Leeds Site Allocations Plan Local Plan

Leeds City Council’s Response to Inspector’s Initial Questions Dated 9th June 2017

Development Plan Document

26th June 2017

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The Council welcomes the Inspector’s initial comments and questions. We also welcome the clarification on procedural matters and add the following points to help clarify the running of the Examination.

Hearing Sessions

Based on the proposed dates submitted, officers are preparing for hearing sessions to begin in October and have built in flexibility in the event that there is a need to continue into November.

Further highways modelling is being undertaken (it is currently anticipated that this will be completed in September as in response to Question 3i below). In light of that work, the Inspectors are respectfully asked to consider timetabling of hearing sessions for Outer North East and Outer South East later in the programme. Furthermore, and given the potential cumulative highways impacts from the Outer North East and Outer South East, the Council suggests that, it may be prudent for one Inspector to deal with both HMCAs, it is however appreciated that is wholly a matter for the Inspectors to decide.


The Council welcomes the clarity provided on consideration of the soundness of the Site Allocations Plan (the Plan) and in respect of dealing with omission sites.


The answers to the Inspector’s questions are provided below.

1) I understand that the Publication Draft Plan (September 2015), Revised Publication Draft Plan (September 2016) and Pre-Submission Changes (February 2017) have all been subject to a period of consultation.

a) Can the Council confirm that the Submission Draft (CD1/1) includes the Pre-Submission changes?

i) Yes. As detailed on the cover sheet, immediately prior to page 1 of CD1/1, the updated Submission Draft Plan comprises the Publication Draft Plan (September 2015), the Revised Publication Draft Plan for Outer North East (September 2016) and the Pre-submission changes to the Plan (February 2017).

b) Are any further changes included that have not been subject to consultation?

i) Yes. In addition to the above, further non material pre-submission changes (May 2017) have been incorporated in CD1/1. These are

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considered to be minor modifications and have not been subject to consultation. They include (a) typing errors, (b) factual updates (for example an update on HS2 at paragraph 3.2) which do not alter the policies in the Plan, and (c) deletion of some text considered not relevant at submission stage of the Plan – for example paragraphs explaining the work done so far; what the Publication Draft Plan is and the timetable for the Plan.

ii) The Inspector is referred to CD1/2. The minor modifications (May 2017) are shown in blue text in CD1/2 for clarity.

iii) CD1/1 and CD1/2 are the same Submission Draft Plan. CD1/1 incorporates changes at all stages of the plan, CD1/2 incorporates and highlights these changes in different colour text – red text for pre- submission changes, blue text for further additional minor modifications.

2) Is it the Council’s intention to have any further discussions with representors? If so, could the Council please provide details and confirm when any Statements of Common / uncommon Ground are likely to be completed?

i) The Council has already made changes to the Publication Draft Plan and Revised Publication Draft Plan for Outer North East, which comprise the Pre-Submission Changes; in order to address objections that have been raised through representations at the Publication stages. In most cases the representors have clarified their current position via further representations to the advertisement of the Pre-Submission Changes. As a result the Council can, in many cases, confirm whether objections have, either wholly or partially, been addressed by the Pre-Submission Changes and whether there are considered to be any outstanding issues.

ii) This clarification can be supported via further discussions with representors, resulting in Statements of Common / Uncommon Ground. However, due to the volume of representations received, these discussions will be focussed on:

 prescribed statutory bodies – including Historic , The Environment Agency, Highways England and neighbouring authorities

 particular sites where circumstances are considered to have changed since Publication Draft, such as site HG2-150 Land to the east of Churwell (where an extension to the site is sought to

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link in with proposals for a new railway station to serve White Rose shopping centre)

 developers of sites (especially large sites) who are actively working with the Council to promote development, including sites MX2-39 Parlington and EG3 employment hub

 other bodies and groups, such as neighbourhood planning groups with clearly identified spokespersons; where it would be helpful to the smooth running of the hearings to identify areas of agreement. The Council’s view is that these discussions are best advanced once representatives of specific groups have been identified by the Programme Officer and the Matters and Issues for the examination are known.

iii) Discussions between the City Council and those listed above have already begun. Once the Council receive the Matters and Issues for the examination from the Inspectors, a composite list of statements of common ground will be provided. The Inspectors will be further updated as and when new information is received, but the Council’s intention is to complete any statements of common/uncommon ground no later than 4 weeks before the examination.

3) Is any other substantial work / reports likely to be undertaken for the examination, and if so, what is the timetable for such work?

i) The Council is undertaking further work for the examination alongside ongoing work which may provide helpful context. For the examination one piece of work is relevant, as follows:

 Highways modelling. Highways modelling has formed an integral part of the preparation of the Plan in assessing the impact of sites and the cumulative impact of sites upon the highway network. (See CD1/35 Infrastructure Background Paper for more information). Following discussions with Highways England, further modelling is being undertaken to assess the cumulative impacts of site MX2-39 Parlington in Outer North East and site HG2-124 in Outer South East. Work is ongoing as a joint exercise between the Council, Highways England and the promoters of the respective sites and follows the timetable set out below:

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o Highways Agency comments received in February

o Model specification began in March

o Initial surveys in March

o Procurement of model between March and April

o Award of tender to Pell Frischmann Consultants Ltd in May (delayed due to delays in obtaining written confirmation from site promoters)

o Initial outputs expected mid-August

o Tests will need to be carried out of potential interventions to be agreed with Highways England in late-August

o The work is due to be completed during September and the Inspectors will be updated as soon as information is available.

 The Inspectors are respectfully asked to consider timetabling of hearing sessions for Outer North East and Outer South East later in the programme for this reason. ii) The Council inevitably carries out ongoing monitoring and evidence base work. Two pieces of ongoing work will provide context at Examination as they update previously submitted pieces of evidence and include:

 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Update – this is carried out on a regular basis and the SHLAA Update 2017 is underway. Comments from the Home Builders Federation will be sought during July and a final SHLAA 2017 will be available from August, should it be required for the Examination. The updated SHLAA will inform activity on proposed allocations and capture updated evidence from site promoters and developers on delivery timescales, as well as understanding the latest five year housing land supply position.

 Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) - An update of the Council’s SHMA, including a review of the authorities Objectively Assessed Need requirement, is currently underway and will form the evidence base for the Leeds Core Strategy Selective Review. This is at an early stage and currently subject to Regulation 18 (Local Planning) Regulations consultation. It is anticipated that a final SHMA document will be available in

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4) Please give an indication of the Council’s position on main modifications? This would be advantageous to the efficiency of the examination process and the expectation of participants. Deferring a decision to request modifications until a late stage of the examination may risk both time delay and incur additional examination costs. Minor changes that do not go to the question of soundness or legal compliance are made solely by the Council on adoption and not by the Inspector.

i) The Chief Planning Officer has delegated authority pursuant to Part 3 Section 3E(h) of the Officer Delegation Scheme (Executive Functions) to request main modifications to the Plan and therefore it is envisaged that requests in this regard will be addressed throughout the examination.

ii) This authority is subject to, where the Leader or relevant portfolio holder has directed or the Director considers that the matter should be referred to Executive Board for consideration. Those matters which are considered necessary for Executive Board consideration are still being agreed and the Inspector will be updated on these in due course.

5) The policy numbering for the overview chapter and each HCMA is the same. This is potentially confusing for future decision making. Is there an alternative way of numbering which the Council might consider?

i) Policy referencing in a Plan as large as Leeds Site Allocations Plan is complex. The aim has been to keep the policy numbering and referencing as simple and easy to follow as possible. As the public have generally been interested in their own particular area or areas, rather than the whole of Leeds, the same referencing system has been used, to enable the Plan to be split into individual Housing Market Characteristic Areas (HMCAs) to be read as discreet documents alongside Sections 1 and 2 of the Plan (Introduction and Overview of topics – Retail, Housing, Employment Green Space). Hence, Policy HG1 for identified housing allocations is detailed in the Housing Overview, and then repeated in each of the 11 HMCA area sections, together with the schedule of applicable HG1 sites in that particular HMCA. The process repeats this format for all policies – HG2 for new housing allocations and so on. It is considered that the addition of a specific HMCA reference as a prefix to the policy will aid clarity and decision making – for e.g. “ HG1-1” is a site in Aireborough HMCA, “City Centre HG1-419” is a site in City Centre HMCA.

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ii) The Council did consider the alternative of inserting a policy in the Plan only once, but this would have necessitated either (i) a very large schedule of sites within it, or (ii) cross referencing back to the original policy reference throughout the Plan and losing the discreet HMCA nature of the document. Notwithstanding this, the Council would consider an alternative way of numbering if the Inspectors were to suggest one that is considered more preferable.

6) The SAP does not appear to indicate where, as a consequence of the Green Belt review, land will be removed from the Green Belt. Where is this stipulated in the text and will it be linked to the Policies Map?

i) Paragraph 2.33 of the Plan explains that a Green Belt review has been carried out on all sites within the UDP Green Belt. However, the fact that land will be removed from the Green Belt as a consequence of proposing allocations within existing UDP Green Belt is implied rather than expressly stipulated, notwithstanding that the revised Green Belt boundary is shown on the plans for each HMCA in the Plan.

ii) The Council propose to include a minor modification to the Plan within paragraph 2.33 to state “Land is removed from the existing UDP Green Belt as a consequence of proposing allocations within it and the revised Green belt boundary is shown on the plans for each HMCA and the Policies Map.”

7) The Green Belt Review Background Paper refers to the incorporation of rural land in the Outer North East HMCA into the Green Belt. The CS does not appear to suggest the Green Belt review would include any assessment of land to be incorporated into the Green Belt.

a) Is this consistent with the CS?

i) Yes it is consistent with the CS. Whilst not explicitly mentioned in the CS the Rural Land designation is a saved policy in the Unitary Development Plan (CD2/4) Policy RL1. Policy RL1 states:


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“24.1.5 That part of the District which lies to the north of the River Wharfe lies beyond the Green Belt. As well as , the area includes the small villages of Walton and together with Thorp Arch Trading Estate. An area of open countryside which includes within it and the adjacent prison separates these areas of existing development. In accordance with SP2 and the City Council’s Countryside Strategy this area of attractive open countryside is to be protected for its own sake and as a recreational resource. PPG7 provides extensive guidance as to which type of development could be considered appropriate in rural areas whilst ensuring that the openness of the countryside is safeguarded. Consequently, this is the principle piece of guidance against which new development in the Rural Land area will be assessed.” iii) The planning system has changed since the UDP was Adopted and PPG7 is no longer part of national guidance. The incorporation of Rural Land into the Green Belt forms a part of the Green Belt Review, for which the CS provides strategic direction in Policy SP10. In relation to Policy SP10, the CS (CD2/1) states in paragraph 4.8.5 that “The Core Strategy provides the overall basis for a Green Belt review (as set out in Spatial Policy 10 below). The detailed mechanism for the review, will be through the Site Allocations Plan, informed by the above approach and through consultation with stakeholders including local communities, developers and infrastructure providers, to determine the precise extent and location of boundary changes”. iv) The need to consider a definition of the Green Belt boundary in the SAP is therefore fully in line with the approach set out in the CS. The CS did not make allocations or designations requiring an ordnance survey base, leaving such considerations to the Site Allocations Plan, therefore at the time a review of the Rural Land designation would not have been within the scope of the CS. b) Is it appropriate to deal with this within the SAP or is it a strategic matter? i) The Council submits that the CS and the NPPF provide the appropriate strategic guidance for the incorporation of Rural Land into the Green Belt at this time. ii) The CS (CD2/1) in Policy SP1 sets the settlement hierarchy and the levels of growth to be expected from the major settlements. The major

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settlement of Wetherby, the Thorp Arch Trading Estate and the two villages of Walton and Thorp Arch sit outside of the current Rural Land designation. The Plan has assessed sites within and as extensions to these places and has proposed allocations to meet the CS requirement. Given the amended development limits for the settlements in Outer North East it is appropriate for long term clarity to establish GB (see Green Belt Background Paper CD1/31). These expansions and consequent setting of new Green Belt are no different from the other major settlements in Leeds and therefore it is considered that the approach is fully in line with the spatial strategy of the Core Strategy.

c) Where is this explained in the text of the SAP?

i) Paragraphs 2.34 and 2.35 of the SAP (CD1/1) explain the position. The Council would accept a proposed modification to the Plan to more fully address this point. The approach to Rural Land being included within the Green Belt is set out in the Green Belt Background Paper (CD1/31) at Section 6. This sets out alignment with NPPF and could be incorporated into the SAP as necessary.

