Parish Council

Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting Held at 8.00 pm On Wednesday 9th March 2016 at Southdowns Manor, Trotton. Present: Mrs K McKellar, Mr J Daborn, Mr D Stile, Mr K Tregunna, Mr D Dawtrey, Miss R Hodgson, Mrs C Brown. District Councillor Mr A Shaxson, County Councillor Mr G McAra.

5 members of the Public

1. Disclosure of Interests: None

2. Public Questions: I Mrs Catherine Myres asked for support from the PC to oppose the fencing of Trotton Common. It appeared that the letter of opposition sent by the PC in November to the planning inspectorate may not have been received and it was requested that we send it again. Mrs Myres also urged PC members and local people to attend the Public Enquiry on April 26th at the Cowdray Hall, .

Ii Mr Paul Findlay of Maple Ridge Garden Centre wished to clarify his company’s plans for the property since the withdrawal of their previous planning application. They are now working with a local architect to revise the appearance of the outside of the proposed building to make it appear more in the v ernacular style and to lower the roof level partly by digging out the foundations thus lowering the ground floor. They still intend to include a bakery, deli and fish counter; café/tea room, play area; orchard, small farm, as well as the usual garden centre facilities.

They are not now planning to build any houses on the property.

They believe they have solved any problems with drainage from Black Pond, and they are in contact with the Highways department regarding a proposed new entrance to a new carpark to the east of the existing building. The entrance would be from the remains of the old road west of Trotton Gate Garage, and join the A272 just outside the 40 mph limit signs. These might possibly be moved a few yards to include the entrance.

Mr Findlay expected the new plans to be ready for pre-advice in 3 – 4 months.

3. County Councillor’s Report: G McAra reported that the County Council’s precept would increase by 4%. Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) are to be tightened up with new criteria to be circulated. This may affect some areas where 20 mph limits have been imposed or requested. C of E school has been downgraded to “special measures” by an Ofsted inspection. Mr McAra understood from his contacts that BT Openreach expect 122 properties out of 137 in Trotton to receive fast Broadband by the end of 2017. He advised Mrs C Brown that a new round of Operation Watershed would be available in April on the County website.

District Councillor’s Report: A Shaxson reported a 3.55% rise in the District Council precept for Council Tax. This equates to £5.00 per band D property. He mentioned the great expenses incurred by the Novium Museum in and by the County Waste disposal site near Horsham. Re Ward Changes: The object of changes is to reduce the number of District Councillors, while improving democracy by equalising the numbers of voters in each ward as much as possible. Suggestions for Trotton with Chithurst Parish are (1) to remain in ward with & and Harting Parishes, with Rogate Parish added. (2) to join a “greater ” ward, with & and 2 District Councillors or (3) to join and Parishes. The PC voted to remain in the existing Harting Ward with the addition of Rogate as it was felt that we have more in common with this group than with the Midhurst group or the Linch/Linchmere group. D Stiles to write a response to the DC proposals.

4. The Minutes of the last Meeting: J Daborn proposed that the minutes be accepted, seconded by D Stiles. 5. Broadband: Steve Prendergast had been asked to attend the meeting to up-date the PC on his correspondence with Andrew Tyrie regarding high speed broadband. Government has committed £1.7Billion to get rural areas connected but it’ clearly not enough. The project has cross –party support and it’s believed that an extra £1B has now been promised. It seems clear that BT has failed to maintain let alone upgrade the infrastructure in recent years, so the copper wires are not good enough to provide access to the fibre optic cables at the cabinets. Either many more cabinets are needed or much better wires. Mrs C Brown asked Mr Prendergast to continue to work on behalf of the PC on better access, which Mr Prendergast believes should be a “universal service” as with the postal service.

6. Finance: J Daborn has transferred the funds from the old Co-op account to the new Nat West one.. Cheques were signed in payment for grass-cutting, audit expenses and a SSALC course.

7. Annual Parish Meeting & Queen’s Birthday: It was provisionally decided to hold the Annual Parish Meeting alongside the next PC meeting on Wednesday 11th May and a celebration of the Queen’s 90th Birthday on Bank Holiday Monday 30th May. Venues to be confirmed.

8. Parish Archives: It was decided to sort out the parish documents on Friday 1st April at K McKellar’s house.

9. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 11th May 2016, 8.00 pm, venue to be confirmed.