subsurface or higher than now (Haq et al., 1987), so marker strata everywhere. This mini- eroded (locations in red on Fig. 5), their we subtract 225 m from the resulting sur- mizes the tendency to underestimate up- elevation relative to present topography face to calculate rock uplift. Where up- lift when using older strata, which results is estimated either by reconstructing per Cretaceous strata are exposed, we from the inclusion of postdepositional missing stratigraphy using information simply use spot elevations. For example, subsidence that occurred before early from neighboring areas where it is still the Castlegate Sandstone exposed along Cenozoic uplift. In all possible locations, preserved, or by projecting stratigraphy

1GSA Data Repository item 2002042, Tables DR1 and DR2, is available from Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, [email protected], or at

Figure 5. Rock uplift on the Colorado Plateau. Location and identification of data points on left is keyed to Table DR1 (see footnote 1). Black dots mark locations where outcropping stratigraphy is utilized, red marks where reconstructed or in subsurface. Image at right is interpolated present elevation of Late Cretaceous surface— essentially a structural contour or relief map adjusted for Late Cretaceous high sea level.

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 7 Figure 6. Reconstruction of ~30 Ma terrain relative to today’s topography. Black dots mark locations where Eocene-Oligocene stratigraphic boundary is preserved, red marks where it has been recon- structed as described in text. Highest areas of cen- tral-eastern plateau are related to volcanic edi- fices, mostly represented by exhumed subsurface remnants today (e.g., Henry and La Sal Mountains).

into the subsurface, respectively. The stratigraphic literature phy (e.g., Hay et al., 1989; Pazzaglia and Brandon, 1996). Yet provides measured sections, subsurface data, and information mass removed from the Colorado Plateau cannot be recon- on original thicknesses and depositional extent of units (e.g., structed by this method because the fate of sediment and its Caputo et al., 1994). transport paths off of the plateau since the Oligocene are com- Results. Our surface representing total rock uplift on the plex and not understood. We instead reconstruct the post- Colorado Plateau since the Late Cretaceous is based upon 90 Laramide land surface using a set of landscape clues described data points (Fig. 5), and the result is essentially a structural con- below. Although this exercise is a work in progress and some- tour or relief map of uppermost Cretaceous strata minus the what subjective, we believe our data provide a good first-order sea-level adjustment. Most major uplifts and basins are resolved, estimate, and we take a conservative approach when determin- and the mean rock uplift on the plateau, adjusted for higher sea ing individual values (Table DR2, see footnote 1). level, is 2117 m. Values along the southwestern margin of the Reconstruction of the elevation of the Oligocene surface at plateau underestimate true uplift, partly due to the use of older sample points uses the following methods or guidelines: marker strata as mentioned above and partly because of late 1. Data from areas where the Eocene-Oligocene stratigraphic Cenozoic normal faulting and subsidence along the plateau’s boundary is still preserved in the landscape are utilized western margin. This local underestimation does not signifi- directly (locations in black on Fig. 6). An example from the cantly reduce the overall mean uplift. Mean rock uplift may be less than expected by many workers, partly due to the influ- ence of the central Uinta and San Juan basins where Late Cretaceous rocks still lie kilometers below sea level. This vari- ability is emphasized by the large standard deviation in rock uplift (Fig. 5).

Reconstruction of Post-Laramide Topography and Calculation of Erosion Topographic surfaces are commonly reconstructed through extrapolation of erosional remnants, but much of the plateau was characterized by deposition rather than erosion ca. 30 Ma, and few erosional remnants are still preserved. Previous work- ers have done mass-balance exercises of restoring sediment to eroded source areas through deconvolution of basin stratigra-

Figure 7. Difference map of reconstructed ca. 30 Ma surface minus present-day topography, i.e., minimum post-Laramide erosion. At least 639 m of mean rock uplift should be due to isostatic rebound in response to this erosion. Mean net erosional exhumation since the Late Cretaceous is only 406 m because of net Paleocene and Eocene deposition on plateau.

8 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY ρ Uinta Basin is the contact between basins are still somewhat evident, as is for the eroded sedimentary rock ( c) and 3 ρ the upper Eocene Uinta Formation the downwarping of the surface by sub- 3300 kg/m for m. The minimum of and the overlying Duchesne River sequent normal faulting along the south- 843 m of post-Laramide exhumation re- Formation. west edge of the plateau, which actually sults in 639 m of rock uplift (and 204 m 2. Early Oligocene laccoliths (Nelson et used to rise toward a central Arizona of surface lowering). Important for our al., 1992) indicate the land surface highland (e.g., Young and McKee, 1978). discussion is the net Cenozoic exhuma- must have been, at a minimum, above Subtraction of present-day topography tion of 406 m, which results in 308 m them before and at the time of their from this reconstructed surface results in of rock uplift. This latter figure leaves emplacement. Similarly, the San Juan a difference map representing a minimum ~1800 m of Cenozoic rock uplift to be Mountains of southwestern Colorado estimate of “post-Laramide” erosion since accounted for by means other than ero- and the Aquarius Plateau of southern ca. 30 Ma (Fig. 7). The thickness of re- sional exhumation. Utah include Oligocene volcanic rocks, moved section is highly variable, with a the basal contacts of which can be mean of 843 m. The greatest values are DISCUSSION used to approximate early Oligocene in the Canyonlands region of the north- Potential sources for this remaining paleotopography. central plateau and along the axis of Cenozoic rock uplift on the Colorado Grand Canyon (<2000 m), whereas areas Plateau include Laramide tectonism or 3. Superimposed or antecedent drainages with negative values have experienced later Cenozoic epeirogeny caused by crossing uplifts are common on the net accumulation rather than erosion. changes in mantle buoyancy or dynamic plateau, and when carefully consid- Relief has clearly increased through time, asthenosphere. This paper does not pro- ered, they enable inference of the and exhumation is generally greatest vide a direct answer for which of these general paleoslope direction of the along the trunk of the Colorado River dominated, but our initial data have im- land surface before significant inci- system and diminishes toward the edges portant implications. If paleobotanical es- sion began (Hunt, 1969). For exam- of the plateau. This is consistent with in- timates for late Eocene surface elevations ple, the San Juan River in southeast- cision driven by base-level lowering to of 1.5–3 km are true (a minimum esti- ern Utah crosses the Monument the southwest, where the river de- mate for Laramide rock uplift), values of Uplift as it flows from east to west, bouches into the Basin and Range. Laramide rock uplift alone should be making the famous incised meanders Although this first-order estimate of greater than this remaining ~1800 m. The of the “goosenecks of the San Juan.” post-Laramide erosion is interesting and same is true if we accept that the Rocky We can suppose that the ancestral useful, more important for the following Mountains and Colorado Plateau have San Juan river, just before becoming discussion is net exhumation since the similar elevational histories. It is esti- entrenched in its present canyon, Late Cretaceous, which allows us to eval- mated that the Rocky Mountain Front must have been a consequent stream uate isostatic rebound over the same time Range, with a mean surface elevation flowing from higher ground to the scale as our measurement of rock uplift. ~400 m higher than the plateau, has east to lower ground to the west in Mean net exhumation since the Late 5–7 km of rock uplift based on using the this area (Fig. 4A). Cretaceous is 406 m (surface of Fig. 5, apatite fission track partial-annealing 4. With the aid of existing stratigraphic not including adjustment for sea level, zone as a datum through time (Pazzaglia literature and extrapolation from minus present topography). This value is and Kelley, 1998; Kelley and Chapin, known neighboring points, we esti- less than post–30 Ma erosion because the 2002). About half of this is estimated to mate the thickness of section missing plateau was a site of net deposition in the be related to Laramide uplift (or in- in some areas (Fig. 3) and the depth Paleocene and Eocene. creased mantle buoyancy) and half due to the subsurface stratigraphic bound- Because erosion is not evenly dis- to passive erosional unloading. Based on ary in others. Useful references in this tributed, one would expect to see differ- our initial results, we therefore suggest work have included summary works ential flexural response to unloading, two end-member scenarios: (e.g., Mallory, 1972; Jenney and with significantly more at the center of 1. All rock uplift on the Colorado Reynolds, 1989; Nations and Eaton, the plateau and little at the edges. In our Plateau has been provided by only 1991), the dozens of field trip guide- case of imagining mean exhumation dis- ~2 km of Laramide uplift (of what- books for the region, and published tributed across the entire ~500-km-wide ever mechanism) and subsequent U.S. Geological Survey and state sur- plateau, flexural support of topography erosional isostasy, with no other vey maps and studies. isn’t important and we can assume local sources of later Cenozoic uplift. Note Results. Our first-order reconstruction isostasy. Assuming constant lithospheric that, in this case, restoring our esti- of the post-Laramide land surface mantle buoyancy, rock uplift due to ero- mated 204 m of post–30 Ma surface presently includes 69 data points (Fig. 6). sional unloading is simply a function of lowering to the present-day elevation The resultant interpolated surface repre- crustal buoyancy: results in a paleosurface elevation of ~2140 m, which is consistent with sents an estimate of the terrain of ca. ε ρ ρ 30 Ma as it sits relative to the present-day Uε = ( c / m), (1) paleobotanical estimates of post- topography with a mean elevation of Laramide elevation. ε ρ ρ 2779 m. The highest areas are related to where is exhumation, and c and m 2. Alternatively, proposed mantle sources volcanic edifices now represented only are density of the eroded crust and the of middle-late Cenozoic uplift are by remnants. Laramide highlands and mantle, respectively. We use 2500 kg/m3 valid, but then with isostatic rebound