8) CS Policy SP6 identifies the need for the provision of 74,000 (gross) homes between 2012 and 2028. Policy H1 clarifies that at least 500 dwellings per year are anticipated to be delivered on smaller windfall sites – totaling 8,000 homes during the plan period. This leaves a residual gross requirement of 66,000 homes. The SAP in Table 1 identifies sufficient land to accommodate 67,817 homes. This includes 35,374 on identified sites and 32,443 on site allocations. This figure appears to differ to that in Table 4. Why is this different?

i) Table 1, under paragraph 2.27 of the Plan (CD1/1) shows housing distribution by HMCA, which totals 35,374 on identified sites and 32,443 on housing allocations, giving an overall total of 67,817 which is 1,817 above the overall target of 66,000.

ii) Table 4, under paragraph 2.37 of the Plan identifies phasing of sites1. The totals in Table 4 Phasing are:

Phase 1: 57,972

Phase 2: 4,617

Phase 3: 3,207

1 Table 4 on the Distribution of Safeguarded Land under paragraph 2.60 is incorrectly labelled – this should be Table 5

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Total 65,796

iii) This is lower than the 67,817 total identified in Table 1 because Table 4 does not include capacity for ‘completed’ identified sites i.e. sites which are built out and therefore cannot now be phased. There are 2,021 units derived from completed permissions – 65,796 + 2,021 = 67,817. The Council suggest a modification to the Plan to provide an explanation of this.

9) The existing supply (identified sites) includes previous UDP housing allocations and sites with a recently expired permission. This is also the case for employment allocations. Over 100ha of the employment sites are ‘identified’ sites.

a) Is the inclusion of such sites (that have not previously been implemented) as contributing to the overall supply of housing and employment land consistent with the evidence base provided at the CS examination and justified?

i) Yes. In terms of both (a) overall strategy and (b) the allocations process, the SAP is consistent with the CS.

ii) In terms of overall strategy the identified housing and employment sites which have not been implemented remain part of a sound plan and are central to the longer term ambitions of the CS in line with its spatial strategy. Paragraph 1.8 of the CS states:

“The Core Strategy plans for the longer term regeneration and growth of the District over a 16 year period, as part of an overall and integrated framework. Central to this approach is the need to give priority to sustainable development in planning for economic prosperity, seeking to remove social inequality, securing opportunities for regeneration, and planning for infrastructure, whilst maintaining and protecting and enhancing environmental quality for the people of Leeds. Underpinning these broad objectives and supported by the Core Strategy evidence base, is the desire to respond to current and emerging population pressures and associated needs across the District, especially within inner urban areas. Key priorities therefore include: planning for the provision of homes and jobs in sustainable locations, respecting local character and distinctiveness in the delivery of the Plan’s objectives and maximising opportunities to recycle previously developed land (PDL), whilst minimising greenfield and Green Belt release, in planning for longer term growth.”

iii) Paragraph 2.15 of the CS notes:

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“Due to the low level of recent starts, completions are set to drop in the next few years and it is likely to be much longer before output returns to pre- recession levels. It is expected that there will be a period of some years in which the housing stock will not increase to or beyond the 2004/05 to 2008/09 completion levels. This is particularly due to the unavailability of finance for purchasers, and lack of viability for housebuilders.”

iv) The City Council is aware and is actively seeking to tackle issues relating to delivery of new housing and employment and the failure of the housing market in some areas. These are recognised as both local and national issues as reflected in the Housing White Paper “Fixing the Broken Housing Market” (EB8/11).

v) Two of the key objectives of the CS are “(iii) place making” and (vi) implementation and delivery”2. Within this context the City Council is seeking to maximise every opportunity to significantly boost the supply of housing through a Best Council Plan Housing “Breakthrough Project”. The main focus of this work is in the Inner area, East Leeds and the City Centre; areas which have been slower to recover from recession and where the adopted Core Strategy, Site Allocations Plan and Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan focusses the majority of housing development. These areas are also where many of the recent expirations and unimplemented allocation are located. This work includes:

 establishing a cross Directorate housing growth team (working across planning, asset management, housing and regeneration) to stimulate delivery

 a build programme to deliver 1,000 new council homes is delivering at pace and demonstrates Leeds’ ability to deliver new housing at scale. In addition to HRA resources of £134m, £16m HCA grant has been secured to match and stretch HRA resource to support increased housing supply

 a Private Sector Acceleration Programme has assisted in unblocking over 1,200 homes since 2014, with a further 7,783 on the programme

 developing mixed residential communities in the City Centre, with detailed implementation measures to stimulate the delivery of a specific Private Rented Sector housing model, where there is a potential supply of over 1,000 homes per annum.

 attracting development interest for the delivery of new private

2 CD2/1, page 24 and 25

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housing in the , Halton Moor and areas of the City, by packaging City Council land for sale to the market. For example, a development agreement is now in place with Strata Homes and community regeneration specialist, Keepmoat which will secure the redevelopment of 13 sites delivering almost 1,000 new homes across these neighbourhoods. vi) These actions reflect the local imperative to deliver new homes, particularly on brownfield land for a range of needs and in a variety of tenures. These efforts however need to be enhanced and accelerated by lasting structural changes and interventions focussed through the Housing White Paper, to urgently help stimulate the market, boost the supply of housing and to deliver the new homes which are needed in sustainable locations across the District. vii) In terms of the allocation process the identified and allocated housing, employment and mixed use sites have been assessed as being either deliverable or developable over the plan period; thus meeting the tests in paragraph 47 of the NPPF and guidance on housing and economic land availability assessment in the on-line PPG. The specific evidence to support this is set out in the Leeds SHLAA 2015 Update (EB8/4) and Employment Land Assessment (EB3/7). viii) As the Housing Background Paper notes (CD1/34), in paragraph 5.1, “the SHLAA is a continuous process which is updated each year”. Paragraph 5.1 of CD1/34 also notes “The SHLAA is an important part of the evidence base supporting the Site Allocations Plan as it sets out the deliverability of sites and assesses their capacity and potential completion rates during the Plan period (and in turn the SHLAA has been supported by the technical evidence base and consultation on the SAP process)”. The SHLAA provides an assessment of sites in terms of suitability, availability and achievability and provides an annual delivery schedule over the short, medium and long term. ix) The SHLAA has been ongoing in Leeds since 2009, is a technical study and, as paragraph 5.1 of the Housing Background Paper notes (CD1/34), provides “the main initial basis for the assessment of sites in the SAP. Anyone can submit a site for inclusion in the SHLAA. It is a technical database of sites submitted for consideration for housing. Having a site in the SHLAA does not mean that it is automatically allocated for a housing use. Sites in SHLAA create a pool from which to select suitable sites. Sites can only be allocated through the Site Allocations” (council emphasis). To that end, it is inevitable that the latest SHLAA is an amended and updated evidence base from that which supported the Core Strategy.

Page 12 of 41 x) As in many Core Cities, the Leeds SHLAA has been significantly affected by the performance of the housing market and in particular the impacts of development viability on sites. Paragraphs 5.11 to 5.17 of CD1/34 address this issue and note that several pieces of work on viability have been commissioned to ensure that the CS and the Site Allocations Plan are deliverable. xi) Therefore the proposed allocation of sites, that have not previously been implemented, inevitably includes stocks of land, which were not implemented because they were either not deliverable during the lengthy recession and period of post recovery, or not demanded due to a lack of effective demand (e.g. as a result of changes to the mortgage market). xii) The Core Strategy is realistic in seeking to improve housing conditions and to meet housing needs and aligns with the ambitions of the recent Housing White Paper. This is turn is linked to and dependent on improvements to the national and local economy and confidence. The Site Allocations Plan reflects this position and covers a wide and varied area which cuts across different markets. xiii) The housing market across Leeds MD is complex. Some of the outer market areas are classed as “high demand” areas where volume builders tell us they are focussing their housebuilding activities. Elsewhere, parts of Leeds are experiencing considerable economic, social and environmental change; such as the City Centre, the Inner Area and East Leeds – where a variety of funding, and investment models, are active. A range of Council programmes and policies are jointly delivering and supporting change in these areas and the SAP is needed to address the spatial implications of this change and ensure that it takes place in a sustainable way. The SAP promotes development by setting out where there are opportunities, so that sustainability benefits can be maximised. That some of these site opportunities have not been taken up in recent memory is hardly surprising given the depth of the recession. xiv) The strategy of the CS is to require a significant proportion of brownfield development (Policy SP1, Policy SP7 and Policy H1). Allocations and planning permissions reflect this strategy. b) What evidence does the Council have that such sites will now come forward in accordance with the expected housing trajectory? i) The justification for the inclusion of expired sites is that the Council can show evidence of a history of previously expired sites re-entering the housing supply as new permissions and delivering as completions. This is on the understanding that schemes are brought forward on the basis of

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commercial decisions by developers and landowners and the market for residential land means that sites can be subject to multiple transactions which each see the proposal of new schemes before a final development is realised.

ii) There have been 39 sites that were expired on or after 1 April 2012 that have since re-entered the housing land supply with new planning permissions (as at 1 April 2017) with capacity for 2,659 units (see Table i below). The majority of these have been approvals in the last 24 months which reflects recent uplift in the market and increased developer confidence (including as a result of the Council’s interventions described in 9a (v) above). Accordingly, it is expected that sites with existing expired permission will re-enter the supply and deliver as developed schemes within the plan period in line with the assessment of sites set out as part of the SHLAA which concludes sites remain suitable, available and achievable.

