VOLUME83, ISSUE11 “EDUCATIONFOR SERVICE” APRIL27,2005 I THE Staff Editorial David Logan to President REFLECTOR working to- Israel. ward NBA See Page 2. draft UNIVERSITYOF INDIANAPOLIS 1400 EASTHANNA AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46227 See Page 5.

:M NEW TRUSTEES I MARKETING SCHOLARSHIPS University names four new trustees to the Board of Trustees Four U of I

Management. concurrent goals.” students win Lucas Klipsch Willis is the chairman of the board Coyner is not a U of I alumnus, but as Editor-in-Chief at the Ft. Wayne, Indiana-based holding a trustee, he hopes to maintain the strong marketing company, FourthWave LLC. He is also relationship that exists between U of I the president of FourthWave’s “FourD and the UMC. Development” and “FourD Education “I hope to keep the tie between the scholarships Foundation,” which are both research church and the university strong, and I foundations. hope to provide the appropriate oversight Unlike Johnston, Willis and Han- required of all trustees,” he said. Ben Reed The University of Indianapolis named kinson, Coyner is a trustee ex officio, Trustees are responsible for “the gov- Staff Writer four new trustees to its Board of Trustees meaning he is a trustee by virtue of his ernance of the university, not the manage- onApril4,2005.TheyareBishopMichael office as UMC Bishop. As Bishop, he ment of the day-to-day operation. That is Coyner of the Indiana Area United Meth- was automatically made a member of the job of the president,” Coyner said. Four U of I students won scholar- odist Church (UMC), Charles Johnston, the Board of Trustees, but he was also Coyner is enthusiastic about his new ;hips in the Richard and Donna Deer an alumnus living in Pacific Palisades, conventionally elected to the Board at role. VIarketing Creativity Scholarship Photo provided by Indiana Area California, Holbrook Hankinson from its February meeting. “Having grown up in Indiana, and 2ompeti tion. ofJice of the UMC Indianapolis and Donald Willis from Ft. Coyner was consecrated a Bishop serving elsewhere for the past years, The competition required students Wavne. in 1996, and replaced Woody White as and now returning to Indiana, I am very o form a creative marketing plan for (Above) Bishop Michael Johnston is the founder of his own Indiana Area Office Bishop in 2004. impressed with the growth and quality of 1 new dietary supplement developed business, Charles E. Johnston Consul- “I am the United Methodist Bishop for the university,” he said. JY BDI Marketing, a company based Coyner is One Of four new tants. He is also the managing- __ principal Indiana, so my concern for the University “I am also very pleased with the new n Cannel, Ind. BDI plans to use some members named to the of the firm. of Indianapolis arises out of that perspec- president, and I look forward to working )art of the marketing plans to promote Board of Trustees at U of 1. Hankinson is the executive vice presi- tive,” he said. with her.” i new product this coming fall. The dent for human resources and organiza- “I believe the church and the university Trustees meet four times a year and :ompetition was directed by Katharine tional development for the Indianapolis- are partners together. The church does not hold elections once a year. None of the Bohley Hubbard, associate professor based public holding company, Standard own or control the university, but we seek other trustees were available for com- 3f Business. Competing students were given 1 budget of $25,000 to $50,000 for DNA WEEK xoduct development and promotion. rhey also had to create an official International DNA wesentation to present to a panel of ludges. Judges consisted of business week was April 11-15. and communication professionals from Dr. Stephen J. O’Brien, :he university. Participants dedicated themselves chief of the Laboratory to their projects. According to Juniors of Genomic Diversity Ryan Manning and Paulomi Brahmb- at the National Cancer hatt, they each of them put in approxi- mately 40 hours to their projects. Institute, spoke at U of 1’s Manning and junior Zachary Gad- Ransburg Auditorium on berry teamed up to win first place in April 13. He has held that the competition. The two will split a $9,000 scholarship. position since 1986. “Since the product is a spontaneous The discussion purchase for consumers, our goal was covered topics such just to get it in stores, then our product design would entice the customer to as human and animal buy,” Manning said. genetics, evolutionary “Our angle was to create an associa- tion with pharmaceuticals, hoping to biology, AIDS, give customers a perception of higher retroviriology and quality,” he said. They did this by species conservation. naming the product GlyceRx. “As far as a marketing strategy, we O’Brien is author and aimed at the convenience storeindustry, co-author of more than and specifically, the decision makers 450 scientific articles within the industry. We concluded that if we could convince conve- and editor and co- nience stores that consumers would editor of 14 volumes. purchase the product, then they would stock their shelves with our product,” He also wrote, “Tears Manning said. of the Cheetah,” which Neither Manning nor Gadberry was based on his plan to work in marketing. Manning is a business administration major whc laboratory and field plans to attend law school following work as a scientist. graduation. Gadberry is a psychology Students attended for major. Juniors Christopher Richey and free, along with others Brahmbhatt also did well in the compe- from the scientific tition. Richey earned second place and a $4,500 scholarship. Brahmbhatt won community. UP credit third place and a $3,000 scholarship. was offered. “It was a great experience, where I learned how to apply theoretical Photo by Luke Thornberry knowledge to a practical situation,’ Brahmbhatt said. “I was also able tc enhance my creativity, research anc communication skills. New Indianapolis Student Government President is elected for 2005-2006 year

Current treasurer of ISG, Evan Hil1,recently was elected ISG president for the next 2005-2006 academic school I PAGE2 THE REFLECTOR OPINION APRIL27.2005

APPRECIATION EDITORIAL Editors thank President Israel for services to the school

Editorial At some colleges, the newspaper can made himself available for interviews. hour and a half of his time to explain she was unapproachable. Many times Staff No topic has ever been taboo with him, something that most colleges try to during meal hours at the dining hall, he Rejector Editors be seen as something of an enemy to the administration. The purpose of the press unlike with many people who deal hide. He stayed as long as the students can be seen wandering around greet- is to hold those in power responsible for with the press. He is always willing wanted him to answer questions. When ing students, introducing himself to the their actions. It is rather obvious at a few to discuss whatever is brought to him. people got snippy with him about what new ones and catching up with the ones Indiana college and high school news- Our relationship with the presdient has they thought was happening, he lis- he already knows. The man even gave papers that the administrators are less grown over time. Yet we do not feel tened and explained the reason behind up his parking spot! He didn’t want than friendly towards reporters. Schools buttered up like we could not bring a it. At the end of the meeting, he told the to feel more privileged than faculty or In less than two months, our small tend to see the newspaper as a means of harsh topic to him. Israel always has students, “If there is something going students by not having to walk across university will have a new president. public relations to the outside world and made clear to us that if there is some- on that you don’t like, raise hell.” campus. He, too, knows what its like For seven years, Dr. Jerry Israel has the campus community. The higherups thing we feel is not right, he will be He has always tried to make himself not being able to find a parking spot on served our college well. Many faculty at some colleges feel the need to feed willing to listen and talk about it. the most available person to the stu- our small campus. That’s dedication for members and administrators have the campus press exactly what they want There aren’t too many presidents dents. He expects everyone to call him you. expressed their gratitude for Israel’s heard but not what is important. Here at who hold a meeting with students in Jerry, not Dr. Israel or President Israel. As our final farewell to our depart- service to the school, but not as many the University of Indianapolis, we are their residence hall lobby to tell them We here at the paper get corrected on ing president, we would just like to say students have. Here at The Reflector, proud to say that Israel has never put us exactly where their tuition payments this constantly. How many university thank you for seven years of service we feel that Israel has provided us in that position. go, but Israel did that. He met with presidents share their umbrellas with to our school. Thank YOU for being with great guidance over the years, His time here is limited. This is students and told them exactly where students when having to walk all the our friend and teacher, and the overall and we would like to share just how something we at The Rejector have their money goes, how much comes in way across campus? Not many. Israel father to this campus. We will miss you much he means to us. ’ always understood. Yet Israel always has and how much goes out. He gave up an has never made a student feel he or greatly. Go raise hell in Florida! POLITICAL CARTOON APPRECIATION EDITORIAL Editors salute their chief