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 9 from erosion included, Laramide River: Origin and evolution: Grand Canyon, Arizona, Grand Parsons, T., and McCarthy, J., 1995, The active southwest Canyon Association Monograph 12 (in press). margin of the Colorado Plateau: Uplift of mantle origin: uplift of the Colorado Plateau must Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 107, p. 139–147. Gregory, K.M., and Chase, C.G., 1992, Tectonic significance be minor (<500 m). This suggests that of paleobotanically estimated climate and altitude of the late Pazzaglia, F.J., and Brandon, M.T., 1996, Macrogeomorphic paleobotanical studies overestimate Eocene erosion surface, Colorado: Geology, v. 20, evolution of the post-Triassic Appalachian Mountains deter- p. 581–585. mined by deconvolution of the offshore basin sedimentary the paleoelevation. record: Basin Research, v. 8, p. 255–278. Hamblin, W.K., 1984, Direction of absolute movement along In either scenario, Laramide uplift of the the boundary faults of the Basin and Range–Colorado Plateau Pazzaglia, F.J., and Kelley, S.A., 1998, Large-scale geomor- margin: Geology, v. 12, p. 116–119. phology and fission-track thermochronology in topographic Colorado Plateau is much less than that in and exhumation reconstructions of the southern Rocky Haq, B.U., Hardenbol, J., and Vail, P.R., 1987, Chronology Mountains: Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 33, p. 229–257. the neighboring Rocky Mountains, which of fluctuating sea levels since the Triassic (250 million years may be expected considering the plateau ago to the present): Science, v. 235, p. 1156–1167. Pederson, J., Karlstrom, K., Sharp, W., and McIntosh, W., 2002, Differential incision of Grand Canyon related to Hay, W.W., Shaw, C.A., and Wold, C.N., 1989, Mass-bal- contains the Uinta, Piceance, and San Juan Quaternary faulting—Constraints from U-series and Ar/Ar anced paleotopographic reconstructions: Geologische dating: Geology, v. 30, p. 739–742. sedimentary basins that have subsided, Rundschau, v. 78, p. 207–242. Peirce, H.W., Damon, P.E., and Shafiqullah, M., 1979, An not uplifted, since the Cretaceous. Humphreys, E.D., and Dueker, K.G., 1994, Western U.S. up- Oligocene(?) Colorado Plateau edge in Arizona: per mantle structure: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99, Ironically, the problem with the Colorado Tectonophysics, v. 61, p. 1–24. p. 9615–9634. Plateau is that there are proposed sources Potochnik, A.R., and Faulds, J.E., 1998, A tale of two rivers: Humphreys, E.D., 1995, Post-Laramide removal of the Tertiary structural inversion and drainage reversal across the Farallon slab, western United States: Geology, v. 23, for more uplift than there is actual uplift. southern boundary of the Colorado Plateau, in Duebendorfer, p. 987–990. Something must give. Our initial data sup- E.M., ed., Geologic excursions in northern and central Hunt, C.B., 1956, Cenozoic geology of the Colorado Plateau: Arizona: Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain port a resolution wherein early Cenozoic U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 279, 99 p. Section Field Trip Guidebook, p. 149–173. events provided the bulk of uplift by Hunt, C.B., 1969, Geologic history of the Colorado River, in Powell, J.W., 1875, Exploration of the Colorado River of the whatever mechanism, with little but pas- The Colorado River Region and John Wesley Powell: U.S. west and its tributaries: Washington, D.C., U.S. Government sive erosional isostasy in the later Geological Survey Professional Paper 669-C, p. 59–130. Printing Office, 291 p. Jenney, J.P., and Reynolds, S.J., editors, 1989, Geologic Small, E.E., and Anderson, R.S., 1995, Geomorphically Cenozoic. Further work compiling these evolution of Arizona: Tucson, Arizona Geological Society driven late Cenozoic rock uplift in the Sierra Nevada, databases, flexural modeling using the Digest 17, 865 p. California: Science, v. 270, p. 277–280. spatially variable exhumation data, and Keller, G.R., Snelson, C.M., Sheehan, A.F., and Dueker, K.G., Small, E.E., and Anderson, R.S., 1998, Pleistocene relief 1998, Geophysical studies of crustal structure in the Rocky production in Laramide mountain ranges, western United complementary thermochronologic stud- Mountain region: A review: Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 33, States: Geology, v. 26, p. 123–126. p. 217–228. ies will contribute more to this debate. Spencer, J.E., 1996, Uplift of the Colorado Plateau due to Kelley, S.A., and Chapin, C.E., 2002, Denudation history and lithospheric attenuation during Laramide low-angle sub- internal structure of the Front Range and Wet Mountains, duction: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 101, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Colorado, based on apatite-fission track thermochronology: p. 13595–13609. Socorro, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Helpful reviews were provided by Spencer, J.E., and Patchett, P.J., 1997, Sr isotope evidence for Mineral Resources Bulletin 160 (in press). Gene Humphreys, Beth McMillan, Jon a lacustrine origin for the upper Miocene to Pliocene Bouse Lastowka, L.A., Sheehan, A.F., and Schneider, J.M., 2001, Formation, lower Colorado River trough, and implications for Spencer, Steve Cather, Jon Pelletier, and Seismic evidence for partial lithospheric delamination model timing of Colorado Plateau uplift: Geological Society of Karl Karlstrom. We thank Shari Kelley of Colorado Plateau uplift: Geophysical Research Letters, America Bulletin, v. 109, p. 767–778. v. 28, p. 1319–1322. and Mousumi Roy for discussions and Tucker, G.E., and Slingerland, R., 1994, Erosional dynamics, Livaccari, R.F., and Perry, F.V., 1993, Isotopic evidence for flexural isostasy, and long-lived escarpments: A numerical the College of Science, Utah State preservation of Cordilleran lithospheric mantle during the modeling study: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99, University, for undergraduate research Sevier-Laramide orogeny, western United States: Geology, p. 12229–12243. v. 21, p. 719–722. Whipple, K.X., Kirby, E., and Brocklehurst, S.H., 1999, funding to support some of this work. Lowry, A.R., Rive, N.M., and Smith, R.B., 2000, Dynamic el- Geomorphic limits to climate-induced increases in topo- evation of the Cordillera, western United States: Journal of graphic relief: Nature, v. 401, p. 39–43. Geophysical Research, v. 105, p. 23371–23390. REFERENCES CITED Wolfe, J.A., 1994, Tertiary climatic changes at middle lati- Bird, P., 1984, Laramide crustal thickening in the Rocky Lucchitta, I., 1972, Early history of the Colorado River in the tudes of western North America: Palaeogeography, Mountains foreland and Great Plains: Tectonics, v. 3, basin and range province: Geological Society of America Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 108, p. 195–205. Bulletin, v. 83, p. 1933–1947. p. 741–758. Wolfe, J.A., Forest, C.E., and Molnar, P., 1998, Paleobotanical Caputo, M.V., Peterson, J.A., and Franczyk, K.J., eds., 1994, Lucchitta, I., 1979, Late Cenozoic uplift of the southwestern evidence of Eocene and Oligocene paleoaltitudes in midlati- Mesozoic systems of the Rocky Mountain region, USA: Colorado Plateau and adjacent lower Colorado River region: tude western North America: Geological Society of America Denver, Colorado, Rocky Mountain Section SEPM (Society Tectonophysics, v. 61, p. 63–95. Bulletin, v. 110, p. 664–678. of Sedimentary Geology), 536 p. Mallory, W.W., editor-in-chief, 1972, Geologic atlas of the Young, R.A., and Brennan, W.J., 1974, Peach Springs Tuff: Cather, S.M., and Johnson, B.D., 1984, Eocene tectonics and Rocky Mountain region: Denver, Colorado, Rocky Mountain Its bearing on structural evolution of the Colorado Plateau depositional setting of west-central New Mexico and eastern Association of Geologists, 331 p. and development of Cenozoic drainage in Mohave Arizona: Socorro, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of County, Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, McQuarrie, N., and Chase, C.G., 2000, Raising the Colorado v. 85, p. 83–90. Mines and Mineral Resources Circular 192, 33 p. Plateau: Geology, v. 28, p. 91–94. Young, R.A., and McKee, E.H., 1978, Early and middle Davis, W.M., 1901, An excursion to the Grand Canyon of the Molnar, P., and England, P., 1990, Late Cenozoic uplift of Colorado: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cenozoic drainage and erosion in west-central Arizona: mountain ranges and global climate change: Chicken or Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 89, p. 1745–1750. Harvard College, volume 38, Geological Series, v. 4, no. 4, egg?: Nature, v. 346, p. 29–34. p. 107–201. Montgomery, D.R., 1994, Valley incision and the uplift of Manuscript received February 4, 2002; Dutton, C.E., 1882, The Tertiary history of the Grand Canyon mountain peaks: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99, accepted June 11, 2002. ❖ district: U.S. Geological Survey Monograph 2, 264 p. p. 13913–13921. England, P., and Molnar, P., 1990, Surface uplift, uplift of Morgan, P., and Swanberg, C.A., 1985, On the Cenozoic up- rocks, and exhumation of rocks: Geology, v. 18, lift and tectonic stability of the Colorado Plateau: Journal of p. 1173–1177. Geodynamics, v. 3, p. 39–63. Epis, R.C., and Chapin, C.E., 1975, Geomorphic and tectonic Nations, J.D., and Eaton, J.G., 1991, Stratigraphy, deposi- implications of the post-Laramide, late Eocene erosion sur- tional environments, and sedimentary tectonics of the west- face in the southern Rocky Mountains, in Curtis, B.F., ed., ern margin, Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: Boulder, Cenozoic history of the southern Rocky Mountains: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 260, Colorado, Geological Society of America Memoir 144, 216 p. p. 45–74. Nelson, S.T., Heizler, M.T., and Sullivan, K.R., 1992, New Faulds, J.E., Price, L.M., and Wallace, M.A., 2002, age determinations of central Colorado Plateau laccoliths, Pre–Colorado River paleogeography and extension along Utah: Recognizing disturbed K-Ar systematics and reevaluat- the Colorado Plateau–Basin and Range boundary, northwest ing tectonomagmatic relationships: Geological Society of Arizona, in Young, R.A., and Spamer, E.E., eds., The Colorado America Bulletin, v. 104, p. 1574–1560.

10 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY ATTENTION dialogue Voting Members: Overcoming Obstacles to Incorporating Experiential Learning into the Geology LAST Curriculum Robert C. Thomas, University of Montana—Western CHANCE Early in my career at The University of will be seen and used by people outside Montana—Western, I noticed that by the of the classroom, we incorporated a ser- second week of my introductory geology vice-learning component that engaged the classes, approximately 30% of the students students in actual environmental problems TO were no longer attending. One day, I over- facing the Dillon community. We started heard several students talking about their by working on projects in cooperation plan of action. “You go to the English with local government, federal agencies, class, you go to history, and I’ll go to psy- and private businesses. In return for finan- chology.” It was clear that students were cial support for our projects, cooperating VOTE! able to divide the responsibility of their agencies or companies received a service academic schedules because my col- at a greatly reduced cost. For example, stu- leagues and I only required them to mem- dents in an environmental geochemistry orize and regurgitate lecture notes. Even in course conducted a regional labs, the canned exercises appeared to in- nitrate study that saved Beaverhead Vote by spire the least amount of effort. Students County thousands of dollars while provid- were not active participants in their educa- ing the students with applications of the August 30, 2002 tion; they had no ownership of their edu- concepts they had learned in class. cation, and our traditional approach in- Unfortunately, as more of the faculty in The success of GSA depends on stilled little passion for learning. the department used the longer blocks of the work of the elected officers To kill the apathy, the faculty in the time, scheduling conflicts arose. With the who serve on its Executive Com- Environmental Sciences Department began administration breathing down our necks, mittee and Council. Make your to look for active-learning models to en- we found a time-tested model to eliminate gage students in meaningful projects. We the scheduling conflicts: teach one class at wishes for GSA known by voting. threw out the notion that students must a time (OCAAT). OCAAT scheduling has You should have received a post- know every factoid and term in the book. worked well for Colorado College and a card in July with instructions on Then we identified the most fundamental few other private liberal arts colleges, but it and important concepts and designed pro- has never been tried at a public university how to access a secure Web site jects that would enhance the students’ un- in the United States. In fall 2001, The and your electronic ballot listing derstanding of those concepts. Ultimately, University of Montana—Western, led by officer nominees for 2003 and we relied upon these projects to generate GSA member Sheila Roberts, received a councilor nominees for the term the need-to-know additional information Fund for the Improvement of Post- and terminology. Secondary Education grant from the 2003–2005. Biographical informa- All the data showed that the system Department of Education to try the OCAAT tion on each candidate and the worked. Students attended class regularly model. In fall 2002, 75 freshmen will take 2001 and 2002 Annual Reports and were eager to spend out-of-class time general education courses one at a time as also are available on the site. on projects, and employers commented the first test of this scheduling model at a that they had exceptional skills and the public university in the United States. We If you did not receive these confidence to take on projects with mini- plan to present the results of Western’s instructions, or if you need paper mal supervision. The biggest obstacle to OCAAT experiment at the GSA 2003 copies of the ballot, candidate our reforms was the academic schedule, Annual Meeting in Seattle. which was clearly designed to efficiently Alternative scheduling turned out to be information, and/or the 2001 and transfer information and terminology from the way to overcome our primary obsta- 2002 Annual Reports, contact the professor to the students in 50-minute cle to incorporating experiential learning Member Services, (303) 447-2020, blocks. We asked our administrators for into the geology curriculum. However, option 3, 1-888-443-4472, or longer blocks of time, and they granted there must be many other solutions to our request, initially agreeing with the ben- this problem, and we encourage inter- [email protected]. efits of this approach ested colleagues to join us in generating Your vote is vital to GSA! Please We quickly took advantage of this op- a symposium or session on this topic for take a few minutes and vote today. portunity and scheduled each class with a the GSA 2003 Annual Meeting. If you are 50-minute briefing on one day, followed interested, please contact me at Ballots must be submitted electron- by a four-hour block for project work on a [email protected]. ically or postmarked by August 30, different day. Recognizing that students do 2002. a better job when they know their work

