Talking 3-pointers with Kyle Korver

By: Tom Haberstroh

As valuable as statistical analysis can be in the NBA, it's important to remember that numbers aren't randomly generated by a computer. They're the product of humans playing on the court. To provide that context and understand the thinking behind the stats, ESPN Insider is sitting down with NBA players for "Data Dialogues" to discuss their games and their numbers.

Tom Haberstroh recently sat down with shooting guard Kyle Korver and played a little guessing game -- call it "I.Q." or Insider Quiz -- about the players who have assisted him on at least 40 3- pointers in his career.

Tom Haberstroh: I've got a game for you.

Kyle Korver: A game?

TH: Yup. Heading into tonight, you've made 1,556 3-pointers in your NBA career. A total of 14 players have assisted you on at least 40 3-pointers in your career. Who are those 14?

KK: You want me to name those 14?

Data Dialogues and IQ archive

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TH: That's right.

KK: OK. I'm gonna say ... Allen Iverson . TH: Yup. Most on the list, 160 in all.

KK: I'll say Andre Miller .

TH: Yup. What's the difference between getting a pass from A.I. versus Andre Miller?

KK: Man, that was a long time ago. Really, with A.I., it was after a drive-and-kick most of the time. With A.I., we wanted him going to the basket all the time. When he was stuck, I was supposed to be in a spot that he could kick it out to. But he also got me a lot on the break, too ... Andre Miller, he was just a great setup point guard. I only played with him for a couple years, but he's got to be pretty high on the list.

TH: Andre Miller has 43. A.I. has the most at 160. So you have two. There are 14.

KK: How about Andre Iguodala ?

TH: No. 4. There are four with over 100 and he is one of them. He has 101.

KK: Yeah. OK. Umm ... I'm gonna say ... Deron Williams .

TH: No. 3. With 117.

KK: Have I gotten No. 2 yet?

TH: Not yet. He's technically not in this locker room, at this moment.

KK: OK. I'm gonna say, .

TH: That's right. No. 2! Too easy -- 128.

KK: I know Josh Smith is on there.

TH: That he is -- 42.

KK: Millsap is probably on there.

TH: Yup, 64. No. 6 on the list.

KK: How about ... Derrick Rose .

TH: No. 5. OK, so you have Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on the list. Looking for Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.

KK: How about ... Oh! Carlos Boozer .

TH: Carlos is not on there. Only 23. So, he technically doesn't have over 40 ...

KK: OK, well. I played with him for so many years, you'd think he'd be on there ... OK, Al?

TH: Al Horford , yep.

KK: Andrei Kirilenko . TH: Nope. He's got only 10 for you. You have to go back to your Philly days.

KK: Whoo boy. How about um ... Willie Green ?

TH: Just below. 37. Eric Snow 27.

KK: I don't think Joakim's on there.

TH: Nope. Just 11.

KK: There's gotta be more Bulls guys.

TH: The one you're looking for is a borderline Hall of Famer.

KK: Hall of Famer? ... Webb?

TH: Yep! Chris Webber . Among bigs, there's Millsap, Horford and Webber. He's an incredible passer.

KK: Oh, man. There was no one more excited than I was when we traded for him. It didn't work out quite the way we hoped. I was just dreaming about being Peja [Stojakovic] in the corner. Didn't work out though.

TH: Peja! OK, three more.

KK: Three more. How about Brevin Knight ?

TH: Not quite. High on the list. Actually, this guy, he's assisted you on two teams.

KK: Ronnie Brewer?

TH: Actually, not the one I'm looking for.

A few seats over in the locker room, DeMarre Carroll looks over as he ties his shoes.

DC: What's this list?

TH: Guys who have assisted him the most in his career.

KK: You didn't make the list, DeMarre. But you're workin' on it. Paul [Millsap], you made the list.

Millsap grins as he cleans up his locker next to Carroll.

Millsap: That's right!

TH: Kyle, next guy you're looking for was traded from this team over the summer.

KK: Lou?

TH: Yup, Lou Williams . KK: Oh yeah. In Philly, too.

DC: Carlos Boozer!

KK: Nah, not him. Four and a half years I played with Booz. And he didn't make the list ...

TH: Ha. Think backup point guard.

KK: C.J. Watson .

TH: Yup, C.J. Last one on the list ... is kind of tough. Give up?

KK: Hit me.

TH: John Salmons .

KK: Oh, I thought about him! Interesting. Sorry, John!

TH: [Runs through the list]

KK: That's pretty cool.

TH: OK, so who hit you right on the money the most when you were trying to get a 3?

DC: Josh Smith!

KK: In the corner? I tell you what, Josh Smith was amazing at finding me in the corner. He was amazing. Andre Miller was really great, too. So was Deron Wiliams.

TH: So, that's the full list. Actually, you were unassisted 59 times in your career. Can you believe that?

KK: That's a lot for me.

TH: OK, bonus question before you get out of here. A toughie. Who assisted you on your first 3-pointer in the NBA?

KK: Aaron McKie.

TH: Yes! How did you know that?

KK: [smiles] No idea.