Give Germany Food Want Stylish 1919 Name V1 And End Bolshevism" For Your Spring Baby? SAYS PRESIDENT EllERT u Germans Consider U. S. Rich HERE'S AID FOR PUZZLED PARENTS Jills and Poor Jacks Statistics Show Spring Season When Parental Inge- "Kindly Disposed Foe" nuity Is Most Severely Taxed. Upset Dream of Poets About Love in a Cottage So Here Arc Ur Most Popular Names Culled From 9. This Personal Interview Ebcrt Expresses Belief in on Bread and Kisses. . Spring's Record. President Wilson's Power to Determine Ger- And Here Also Are the Names That Have Ilcen Most many's Future Welfare, Agrees to Provisions of Popular in the Past. the "Fourteen Points" and Admits Suppression For the Style in Names Changes Just as Surely as It of Disorders Germany's liiygcst Task. Does in Dresses. i , By Lowell Thomas By Zoe Beckley CunMttt. nig. by tha l'nu I'ublulan t'u. (The .Net York l:cnli, Uorl.ll. TV TY ,lrst Interview with Krledrlch Kburt, firm Prcs'dent of Germany, tho puzzled parents of new spring bublCH: May we help you hunt S I I ,uolc I'lact on tho very day I saw Kos.i Luxemburg collapse V a your a it entirely after her speech. Warrant were then out for the arrest of TO ime? Our reason fur thus horning Into airs is Ucbknccht uud "lted" Itosa, as well as liedebour and other radical chiefs. benevolent. An ambitious newspaper man, hopefully mining Uio I&docd allalrH at that time were morn reassuring for the Government Ilurcau of Vital Statistics for a story, unearthed the fact that spring in- of uny season. young than they had been In many n day. Iladek, Lcnlnc's agent, had become fants remain unnamed longer than those other Tho alarmed for his own safety uml was In hiding. The republican guard hopefuls of March, April and May. It seems, were mostly rcglstcted as of and Mary conllrined Bectnctl mauler of the situation and outside Germany wan sending la "Male (or female) Infant child John Smith." We promises to stand by the constituted authorities. this odd lapse of parental Ingenuity by a search of the birth records at I was ushered Into Uio very cabinet whero Illsmarck had spun lilu the Department of Health. m'chty web of statecraft ond where, only a short time before, tlio Clark Weber, who has shepherded New York's marriage, birth und Ingenuous Zlmmcrmnnn had conceived his sparkling Idea of turning death records for many years and knows more about ancient and current California, Tcxus and Arizona over styles In names than anybody elso I ti town, predicts an era of "war tnon to Mexico, Twt men entered, true of peni'r," Hcrr Klx'rt said, "wo arc per-firt- ly irkcrs' for 1919 infants, and highly Virginia, Madeleine, Hlennor, Mar- whom I Knew to bo und the willing to curry out everything approves of same. llbrrt guerite. Kthel. I.uiilse. Lillian. Viola othor a pcr.'on wIkiihi most astonish- domunded of us according to Presl-:n- t "A hundred years ago." ho reminds and I tutli. Aloii? with these favored ing functions 1 was to learn later. Wilson's fourteen points. If tlio .us. "negro slave set the fashion of girls came . Tho chancellor grertiil mo with n Allien ask mire and this Is coned we.irmg celebrated cognomens. the Theodore, Irving r. Sidruys, Wlnfreds, Kenneths, handshake that would havo been because of tlii'lr piosint attitude There were mine Caesars und Olivers and ltalphs. Always, of conrs, domoemthi except fur a lack of toward the liloekadr, I sliall not ae-ee- it more t'ne.le Pllnys and Aunt with John, William and Henry as staple .. warmth In tlio pressure. I saw a I fix ri'SHitislblllty of acceding, Olympian and enobtus It was In early "son, rather diunpy psrsnn, with u vry and shall icslgh hh bead of tlio than you could shako a stick ut. the the records larpn hem), dark, rostlists eyes and "Later there was a great outcrop- that highly romantic nam' s Well- flourished t'.elr hanlleht. 