Patagonia Trekking Paine, Fitz Roy, Cerro Torre

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Patagonia Trekking Paine, Fitz Roy, Cerro Torre TREKKING HOME VIE FERRATE • Itineraries WORLD • Trekking world wide • Expeditions • People 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Panorama 360° Introduction • Post Chile This name evokes images of rugged, Argentina • Weblink imposing, inaccessible mountains and vast stark plains, stretching down from the Advice • Search pampas in the north for thousands of General kilometers through Argentina and Chile to Information the southernmost tip of the South American slideshow (plug- continent. Plains, endless and windswept, in!) open yet inhospitable, devoid of all but the most resistant and determined. One thing only is constant here: the driving, incessant wind that swirls threateningly over the Andes before blowing unchecked out into the Atlantic Ocean. Within these barren, monotonous plains hides an inexplicable, intrinsic beauty that captivates and fascinates. This culminates when, travelling westwards, the imposing Cordillera rise still distant from these unlimited horizons. Although no longer as remote or wild as it once was, this final stretch of the 12200km long Andes still A windmill, somewhere on the remains a formidable challenge to the best road between El Calfate and El mountaineers in the world. And as the only Chalten way of reaching this is either on horseback or on foot, mountains such as Cerro Torre, Fitz Roy and the Torre del Paine have justifiably become highly popular trekking routes. Those in search of adventure will not be disappointed; Patagonia remains, to this day, a magical and mysterious land. And even though it is becoming a victim of its own success, much remains still to be discovered, with a little effort, off the beaten track. | Home | News | Special | Lab | Mountaininfo | Expo | Rock | Expeditions | Ice | Snow | Trekking | Info | Newsletter |Italian version| Sends comments and suggestions to Copyright© Mountain Network s.r.l. TREKKING HOME VIE FERRATE • Itineraries WORLD • Trekking world wide • Expeditions • People 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Panorama 360° Introduction • Post Chile the trek • Weblink Parque Nacional Torres del Paine was created in 1959 by the Chilean Government to protect it Argentina • Search originally from sheep and cattle overgrazing and in Advice 1978 it was declared part of World Biosphere General System by UNESCO. Information The park, rising out of the barren steppes, is of slideshow (plug- astounding beauty: deep lakes are fed by raging in!) rivers cut steeply into lateral valleys, dominated by towering peaks, mythical to mountaineers and trekkers alike. The magnificent Cuernos del Paine and the three granite pillars that have given the park its name are a powerful testament to the last ice age, whilst the ever faster receding glaciers are a poignant reminder of how fragile our ecosystem is. Conservation efforts over the years have brought their rewards: the guanaco, once a dying breed, now roam in abundance and ñandú and flamingos can be easily observed, too. The trekking opportunities here are in many respects unparalleled. The world famous Paine circuit offers a fabulous insight into this area, and those who are lucky enough to have more time can explore further still. Parque Nacional Torres del Paine will not disappoint. The magnificent Cuernos del Paine and Lago Pehoe Getting there The starting point for the Parque Nacional Torres del Paine is Puerto Natales. From Puerto Natales various bus operators offer open-ended return tickets to the park, The Cuernos del Paine almost 120km away. illuminated briefly Buses depart at around 7 am and take over 4 hours to reach the park. The main entrance is Guardería & Rifugio Laguna Amarga, at the northern end of the park; all tourists are brought here and they must purchase a park permit and register before entering. Buses then continue to Accommodation the Sede Administrativa There are various hotels within the park, but most Lago del Toro, from trekkers opt either for the Refugios, which cost where most depart in the little in comparison, or the campsites. The main early afternoon for the campsites are Camping Pehoè, Camping Rìo return trip to Puerto Serrano, Camping Laguna Azul and Camping Las Natales. Torres. Other smaller campsites and Rifugios (in various states of disrepair) are situated along the trekking routes. Supplies There are no supply shops within the park. Bring all food from Puerto Natales. | Home | News | Special | Lab | Mountaininfo | Expo | Rock | Expeditions | Ice | Snow | Trekking | Info | Newsletter |Italian version| Sends comments and suggestions to Copyright© Mountain Network s.r.l. TREKKING HOME VIE FERRATE • Itineraries WORLD • Trekking world wide • Expeditions • People 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Panorama 360° No. 1 Guardería Laguna Amarga – Torres del Paine Introduction Lookout • Post Chile • Weblink A straightforward trekking