Staff Editorial future endeavors, as editor-in-chief of job whenever you make it big. -Jessica The Daily Stuff or as a highly qualified Well, to say the least, I have learned ReJlector Editors retail manager. It’s been fun but, really, a lot from you. When I first met you, are you on crack?! -Karissa I was terrified. You were so intimidat- Swearing at the computers and ing. And the first time you had one of anything breathing in the newsroom your raging fits in the newsroom that will never be the same again. I always consisted of a few choice words about knew “Production Friday” was in full the server being down, I wanted to As many of you may or may not swing when I heard you condemn cower in fear. But after learning your know, Lucas Klipsch,’Editor-in-Chief, some inanimate object or some staff personality and seeing the incredible graduates this year- along with Karissa writer to an everlasting life of doom work you put together, I realized that Rittmeyer, business manager; Craig and stupidity. I appreciate and will miss you weren’t scary at all. You were Haupert, entertainment editor; Sarah your dedication, honesty, our sporting intimidating to me because you were Clough, distribution manager; and debates, cursing, (I’ll miss cursing back talented. You are what I hope to be, as Kyle Kauffman, online editor. We as a at you) and most importantly friend- a writer and a mentor someday. Thank staff would like to thank them for all of ship. Lucas Klipsch = Unbreakable, dot you for your help and your work as an their hard work and wish them the best dot dot. - Katy editor. You have taught me EO much, of luck in the future. We also would Ever since the first time Lucas and and I appreciate more than anything like to take a little space to thank I actually talked to each other, when your talent and your sense of humor. Lucas, our fearless leader, who has put he bluntly told me that my work was - Crystle a few years and probably thousands of not the work he instantly thought of Thank you for championing my hours into making this a better paper: as good, I never really liked him.. . I liberal causes. I feel like we have Lucas, what can I say, you have loved him. My masochistic desire to be similar political beliefs, and it has been taught me everything I know, even put down was finally realized through a great joy to have someone to discuss though you really intimidated me the my editor-in-chief. Besides being a those with. I have a deep respect for first time I met you. I will seriously fabulous editor-in-chief, he has become your leadership and your intellect. I miss your sarcasm and outrageous my friend. With true sincerity now, I think that you have turned the paper comments. You have been a great want to thank Lucas for all the hard around this year and fostered a great mentor and more than that, a great work that he put into this paper. He working environment for all of us. It’s friend. If I can even fill your shoes did an excellent job, and things would apparent to me that you care for all of halfway, I will consider myself a suc- not have run so smoothly if not for his us on staff, and I just think you are the cess- and you’re leaving some pretty efforts. Also, I want to thank him for greatest because of that. I wish you the big shoes to fill. Good luck in whatev- being such a great friend and keeping best! - Lauren er you do. I know you will be success- me almost on deadline with his evil Lucas, thanks for all the cigarettes I ful. We’ll all miss you! -Valerie comments, all of which may have been bummed from you. You are a tall, big We’re done! The past couple of joking but held some underlying truth. man. Good luck with your career and years have been an experience and - Sarah with your wife. - Craig rarely dull. I won’t miss the Mon- Even though you’re pretty much my Thanks again to all the graduating day morning calls after a production exact opposite politically, I don’t com- editors for your time and dedicatiop. weekend, “Karissa, there’s a problem pletely hate you. Just kidding. I think It is appreciated more than you know. with Page Eight.” Thanks for all of you’re great. You’ve been a really cool Keep in touch, good luck, and God your hard work and dedication. This big brother to all the girls on staff. I bless! paper really wouldn’t be what it is if just don’t understand how you got such The ReJlector staff would also like to PROCRASTINATION EDITORIAL not for your temper! But in all serious- a nice girl with a cool name to marry congratulate all of this year’s graduates ness, I wish you only the best in your you. I hope you go far in life. Get me a and wish them the best of luck. Student speaks out on the reality of procrastination in college Shelly Grimes crastinators. After I log onto A lot of students use the excuse choose to put off the task. That way, we Staff Writer thefacebook.com, I really have no idea that procrastination is okay because don’t have to deal with our feelings of what happens. My mind just shuts they work best under pressure. I have inadequacy. Procrastination also helps down as I wander aimlessly through to admit, this excuse is one of my us avoid criticism. Waiting until the last profiles of people who added me as a favorites. It’s a classic. Of course, it minute serves as a convenient excuse if friend, even though I don’t ever talk really makes no sense. Any paper that we do poorly, are unprepared, or get a to them. Actually, they probably only is thrown together at the last minute bad grade. If we don’t try our hardest, added me as a friend during one of probably won’t qualify as someone’s then it is okay to fail. Procrastination Well folks, the end of the year has their mind-numbing quests to put off best work. More than likely, it will be allows us to neglect our problems finally arrived. It’s time to get focused, whatever they were supposed to be full of sloppy mistakes that the person rather than confront them. to work hard, and to finish the school doing. didn’t care enough to fix. When it comes down to it, I don’t year by putting forth our best efforts. When I finally snap out of my Which brings me to the next : think many of us understand why we Just kidding! Facebook-induced coma, I make my many students say they procrasti- procrastinate. Maybe it is subcon- As the school year winds down, will get down to business. I play mind first attempt at starting what I set out nate because they simply don’t care. scious, maybe it isn’t. I don’t know most of us are doing what we have games with myself. I think that I have to do. I open Word on my computer Obviously, this point is debatable as anyone who truly enjoys the stress of learned to do best: Procrastinate. made progress by making to-do lists, and write my name and the date. I may well. I am sure that there are a hand- cramming for a test or trying to finish a Sure, we may have papers to write. “organizing” my thoughts (and by this even Google some Web sites that relate ful of students at U of I who truly do task at the last minute. But we will con- And final exams to study for. And I mean staring blankly into space) and to the task at hand. not care about their education, but I tinue to do it. We choose to spend our semester-long research projects to ... even sitting down at my computer. In But after that sort-of-valiant effort, would venture to say that most of us do sunny days outside enjoyihg the canal, well, start. But come on, procrastinat-’ reality, I am just continuing to procrasti- I somehow, a few hours later, find care. If we didn’t care, we wouldn’t be while our textbooks gather dust in our ing just seems way easier. nate. myself listening to music, or watching spending about $20,000 a year to go to dorm rooms. As the end of the year ap- As much as I hate to admit it, I am As soon as a computer screen is in television, or having extremely point- school here. If the student truly didn’t proaches, and our work loads increase, a procrastinator. But in my defense, front of me, I enter what I refer to as less conversations on Instant Mes- care, he or she wouldn’t put it off, but the majority of us will stay up way 1 really don’t mean to procrastinate. The Time Warp. 1 completely forget senger, or cleaning my entire room. rather not do it at all. too late working on projects that were Whenever a project or paper gets as- about the concept of time. It usually Meanwhile, my paper has only my The Counseling at the assigned the first day of the semester, signed, I always tell myself that I will starts by simply checking my e-mail name and the date written on it. University of Illinois suggests that stressing about the “lack of time” we start it “later that day.” Then “later that and reading every away message on my I know I am not alone in all this. procrastination is a result of our own have and complaining that professors day” becomes “later that week,” which Buddy List. We all do it. We all put things off lack of self-esteem. When we feel like shouldn’t give us so much work. inevitably turns into, “Oh my gosh! I Then it is time to visit Facebook, until the last minute, then frantically we don’t know what we are doing, are Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have forgot that this was due tomorrow!” which we all know is the worst thing scramble to get them done. So why do afraid of handling the task, or feel un- to go start a paper that I have known .APRIL 27,2005 NEWS THE REFLECTOR PAGE3 e CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER Crisis Pregnancy Center offers new location near U of I campus, on Hanna Ave. group is “Serving the Pro-life movement tries to teach not only about pregnancy CPC representatives are willing to an- People can also get free or discounted Crystle Collins since 1984- an outreach of Last Harvest and abortion but also sometimes about swer any questions. It is a fully confiden- testing, sex education, and more at orga- News Editor Ministries, INC.” faith. CPC offers support, encourage- tial program and has many free services nizations like Planned Parenthood, The “We are here to serve the community ment, some financial help, medical testing that are included with any visit. Action Center and Bellflower Clinic and and the people in the community. That is and knowledge. “We are in a community where we the Marion County Health Department our mission,” Wright said. The newest and closest CPC site is can serve and educate many. We will be South District. All of these organiza- Crisis Pregnancy Center, or CPC, is a The founder of Last Harvest Minis- located at 934 E. Hanna Ave. The contact happy to serve in any way we can,” said tions have locations near the campus, in free, faith-based, confidential service that tries, INC launched CPCWORLD.ORG number is (317) 780-8169. Wright. Indianapolis. teaches young women and others about in 1997. It is the main Internet site for ‘pregnancy, sex and STDs and presents Crisis Pregnancy Centers worldwide. options to those willing to seek help Freeman founded the ministry to “give through the center. hope” to those in need. “CPC is here to help people to be CPC is mainly run by volunteers. educated,” said Jan Wright, client services Paid positions are few and are mostly the team leader at the new Hanna Ave. loca- administrative members of the staff. The tion. Wright deals with some pregnant volunteers work at sites, meetings and women, but she is also in charge of all outreach events to teach about pregnancy, seven local CPC locations. STDs and options for pregnant women. Options the organization presents to Most volunteers get involved through a *women include the morning after pill, church group. RU 486, adoption, abortion and parenting Freeman is also a Christian minister the child. CPC offers free pregnancy tests and has participated in many church and ultra sounds, medical referrals, and related organizations. Most Christians annual gynecologic exams andobstetrical outlook on pregnancy and abortion is that exams. STD testing and treatments will children should come within the context also be offered in the near future. of marriage. However, CPC says it is not . Ken Freeman founded Crisis Preg- an organization that will reprimand people nancy Center in 1984 as apart of Last for their actions. Harvest Ministries, INC. Themottoofthe According to the Web site, CPC also Crisis Pregnancy Center Locations