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 11 GSA Establishes Limnogeology Division

he newest GSA division, estab- Lakes are certainly NOT small oceans! The first business meeting of the GSA lished this year, is the The challenge in lake studies for the Limnogeology Division will be held at the Limnogeology Division. The twenty-first century is to establish physi- 2002 GSA Annual Meeting in Denver on main goal of this division is to cal, biologic, and chemical models to un- Monday, October 28. The elected officers bringT together all researchers interested in derstand how all lakes work. With this of the executive committee (two-year lake or lacustrine systems, including mod- knowledge, we can then more easily con- terms) will be installed, and lake re- ern lakes (lakes with water), ancient lakes front the problems of contaminants from searchers can mingle and find common (analyzed through sediment cores from surface waters and as well ground. Officers include: Elizabeth modern lakes), and fossil lakes (sedi- as the effects of climate change. Gierlowski-Kordesch, Chair, Ohio ments that are now rocks). With these goals in mind, the GSA University; Thomas Johnson, Vice-Chair, Insight into lacustrine ecosystems Limnogeology Division will promote re- University of Minnesota, Duluth; Lisa E. through space and time will improve our search on lakes and lake deposits around Park, Secretary, University of Akron; and understanding of the evolution of biotic, the world, especially collaboration among Kevin Bohacs, Treasurer, ExxonMobil. sedimentary, and chemical frameworks of scientists across all disciplines of lake re- Annual dues will be set at $8 for profes- the broad spectrum of lake types. Each search, from biological and environmen- sionals and $5 for students. lake is unique because its setting and the tal limnology to paleolimnology and la- The division also is sponsoring two controls governing its existence are ex- custrine paleontology. A multidisciplinary topical lake sessions at the Denver meet- tremely variable. Settings include tectonic approach will benefit research and give ing: (1) Geochemical and Mineralogical basins (rift, strike-slip, foreland, etc.), insight into understanding lake frame- Records from Ancient Lake Sediments glacial regimes, and volcanic areas, as works. The Limnogeology Division will (T28), and (2) The Green River Formation well as coastal and karstic environments. also encourage the presentation and pub- Revisited: Crucible for New Concepts and Controls on the physical and chemical pa- lication of lake research through the Advances in Paleoclimatology, Tectonics, rameters of a lake system include source sponsorship of symposia, meetings, and Chronostratigraphy, Sequence rocks, latitude, climate, basin geometry, field trips. In addition, student mentoring Stratigraphy, Isotope Geochemistry, and tectonic influences, and basin . will be crucial in advancing studies of Paleontology (T108). lake systems. Global links with interna- In order to attain its goal of mentoring tional colleagues will be encouraged and students, the GSA Limnogeology Division maintained through the International wishes to establish scholarships and Association of Limnogeology. awards for promising students to conduct research. The division also hopes to estab- lish a Kerry Kelts Award for recognizing excellence in lacustrine research. A booth in the Exhibit Hall during the GSA Annual Meeting in Denver will have information on lakes and lakes deposits as well as on the division, its goals, and its organization. Please stop by our booth in October!

Ancient and modern lakes: Above the shore of Walker Lake, Nevada, are terraces indicating higher lake levels in the past.

12 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY Call for Geological Papers: 2003 GSA Section Meetings

South-Central–Southeastern Northeastern Section Cordilleran Section Sections Joint Meeting March 27–29, 2003 April 1–3, 2003 March 12–14, 2003 Westin Hotel, Halifax, Nova Scotia Hotel NH Krystal, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee Abstract deadline: December 18, 2002 Abstract deadline: December 16, 2002 Abstract deadline: December 10, 2002 Information: Jane Barrett, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Information: Elena Centeno-García, Instituto de Information: Dan Larsen, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 3J5, Canada, Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, University of Memphis, 421 J.M. Smith Bldg., Memphis, (902) 494-1473, [email protected]. (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Ciudad TN 38152, (901) 678-4358, [email protected]. Universitaria, México, D.F. 04510, México, [email protected].

North-Central Section March 24–25, 2003 Rocky Mountain Section Kansas City Airport Hilton, Kansas City, Missouri May 7–9, 2003 Abstract deadline: December 10, 2002 Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado Information: Raymond M. Coveney Jr., Dept. of Abstract deadline: January 30, 2003 Geosciences, 420 Flarsheim Hall, University of Missouri, Information: James Collier, Dept. of Geosciences, 5110 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64110-2499, Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Dr., Durango, CO 81301- (816) 235-2980, [email protected]. 3999, (970) 247-7129, [email protected].

1. Cordilleran Section 3. North-Central Section 5. Northeastern Section 2. Rocky Mountain Section 4. South-Central Section 6. Southeastern Section

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 13 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer for 2003 Announced

Jean Bahr of the University of Wisconsin—Madison (UW) has Florida). While management strategies that allow for temporary over- been selected as the 2003 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer, draft of may offer an economically efficient option to satisfy sponsored by the GSA Division and funded by the human needs, ecosystems that rely on groundwater discharge can be GSA Foundation. At the request of interested institutions, she will pre- sensitive to even small declines in water levels. Developing ground- sent one of two lectures for audiences interested in water management strategies that meet human broad geologic aspects of groundwater resources. needs while protecting critical ecosystems is a Bahr received a B.A. in geology and delicate balancing act and requires improved un- from and then spent four years derstanding of the relationships between ecosys- working in geotechnical and hydrogeologic con- tem function and groundwater hydrology and sulting, including two years with a groundwater geochemistry. resources inventory project in West Africa. She This talk covers several case histories related continued her education with graduate training in to the role of groundwater in ecosystem preser- hydrogeology at , earning an vation and restoration. Research projects in sev- M.S. and Ph.D. in applied earth sciences. During eral watersheds near Madison, Wisconsin, have her graduate work, Bahr participated in field stud- explored the hydrogeologic controls on spring ies of contaminant transport in Canada and mod- flow and the effects of municipal pumping and eling studies through an appointment with the reduced recharge on the springs. Results of these U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division studies are being used in an interdisciplinary ef- in Menlo Park, California. fort to identify urbanization alternatives that min- Following completion of her Ph.D. in 1987, she imize negative hydrologic impacts on springs joined the faculty at UW and is currently a professor and wetland habitat. in the Department of Geology and Geophysics. A study in a lowland savannah along the Bahr teaches courses in hydrogeology, contami- Lower Wisconsin River demonstrates the effects nant hydrogeology, field hydrogeology, and Jean Bahr of stage control by upstream dams on spatial pat- environmental geology. She is also member of terns of groundwater discharge to the river and the governance faculty for the Institute for Environmental Studies adjacent floodplain. Groundwater discharge into wetland areas re- (IES) and of the program faculty for Geological Engineering. From sults in loss of agriculturally derived nitrate. This suggests strategies 1995 to 1999, she served as chair of the IES Water Resources for restoration of riparian wetlands and dam management that could Management graduate program. Her research interests include inter- reduce nitrogen fluxes from the Upper Midwest to the Mississippi actions between physical and biogeochemical processes in ground- River. The final case history will review groundwater management water, effects of heterogeneity on solute transport, groundwater–sur- strategies included in a $7.8 billion, 20+ year program to restore the face water interactions, and paleohydrogeology. During a six-year Florida Everglades. term as a member of the National Research Council’s Board on “Geochemical Heterogeneity of Groundwater in Un- Radioactive Waste Management, Bahr was involved in reviews of contaminated and Contaminated Aquifers.” Hydrogeologists various aspects of the planned high-level radioactive waste reposi- are accustomed to finding large spatial and temporal variations in tory at Yucca Mountain. She now chairs the National Research groundwater chemistry as a result of contaminant migration. During Council Committee on Restoration of the Greater Everglades characterization of “background” conditions in these aquifers, how- Ecosystem. ever, it is often assumed that only one or a small number of wells are To request a visit to your institution, contact Jean Bahr, adequate for assessing pristine groundwater chemistry. Department of Geology and Geophysics, UW—Madison, 1215 This talk presents results of multilevel sampling in shallow aquifers W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706, 606-262-5513, jmbahr@geology. in a variety of hydrogeologic settings that demonstrate the preva- The Hydrogeology Division is particularly interested in lence of fine-scale spatial and short-term temporal variability in ma- including liberal arts colleges in the itinerary. The division will jor ions and redox sensitive species such as oxygen, nitrate, and iron. pay transportation expenses and the host institution will provide lo- The sites include several in unconsolidated sediments and two in cal accommodations. fractured bedrock: one a carbonate in Wisconsin and the other in a shale-carbonate aquifer in Tennessee. The geochemical Talk Topics heterogeneity of groundwater at these field sites reflects a combina- “Groundwater as an Ecosystem Resource.” Management of tion of distinct flow paths and geochemical and biogeochemical re- groundwater resources has traditionally focused on human needs for actions that occur during transport. In many cases, the observed geo- domestic, industrial, and agricultural water supply. In recent years, chemical signatures can be used as natural tracers to delineate flow however, there has been an increasing recognition of the importance paths. Identification of the background heterogeneity, as well as un- of the “ecological services” provided by groundwater discharge to derstanding the controlling physical and geochemical processes, is streams, wetlands, and lakes. This comes at a time of increasing hu- important to interpretation of changes induced by introduction of man demands resulting from population growth, and as expanding contaminants. A case study of gasoline contaminants in a sandy urban areas limit rates of groundwater recharge. In the United States, aquifer in Wisconsin demonstrates the applications of these princi- water shortages have been experienced both in the arid west and in ples to assessing the potential for intrinsic and enhanced biodegra- areas generally considered to be water rich (e.g., the Midwest, dation under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

