HSBC_brasil_applnote.qxd:- 05-03-2010 09:38 Page 1

HSBC Brasil, Brazil Barco’s visualization solution raises operating efficiencies by 20 to 30%

“Within the first months already, HSBC Bank Brasil raised its oper- ating efficiency by 20 to 30%. We expect to achieve full return on investment within two years’ “time.” Gunther Lamers, Head of the Data Center, HSBC Bank Brasil

” In June 2009, the Brazilian magazine Executivos Financeiros applauded the brand-new Command Center of HSBC Bank Brasil with the prestigious e-finance 2009 Award. The new Center is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including Barco displays, to ensure the 24/7 uptime of HSBC’s financial services and, consequently, enhance customer services. “Its equipment and IT infrastructure make HSBC Bank Brasil a trendsetter for Latin America’s banking sector”, according to Executivos Financeiros.

For HSBC, the e-finance 2009 Award underlines its commitment to meeting its ambitious mission of “ensuring excellence in the delivery of financial products and services, thus maximizing value for customers and shareholders”. HSBC_brasil_applnote.qxd:- 05-03-2010 09:38 Page 2

HSBC Bank Brasil, which is part of the worldwide HSBC banking and financial services group, is active in 562 Brazilian cities with 890 branches, and ranks amongst the ten biggest in Brazil. To ensure 24/7 availability of all its products and services, HSBC Bank Brasil single Command Center would foster synergy and integration between the monitors all its IT resources from its new cooperation and, consequently, improve operational teams and, consequently, Command Center, which opened in June customer services. And an extra Barco response times,” Joly continued. 2009. A cutting-edge Barco system has video wall, which could be seamlessly helped the bank to raise efficiency and integrated into the existing one, would significantly improve decision-making. perfectly support our teams in their job,” Optimal customer satisfaction said Lamers. HSBC now manages all its IT resources “In fact we opened our first control and operations much better, thus meet- room, an operational control room, in ing the main goal of the new Command 2005,” recalled Gunther Lamers, head of Great Barco support Center. Within the first few months the Data Center, “to ensure the quality It took about two months to dismount already, the bank raised its operating and uptime of our services. At the room, the existing video wall in the old control efficiency by 20 to 30%. The increased all sources of data relating to the bank’s room, reinstall it in the new Command insight into possible risks helps raise operations were monitored and visual- Center and set up the new wall, which customer satisfaction and avoid the risk ized on a Barco video wall consisting of is composed of 12 (6x2) 50’’ rear-projec- of lawsuits. Lamers illustrated this with eight cubes of 50’’ rear-projection mod- tion modules with built-in DLP technolo- an example: “In the past, if the cus- ules.” The decision to install a Barco gy. “The Barco team was very coopera- tomer had a problem making a pay- wall, had been instilled by the HSBC tive throughout the installation and ment with his debit card, he would have headquarters. Lamers: “Our colleagues stretched every nerve to get the project to call HSBC and open a service order. in London had been using Barco video done in time,” said Silvio Joly, Project The Data Center would only be alerted walls for some time and were most sat- Manager. “Even today, now that the after a few complaints and then seek a isfied with the high quality of both the solution is up and running, we can ring solution. Today, warnings are automati- Barco products and services. So we them up, any time, and ask for help.” cally forwarded to system analysts, who decided to team up with the market review them and solve the issues by leader too.” prompt action.” Fast and effective decision-making HSBC’s Command Center currently fea- A high degree of integration tures two video walls – plus four 42’’ ROI in two years HSBC Bank Brasil’s Technology and Serv- plasma TVs -, where 78 operators moni- “Barco helps us to create a world-class ices department was indeed delighted tor and manage all IT resources, includ- financial and operational infrastructure, with the ease-of-use and outstanding ing telecommunications networks, which allows us to achieve our mission picture quality of the Barco video wall. mainframe environments, the distrib- of providing excellent financial services The bank therefore decided to go for uted environment, job scheduling, the to our customers. In addition, the new more Barco when the Command Center website and any other IT and opera- Command Center boosts the satisfaction came up for review in 2008. “Until then, tional-relevant information. “By visualiz- and productivity of our staff, which is our monitoring teams had been working ing and monitoring all operations, our equally important to an ambitious bank in two separate environments – busi- decision-making process has greatly like HSBC. Taking into account all the ness and IT–, each one taking care of improved, thereby cutting costs in the advantages of the new Command Cen- their part but without a helicopter view medium and long terms. In addition, the ter, we expect to achieve full return on of the whole. We were confident that new Command Center is also smaller investment within two years’ time,” centralization and consolidation in one than it used to be, which fosters the Lamers concluded.

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