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The Guardian, January 09, 2008

Wright State University Student Body

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Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (2008). The Guardian, January 09, 2008. : Wright State University.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A 'l.008 unbar L"brary WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY'S CAMPUS NEWSPAPER

3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy. 014 Student Union, Dayton, OH 45435 I Issue No. 11 Vol. 44 A SMA All-American Newspaper 2 ...... IH.~.. ~.~~RP..~~~... l .. ~.~9n~~.gQY.,.Agr..... ~1.~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Possible gunman .....3 Ec90r-n..Chlef Students find out about threat Nildd Ferrell about six hours later. Managing Ec90r Union hours cut ...... 4 Mailinh Nguyen Campus Rec and SU hours cut ws Chelsey Levingston because of budget issues.

pinions ovember 11, 2007 - An officer Hanger. Officer observed that the Election support ...... 7 wa on routine patrol in Univer ity individuals could easily ee the party an unknown Hall and determined ussian immigrant supports Park when he potted area in Allyn male carrying a twelve pack of beer. that the male were turned away Republican Ron Paul. oncerned that the male might be from the party becau ·e they didn't Student Government ..7 underage the officer attempted to have ticket . When a ked to it SG gives 2008 update. make contact with the male and the down, one of th male became bel­ male dropped the drink in the park­ ligerent, resi ted arre t and attempted ing lot. The male told the offic r that to trike the officer. The tudent wa ...... 9 he wa going to a party and that he plac d und r arre t and tran ported to wa underage. ubject wa i sued a the Fairborn jail. Randi Salyer, Cfint DCMS tre pa warning. ovember 13, 2007 - Officer Aaron Lorson ovember 11, 2007 - Officers were di patched on a medic assi t on Wlfgld 12 side of the library. When ...... were dispatched to Oelman Hall on an exterior Kassandra Kalchert Jason a female was found report of 3 male individuals who officer arrived Vanover were trying to avoid detection and unconscious in the middle of the Classifieds running away from another officer. parking lot. The officer were unable Ibrahim Asadi ..•.•....•.••..••• 15 When officers made contact, the to revive the female. The Fairborn individuals tated that they were Fire and Beavercreek Medic arrived Chief ~IOaliar>n• Central State Univer ity tudent and took the female to Miami Valley Lindsey Fultz who were at .WSU for a party in the Ho pital. PhotosJ'aphers Zack FehrmaA, Jennalee Ziegler Ad Graphics Manager Craig Schrolucke Ad Graptics Asslslant Som Nieves Graphics Manager Erin Ash Graphics Assistant Jamie Aubin Ad ..,,lftftj,.... Tori Bernstein

w w w. the guardian on Ii n e. com ...... 1\1 ...EW ...... w.~9.Q~.!99Y.,)Q~, .. ?,.~QQ~ ... 1...rn1;.G.v.t.\.8.Q!t.\N ...... 3 Possible· gunman on campus II Students find out made no threatening or fleeting email at around noon and texts as late actions when the officer saw them. as 2 p.m. about suspected Harvey aid that campus police The text did not give the details of The Men: threat about six searched Millett, Allyn, Rike and the incident, but reported "suspicious Univer ity Hall and the connecting activity on campu " and directed read­ Physical hours later tunnel for the u pect and by 7:30 er to Wright tatc home page for a.m. wer confident that there was "no more information. Nikki Ferrel imminent thr at" to campu afoty Another campu employ e later Description [email protected] cormccted to this incident. o one wa · reported e ing tw m n matching the l. A white male.. taller found matching the de cription .. u pccts' description but . aid ·he per­ \ right tate campu polic ha tud nt and ·ta were notified by ceived no threat. than the second.. short report d that a man who app arcd to email and text alert at about I 0:25 The . tu

"I don 't really know the "Yeah, they probably details. I don't think they should 've closed chool shou/d've hut school down because you never know for something they weren't what's going to happen." sure about. " -Ashley White - Cltri Riggs senior modem language major freshma11 computer science major

"Yeah, I think they "I have no idea what you 're should 've closed school talking about. That's not down. It happened very good." slow. It's just like Virginia -Matt Ripp/ junior mechanical engi11eering Tech." major - Chquantae Ray sophomore sociology major

"No I don't think they "I just started back today, so should 've. There~ all sorts I didn 't know. " of incidents like that I - Cinnquinniece Morgan-Haney think." freshman u11decided major - Jonathan Herd sophomore marketing major