Table i: Sites which expired on or after 1st April 2012 and subsequently gained permission

Planning Ref SAP Ref Location Units Date HMCA 26-28 New Road Side 16/07368/DPD HG1-13 5 30/01/2017 Aireborough 14/05054/FU MX1-21 High Court 9 23/01/2015 City Centre

14/07380/FU HG1-511 Leylands Road 12 05/08/2015 City Centre Pearl Chambers The 14/05037/FU HG1-449 26 18/03/2015 City Centre Headrow Emco Ho 5-7 New York 14/07366/DPD HG1-448 74 08/02/2016 City Centre Road 14/01008/FU MX1-22 Jayco Ho Skinner Lane 106 04/12/2014 City Centre

13/02034/FU MX1-23 Rear 2-28 The Calls 77 24/02/2015 City Centre

13/05007/FU HG1-426 25-27 Hyde Terrace 11 08/08/2014 City Centre

13/05008/FU HG1-427 23 Hyde Terrace 6 08/08/2014 City Centre Former Hydro Works, 16/02420/FU AVLAAP 204 25/10/2016 City Centre Clarence Road, Western Site Rocheford Court, Pepper 14/05957/FU AVLAAP 11 17/06/2015 East Leeds Lane, , Leeds Chemicals, 15/06844/OT MX1-28 1,010 14/07/2016 Inner Area Road 15/06085/FU Windfall 2 Low Grange View 10 11/08/2016 Inner Area

15/04168/RM AVLAAP Knowsthorpe Crescent 86 12/11/2015 Inner Area

15/05699/FU Windfall Pepper Road 12 17/06/2016 Inner Area

16/02934/FU Windfall Long Close Lane 14 26/09/2016 Inner Area

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15/00500/FU Windfall Back Middleton View 5 10/07/2015 Inner Area

08/02011/FU Windfall 16-22 Branch Road 7 29/08/2012 Inner Area

15/01949/FU Windfall Moresdale Lane 16 10/07/2015 Inner Area

15/02721/FU HG1-508 Oak Tree Mount 79 16/12/2015 Inner Area Land At Asket Drive (North), 11/01254/LA HG1-210 22 08/10/2015 Inner Area Seacroft, Leeds Land Off Asket Drive (South), 15/00903/FU HG1-211 106 08/10/2015 Inner Area Seacroft, Leeds 13/03166/FU Windfall Hudson Street 7 30/01/2014 Inner Area

16/04592/FU Windfall 83-89 Lane 8 30/11/2016 Inner Area Ring Road West Park, Silk 14/06918/OT MX1-2 335 22/09/2016 North Leeds Mill Way And Iverson Drive Outer North 13/01537/FU HG1-46 Syke Lane 9 19/03/2015 East Outer North 13/01248/FU HG1-50 Bowcliffe Road Bramham 14 13/05/2014 East Vicars Terrace, Allerton Outer South 16/02286/FU Windfall 7 09/03/2017 Bywater East Outer South 15/02997/FU Windfall Bank Avenue Morley 12 24/11/2015 West Outer South 13/00164/FU Windfall South Parade Morley 9 25/04/2013 West Timber Tops Forsythia Av E Outer South 13/04128/OT Windfall 8 06/05/2014 Ardsley West Co-Op Yard Commercial St Outer South 13/03497/FU Windfall 11 27/05/2014 Morley West Outer South 14/00521/RM HG1-325 Royds Lane 154 19/09/2014 West 14/06872/FU HG1-145 Canal Wharf Wyther Lane 64 23/09/2016 Outer West

14/00493/FU HG1-194 Ashley Road 49 20/11/2014 Outer West

16/00804/DPD HG1-147 Bramley District Centre 36 23/03/2016 Outer West The Old Vic, 17 Whitecote 14/04499/OT HG1-140 9 15/06/2015 Outer West Hill, Bramley, Leeds 16/00790/OT Windfall Road 9 21/10/2016 Outer West

16/04296/FU HG1-149 New Street, , Pudsey 10 03/03/2017 Outer West

10) For each Housing Market Characteristic Area (HMCA) can the Council please identify which sites have permission, which are UDP allocations and which are those with permissions that have expired and when?

i) A summary of planning and construction status for dwellings by HMCA is contained in Table ii below (a full list of sites, which includes expiration dates, is attached as Appendix 1).

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Table ii: Planning and construction status for dwellings by HMCA (1st April 2017)

HMCA Completed Permission UDP Expired Total post 2012 allocation post 2012 Aireborough 502 451 0 12 965 City Centre 562 3,102 57 1,086 4,807 East Leeds 128 1,892 4,071 31 6,122 Inner Area 702 4,311 275 1,991 7,279 North Leeds 758 2,991 135 242 4,126 Outer North East 261 498 705 18 1,482 Outer North West 188 257 685 16 1,146 Outer South 45 538 15 20 618 Outer South East 290 881 164 17 1,352 Outer South West 829 1,441 183 195 2,648 Outer West 757 1,514 108 291 2,670 Total 5,022 17,876 6,398 3,919 33,215

ii) In terms of expired sites the table reveals that the majority are in the City Centre and Inner Area, as are the majority of the sites with permission in line with the evidence presented in response to Q9 above.

iii) In terms of UDP allocations the table shows that there are large numbers of unimplemented homes in East, Outer North East and Outer North West. The East and Outer North East unimplemented homes are related to HG1-288 East Leeds Extension site. The majority of the Outer North West homes are related to MX1-26 East of . Associated with these sites are major infrastructure commitments which present a financial and technical challenge; which had been delayed due to the recession. Notwithstanding this delay the City Council and the relevant parties are progressing these sites.

11) Table 1 (page 18) of the SAP helpfully compares the distribution of housing by HMCA as required in the CS and the total anticipated supply expected to come forward through the existing supply and site allocations combined. In some cases the CS housing distribution will not be met, the greatest disparity being in East Leeds (1,714 dwellings short of the CS requirement of 11,400). The Council’s comments contained in the Housing Background Paper (CD1/34) in relation to the divergence bewteen the SAP and CS Policy SP7 are noted. What other alternative options, if any, are available / have been explored to make further housing provision in those areas where an undersupply is identified in Table 1?

i) The Council has considered other alternative options through its assessment and plan making. The Council explored all options, which

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were provided to it, as alternatives: either through the call for sites, SHLAA and/or ELA. The overall potential supply of housing land in the SHLAA is circa 150,000 homes. The Council, through the Plan has explored and assessed each and every housing site in the SHLAA. Para 2.29 of the Plan notes that:

“… In identifying suitable sites other aspects of the Core Strategy have been taken into account, such as: the concentration in the main urban areas and major settlements; regeneration priorities; the impact on the Green belt; accessibility and greenfield/brownfield split…..The distribution set out in Table 1 is considered to properly reflect the guidance set out in Policy SP7 and the wider ambitions of the Core Strategy.” ii) In reflecting the overall strategy of the CS, the approach of the Plan has been taken to maximise provision of allocations on brownfield sites within the urban area to avoid the need to allocate land within Green Belt where possible. To make further housing provision in those areas where an undersupply is identified in Table 1 would necessitate greater incursions into Green Belt, as the Council are satisfied that all brownfield opportunities have been considered and allocated where possible in all areas/HMCAs. The option to consider UDP sites designated as Protected Areas of Search (PAS) in advance of Green belt sites is considered in section 9 of the Green Belt Review Background Paper (CD1/31). To have allocated all Protected Area of Search to make further provision in areas of undersupply would have simply necessitated the release of further Green Belt land to meet the requirements for safeguarded land. iii) The Council would draw the Inspectors’ attention to Appendix 2 of the Housing Background Paper (CD1/34) which set outs the reasons why all non-allocated sites have been discounted within each HMCA. Appendix 3 then provides a plan for each HMCA showing the location of the sites not allocated for housing. Overall it is not considered that any of the alternative sites demonstrate an adequate level of sustainability, generally as a result of their damaging impact on the Green Belt, to be sound allocations. In turn, it is felt that allocating land in the City Centre and Inner HMCAs to make up the shortfall presented by the deficiencies in HMCAs is the sound approach, as these sites are predominantly brownfield, within the Main Urban Area and not within the Green Belt and afforded clear support by the CS spatial strategy. iv) Specifically, in respect of East HMCA, there are a number of factors which have led to the specific detailed and cumulative analysis of sites through the Site Allocations Plan process differing from the strategic and initial assessment of potential set out in the Core Strategy; including:

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 comments from Statutory Bodies such as Historic England, which reduced site capacities

 the Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan and its character areas

 further detail on capacities from site promoters

 site constraints

 choices around land uses e.g. retention of employment land for that use to serve local areas

12) Similarly Table 2 makes comparisons between the CS target housing requirements by settlement hierarchy and that to be achieved through the SAP. Again, in some cases, the expected supply is less in certain areas, the greatest disparity being an under provision of 3,046 dwellings in the Major Settlement – Extension category. What other alternative options, if any, are available / have been explored to meet the housing requirements by settlement hierarchy?

i) The choices made through the Plan making process include consideration of the sustainability impacts of further settlement expansion upon existing settlements and places, the availability of suitable sites, taking into account Green Belt and other impacts, and the merits of a new settlement proposal consistent with the requirements of CS Policy SP10. These considerations have resulted in some variance from the indicative levels set out in SP7, but nevertheless the SAP approach remains consistent with the Core Strategy and NPPF.

ii) There has been overprovision against the Core Strategy targets in the City Centre and Main Urban Area, which is compliant with Core Strategy Policy SP1, these areas being better sequentially than those lower down the settlement hierarchy.

iii) The ‘underprovision’ in the extension to major settlements category in particular, is due both to this preferable overprovision higher up the settlement hierarchy as described above, and, as paragraph 2.31 of the Plan notes: “…The reduced contributions from extensions to Major and Smaller settlements in part arises from the allocation of a new settlement at Parlington, in Outer North East HMCA, reflecting the option to depart from the hierarchy included in Core Strategy Policy SP10.”

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13) In many cases the capacity of allocated sites falls short of the expected housing density established as appropriate in the CS. Are the lower densities justified? (When responding could the Council highlight those sites with lower densities that are proposed to be removed from the Green Belt?)

i) The Council sought fairly late clarification as to how the Inspectors have reached the view that ‘in many cases the capacity of allocated sites falls short of the expected housing density’. The Council considered in responding to this question that it would be helpful to understand whether the Inspectors had looked at all sites or whether there are particular sites that are of concern to them. This would in turn assist the Council in determining if a general explanation is being sought or more specific detail. As we have understandably not yet received a response, we have responded to the question below, but are willing to provide further clarification should the Inspectors request it.

ii) Core Strategy Policy H3 states:


Housing development in Leeds should meet or exceed the following net densities unless there are overriding reasons concerning townscape, character, design of highway capacity:

City Centre and fringe* - 65 dwellings per hectare

Other urban areas - 40 dwellings per hectare

Fringe urban areas - 35 dwellings per hectare

Smaller settlements - 30 dwellings per hectare

Special consideration will be given to the prevailing character and appearance in Conservation Areas.

*fringe is defined as up to 500m from the boundary

iii) The Site Allocations Plan explains the approach to density and mix at paragraph 2.40 and capacities at paragraph 2.42. The standard methodology used in the SHLAA estimates the potential housing capacity of a site by applying a standard density multiplier to the net area of the site. The density multiplier varies with the location of the site according to the figures outlined in Policy H3 of the Core Strategy. The standard methodology for calculating site capacity is set out in the Leeds SHLAA 2015 Update Report (EB8/4).

iv) The capacity for sites in SAP are based on a standardised formula based on the gross site size converted to a net size depending upon the overall

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size of the site. This size is then multiplied by a density figure appropriate to the location of the site. The net site area may have been further reduced if one or more of the following development constraints were considered to apply to the site, for example:

 Steep slopes

 Heavy tree cover

 Awkward shape v) Additional reductions to the net site area will have considered whether some or all of the constrained area may be used as amenity greenspace, green corridors etc and thus are already accounted for in the net to gross density calculation above. vi) Additional reductions to the calculated capacity will also be applied where on-site school provision is to be required, having regard to the size and type of school vii) Examples of where site considerations/constraints have reduced the net capacity include:

 Site HG2-44 South of Rawdon Road, Horsforth. This is a Green Belt site. The standard multiplier capacity would equate to 953, however this has been reduced to 777 to allow for the provision of an onsite primary school. Following Publication Draft consultation and concerns relating to landscape and heritage and proposals put forward for additional land (on the argument that the land does not satisfy the purposes of Green belt) some additional land was included into the site boundary at pre- Submission Changes, but the capacity capped at the previous standard multiplier ratio and discounted for educational provision to account for greater flexibility in delivering a scheme that would reflect the need to retain landscaped/greenspaces along the northern edge of the site – also accommodating for flexibility for road improvements/access.

 Site HG2.26 Wetherby Road - Scarcroft Lodge, Scarcroft, this is a large brownfield site situated within the Green Belt and Scarcroft conservation area. The site is close to the built up area of the settlement and could be developed for residential development whilst not having a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt and character and appearance of the conservation area than the existing significant development. Site

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to remain washed over with Green Belt. For this reason the capacity was reduced from the standard multiplier of 130 to 100.

viii) Should other examples or further details be required we can provide this. Additionally, the Council is in the process of preparing a table which lists all sites which are more than 10% under the standardised formula and reasons for this. This will be sent by Friday 30th June.