North Center (3 17) 259- 1222 Photo by Crystle Collin.\

Hamilton County (3 17) 867-3134 Crisis Pregnancy Center offers free ultra sounds to those who come in for counseling and more. Other services the organization offers include free pregnancy tests, medical South Center (317) 783-1601 referrals, annual gynecological exams and obstetrical exams and soon, free STD testing. Campus South (317) 780-8117 East Cebter(317) 359-1600 Meridian (3 17) 926-9 177 West Center (317) 923-9030 Avon Center (3 17) 209-9 125 Lebanon (3 17) 482-3306 Sponsored by ‘ISG, CPB, and RHA April 30, all day Student Sch witzer Center Atrium

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The Ultimate Driving MachineQ APRIL27,2005 SPORTS THE REFLECTOR PAGE4 BASEBALL Baseball team goes through losing streak - - Katy Yeiser opening game but won the night game, out be an 0-4 weekend even though we 7-6. The ‘Hounds had a number of hits Sports Editor played some good baseball,” Young and RBIs in their win. The ‘Hounds said. then ran into a tough quadruple header In the first loss of the series, Miller The ‘Hounds dropped nine (if 13 against Bellarmine University on was strong at the plate with three RBIs games in an forteen day stint fuom April 16 and 17. Although each game and one home run. As of April 22, April 9-23, to bring their he was hitting a .374 batting overall record down to 16-28. average. Their only wins came against “He’s hit the ball well at Southern Indiana, Missouri-St. times,” Young said. “We need Louis and Lewis University. him to step up for us io play The ‘Hounds topped SIU [in the Great Lakes Valley 5-3 and 2-1, on April 9 and Conference Tournament] dur- 10. Their first win against SIU ing the end stretch.” went into extra innings where Maurer was also strong at the ‘Hounds pulled ahead for the mound and only allowed good in the 10th inning. The three runs in seven innings ‘Hounds were down two outs pitched. However, the ‘Hounds in the top of the loth, but lost in the bottom of the tenth rallied for two runs on three inning and the pitching loss hits and an intentional walk to went to Hatfield. win the game. Junior catcher The ‘Hounds fell on hard Kirk Seddon and sophomore times again with a back-to- leftfielder Kyle Stephenson back losses to Northern Ken- each had one RBI in the tenth tucky on April 20. inning, and sophomore pitcher The ‘Hounds reverted Keith Hatfield picked up the from their losing ways with win on the mound for Coach two wins over Missouri-St. Vaught’s ‘Hounds. Louis on April 23,6-4 and 5-2. On April 10, the ‘Hounds Hatfield and freshman pitcher beat SIU again, 2-1. Seniors Mike McFadden picked up the Brent Miller and Matt East pitching wins for the ‘Hounds each produced an RBI for in the two games. the win, and senior ace Gary Results for the Missouri-St. Maurer pitched his fourth Photo bY Luke Thornberry Louis game on April 24 were win of the season. His record not available as of The Reflec- stands at 4-2. Freshman pitcher Mike McFadden throws ,”,. time, bill ~~ “Gary has been our top a pitch against Missouri-St. Louis. i’oung said in order for the pitcher all year. We throw team to make the conference him out every time his arm tournament they will have is ready,” said assistant coach Scott was closely contested, Vaught’s squad to win the remainder of their games, Young. “He’s given up probably three dropped all four, 4-3,3-1, 3-1 and 3-2. which will be a tough feat. AS of The runs or less every time he’s started. “We overall played pretty good Reflector press time the ‘Hounds were So when he pitches we have a good baseball and just late in the ball game 9-21 in CLVC play. chance of winning the game.” we had the chance to win, but just The GLVC tournament will take In the doubleheader against Lewis didn’t make the play. We hit the ball place in O’Fallon, Mo. from May 12 on April 12, the ‘Hounds dropped the hard and made some plays, but it came to 15. r SOFTBALL WOMEN’S TENNIS Softball team gains confidence in wins ‘Hounds hope winning ways will Angie Perez Stuff Wrtier carry over to NCAA tourney The U of I softball team recently Shelly Grimes Broadus said she believes that the won two games in a double header at Staff Writer team’s strength comes From its depth. Lewis University 4-3 and 2- 1. Lewis “We have girls that can fill a is ranked 2nd in the conference. The The University of Indianapolis position and step in when needed,” ‘Hounds current record is 17 - 11. The women’s tennis team defeated West Broadus said. conference record is 7 - 5. According Liberty State 8- 1 on April 9, and Winning the conference in the fall to senior Erin Schenck, the recent wins Wayne State 6-3 on April 10. made the ‘Hounds eligible to play in have given the team confidence again. The ‘Hounds’ winning streak the NCAA national tournament The ‘Hounds had only one hit snapped when the Greyhounds lost to “Our goal is to win a match in the within the first five innings of the Grand Valley State 6-3 on Sat., April [NCAAI tournament, since we have second game, but they came back with 16. never done so,” Broadus said four runs in the sixth inning. Freshman Lindsey Fischer won at The team opened the spring season Stepping up and scoring some runs the number one singles position 6-4, in Florida, where they suffered losses is one thing that junior Megan Hall 6-2. Laura Phillip, also a freshman, to Tampa, St. Leo at Star Island, Eck- believes she can do to help improve the won at the number three singles psi- erd, and Nova Soutbeastern. team’s record. “We need to stay excited tion 6-2,6-2. “I think we were a bit disap- Fischer and freshman Ashley Liles pointed with our match results while throughout the whole thing. I think Photo by Luke Thornberry staying excited the whole time will also won doubles 8-6. Liles lost at on Spring Break in Florida,” Broadus help us stay focused as well,” Hall said. Senior outfielder Ashley Vachon sprints for first base in the number two singles position 6-2, said. “However, we played a lot of According to Schenck, the team is the ‘Hounds game against Southern Indiana on April IO. 6-2. Senior Jessica Broadus, freshman tough competition while there.” hoping to get back up in the rankings, Kristen Volz and freshman Jeannie After returning from Florida, the and the win against Lewis was just then the past 10 games we’ve been in the season, both individually and col- Hartley all lost their singles matches ‘Hounds fell to Indiana Wesleyan 2-7, what the team needed. somewhat of a slump,” Schenck said. lectively as a team. 6-1,6-1.The ‘Hounds feIl to Ferris State 8-1 Despiteshe feels the the team’s team islosses, improving. Fiscber said On April 21, the ‘Hounds will play “The biggest goal for the team is “Our main goal as a team is to cut Northern Kentucky University. NKU is to continue winning and finish off the down on mental errors, win the confer- on Sun., April 17. “We lost some matches that we currently undefeated. conference well,” Hall said. ence and adjust to playing the game Phillip scored the only point, win- maybe could have won, but we “This season we started out on fire, The ‘Hounds have many goals for like we know how,” Schenck said. ning at the number three singles psi- learn from every loss,” Fischex said. tion 4-1 by default. “We’ve just been improving by km- WOMEN’S TRACK Results for the Northwood and Tay- ing from those experiences.” lor matches on April 23 were unavail- As of The Reflector press time the able as of The Rejector press time. ’Hounds’ record was 16-10. They are Women’s track wins Little State Championship “The season has been going very currently ranked third in the GLVC by Ben Reed Following the competition, Coach won the high jump event with a mark well so far, considering the youth of the lntercollegiate Tennis Association Scott Fangman was awarded Women’s of 1.70 meters. Stuff Wrtier our team,” Fischer