w w w. th~ guardian on Ii n e. com · 4 ...... I~.g.. G.~ARP.JA.~.. . ..l ~.~9.o~~.99Y.,.)gr:i .... ?.,.;?_9.Q§ ... l .. N.~W.~...... SG attains Budget affects SU hours fall goals, David Montei [email protected] plan ft ra ampu Recreation hour are cut and udent Union hour will return t what they wer b fore r novation n w '08 because of budgetary is u . tud nt Union h ur ar M n-Fri 7 a.m. t 11 p.m at a.m. t 11 p.m. and un I 0 a.m. to 11 p.m. R er ati n ent r hour r n- h ur 7 .m. t 1 p.m. ri 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. at 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. nd , un 4 p.m. to p.m. i utt r nt r i ht ro 1 l ill no long r b avaihbl r drop- in u. , but ill ontinu it primary function a , kachin' ar · or th D partm nt of H alth Phy i al '!.ducation and R er ati n "aid th Director of the Student Union nd Campu ~ Recreation Eric orbitt. The new climbing wall will only be available for u e from 4 p.m. to p.m. on weekdays a it hours of operation will continue to be adjusted Jackie 'Henning do · die bookstore gate. a u age pattern are evaluated during increa e a a re ult of activity mov­ the fir t year of operation, aid ing indoor and New Year'. re ·olu­ Corbitt. tion which may make the fitne "I ju t wi h that there wa ome area .. a bit crowded around lunch other way to go about meeting the time and from the period between 4 budget demands but I realize that p.m. and 8 p.m.," said Corbitt. they are probably doing the best with "There are really only a few time what they have. It' just too bad that out of the day that I can u e the facil­ with all the excitement urrounding itie and they already eem a bit on the new facilitie that more can't be the crowded side. I hope that I will done with the Student Union,' said till be able to do my normal workout Angela Williams, a junior biology American Institute of without it talcing hour to complete major. . becau e I have to wait for equipment Alternative Medicine The budget crunch is a ociated to open up," aid fre hman David 6685 Doubletree Avenue with the government mandate which Lewi. Columbus, OH 43229 r quire high r education in titution www.alam.edu ~l'ftitt ~ New organization unifies Christian orgs Make a change in 2008~. Enroll in classes now! AmberRfippa Rick Danals, director of Student zations, but the CSU sounds like a [email protected] Activities. good thing. I'm sure there are a lot of Interested In Alternative Medicile? ACllponcti.re Mf be fer you. "Our main goal i to embrace com­ people that will get a lot out of it," If you hove f:IJ semmer, or 90 querier credits you coold begin! The hri tian Student Union munity among the tudent body, and aid junior April Burkhard an (CSU) was created by members of to preach and spread the good news English major. Acupuncture Chi Alpha last quarter with the vision of Jesus," aid Kathy Dees, represen­ The CSU holds events like 27 MONTH COURSES of being a coordinating and unifying tative for L.I.F.E. Campus Ministries campus-wide prayer twice a week group for seven other Christian for the CSU. and a "training day," an event where Licensed Massage Therapy organizations on campus. The major need for the group was you can receive advice on how to talk 9 AND 12 MONTH COURSES The members consist mostly of to provide fellowship and a means of to others about Jesus. presidents from the other Christian communication. However, it is dually They were and are planning CLASSES BEEN HOUSE Christ and Chi Alpha, but they hope ing out for Jesus. At meetings, Josh place this quarter. There will be a live to reach out to other students soon. Latham is the speaker. They open up band and will include different activi­ JANUARY19rH "We all come from all different in prayer, talk about their ministry ties and games. and plan for events. "I probably wouldn't join the FROM 10-12 WITH R~SHMENTS 30 MINUTES PRIOR organizations on campus. The CSU help all the other Chri tian organiza­ "The effect has been small so far, CSU, only becau e rm not religious. tion come together for worship. We but it has great potential. We ju t It could be a good or a bad thing CALL are more unified than divided now," started, owe don't have any money, depending on how it influences the 614.825.6255 said Kewanah McNeary, vice presi­ but we go with what we can and pray other groups and depending on how dent of the CSU. about it. We don't have a room accepting they are of other people's TO SPEAK 'MTH AN ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE AND There were close to 200 student reserved since we're so new," said views," said Dean Jackson, sopho­ RESERVE YOUR SEAT. organizations in total at the end of Joshua Latham, president of the CSU. more history major. OR EMAIL [email protected] fall. Out of those, 17 are religious and "I'd join the group; I think it's "The purpose of our training 1489-T 14 are Christian groups specifically. good that the Christians are coming day was to teach people how to talk "Organizations are all based out of together. It really shows a unity about Jesus without shoving the bible interest. Since there are 14 Christian between all the student groups," said down their throats. We don't do that. groups out of all of the other variety Brady McClesse, senior operations If we don't do anything but pray for of groups, there's obviously a great management major. and with each other, it's already a big deal of interest for them," said Dr. "I'm not big on clubs and organi- success," said Latham.

w w w. the guardian on Ii n e. com ...... NEWS J WednesdaY,. Jan. 9. 2008 j THE GUARDIAN 5 WSU invited to national ethics bowl

David Montei Fleetham. Montei.3~ght.edu

tu dent

1 I tilt n 1 p mt t P· 11· ip n 1 uni u tu I winn r In iana mv r tty. i I n and h . b th pr p r 1 by t am aptain Dam I urm n, jun­ my future care r path and all w d me and ior Riku Laitasal , Dana Fl tham. to gain invaluable exp rience in m 1 r or t hristopher Young an Jo h Shearer. moral rea oning and re earch," aid Department. Team membec will begin prepara­ enior Daniel Furman, a financial H e had a lot f fu1 t g th r. Tl tion for the national competition in ervice and accounting major. ev nt wa all run by tuden . Are January and each member\: ill com­ The ethics bowl i a timed critical businesses really responded, and w mit a sub tantial amount of their time rea oning, academic activity that established a lot of links and better to re earching writing, pre ·enting develops critical rea oning skills as school spirit in the -community and debating 3 of the 1 Sethical top­ well a oral persuasion skill in because of this," Baltes said. ics that will constitute the final com­ expressing and debating a particular Students enjoyed a range of petition, said senior Dana Fleetham, ethical resolution, said Team Wilbur events, including 4 Friday Night at an anthropology major. coach Dr. Joseph Petrick, professor of The Union.~ "Dr. Petrick's in ight wa invalu­ management and executive director "That was great," Baltes said, able to our preparation a his experi­ of the In titute for Busine "look for us to hold another dodge ence a a faculty coach and his Technology. ball tournament." methodology wa crucial to the "Participating in the ethics bowl About 200 residents and their organization of our argument ,"said allows students to develop a leader- guests s1gned up to tay over for the games against Valparaiso, Butler and Miami, and extra effort and expense for the event w minimal, id Dan Website offers better deal in textbooks Bertsos, director of re idence servic-

