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In this issue... ALL JAPAN CHAMPlIOM~ 1982 TRIALS 1982 PARIST , ' ~'- ~-.- JUDO,OLYMPIC AND JUDO,GREEN,BROWN ~:--- Rucanor NIPPON SUITS AND BLACK LABEL SUITS. '':"" AS WORN BY THE AS WORN BY THE sporting goods BRITISH WOMENS TEAM. BRITISH MENS TEAMS. ALSO KARATE GI'S. ALSO KARATE GI'S. JOGGERS BAGS ETC. CLUB SUITS TRACKSUITS MATS JUDO SUITS RED, WHITE, BLUE JUDO LTD. CLUB AND STARTING AT £6.60 OR NAVY & WHITE COMPETITION MATS SPECIAL DISCOUNT BY RUCANOR OLYMPIC S.A. MATS TO CLUBS, ALSO CLUB SUITS BY SPORT RHODE. ALSO KARATE SUITS DETAILS ON REQUEST SEND NOW! ImIW FOR .--":~1l=""~"«""'::""... Candem House, COMPLETE 717 Manchester Old CATALOGUE Rhodes, AND Middleton, Manchester M24 4G PRICE LIST .' SEND 30p Telephone: 061-653 1499 TO: LIMITED , © JUDO LTO 1981 All material published in JUDO Magazine is copyright and reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden except by written consent of Judo limited. tf:~"ib",;O",ood S,b"rip';o", '0 JUDD Id be addressed to the Editor and sent J Northfield Farm Road, Edinburgh EH8 ~-". ceontents BRITISH TRIALS Recently the Trials to select the British National Squads were held at Diary of Events .. .... .... ........ Page 4 Crystal Palace-and what a gruelling event it was for the participants, officials and spectators alike. I would now question the value of these All Japan Championships- Preview trials as a fair means of selecting players for the National Squads. I Pages 5/6 have already suggested that the British National Championships may be a better guide to selection. This would raise the standard of this event by ensuring that all the top players participated and it would 8ritish National Trials. ........ Pages 7/8/9 truly become a National Championships. Certainly the time has come to rethink the method of selecting the National Round and About ... .... ...... .. Page 10 Squads for the present method is blatantly unfair. In some categories, for example, the players may have as many as fifteen or more contests, win most Paris Tournament ........ .. Pages12to20 of them and still not win a Squad place, in others thay may have as few as three. lose them all, and win a Squad place. Is it fair that anyone should be on Paris 1981 .................... .. Page 21 the National Squads and not have won a contest in the Trials? There must be better and fairer ways and I am glad to hear some talk of a 'points system' being introduced. Frankly..... ... ........ .... .. Page 23 Maybe it is time that the whole system of National Squads be re-examined-at the very least let's have the Trials for Senior players and Judo Action Spot. ... .. .... .. Pages 24/25 young players on separate days. o"ing Elements .... .... Pages 26/27/2B PARIS MULTI-NATION TOURNAMENT This month we feature a large report on the Paris Multi-Nation Oson's Market Place. .... .... .. Page 30 Tournament. The British team were not invited to participate because. I believe, that the British Judo Association have failed to reciprocate, by not inviting France to participate in a similar competition. The good news is that the British Judo Association Management Committee have taken steps to correct this and July 1983 is the projected date ])m~ for the first of which I hope will become an annual event to which the top judo nations in the World will be invited. I am already excited by the prospect of seeing teams like Japan, France and the Soviet Union coming to Great Britain. JUDO is published by Judo limited, Publications Division, 28/7 Dumbryden Tickets I expect will be on sale later this year and if I were you I would Gardens, Wester Hailes, Edinburgh purchase them as soon as they are available as the event can only be a great EH14 2NN, Scotland. Head Office: Candem House, 717 Manchester Old success and a total sell out. Road, Rhodes, Middleton, Manchester M244JF. Editor: Colin Mciver. ARMLOCKS AND STRANGLES FOR JUNIORS Regular Comtspondents: John Beard, The biggest disappointment about the whole question of whether or not Frank Smith, Gaoff Gleeson. junior players should be allowed to use armlocks and strangles in competition JUDO Photographers: David Finch, Colin Mciver, Karl Bacon, Frank Smith is that so few have made their opinion known. The Management Committee IFJRI. have received very few letters, certainly not enough to make them reverse Compilation and Original Design: their earlier decision to introduce this rule after the six month period has Frank Smith. Designed and Printed: Paerless Press elapsed. Please write to them now, whether you are for or against, it's up to limited. Spon Lane, West Bromwich. you. Subscription Rates .. StfJrling onl,! My final words on the subject. I have recently had it confirmed that in Silllssues-£4.50 Twelve 11IIues-D.DO Overseas Japan, the birth place of Judo, they do not allow juniors to use armlocks and I n:sues-£6.20 Twelve Issues-£12.40 strangles below the age of fourteen. Airmail ~t>llssues-£10.50TwelveIssues-£21.00 n • COVER PICTURE. MICHEL NOWAK (Francel attempts a pick·up technique on Colin Mclver... EditDr GILBERT (France). Photograph: Frank Smith. 