Virgin River Management Plan & Environmental Assessment, Utah
United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Zion National Park State Route 9 Springdale, UT 84767 ERRATA Virgin River Comprehensive Management Plan/Environmental Assessment July 2013 Chapter 1 – Impact Topics Retained for Further Analysis – Table 4. Impact Topics – Page 43 TEXT CHANGES: Impact Topics Analyzed in Detail: Wildlife ORV (including the threatened Mexican spotted owl) Impact Topics Eliminated from Detailed Analysis: Threatened, Endangered, and Candidate Plant and Animal Species Chapter 1 – Impact Topics Dismissed from Further Analysis – Page 46 TEXT CHANGES: Threatened, Endangered, and Candidate Plant and Animal Species The Endangered Species Act of 1973 requires examination of impacts on all federally listed threatened, endangered, and candidate species. Section 7 of the ESA requires all federal agencies to consult with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to ensure that any action authorized, funded, or carried out by the agency does not jeopardize the continued existence of the listed species or critical habitats. In addition, The 2006 Management Policies and DO-77: Natural Resource Management requires the NPS to examine the impacts on federal candidate species, as well as stated listed species. In 2010 the USFWS directed the National Park Service to their Information, Planning, and Conservation System (IPAC) on the internet to obtain a list of species that may occur in project area. The list included the following species: greater sage grouse, Mexican spotted owl, southwestern willow flycatcher, yellow- billed cuckoo, Virgin River chub, woundfin, Gierisch mallow, Jones cycladenia, Las Vegas buckwheat, Shivwits milk-vetch, Welsh’s milkweed, Utah prairie dog, desert tortoise, and California condor. Zion does not have the habitat components to support most of these species.
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