Adam Feuer teria 'Uch a author, title or helpful for student ," lcmary aid. [email protected] International Standard Book Number Elemary's partner arc enior man­ (ISBN). They can also search by uni­ agement information systems major Wright State student can get a bet­ versity or class, creating a local net­ Yaqoub Ghanem, and Epaphrodite ter deal than the bookstor ~ offer work environment, aid Elcmary. Du ingizimana, a recent WSU gradu­ when buying and selling u ed text­ "This is to en ure that the book is ate in computer cience. bool' this qua11 r, in the form of a valid within the domain of Wright The three do their work for the web it d igned by three WSU tu- tate, and i a feature unique to thi w b it from home or in WSU' com­ d nt called Whygetu d.com. websih= '' Elemary , aid. puter lab ~' Elemary aid. The website aims to give student a The site i ·designed more cost-effective option for buying to be easy for student~ and selling their textbooks. said Hany to u e. When a user Elemary one of th site's three stu­ finds a book they want, dent developers and a senior comput­ the site provide ~ er science major at Wright State. them with all of the ~ " tudents basically set their own book's identifying Li3 price ," Elemary ·aid. "The buyer information, includ- f? buys cheaper than at the College ing an image of the ~ Store, and the seller still gets more for book. This identify- ~ their used books than the College ing information is -~ Store pays. We thought about tl dents provided by ~ spending' $200-300 on book per Amazon.com, ~ quarter and had this idea to help tu­ Elcmary said. ~ '--_...... ,__ _ dents out;' be said. . Previously th~ web- Yaqoub Ghanem, Epaphorite Dusingizimana and Hmty Elemary The ite is completely free to users site was not eqmpped and generates its revenue through with a payment system. Students buy- · Whygetused.com was developed in advertising. Currently, there are ing or selling books had to meet in July 2007, and released on Sept. 4, around 50 members and 150 books person to make the exchange. This 2007. posted on the site. quarter, however, the designers have Although the site is now only used In order to post books on the site, a developed a new version of the site in for exchanging books, Elemary said student must become a member. order to incorporate PayPal, which their goals for the future include Users post books they want to sell allows users to exchange money expanding the site to allow the and search for books they want to online rather than in person. exchange of other items students use, buy. Buyers can search by various cri- "This new version will be really such as specialized school supplies.

w w w. the guardian on Ii n e. com 6 ...... Il.l.!';.. ~.YA!:!P..!AN. .. 1..~~!:1n~!.\!9Y.d9n.... ?.,.~...... O.. P. ..l ... N .1.0 ..N .. S ...... Editoria.1 Seven weeks later, the student returns to the wild ... Text message tardiness?


hi is a bi 1 de l ~ p cially in light o all the s hool shootings that ha happen d in the pa t cw car . o vhy, when th ruar n? Jt' cary that . mcthing like that could bapp n and, more than The college student nine hour later, mo t tudents could still be uninformed. But who is to blame ? awakens from his 7 WSU sent out alert but not until 10:25 a.m. - Iri Harvey week hibernation A ociate Vice Pre ident of Marketing & ommunications aid that the police were focused on to return to school. ecuring the campu . But he also aid that by 7:30 a.m., police had determined that there was no immi­ nent threat to tudents. So why not take a moment then to end it out? Because of the large volume of tudents and staff member receiv­ ing the alert , it took several hours for everyone to get the email or The cubs need to text alert. That' under tandable. But then, the text only said to go to be fed yet there may W U' homepage for more infor­ mation. be predators lurking . I thi the way the t xt will alw ys be? What if stud nt can't check a comput r right away'. In the l:a of hool hooting , ther could b a dangerou per on in t e h II nd th tudent. wouldn t tot r kno t ta e cov r - until mayb , th h ard gun h t . It ) to put the blam on U but what ab ut the tud nt"? t dent thinks football i not an issu The homepage h d a me ag all morning about it in big red bo. es and the email did get to vcryone Patrick Craig lent marche through th treets. U.S. in the current "war on terror,' i well before _ p.m. Maybe not every [email protected] In Sedan's Darfur region, it was now in a tate of internal chaos. of ingle per on had checked th ir business a usual: over 2.5 million dis­ In late December accusation email since noon when student got La "t quarter a 1 tter appeared in placed, over 400,000 dead. election fraud in Kenya led to prote t 200 death the alert, but surely many people The Guardian's opinion ection argu­ Clo er to U.S. concerns, the Iraq that have resulted in over were on computers - and hanging ing again t a football team for Wright war continued to claim the lives of so far. of the high­ out on Facebook isn't a great State University. American soldiers; the death toll crept These are just a few consumed with excuse for not talcing a second to Following that expression of unpro­ ever closer to 4,000 .throughout the lights. However, we're State not having check WINGS. voked dissent, impas ioned letters to fall. anguish over Wright We have all heard people ay the editor on this subject popped up in On Oct. 10 a school shooting its own football team. be more impor­ that th y never u e their campu every ub equent i sue of our paper. wounded four in Cleveland, Ohio. And Indeed, what could than that? Martin Niemoller' email but that' a orry excuse. I find it comforting to know that we during the winter break: In Omaha, tant ... when they When you enrolled at WSU you place uch a high priority on vitally Nebra ka, a hooting by a 19-year-old poem concludes with " for me, there wa no one left to joined a community and it became important issues like the acquisition of man wanting to "take a few piece of came out." your responsibility to be informed. football at our fine institution. Say, did shit with [him]" senselessly and vio­ speak any of the of eight innocent When "they" eventually come for At least have the emails forwarded anyone happen to notice lently ended the lives going on last 5. us - and they will - I'll be there to ask to your preferred address. other stuff that had been people at a mall on Dec. Springs, last quarter's letter writers about those Or, just don't complain when quarter? Days later, in Colorado saw a crack­ slaughtered efforts to procure a football team for you don't get campus alerts. WSU In September, Burma Colorado, another shooter and our university. may be slow to alert the campus in down by its military junta on peaceful unarmed Christian missionaries Perhaps then, when it's too late, emergencies like this, but they protests against recently imposed poli­ church members. . Buddhist of they'll finally understand where our can't tell people who aren't listen­ cies on fuel subsidies. Dec. 27 saw the assassination priorities should always have been. ing. monks, the most revered residents of Pakistan Peoples Party chair Benazir that country, were beaten, arrested, Bhutto, the first female leader of any Time to wake up, Wright State. We and killed as they conducted nonvio- Muslim state. Pakistan, an ally of the can't hide out here forever. w w w. the guardian on Ii n e. com ...... Qf.>.1.N!QN~ .. .l. ..~~9.r:'l~.~99.Y.~.J9.IJ: ..?.:.~m.~ ... l .. IH~ ..G~A..8Q'~·~···························· 7 ~ussian inimigranf supports Ron Paul

