[ CORNWALt..J . 18 POST b:F:FtC:n CAKDJ:NBAM, or CARDYNHAM, is a township, room. There is a catnp In this parish. Glynrl House is parish, and village, 31 miles from Plymouth railway the seat of Lord Vivian. The population, in 1851, was station, 4~ north-east from , in Bodmin Union, 782; and the acreage is 9,534. The soil is clay, and Trigg deanery, archdeaconry, and Exeter some light; the subsoil is granite and slate. Lord bishopric. The church ot St. Mewbred is an old stone Vivian and others are lords ot the manor ; and the Hon. building in the perpendicular style of architecture, has a A. J. Agar and Lord Vivian are chief landowners. The nave, aisles, chancel, porch, tower, 5 bells, 1 brass, 3 chief crops are wheat, barley, and oats. monuments, font, and sedilia. The living is a rectory, TEASdN, Venn, Kingswood, Cardeast* Higher Pawna, worth .£515 yearly, witb residence and 216 acres of Outer Bury, Millpool, Higher Carbluke* Meadenwell, glebe land, in the gift of Mrs. Cordelia Vivian; the Rev. Wilton, Newland, Litlcott, Glynn, Penpoll, Devoiek, John Vivian Vivian, M.A.; is the incumbent. There is a Carbella, Colvanick, Freeze, Galgeath, Tresance, Preslea, chapel for Wesleyans, a National school for boys and Treswithick, Sina, Benorth, Glebe and Calliwith, are girls, and a Sunday school held at the National school· places here. GENTRY. t Courts John, shoemaker Long Thomas, miller Flamank Mr. Henry Courts Thomas, farmer, Old Cardinham May William, farmer, Sina Riddle Mr. John Grigg W1lliam, farmer, Devoick Northey John, farmer, Glynn Vivian Lord Chas.Crespigney,Giynn ho Harris John, farmer, Kingswood Pearce Richard, farmer, Treslea Vivian Rev. John Vivian, M.A. Rectory •Hawkey John, farmer, Cardeast Renels Robert, farmer, Glebe TRADERs. Henwood John &; William, farmers, Renels Robert, farmer, Wilton Bate Roger & Daniel, farmers, •reason Higher Carbella Rich Richard, farmer, Benorth Bate Humphrey, tailor & postmaster Higgs Ann(Mrs.),farmer,HigherTawna *Riddle Edward, farmer, Colvanick Bate John, farmer, Park Hugh Mary (Mrs.), schoolmistress Riddle George, farmer, Calliwith Bate Thomas, farmer, Penpoll Hugh Richard, schoolmaster Riddle George, farmer, Kingswood Eawden Peter, farmer, Outer Bury Jury Henry, farmer, Higher Colvanick Riddle Jame~, farmer, Lower Tawna *Bawden Wm. farmet,HigherCarblake Knight Richard, farmer, Treslea *Riddle Philip, farmer, Newland Best Christopher, farmer, Tresance Langdon George, farmer, Meadenwell Runnels Samuel, boot &. shoe maker Bunt John, shopkeeper Langdon Thomas, farmer, Inner Bury Sandercock John, blacksmith Bunt John, farmer, Old Cordinham Launder John, boot & shoe maker Stephens Andrew, f~rmer, Hill Bunt Petberick, tailor *Lawry Anthony, farmer &; miller, Thomas John, farmer, Lidcott Bunt Thomas, farmer & mason, Venn Preeze mill Whiting Abraham, Commercial inn, & Colwill John, 'Volunteer's Arms' Lawry John, farmer, Treswitbick blacksmith, Millpool Coppin William,farmer,LowerCarblake Lobb Abraham, farmer, Galgeath PosT OPPICB.