said. “We won [the Division 11 Rankings. Coach of the Year, and Long was At the Pacesetter, the 4x100 relay GLVC] conference in the fall with five The ‘Hounds will play next at the named Women’s Track Athlete of the team won the event with a time of of our six starters as freshmen, and I NCAA Division I1 Great Lakes Re- The ‘Hounds women’s track team Year. 47.03, equaling the time of the school think that’s a great accomplishment.” gional on May 5. has enjoyed an exciting spring by win- “Everyone performed well at Little record. The 4x400 relay team of Long, ning the 100th annual Indiana Intercol- State. It was a great win for us,” said Wattley, Jones, and senior Brianna Ber- legiate Little State Championships by freshman Lara Lubbe. man finished third and set a new school more than 100 points. The ‘Hounds continue their strong record with a time of 3:53.14. Lakeshore Apartments Leading the way for the ‘Hounds at performances at both the Indy Relays “There is an overall feeling of desire Little State were four individual cham- at IUPUI and the Pacesetter Sports and very strong work ethic for many 3 17-845-7368 pions. Junior Ivorye Long won both the Invitational at Indiana State. on the team,” Berman said. “I am con- 100-meter dash and 200. Senior Briana At the Indy Relays, Vissing won the stantly impressed by the results of my www.lincolnapts. corn Berman won the 400. Senior Lori 400 hurdles with a time of 194.29. teammates.” Vissing won the triple jump. Freshman Sophomore Karen Bower finished The ‘Hounds hope to continue to Andrea Horban won the shot put event. third in the 3,000, setting a new school perform well in meets and work hard in 1 and 2 bedroom apartments The two relay teams of the 4x100 record with a time of 10:15.13. practices to prepare for the Great Lakes Located by Castleton and Keystone and 4x400 took first dace and set new The ‘Hounds also executed the field Valley Conference Meet and the NCAA meet records. events well. Freshman Emily Schaf Diviiion I1 Championships in May. Great nightlife nearby Washers and Dryers included Dishwashers included Ice makers included Private balcony or patio * Spacious floor plans Limited Access entryways Basketball Court Sand Volleyball Court 24 hour Fitness Center RANCHO PWMA 24 hour Business Center a Garages and Cqorts e Prodigy Award Winner for Best Landscaping AWESOME SUMMER CAMP JOB!! * Voted one of Top 3 Apartments by Nuvo Residential camp, located in south central, Indiana. 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I PAGE5 THE REFLECTOR SPORTS APRIL27,2005 DAVID LOGAN U of I star David Logan hopes to shine in NBA coach and Logan’s for- if David’s been to Portsmouth and he Katy Yeiser with the aim of proving mer coach, Todd Stur- himself among several still gets invited [to Chicago], it will be Sports Editor geon, attended the tour- Division I players. a tremendous sign that he has a really nament with Logan and “I wanted to show good chance in the draft.” Former U of I basketball standout does not believe Logan that 1 belonged there, Logan also is confident about his David Logan is hoping his collegiate suprised any scouts with since I was Division chances to make the Chicago camp and achievements will lead him to an NBA his performance because 11. Scouts there just feels that it is “pretty definite” that he draft spot on June 28. Logan was they were already aware wanted to see if I could will. named the Daktronics Player of the of his skills. play with those types Currently, Logan is training in Year, the Bulletin Player of the Year “I don’t think he of caliber players,” he Chappaqua, New York with a former and the Basketball Writers Association surprised people, but he said. “Just proving that I trainer. Co-Player of the Year for Div. 11. He is definitely strengthened belonged there was my Logan recently switched agents also U of 1’s all-time leading scorer. their opinion of him,” main focus.” from IM Sports Services Ahdrew “Bud- “I think it’s every player’s dream Sturgeon said. However, Logan also was dy” Baker to Sports Manage- to play in the NBA,” Logan said. “I’d Sturgeon felt the scouts focused on playing ments Eric Fleischer. like to make that my 9-5 for as long as were suprised with well at the Portsmouth Logan said the agent switch was I can.” Logan’s defensive effort. Tournament so he could nothing personal against Baker but that Logan took his first step toward his “He showed them he’s improve his chances o,f Fleischer “was a better fit” for him. dream with stellar performances at the a much better defender going to the Chicago Fleischer is a former agent of top Portsmouth Invitational Tournament. than what they thought,” Draft Camp in late June. caliber NBA players such as Stephon The tournament took place in Ports- Sturgeon said. “That re- The Chicago camp is Marbury, Elton Brad, Shareef Abdur- mouth, Va., April 6-9. ally caught their eyes.” the main pre-NBA draft Rahim. Joe Smith and Kevin Garnett. The four day tournament which During the tourna- event that features the According to The New J?rk Times, showcases 64 of the best college bas- ment, Logan had inter- world’s best graduating in 2000 Fleischer negotiated a contract ketball seniors is the only post-season views with representa- seniors, college under- with the for event prior to the NBA’s Chicago Pre- tives of the NBA’s Hous- classmen, high school Smith. However, the contract was a se- Draft Camp in late June. ton Rockets and Utah players and international cret agreement between both parties be- Over three games at Portsmouth, Jazz. He said both teams players. cause it broke league salary cap rules. Logan averaged 18.7 points per game told him that he needed “If I didn’t have a The incident was uncovered and and led the tournament in three point work on being more good showing, then resulted in NBA commisioner David shooting accuracy (47.6%) and three of a pure point guard there was no way I was Stern enforcing the toughest team point field goals (lo). His noteworthy instead of a scoring point going to get in [to Chi- penalty from a major American profes- play placed him on the All-Tournament guard. Sturgeon feels that cago].” sional sports league. team along with well-known players Logan’s personality is not A few days after The NBA fined the Timberwolves such as of Cincinnati, that of a pass first point the conclusion of the $3.5 million and forbade the team’s Taylor Coppenrath of Vermont, Jawad guard. Porstmouth Tournament, participation in the first round draft for Williams and Jackie Manual of North “He’s not John Photo by Luke Thornberry Logan was informed the following five years. According to Carolina and Chuck Hayes of Ken- Stockton or the kind of David Logan shoots a lay up against an Southern that he was listed as an The New York Times on April 17, 200 1, tucky. guy who’s going to have Illinois-Edwardsville owonent on Feb. 24. alternate for the Chicago the NBA Player’s Association fined Logan said he thought that the tour- dozens of assists.” .. Camp. If a player who Fleischer $57,000 and suspended him nament would be harder than it actually However, Sturgeon feels Logan is committed to participate in the camp for six months. It was the first time the was and that he played better than he capable learning the role of a point Scouts also told Logan that he decides not to attend, a player from the Player’s Association fined an agent. expected to. guard. would be able to play in the top inter- alternate list is selected in his place. “David is a mature young man who “I expected it to be faster,” he said. “I think since they pay like $350,000 national basketball leagues overseas. Logan’s chances of getting to Chicago is making his own decisiom now. 1 “But when I got out on the court, I for a league minimum, he’ll probably “If it [the NBA] doesn’t work out, depend on how far down he is on the