Yladmr Treskov a politician who was more principled, • He voted against the Iraq war. strong President, strong enough to [email protected] honest, and a man of seamless integri­ • He returns a portion of his annual resist the temptation of taking power ty. congressional office budget to the U.S. the President shouldn't have." Generously America gave us, the The profession of politician and Treasury every year. Today we do not have any candi­ immigrants from the former USSR, these qualities are very difficult to find Russians used to ay, "Good man is date whose program to heal the econo­ not only a place to live, but also the in one person in real life. It i rare for not yet a profession" and I agree. my could compete with the program privilege of participating in American the honest man to go into politics. However, when such a man has a of Ron Paul. However, will he get political life. Here are some facts about Ron strong program and is ready to lead a needed popular political support? However, I have to confe s that Paul: great country that is in trouble, every Today Ron Paul i already the mo t previou ly I avoided voting because I • Ron Paul is a retired medical doc­ patriot of that country should do what­ popular candidate on the Internet. He did not find substantial differences tor -- an obstetrician. ever he or she can to ensure his elec­ has received more contributions from between the candidates. • He erved our nation as a flight tion. military personnel than any other can­ The "War on Terror", the huge urgeon in both the Air Force and the When he wa a ked what to expect didate has. national debt inflation and the falling Air National Guard. in the near future he answered that "If He is gaining in the polls and may dollar are all very riou i ue , but • During l 0 term in Congre , Ron nothing change , the Federal have more money on hand than other do I e any candidate who propo e aul ha n ver vot d him elf a pay Government i not going to be able t so-called "top-tier candidates" uch a mething effe tive to re olve the e rai c do mu h mor than pay intere t on the John McCain. probl m ? Yi s I do. My candidate i • He ha never tak n a dime from a mounting debt and om entitlement upporter call Ron Paul' pro­ Ron Paul. I bbyi t. benefit . It w uldn 't have money left gram a "Revoluti n'' and it really i . I It i ignificant that he cam t u • He ha nev r voted to rai e taxe for anything el e." feel there i a wind of change every­ not from TV not from new pap r or •He ha never vot d for an unbal­ A a strict Con titu ti nal i t, Ron where. I am e ing more upport radio. It is the Internet community anced budget. Paul is an advocate for mall govern­ group on meetup.com being created which discovered him. • He has never voted to increase ment. In an interview he was asked, here locally and nationwide. For me, What i so appealing about this 72- the power of the executive branch. "If you propose to limit the role of the support of Ron Paul means making year-old Congressman from ? • He voted against the Patriot Act. government, does that mean that you more people aware of his program and I have no problem answering this • He voted against regulating the are going to be a weak President?" voting for him. question. Never in my life have I seen Internet. In response he said, "We need a SG offers 2008 update TJ Hufford tion and by-laws PIE POLL [email protected] • Successful voter registration drive • Research into Senate Bill 151 I thought it was appropriate for me • Assistance in the hiring of the new to inform everyone here at Wright Assistant Director of Student State University what Student Activities The votes are in! Government has done for you! I • Participation in UDAC, SADC, would like to begin by personally and BIRT (Diversity based commit­ thanking everyone on Student tees) 50°/o of voters are sad it's winter quarter Government for doing such a great job • Analysis of the Events Policy over the pa t three months. • Co-Sponsorship of the I would al o like to thank our advi- Multicultural Halloween or Gary Dickstein and Dr. Dan • ew Internal Committee Structure Abrahamowicz for helping us every • Student Summit for Strategic day to complete our work and for giv­ Planning ing us the guidance to lead us in the • Cirque Du Soleil Raftles right direction. • Grand Re-Opening of the Student Here is list of the accomplishments Union for SG and some of the ways in which • Dr. Hopkins Inauguration we represent each of you in different • University Center for International ways: Education/SG Furniture Drive