3 Area Events Midland Promotion Examination..I Friday 1!hh M.1'Ch 1982 ~y 21..- Mwdll812 Annual Genefal MeetIng and NlllJOf"IiIIl Confl!fence BSJA-Il:ent Boys..1Gtades-Wellingborough-9·3O"m ~., 21st M.rdll-.;z ~y21.. Men:h..-:z North West CenU8 of E.occellence T,aJomg-Stretford Sports Centre Girls Beginner 109th Mon-lvanhoe-9-3Oam • SuncS.., 21.t MardI 1912 ~y21..- Mwch 1912 North-West Annual General MeetIng Boys In GrMMls- PefdiswelJ.e. -9-3Oam s.tunt.y 27'ttl March 1982 Sundly 21th MMd'o ,.2 Southern Ale;! Open for Boys" Boys Beginner 10 1$1 MOIl-Derby J.e. -9-3OIm Sunct.y 21th MMdt 1112 Sunday 21th MMd'o 1112 Soulhem Area Open lor Girts Boys2ndlndJrdMon-OerbyJ.e -12·3Opm "Dnai/$ from: ElM Cobb, FIII,3. 21. Sourhampton Street F<Imborough. SwwiIy ath MMdl1.2 BoYS II Gf8deI- Sankey J.e.-9-3Oam Sunday ~ April 1112 National and International Events Boys .th t06th Mon- Oerby-9-JOam Seturd.y 20th MNdll982 SwwiIy 4th April 1982 Boys 71h MOIl and above~0erby-12-JOpm BSJA ~ and GIrts IndivO.Jal Championships.-Alton $eturdq' 27m M-.ch 1982 Sunday 4th April 1$12 N.lJOnal Team Champoonshops fOf Men 1982 Boys All Glades Btelon-9-30am Spoosofed b'l'Judo (mllred-Haden H~lleisu.eCenlle Sunday 11th AprlIl982 Boys AI Grades- Bingham 9-3Oam Dt!taihlrom:RoMndLH. 7AshGfO~. Wem. s~. ~ 11th April 1912 Others Mens Kyu Gfikles-llllCl!Sler_ 9-JOam Sunday 11th April 1112 &Ina., 21th March 1982 BoysAI Grades-PetShoJe _ 9-JOam Moo G.&de Promotoon EumlOlllllon-KIIby S.C .. Liverpool Sunday 2nd May 1112 Adtt_o.t..: Mens Kyu Gr&des- Gromsby- I.()()pm !Nr1urd1oy-Surd.y J.41to Apri 1982 S.futd1r 11th Mar 1912 Dutch Open ChampionshIPS for Men Bovs AA Grades-long Ealon-9·3Oam s.tUtday 11th April 1982 Sundly 9th May 1982 Fi~t Meadowbank Open fOf Girts Mens Kyu Grades- Oefby_9·3Oam SIoluro.., 24th April 1982 Sunday 9th MlY 1982 Sntosn Open ChampIOnshIpS fOf Men-Crystal Palace Gills Beginner lo91h Mon-PersOotu- 9-3Oam Sundly 9th May 1982 Women Kyu Grades-Olfby-12·(l() noon TEE·SHIRTS lI.s;gn.' TM~I P,lnt.' SWEAT·TOPS 1/.elt.' Judo Limited Club Mat ... 14Ib density high grade chip foam: green Of red Talami available. With LIMITED or without anti-slip base. Judo Limited Competition Mat ... 17Ib density high grade chip foam: green or red Tatami available. With or without anti-slip base. Club Mat ...2m )( 1m £35.50. Competition Mat ...2m )( 1m £37.50. Prices do not include VAT. Delivery free, discounts available on application. Also avaIlable: Sport-Rhode Olympic SR Tatami in green or red. Sizes: 1m x 1m or 2m )( 1m. Prices and details on application. JUDO LIMITED No.1 Candem House. 717 Manchester Old Road. Rhodes. Middleton. Manchester M24 4JF. capable of both defending against and defeating opponents who possess a much wider range of techniques than one Would normally encounter in a global Open category tournament which ordinarily comprises onty heavyweights, and so offers only a fairly narrow technique range. These two factolS give, I thInk, some indication of the stiff competition and hence great difficulty of capturing this coveted title, Even Sumto Endo, 1975 World Heavyweight Champion and 1979 World Open Cnampion, who entered the All Japan Championship every year from 1971 until 1981 won this tournament only ooce in 1976. Accordingly, it would seem that in ordel to achieve a global Open weight title one must be a good contest man, but in order to win the All Japan Judo Championship one must be even better. The final six rounds Of this renowned Judo event are held annually at the Budokan, Tokyo, on the Japanese Emperor's birthday, 29th April, which is designated e national holiday. This day in particular is deamed the most appropriate one on which to hold tha Finals, for the victor's trophy which is presented to the Champion by the head of the Kadokan, Mr Yukimitsu Kano, is the prestigious Emperor's Cup. However, before finals' day, all contestants who wish to enter this tournament must first light in their local area elimination contests, except that is. for the defending Champion, who is given a bye, For the purpose of this Championship, Japan is divided into ten areas. Annual elimination contests are held in each of these areas in either February or March; both the champion and nmner-up from each area go forward to the Budokan on 29th AprH as their area's representatives.