think he felt that the mistakes Eric found out I was probably one of the top do whatever they ask him to do,” he I’ll be happy to go overseas and earn alternate list. Fleischer had made had been to help three guards as far as quickness and said. “I think there’s probably going some money there and make a living, if “If he’s a first or second alternate, 1 his clients. and hopefully that’II be true capabilities.” to have to be a compromise, at least I have to,” Logan said. would say he’s a lock to go [to Chi- with David,” Sturgeon said. “Time will The U of I men’s basketball head initially.” Logan came into the tournament cago],” Sturgeon said. “My feeling is tell.” DAVID LOGAN EDITORIAL NBA scouts: Check your Div. I1 bias at the door many good players here.” Lucas Klipsch So it would seem, no matter what he Editor-in-Chief does, Logan is destined for the rocky road to success. Though he may be everything that U of I students read/ hear about when it comes to basketball, most people in Indianapolis outside At six-foot-nothing and 170 pounds of campus couldn’t pick him out of a (when he’s wet and wearing boots), lineup. He’s received minimal national the University of Indianapolis’ David media attention, and an embarrassing Logan is just what the NBA does not lack of coverage from our “paper of need.. .another, score-first shooting record,” the lndianupolis Star. Ford guard trapped in a point guard’s body. mentioned him in a story, saying: But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t de- “There’s no question Logan can score, serve a fair shot. but is he a point guard?” immediately Logan has proven he can excel after praising him for doing a good job at the NCAA I1 level. He is U of 1’s “finding his teammates.” Beyond that, all-time leading scorer, the Daktron- an occasional microscopic blurb in the ics Player of the Year, the Division I1 Star and the stories we at The ReJEector Bulletin Player of the Year and the Bas- run, Logan has been virtually ignored. ketball Writers Association Division I1 And it’s a shame, too. Logan chose Co-Player of the Year. Why then, has to go to school here, and we’re grate- he not received more attention from ful to him for that. He could have gone all NBA scouts? It probably has something somewhere else, or he could have summer, to do with that pesky D-I1 tag he’s been transferred, or he could have left to wearing for the last four years. play professionally in Europe or in the Since 2000, only two Division NBDL. But he didn’t. He stayed, and I1 players, Ronald “Flip” Murray he played, and he cared, or for all we (Shaw University, 2002) and Da- know, he cared, and he led his team. vid Young (North Carolina Central It’s always been Logan’s dream to play professionally. Why then, did he No University, 2004) have been drafted. sweat, Both were taken in the second round, stay here? Everyone knows that D-II which means they weren’t guaranteed schools are notoriously overlooked. He No sweat in the budget department at least. Because Bally Total Fitnesw contracts, and only Murray remains could have gone to a mid-major school has a special summer program for college students that let’s you on an NBA roster today (The Seattle close to home like Butler, Indiana St. or Supersonics). However, since 2000, 18 Valparaiso and played just as well. He work out at any club coast-to-coast all summer for just $1 56*. players were drafted out of high school could have even gone to a large school and six players were drafted out of in a big conference, like The Big Ten, It’s good from May through August for anyone 18-23 with a student ID. community/junior colleges. Of those 24 and if he earned himself a starting spot, virtually unproven and inexperienced he could have played well enough to And better yet, come September you can renew for only $39 per month* players, 19 remain on NBA rosters. So, turn some heads by his senior season. and use any Bally Total Fitness near you. despite averaging 28.6 points, 5 assists, But he didn’t. He played here. He was 4.4 rebounds and 2 steals per game this committed to our program, he loved So the only thing you’ll have to sweat next year is your course load. season, history is not on Logan’s side. playing basketball and he was comfort- Still, he’s doing what he can to im- able here. So he stayed. And we can’t prove his stock. He participated in the thank him enough. Portsmouth Invitational Tournament But after all that commitment, and Trade in your homework (PIT) in Virginia. PIT is supposedly a all that hard work, Logan is being pre-draft camp for all of the top college insulted by the scouts who refuse to for a workout, seniors in the country, but none of the even take notes on him, but he t+es “top-rated seniors” showed up. Play- it lightly, and keeps on competing. ers like North Carolina State’s Julius But what is he competing for? What’s only.$1 56 for the entire summer! Hodge, Oklahoma State’s the point, if they’re not even going to and probable lottery selection, New glance his way? Mexico’s all skipped Here’s the point: Some of the best out on Portsmouth. In fact, the most players in the NBA were undrafted. notable player there was Cincinnati’s If Logan doesn’t make it in the draft, Jason Maxiel, who dominated as well all his hard work could still pay off. as a 6’5 power forward can. But it was Two-time Defensive Player of the Year Logan who had something to prove. and perennial rebounding monster Ben He was the only Division I1 player who Wallace of the wasn’t played at Portsmouth, and he played drafted. Former Pacer and current very well. He finished fifth in scor- Sacramento Kings’ All-star Brad Miller ing (18.6 ppg), and first in three-point wasn’t drafted. 2004-05 Sixth Man of percentage (47.6%) and took his team the Year candidate, Earl Boykins of to the championship game. He was Denver wasn’t drafted. Los Angeles then named to the All-PIT Team, with Lakers’ starting point guard Chucky the camp’s other top performers. What Atkins wasn’t drafted. The list goes on does this all mean? Apparently nothing. and on. In an ESPN.com article by NBA No matter what David Logan does draft analyst Chad Ford, one scout was to improve his stock henceforth, he’s Call lm800.FITNESS@or online asked about North Carolina forward always going to have a special place Jackie Manual, who was one of two in the hearts of Greyhounds basketball at ballyfiiness.com for the location nearest you, Tarheels invited to Portsmouth. After fans. If he doesn’t make it in the NBA, Manual scored an impressive 22 points it won’t be because he lacks the talent in one game, the scout said: “This just or the potential. By the way, being a goes to show you how diluted the talent six-foot-nothing, 170 pound score- *Ava~labfeai all U.S hlty Tolai Fitness ImtKnls between May 1 and &gust 31,2005 Membership exefudes usage of Execuhn club in B(oomlield Htfls MI Membership fee of$156 tor a is here. Most of these guys wouldn’t be first shooting guard trapped in a point P%mk/All Club rnembershlp can be pard m full or finawed Madown payment Of $39,0% APR and three monthly payments of $39 EFT only Retima1dues sb~tctto increase Wrrttefi nofice m$@d to wwd mwcrl Opeon. Sons re&i@cm apply Add&onal charges lor swne Serwces Use membership type ‘STUDENT AU CLUB ‘ Must be between the ages of 18-23 and the 10th man on North Carolina. That’s guard’s body isn’t always such a bad have a .id wllege &lent La to qualify For student mmbe~sh~pWing at Bally Sports Clubs is $236 (S59 down, $59 per month, OQIOPPR.renews a SS9fmth), Executrve club in Bloomfield what Jackie proved - there just aren’t thing. Ever heard of Allen Iverson? Hills club IS$200($50 dowo, $50 per mfh,0% APR, renews at $SQlmanUi) See sales staff fw membership typesldub usage amlab!e when purchased at Kxtse ICWons eJ2005Bdly Totai Fitness cwp. APRIL27,2005 FEATURE THE REFLECTOR PAGE6