'I'll,., waa small, nervous hands. A statu of IWoro I left Germany 1 was told by ping of George WaHhlngton. contemporaneous lam- pafltouial cUjl war existed In Ills a college professor that the s lection ingtons, Abrnhnm Mncolns, Nnjtoleon with the plush v brequin done In "pen-work- ," aauntroinnce. Ids knitted of the new would In.llinto IWinap.irto.4 nud Gen. Grants. The tha lrcldnt glided rolling Uie warned the world bo was no manMo the kind of republic to established, white folks are taking tho hint now- inn and silver kx !" pitcher. 1' names like Hos- - tnary, bo trifled with, but his chubby checks If It was one In which executive puwer adays Glance at tho Woodrow wished to the 1918, Pansy, Vlolette, Lily and Pern wero Intimated tbat bo take was to be centred In the l'rtlcle:i, be Wilst-n- listed for And tho John 1- tell It a funny story. D's; In their heydey. Kthelinda fstie had - world out and thought It would l such a man as Pershlngs and oven Joscphus belligerent milstnchlos, but proliably clipped iff the "ind.i" Ho wore Kchetdunann. on Yes, ma'am! slnc), If the other hand. Isabelle, Car-Ict- ta had tho kind of chin whiskers - get tho Antoinette, Adelaide and fbo It was to b" one In which the rual "Now- we're beginning to wogitfo when ono talks. Victory, Vlctorine, wero favorites, with a soberer 1""rtlch should lo In the hands of a baby girls nnmed V21 "You '"ivo arrived at a very sail lover Co- Jull.i, Ilulin, Harriet, Florence and Chancellor responsible directly to par- - Ixirrnlne, Kranclne, Italia and jHmo for Germany," he said, "A very lumbia. Pretty, too, aren't they? lllg lidith almost equally popular. "Mado"' liament, he thought It would be Kbtrt. ! Itoso-ann- a, .8&d Umo for my Kor land. What P.ebeceas and names like .Menllne, Amabel, Seheldemnnn was tlio chief Soeallst Improvement over tho r can I do for you 7" and Arietta and Azedia had their In Kcjiiahs and Hotseys and Saralui I ptvrsonnl representative Prince Max's cabinet We almost I told him was making a Phocbes of 1795. Inniims. wonder how such (Senminy and and demanded when Ludcinlorrf ad- ouplioliloiiH possibilities as "Saliva," lm,etudy of conditions In I bear some of our soldier xiyn m 111 mitted that all was lost, tho nrtvliill.f t,. Ufllt; till that ! "Neurastlieniu" and "yum. lie" wejo mi Intn whose baby daughter.-- were born unprejtl-"'dloo- d Kaiser Immediately abdicate, i oiumi overlooked, espei-iall- In i w U<od 8tatcn a careful und bark homo while dad was In tlio of a askisl him when he first foresaw the o popular report. Ho smiled gravely and have named them Kvangel-m- novel appearing slnrr, in j revolution. trenches then looked toward his companion. llooth or after tho different which the heroine was "Hill.i Donna." This man, I dlncovorod, was one of " summer," ho answered, his in thn itti.i Cross anil other or Two crops of Graver Clevel.iiid3 -- erreral oonildemtlal adviser:! with words ratUIng llko machine gun .dict.i. won their eternal ro now well grown, one .latum from. that tho election year IMS. whom Ubcrt had surrouridot himself. "when Uio American troops appeared Situdo. Oh. I promise ou there'll lsl. the other. us In be the enod when tho Throughout tho Intnrvle.w ho kept agalnt the first lino In large bo big bunch of war names. Names a I ,ls nees looking at thta man's faco na If for numbers and when l.udcndorrf 'ailed cycle.,. You can almost tell a ''aro and Clan were most run in along with a of WtWroval beforo ho would vonturo In his effort to divldu Uio French and person's age from his name unless It's number Percys, Pauls and Luuenes. upon a statement. The mentor never. UriUsli armies." John. William or Mar." -- If the parents of the Spring Hnby Bpoko a word, although, onco or twice, why didn't tho Kmpernr quit a Clerk Weber is right. Nothing can t-.l- have found nothing to their liking in noddod approxal at something his wr,.k or for,, )t) , m)k(((, pry the Imtnqrta! popularity from tho ,llr. the epochs noted, why Hot