14 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY Geophysical Instruments that meet your needs

Littleton, Colorado, 303 799-4140 [email protected]


Call for Applications: Alan Fryar Apply for the GSA–USGS GSA Council approved the appointment of Alan Fryar to a three-year term as science co-editor for the journal Environ- Congressional Science mental & Engineering Geoscience (E&EG). Fellowship for 2003–2004 Fryar is associate professor of geological sciences at the University of Kentucky, where he teaches hydrogeology and Opportunities to serve as a Congressional Science Fellow are rare, environmental geology. He previously was a research asso- unique experiences. ciate at the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University This position may be a good fit for you. It will enable you to work directly with of Texas at Austin. His research interests include chemical national leaders and put your expertise and experience to work helping shape evolution during groundwater recharge and flow; delin- science and technology policy on Capitol Hill. eation of rates and sources of recharge and discharge; The Congressional Science Fellow will be selected from top competitors early in 2003. groundwater–surface-water interactions; and natural attenu- Successful candidates are ation of contaminants. He is an associate editor of Ground GSA members who possess either a: Water and serves on GSA’s Joint Technical Program Com- Ph.D. in the earth sciences (or a related field); or a mittee. Fryar received a B.S. in geology and history from Duke University, an M.S. in geology from Texas A&M Uni- Master’s degree in the earth sciences (or a related field) with at least five years versity, and his Ph.D. in geology from the University of of professional experience. Alberta. He can be reached at [email protected] or (859) If you possess this professional background, have experience in applying scientific 257-4392. knowledge to societal challenges, and share a passion for helping shape the future of the geoscience profession, GSA invites your application. GSA copublishes E&EG with the Association of Engineering The fellowship is open to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. Geologists. The quarterly journal publishes original research, new methods, and case histories in engineering Deadline to apply: January 24, 2003. geology, environmental geology, and hydrogeology. Fryar, For application information, check our Web site at who began his term in June, joins co-editor Abdul Shakoor or contact of the Department of Geology, Kent State University. Karlon Blythe, Program Officer, GSA Headquarters, (303) 357-1036, [email protected].

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 15 family moved to Montreal. Nurtured by his father’s interest in education and natural his- tory, Dawson developed as the distin- guished son of paleobotanist Sir William Dawson. At nine, Dawson showed symptoms of an illness that would permanently affect his life. RROCKOCK STARS STARS He was stricken with a rare and serious form of tuberculosis, affecting the spinal vertebrae (Pott’s disease). For several years he was bedridden and wore a body truss. He was left with “the torso of a hunchback,” the “stature of a ten year old,” and recurring headaches, impediments which make his later achievements all the more extraordi- nary. Regular schooling was impossible, so he continued his studies with tutors at home. In this environment, he was able to pursue a wide variety of subjects beyond the normal school curriculum, including using the mi- croscope and blowpipe, photography, and drawing. He absorbed knowledge readily, satisfying his avid intellectual curiosity, and never complaining about his disabilities. In 1868, Dawson entered McGill as a part- time student, attending lectures in English, chemistry, and geology. A year later, he sailed to England to attend London’s (RSM). His father provided a special “invalid’s chair” for his use while GeorgeGeorge MercerMercer Dawson:Dawson: studying, and Dawson coped quite well. At the RSM, affiliated with the British PioneerPioneer ExplorerExplorer ofof WesternWestern CanadaCanada Geological Survey (BGS), his instruction in geology, mining, metallurgy, and chemistry Charles H. Smith, Geological Survey of Canada (retired), , K1H 5P5, was overseen by leading British scientists, in- Canada, [email protected] cluding A.C. Ramsey (geology) and T.H. Huxley (paleontology). Charles Lyell pro- George Mercer Dawson, May 1885 (age 36). National Archives of Canada. PA26689 vided generous hospitality. Dawson worked with a BGS field party in 1871. Following three years of instruction, he graduated as an In a short life of 51 years, as a geologist, Dawson was attracted to his father’s collec- associate, with honors, and he was first in botanist, anthropologist, and director of the tions of fossils, shells, and rocks. In 1855, his his class. His mind was set on returning to Geological Survey of Canada, George father was appointed principal of McGill Canada, and pursuing a geological career. Mercer Dawson (1849–1901) rendered an College (later McGill University), and the extraordinary service in exploring the geol- ogy and resources of western Canada—on the prairies, in the foothills, and in the mountains of and the . His dedication and spirit overcame his considerable physical limitations. He was remarkable among the men of his day.

Early Years George Dawson was born in Pictou, Nova Scotia, on August 1, 1849. His father, James William Dawson (see “Rock Stars,” GSA Today, September 1998) had been schooled in geology at the University of Edinburgh. Dawson’s father was then superintendent of education for Nova Scotia and, as time per- mitted, immersed in studies of its geology and mineral deposits. At an early age,

George Mercer Dawson, age 24 (third from right in back row) with members of the British North America Boundary Commission, 1873. National Archives of Canada (PA74675).

16 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY Geologizing the 49th Parallel on the economic minerals and mines of administered a GSC strapped for funds, with Dawson returned to Canada in 1872, and British Columbia. consequent effect on staff morale. No time was temporarily employed in surveys of One remarkable field season, in 1887, in- was left for personal fieldwork. He deployed Nova Scotia coal mines and lecturing. But volved a seven-month reconnaissance of his staff as best he could across the country, this was a period when the newly acquired northern British Columbia and the Yukon and insisted on high standards of achieve- and largely unknown Canadian West pre- along the swift waters and dangerous ment. He struggled to fund the museum col- sented a huge challenge—its resource po- canyons of the Stikine, Dease, Liard, Frances, lections in ethnology, anthropology, and zo- tential was largely undefined. He was soon Pelly, and Yukon Rivers and finally the ology. He showed skills in dealing with the offered two government positions, both crossing of Chilkoot Pass. Geological fea- government, the mining industry, and the directed at this western challenge—one tures were outlined along a 1,332-mile route, public, which brought the GSC recognition with the Geological Survey of Canada involving portages up to 70 miles. Boats and and support, but not necessarily new funds. (GSC), and the other with the British North canoes were built, abandoned, and rebuilt While director, Dawson maintained his con- America Boundary Commission (BNABC). along the way. Dawson’s report on the tacts with the world of science in a number Each would involve long absences from Yukon Territory was in great demand during of ways, including serving as GSA president family in Montreal and arduous working the Klondike gold rush that followed, and in 1900. At the Albany meeting in December conditions. On his father’s advice, he chose (then the Yukon capital) was of that year, his President’s Address, “The the BNABC, starting in 1873, while the GSC named in his honor. Geological Record of the Rocky Mountain waited until 1875. Dawson’s reconnaissance studies made Region in Canada,” summarized his work on As geologist and botanist to the Boundary significant contributions to scientific knowl- Cordilleran geology. The following March, at Commission, Dawson single-handedly took edge of the west. He provided a general age 51, he died suddenly of acute bronchitis. responsibility for reporting on the natural knowledge of the stratigraphy and structure history of an 800-mile section of the interna- over vast areas. He described the glacial Legacy George Dawson’s delicate constitution tional boundary from western Ontario to phenomena, diverging from his father’s float- did not prevent him from tackling the most southern British Columbia. His purpose was ing ice theory by providing evidence for arduous tasks, whether on the trail or “to make the forty-ninth parallel a geological widespread continental ice sheets, and nam- mountainside, or as a leader and dedicated base line with which future investigation ing the Cordilleran and Laurentide Ice public servant. He combined brilliance with could be connected.” Over two years, he Sheets. Along the way, he found time to self-discipline, and he strove for excellence traveled by horseback and on foot, collect- compile extensive reports on the native pop- in his own work and in that of others. He ing scientific data and drawing conclusions ulations he encountered, in particular the published widely, lucidly, and frequently, on this little known, central region of the Haida Indians, their customs, and their vo- for academic, political, and public audi- North American continent. His 387-page re- cabularies. These and related contributions ences. He rightly earned the esteem of his port, “Geology and Resources of the Region established him as a leader in Canadian an- countrymen and the international scientific of the Forty-ninth Parallel, from the Lake of thropology. community. the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, with Dawson never married. He was probably Lists of Plants and Animals Collected, and happiest while in the field. He withstood Further Reading Notes on the Fossils,” is considered a classic severe weather, rough terrain, mosquitoes, Adams, F.D., 1901, George M. Dawson: Geological Society in Canadian geology. It was published in and physical discomfort without complaint. of America Bulletin, v. 13, p. 497–509. 1875 with other supplementary reports From time to time, his thoughts were re- Cole, D., and Lockner, B., eds., 1989, The Journals of George when he was only 26, and it established his flected in poems, penned in his notebook M. Dawson, British Columbia, 1875–1878: Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 2 volumes. scholarly credentials. or on scraps of paper, some of a geological Dawson, G.M., 1901, Geological Record of the Rocky flavor and others reflecting the majesty of Mountain Region in Canada: Geological Society of America Geological Survey Years the wilderness: Dawson joined the GSC in 1875. For the Bulletin, v. 12, p. 57–92. next 20 years, he explored the remote parts Winslow-Spragge, L., 1993, No Ordinary Man: Toronto, Contorted beds, of unknown age, Natural Heritage/Natural History Inc., 208 p. of western Canada, principally in British My weary limbs shall bear, Columbia, and adjacent parts of Alberta and Zeller, S., and Avrith-Wakeam, G., 1994, Dawson, George Perhaps a neat synclinal fold Mercer, in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Volume XIII: the Yukon. He demonstrated an aptitude for At night shall be my lair..... University of Toronto Press, p. 257–261. hard work, and an innate ability to observe “Rock Stars” is produced by the GSA History of and reach sound conclusions. He zigzagged Dawson’s field studies and his prolific Geology Division. Editorial Committee: Robert Dott, his way through difficult terrain, by foot, Robert Ginsburg, Gerard Middleton, and Peter von writings spread his reputation across North horseback, or canoe, making observations Bitter (editor of this profile). America and England. In 1891, he was and generalizations that still stand the test of elected to the Royal Society of London and time. His field notebooks, written in a clear was awarded the Bigsby Medal of the hand, are interspersed with sketches and ob- Geological Society of London. For service servations on people, flora and fauna, and as a commissioner on the Bering Sea seal the weather. He soon established his reputa- fisheries, Queen Victoria named him a tion broadly, in geology and , the Companion of the Order of St. Michael and study of native peoples, and history. St. George (C.M.G.). In 1893, he was Much of Dawson’s exploratory work was elected president of the Royal Society of directed toward the search for coal and for Canada. He received honorary doctorates information of use in constructing the from various universities, including transcontinental railway. As a result, a fairly Princeton (1877), Queen’s (1890), McGill clear picture of western coal potential (1891), and Toronto (1897). emerged. He applied knowledge gained at In 1895, Dawson was appointed director the RSM to assess the potential for other George Mercer Dawson (age 30) and of the GSC, an appointment that received mineral deposits, particularly placer gold. glowing tributes in the newspapers and from Geological Survey of Canada survey party, He implemented a series of periodic reports the mining community. For six hard years he Fort MacLeod, British Columbia, 1879. National Archives of Canada (C18100).