14) The Council is not identifying any ‘stopping-sites’ despite an identified need. Is this approach sound?

i) Yes, this approach is sound. Following the Adoption of the Core Strategy continued engagement with Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange (GATE) has led to a recognition that the provision of specific identified sites for temporary Gypsy residents is not the locally preferred approach. A managed approach to negotiated stopping sites has therefore been considered throughout progression of the SAP.

ii) A statement of common ground with Leeds GATE will be prepared. Their views on negotiated stopping versus standalone transit sites are included on their web-site as follows and they have won national recognition for their work to progress this approach in Leeds with the Council as the links below illustrate:

http://leedsgate.co.uk/negotiated-stopping/negotiated-stopping-vs-transit- sites-what-is-the-difference


iii) A Managed approach to transit provision has sustainability benefits over permanent transit provision and when reporting to the Council’s Development Plan Panel on the Publication Draft of the Plan (26th June 2015) it was noted that:

3.13 There is also a need for 9 negotiated stopping sites which are publically managed. These sites are not identified in the SAP. Rather they will be identified on an ongoing operational management basis by Environment and Housing. This will be done following discussions with other Council services and via ongoing engagement with Members on a rolling basis e.g. using opportunity sites on a temporary basis. These sites will form a pool from which alternatives to unauthorised encampments by Gypsies with a reason to stop in Leeds can be offered temporary accommodation. This approach will be managed by Neighbourhoods and Housing and is fully supported by Leeds GATE, the local Gypsy advocacy group as a pragmatic

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way of dealing with temporary visitors to Leeds without permanently affecting specific neighbourhoods.

iv) These further discussions have occurred and a paper is to be tabled at a meeting of the Council’s Development Plan Panel on 18th July 2017. This asks Members to:

 endorse a report titled “A management approach to negotiated stopping for short term Gypsy and Traveller visitors to Leeds”,

 to request that the Chief Planning Officer and Director of Environment and Housing approve the approach as a protocol for dealing with negotiated stopping requirements as set out in the Core Strategy and

 submit the report as background evidence to the Site Allocations Plan Inspector (the Inspector will be notified of the Panel’s recommendation in due course)

15) The SAP does not identify sufficient pitches to meet the identified need for private provision. How will the undersupply be met?

i) CS Policy H7 contains criteria against which proposals for windfall sites can be assessed. It should be noted also that Policy HG6(2) makes provision for the safeguarding of sites which are granted permanent planning permission for Gypsies and Travellers.

ii) The Council has worked proactively with the Gypsy and Traveller community as well as Leeds GATE to help initiate private site submissions and raise awareness of the Site Allocations process. These activities are detailed in the Report of Consultation. Despite these efforts, the Council only received a small amount of private site submissions from willing landowners for consideration.

iii) There are only 3 omission private site submissions from willing landowners within Leeds (Pawson Street – up to 15 pitches, Coal Road, Shadwell – one pitch and Sandon Mount – one pitch). For each site there are sound planning reasons for not allocating the site.

iv) It is also important to note that not all of the requirement for 28 private pitches may arise at the start of the plan period. Partly this is evidenced by the lack of site submissions to the SAP and the relatively few planning applications that Leeds deals with – suggesting that there is not an immediate pent up demand for provision. The GTAA survey revealed that

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some Gypsies and Travellers (who make up the 28 need figure) are living in their own or rented bricks and mortar home and whilst their first preference would be for their own land, there wasn’t a cultural aversion to living in bricks and mortar accommodation. Their personal circumstances will determine when and if their expressed aspiration for a pitch may materialise during the plan period. This can be fulfilled by either submitting a planning application or by making a housing application to the Council for accommodation on a public-run pitch.

16) Should the SAP seek to identify a total of 64 pitches instead of 62 to replace the 2 pitches at Ninevah Lane, Bywater that will be lost?

i) No, Leeds GATE assisted the Council by carrying out the Core Strategy needs survey. As a result the survey of private need was specific and can be narrowed down to an individual basis. The landowner at Ninevah Lane specified within his representation at Publication Draft stage that if the site is allocated for settled housing he is likely to move out of the Leeds area. (representation number - PSW06651).

ii) It is considered that when the landowner leaves the local authority area they will take their need within them – i.e. for 2 pitches and therefore there is no requirement to replace that provision. This will need to be monitored, and until such a time the site may be used for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation up to the development of the Phase 3 housing allocation, subject to land ownership arrangements.

17) There are three SACs referred to in the HRA of the SAP where increased acid and nitrogen deposition may be an issue. Can the Council explain how the requirements of the Habitats Regulations have been met in the light of the judgement on Wealden District Council v SSCLG, Lewes District Council & South Downs National Park Authority?

i) The City Council has considered the Wealden ruling and the impact it may have on the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). It is considered that based on the scope of the HRA work undertaken for the SAP and the circumstances in Leeds, the requirements identified in Wealdon are not applicable. The City Council has also taken further advice from Natural England on this matter.

ii) The Wealden ruling was regarding the in-combination assessment for traffic emissions within a HRA for a local plan. It clarified there will be a likely significant effect (LSE) for roads that have an increase of 1,000

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annual average daily traffic (or 1% of the critical level/load) for both alone and in-combination assessments. iii) For HRAs, where there is no impact, there is no requirement to carry out an in-combination assessment. Where there is an impact, even if it is no LSE and/or only a residual impact, then an in-combination assessment is required. iv) The Leeds HRA (CD/21a), prepared in support of the SAP, in summary, considered the impacts of air pollution on the following:

 The HRA identified no impacts to the South Pennine Moors SAC because there are no major roads/routes nor allocations within 300m of a designated site. Therefore there is no requirement for an in-combination assessment.

 The HRA identified no impacts to the North Pennine Moors SAC because there are no major roads/routes leading out of the City nor allocations within 300m of a designated site. Therefore there is no requirement for an in-combination assessment.

 The HRA identified an impact to SAC because it is with 300m of a road (B6164). The Leeds HRA concluded that no LSE, because the Leeds Transport Model did not identify a significant increase of traffic on this road and it highlighted mitigation integral to the plan. The HRA completed an in- combination assessment, considering the joint impacts of the plan with the Harrogate District local plan. The assessment decided no LSE because both the Leeds Transport Model and Harrogate District Transport Model did not identify a significant increase of traffic on this part of the road and it highlighted mitigation integral to the plan. v) In terms of the details of the City Council’s HRA submission (CD/21a), the following sections are pertinent to this response: vi) Appendix 5 lists the potential in-combination effects on European Sites, but regarding Nitrogen Oxides and Nitrogen Dioxide from vehicle emissions, the Council has concluded that there will not be a LSE (alone) and therefore no need to consider in-combination effects for this project. This is supported by research commissioned for Natural England in 2016 (entitled “Effects of air pollution”, 2016 research for Natural England and attached for information and to be included as an Examination Document), which concludes that impacts from Nitrogen Oxides and Nitrogen Dioxide on sensitive habitats (such as Upland Heathland) from

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vehicle emissions is greatest in the first 50-100 metres, and can only be detected to a significant level up to 300 metres from the road source. vii) In relation to vehicle emissions, Appendix 2 stated whether a LSE will occur or not: viii) In relation to the South Pennine Moors SAC the Leeds HRA has concluded (column 3, page 21): ‘Distance of over 2.5km from site boundary for housing and employment allocations – together with no road infrastructure connectivity proposed in direction of SAC site from any proposed allocations - therefore no LSE but see precautionary Avoidance Measures’ (identified in column 5). ix) In relation to the North Pennine Moors SAC the Leeds HRA has concluded (see column 3, page 19): ‘Distance of over 5km from site boundary for housing and employment allocations – together with no road infrastructure connectivity proposed in direction of SAC site from any proposed allocations - therefore no LSE but see precautionary Avoidance Measures’ (identified in column 5). x) In relation to Kirk Deighton SAC the Leeds HRA has concluded (column 3, page 23): ‘Distance of 2km from site boundary for housing and further for employment allocations - together with no road infrastructure connectivity proposed in direction of SAC site from any proposed allocations - possible LSE’. In response to this a series of mitigation measured are identified in column 5, to reduce this to “no LSE”: xi) In relation to the Local Transport Plan (LTP3) - its 2nd key objective is "Low Carbon. This entails a commitment to make substantial progress towards a low carbon, sustainable transport system for West Yorkshire, while recognising transport's contribution to national carbon reduction plans. Policies of the Local Transport Plan (LTP3) and Core Strategy are considered capable of achieving suitable amounts of modal shift to more sustainable transport modes, combined with a reduction in travel (per capita). xii) The Kirk Deighton SAC lies adjacent to the B6214 and is located within Harrogate Borough Council district. The B6214 is not included within the Leeds Transport Model and as a consequence, the forecasting undertaken to date cannot provide any guidance on future usage. However, a manual assessment of trip generations from the proposed SAP housing sites in Wetherby and census travel to work data, suggests that around 10% of trips would be travelling to Harrogate District; this equates to around 1100 vehicles per day (2 way AADT). An assessment of traffic levels on the B6214 and A661 indicates that the latter is

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significantly more popular as a route to the northwest and Harrogate, carrying two and a half times more traffic than the B6214. It is therefore considered that any increase in daily traffic through Kirk Deighton arising from the SAP proposals is likely to be around 300 vehicles per day (AADT), well below the 1000 vehicle threshold.

xiii) In relation to the North and South Pennine Moors SACs, as there are no major roads or routes in relation to this area out of the City or allocations within 300m of the designations, the City Council considers that there are no impacts.

xiv) The approach of only considering increases in road traffic on roads up to 300 metres from European Sites with sensitive habitats is in line with the HRA undertaken by Wealden District, which only considered roads within the district that passed within 200 metres of Ashdown Forest SAC. The attached updated research (the ecological effects of air pollution from road transport: an updated review, Natural England 2016) supports such a distance. The situation is different in Leeds compared to Wealden District because Leeds does not have any road networks within 300 metres of European Sites. Fundamentally also, as set out in the Leeds HRA and as summarised in this response, overall there are no impacts arising from the SAP upon air pollution. In relation to the Kirk Deighton site (which lies outside Leeds Metropolitan District) and is designated based on its population of Great Crested Newts rather than sensitive Upland Heathland habitat. The HRA has concluded a ‘possible LSE’ but identifies mitigation measures linked to the Local Transport Plan.

18) The Duty to Co-operate background paper raises further duty to co- operate matters on page 34. These relate to concerns raised by York City Council on MX2-39 (Parlington) and HG2-226 (East of Wetherby), traffic impact on M1 junctions raised by Highways England and MX2-39 (Parlington) heritage concerns raised by Historic England. Please give an indication of the latest position on these matters.

i) The City Council has maintained contact with Duty to Cooperate partners throughout the process of preparing the Site Allocations Plan and this has been documented in the background papers. The latest position on the matters raised above is as follows:

 Historic England have confirmed that they are willing to submit a SoCG in relation to the site at Parlington (MX2-39), as Historic England still have fundamental objections to these proposals. This is in preparation.

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 References in the final pages of the Duty to Cooperate Background Paper submission version May 2017 suggest “… that all authorities should work with Highways England to agree an approach to traffic modelling and understand if any infrastructure improvements may be necessary” and the only outstanding matter with York City Council concerns the outcome of ongoing highway modelling. The modelling is set out above in paragraph 3(i). The City Council will contact the neighbouring local authorities of York, Selby, Harrogate & NYCC once the results of modelling with the Highways Agency are known, to discuss impacts and mitigation. This will be under the heading of both highway issues and Duty to Cooperate issues. The City Council will continue to host the regular bi-monthly meeting of the Duty to Cooperate Strategic Planning for the Leeds City Region, thus ensuring the process for information exchange is an ongoing one and shall update the Inspectors of any further changes in position.