go hack chief had said. This alwaya seemed Hkmm (, didn't want to cognomens of John and Mary. .prc lose a to tho picturesque old vh'Vl brighten Herr Kbort up a UU Jol. Ono wl a Percys may come and Vincents may das . ' told him I .wpoolally wished to New York know no typewriters, and I ni!Vflr ,ik,,a ,0 u ( unt, h go, but John runs on forever. know what nollcv tho Government t,. - the town clerk made hut records) in MM- OR: ) Through tho uges they havo marched. had adopted tho Kpartaclile.i HTM Like n lino Italian hand. Wo find namci toward Scheldemann wus to dis- married John J. llreen, a groom In a Into tho futuro they aro fed. reluctnnt In tho year 17MJ offer Und whoUicr tho republlciin guarbi cuss W 2 Marias, tno .moi- - entered winch IJbert. Asked what he thoii-ii- t MargucrilcMoocrs Marshall riding academy, on April 1910. wise tho Marys, tho luae&ctually tho in control. Jo- - a wldo choice in euphony, and which had sltuaUun of Uebknecht, he replied: Ovjrwlit I9ej. hr T'i I'mi I'u:'linij Co. How this voutli'ul liuceane'r of lovo the Mamies and the Mays. n IL. Ix-u- Vo.-- k are now so old ns to bo quite frctaly .jBi "Warrants have UsiknI for New l;.Jir: WuiH ) cut across the Hiiioolh social seas and rusha seems to have passed, for "He Is a chap who hlin-se- lf Ledchour and IJuhkncuht," ho an- - considers in a cottage, love on a diet c;ipi prize was bo duly thankful. Hut new. great merely because in i.l his told bv llreen which let us mvercd. Hanit tli ifuurd in atjln to his father LOVi: bread, ell cue kinsta, D -- "Klllm Smith" Is registered as lxirn v" was and is to The Lvciulij; World as follows: no ono can compute the Mars. great, lie Is a , an po on (there many copo with every emergency. If we supposed to tho hundred per "When two eood riders aro thrown aplto tho fact that you may as well William Street arm't of the wildest, most lrrespon-wlbl- nowadays). "Maljchl capture tho Spartaeus leaders they cent, article. together there is only one topic, and your Spring llaby "No." births there and dangerest typo. i call will bo hrought to trlaJ for violence, Ho is Most Uio poets It I - Treat" unfortunately nurvlved tlioatrlcat dogmatist." of was not long before told Kthel as to call her Mnry so far as .iisunc- I 'destruction of property and Bupvrcsa-'ln- g and r o m as wo were riding In Park holds the but a few fleeting days. "Kllus," Nulther Ubort nor nnoora Central tlon is concerned, Mary still tho press." Kehcldemann havo been In a that I would not be happy until wo "Noah," "Hezoklah," "F.phrnim' and was willing l later, on a farm at Woburn, near palm In all countries for favor. Jonn pro-eu- . dlscusu tho proposed wero all wlshud onto help- . , Ho said nothing about any conspiracy to sup- wero married. From that day our tiamc-staplo- of tho "Jason" lAMguo or Nations, pleading Hoston, the millionaire's daughter and and Mary aro tho Pl'.j'tlon for treason, although tho Hed that port It, pjoplo loo became cemented no ilrmly that less babes of Unit stern day. their olllelal pnsitluiiR made It Inad the stalwart young son of the universe. H loaders had openly appealed fur the Hut how does It she agreed to go away with me. A tho winter of "Keziah" and child are merely nnbi ;f visable for them to V to ln' fni"ng their life to. j Tho birth records for 1 dlheuss overthrow of tho Ciovernment. men- - wor.d work In real ' few ilajs Imfoie we were married my Mary Is Willi the words appearing opposite 1 out how- 1918-1- 9 however, that tiolltlcs. found the proposal x Kwfo I I gether most satisfactory. Now. show, Rationed thli to him and told him wnleiv liff ? Does the rec- wife was toid that she would havo obscured behind "An Indian Woman Living With tho discussed ulsewhere. however. ever, the ml Is what all tne nli helng temporarily jf BIIcbknecbt und Luxemburg weie Tile ord f actual events to go to Hurope. There was nothing Dons, Sylvia and Widow Hart." "Middy