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 17 GSA Foundation Update Donna Russell, Director of Operations

James S. Kahn Appointed to the Foundation Board

assignment focusing on strategic planning; analysis and he GSA Foundation welcomes James S. Kahn to the identification of complex corporate management issues; and Foundation’s Board of Trustees for a five-year term. problem solving and facilitation of changes in large, diverse T organizations. He lives with his wife in Reno, Nevada. He Kahn brings to the Foundation’s Board more than 35 years has received many honors and much recognition during his of broad, diverse, and outstanding executive experience as a career, and he has served on many committees and boards. leader, scientist, technologist, management expert, change His career, accomplishments, and vision will serve the agent, entrepreneur, and administrator of large, multimillion- Foundation well. dollar institutions. Welcome aboard, James! Born in New York City in 1931, Kahn received his B.S. in 1952 from the College of the City of New York, his M.S. in 1956 from Pennsylvania State University, and his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. His career began as a faculty member at the University of Rhode Island. Kahn served as managing director with the Physic International Company in California, and, while at the University of California, he served as group leader of Experimental Physics, division leader in Geophysics, deputy associate director of Human Resources and Labor Relations, associate director of the Nuclear Test Program, and lastly as deputy director (chief op- erating officer). He also served as president, chief executive Most memorable early geologic experience officer, and director of the Museum of Science and Industry At Columbia University, in the spring of 1942, Professor in Chicago. His leadership and vision transformed the mu- Douglas Johnson, geomorphologist, marked up my M.A. seum into a renowned twenty-first century science educa- thesis on underfit meanders. One note read thus, “Horses tional center. are gentle. Dips are not.” Kahn now has his own consulting business, the James S. —Robert J. Wright Kahn Group. Specialties include short-term management

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18 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY It’s New! It’s Easy! Give It A Try! Remember receiving your The Web site for making donations to the GSA Foundation is up and running. You can now make your contributions to research grant from GSA? the Foundation online—any time it’s convenient for you! The Foundation’s Web site is secure—your credit card donation information is confidential. Remember the feeling of So, please try out the new site ( and see how easy it is to contribute to the Foundation. Your pride and accomplishment? continued support of the Foundation and GSA programs is sincerely appreciated! Don’t you wish others could Got an Item for Our Auction? The Foundation is looking for items for the Silent Auction enjoy this experience? that will be held during the GSA Annual Meeting in Denver in October. Our past three auctions have been successful and fun, and if you have something that you would like to donate to this Make it happen! exciting event, it will be appreciated. Here’s how it works: Contribute to You can donate items for the auction such as rare books, pictures, fossils, gift certificates from bookstores or chain restaurants, antiques, just to name a few. (We will list your name as the donor on the auction item displayed at the Silent Auction.) Supporting The Advancement of Research Your donation is tax deductible based on the value of the donated item. Geological Society of You will receive a confirmation letter acknowledging your gift. America Foundation Proceeds from the auction will be placed in the Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund to support GSA’s greatest needs! P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140 For further information, please contact (303) 357-1054, [email protected] Donna Russell, [email protected]. Crystal Clear. The Meiji EM Series of Modular Stereo Microscopes. If you are looking for precision, durability, quality and value in a Stereo Microscope, we invite you to take a closer look at Meiji’s EM Series of Stereo Microscopes. The modular design (A wide variety of bodies, single magnification or zoom - rotatable 360û, auxiliary lenses, eyepieces, stands, holders, etc.) gives you the freedom to create the ideal instrument for your specific need or application, and Meiji stands behind every instrument with its “Limited Lifetime Warranty.” For more information on these economically priced Stereo Microscopes, please call, FAX, write us or log on to our website today.

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GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 19 Announcements

2002 Sept. 30–Oct. 4 6th International Conference on Diffuse Pollution, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Information: [email protected], October 1 Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, RMAG Innovative Gas Exploration Concepts, Denver Colorado. Information: Sandi Pellissier, (303) 573-8621, [email protected],, November 18–22 First International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Management, Monterrey, N.L. México. Information: Mexican Hydraulics Association, [email protected],, December 9–11 Organic-carbon burial, climate change and ocean chemistry (Mesozoic-Paleogene), London. Information: Geological Society (London),, September 21–22 2002 First Workshop of IGCP Project #463, Upper Cetaceous Oceanic Red Beds: Response to Ocean/Climate Global Change, Ancona, Italy. Information: 86-28-4078892 or 39-071-220-4531, [email protected]. November 4–6 International Symposium on Environmental Geology for Land Use Planning, Puerto Varas, Chile. Information: Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, Oficina Técnica de Puerto Varas, La Paz #406, Puerto Varas, Chile, 56-65-233856 or 56-65-233857, fax 56-65-232202, [email protected]. 2003 October 7–9 6th Petroleum Geology Conference: North West Europe & Global Perspectives, Institute of Petroleum, Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain and The Geological Society of London, London. Information: Nov. 30–Dec. 3 Copper 2003 (Cobre 2003), Santiago, Chile. Information: Organizing Committee (Chilean Institute of Mining Engineers and Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum), [email protected], MEETINGS CALENDAR

In Memoriam Robert H. Barton Howard W. Jaffe Houston, Texas Amherst, Massachusetts About People May 13, 2002 In recognition of his distinguished and contin- John G. Broughton Albany, New York Gordon J. F. MacDonald uing achievements in original research, GSA April 19, 2002 Cambridge, Massachusetts member John P. Grotzinger was elected to the May 14, 2002 S. Warren Carey National Academy of Sciences at the Academy’s Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia David J. Roddy 139th annual meeting. March 20, 2002 Flagstaff, Arizona March 21, 2002 Alfred Clebsch GSA Fellow Erhard Lakewood, Colorado Paul J. Roper January 2002 Spring, Texas M. Winkler was awarded May 13, 2002 the first Daniel W. Kessler William V. Conn Atlanta, Georgia Andrew G. Warne Award by the ASTM Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Stephen Jay Gould International for his con- March 24, 2002 tinuous and outstanding Cambridge, Massachusetts May 20, 2002 Dean C. Wellman contributions to the work Denver, Colorado of ASTM Committee C18 Charles E. Graham Durango, Colorado on Dimension Stone, a March 16, 2002 Erhard M. Winkler technical standards–writ- ing committee. Please contact the GSA Foundation for information on contributing to the Memorial Fund.

20 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY the Juan de Fuca Ridge; and either the East or Central Lau Basin Spreading RIDGE 2000: The Next Decade Center) chosen on the basis of a commu- nity vote and a review by an R2K Integrated Site Selection Panel (http:// of Innovative Studies and R2K Program Status Discoveries at the Mid-Ocean Ridge All biologists, chemists, earth scientists, engineers, and physicists who are inter- ested in mid-ocean ridge science are en- The RIDGE 2000 Steering Committee along the global mid-ocean ridge system. couraged to participate in R2K. Two To this end, the theme focuses on the workshops for the general community RIDGE 2000 (R2K) is a new, National immediate biological, chemical, and geo- held in early 2002—one for scientific Science Foundation (NSF)–sponsored re- logical consequences of active processes background and one for planning—pro- search initiative to understand Earth’s on the seafloor. Such processes generally vided opportunities for a broad cross spreading ridge system as an integrated occur as transient events and include vol- section of scientists and engineers to whole, from its inception in the mantle to canic eruptions and intrusions of magma share information about the Integrated its manifestations in the biosphere and at the ridge axis and faulting related to Study sites and to help plan the imple- water column. Although the goals of R2K, seafloor spreading. mentation of the research program. anticipated to be a 12-year program, have Under the R2K Program, Time-Critical A detailed implementation plan will be been defined, exciting opportunities exist Studies are dedicated to facilitating rapid- required for each Integrated Study site. for investigators to plan its detailed pro- response missions that can observe, These site plans are being developed as a gram and to carry out R2K projects. record, and sample critical transient phe- result of an open community workshop Since 1988, the RIDGE Program has nomena in the ocean above the mid- held on April 7–8 in Albuquerque, New fostered major advances in our under- ocean ridge and on the seafloor itself. In Mexico. Each will identify a geographic standing of the global mid-ocean ridge the initial phases of this element, the focus about which all the nested compo- system through focused interdisciplinary program will be restricted to the northeast nents of the Integrated Study will be cen- studies. Outlined by community work- Pacific where real-time detection is tered and provide the guidelines for the shops over the past two years, R2K builds possible through the SOSUS array (the components that will comprise the set of directly on the scientific and technological Navy’s cabled hydrophone system in Integrated Studies necessary at each site. successes of the RIDGE Program. The sci- the northeastern Pacific Ocean) and Planning will also consider time lines, site entific motivation for the R2K Program is where the facilities are available for a administration, and data sharing. encapsulated in the phrase “from mantle rapid response. Proposals for funding work at the to microbes,” expressing the inextricable three Integrated Study sites will be con- linkages between processes of planetary Integrated Studies sidered beginning with the August 15, renewal in the deep ocean and the origin, The Integrated Studies theme is a pro- 2002, Ocean Sciences target date. evolution, and sustenance of life in the gram of focused, whole-system research Results of the Community Education absence of sunlight. of global mid-ocean ridge processes, ad- and Implementation Plan Workshops The R2K Science Plan aims for a com- dressing the complex, interlinked array are posted at prehensive understanding of the relation- of processes that support life at and be- and should be used by proponents to ships among the geological processes of neath the seafloor as a consequence of guide in proposal preparation. R2K pro- plate spreading at mid-ocean ridges and the flow of energy and material from posals are subject to the normal peer- the seafloor and subsurface ecosystems Earth’s deep mantle, through the volcanic review process and will be reviewed by that they support. Research carried out and hydrothermal systems of the oceanic the regular NSF Ocean Science Division under this new program will be struc- crust, to the overlying ocean. Integrated Panels. Additionally, the R2K Steering tured within an integrated, whole-system Studies will consist of multidisciplinary Committee will perform a relevancy re- approach that will encompass a wide research that is focused on a small num- view of all R2K proposals. range of disciplines. Specific geographic ber of preselected “type” areas that are Along with the program elements dis- areas will be the focus of detailed studies designed to characterize segments of the cussed above, R2K also sponsors a post- to yield new insights into the links among mid-ocean ridge system, with the objec- doctoral fellowship program intended to the biological, chemical, and geological tive of developing quantitative, whole- foster cross-disciplinary fertilization by processes that are involved in crustal ac- system models through coordinated and providing opportunities for individuals to cretion and subsequent ridge crest pro- interdisciplinary experiments. R2K broaden their research expertise as well cesses. The R2K Program will support the scientists will need to understand the as to expand the breadth of ridge science. following two main research themes. interactions and linkages among the volcanic, tectonic, geochemical, and For more information, or to join the R2K Time-Critical Studies biological systems to achieve this goal. mailing list, e-mail [email protected], The goal of the Time-Critical Studies The Integrated Studies theme will ini- visit, or call element is to understand the nature, fre- tially focus on three sites (centered on a 814-865-RIDG. quency, distribution, and geobiological portion of 9–10˚N segment of the East impacts of magmatic and tectonic events Pacific Rise; the Endeavour Segment of