• Student Savings Club If anyone has any questions • Plant a Tree Program finalization regarding any of these accomplish­ •Club Football ments, please feel free to email me at •"Meet the Experts" in the College [email protected]. of Education and Human Services in February Editorial ~olicy: Oo/o • Two new Deans Student Advisory Boards (College of Science and Math The Guardian encourages letters to. ihe editor and commentaly ~eces from studeilts. faculty, and College of Nursing and Health) ad:ministnlttml and staff. " ·•· , • New Commuter Student Lounge ·~ shmild_bc t.yp!!ci, hav~ the,wrltet's ,, , 33% and upcoming Ping Pong tournament Pf#ited tu.Ii ]lame; address. daytime 'pbrin~ m.ajot and •First Weekend class standing · if ~pplic.able). · · Indifferent •Deadlirte for subrniS$ions is 5 p.m. on the • Freshmen Convocation Friday pteeeeding the next issue. •Fall Fest •Letters should be kept to 500 words or less. • Medical School re-accreditation •All letters arc subject to ooiting for space and Visit us online to vote on next week's question: • Moving into a new office •First-year seminar class presenta- Why do you think OSU lost the tions • Successful Meet and Greet on the Quad National Championship? • The Homecoming Parade • The Homecoming Dance - Over $2,000 donated to House of Bread E-mail: [email protected] 27 people voted in this week's poll. • New and improved SG constitu- 8 ...... J.!:!.f;.gVABQ.IAN. .. Lv.!.!!!!.n~!Qgx •.Asm ... ?..J.~ ...... WR.l.G ..HI ...... L..l ..E ..E ...... This just in: holiday music sucks "Jingle Bell Rock" loses its novelty •Luckily, you can after the hundreth playthrough, a blow that cash you benchmark which most people proba­ bly pa ed around Nov. 20. So now Colbie Caillat - Coco got when you that the carol are dying and the tore returned that are tocking thier Valentine'' Day Tara Browne admit I have a few qualm with thi sweater Aunt Suzy junk, it' time for ome fr h mu ic. browne. l OOwright.edu album. Although her ound the very o as a ort of aural pallate clen er, quality of her voice, i unique and got you on some the al tine cracker of Q-tip , th very genuine, ome of h r ong lack new tunes Wright Life writer to k it up n th m­ that arne originality. Although he elve to give a few r comm ndation wrot (or at lea ·t co-wrot ) the majori­ on how to p nd your holiday a h. ty of her ong , toward th middle- nd of th D the li tencr b gin to r alizc that ·he'' tarting t und th Rogue Wave - Asleep at Heaven's Gate . am . ng, . uch "Fe ling how" and " h Littl hing " ha c a very imil r und t th m. Jason Vanover cry th b nd has a way of making h r arc numerous r a on why vanover.7 a ·ght.edu implistic tru turc m ma tcrfully thi may b : one like mo. t rnft d which put th m at the top of inger/ ongwriter . if the arti ·t ha nle you ha e caught the the heap of a piring indie band . Th actually written all of hi ·/her mu ic, rec nt Micro oft Zune commercial fre­ tronge t feature of the album may he/ he develops a particular ound or quenting the channel , you may be ju t be, however the fact that the band beat that i uniquely them, that you unfamiliar with the ·ound of the indie know what they are good at and they will hear throughout their album (for Rogue Wav , who ound- tick to it. You ne er find your elf in tance- think of tr ck the commercial. Originally feeling a if the album i omewhat the beat from both igned to th label ub Pop, who pretentiou or trying to be omething Timbaland' 'Way hou nationally known act uch a it not. While singer Zach Rogue I Are" and his "My The P tal Service and The Shin doe .. offer very trong vocal melodies, Love" with Ju tin (which may give you an idea of who mo t of the vocal high. can be chalked :o Timberlake. the band ·ound like) Rogue Wave up to the production of the album, lay­ 5 Another reason r cently igned to Bru hfire Record ering mo t of the v cal , giving them o may be that he i to r cord their third album A leep At a much tronger fe 1. § imply trying too Heaven' Gate. R gardle , few album are ~hard. Then~ can Hailing from Oakland, perfect and, ometime ·,great album (I) ca e then ~ often be a pu h on , a town not overly rec g­ hurt them elve in that we look for 0 . the majority §an art1 t to create a nized for it birthing of indie band~ imperfection , which may be the ca e of the ong &certain amount of Rogu ''ith A leep At on Caillaf' " ong for an album Wave found Heaven' Gate. D includ­ ~and you can't real­ in~pirati n Th first five ing force er ati ity, in the to n ng or o re ~--~ly 'Bubbly ' • when you d it wh n without question 'Littl Thing ,"and "R aliz , ar all d n t wind up being crcativit '· it ·omc of the b t gr at ng . Th album combin both ju t wind up being rcpetiti n. But all :tJ song the band a mi-folk ·tyle lyric with her jazzy in all l chalk the negativ up to the [ha ever ultry voice (think female 1er ion of fact that he i a new arti:t, till di - 0 relea ed. Jack John ·on* lightly le ·erious covering her own style. § One of than Nora Jones) to create one very Caillat' jazzy- ultry-folk style ha things that ~th unique Ii tening experienc . The D a lot to do with her background. '' er w mak Rogue 0 i very ea y to Ii t n to and all of her C lbie i a native alifomian. he California ;;wave mem - ·ong have a jazzy tempo that you can began writing ong after her father and friend rable i that ea ily find your elf tapping a foot to. advi d her that if he wanted re pect that ar ~ after you listen Along with the tempo and feel of in the mu ic bu ine s, ongwriting, not never there, ~to a song, you !lj the music itself, Colbie combines very just singing was the way to gain it. and places ~ often ask your- simple but powerful lyrics to create She wrote her first song after attend­ that they m::..._..;..;:;;m;~ self, what in the ome amazing songs. For in tance, ing her first guitar lesson at 19 years oughta/ Pretend that they even care." world did I just listen to? The band many girls (and guys!) can relate to of age. After that, the songs continued The ong found a stage and was fea­ does uch a good job at delivering dif­ Caillat' song "The Little Things" and to pour out of her and she began post­ ttued on The OC and a few other ferent ounds song after song, album the enchanted feeling one gets at the ing various songs on . At first, movies through the year, giving the after album, that you never find your­ beginning of a new relationship. Colbie's music had a hard time reach­ band some recognition when it came self overly comfortable or truly bored But what really makes this a great ing and connecting with fans, until she time to release their latest effort. with what you are listening to, and CD is not only its feel-good "happy" posted her smash-hit song "Bubbly," Rogue Wave 's ound, and this that is the case with Asleep At music, but the cathartic feel-good as and the rest is history. album in particular, can be de cribed Heaven' Gate. well. Her "Realize" i still the easy Daily views on her page and her a a mix between Matt Pond PA, The If you have heard Rogue Wave going folk and jazz but this time ite popularity skyrocketed. Along Shins and a not-so-depre ing Death before and enjoyed the ound you mixed with more down-beat, poignant with the help of Mikal Blue and fel­ Cab For Cutie. The album's spacey­ heard, this album is definitely worth lyrics that many of us can relate to as low singer/ ongwriter Jason Reeves, rock feel would be perfectly placed picking up, if for nothing more than the "love forsaken" song. Colbie's Colbie released her first self titled aside a weekend getaway to some far­ those first five tracks. If this is your lyrics are very soulful and original, (Coco was a childhood nickname) off beach, sound tracking not only the · first experience with the band, it will which definitely makes this a unique album, "CoCo," on July 17, 2007. drive to the destination, while playing definitely lead you to seek out what CD. All together, her music really Such songs as "Bubbly" and "Little tunes such as "Chicago X 12" or the they made before this, and at the end helps to cleanse the emotions leaving Things" are not only some of her top album's opening track "Harmonium," of the day any band that can do that one feeling very peaceful and mellow hits but they also help to summarize but al o the late night walks along the will be making records for a long by the end of the CD. the mood and feel of her music. a beach, staring out into space. time. Although this CD is truly one of solid Grammy nod. While the album at its very my favorites to listen to, regardless of core is somewhat simple in its deliv- the season or temperattue, I must