Merckley" la conventional iuw bo s.nd it would be disillusionment Constance. Patricia, lirrcachlng an alltanco with the ltus- - seemml to that In long else for us to do but to go to New recorded as "A child who would not such a league tho run A far briefer union, and ono ending Geraldtnc. irian IlolshevIslB. He slghod, glanred undoubtely would wrlto "Suecewi" or Jersey and have tho ceremony per- of Shlrlc)S, take modicinc," and evidently paid work If It were to bo most unpleiuaiuly, was tho marriage Wo note also a number at hit udvlser and answered, some- carried out In "Pallure" opposite formed bv a Justice of tho Peace." Is with her lifo for her wilfulness, poor tho spirit of of .Miss Juliet Hrettung, daughter of A.tetr. Clnlres and Janets. There President Wilson. Hut the niueli-luralde- d llreen kept his wlfo only short Middy. Wo Metsy, what waslvcOy: "romantic" mar- the millionaire banker and ship- a a ?tron tendency to return to llnd Phoebo and thrro was a general disposition to also girl-bab- "Vo havo taken a great many pris riages of rich girls nml young men owner, K. Js Hreitung, mid Max time, however, and when the mar Nancys, Jnno to bo tho popular y suspect In It somn arrangement to con got tho plain, oners among tho Hpartacldcs. I havo w'ho aro not rich? this match as n triumphant worki'd on her riage Into tho newspapers later Susans, Sarahs names of U'l years ago, wlUi would bo Inimical to Inte- - Klolst, who father's Janes. Joans, Anns, tho of Ono Urination of all their theories. Julia u. -- v y,j,ir frivolous talked to them personally. Their con Germany. pessimistic answer to this Michigan estate, and has boon ' uuuiuu n,i nhmlas nam.a that suggest a smattering of Milan anil anion is really pitiable. They aro Question baa Just been given by the French was only seventeen when she variously us a gardenor, a aPr tho marriage the young wlfo Korophines. Kdcn and Asa Hunt sa ex described simplicity and health. What roncerned everybody ,'U'I,,'' ""andsotno Jack." an brought to It. and the suit 1D1S-1- (out- hungry. They show Uio ertits of moit separation milt brought against horse handler nnd u mnchinist suit annul boys' names, 9 models tho light on Water Street. Hut In wan wheUier Germany ,rt'""lJv' chauf-- changed to ono in protracW malnutrition. You can't was to bo in- 'Handsome Jack" Cicraghty by his joting Asserting his brldo had boon In- was later for divorce. Wilson and John 17Dj, ns In 1919, nothing robs "John" cluded or was to K'llr rnd the son a Newport hack side tho Woodrow expect starving people to be always be kept out of the young wife, w,o was Julia of duced to leavo him after eight days llreen, on tho other hand, sued llich class) run likewise to home- and "Mary" of their crown of glo y. liague. driver. He and his brulo met when $100,000 perahlng If the former, they belli daughter of Mr und Mrs. Amos Tuck of married life, the exceedingly mod- urd Croker to recover for We llnd a lot of Peters, Havo wo lightened the tavk of it would offer lie wi s di mount rating a ear. The two alienation of tho affections of Mrs. spun types. feyon will stop HolMicvlHin. f the a happy solution to thn French and f.iwinte nleeo of .Mis. ern Komeo of this Juliet sued his Davids. ltoberts, Alberts naming tho new Spring Uab) '.' troubles of the young peuplc were wnrntd to keep llroen, although this was never many PfAll!o3 will lift thu blockade and allow world. If there were Hlslo French Vanilerbllt Fitzsin'mons. father-in-la- w to recover J25U,00i) for suit .. to be important away from i aeh other by members of brought to She llnally received (honoring tno gauaiu W to como In, whole, exclusions, they bo- - Mis. Geraghly Among trial. . Sams, bur- - ''food tho businuss left her husband some family, llnally trip alienation of affections. the iin?i.-inH?)