Primary 4 Home Learning History Project May 2020

Learning Outcome I can select a person, place or event from Scottish History to research and learn about

Success criteria and skills

 I can explain how the lives of people from a specific period in Scottish History have changed compared to how we live in today.  I can make a simple timeline.  I can use books, websites, and other sources of information to find facts about my chosen topic  I can present my project in an interesting way

Personal Project Task: Choose an area of Scottish History which you are interested to learn about. Explore your chosen topic and share what you have learned with your teacher and class on teams. Your project can be presented in any way that you would like including Powerpoint, Leaflet, Poster, drawings, poem, song or video presentation. Be as creative as you like!

Scottish History Topics to choose from

• Romans in Scotland • Mary Queen of Scots ( or Scottish Kings and Queens) • Scottish Wars of Independence ( Wallace and Bruce) • The ( Scotland and ) • Jacobites and the • Scottish Industrial Revolution • Scottish Inventors (John Logie Baird, Sir Alexander Fleming, Alexander Graham Bell, Charles MacIntosh, Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt etc) • Victorians • Border Reivers • Local History - Historical buildings, events local traditions • A Scottish History topic of your choice

Below are some websites to get you started. You can also use any books you have at home or perhaps you may be able to telephone interview someone who has knowledge about the topic you have chosen.

The National Museum of Scotland website offers animations, games and learning opportunities A Timeline of Scottish History - BBC Learning Scotland Primary History - BBC Bitesize History first level -

Scottish Wars of Independence BBC Bitesize area -

Historical Artefacts -

National Archives, education area, photographs of real life artefacts. Search by time period or events -

Historical topics

Ducksters - this websites includes a history area and biographies of famous people in easy to read language