w w w. the guardian on Ii n e. com ...... W..~J.G.ljJ..~!F..~ .. l... W~9.IJ~.~9.9.Y.·.. ~9D:.. ?.~.~~ ... L.T.H~ ..G.~~.13J?.!~.~ ...... 9 ll'rit1l1f Lile t~l1s-si~ Local Band Spotlight:

Jason Vanover Malyn Avenue [email protected] ason Vanover [email protected] With winter break, some students stay in the dorms, or in their on-campus apartments. Others choose to head With some experience playing back home to visit their old neighborhoods, past hang­ around the Dayton area myself with a outs, and ee old familiar faces. With that, one can't band for a few years, I have had the help but get a feeling of no talgia, reliving the life they opportunity to share the tage with u ed to live before they entered college. many bands, several personalitie , and I recently retreated home and couldn't help but notice ~ a plethora of styles of music. how thing had changed, but for the mo t part thing -g. It's rare that you can actualJy appre- remained the ame. A with every event in life, it' (5· ciate a band's mu ical talent and the alway better to be accompanied by a oundtrack. So I ~ member who make up that ound. ubmit a hort li t of ong that could h lp accompany ~ Marilyn Avenue i one of the few y ur next vi it home. l::i. exceptions to the rule I encountered ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~riqmy tay~thcJo~lmu~c cene. Having air ady gra d th tage during the annual trav ling c nc rt last f hao Dayton' own M rilyn Avenue ha big h p 6 r what th future hold f; r the band' ucc Not only int rm of what they want to accompli h locally but at a national level a well. "We have a lot of goals that we would like to accompli h a a band, like a national tour, but fir t and fore­ mo t we want to get igned and get the backing ~upport of a label to help u out " tates Andy Bane who is one of the guitari t for the band. With a sound that can be de cribed a~ straight-up rock 'n roll, with attrib­ utes imilar to The U ed s vocals and Underoath s sound~, the band it elf de cribc the ound as ' Lynyrd Skynyrd on a deadly do e of ~teroids and sp ed. The in piration behind mo t of the mu ic tate Bane i basically any­ thing and everything. We all li ten to a wid variety of mu ic and it help u out a lot wh n it come to writing. We all hav diffi r nt ty]e that w bring to th tabl and it le u · make s me­ thing we fe 1 is r ally unique. The band recently relea ed a four­ ong demo that they collectively feel repre ent the band better than any­ thing written previously. With plans to hop the ongs around the different labels and also ell at . hows, they do plan to enter the studio again some­ time this summer. It's no secret that Dayton is not renowned for being one of the better areas to play music. It's a town that has always lacked in show participa­ tion and general attendance. The members of Marilyn Avenue believe that while it may be difficult to change that completely, maybe it just takes the right sound. "When we were younger, the Dayton scene was much better. There were different people at every show and eventually the crowds just started to dwindle down. Hopefully that will change," said Bane. "I'm not really sure who's to blame for the current state of the Dayton scene, so I'm just going to blame it on ,'' Bane added. For information, check out http://www.myspace.com/marilynave.

w w w. the guardian on Ii n e. com lllHll I


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Tara Browne and part experiential practice. Instead for food, their bodies and the way they those in coun e1ing for an eating di - browne.lo@'M'ight.edu of the religiou aspect of the practice work. According to Burnworth, when order are invited to try the group a, the WSU chapter will encourage stu­ a person frees them ·dves "from judg­ upplemental therapy, but those seek­ To eat or not to eat: that really is dent to focu ol ly on the ~elation­ ment and criticism [when eating], they ing to u e the group a olc means of the que tion the new Wright late ship between the mind body and food. become more accepting and aware." therapy should eek professional help Mindfulne ·ating Group a. k . A · part of the educational focu of Th . starting group :vill be made up in. tead. Wright tale niver ity chapter ere­ the group, members will I am about of ix to eight people in order to keep Mo:t tudents are encouraged to ' tor, Daniela Linnebach Burnworth, how m tion and extenuating circum- it mall enough to be per anal and int rview for th group, but not all P.h. ., th1: a ociate director for tances affi ct th way one eat . As larg enough so member can experi­ applicant will be able to participate linical Training, has started thi nc · part of the c. periential focus of the ence a range of opinions and per onal during the initial group. Burnworth group in hopes of igniting tudcnt ' group, memb r · 1il1 participate in e periences in the g up. said that she want to make urc that a var n : of what and how much they e erci 'C uch a. group snack and Th · initial Mindfulnc s ating the group i a g od fit for the appli­ at, and why th y're eating wh thcr it meditation. There will also be out of Gr up will la t appr imat ly si. cant and vice vcr in ord r t en ur i du to hung r or emoti nal r a n . cla s "horn work" that the memb c of week: nd another group will tart that th tudcnt ' goal for the gr up Although mindful eating originate the group will be encouraged to do. shortly after the fir t group ha· c n­ are in line with the group ' ideology. from parts of the Buddhist practice, For in tancc, at le t once every day cluded. If interested in interviewing call Burnworth has taken the more contro­ the students will be encouraged to Because of its therapeutic base, the the Coun eling and Wellne Center at versial religious aspect out of it and meditate on their own Mindfulness Eating Group could be 775-3407 and ask to peak with turned it into a scientific study. The Burnworth hopes that, as a result of beneficial to those that are either suf­ Burnworth. Wright State Mindfulness Eating the group, members will take away a fering or have suffered from any eat­ Group will focus on part education new understanding and appreciation ing disorder. Burnworth states that The crap on my desk: Muzak Review