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 21 Field Trips

Field Trips: Where Discovery Begins 5. Key Rocks and Seminal Thinkers: Classic Rocky Mountain Enrich your meeting experience with a field trip. For complete trip Localities That Influenced Tectonic Thought [405] descriptions, registration details, and information, see the June issue Thurs.–Sat., Oct. 24–26. Cosponsored by GSA History of Geology of GSA Today or visit All trips begin and end at Division. A.M. Celâl Sengör,¸ ˙ITÜ Maden Fakültesi, Jeoloji Bölümü, the Colorado Convention Center unless otherwise indicated. Ayazaga, Istanbul 80626, Turkey, [email protected]; Tim Lawton. Max.: 44; min.: 12. Cost: $220. Begins in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Preregistration deadline: September 20 ends in Denver. Cancellation deadline: September 27 Register online: 6. Active Incision-Driven Evaporite Tectonism, Glenwood Springs, Colorado [406] Questions? Fri. and Sat., Oct. 25–26. Bob Kirkham, Colorado Geological Survey, Contact the field trip’s leader or Edna Collis, GSA Program Officer, 5253 County Road, 1 South, Alamosa, CO 81101, (719) 587-0139, (303) 357-1034, [email protected]. fax 719-587-2187, [email protected]; Mark Hudson; Bruce Bryant. Max.: 22; min.: 12. Cost: $160. 1. Paleontology and Geology of the Green River Formation, Utah and Wyoming [401] 7. Formation, Reactivation, and Evolution of Proterozoic Shear Tues.–Fri., Oct. 22–25. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Zones in the Colorado Rocky Mountains: From Continental Division. Arvid K. Aase, Fossil Butte National Monument, P.O. Box Assembly to Intracontinental Orogeny [407] 592, Kemmerer, WY 83101, (307) 877-4455, fax 307-877-4457, Fri. and Sat., Oct. 25–26. Colin A. Shaw, Dept. of Earth and [email protected]; Alan Carroll; H. Paul Buchheim; Meredith Environmental Sciences, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Rhodes. Max.: 42; min.: 12. Cost: $315. Begins and ends in Salt Lake Technology, Socorro, NM 87801, (505) 835-5657, fax 505-835-6436, City, Utah. [email protected]; Karl E. Karlstrom. Max.: 36; min.: 12. Cost: $185. 2. Middle and Late Jurassic Dinosaur Fossil–Bearing Horizons: 8. Neotectonics of the Rio Grande Rift in Colorado [408] Depositional Settings and Implications for Dinosaur Fri. and Sat., Oct. 25–26. Cosponsored by GSA Quaternary Geology Paleoecology, Northeastern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming [402] and Division and GSA Structural Geology and Wed.–Sat., Oct. 23–26. Erik P. Kvale, Dept. of Geological Tectonics Division. Jim McCalpin, GEO-HAZ Consortium, P.O. Box Sciences–Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University, 611 N. 837, Crestone, CO 81131, (719) 256-5227, fax 719-256-5228, Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN 47405, (812) 855-1324, fax 812- [email protected]; Alan Nelson; Dean Ostenaa; Andrew 855-7899, [email protected]; Debra Mickelson; Steve T. Hasiotis; Valdez. Max.: 45; min.: 24. Cost: $170. Gary D. Johnson. Max.: 22; min.: 12. Cost: $495. 9. Structure and Stratigraphy of the Southern Colorado Front 3. Cleanup at Summitville—The Superfund Mine Site That Range–Cañon City Syncline, Colorado [409] Changed Colorado [403] Fri. and Sat., Oct. 25–26. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Thurs.–Sat., Oct. 24–26. Cosponsored by GSA Hydrogeology Division. Paul R. Krutak; P. Krutak Geoservices International, P.O. Division. D. Kirk Nordstrom, U.S. Geological Survey, 3215 Marine Box 369, 2118 Main Street, Rye, Colorado 81069-0369, telephone St., Suite E-127, Boulder, CO 80303-1066, (303) 541-3037, fax 303- and fax (719) 489-2282, [email protected]. Max.: 24; 447-2505, [email protected]; Geoff Plumlee; Harry Posey. Max.: 22; min.: 8. Cost: $160. min.: 12. Cost: $280. 10. Borehole Image Logging in Geology and Hydrogeology 4. High Plains to Rio Grande Rift: Late Cenozoic Evolution of [410] Central Colorado [404] Sat., Oct. 26. Cosponsored by GSA Hydrogeology Division. John H. Thurs.–Sat., Oct. 24–26. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Williams, U.S. Geological Survey, 425 Jordan Road, Troy, NY 12180- Division. Eric Leonard, Dept. of Geology, Colorado College, Colorado 8349, (518) 285-5670, fax 518-285-5601, [email protected]; Carole Springs, CO 80903, (719) 389-6513, fax 719-389-6910, Johnson; Roger Morin; Fred Paillet; John Stowell. Max.: 24; min.: 12. [email protected]; Mary Hubbard; Emmett Evanoff; Cost: $95. Shari Kelley; Christine Siddoway. Max.: 30; min.: 10. Cost: $225.

22 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY 11. Debris Flows Along the I-70 Corridor, Floyd Hill to the 18. Tepee Buttes: Fossilized Methane-Seep Ecosystems [418] Eisenhower Tunnel [411] Sat., Oct. 26. Cosponsored by GSA Geobiology and Geomicrobiology Sat., Oct. 26. Jeff Coe, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Federal Division. Russell S. Shapiro, Dept. of Geology, Gustavus Adolphus Center, MS 966, Box 25046, Denver, CO 80225, (303) 273-8606, College, 800 W. College, St. Peter, MN 56082, (507) 933-7335, fax fax 303-273-8600, [email protected]; Jonathan Godt. Max.: 24; min.: 507-933-7041, [email protected]; Henry Fricke. Max.: 20 12. Cost: $85. (firm); min.: 7. Cost: $80. 12. Eco-Geo Hike Along the Dakota Hogback North of Boulder, 19. Tour of U.S. Geological Survey Mapping and Geologic Colorado [412] Facilities, Denver Federal Center [419] Sat., Oct. 26. Peter Birkeland, Dept. Geological Sciences, University of Tues., Oct. 29, 12:30–5 p.m. Peter J. Modreski, U.S. Geological Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 (retired), [email protected]; Survey, MS 915, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO Ralph Shroba; Ven Barclay; Parker Calkin; Edwin Larson; Mary 80225-0046, (303) 202-4766, fax 303-202-4742, pmodreski@ McMillan. Max.: 21; min.: 7. Cost: $35. Begins and ends in Boulder.; Joseph J. Kerski. Max.: 24; min.: 8. Cost: $25. 13. Environmental and Engineering Geology of the I-70 20. Permian-Triassic Depositional Systems, Paleogeography, Corridor Denver–Eisenhower Tunnel [413] Paleoclimate, and Hydrocarbon Resources in Canyonlands Sat., Oct. 26. Cosponsored by GSA Engineering Geology Division. Ed and Monument Valley, Utah [420] Nuhfer, Center for Teaching & Learning, Idaho State University, Thurs.–Mon., Oct. 31–Nov. 4. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Pocatello, ID 83209, (208) 282-3662, fax 208-282-4847; William Geology Division. Jacqueline E. Huntoon, Dept. of Geological Savage. Max.: 36; min.: 12. Cost: $65. Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan 49931, (906) 487-2412, fax 906-487-3371, 14. Geoarchaeology of South Park: A Prairie Ecosystem in the [email protected]; Russell F. Dubiel; John D. Stanesco; Debra Mickelson. Rocky Mountains [414] Max.: 20; min.: 7. Cost: $615. Sat., Oct. 26. Cosponsored by GSA Archaeological Geology Division. Tom Lincoln, Bureau of Reclamation, Office of Policy, Denver 21. Approaches to Characterizing Complex Geology for Federal Center, Bldg. 67, P.O. Box 25007 (D-5300), Denver, CO Watershed Investigations in Fractured Crystalline Bedrock: 80225-0007, (303) 445-3311, [email protected]. Max.: 30; min.: The Idealized and the Reality [421] 10. Cost: $70. Thurs., Oct. 31. Jonathan Saul Caine, U.S. Geological Survey, P.O. Box 25046, MS 973, Denver, CO 80225-0046, (303) 236-1822, fax 15. Geologic Reconnaissance of the Denver Front Range 303-236-3200, [email protected]; Clifford Bossong; Geoffrey Thyne. and Dinosaur Ridge [415] Max.: 30; min.: 10. Cost: $85. Sat., Oct. 26. Cosponsored by GSA Geoscience Education Division. Norb Cygan, Friends of Dinosaur Ridge, 16831 W. Alameda 22. Consequences of Living with Geology: A Model Field Trip Parkway, Morrison, CO 80465, (303) 697-3466, fax 303-697-8911, for the General Public [422] [email protected]; “T” Caneer; Betty Rall; Duff Kerr; Bob Raynolds; Thurs., Oct. 31. Cosponsored by GSA Engineering Geology Division, Pete Modreski; Susan Landon. Max.: 45, min.: 12. Cost: $70. GSA Geoscience Education Division, and American Institute of Professional Geologists. David M. Abbott Jr., Consulting Geologist, 16. Laramide Structure and Synorogenic Sedimentation of the 2266 Forest St., Denver, CO 80207, (303) 394-0321, fax 303- Colorado Front Range [416] 394-0543, [email protected]; David C. Noe. Max.: 90; min.: 42. Sat., Oct. 26. Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division. Cost: $65. Edward J. (Ned) Sterne, Savant Resources, 730 17th Street, Suite 410, Denver, CO 80202, (303) 592-1905, ext. 103, fax 303-592- 23. Field Trip to Glenwood Caverns–Fairy Cave, Glenwood 1909, [email protected]; Robert G. (Bob) Raynolds; Springs, Colorado: An Introduction to CO2 and H2S Christine Smith Siddoway. Max.: 36, min.: 12. Cost: $65. Speleogenesis [423] Thurs., Oct. 31. Cosponsored by GSA Hydrogeology Division. Fred G. 17. Modern-Day Consequences of Historic Coal Mining in the Luiszer, Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Foothills and Boulder and Weld Counties, Colorado [417] Campus Box 399, Boulder, CO 80309-0399, (303) 492-5251, fax Sat., Oct. 26. Cosponsored by GSA Coal Geology Division. 303-492-2606, [email protected]; Harvey DuChene. Max.: Christopher J. Carroll, Colorado Geological Survey, 1313 Sherman 45; min.: 22. Cost: $95. St., Room 715, Denver, CO 80203, (303) 866-3501, fax 303-866- 2461, [email protected]; Celia Greenman; Nicole Koenig. 24. Structural Geometry and Thermal History of Max.: 24; min.: 8. Cost: $80. Pseudotachylyte from the Homestake Shear Zone, Sawatch Range, Colorado [424] Thurs., Oct. 31. Cosponsored by GSA Structural Geology and Field Trip Itineraries: Just a Click Away Tectonics Division. Joseph L. Allen, Dept. of Physical Sciences, Once you’ve received the confirmation of your field trip Concord College, Athens, WV 24712-1000, (304) 384-5238, registration from GSA, go to: fax 304-384-6225, [email protected]; Kieran D. O’Hara; David P. 2002/ftrip_logon.asp. Use the ID number from your confirmation Moecher. Max.: 33; min.: 12. Cost: $75. or your e-mail address to access your trip itinerary sheet(s). You can download the itineraries for the trips you’ve registered for, and you can fill out your individual information sheet to submit back to GSA Headquarters.