-Humphrey Bate, receiver. Letters arrive at 1 p.m.; dispatched at i to 7 a.m. Letters are received from Bodmin by foot CAKGB:E::E:N, a village in the parish of Landulph, on school supported partly by contributions, and partly by the western bank of the , in the south division payments t11ken from the children; school-house at Cross, of East Hundred, 6 miles north from by land, 3 which is also licensed for preaching, at which the Rector, by water. There are places of worship here for Baptist, the Rev. William Seymour, M.A.; presides on Sunday Wesleyan, and Calvinist dissenters. There is a parish evenings only. GENTRY. , Best Josepb, smith Prideaux Pasco, 'Royal Oak • Prouse Mr. Thomas Bound William, farmer Q uance William, farmer Quance Mr. Roger Braund James, grocer Sleemon John, tailor Wymond William, esq Dawe Jame9, grocer Sleep William, shoemaker TRADERS. Dawe Richard, postmaster & parish elk Letters throo~h H11lt from Plymouth. Adams James, carpenter Evans Richard, shoemaker The nearest money order office is at Barrett William, farmer Gill John, shopkeeper Saltash Bate John, 'Ring of Bells' Popplestone Richard, shoemaker CABK.:E:EL, a. village 2 miles north-west of Saltasb, in the parish of St. Stephen's. TRADERS. ' Coram J obn, farmer 1 Letters through Saltash, which is the .Batten John, farmer Hawkinf! Samuel, farmer J nearest money order office Batten Thomas, farmer Warren Richard, wheelwright CAUSAND is in the parish of Rame, and has a chapel of ease to Rame. Here is a Free school for girls. Brown Capt. Joseph William, R.N Groves James, shopkeeper Moor John, shopkeeper Hardy Mr. John Hocken Daniel, black'!mith Nichols Elizabeth (Miss), haberdasher TRADERS. Hocken William, farmer Pear:le Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper Bawden Joseph, f11rmer Jope Richard, boatbuilder Pearse Williamj coal dealer Beal James, mason Kingdom, Henry, mason Sanders Samuel, mason Burlace Alfred, boatbuilder Knott William, butcher 'frist Thotnas, Ship inn Burlace John, farmer Lee William, shopkeeper Webber Josepb, carpenter Chappell Nancy (Miss),' Pilot Boat' Marchant George, shopkeeoer Weymouth Elizabeth ( Missj,shopkeepr Eddey Tamson (Mrs.), shopkeeper Maunder William, 'CrossKeyl' Willcocks Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper PosT OFFICE.- An drew Lobb, receiver. Letters through J by foot post. The nearest money order office is at Devon- Devonport arrive at 12 noon; dispatched at I past 2 p.m. port CBARL:E:STOWN is a thriving seaport town and j1851, is cruciform, and in the early English style, with ecclesiastical district, within 2 miles west of St. Austell nave, chancel, aisles, and transept; the roof is supported (its post town), whence large quantities of china clay, on granite pillars, altHnately round and octagon; the china stone, and the mining produce of the country pulpit and reading-desk are of carved oak, the former on are exported. Charlestown was constituted a new parish a massive granite pedestal ; the living is a perpetual in 1846 (under Sir Robert Peel's act) out of the eastern curacy, in the gift of the Crown and Bishop alternately, part of the parish of St. Austell, and consists of several and worth £150 per annum. There are chapels for Wes­ villages and hamlets. It is bounded on the south by St. leyans, Wesleyan Reformers, and Bible Christians. Here Aostell bay, where there is a good quay and harbour; it are Messrs. Enthoven's tin smelting works. The popula­ is in the eastern division, Powder Hundred, and St. tion, in 1851, was 2,871; acreage about 1,500. The Prince Au&tell Union. The church of St. Paul's, consecrated in of Wales is lord of the manor. GENTRY. Parnall John, esq Breen Richard, wheelwright Banks Mr. Baker StepheBS Mr. Joseph Clemo George, grocer BradhurstMrs Thomas James, esq. Charlestown villa Couch Edward, ~rocer Couch Capt. Edward WoolcockRev.CloberyS.B.A.Parsonage Crossman John, butcher Hitchins Mrs TRAnEKS. Crowle John, farmer J{ernick Samuel, esq Banks B~ker, harbour master Dawe Ricltard&Josbqa,farmrs,Mertben