Aaron Larson adding new elements as the song pro­ on my headphones. Metro Station - Metro Station [email protected] gresses. The last song on the demo, First of all, there's a lot of influ­ I've got a soft spot in my heart for "Numbers," sounds almost like a ences at work here. I can hear ideas synth-pop. Outside of and People send me a lot of crap, hop­ fugue, with each wave adding a little from Panic! at the Disco, , , it's rare to see it break ing that I'll write a few good words in Nickleback, Barenaked Ladies, and into the sexy world of popularity. One their favor. Usually, I give the object a whatever my high school friends who of the reasons that I like ynth-pop is glance before ending it to tra h bin, cut themselves for attention listened to because it truly has "pop" to it. Also: but I keep a few thing . I have a mall in their Volvo of Despair. I m not . jar of honey from A Bee Movie, a If you've ever heard of the folder that ha: a list of what Autobahn Fe tival, then you'll dig Paramount i releasing this y ar and a Metro tation. Th y sound lik a bit nice stack of CD . I'm a music fan, darker, le., :s relig · ou ~ , and I can't bring myself to tos out which leaves plenty of r )0111 for them what could po ibly be a good listen. So I ve decided to give :ome of th D on my de k a listen , nd write my impre ion f th m. If you vant to find out mor about wh re the band i , from, or who in pired them, or how hot their guitarist is you can probably find them on MySpace. I'm just listen­ ing to the music. Here's ome of the crap that':s on my desk. max. My biggest complaint is that the East Hundred - Copper Street songs don't sound different enough going to act like I'm above it; the Performer from each other, but I think that just tunes are moderately catchy and they The first track sells this demo. A comes with the small sample I've don't really do anything wrong. They rhythmic drum beat starts the four­ heard of them. Then again, Metric's just don't seem to do anything more track CD off and really songs don't sound that different from right than whatever Alternative Press never stop. Over top of them are lay­ each other, either. Regardless, I can and Hot Topic are hocking these days. to be just as upbeat as the next alterna­ ered simple guitar melodies that mesh easily find a place on any mix tape for To add to it, they're pretty pre­ tive band. The subject matter's not beautifully with the light, but not too · this bit of indie rock. dictable. If you pause the CD at any much different from Hellogoodbye, light, female lead singer. point, you can guess with confidence but with a little more "one guy playing They sound quite a bit like Metric, - No Really, I'm the next few notes. It's hard to respect a keyboard with one hand" to give it but they seem to take a few more Fine a song that you can hum before that unique charm. chances with their music. The band Another alt-rock that seems to sit you've listened to. At the end of the This is definitely not an album sounds like they go to their gigs on on the fence of being or not. With CD, I wasn't left with a clear idea of for everyone. It's bounce-ier than 80 zeppelins, and every song has a slight titles like "Bleed, Everyone's Doing who they were, which isn't a great percent of what's on the radio, and steam-punk touch to it, if that's even It," and "Appreciation and the Bomb," selling point. If you know who the more down-to-earth than the other 20 possible. All that, and they've hit upon I started listening to the album with all band was before this article, then percent. But I'll be listening to it something that I really dig in music, sorts of trepidation. But it was laying you'll probably dig it. Otherwise, get again, if you're comfortable with your which is building the song up by on my desk, so I sucked it up and put something with character. music preferences, it couldn't hurt to give them a look.

w w w . the guardian on Ii n e. com 12...... rn.~.. l.'!.!!M~!!.!At.f .. LW.~QQ~1.99.Y. •.dfm, .. ?. •. £QQ!l ...... S.e. .O...R I..S ...... Men start strong, struggle lately

Ryan Hehr Hehr.3@ ·ght.edu

Junior 1ti0 Graham looks to drive to die basket again Butler on Dec. 8 aJ the utter Center. The Raiders ari cun-ently 8-5 but luwe lost d1eir last two games. Women better than record shows

ea n behind them, the team look but ince Dec. 21, the team won't tent. Out of th entire roster, only njufes an ahead to their Horizon League have to worry about tra eling too two players, sophomore Kaui ha ·chedul \: ith p i and promi e. much. Of their remaining 16 con­ Ward and enior Sierra Crayton, o h opponents Altho gh 4-9 record might not te~t ',seven will be played at home have played in all thirteen game . look very promising a clo er look with their furthe t road game being On Jan. 13, the team began have lead to at the Raiders journey to thi point in Chicago, Illinois. Horizon League play, which i prove otherwise. The second factor plaguing the when, many would say, the sea on mislea ing record One major factor into the Green & Gold ·o far in 2008 is the truly b gins and with a win o er quad' ·truggle ·s the act that unfamiliarity and overall skill le rel Milwaukee and a lo to Green of their oppon nts. ay, the team it at .500 in the Clint Davis eight of their fir t l 0 game were A quick glance at the Raider ' le, gu . Davis.398@\Might.edu played n the road. and as men­ tioned before, not exactly right list of games played so far will With nothing but team they've show such national powerhouses as · seen before and a good mixture of While most WSU students were down the street. College (15-3) and Wake home games making up the sitting at home watching Its A Looking at the win/los colmm1 As well as in-state remainder of the 2008 campaign, Wondeiful Life and playing Wii alone will tell you what you need Forest (14-4). juggernauts Cincinnati (10-5) and the Raiders look poised for a Sports for the last month, the to know about this detail. Of the the University of Dayton (14-2), all strong finish. The only thing Wright State women's basketball Raiders' four wins so far in 2008, three have been at the Nutter of whom handed the Raiders a road standing in their way might be team was out on the court. They've injury issues, but careful, smart played everywhere from Center, and of the team's 9 losses, loss. The final major factor to keep in play can make this a season a great Massachusett and Michigan to 7 have come on the road. mind when examining the team's growth for the Wright State North Carolina and California. It's evident that playing out of early struggles is the plague of Raiders. Everywhere except Dayton, that is. the friendly confines of Fairborn injuries keeping the team inconsis- With the hardest part of their has been tough on the young team