 Discussions with City of York Council on HG2-226 Land to the East of Wetherby are outstanding and will be held as part of a SOCG with the authority.

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Appendix 1: Full site list to accompany Table ii above: Planning and construction status for dwellings by HMCA (1st April 2017)

HMCA SAP ref No. Status Date Address expired Aireborough HG1-14 4 Complete Batter Lane, Rawdon Aireborough HG1-4 6 Complete The Drop Inn 29 Town Street Aireborough HG1-7 14 Complete Former Dairy Crest Site, Queensway, Guiseley Aireborough HG1-10 30 Complete Greenlea Road, Yeadon Aireborough HG1-9 45 Complete Haworth Court, Chapel Lane Aireborough HG1-6 54 Complete Springfield Road - Springhead Mills, Guiseley Aireborough HG1-1 349 Complete Bradford Road - High Royds, Menston Aireborough HG1-11 5 Expired 24/01/2014 Station Garage, Henshaw Lane, Yeadon Aireborough HG1-5 7 Expired 05/01/2013 Parkside Works Otley Road Guiseley Aireborough HG1-13 5 Permission 26-28 New Road Side Rawdon Aireborough HG1-8 9 Permission 107 Queensway Yeadon Aireborough HG1-96 52 Permission Low Hall Road -Riverside Mill, Horsforth LS19 Aireborough HG1-3 98 Permission Netherfield Road, Guiseley Aireborough HG1-2 116 Permission Netherfield Road - Cromptons, Guiseley Aireborough HG1-12 171 Permission Green Lane (land to the rear of Naylor Jennings Mill), Yeadon City Centre HG1-421 1 Complete 3-4 Blenheim Terrace LS2 City Centre HG1-424 5 Complete 44 Claredon Road, LS2 9PJ City Centre HG1-437 5 Complete 21 - 23 Queen Square City Centre HG1-445 5 Complete 63 Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3bb City Centre HG1-486 6 Complete 49 Upper Basinghall Street City Centre HG1-429 7 Complete 36 Clarendon Road, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS9 9NZ City Centre HG1-446 7 Complete 74 New Briggate, LS1 City Centre HG1-457 7 Complete First And Second Floors And Loft Space, 46-48 New York Street City Centre HG1-456 8 Complete 29 Kirkgate and 18 New York Street, Leeds LS2 City Centre HG1-419 9 Complete 22-23 Blenheim Terrace, Leeds, LS2 9HD City Centre HG1-422 9 Complete 8 Springfield Mount, Leeds LS2 9ND City Centre HG1-432 10 Complete 31 Clarendon Road, LS2 9NZ City Centre HG1-430 14 Complete 15-19 Hyde Terrace, Leeds, LS2 9LT City Centre HG1-433 24 Complete Clarendon House, 20 Clarendon Road City Centre HG1-444 37 Complete Crown House, 81 - 89 Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3BR City Centre HG1-443 43 Complete Algernon Firth Building, LGI, Thoresby Place HG1-484 71 Complete 25 Queen Street City Centre HG1-483 84 Complete Brunswick Point, Wade Lane City Centre HG1-447 85 Complete New York Road - Crispin House LS2 City Centre HG1-435 125 Complete Leeds Metropolitan University LS1 3HE City Centre MX1-9 5 Expired 20/07/2013 30 Sovereign Street, Leeds, LS1 4BA City Centre HG1-425 6 Expired 05/08/2012 29-31 Hyde Park Terrace LS2

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City Centre HG1-428 6 Expired 28/03/2017 40 Clarendon Road LS2 City Centre HG1-423 7 Expired 08/07/2013 Springfield Mount (19), Woodhouse LS2 9NG City Centre HG1-442 7 Expired 23/04/2012 Hanover Square (32) LS3 1AW City Centre MX1-16 15 Expired 06/05/2013 Silver Street - Midland Mills LS11 9YW City Centre HG1-458 18 Expired 17/02/2017 4 St Peters Place Leeds LS9 City Centre MX1-5 50 Expired 08/03/2014 Portland Crescent LS1 City Centre HG1-440 73 Expired 12/03/2013 17 Regent Street City Centre MX1-17 90 Expired 05/03/2015 Bath Road LS11 City Centre MX1-15 250 Expired 25/11/2016 Granary Wharf Car Park, off Water Lane LS11 5PS City Centre MX1-13 263 Expired 29/11/2013 Globe Road / Water Lane LS11 City Centre MX1-20 296 Expired 12/04/2016 Jack Lane / Sweet Street LS10 City Centre HG1-492 5 Permission 60 Upper Basinghall Street, Leeds, LS1 5HR City Centre HG1-420 6 Permission 8 Blenheim Terrace, Woodhouse Lane, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS2 9HZ City Centre HG1-427 6 Permission 23 Hyde Terrace LS2 City Centre HG1-466 6 Permission 61-67 St Pauls Street, Leeds, LS1 2TE City Centre HG1-438 7 Permission 18 Queen Square, Leeds, LS2 City Centre HG1-454 8 Permission 42 Park Place, LS1 2RY City Centre HG1-495 8 Permission 54 Albion Street, Leeds, LS1 6AD City Centre HG1-496 8 Permission 35 Aire Street, Leeds, LS1 4HT City Centre MX1-21 9 Permission High Court LS1 City Centre HG1-426 11 Permission 25-27 Hyde Terrace LS1 City Centre HG1-479 11 Permission 88 North Street, Sheepscar, Leeds, LS2 7PN City Centre HG1-431 12 Permission 65 Clarendon Road, Leeds, LS2 9NZ City Centre HG1-451 12 Permission 22 to 24 New Briggate City Centre HG1-511 12 Permission Leylands Road LS2 City Centre HG1-450 13 Permission Forsyth House, 5 South Parade, City Centre City Centre HG1-459 14 Permission The Calls (36) City Centre HG1-480 15 Permission 143-5 THE HEADROW LS1 City Centre HG1-462 16 Permission 53 The Calls, Leeds, LS2 7EY City Centre HG1-453 18 Permission 6 - 12 Lands Lane, LS1 6LD City Centre HG1-475 20 Permission 25 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4DL City Centre HG1-481 22 Permission 109 - 113 The Headrow City Centre HG1-441 23 Permission Kendall Carr, Hanover Mount, Woodhouse City Centre HG1-465 25 Permission Burley House, 12 Clarendon Road, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS2 9NF City Centre HG1-449 26 Permission Pearl Chambers LS1 City Centre HG1-434 27 Permission 20-28 Hyde Terrace, Leeds LS2 9LN City Centre HG1-485 27 Permission 117 The Headrow City Centre HG1-474 29 Permission Aspect Court, 47 Park Square East, Leeds, LS1 2NL City Centre MX1-10 35 Permission St Peters church & house City Centre HG1-512 51 Permission Caspar, North Street Leeds City Centre HG1-482 63 Permission Rivers House, 21 Park Square South City Centre HG1-505 65 Permission Zicon House, Wade Lane, Leeds, LS2 8NL

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City Centre HG1-448 74 Permission Emco Ho 5-7 New York Road LS2 City Centre MX1-23 77 Permission The Calls (rear 2-28) LS2 City Centre MX1-22 106 Permission Skinner Lane - Jayco House LS7 City Centre HG1-452 112 Permission Pennine House, LS1 5RN City Centre HG1-436 145 Permission Leeds Metropolitan University LS1 3HE City Centre MX1-14 158 Permission Globe Road - Tower Works LS10 City Centre MX1-24 204 Permission Wellington Street - YEP LS1 1RF City Centre MX1-7 272 Permission Cropper Gate - Mayfair LS1 City Centre MX1-8 600 Permission Aireside development, Wellinton Place and Whitehall Road, Leeds City Centre HG1-464 744 Permission Manor Road LS11 City Centre HG1-463 57 UDP Manor Road (16-18) LS11 allocation East Leeds HG1-286 4 Complete Naburn Approach, LS14 East Leeds HG1-293 5 Complete Mill Green Garth - PFI L1 LS14 East Leeds HG1-289 10 Complete FARNDALE VIEW (PFI K) LS14 East Leeds HG1-302 11 Complete Barrowby Lane (30-34), Austhorpe LS15 8QE East Leeds HG1-292 13 Complete Ash Tree Grove, (PFI F) LS14 East Leeds HG1-311 17 Complete Bullerthorpe Lane (Temple Point), Colton East Leeds HG1-294 18 Complete Squinting Cat, Avenue East Leeds HG1-285 20 Complete Red Hall Lane - Strikes LS17 East Leeds HG1-295 30 Complete Elmete Towers - PFI Q LS14 East Leeds HG1-303 31 Expired 24/06/2014 Cartmell Drive, Halton Moor East Leeds HG1-278 2 Permission Pepper Road LS10 East Leeds HG1-300 6 Permission Land At Brooksbank Drive, Halton East Leeds HG1-301 14 Permission Austhorpe East Leeds HG1-290 25 Permission Swarcliffe Avenue - PFI E LS14 East Leeds HG1-291 116 Permission Way - PFI C LS14 East Leeds HG1-297 148 Permission Manston Lane - Radial Park (Ph 1) East Leeds HG1-298 192 Permission Manston Lane East Leeds MX1-25 300 Permission Thorpe Park, undeveloped non-submitted land East Leeds HG1-287 369 Permission York Road - Grime's Dyke LS14 East Leeds HG1-296 720 Permission Seacroft Hospital (rear of) East Leeds HG1-284 300 UDP Red Hall Lane LS17 allocation East Leeds HG1-288 3771 UDP East Leeds Extension allocation Inner Area HG1-221 6 Complete 2 Grange View, Chapeltown, Leeds, LS7 4EP Inner Area HG1-229 6 Complete Former Bricklayers Arms, Low Close Street, Woodhouse Inner Area HG1-240 6 Complete 18A-20 Burley Lodge Road LS4 Inner Area HG1-217 7 Complete 6 Grosvenor Mount, Leeds Inner Area HG1-218 7 Complete 7 Grosvenor Road LS6 Inner Area HG1-270 8 Complete 137 DEWSBURY ROAD, HUNSLET, LEEDS, LS11 5NN Inner Area HG1-273 8 Complete Coupland Place LS11 Inner Area HG1-235 9 Complete Royal Park Road LS6