W PROFESSOR’S RETIREMENT English Professor retires after 33 years at U of I Charlotte Templin’s career is filled with respect from colleagues and students

In addition to teaching, Templin has articles that were started but never for social get-togethers. Amy Remsburg actively pursued her own academic in- finished. She also is contemplating Templin also was chosen to repre- Guest Writer terests. She wrote the book “Feminism writing another book. However, unlike sent the faculty when President Jerry and the Politics of Literary Reputa- her first book, she may write something Israel first arrived at U of I. Toni Mor- tion: The Example of Erica Jong” in outside the academic environment. ris, the chair of the English Depart- 1995 and edited “Conversations with “Books fill up your life, but they’re ment, remembers that “she [Templin] Erica Jong” in 2002. She has numer- very fulfilling and worthwhile,” Tem- spoke eloquently and yet interjected ous interviews and articles published. plin said. Unfortunately, Templin won’t some of the humor she is famous for.” She also has presented papers for many discuss the topic of the tentative book While respected by her peers, different academic groups including the until she has developed her ideas more. Templin also is respected and admired National Women’s Studies Association, Following a recent trip to China by her students. Marshall said that “she the Modern Language Association, and over spring break, Templin is also [Templin] always puts students ahead the American Language Association. considering teaching abroad. She sees of personal preference.” Scott Riggle, Templin is unsure of what retire- the need for English teachers in China alumnus, won an award from the Ath- After 33 years of teaching at the ment will hold for her. and feels that the exoerience would be letic Department for superior academic University of Indianapolis, Charlotte “It seems like at a certain age, you interesting. performance by an athlete. He wanted Photo by Luke Thornberry Templin has decide8 to enter a new just have to walk through that door and Jennifer Drake, associate professor Templin to present his award during Charlotte Templin, a professor phase in her life: retirement. Templin, find out what life is like on the other of English and the most recent faculty half-time at a home football game. in the English Department, a professor in the English Depart- side,” Templin said. addition to the English Department in “Now, a football game is the last is retiring at the end of this ment, has traditionally taught English She is looking forward to all the ac- 2004, was pleasantly surprised when place I imagine Charlotte would prefer academic year. Composition, Western World Litera- tivities that she will have more time for Templin returned from China. to spend a fall afternoon, but no matter, ture, Honors Literature, Novel I and 11, when she retires. Already active in the “She came back from her trip with a student had asked her to march out English Literature and various women community, she plans to devote more some beautiful silk scarves and asked on a football field and so she did,” Mar- writers courses. A fan of comedy, she time to community groups, particularly me to choose one I liked for myself. shall said. away from U of I for a while. will be teaching her last class, Comedy Amnesty International and the Com- I thought this was very sweet, very Current and former students have “1 think she’ll probably travel more and Humor in Literature and Culture munity Faith and Labor Coalition. She generous.. .and I love the scarf!” Drake been speculating on what Templin will when she retires. She’s always telling with Richard Marshall during spring is currently focused on promoting the said. do once she leaves the university. Ju- my class about interesting places she’s term. living wage in Indianapolis. Members ofthe English Department nior Deirdre Baskin, a former English visited, so I think she wants to do more After completing her bachelors “Community activism is an im- consider Templin kind and generous. At literature student, thinks Templin will of that,” Bower said. degree at the University of Minnesota, portant and very meaningful thing,” the recent English Department annual have a very relaxing retirement. Regardless of what Templin decides Templin earned her Master’s Degree Templin said. party and awards reception, Rick Mar- “She loves nature, so she’ll prob- to do, she will remain busy. and Ph.D. in English at Indiana Univer- Aside from helping the community, shall, associate professor of English ably be sitting in a field of wildflowers “Most people who retire probably sity. Templin began her career at U of I Templin would like to get back to some and director of the Writing Lab shared reading books all day,” Baskin said. want to sit around in a chair all day,” in 197 1. She was the chair of the Eng- of her own academic projects. She stories about how Templin regularly Sophomore Karen Bower, a Novel I Templin said. “But I don’t want to do lish Department from 1976 to 1997. would like to comdete various research invited professors to come to her house student, thinks Templin will spend time that.” NEED A SUMMER JOB? POETRY CONTEST WINNER NEED A BETTER JOB? Student writer wins poetry contest Daugherty 9 s 66In Response to Dali’s Rose” places first Excellent Starting Pay for the day, or at least for a couple of Earnest.” ~~ ~ htco/Vector will be on campus accepting applications for entr: Sarah Clough hours.” “Lately I’ve been writing a lot. But level customer sales and service positions Distribution Manager Daugherty has been writing poetry unfortunately, it’s all been papers,” since starting high school and has Daugherty said. This semester he is continued writing poetry throughout his taking three literature courses. Daugh- college career. erty is also student teaching at Franklin DATE: April 14th & 28th “Most of the poems I’m proud of Central. aren’t about anything specific. I think “I have plenty to write about, but TIME: 10-2 porno when I write about something specific after all my other work my mind is it makes them pretentious and too obvi- exhausted,” Daugherty said. ous. I like to write about general ideas “Writing is his passion,” Puckett WHERE: Student Center just below the surface,” Daugherty said, “but with his teaching and school said. work, he doesn’t have a lot of time.”

