• Pagel Kjclden Cundiff December 28, 2009 I O £f "*! Spring Hill, FL 34608 3 * 3 omO

December 28, 2009

Federal Election Commission qr Office of the General Counsel O 999ESiicet,NW co Washington, DC 20463

O Dear Sir or Madam: O fH lamwritingtoyoutomfixmymiofcampai^ participate in by my former employer Charles Christopher Brennan a resident of , NV. At the time of the request made by Charies Breniian to me IQeklenCimdifif to violate campaign election law I held an executive position titled National Director of Compliance company Dollar Loan Center, LLC of which he was the majority owner. On October 21*, 2008 1 received an email from our company president Bruce Cooey notifying me that a politician running fix* a congrtssional seat m me State of named Jon Porter would be visiting one of our stores in Las Vegas as well as our corporate office in Las Vegas where I winked from. This was not unusual as politicians have touted ow offices before and ft was my responsibility to make sure that the general appearance of the office and staff was clean and organized. At approximately 5pm on October 21* 2008 I received a call from Mir. Charles Brennan asking me to have horn myself and my wife write out checks from our persond bank accounts made payable to Jon Porter for Congress in the amount of $2300.00 (Two thousand three hundred doUan and no cents) and to bring the personal checks to the office with me the following morning. Charles Biennan then saki thai he would give me cash msa^ the checks to put back into our personal bank accounts. Mr. Brennan then added mat Us mom and dad and a bunch of other people were doing h as wsU. I wfisbom puzzled by the request and speechless as Charles fireman abruptly ended the call The nature of me request seemed to be somewhat "fishy" to me so 1 imrnedirtely consulted with a confidant about the request and asked for his advW and whether he thou^ tins was legal He said he warn' t sure and gave me no furthff • Page2 December 28, 2009 I called Charles Brennan back on my work issued cell phone | to his cell phone number | at approximatdy5:30pmPST on that SBHM day October told him that I was not comfortable in piirtidpating in his request because I thought it sc^n^ illegal because ifh wasn't I had access to company operating account checks and could write a check from the company account Mr. Brennan made it clear that he was aware at that point that there was a maximum amount "•* could be donated by an individual and tf"* writing a check from the Dollar Loan Center operating account was not an option. Charles Brennan then proceeded to say in a harsh and angry tone; "you're a fucking faggot, I'll just get sccieoooVelsetodoirandthenhiingupniephcfieonme. LSI The entire incident was extremely upsetting to me foe a number of obvious reasons. I went O home that evening and wrote out a memo detailing everything that had occurred hi case I 9 would somehow be terminated by Charles Brennan for not participating in the requested % inactivity.

I also noted that the company president of Dollar Loan Center, LLC Brace Gooey and his spouse Carla Gooey also contributed the maxinuim of $2300.00 each to never having donated to a congressional race previously in their lifetimes and even more suspiciously that they donated to a campaign in the State of Nevada despite being residents of South Dakota. Tins donation also was made cohicklentaMyodyafewdaysangtheiBQuest byChariesBnainanibrniyvvifeandItoactasMstrawd I al«« noted that Charles Hfrwt*" jQqo gave the maximum individual contribution of $2300.00 to the campaign fund of Jon Porter. O O I am attaching prhtt outs ftom the FEC webste O above. I have no further proof of the allegations but hcpe that a thoroiigh investigation vvill unveil the truth. No doubt Mr. Brennan will deny the allegations O)itBinedmmycx)niplairtbutareviewoftfac o phone records for the stated date of October 21, 2008 vvm support my daims of when the calls o OCCUllCu. I would appreciate that you take this request to conduct a full investigation seriously as Charles Brennan is only emboldened to commit other illegal activity so long as activities like

I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the and the State of Florida that the foregoing is true and oon«c* to the best tf my knowledge. DATED this _$9_day of December, 2009.



IOD 516336 Campaign Finance Law 2002: CHART 2-B: CONTRIBUTION AND SUL1UI AiiUN... rage 101 IH



12/28^009 Campaign Finance Law 2002: CHART 2-B: CONTK1BU11UN AMUMJUUIAIIUIM.M rqp i




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/pubfec/cf^^ 12/28/2009 Filing a Complaint Brochure rage 1010



Campaign Finance Repqrta end Data Meeting* and o Hearing* O enforcement • Cemalahm early Haga* O Matter* oo Help with Reporting

mKMVetete O Early • •. o t •

VeMee (Piufcabla CBUM to Believe) • Complamaafi • VlaeeAflb«»aBeMflI Illltil I •fllWi f •'•RJAeWf^ijpTlMffllj /