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Inner Area HG1-260 9 Complete Kings Arms, Stocks Hill, , Leeds, LS11 9PB Inner Area HG1-268 10 Complete Coupland Road, LS11 Inner Area HG1-215 12 Complete Ash Grove LS6 Inner Area HG1-233 12 Complete LS9 6PQ Inner Area HG1-279 16 Complete Belle Isle, Leeds Inner Area HG1-231 17 Complete Holborn Court, Woodhouse, Leeds, LS6 2PN Inner Area HG1-213 18 Complete BOGGART HILL LS14 Inner Area HG1-228 18 Complete Leslie Terrace, Woodhouse Inner Area HG1-269 18 Complete Folly Lane, LS11 Inner Area HG1-265 21 Complete Fairfax Road, LS11 Inner Area HG1-272 21 Complete Malvern Road, LS11 Inner Area HG1-209 24 Complete Scott Hall Square, Inner Area HG1-255 32 Complete East Park Road, The Glensdales LS9 Inner Area HG1-263 42 Complete Runswick Place LS11 Inner Area HG1-283 43 Complete Sharp Lane C Inner Area HG1-258 44 Complete Cartmell Drive, Whitebridge Primary School, Halton Moor Inner Area HG1-223 51 Complete Coldcotes Thorn Walk LS9 Inner Area HG1-276 55 Complete Beverleys LS11 6DS Inner Area HG1-282 69 Complete Sharp Lane F Inner Area HG1-254 113 Complete Otter Island Wellington Road Leeds Inner Area HG1-277 5 Expired 15/03/2015 272A Dewsbury Road, Hunslet, Leeds, LS11 6JT Inner Area HG1-237 6 Expired 23/11/2013 25 MOORLAND AVENUE, WOODHOUSE, LEEDS, LS6 1AP Inner Area HG1-222 8 Expired 01/04/2013 Din Buildings, Road, LS8 3QD Inner Area HG1-264 8 Expired 26/03/2015 86 , Holbeck, Leeds, LS11 0AB Inner Area HG1-241 9 Expired 30/12/2012 114 Burley Road LS4 Inner Area HG1-252 9 Expired 17/06/2014 Oak Road, Inner Area HG1-259 9 Expired 11/08/2014 236 Tong Road LS12 Inner Area HG1-250 17 Expired 03/08/2012 Theaker Lane LS12 Inner Area HG1-219 22 Expired 03/02/2014 Chapeltown Rd/Savile Road LS7 Inner Area HG1-303 31 Expired 24/06/2014 Cartmell Drive, Halton Moor Inner Area HG1-207 34 Expired 13/08/2013 Beckhill Garth/Approach Inner Area HG1-251 41 Expired 13/08/2013 Mistress Lane, Armley Inner Area HG1-225 45 Expired 14/12/2013 South Parkway and Brooklands, Seacroft Inner Area HG1-257 55 Expired 23/12/2013 Wykebeck Avenue, Osmondthorpe Inner Area HG1-274 55 Expired 08/09/2015 Waverley Garth, LS11 Inner Area HG1-271 60 Expired 07/09/2013 Malvern Rise, LS11 Inner Area HG1-208 77 Expired 15/07/2016 Grove Park Care Home Grove Lane Inner Area MX1-6 428 Expired 20/02/2016 Mabgate, Macaulay Street, Argyll Road (land between) Inner Area MX1-11 463 Expired 06/12/2013 Whitehall Road - Doncasters LS12 Inner Area MX1-12 609 Expired 15/11/2016 Globe Road - Doncasters LS11 Inner Area HG1-262 3 Permission 65 Brown Lane East LS11 Inner Area HG1-214 6 Permission 66 to 68 Victoria Road

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Inner Area HG1-248 6 Permission St Mary's Lane LS 9 Inner Area HG1-253 6 Permission Oak Road, New Wortley - Former Club Inner Area HG1-249 7 Permission Dog and Gun, 601 York Road Leeds Inner Area HG1-267 8 Permission Beeston Road - Shaftesbury House LS11 Inner Area HG1-220 9 Permission Browning House, 126 Chapeltown Road, Chapeltown Inner Area HG1-278 12 Permission Pepper Road LS10 Inner Area HG1-499 12 Permission The Fellmonger, North Parkway, Seacroft, Leeds, LS14 6QS Inner Area HG1-504 14 Permission Site Of Former Spotted Cow, Top Moor Side, Holbeck, Leeds, LS11 9LH Inner Area HG1-236 15 Permission Moorland Avenue LS6 Inner Area HG1-509 16 Permission Moresdale Lane Inner Area HG1-212 18 Permission Boggart Hill Gardens, Seacroft Inner Area HG1-266 19 Permission St Luke's Green, LS11 Inner Area HG1-210 22 Permission Askets and Boggarts (A), Seacroft Inner Area HG1-243 24 Permission 12-28 Westfield Road LS3 Inner Area HG1-470 24 Permission Victoria Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 Inner Area HG1-498 25 Permission Garnet Grove, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 5JX Inner Area HG1-510 27 Permission Newhall Gate, Newhall Crescent, Middleton Inner Area HG1-245 50 Permission Kirkstall Road, Abbey Street Inner Area HG1-238 65 Permission Cardigan Road (214-244) LS4 Inner Area HG1-244 70 Permission Cavendish Street - RSPCA Inner Area HG1-275 70 Permission Bismarck Street, LS11 Inner Area HG1-232 72 Permission Servia Road, Leeds LS7 1NJ Inner Area HG1-224 77 Permission Oak Tree Drive LS8 Inner Area HG1-357 78 Permission Sharp Lane B Inner Area HG1-508 79 Permission Oak Tree Mount LS9 Inner Area HG1-216 105 Permission Leeds Girls High School Inner Area HG1-211 106 Permission Askets and Boggarts (C), Seacroft Inner Area HG1-227 106 Permission South Parkway - Easel LS14 Inner Area HG1-230 108 Permission St Marks Walk - St Marks Flats, Woodhouse Inner Area HG1-261 108 Permission Holbeck Towers, LS11 Inner Area HG1-239 113 Permission Carlton Gate, LS7 Inner Area HG1-489 124 Permission Victoria House, Longfield House, Buckingham House, Headingley Office Park, 8 Victoria Road, Leeds, LS6 1PF Inner Area HG1-234 156 Permission Hospital - C LS14 Inner Area HG1-226 160 Permission South Parkway / Brooklands Avenue Inner Area HG1-246 286 Permission Skinner Lane LS9 Inner Area HG1-242 459 Permission St Johns Road - St Michaels College LS3 Inner Area HG1-247 636 Permission Bridge Street, Gower Street, Regent Street (land at) Inner Area MX1-28 1,010 Permission Kirkstall Road - Yorkshire Chemicals Plc Inner Area HG1-280 35 UDP West Grange Road (Ph 2) LS10 allocation Inner Area HG1-281 100 UDP Middleton Road - Urn Farm LS10 allocation Inner Area HG1-256 140 UDP Waterloo Sidings LS9 allocation

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North Leeds HG1-90 1 Complete Chandos Avenue LS8 North Leeds HG1-92 4 Complete Park Avenue (1) - Beech Lodge, Roundhay North Leeds HG1-82 5 Complete 3 Park Crescent, Roundhay, Leeds North Leeds HG1-83 5 Complete Park Cottages, Leeds 8 North Leeds HG1-85 5 Complete 85 BROADGATE LANE, HORSFORTH, LEEDS, LS18 North Leeds HG1-117 5 Complete Granby Street, Headingley, Leeds LS6 North Leeds HG1-61 6 Complete 505 HARROGATE ROAD LS17 North Leeds HG1-76 6 Complete Queenshill Court, Moortown North Leeds HG1-95 6 Complete The Grove, North Lane, LS8 North Leeds HG1-109 6 Complete 321 Chapeltown Road, Chapeltown, Leeds, LS7 3LL North Leeds HG1-118 6 Complete 19 Shire Oak Road, LS6 North Leeds HG1-86 7 Complete SUMMERFIELD HO OUTWOOD LN HORSFORTH North Leeds HG1-105 7 Complete 8 Holly Bank, Otley Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 4DJ North Leeds HG1-129 7 Complete 232 Burley Road, LS4 North Leeds HG1-81 8 Complete Sutherland Avenue LS8 North Leeds HG1-115 8 Complete 25-7 Bennett Road LS6 North Leeds HG1-100 12 Complete Former Police Station, Broadway, Horsforth North Leeds HG1-114 12 Complete The Former Lounge Cinema, North Lane, Headingley North Leeds HG1-125 12 Complete St Ann's Lane - former Boston Exchange Diner), Leeds LS4 2SE North Leeds HG1-79 13 Complete Former Grosvenor Casino, Harrogate Rd and Street Lane North Leeds HG1-126 13 Complete St Anns Lane, LS4 2SE North Leeds HG1-75 14 Complete Cranmer Gardens - Moorhaven Residential Home LS17 North Leeds HG1-127 14 Complete Land at 116 Cardigan Road, Headingley North Leeds HG1-107 28 Complete Stratford Court, School Lane, Chapel Allerton North Leeds HG1-78 29 Complete Yorkshire Bank Sports Ground (former), LS17 North Leeds HG1-123 39 Complete Headingley Halls Of Residence 54 - 56 Headingley Lane, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 2BP North Leeds HG1-122 44 Complete 45 St Michael's Lane LS6 North Leeds HG1-121 50 Complete Kirkstall Lane, Victoria Home LS6 North Leeds HG1-62 60 Complete Former Squirrel Way Children's Home, Squirrel Way, Leeds, LS17 8fq North Leeds HG1-70 326 Complete Hospital LS16 North Leeds HG1-99 5 Expired 08/09/2014 Low Fold Garage, New Road Side, Horsforth, Leeds North Leeds HG1-110 5 Expired 17/11/2013 2 ST MARTIN'S ROAD, LEEDS, LS7 3LX North Leeds HG1-80 6 Expired 23/06/2013 467 Street Lane, Roundhay, Leeds North Leeds HG1-119 6 Expired 13/02/2016 Belmont House, Wood Lane, LS6 North Leeds HG1-67 7 Expired 05/05/2012 Long Row Horsforth North Leeds HG1-84 7 Expired 02/12/2013 Salmon Crescent / Stanhope Drive, Horsforth North Leeds HG1-101 8 Expired 17/11/2012 Throstle Nest Villa, New Road Side North Leeds HG1-106 9 Expired 11/07/2014 Monk Bridge Road (3) LS6 North Leeds HG1-77 10 Expired 06/04/2012 468 Harrogate Road LS17

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North Leeds HG1-88 13 Expired 23/03/2014 Otley Road, Spenfield House LS16 North Leeds HG1-506 16 Expired 25/06/2018 Land at Cockcroft House, Cardigan Road, Headingley North Leeds HG1-124 17 Expired 16/02/2014 Eden Mount LS4 North Leeds HG1-128 22 Expired 12/05/2013 83 Cardigan Lane LS4 North Leeds HG1-59 52 Expired 10/08/2013 Land south east of Leisure Centre, Holt Park, Leeds North Leeds HG1-69 59 Expired 16/03/2015 Low Lane - Woodside Mill, Horsforth North Leeds HG1-91 5 Permission Land off Park Avenue, Roundhay LS8 2JJ North Leeds HG1-93 5 Permission 128 Wetherby Road, Roundhay, Leeds, LS8 2JZ North Leeds HG1-491 5 Permission 135 Lane, Alwoodley, Leeds, LS17 7PG North Leeds HG1-98 6 Permission Victoria Avenue, Horsforth North Leeds HG1-94 7 Permission Land At Lakestream House, 142 Wetherby Road, Leeds, LS8 2LF North Leeds HG1-503 7 Permission Land Rear Of Shoulder Of Mutton Public House, Garmont Road, Leeds, LS7 3LW North Leeds HG1-63 8 Permission Rear 268-274 Shadwell Lane, LS17 North Leeds HG1-112 9 Permission Elton Lodge, Newton Road North Leeds HG1-113 9 Permission Former Dutton Arms (PH), Queenswood Drive North Leeds HG1-471 9 Permission 22 Shire Oak Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 2DE North Leeds HG1-490 10 Permission Mary Morris House, 24 Shire Oak Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 2DE North Leeds HG1-493 10 Permission Oak Villa Hotel, 55 Cardigan Road, Headingley, Leeds LS6 1DW North Leeds HG1-120 11 Permission 1 North Grange Mount LS6 North Leeds HG1-500 13 Permission Corn Mill Fold, Low Lane, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5NJ North Leeds HG1-116 14 Permission 51 - 61 Otley Road And 3 - 9 North Lane, LS6 North Leeds HG1-66 15 Permission Westbrook Lane, Horsforth North Leeds HG1-477 16 Permission 80 Cardigan Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3BJ North Leeds HG1-108 18 Permission Mansion Gate Drive - Mansion House LS7 North Leeds HG1-71 20 Permission Ireland Wood Social Club, Iveson Drive, , Leeds, LS16 6NG North Leeds HG1-89 25 Permission Woodlea Drive - The Mansion LS6 North Leeds HG1-74 28 Permission Dunstarn Lane, Adel, LS16 North Leeds HG1-64 29 Permission Leeds Trinity University College, Brownberrie Lane, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5HD North Leeds HG1-104 31 Permission 13 - 17 Shaw Lane, Meanwood, Leeds, LS6 4DH North Leeds HG1-102 32 Permission 29 - 31 Moor Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 4BG North Leeds HG1-502 36 Permission 101 Commercial Road, Kirkstall, Leeds, LS5 3AD North Leeds HG1-518 54 Permission Meanwood Road Working Mens Club, Meanwood Road North Leeds HG1-103 68 Permission Moor Road (40/42) - University of Leeds, Tetley Hal North Leeds HG1-515 72 Permission Horsforth Campus North Leeds HG1-111 74 Permission Newton Green - former Civil Service Sports Association Ground North Leeds HG1-96 79 Permission Low Hall Road -Riverside Mill, Horsforth LS19