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 23 Simon Winchester’s The Map That Changed the World

Buy your copy at the GSA Bookstore at the Annual Meeting in Denver or through GSA Publication Sales, 888-443-4472,



Tectonics, Climate, and Landscape Evolution January 13–17, 2003 Ta roko National Park, Taiwan This past decade has seen considerable interest in the coupling between tectonics, climate, surface processes, and the evolution of Earth’s topography. General acceptance of the principles of the tectonic origin of topography, the increase in erosion rates with relief, and the importance of climate as a modulator be- tween uplift and erosion has evolved into a desire for under- standing of the processes, their rates, and the mechanisms of feedback implicit to these principles. This conference will ex- amine progress made through geomorphological, geophysical, geochemical, and atmospheric studies and will assess the cur- rent state of knowledge of the dynamic earth surface system. APPROXIMATE COST: $975, including room and board. REGISTRATION, APPLICATIONS, AND INFORMATION: Contact Sean Willett, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98125, USA, (206) 543-8653, fax 206-543-0489, swillett@ For complete information on this Penrose Conference, see the June 2002 issue of GSA Today, or visit (go to “Meetings and Excursions,” then to “Penrose Conferences”).

26 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY Geology of the Grand Canyon—Lee’s Ferry to Diamond Creek April 21–28, 2002

Leader: Carol M. Dehler, Utah State University, Logan, Utah

Grand Canyon 2002. Photo by Mario Wannier. “Nearly a week has passed since return- ing from the 2002 Grand Canyon GeoTrip “This GeoTrip was truly an experience “From my experience on various kinds of along the Colorado River, and I am still that I will certainly hold in high regard and scientific and/or technical oriented trips glowing with the memory! Truly it was a share with my family and others for the rest over a span of almost 50 years, I can hon- highlight of my geological lifetime. Our of my life!” estly say that Carol Dehler was a superb leader, Carol Dehler, made the week a trip leader.” rousing success!” —Rudolph V. Matalucci, Albuquerque, New Mexico —David B. Duane, New Bern, —James T. Neal, Prescott, Arizona North Carolina

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 27 and research are central to the University’s mission and SFSU faculty are expected to demonstrate high levels of TECTONICIST professional achievement and growth through research, publications, and community involvement. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY AT KINGSTON, ONTARIO To apply, send a curriculum vitae, a statement of The Department of Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering at Queen's invites applications teaching and research interests, and names and addresses of three references to: Lisa White, Dept. of for a faculty position in the field of integrated quantitative neotectonics and paleotectonics. The Geosciences, San Francisco State University, San Fran- position is part of the Ontario Research Centres in Earthquake Hazards and Continental Dynamics, cisco, CA 94132. Applications should be received before a network involving also Western Ontario and Carleton universities and the Ontario Challenge September 30, 2002. San Francisco State University is an Fund. This post relates to the theme “integrated analysis and modelling of continental dynamics”, Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer. which will foster full integration of geological knowledge with geophysical monitoring TULANE UNIVERSITY—SEDIMENT TRANSPORT developments in the province ( Hence the successful candidate will be a The Department of Geology at Tulane University invites geologist who can combine a sound understanding of regional/global tectonics with inferences applications for a tenure track Assistant Professor posi- drawn from geomechanical and geophysical techniques, and thus can contribute to practical tion to begin in the Fall, 2003 in the field of sediment advances in natural hazard mitigation and mineral resource discovery. transport. Applicants will be expected to develop an externally funded research program that builds upon the The holder of the position will be expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, to expertise of a growing, interdisciplinary department develop a vigorous program of high quality, externally-funded research, and to supervise graduate ( and the Institute for Earth and students at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in an appropriate field and Ecosystem Sciences ( conducting demonstrate research excellence by a successful record of peer-reviewed publication. basic and applied research in fluvial, deltaic, and/or coastal environments. In particular, we seek applicants All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however and permanent residents who utilize field observations in concert with numerical or will be given priority. The University is committed to employment equity and welcomes laboratory modeling in one or more of the following areas: applications from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people, (1) suspended sediment transport, (2) bedform migration, persons with disabilities, gay men, and lesbians. (3) surface water hydrology, or (4) fluvial geomorphology. Candidates will have completed their Ph.D. by the start Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and date, and will be expected to teach undergraduate and samples of research writing to the following address. Arrangements should also be made for at graduate courses in their field of expertise, and to mentor least three letters of reference to be forwarded to the same address. Review of completed graduate students. Applicants should send a letter of applications will begin on 20 September, 2002. application, statement of research and teaching interests, current curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references to Dr. George C. H. Helmstaedt, Head, Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering, Flowers, Chair, Department of Geology, Tulane University, Queen's University, Kingston, ON Canada K7L 3N6 New Orleans, Louisiana 70118, e-mail flowers@ Additional information about the Department can be obtained from the WWW at The closing date for applications is November 15, 2002, although the search will remain open until the position is filled. Tulane University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA Advertising Field Engineer: 2–6 years, B.S. or M.S. in Mechani- are encouraged to apply. office one month prior. Contact Advertising Department, cal/Civil/Environmental. Design and implementation of soil (303) 357-1053, 1-800-472-1988, ext. 1053, fax 303- and groundwater remediation systems, strong communi- STABLE ISOTOPE GEOCHEMIST 357-1070, [email protected]. Please include cation skills, travel required. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY address, phone number, and e-mail address with all Hydrogeologist: 2–6 years, M.S./Ph.D. in Geology/ DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES correspondence. Hydrogeology/Hydrology. Good knowledge of KS/MO The Department of Earth Sciences invites applications for geology and hydrogeology, and environmental regula- a tenure-track assistant professor in the field of stable iso- Per line each tions. Strong communication skills, travel required. tope geochemistry. We seek an individual with analytical Per Line for addt’l month expertise in carbonate, water, organic and other stable Classification 1st month (same ad) Project Manager: 8–15 years, B.S./M.S./Ph.D. in environmental science or engineering discipline. Manage- isotopic systems to complement established research Situations Wanted ...... $2.25 $1.90 ment of the investigation and remediation of contami- and teaching programs in paleoclimatology, hydrogeol- ogy, paleobiology, and tectonics. The department houses Positions Open ...... $7.00 $6.00 nated sites, experience with state and federal environ- mental regulations, appropriate professional registration, a stable isotope laboratory equipped with a Finnegan Consultants ...... $7.00 $6.00 Matt 252 stable isotope mass spectrometer with dual vis- Services & Supplies ...... $7.00 $6.00 strong communication and leadership skills. Environmental Field Technician: 2–6 years. Experi- cous flow inlet systems and collector systems for H/D, Opportunities for Students ence with environmental data collection; well installation, CO2, N2, SO2, or O2. The system also includes a Kiel III first 25 lines ...... $0.00 $2.85 sampling and testing. Automated carbonate preparation device, HDO II additional lines ...... $1.85 $2.85 Senior Geotechnical Engineer: 12+ years, CO2/H2/H2O equilibrator device, and a ConFlo II continu- Web Only Ads ...... $7.00 $6.00 M.S./Ph.D. in . Experience with ous flow interface. The Earth Sciences Department has established research collaborations with the SU Biology live link: add $25 all aspects of underground engineering. Professional reg- istration, and strong communication and leadership skills. and Civil and Environmental Engineering Departments, and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Agencies and organizations may submit purchase All environmental positions require OSHA 40-hour Forestry. The successful candidate will be expected to order or payment with copy. Individuals must send training. Contact: Dr. Michael Basel, Haley & Aldrich, Inc., 8700 establish an externally funded research program, and prepayment with copy. To estimate cost, count 54 contribute to the department’s teaching mission at the characters per line, including all punctuation and blank Monrovia, Suite 310-AD, Lenexa, KS 66215-3500, 913.599.5802, fax 913.599.5822. advanced (e.g., stable isotope geochemistry, aqueous spaces. Actual cost may differ if you use capitals, cen- geochemistry) and introductory levels. tered copy, or special characters. TENURE TRACK POSITION IN ENGINEERING To apply, send a curriculum vitae, statement of GEOLOGY or SURFICIAL PROCESSES research and teaching interests, and names of three refer- The Department of Geosciences at SFSU invites applica- ences to: Search Committee Chair, Department of Earth tions for a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant Sciences, 204 Heroy Geology Laboratory, Syracuse Uni- Situations Wanted professor level in Engineering Geology or Surficial Pro- versity, Syracuse, NY 13244-10170. The search commit- cesses, beginning January or August 2003. The position Ph.D. field geologist, K–16 educator and wilderness tee will begin reviewing applications on October 15, 2002. requires a Ph.D. in geology, strong quantitative and field guide seeks job. 1996 UNM Ph.D. on Grand Canyon tec- The search will remain open until the position is filled. skills, and a commitment to excellence in teaching at tonics; 2000 New Zealand postdoc on Alpine fault; field Syracuse University is an AA/EOE. Minorities and women graduate (M.S.) and undergraduate levels. We seek scientist for New Mexico Bureau of Geology; director are encouraged to apply. someone to teach advanced-level engineering geology Grand Canyon and New Zealand field education pro- and/or surficial processes courses, and general educa- TENURE TRACK FACULTY POSITION