Introduction TIM FaoaiaJ EMCtton Thtobrachm now to Mi • CMnpMnt wUi tfw

I. Filing a Complaint

•W knA* •> O•r ^>Wa k^H^>^DMW^ • >AJ^MmVMBDO>n ^•!•W O1«V r«J IW6I» W•! Blertlon Cwnpilgn LpmorOomnilnlon ragutatbivhMoocuiMdorliflbQUIto occur. T!M cofi^liM (NMt ta n^di In wrfdnQ wid tent to the OMn of OfiMral

a ProvUethaMntmaand ofttw

^VW VnWV^^^B Vy V^B («KhM<

ler • complaint to ba conaMarad nd praptr, ft .1 .«..••

12/27/2009 Filing a Complaint Brochure rage i> 01 o

under tht

BUPPOHIHJ ttW pwwn who IMS IM ooin|Mlnt) pcnonri knowMdQC MM DMN •houU UcnUfy UM MMCB of HM IMMHMHMI« •), of UM vtoMlonfs), o conMlon iwdMton of VM

IDMldoBf If MMf MVJ tnVMttpODIM, ttM WOttttMl fOF MOB) MfTOUndMM.

TiMGMIMWOlMI MJOkl to InGMMM DM IHMIOM' Of MffMVJpMIMl Mb «p idtj\aibnuMriLtll tht Ig^ ^^i-, Q thanttMM Jl » moBM» MMng byottior moim, oudi o> threugh i j,j. ttM GMMIMMM» own IOJWMV of upoitBi In oMtHi chOMMtMio OofiwwjHon iwoy ONWMJMJMMHOB who vowntMByropotTOMiri

lOOMM HM CMMIMJMMIHMMMOIMBM0MIW) WMMMTOIMBj H ^ raoutattont.3 O O Hi II. Complaints Early Stages

• Receipt of Gomplaiiit

Mttfloi tho MMvoj crtMrio fcr • prapor comptokiL VthooMiMWntdooinot RMOt ttMM fMJUlfMHMMJf OQC IMOnOf ttM OOnMUfelMMj Of thO I

(MUM) nmbOTf OCklMWlOBlBM) IWOOlpt Of ttM OMMBMMt Mid MJbflM ttM ^^^^.^J^^^^I^A •ftk^A fth^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^_ ^^^B ^i^^^A\« ft^^M ^^ A^^B M^^^M AA^k QMnDWrnHinC HHK VM WDIIMMBJIOn WM IMB*y IWn Or IWJT WIMH VM fojonfod. IMl «MIV ttM CDBjMNMJton to lOjQukwJ by tow to hup R§ iwjOfdlnQ tnoNUR

oopy of HM oMnpHMk MM loMKrtpHon of HM( I to itaniSyKiMMitfMrtovV}, 8>M * conMMbMnt hn is tfoyi to oonojct HM oonMUNL tfttaiCMni MM fOJnJMJ OnOOMOMjMM^ OMfMJpMMMWO) OM1CO OODyOi OM OMMDMttC MM OJ QlWMI ISOlW/OIOOUOIMtO IMMMMJ to OM CO

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http^AvwwJx.gov^page8/brocfaurea/oot^ * 12/27/2009 filing a (Jomplaint brocmire r»$s j ui u

III. Commission Action

Alter VM I5*doy rwponM ported hoi objocvM cribjrto opprovoo by VM ConiiMMlon unoor Mi onrarconMnt priority • OMMMnoo 01 VM Onloi of CompMhibi VM AMornolliw DIopiAi P^ooluvonOfllooortlM AdniMotrottvoHno ftognwii R OMMMnODon on ooMjMd to oliDfiMyi 01 VM nv^^Ai iMrranBJi^^^^H^^iA^^ip^ VAA^MA A^^I^^iwwoMr m^^!••m ti ~

w M •HOflMyf VM wWMnl OBUfMBl oo OfHoboutte r^j I HMN8 Enol IwloV ^r *v DM OMmMMIOMn ODnPlOM'llM O pubBenHonlondVM O r«i In VM inlHol otopj Ruowino octiono!

.biJttondanodfflonWimorAMfeir.or • HndnorMMntol

tf ttM CBHinlMlOn MOMM VMfV IS ilO fMMn tO bOlMMr • VlOMttOn IMS oooumoorflMMH^H^Mlm m ^MO to ^BIMW 10^ f>VBGurnh d^MM^ m^^i mpook ^^^mmm-^ &••^ ^oruiccMpjvoonM ^^ *^^ ^i^^^A^M% o^r vin^^ 1e0 Ak^ i to doMd and HM porttai fewolvod Df on BM OVMT iMndf VM OBnMMMlon •ndo VMI VMTO • rVMon to b«N¥t* ttM i«yond»i< hMi MBMBK! or l§ about to rtetott VM im, VM Ooniniliilon nMy oBMr opon M InvoMfoMlon or ont i (ON "Eirtv Rtmutton or GwnpMnr botow).