itinerary that, thanks to the trek Argentina the fantastic view of the Torres del Paine, has • Search Advice become a classic of its kind, even though the long General hike up to the Lookout Point and back again is not Information particularly enthralling. slideshow (plug- in!) Difficulty: this trek is straightforward and in good conditions poses no serious problems. Days required: it can be done as a long day trek by starting early, or alternatively in two days by spending the night at Campamento Torres (recommended). Distance: 34km from Guardería Laguna Amarga. The Torres del Paine appearing through the Click on the map clouds, from the to see an Lookout enlarged version Day 1 Guardería Laguna Amarga – Campamento Torres From Guardería & Rifugio Laguna Amarga follow the dirt track westwards down to cross Río Paine on a narrow bridge and, following the signposted short cuts, continue on to Hostria Las Torres in about 3 hours. Alternatively, skip this dusty first section by taking the private minibus that ferries walkers up to the expensive Hostria and spacious campsite (recommended). From Hostria Las Torres walk south-westwards down to cross the Río Ascencio on a suspension bridge. Continue to the ridge and leave this main path by turning right (NW) steeply uphill, following an obvious, eroded path up the Río Ascencio valley. This initial climb is by far the steepest and most tiring section, but after having gained roughly 500m in height it levels out almost completely. It continues, exposed in one section, above the raging Río Ascencio, down to the Campamento Chileno. Allow 11/2 hours for this section, slightly more on hot days. After the refuge the path leads through lovely woods on up the left-hand side of the valley. It crosses two streams that, after rain, can prove tricky to cross, before leading down to a signposted “Mirador” fork. If Torre Central illuminated briefly. done as a two day trek, ignore this sign and continue Climber's advanced basecamp is along the valley to quickly reach the Campamento usually set up beneath the Torres. Allow about 1 hour for this section. outcrops bottom left. Nestled in the woods, this campsite offers a welcome shelter from the howling winds that gust down the valley. Fresh water can be collected from the small stream at the start of the campsite, and a toilet has been built to stop the area from being polluted. A makeshift hut has been constructed and is used by many for cooking. If this trek is done in a single day, from the “Mirador” signpost follow the path SW steeply up to the Torres del Paine Lookout in just under 1 hour. Keep left initially, crossing a small stream occasionally, before following orange and red markers up through the scree and rubble to the lookout. Enjoy the windy view, The fanastic view from the before returning along the approach route to Hostria Lookout, with the icy Laguna Las Torres and Guardería & Rifugio Laguna Amarga. deep below the morraine wall Day 2 Campamento Torres - Torres del Paine Lookout - return Sunrise over these three granite towers can be truly magnificent and well worth getting up for early. From the corner of the campsite a small path leads over the stream and out of the woods to meet the main path. Keep left initially, crossing a small stream occasionally, before following orange and red markers up through the scree and rubble to the Torres del Paine Lookout in just under 1 hour (allow slightly more for a pre-dawn start). Enjoy the windy view, before returning to the campsite. Pack the tent and return along A lone guanaco the approach route to Hostria Las Torres and grazing along the Rio Guardería & Rifugio Laguna Amarga. Paine | Home | News | Special | Lab | Mountaininfo | Expo | Rock | Expeditions | Ice | Snow | Trekking | Info | Newsletter |Italian version| Sends comments and suggestions to Copyright© Mountain Network s.r.l. TREKKING HOME VIE FERRATE • Itineraries WORLD • Trekking world wide • Expeditions • People 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Panorama 360° Introduction • Post Parque Nacional Los Glaciares came into existence in the late Chile 1930’s and in 1982 UNESCO, recognising the park for its unique • Weblink Argentina and outstanding natural beauty, declared it a World Heritage trek No. 1 Area. The world famous Perito Moreno glacier lies in its southern • Search trek No. 2 section, whilst the Fitz Roy area is situated in the remote northern Mnet's advice section. General The Fitz Roy area offers spectacular and highly rewarding short Information treks up to Cerro Torre and Fitz Roy. These granite peaks are slideshow (plug- often shrouded in cloud or lashed by high winds, but on calm days in!) they, and the entire massif, act as a stunning backdrop to the barren steppes over 2000m below. There are of course many other rewarding treks apart from the two described here, including the much longer Fitz Roy circuit. Getting there El Chalten is the starting point for most treks in the Fitz Roy area.
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