- Wanens and ' lieved It woulil result In time ago the French and a a divorce ill Now York City, naming moro EVENING WORLD ''Wlll bo automatically settled. unother set and has been living In the to L'urope was planned Klolst said he had received names aro boing used moro and of hostile alliances, such as those Newport for Julia, with 'trs a telephone operator a.i E,fl' Wo now regard the suiiiire.iiilon of of homo of her grandmother, l given names. Aim the idea ot eiiillng her unconventional mar-m- il PUZZLES T OrRt the runner Triple Alliance and Mrs. Three years ago sho was ivs' alsoroer utt nur nml liiinn. i.ui. Triple Paulino Leroy French. She romance once for all. jsaid -lmd sought hta acquaintance, Urown, Miller, Murphy. Meyer L" Hntente. This, to Thomas White, sou of a Smith. l"4"'lt Is mora Imnort.nit tn .1 they thought, meant charges rt By Sam Loyd ih ,,i and extreme Tlie lioy and girl decided that quick was the following passage: and Johnson, said to lo tuo six com , the sowing of future wars. cruelty. I multimillionaire. f "DemocratH to restore order than to action was luccsKiry. Julia met Jack "I will stick by you or die beforo namos in New iora How Then Motor in France K 1019. ! Thus ended another olojiement! monest anybody else, because (Oi;i)Tiil. Tli. nM IiluMntuiu For n number of the roman- glvo you up. If I don't win I will own when socialisation frTHIlc.) yi.irs at her laundress's with h few clothes havo a distinction all thoir UK t take nlaco onlv uminr T;ioi.rni tically Inclined "pointed either go from tho family or shoot Ono of tho rich "behind." FOHJ GUAS. the noted ''can with pride" packed In a haudlug late one after- which ivom "beforo" and not '''"condltloDs. myself. 1 cuuld you. matches arousud much discus voguo chauffeur, mentions Our first mens toward noon, and in a louring driven not livo without If tho Plain styles now in that ' tar 1 1 sion In Now York was thu marriage while inotorlnir from oclalUatlon will bo at the mines and do not live now. am only half unadorned, let mo opring Pisv Becomes of by a friend of Jack's they net oft on of Margaret daughter G. cem too to P.irtout, a t:tj ,, ln other What the Milk alive, 1 will live again when I am Leavitt, of a distance of mil. tfisentiul Industrluti at once.' Bottl es. night-lon- g and to tho reconis oi a hunt by motor tor a 1 lowland Loavltt, a millionaire liaiiv hark back in two hours, and In a long, desultory conversation. with you. My llfo Is in your hands." mm iu v i:noro ,uk i,0t. clergyman. They were chased by Winker, to her chauffeur, Joseph 1'. decade ago. From nooui from to with many hesitation)) and poiiderlngs ,fc,,.v,, (i iiia uviuiu"rlii dim Y'et, two months later, when re- epidemic of Dor Partoul are collected Uio by detec- was an 1 j aunuallv from Julia's Irate relatives anil Smollcn, known an tho "Candy Kid" nr 'tl there N u p a r t, , o upon his part, Kbcrt gave mu to un- is brokm or lost. city dumps, turns on Uio ut the License llureau get Dorothys every the specialists report. In tives, but love laughed at all pur- because, of Ins gxiod looks. They othys. Folks couldn't of 101 miles, For consumer who has a showed tho mniriago had place iir-otby- s. derstand that he believed President some cities thn business carried on suit and the pair were by taken enough. They Juat reveicq in It quart of milk delivered at the door mimed jat Graco eloped, wero married In Jersey City, in two more hours, Wilson had In bis hands to deter by Junk dealers Is ono K. f Church in this city, the Helng to have but one of the most the ltev. L. Perry at o'cloik ill went to Washington honey- able r - each day the dealer in course nineteen-year-ol- d for their the powi stead- mine largely uie jutuio welfare of the of serious sources of milk bottlu losues, In Village, bride and her pa- Dorothy to a family, wiry uirneu a year Iiiih lo thu morning Central Conn. moon, but after living with her hus- ily d l m i n i s I'- - d Germany. Ho oieed then the Idea supply twenty they h;iy. jfot only