•J_J-BH OIK juv ••• •^••f fl_f] ViVHMMM^VlMMVlJOMl ••Ml llflM%MMl (•••%

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ndont of VM oMjtofbjnJIy, |p pubnRiwfttonivjIyMidiiMy ntudo http-7/wvwJec.gov/pege^ ' 12/27/2009 Filing A Complaint Brochure rage i ut o

QUMUora (tor DM foopondonft to onowor. As put of Rs lnvciMQOtlon« UN GotTMiMMion my (HIM ofomi fOQuMtiQ swont witton ono foquMnQ • pofoon ID vMUfy or to pfoouco docjutiMnfto> If iwcomfy* DM MnNIMMOI4^B^_^_^^^A_I ^•MIIMUy MM^fRe •A ^U^^^^IOOOJOfI ^M^^^^ONTO^ ^^Hl^fwOWVt AWM ••H^^^^^^BMA InOfl^^^iM^ INUMA^C^^MI WO^^BO^ TnO BIVOlllQOllOH BUy OlOB InCMOO IOH BBHHOI ptOCOBUMBp HlOi (•) who nwy hovo bANimlloii uoiUiioiil to ttw oomplolnt. Tho InvoMlgotton

««pi«lmjhoriKtuol and w^BvHUftlMov^Mnl BoioMo^B vVov V1WV •• pMijoj^^M^V oocuvrad or It ibouk to hoi 15 doyi to Mo • reply brtoT oxptaMng tho o _ ffi pi Octobor iHNt/i DM GMMriojoon oMdo poftnonont • praojnMi undor which jyt lojpondonoj hi onfbicooMnt nMttoto noy IOQUOOI o hooting to pnMont otv r«i Such o hoortnp, HMy oo IOQUOOBOO oy DM tooponoont 01 MO or nor topo/ DIM» w-f_ M^MM^ ^m^mm RMjuo^K ^m IDmT A o Bv noonnMM^ka^ imj •A^MABBA opoMMj| pm^ on^ Bko ^V .^^-.^^I^^^-AAM looponoon^ .-n (- - o o

I ond DM iMpondoni, DM i to booiyoT (hot o vtototton hos oocwnjtf or to obout to 4uuo* (lour oMNvnottvo' rtqulred).10 B tht GamnoiUMi aodan thory lo «no | DM COM 01 dOOOB OfM DM DOftlOl OTO IMOlOBi VDMl thot Inert li^pfoboblQoouoBto f \ flor ot Moot M doy> tut iMt moro thon fO) to 1 prwont DM vMUUon ttvoupji Inlomol tiMthooiof ODncMottoni l»o»i oy ontotlnB into o wtton oondodoii ooraomont wMi DM nopondonL

DM •nmon ojiooiiioiii booBHMO oHodloo onco »lo oppioioil oy ttio voto of tour CboMnoMloiHni ond Hfnotf by Iho fojpondont ontf ffw OBfOonMrt Inoudoo o floocffpoon of DM MODI ontf DM 10* DM VMMDOMBy DM fOOpOIMOntf lOJblCflOlM OH lUDVOJ poymont or o (Ml ponoKy oy DM nMponoont Tno6ononNOBunooioonoio copy of DM olp^Mo oo^Ponont to wM tVponoont onOf whon DM cooo o) wRnki DM vO^doy ponoOf DM( m •

IV. Complainant's Recourse

Ml DM UJ. DMrftt COMtflO TD M oTttMdtomloBOt. 2 UJ,C,.|4J7oCoXS) (PDq.

V. Confidentiality • .*•> http;//www.fi^gov^aya/brochuresycompl^ T 12/27/2009 Piling a Complaint Brochure rage j 010

TO prates CM InUfOJtB Or tnOSO Involved kl 0 CONJIDlOlntt DM HIV fOQJUlfBB ttlot any CommUdon ocMon on o HUH bo hopt otrtctfy canMonM unol tht cut fc fooolvodi TncM provMono do noli however^ onvort o OMnpMnortt or

matton contained in the complolnt. 11 not to Mi or nor ripjtt to oofwUMHooty

i the PUDOC noo VM ifpjht to know tno outcome of any onfoiceniont OflMo end DM Onlce of Pubic Pjooofdo MDOJI SOdoyoofoarlno portfeo hwolvod


Kl r-i VI. Overview of Process and Applicable O Timeframes O


VII. For More Information

For mofo Howviioflon on now «o no o oompMnd con UM oinoo or contpmnci (nojuMoi ond ojuooHono conooralnB Bio ototuo of o oomplolntofiouldboi tothtPrmamco(20|/ff4-1220). oelhi