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING grams; 8 years NAU summer field geology instructor; 30+ tion courses in natural hazards or earth systems. Excel- GEOMICROBIOLOGIST, BIOGEOCHEMIST, Grand Canyon natural history trips; K–16 teaching experi- lence in research that involves both graduate and under- OR ORGANIC GEOCHEMIST ence; river and mountain guide. Contact Brad Ilg at graduate students is also required. Preference will be UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO [email protected] or dial 011-644-970-9811 from US. given to applicants who have applied experience with a The Department of Geological Sciences at the University geotechnical or environmental firm and experience in of Idaho is soliciting applications for a 9-month tenure- Ph.D. in geology/paleontology w/ 5+ years exper in teaching and in applying GIS technologies. track position in Geomicrobiology, Biogeochemistry, or science research, oil industry, grad & undergrad teaching. The Department of Geosciences includes geology, Organic Geochemistry. Candidates for the position should Field experience in W. America, Europe, Greenland. Bilin- meteorology, and oceanography and consists of 13 fac- have a strong commitment to research in biological/ gual, published. Want to again be a geologist in USA. ulty members from these fields. The department offers ecological activity within subsurface environments. The Willing to relocate. Contact @ (352) 278-3481. B.S. and B.A. degrees in Geology, a B.S. degree in Atmo- successful candidate will have research interests in one spheric and Oceanic Sciences, and an M.S. degree in or more of the following areas of coupled geological- Positions Open Applied Geosciences. biological processes: reactive biogeochemistry in San Francisco State University, a member of the Cali- geothermal environments, biogeochemical processes HALEY & ALDRICH, INC. associated with subsurface contamination and remedia- Haley & Aldrich, Inc., a national firm specializing in under- fornia State University system, serves a multi-cultural, ethnically diverse student body of 27,000 students, offer- tion, the effect of biogeochemical interactions on material ground engineering and environmental solutions, needs stability and corrosion in thermal, chemical, and/or radio- client-focused, motivated staff to support our growing ing bachelor’s degrees in 117 academic areas and mas- ter’s degrees in 95 fields of study. Excellence in teaching logically-stressed subsurface environments, or biologi- practice in the Kansas City area. cally-assisted transport in saturated or unsaturated

28 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY environments. The position involves teaching (40%–60%), research (40%–60%), and service (5%–10%). The position is open at the Assistant Professor level. A Ph.D. in Geology, Microbiology, or related science is required at the time of appointment. The successful can- didate must be committed to both undergraduate and graduate education and to the development of an exter- nally-funded research program. The successful candidate also will be expected to teach undergraduate courses, as well as advanced courses in his or her specialty. The University of Idaho, located in Moscow, is Idaho’s primary institution for graduate education and research. The Department of Geological Sciences is part of the College of Sciences and has close working relations with the Idaho Geological Survey. The 12-member faculty has a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate education. Interested applicants are referred to the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING department web site for additional information (http:// Applications, with a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and teaching philosophy, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of at least three references should be sent to Professor Scott Wood, Department of Geological Sci- ences, Box 443022, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, 83844-3022. Salary will be competitive and commensu- rate with experience. Search and selection procedures will be closed when a sufficient number of qualified candi- dates have been identified, but no earlier than September 1, 2002. The starting date is negotiable. To enrich education through diversity, the University of Idaho is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. BELOIT COLLEGE Beloit College invites applications for a full-time, tenure- track position (beginning mid-August 2003) at the assis- tant professor rank in geology, with expertise in tecton- ics/igneous and metamorphic petrology. Course responsibilities include an introductory course in physical geology, mineralogy, petrology, structural geology (on a rotating basis), and selected advanced courses (e.g., tec- tonics, geochemistry, isotope geology). The successful candidate will also be expected to teach a six-week sum- mer field-geology course on a rotating basis, participate in the departmental field-trip program, and supervise undergraduate research projects. Finally, the successful candidate will contribute to all-college programs (e.g., first-year seminars, interdisciplinary courses, writing pro- gram, and international education). Beloit College is a selective undergraduate liberal-arts college with an enrollment of 1,100 students. The college emphasizes excellence in teaching, breadth and versatility in its faculty, and collaborative research between students and faculty. The city of Beloit is located in southern Wis- consin, close to Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago. Applicants should have a Ph.D. by the time of appoint- ment. Send a letter of application, a statement of teach- ing and research interests, a vita, college-level transcripts, and three letters of reference by 15 October 2002 to Carl Mendelson, Geology Search Committee, Beloit College, 700 College St., Beloit, WI 53511. Inquiries may be directed to Prof. Mendelson (608-363-2223 or mendel- [email protected]). Preliminary interviews for this position will be conducted at the GSA annual meeting in Denver (October 2002). For more information, see http:// Beloit College is committed to cultural and ethnic diversity, and urges all interested individuals to apply. AA/EEO Employer. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY Tenure track position starting fall 2003. The Geology Department at Washington and Lee University seeks applicants in any specialty complementing our current faculty, with teaching interests in Sed/Strat and Historical Geology. W&L is a nationally ranked, highly selective lib- Tectonic Geodesy for an appointment to begin July 1, sent to: Geodesy Search Committee, Department of Geo- eral arts college. Our department ( is a 2003. We seek a broadly trained geoscientist who utilizes logical Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, member of the Keck Geology Consortium, and is ideally geodesy (primarily GPS and interferometry) for creative CA 93106-9630. situated for field studies in the Valley and Ridge of south- research in the fields of quantitative crustal deformation, UCSB is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action western Virginia. We seek a colleague who is dedicated to , and/or surface processes. Individuals with employer. diverse teaching approaches, interested in making the additional expertise in numerical modeling or field geology most of our field setting, committed to collaborative are especially encouraged to apply. The successful appli- Opportunities for Students undergraduate research, and enthusiastic about teaching cant should complement departmental strengths in struc- intensive major/non-major field geology courses during tural geology, tectonics, seismology, and surface pro- Attention students! Looking for a job or an internship? spring term. A resume, statements of teaching cesses. The appointee to this position will teach both Then join us in Houston for the 5th Annual National interests/experience and research interests, and 3 letters undergraduate and graduate courses and is expected to AAPG/SEG Student Expo on October 20–21, 2002! The of reference should be sent by Sept. 1, 2002, to David maintain a vigorous, externally funded research program. Expo is a great opportunity for students to meet with rep- Harbor ([email protected]), Geology Department, Wash- A Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment. The resentatives from oil and gas and environmental compa- ington and Lee University, Lexington, VA 24450. We deadline for applications is September 1, 2002. Appli- nies, some of which recruit only at the Expo. Students will encourage women and minority candidates to apply. cants should submit a letter of application, curriculum have the chance to showcase their research in a poster vita, and description of teaching and research objectives session and network with potential employers. Successful TECTONIC GEODESY and accomplishments. Applicants should request that job searches result from the Expo every year. And use this UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA BARBARA three referees send letters of evaluation directly to the occasion to explore Houston, a vibrant city, an oil capital, The Department of Geological Sciences at the University search committee by the September deadline. Applicants and home to the largest geoscientist population in the of California at Santa Barbara invites applications for a should also provide the names, email addresses and con- world! Contact Kerri Donathan at AAPG for more informa- tenure-track position at the assistant professor level in tact information of those referees. All materials should be tion ([email protected]).

GSA TODAY, AUGUST 2002 29 Call for Applications WANTED and Nominations for Interested in purchasing technical GEOLOGY CO-EDITOR and geological GSA is soliciting applications and nominations for the position of co-editor of Geology, databases, libraries, an international geosciences journal for rapid publication of leading research. The co- editor will serve a four-year term, beginning in fall 2002 (exact start date to be and personal files negotiated), and will be one of a three-editor team. A co-editor with expertise and broad interests in geochemistry/hydrology/economic geology would best complement as they pertain to the continuing editors’ strengths, but fields are flexible. COAL and COALBED Desirable characteristics for the successful candidate include: METHANE. 1. Broad interest and experience in 6. Organized and productive Send responses to geosciences 7. Willing to work closely with GSA 2. International recognition headquarters staff R.G.L. PO Box 1947 3. Progressive attitude; willing to take 8. Able to make decisions Addison, Texas 75001 risks and encourage innovation 9. Familiar with new trends in 4. Familiar with many earth scientists geosciences and their work 10. Willing to consider nontraditional 5. Sense of perspective and humor research in geosciences

Non–North Americans and women are particularly encouraged to apply, but the position will be offered to the most suitable candidate. GSA provides the editor with a small stipend, as well as expenses for administrative assistance, mail, and telephone/online. The editor will work out of his/her current location at work or home—no move is necessary.

If you wish to be considered, please submit a curriculum vitae and a brief letter describing why you are suited for the position. If you wish to nominate another, please submit a letter of nomination and the individual’s permission and CV. Send nominations and applications to Jon Olsen, Director of Publications, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, [email protected], no later than September 1, 2002.

TRAVEL MAPS—The world’s largest online map catalog. FRENCH-ENGLISH/ENGLISH-FRENCH TRANSLATION. Featuring city maps, topographic maps and digital maps Specializing in Geology/Environmental Science. Ph.D. in worldwide. Call (336) 227-8300 or visit: Geology. Native-level knowledge of French and English. Professional experience in French and English. [email protected]. ph: (301) 405 8752 RECENT, RARE, AND OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS. We CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING purchase single books and complete collections. Find our catalog at for books ROCKWARE. Geologic Software. Visit us on the Web at on Geology, Paleontology, Mining History (U.S. & Interna- tional), Ore Deposits, USGS, Petroleum, Coal; e-mail: [email protected]; MS Book and Mineral Company, MOUNTAIN PRESS. Roadside Geology series and Geol- P.O. Box 6774, Lake Charles, LA 70606-6774. RIGAKU. Complete line of X-ray diffraction and fluores- ogy Underfoot series, plus other books of interest. Visit us cence instruments. Visit us on the Web at on the Web at MINERAL SPECIMENS FOR RESEARCH, EDUCATION, AND FOR MINERAL COLLECTIONS. Our Web site at MEIJI. Complete line of high quality microscopes and FOR RENT: Need a place to hang your hat while you do displays thousands of photo- accessories. Visit us on the Web at field research in Alaska? Access to Wrangell–St. Elias graphic images of unique mineral specimens from mining mountain range, Bering Glacier, and the Gulf of Alaska locations around the world. Also displayed are natural areas. Lodge and guide available. Contact Harold Per- color gemstones, mineral spheres, large “decorator” min- RITE IN THE RAIN. All weather fieldbooks, writing antie, Tsivat River Lodge, PO Box 2562, Cordova, AK erals, lapidary rough, and a variety of handcrafted mineral papers. Visit us on the Web at 99574, (907) 424-5607, gift—“Collector Quality at Miner’s Prices”™.

30 AUGUST 2002, GSA TODAY When you get the Subaru Outback® VDC, you get the performance of our most advanced driving system ever. VDC, or Vehicle Dynamics Control, works along with Subaru All-Wheel Drive to help give you traction and control at all times, wherever you go. It’s an especially smart system appreciated by especially smart drivers. The brilliance and assurance of the Subaru Outback VDC. When you get it, you get it.™

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