Pi 9‘: (across from cafeteria) He works as an editor for “Etch- In addition, Daugherty is also a long I Josh Daugherty, a junior at the Uni- ings,” the U of 1 literary magazine, and distance runner for the Greyhounds’ versity of Indianapolis, is becoming an has had several of his poems published men’s track team, participating in the established poet and writer. He recently in the most recent issue, which came 1,500 meter run and the 5,000 meter IF UNABLE TO APPLY IN PERSON CALL OUR won the Lucy Munro Brooker prize for out last week. The issue also contains run. first place in this year’s Poetry Contest one of his favorite pieces of his own After he graduates next year, INDIANAPOLIS OFFICE AT with his entry “In Response to Dali’s work, an untitled entry. Daugherty hopes to teach English to Rose.” Daugherty has set himself apart in high school students. “You have to The first place prize not only honors the university’s poetry contest by tak- teach them to write, otherwise you South lndy 3 17-243-8073 the students for their work, but also ing second place with one of his entries don’t have a job,” Daugherty said, “But comes with a cash prize of $1 10 which during his sophomore year. I want to impact them to enjoy it and North lndy 3 17-253-2734 Daugherty was happy to receive. “He’s good,” said another poetry write meaningfully.” Daugherty drew some of his inspira- contestant Levi Hannah, a senior. “He’s Daugherty constantly tries to expand tion for this poem from Salvador Dali’s the only one who had won anything last on his writing skills. “I try some weird PTW OTRWSLP’s painting The Rose. Daugherty felt that year and still won an award this year. stuff with my writing,” Daugherty said. it was ironic that this poem should win His poem was well written and had “Sometimes it works, sometimes it because it didn’t best display his writ- great imagery, he deserved to win.” doesn’t.” ing style. Daugherty ’s poems have received One of the things thst Daugherty Looking for Pediatric Therapists to work with “I wrote ‘In response to Dali’s Rose’ plenty of praise from other students. does to make his writing more creative children in an El Prog. &/or Clinic setting. several months ago, when I was feeling “His poems have an edge because is to write down numerous different good about something,” Daugherty they’re raw with emotion.” said Tony words he hears or uses throughout the These positions allow flex scheduling. said. “This poem doesn’t have the same Puckett, a sophmore. Puckett and day that he likes. At the end of the day edge as my other work. It’s more posi- Daugherty are roommates. he compiles them into a poem. tive and romantic. The thing that dis- Daugherty displays his writing “The most fun I have when writing tinguishes most of my writing from the skills in his other works as well. This poetry is when I finish something and 317-570-9205 (ph) or 317-570-9206 (f) writing of others is that I really, really year, he placed second in the literary then come back to it and I’m happy I essay contest sponsored by the English with my work,” Daugherty said. “But try to avoid clichts. There’s an edge to what I write, nothing’s artificial. And if Department for his analysis of Oscar you have to try different things to find SUMMER CAMP NOW HIRING: I think it is becoming clicht, I just stop Wilde’s play “The Importance of Being out what works.” Male & Female Counselors, Lifeguards, Dishwashers, Moutain Bike Instructor, Nature Instructor, Canoe Instructor, Kayak Instructor, High Ropes Instructor, Farm & Garden Instructor, Campout Assistants, CampstorelSnack Attendent, Horseback Riding Instructor, Arts & Crafts Instructor - For 9 weeks live on site camp in Nashville, Indiana - Training will be provided on site - For more infomation and application contact Happy Hollow Children’s Camp at 81 2-988-4900 or hhci r @ aol .com