1 See 2 U.S,C. |437!o P«f] end U Q* m.

XI endttio< ooonnoDBm^^^^^^^M^^—n. ejooMra^^^L^^^^of B^^J ^L O^N _^^^_^ nonajo^i ^MA^^^oeonoK ^tofr I^ B0 1I

flaipj aa epoxai nay av¥ia)i HMpjaoipjci

'r 12/27/2009 ^ filing a UMnpiaim urocnure rage QUID

MBS DRMlyf VnMOMT DM GOfflDSJlnt WOS agendas njnciudHoj w Reports Analysis Division mo DM MUOS> DIMBOR or DM the undent* vtohJUons; md the type of CM»^llMt»tf« In place ^ tht bmg of ttw vUWloni Md MOM ciortioto ttwt wi IB ta MnplwMnMd to woU Mm

3 In April 2007, tfw FBC Inued • raicy Stitement regarding setf-reporttng of campaign finance vloUUom.

_ •_ f^^Mf^ 4Ai •i VI If I BUI

5 Many pott during DM cotnpMnt has DM i to takt no MOMracDonki a particular

6m March 2007, the FBC • PoRcy Statement regarding Commission KttOft^••jjfc-fcl H|AI manUrM^M^MMi M•! various acttons the O O 7hii to already known, DM ipropi (aae'Betotuttonof Complaint" _^__ notMlaitM tvapondantoTllM

8 In certain CNuanaDjncaay Hw INB takff MM InMaovB ID oner a O written prv-probabla CWH agn K to DM raapondant* O 9 CMc ham to view the procedural rule regarding Probable Cause Hearings.

li SM MvieaiY Opmtona 1994-32 and 1995-1.

a* NocfaT IP /•»>»• PM ay oraf cftmpt ar cwvaTa^V n^pMi ibr 0r M

(2ttSLC41fat«aU (7W» JJ of VM Codv 0//Mlft* Aopi*tfm&

fpop; 4a*; an) 994-1100

/w (/ NM-Act 111


pW^ 12^27/2009 FhU individual Contribution Search Ktsuits Fagelofl

Presented by the Federal Election Commission

Individual Contributions Arranged By Type, Giver, Then Recipient

Contributions to Political Committees O O oo COOEY,CARLA SIOUX FALLS, SD 57103

PORTER, JON CSR O VIA PORTER FOR CONGRESS O 10/27/2008 -2300.00 28993664345 KV27/2008 4600.00 28993664345 Total Contributions: 2300.00 TRY A: NOW QUERY RETURN TO: FEC HOME PAGE

ht^/quetyjiictuMLOOOi/cgi-bin/qind/ 12/27/2009 «MuvnMMu ixnutiuuuuufcMrfuv u IMMUUB fflK I OI I

Presented by the Federal Election ComminloB

Individual Contributions Arranged By Type, Giver, Then Recipient

Contributions to Political Committees o O BRENNAN,JUDI 00 LAS VEGAS, NV 89143 ™ DOLLAR LOAN CENTER/OWNER

O K)RTER,JONCSR O VIA PORTER FOR CONGRESS •H 10/23/2008 -2300.00 28993664341 10/23/2008 4600.00 28993664341 Total Contributions: 2300.00 TRY A: NEW Q VERY RETURN TO: FEC HOME PAGE


Presented by the Federal Election Commlfiion

Individual Contributions Arranged By Type, Giver, Then Recipient

-I Contributions to Political Committees o O BRENNAN, ROBERT <*> LAS VEGAS, NV 89143 ™ DOLLAR LOAN CENTER/OWNER O PORTER, JON GSR O VIA PORTER FOR CONGRESS <-< 10/23/2008 2300.00 28993664342 Total Contributions: 2300.00 TRY A: NEW QUERY RETURN TO: FEC HOME PAGE

12/27/2009 fB|J!C I OI I

Presented by the Federal Election Commission

Individual Contributions Arranged By Type, Giver, Then Recipient

Contributions to Political Committees © O BRENNAN, CHARLES LAS VEGAS, NV 89131 PORTER, JON CSR VIA PORTER FOR CONGRESS 12/15/2008 -2300.00 2999082S332 BRENNAN, CHARLES LAS VEGAS, NV 89131 DOLLAR LOAN CENTER/OWNER PORTER, JON GSR VIA PORTER FOR CONGRESS 10/21/2008 4600.00 28993664340 BRENNAN, CHARLES LAS VEGAS, NV 89131 DOLLAR LOAN CENTER/PRESIDENT HELLER. DEAN VIA HELLER FOR CONGRESS 06/29/2006 4200.00 26950255906 06/30/2006 -2100.00 26950255907 06/30/2006 2100.00 26950255907 06/29/2008 -2300.00 28991466472 0609/2008 2300.00 28991466472 0609/2008 4600.00 28991466472 Total Contributions: 11100.00 • TRY A: NEW QUERY RETURN TO: FEC HOME PAGE

bttp^/queiy Jiictusa.com/cgi-btii/qiiid/ -t 12/27/2009