do rents vigorously denied II, and in a reluctantly to Marj .ne, they sell the "I will never regret man vllig Jack moro or less 111 II year Klelst was declaring in band a fow weeks in a New Yoik durlnir tile I no afterward found cummon in his bottles to dealers in the city, but of. to the last day of my lu'e," young Mi. who urn Dorothy a close sccono. country Is the report court sho never would consent to livo uparlinent Mrs. Smollcn suddenly loft journey so that I ,e hourly iiinj ,! that Hermans had come to This made by dairy ten Khlp them to oilier towns. Most Mrs. lieraghty wrote (not Catherine, mark you, her mother She him. She went to Kurope, but Kathrvn en used .1 like nilinbi of in Vs i consider tho 1'nltcd States thu most experts of the Department of Agri- States have no laws restricting with her husband. obtained a no) came thild, with Kath ia such shortly after her wedding, "l love shortly and died six dear me. was the re- kindly disposed toward them culture, who have Just completed an ii a me. Iteno divorce, ami after the alit nation months Mildred, hour. What detune of all him letter than unytliin,; In the after her marriage. Smulloii was not leen, Gladys, Jeanette, corded ') 'be speedoiuetei .it the rnd their enomlea the most llkoly Investigation of tlio staggering thlrty-thrc- o suit had been dismissed hlie was and to wosdu inuy cities had milk world, 1 would live In a Hazel and Graco pressing her hard of each hour? of millions and rather married last December to Herbert W. even mentioned in her will, although VMoprcvcnl Germany's destruction at tho of milk bottles annually. bottle cxchangiw, or places brother-babie- s ran ANSWER TO A LOSING COMBI-NATIO- where dog kennel with him than ln imiic ltlehtcr of the Naval ho was asked to at lend her funeral for plaic. Their fjlMPcace Conference, lie seemed to Tho Investigation, conducted In milk bottles from all sources are Itcsrno. Stanleys, Clieslers, palace with a society fool.'' Thus a was once more proved that Perhaps the answer lo those, matri- to Howards and tninK also that i.ioyu (ieorgo could bo eight) mU c ities, shows that the aver- sorted out and to owner, Phillie,, with a goodly returned the Yet now she Is iuU ng for a leual life and best .selling novels jehom monial failures is good sense, Cliffords and The apple wolin u each S10 ap- persuaded to to age 17,619 provided i - s, "listen reason," by milk dialer bu)s new bot- he a inmnbcr of the ex - of Muralioii and tin- eu'o.v of the woik according to ilie s.niii loruuilu. will as good si nllllieiit. is need- d sprinkling ples, which would haw brought $1,75 which ho meant leunoinleal reasnns tles a, month and the large change. Se Cur-Use- s dealers son who mx je.u.s ago unwind ih. In suit a third to make a success of marriage. And lta)inonds, uimirs, at original silling pines of three fot why tho Iiuiiiiicsh demunded buy more than 90.000 a month, which Nirittiin States luno unconventional regulations happiness of tin "cottage' und said winch greatly Inteiouted Now good sense must agree that it is as und Herberts. a cent and two for a cent. When lio are largely, not governing the be- contlnuunco of German Industries though entirely, ue of milk bottles, tin to effected a to Mack still further to the period - combined sold 2 report concludes, seventv-iu- have rivoncili.uloii York, the denouement was equally baid for a poor )oung man livo stocks livo tor ccuta prosperity. stock, and i 189a 1900 a tendency to i 1.6S cities icportrd the use by deal era Airs. Geraghly and her family. .unhappy. Tho youngest daughter of up or down to a rich girl as for tweon and receipts wero thus ocourrina or tho tho of pruuuceu armlatlcoJond later In sixteen of the cities IniUfttte"d, oiocr uwuero uoiiioo. la auiall homo In Nuwporl und, 'luud Crokox. Mba Ethel, aocretly her to Uvb uuwa or us to UlxX cicgance oi i?iu ucnmuo, uie discrepancy ot 7 cents. it hk