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North Leeds HG1-87 89 Permission Horsforth Mills, Low Lane, Horsforth North Leeds HG1-73 126 Permission Otley Road - Bodington Hall, Lawnswood LS16 North Leeds HG1-72 130 Permission Otley Road, Government Buildings LS16 5PU North Leeds HG1-58 135 Permission Moseley Wood Gardens (land off), Cookridge LS16 North Leeds HG1-97 331 Permission Calverley Lane, Horsforth - Clariant UK Ltd LS18 4RP North Leeds MX1-2 485 Permission Ring Road West Park, Silk Mill Way and Iveson Drive Iveson Drive North Leeds MX1-3 970 Permission Abbey Road - Kirkstall Forge LS5 North Leeds HG1-68 20 UDP Silk Mill Drive LS16 allocation North Leeds HG1-60 40 UDP Tile Lane - Eastmoor, Adel, LS16 allocation North Leeds HG1-65 75 UDP Westbrook Lane, Horsforth allocation Outer North East HG1-55 1 Complete Station Road (37-51), Scholes Outer North East HG1-56 1 Complete Elmhurst, Elmwood Lane, Barwick In Elmet Outer North East HG1-31 2 Complete FORMER GEORGE & DRAGON, HIGH STREET, WETHERBY, LS22 6LT Outer North East HG1-42 5 Complete First Avenue, Bardsey Outer North East HG1-45 5 Complete High Street, Clifford Outer North East HG1-38 6 Complete REAR OF 134-140 HIGH STREET, , WETHERBY, LS23 6BW Outer North East HG1-41 8 Complete Harewood Village Farm Outer North East HG1-33 9 Complete HALLFIELD LANE WETHERBY Outer North East HG1-40 10 Complete 201 HIGH STREET BOSTON SPA Outer North East HG1-47 11 Complete Syke Lane/Moses Syke, Scarcroft Outer North East HG1-48 11 Complete Wetherby Road (land to east at Castle Mona Lodge), Scarcroft Outer North East HG1-52 11 Complete Road - Bramham Lodge Outer North East HG1-35 14 Complete Thorp Arch Grange, Walton Road, Thorp Arch Outer North East HG1-44 14 Complete Woodacre Green and Bankfield (land to south), Bardsey Outer North East HG1-37 153 Complete Churchfields, Boston Spa Outer North East HG1-36 9 Expired 24/08/2012 Moor End (7-14) - Boston Spa LS23 6ER Outer North East HG1-53 9 Expired 06/03/2017 Spen Common Lane, Bramham Outer North East HG1-54 5 Permission Black Horse Farm, South Approach, Aberford Outer North East HG1-57 5 Permission White House Farm, Bunkers Hill, Aberford, LS25 Outer North East HG1-27 7 Permission Linton Springs, Road, Linton Outer North East HG1-49 7 Permission THE BIGGIN GREAT NORTH ROAD BRAMHAM Outer North East HG1-46 9 Permission Land To Rear Of 20-30 Syke Lane, Scarcroft, Leeds Outer North East HG1-39 13 Permission Church Lane (27) - St Vincents School, Boston Spa Outer North East HG1-50 14 Permission Bowcliffe Road Timber Yard, Bramham Outer North East HG1-32 56 Permission Benfield Ford, Deighton Road, Wetherby Outer North East HG1-34 57 Permission Forensic Science Lab, Sandbeck Lane, Wetherby Outer North East HG1-28 325 Permission Spofforth Hill, Wetherby LS22 Outer North East HG1-51 30 UDP Bowcliffe Road - Bramham House,

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allocation Bramham Outer North East HG1-288 675 UDP East Leeds Extension allocation Outer North West HG1-17 3 Complete Prince Henry Court, Newall Carr Road, Otley Outer North West HG1-19 6 Complete The Manor House And Clitherow House, Our Lady And All Saints Church, Manor Square, Otley Outer North West HG1-23 10 Complete The Tannery, Leeds Road, Otley, LS21 1QX Outer North West HG1-22 14 Complete Manor Garage, Leeds Road, Otley Outer North West HG1-26 45 Complete Church Lane, Adel LS16 Outer North West HG1-18 48 Complete Bridge Street - All Saints Mill, Otley LS21 1BQ Outer North West HG1-16 62 Complete Wharfedale General Hospital, Newall Carr Road, Otley Outer North West HG1-20 8 Expired 16/12/2014 23-5 Manor Square, Otley Outer North West HG1-25 8 Expired 12/02/2016 Creskeld Crescent (11) - Bramwood, LS16 Outer North West HG1-21 12 Permission Development Engineering Services, Ilkley Road, Otley Outer North West MX1-1 245 Permission Mill Lane - Garnetts Paper Mill, Otley Outer North West HG1-15 135 UDP Rumplecroft, Otley allocation Outer North West MX1-26 550 UDP Otley (east of) allocation Outer South HG1-399 7 Complete Former White Hart Hotel, 40 Church Street, Woodlesford, Leeds Outer South HG1-397 12 Complete Woodland Hotel, Wood Lane, Rothwell, Leeds LS26 0ph Outer South HG1-417 12 Complete Little Church Lane, Methley Infants School, Methley Outer South HG1-409 14 Complete Land At Shayfield Lane, Carlton, WF3 Outer South HG1-404 6 Expired 04/02/2014 Marsh Street, Rothwell Outer South HG1-412 6 Expired 17/01/2017 Barn Cottage, Station Road, Methley Outer South HG1-418 8 Expired 17/07/2012 Leeds Road - Lofthouse Hall, Lofthouse WF3 Outer South HG1-415 2 Permission Main Street, former Bay Horse Public House, Methley Outer South HG1-494 5 Permission Oulton Hall, Rothwell Lane, Rothwell, Leeds, LS26 8ZF Outer South HG1-416 6 Permission Pinfold Lane, Methley WMC, Methley Outer South HG1-411 7 Permission Royds Green - Royds Green Farm, Oulton LS26 8EZ Outer South HG1-402 8 Permission The Chapel, Calverley Road, Oulton Outer South HG1-405 8 Permission Swithin Street Rothwell Outer South HG1-408 9 Permission Sharp Lane, Robin Hood Outer South HG1-400 32 Permission Aberford Road, Woodlesford Outer South HG1-407 74 Permission China Red Dragon, 3 Wakefield Road, Oulton Outer South HG1-403 77 Permission Fleet Lane (land off), Oulton Outer South HG1-406 90 Permission Royds Lane (land off), Rothwell Outer South HG1-413 220 Permission Station House, Station Road, Methley, Leeds, LS26 9ET Outer South HG1-410 15 UDP Main Street, Carlton allocation Outer South East HG1-313 6 Complete Land Off Birch Grove, Kippax, Leeds Outer South East HG1-304 33 Complete Barrowby Lane, Garforth

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Outer South East HG1-312 68 Complete Selby Road, Garforth Outer South East HG1-311 69 Complete Bullerthorpe Lane (Temple Point), Colton Outer South East HG1-320 114 Complete Queen Street, (a.k.a land south of Leeds Road), Allerton Bywater Outer South East HG1-317 8 Expired 26/01/2015 2 Brigshaw Lane, Allerton Bywater Outer South East HG1-309 9 Expired 23/04/2012 Beech Grove Avenue Garforth Outer South East HG1-321 5 Permission Land Adjacent To West Court, Park Lane, Allerton Bywater, Castleford, WF10 2AJ Outer South East HG1-315 6 Permission 51 Westfield Lane Kippax Outer South East HG1-318 9 Permission Queens Court, Queen St Allerton Bywater Outer South East HG1-472 10 Permission Ledston Hall, Hall Lane, Ledston, Leeds, WF10 2BB Outer South East HG1-316 11 Permission Royal Oak, Cross Hills, Kippax Outer South East HG1-314 14 Permission Church Lane Swillington Outer South East HG1-308 30 Permission Barleyhill Road, Garforth Outer South East HG1-310 58 Permission Grange Court, Garforth Outer South East HG1-319 76 Permission Queen Street - Hollinshurst Depot, Allerton Bywater Outer South East MX1-27 262 Permission Station Road, Allerton Bywater Outer South East HG1-307 400 Permission Church Lane and Manor Farm (existing phase 3 housing allocations), Micklefield Outer South East HG1-306 14 UDP Manor Farm buildings, Micklefield allocation Outer South East HG1-305 150 UDP Micklefield (south of) allocation Outer South West HG1-324 1 Complete Whitehall Road - Dunlop and Ranken LS12 Outer South West HG1-343 1 Complete Chapel Hill, Morley LS27 9JH Outer South West HG1-342 3 Complete Hilltop Gar, Victoria Road, Churwell Outer South West HG1-339 4 Complete 18 Bradford Road, Outer South West HG1-376 4 Complete Blackgates, Bradford Road, Tingley Outer South West HG1-329 5 Complete 1 Low Moor Terrace, Dewsbury Road,Hunslet, Leeds,LS11 7E Outer South West HG1-337 5 Complete 224 Wakefield Rd Drighlington Outer South West HG1-382 5 Complete Haigh Moor Road / Westerton Road Outer South West HG1-487 5 Complete Freedom House, 111 Bradford Road, Tingley, WF3 1SD Outer South West HG1-347 6 Complete Commercial Street, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8HX Outer South West HG1-381 6 Complete Syke Road, Woodkirk Outer South West HG1-359 8 Complete Parkfield Mills Fountain St Morley Outer South West HG1-330 9 Complete Drighlington Junior School, Whitehall Road, Drighlington, Bradford, BD11 1LN Outer South West HG1-348 9 Complete Former Peel Court Residential Home, 84 Peel Street, Morley, Leeds Outer South West HG1-362 9 Complete Land Adj To 5 King Street Morley Outer South West HG1-367 9 Complete Hollow Top Mill Bridge Street Morley Outer South West HG1-374 9 Complete Lingwell Gate Lane, Thorpe Outer South West HG1-377 10 Complete Common Lane, East Ardsley Outer South West HG1-358 11 Complete Beech Works, Worrall Street, Morley Outer South West HG1-516 11 Complete Rein Road (32-34), Morley Outer South West HG1-352 12 Complete Grove, Middleton Outer South West HG1-387 12 Complete Bradford Road, East Ardsley