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THEATRE PRODUCTION Theatre majors perform student directed productions

emotionally, thing I have ever had to got under my skin. It haunted me and Becky Nakasone do and the experience was more than hid in the corner of my mind-just sat Staff Writer worth it.” there. I knew I would have to direct this In order for a senior to be involved show,” she said. in directing a play, he or she has to Neither one knows what they are submit a proposal letter. Then they going to do after graduation. “I might have to submit a formal proposal which stick with theatre or I might not. It’s includes what show he or she is plan- really up in the air at this point,” Ger- ning, what he or she wants to do with ber said. Every year the theatre department the show, and what kinds of things it “1 would love to direct, but it isn’t gives drama majors the opportunity to would require. Gerber said that this as easy as that, of course. 1 am just get involved in student directed produc- year the faculty decided to make these going to see what happens,” Wagoner tions. Senior Emily Gerber is directing productions senior projects. said. “Vanities” by Jack Heifner, and Senior Gerber chose to do “Vanities” The shows will be every Thursday, Sara Wagoner is directing ‘‘Sticks and because she loved it when she read it in Friday, Saturday and Sunday between Bones” by David Rabe. her directing class last year. “This play April 21 and 24. General admis- “Vanities” is a play about the lives reminded me SO much of growing up in sion tickets are $7 for the public and of three friends going from high school a small town and how friends relate to discounts are available for students, to college. “Eventually they grow apart each other,’.’ she said. seniors and groups. All University and four years after college they have Wagoner also chose a play that she students, faculty and staff get into the a reunion and it’s n9t all that they had had read in a previous class. “It just shows for free. imagined it would be,” Gerber said. She said that putting this show together was somewhat difficult, but the cast is doing a great job. “We had rehearsal almost every night and my actresses worked hard on becoming their characters. I chose the best cast possible and they are doing an amazing OOK REVIEW job,” Gerber said. Bones”According is about to a Wagoner, family that “Sticks lives anda How to retire rich and live large perfect life until the oldest son comes automatically you don’t have to wony home from the Vietnam War blind. Craig Haupert “The ironic thing about this show is about sticking to your budget, it does it Erztertoninnirnt Editor for you. I haven’t tried the program, but that even though he is blind, he seems to be the only one that can see reality,” ideologically it should work and Bach talks about people in the book that have she said. “The show is the journey this David Bach’s book, “Automatic successfully used the system. family takes and the battles they go Millionaire a Powerful One-Step Plan Bach relates ways to live without through to hold on to what they always to Live and Finish Rich,” is a fast the certain percentage taken out of thought to be right.” paced, straightforward and compre- each paycheck. One of them invloves Wagoner said that this show was on cutting out your “latte factors,” a.k.a. very challenging to put together but she hendable 256 page stategy guide how to create a sound financial future. the relatively small amohnts of money would do it all again if she was given The title says one-step. and while you spend every day on coffee or the opportunity to do so. “I think that photo by Luke Thornberry that is somewhat true, Bach lays out cigarettes. These things add up to large this is one the most amazing things of I several more steps as well. At the the have ever experienced in my life,” she Kyle Baker, senior and Delia Neylon act out an argument amounts of money in the long run. heart of the book is a system where, as Bach says if you start this program said. “It is a feeling I can’t describe. during a student directed production. Bach puts it, you “pay yourself first.” in At the same time this show was the your mid-twenties you end up retir- Pay yourself first simply means set- ing with a large sum of money before most draining, physically, mentally and ting-. up a -plan with your bank where a you turn 60 and the sooner you start, certain percentage of each paycheck the quicker you get rich, is taken out automatically, (hence The best part about the book, other automatic in the book title) and put into than the knowledge you gain from it, is a pre-tax individual retirement account how easy it is to read. I read the book (IRA) where it compounds interest. from start to finish in a little over two The idea is simple. It forces you hours and it stayed fresh throughout. to save. Bach says that budgets never Anyone who wants to live a comfort- work becuase people just can’t stick to able life after they retire should read them, but when you take out the money this book.



CRUM REALTY CALL 253-7052 FINALS WEEK Ways to beat those finals blues

dents good ideas for overcoming stress Valerie Miller and anxiety, campus groups are also Managing Editor helping by offering students activities during study breaks. One such activity is the Midnight Breakfast, hosted by Campus Program Board (CPB) and Finals week is often a stressful time Polk Food Service. According to Eric for students. The semester is quickly Raider, president of CPB, the food at When; coming to an end, and for many, the breakfast is donated by Ted Polk 3, May 2005 finals represent the final hurdle before at no cost to students. Members of the Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. summer break. Although the time is faculty, staff, and administration help sahaday IO am.- 5 p.m. / Sunday I p.m. - 5 p.m. stressful, people in the campus com- to serve the breakfast to the 500-700 munity are doing things to help relieve students in attendance. the tension. “We, CPB and PFS, just want to M!h% Residence halls enforce quiet hours give the students something to look Kemeland Crest Apartments during finals week so students have forward to during finals week,” Raider the silent environment often needed to said. “It is an easy way to take a break study. The student health center has a and come over in your pajamas and variety of pamphlets that offer advice have Dr. Israel to serve you biscuits on how to avoid procrastination, how to and gravy or have Hash brown Willy get the most out of sleep, how to man- whip up some of her famous hash age time effectively, how to overcome browns. We all just want to give the test anxiety, and how to make stress students a way to still have fun and MY,May 5 work to a student’s advantage. study for finals all at the same time.” Cide Mayo -chips and salsa in the office According to the pamphlet, “Mak- According to Raider, the Resi- ing Stress Work for You” published by dence Hall Association sponsors prize ETR Associates, some stress is good. giveaways before the breakfast. The 3, “A certain amount of stress enables you breakfast will take place on Monday, to meet the day’s challenges.. .The key May 2 at 11 59 p.m. in the dining hall is to adapt to changes and figure out of Schwitzer Student Center. how to deal with the stresses of life.” “There is a lot of effort in all of The pamphlet also lists tips to help stu- those who help to make Midnight dents overcome stress, such as making Breakfast successful, and we really a to-do list, or asking for help if they just want the students to come out and are overwhelmed. enjoy themselves,” Raider said. Another pamphlet available in the Along with the activities, faculty health center offers advice for over- members offer advice to students to coming test anxiety. The pamphlet, help them prepare for finals. entitled “Test Anxiety” and published “Definitely get good rest. Eat a by the University of Illinois at Urbana- healthy, balanced diet and don’t overdo Champaign Counseling center, de- it on sugar and caffeine,” said Sondra Wedmsday, May 25 scribes two types of anxiety associated Hayes, professor of modern languages. * IhnoLbeGnunpyDay with test-taking, and urges students to “Start studying early.” prepare adequately and make sure to Although finals week is a major Friday, May 27 take care of themselves by eating right source of stress for most college stu- Pod and Hot Tub Opens and getting enough sleep in order to dents, there are ways to effectively deal avoid test anxiety. with it, and students should find what works best for them. satrrrday, May 28 While the pamphlets may give stu- Triple Ice Cream Scoop Day SUMMER WORK Great Pay

diate Openings, start now or after finals, r sales/svc, no exp. nec., conditions apply, all ages 17+

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