.w w w . t h e g u a r d : c n c n I i n e . c o m ...... ~P. .9. RI~... l. ..'t{~gn~.~9.9 .Y.\ .~9X1 :. .? .\. ~99.~ ... J. .. T.tU; ..G.!-JA. .13.R!A..r:-:i...... 13 Soccer ends '07 season strong

Clint Davis davis.398 a ght.edu

Women's soccer wins awards Raider' ro ter fre hman forward II Two freshman Amber Ka mer. along Kasmer who ended up with 12 win awards goal in 2007, de troyed defen e late with junior Jess in the year, catching fi re and never being put out in a e a on that includ d Room a coring two game winner and multi­ ple game in which he cored more than one goal. Cfint Davis The other major standout player [email protected] from 2007 came as no urprise to any­ one following Wright State women's It wa a ca on of greatne that occer for the last few years. Junior re ulted in many award for the Jc Rooma wa not only the mo t Wright tat women' occcr team, exciting player to watch on the team but one trophy go or ly mi ed. but the mo t heavily honored in the When you're talking about a team po t- ea n as w 11 . that goe 13-6-1 , a chool record for The defj nder netted a career-high wins 5-2-1 in the Horizon League, six goals on her way to being named al o a record, and sees four different to the National Soccer Coaches players honored with all-league selec­ A sociation of America's All-Great tion, it' hard to imagine any bad new Lakes Region Second Team, Rooma's in the end. third selection in as many year on the Sadly, de pite all the team' wins in team. the 2007 season, one loss brought it She wa certainly not the only all to an end on Nov. 9 in the Horizon Raider recognized after the season League tournament against one of with Rooma being joined by Kasmer only two league foes they couldn't on the First Team All Horizon-League beat in the regular-season, Loyola. squad. In the 1-0 lo , the Raider attempt­ Kasmer was also named Horizon ed 17 shots, but were held scoreless, League Newcomer of the Year and something only three other teams were was joined by fellow rookie Jen able to do during the regular season. Agueci on the All-Newcomer team While the few upperclassmen on while senior Cassie Jones was named the squad did their parts to make 2007 to the Second Team All-League squad. an unbelievable eason for the Green The honors didn't stop on the field & Gold, it was the larger-than-life for the team with enior Megan play of two freshmen that really stood Mattioda being named to the out during this campaign. Academic All-District team for hold­ Goalkeeper Meghan Hackerson ing up a 3.53 GPA. kept the team afloat all season, earn­ Ultimately, the bitter loss to Loyola ing nine total shutouts out of 20 games can almost be overlooked with the played. After a fire-like start from amount of promise this team holds for junior Amy Miller that saw her net the future and the class and skill four goals in the team's first two showed by the squad all year in 2007. games, defenses started to wise up so It is teams like this that make Alumni it wasn't until midway through the Field a great place to be in the fall year that opponents realized another sports season. dangerous offensive weapon from the Freshman Jenna Cooper receives a pass in a game this season. 1Wo other WSU freshman received awards this season for their outmmding season.

w w w. the guardian on Ii n e. com 1 4...... IH . ~.. ~.~ARQ.~AN .. L.W~9!':'~~.9.9.Y.,.A9.f) ....?.,.;? .9.9.~... l .. ~.l:~QRI~ ...... Brown and Duggins filling top tw o ro les for me n's basketball

Sophomores Vaughn Duggins (left) and Todd Brown (right) have been the two main stars for Wright St.ate this season. The two have be.en the leading scorer in 11 ofthe Raiders 13 games this season.

Ryan Hehr While the verdict is still out on the on. And while neither of them are the [email protected] facial hair, the two have certainly Oh, by the way, the as ist for the vocal leader that Wood was last year, shown their maturity on the court. hot was from none other than his their momentum-changing shots may After Wright State's 77-70 win over Heading into Thursday's game, both sophomre counter part Duggins. be all Wright State needs this season. Marshall on Nov. 28, it was hard not are averaging around 15 points per But when you ask these two after There is more depth and talent on the to notice sophomores Todd Brown and game. That's nearly half of the team's the game if they feel any pressure, bench versus last season and they Vaughn Duggins looking a little 68-point average. they simply shrug it off. seem to know what to do when they scruffy. They both had beards. Well, It's easy to see how either Brown or "If you got the open shot you got to are put in the game. sort of. Duggins have led the team in scoring take it," said Brown after the Miami Last season was a year.to remember Brown's facial hair was nicely in 11 of their first 13 games of the victory. "You're not going to win if for Wright State. They made the trimmed and grew in thick. Duggins', season. you don't take the shot.'' NCAA tournament, won both the on the other hand, was a little patchier, The number of points they score Heading into this season, there was league title and tournament title, and but he was quick to answer the reason­ isn't the most important factor, it's a lot of skepticism a to who would still, this may be a better year than ing behind the newly-grown peach when they score them. Against Miami, fill the roles of DaShaun Wood and last. fuzz. Brown hit the game winning three­ Drew Burleson. Well, that question Hard to believe a lot of it is due to "It's a new year. We 're more pointer at the buzzer to give Wright seems to have been answered. These a couple of players who still have two mature now and we want to show it," State a 58-57 win. It was definitely of two hit shots when they need to and years of eligibility remaining. Duggins said. the highest points for Brown this sea- are always in the middle of big plays.

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