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Outer South West HG1-372 13 Complete Cross Hall School House, Morley Outer South West HG1-386 14 Complete Westerton Rd and Waterwood Close, Tingley Outer South West HG1-323 15 Complete Whitehall Road - The Print Factory , Lower Wortley Outer South West HG1-354 25 Complete Thorpe Road, Thorpe Crescent, Thorpe View, Middleton Outer South West HG1-338 26 Complete Bradford Road (land at), Drighlington Outer South West HG1-332 29 Complete Whitehall Road, Drighlington Outer South West HG1-283 42 Complete Sharp Lane C Outer South West HG1-361 51 Complete Chartists Way, Morley Outer South West HG1-369 72 Complete Milner Lane, Robin Hood Outer South West HG1-341 92 Complete Daisy Hill, Churwell, Morley Outer South West HG1-356 122 Complete Sharp Lane A Outer South West HG1-378 174 Complete Ardsley Sidings, East Ardsley Outer South West HG1-345 5 Expired 15/04/2014 Kennedys Mill, Albert Road, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8PF Outer South West HG1-384 5 Expired 17/08/2013 7 & 9 HAIGH MOOR ROAD, WEST ARDSLEY, WF3 1ED Outer South West HG1-365 6 Expired 08/10/2013 THE FORMER SYCAMORE PUBLIC HOUSE, HIGH STREET, MORLEY, LEEDS Outer South West HG1-392 6 Expired 18/02/2014 Main Street - The Old Hall Yard, East Ardsley WF3 2AP Outer South West HG1-364 7 Expired 07/12/2014 Land At Junction Of St Pauls Street, South Queen, Street, Morley, Leeds Outer South West HG1-380 8 Expired 13/02/2015 Howley Hall Farm, Scotchman Lane, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0NX Outer South West HG1-335 9 Expired 03/04/2016 Leeds Valve Co Ltd, 23 - 25 Town End, Gildersome, Morley, Leeds, LS27 7HF Outer South West HG1-366 11 Expired 07/07/2014 Bridge Street Morley Outer South West HG1-346 18 Expired 13/06/2015 St Marys Congregational Church, Morley Outer South West HG1-360 22 Expired 25/06/2012 Corporation Street, Morley Outer South West HG1-327 25 Expired 16/03/2014 Barkly Road LS11 Outer South West HG1-350 33 Expired 18/04/2014 South Street - Park Mills, Morley Outer South West HG1-344 40 Expired 28/12/2014 Albert Road, Morley Outer South West HG1-336 5 Permission Wakefield Road, Drighlington Outer South West HG1-375 5 Permission 309 Leeds Road Lofthouse Outer South West HG1-395 5 Permission Batley Road, W Ardsley Outer South West HG1-331 6 Permission 2 Back Lane, Drighlington, BD11 1LS Outer South West HG1-393 6 Permission Baghill Lane - Manor House Farm, West Ardsley Outer South West HG1-396 6 Permission Land Adjacent 10 Woollin Avenue West Ardsley WF3 1EX Outer South West HG1-373 7 Permission Summerfield Court Residential Home, Britannia Road Morley, Leeds, LS27 0DN Outer South West HG1-391 7 Permission BRAMLEY HOUSE, REAR OF 31/93 BRADFORD ROAD Outer South West HG1-388 8 Permission Timber Tops Forsythia Avenue East Ardsley Outer South West HG1-349 9 Permission SOUTH PARADE MORLEY Outer South West HG1-390 10 Permission Ardsley Common, Bradford Road Outer South West HG1-385 12 Permission Waterword Close (7a), Tingley WF3 1QL Outer South West HG1-328 13 Permission Green Lane LS11 Outer South West HG1-340 14 Permission Land off Daisy Hill Close, Morley, Leeds

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Outer South West HG1-467 14 Permission Former Railway Public House, Moor Knoll Lane, East Ardsley, WF3 2ED Outer South West HG1-478 18 Permission Land Along Park Wood Road, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 Outer South West HG1-333 23 Permission Old Lane - Nethertown Pig Farm, Drighlington BD11 1LU Outer South West HG1-383 32 Permission Haigh Moor Road - Jude's Point, West Ardsley, WF3 1EF Plan App 12/01850/RM Outer South West HG1-389 35 Permission Fall Lane, East Ardsley Outer South West HG1-363 44 Permission South Queen Street Morley Outer South West HG1-371 61 Permission Bruntcliffe Road, Morley Outer South West HG1-517 63 Permission Albert Road (land north of), Morley Outer South West HG1-379 64 Permission Fall Lane (West), East Ardsley Outer South West HG1-357 105 Permission Sharp Lane B Outer South West HG1-351 114 Permission Owlers Farm PAS , Wide Lane, Morley Outer South West HG1-513 115 Permission Bruntcliffe Road and Scott lane, Morley Leeds LS27 Outer South West HG1-353 128 Permission Lingwell Road, Middleton LS10 Outer South West HG1-325 154 Permission Royds Lane, Wortley, LS12 Outer South West HG1-370 173 Permission Bruntcliffe Road, Morley Outer South West HG1-514 185 Permission Albert Drive - Low Moor Farm, Morley Outer South West HG1-334 15 UDP Reedsdale Gardens, Gildersome allocation Outer South West HG1-394 28 UDP Woolin Crescent, West Ardsley allocation Outer South West HG1-368 140 UDP Throstle Lane Playing Fields, Middleton allocation LS10 Outer West HG1-175 3 Complete Clifton Road, Pudsey Outer West HG1-170 4 Complete Waterloo Infants School, Waterloo Road, Pudsey Outer West HG1-179 4 Complete Former Bowling Green, Intake Road, Pudsey Outer West HG1-195 4 Complete 120-122 Smalewell Road, Pudsey Outer West HG1-171 5 Complete 9 Marsh, Pudsey Outer West HG1-176 5 Complete 51-61 Mount Pleasant Road, Pudsey Outer West HG1-187 7 Complete 43 Carr Crofts LS12 Outer West HG1-146 8 Complete Former Lord Cardigan Public House, Hough Lane, Bramley, Leeds Outer West HG1-185 8 Complete The Former Barleycorn, 114 Town Street, Armley, Leeds Outer West HG1-203 8 Complete Lawns House, Chapel Lane, Farnley, Leeds, LS12 5et Outer West HG1-186 9 Complete Oddy's Yard Town Street LS12 Outer West HG1-138 10 Complete Cherry Tree Drive, Farsley Outer West HG1-141 10 Complete Hayley's Yard, Upper Town Street Bramley Outer West HG1-135 11 Complete Springfield Iron Works, Bagley Lane, Farsley Outer West HG1-137 13 Complete Cherry Tree Drive, Farsley Outer West HG1-197 13 Complete Land Off Fartown, Pudsey Outer West HG1-148 14 Complete Former Raynville Hotel, Raynville Drive, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 2QE Outer West HG1-150 14 Complete Newlands - Farsley Celtic AFC, Farsley Outer West HG1-178 14 Complete Lane End, Pudsey Outer West HG1-144 19 Complete Broad Lane, Bramley LS5

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Outer West HG1-143 21 Complete Victoria Park Avenue, Bramley Outer West HG1-166 22 Complete Land off Waterloo Mount, Pudsey LS28 Outer West HG1-167 24 Complete Ingham's Avenue, Waterloo Mount & Grove Outer West HG1-169 29 Complete Land At Waterloo Road and Gibraltar Road, Pudsey Outer West HG1-136 32 Complete Bank Bottom Mills, Farsley Outer West HG1-201 36 Complete Walmer Grove, Pudsey Outer West HG1-184 46 Complete Far Fold, Theaker Lane LS12 Outer West HG1-174 49 Complete Former Pudsey Grangefield School, LS28 7ND Outer West HG1-172 83 Complete Occupation Lane, Pudsey Outer West HG1-173 103 Complete Cemetery Road, Pudsey LS28 7HH Outer West HG1-165 129 Complete Dick Lane - Midpoint, Pudsey Outer West HG1-160 5 Expired 09/08/2014 Hisco Works Aston Mount LS13 Outer West HG1-182 5 Expired 26/05/2013 30 Tower Lane LS12 Outer West HG1-193 6 Expired 27/07/2014 Royal Oak, 40 Silver Royd Hill, Wortley, Leeds, LS12 4QQ Outer West HG1-163 8 Expired 15/10/2013 Vernon Place LS28 Outer West HG1-190 12 Expired 17/06/2013 Berry Mount, Wood Lane LS12 Outer West HG1-202 12 Expired 12/08/2014 WEASEL PH ROKER LANE PUDSEY Outer West HG1-204 12 Expired 22/08/2016 Prospect House Fawcett Lne LS12 Outer West HG1-192 16 Expired 30/05/2016 Land Off Tong Way, Farnley Outer West HG1-157 22 Expired 06/03/2017 Elder Road, LS13 Outer West HG1-155 25 Expired 03/01/2016 Elder Road / Swinnow Road LS13 Outer West HG1-158 28 Expired 18/01/2016 Town End Works, Bramley Outer West HG1-183 62 Expired 03/12/2014 Moorfield Road -Tower Works LS12 3RS Outer West HG1-162 78 Expired 13/05/2014 Bradford Road (83-105), Stanningley Outer West HG1-139 5 Permission Whitecote Hill LS13 Outer West HG1-191 5 Permission 249 Pudsey Road LS13 Outer West HG1-469 5 Permission 3 Crowther Avenue, Calverley, Pudsey, LS28 5SA Outer West HG1-205 7 Permission Fawcett Lane - Cliff House, LS12 Outer West HG1-132 8 Permission Ross Studios, Rodley Lane, Rodley, Leeds Outer West HG1-180 8 Permission Former Garage Site, Harley Green Outer West HG1-497 8 Permission Former Farnley Working Mens Club, Butt Lane, Farnley, Leeds, LS12 5BD Outer West HG1-140 9 Permission The Old Vic, 17 Whitecote Hill, Bramley, Leeds Outer West HG1-199 9 Permission Roker Lane, Hare Lane Outer West HG1-501 9 Permission Site Of The Former Christ Church Vicarage, Armley Ridge Road, Leeds, LS12 Outer West HG1-149 10 Permission New Street, Farsley, Pudsey, LS28 5DJ Outer West HG1-181 10 Permission Pudsey Road, Bramley LS13 Outer West HG1-188 11 Permission St Lawrence House, Pudsey Outer West HG1-151 12 Permission Land And Premises Opposite 60 To 68, Half Mile Lane, Stanningley, Pudsey Outer West HG1-200 12 Permission Lumby Lane Outer West MX1-4 12 Permission Town Street, Farsley, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 5UJ Outer West HG1-196 14 Permission Green Lane, Pudsey, Leeds

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Outer West HG1-206 14 Permission South Park Mills (15a 15 16 17) - Acrivan Ltd Outer West HG1-468 14 Permission The Swinnow, Swinnow Lane, Swinnow, Leeds, LS13 4QX Outer West HG1-154 16 Permission Fairfields, Fairfield Grove, Bramley Outer West HG1-130 17 Permission Harrogate Road - Stylo House Apperley Bridge Bradford BD10 Outer West HG1-153 18 Permission Brown Cow Ph Stanningley Rd Pudsey Outer West HG1-507 20 Permission Hillside Reception Centre Leeds and Bradford Road Bramley Outer West HG1-198 23 Permission Carlisle Road - Daytona Works, Pudsey LS28 8PL Outer West HG1-473 24 Permission Broadlea Street, Leeds, LS13 2SD Outer West HG1-156 25 Permission Swinnow Road - land north of Morrisons Outer West HG1-189 28 Permission Robin Lane/Longfield Road, Pudsey Outer West HG1-147 36 Permission BRAMLEY DISTRICT CENTRE LS13 Outer West HG1-476 36 Permission Land South Of By Pass, Hough End Lane, Bramley, Leeds, LS13 4ET Outer West HG1-134 45 Permission Bagley Lane, Farsley Outer West HG1-133 47 Permission Calverley Lane, Farsley Outer West HG1-194 49 Permission Ashley Road LS12 Outer West HG1-488 54 permission Block 1, Whingate House, Whingate, Armley Outer West HG1-142 83 Permission Broad Lane (139) - Salvation Army, Bramley Outer West HG1-145 84 Permission Canal Wharf, Wyther Lane LS5 Outer West HG1-152 133 Permission Broad Lane - Westfield Mill LS13 Outer West HG1-131 179 Permission Pollard Lane LS13 Outer West MX1-3 415 Permission Abbey Road - Kirkstall Forge LS5 Outer West HG1-177 20 UDP Lane End, Pudsey allocation Outer West HG1-168 38 UDP Delph End, Pudsey allocation Outer West HG1-161 50 UDP Charity Farm, Swinnow allocation

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