April 2016 Volume 26, Issue 3 www.TransCentralPA.org [email protected] c/o MCC of the Spirit 2973 Jefferson Street Serving the Community of Central Pennsylvania since 1989 Harrisburg, PA 17110

April 2016 Announcements April’s Dinner will be at Millworks Restaurant on Saturday, April 9th at 5:30 pm. We’ll sit down promptly at 6:00 pm. Please RSVP if you plan to attend at our website.

April’s Meeting is Saturday, April 9th at 8:30 pm. Doors will open at approximately 8:00 pm.

Social Time following the meeting will be at a location we’ll announce a the meeting. We’ve decided to move our after meeting event around to a few different locations.

April Birthdays! Happy Birthday to Kristy Sn., Dee Anne Fi., Janine La., Staci Ha., Jessica Go., Jesse Bo., Donna Be., and Kendra Ed.

The LGBT Center has started offer- ing meet-ups in Lancaster and York for LGBT women, LGBT men, LGBT parents, and LGBT seniors. Each meet-up takes place one Mon- day each month in Lancaster, and one Wednesday each month in York. Information can be found at Sarah McBride, Campaigns and Communications Manager for LGBT Re- www.centralpalgbtcenter.org/ search and Communications Project at the Center for American Progress, deliv- programs programs, visitors can also link to a closed Facebook group for ers Saturday night’s Keystone Conference Keynote address. the relevant meet-ups they may be Photo by Randi Wallace interested in connecting with. Contact Louie Marven at (717) 920-9534 or e- those who already have given us announcement this summer when the mail at www.centralpalgbtcenter.org some). rooms at the Sheraton and Red Lion become available at the special Key- if you have any questions about these Feedback Please! new programs. stone rate. We'll keep the We've created a simple page to pro- 2016 website up for about a month if vide you an opportunity to let us know you wish to contact any of our spon- Is it Really Over? Can you believe your ideas, opinions and comments sors, presenters or vendors. concerning the conference as well as that it's been a little over a week since the Keystone Conference? Thank your suggestions for 2017. TCPA Membership Dues are a one- you to all who made it such a fun, in- teresting and memorable time annual fee of $20. Spouses or event! Before it fades into a distant 2017 Keystone Conference dates for SOs are $10 for the year. Dues are but pleasant memory, we'd love to the 2017 Keystone Conference are March 22-26th. We will send out an hear your feedback (and thanks to Continued on Page 3...


love, With


- 22 March are 2017 Keystone for dates our now, calendars your Mark Hotel.

650 when we take into account the functions that we moved to the Red Lion Lion Red the to moved we that functions the account into take we when 650

success. Our attendance continues to grow, this year we were right around around right were we year this grow, to continues attendance Our success.

In closing, thank you again to each person that helped make Keystone 2016 a a 2016 Keystone make helped that person each to again you thank closing, In

and if there are preferred times, let me have your input. your have me let times, preferred are there if and … er

those of you that have something forthcoming really need to attend. More lat- More attend. to need really forthcoming something have that you of those

but those of you that either are already given speaking engagements, and and engagements, speaking given already are either that you of those but

various presentations. When I call that meeting, anyone is welcome to attend, attend, to welcome is anyone meeting, that call I When presentations. various

meeting to sit and discuss the talking points we absolutely must include in the the in include must absolutely we points talking the discuss and sit to meeting

others and we face. Before the end of May, I will find a time to call a special special a call to time a find will I May, of end the Before face. we and others

Speakers Bureau Speakers “ a ize and spend some time together talking about the issues issues the about talking together time some spend and ”

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voyage to an authentic life. We must tell their story for them. We must tell peo- tell must We them. for story their tell must We life. authentic an to voyage

sands of our brothers and sisters that will never get a chance to talk about their their about talk to chance a get never will that sisters and brothers our of sands

community. As important as our individual stories may be, there are thou- are there be, may stories individual our as important As community. -

only opportunity we have to educate them on the challenges we face as a trans a as face we challenges the on them educate to have we opportunity only

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info! event more & details your story and that of this community to various organizations or groups. In In groups. or organizations various to community this of that and story your

for www.TransCentralPA.org Visit behalf. Lately however, more opportunities exist for some of you to present present to you of some for exist opportunities more however, Lately behalf.

to tell our story at any number of different venues, and I do that proudly on your your on proudly that do I and venues, different of number any at story our tell to

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as you know, as your President, I get many invitations invitations many get I President, your as know, you as … speaking of Speaking

Michigan Transgender Aug

families. their &

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tell us about important things we need to know, however we still need to pro- to need still we however know, to need we things important about us tell

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. From time to time, we might have an outsider come in to to in come outsider an have might we time, to time From . other each support

Dinner TransCentralPA Jul

First, I want to remind you that our monthly meetings exist for one purpose one for exist meetings monthly our that you remind to want I First, to to ….

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PA Youth Action Conference Action Youth PA Apr

Jottings s ’ Joanne

Bold text are TransCentralPA sponsored TransCentralPA are text Bold

Calendar of Events of Calendar

2 Page

Page 3

Trans-Headliners ...‘Announcements’ from Page 1 Below are several news stories, blogs, opinions and resources for your reading pleas- used to pay for meeting space, program ure. Opinions & views in these links cannot be assumed to be of TransCentralPA, nor literature, our website and our affiliation the Officers or Members of TransCentralPA. Our goal is to simply provide you with with and support of community groups information & thought-provoking viewpoints. If you would like to submit a story, please and activities such as Common Roads, email us at [email protected] the Community Center, Central Penn- sylvania Pride, etc. Please continue to This Trans Woman Dared to Be Herself in 1960s America support our organization and efforts by Australian Millionaire Comes Out as Transgender on Television joining or renewing your membership— IOC Loosens Guidelines on Transgender Athletes we are making a difference! This Trans Man Just Came Out To The World In The Best Way Possible 'Obamacare Kid' Comes Out As Transgender PHOTOS, PHOTOS, PHOTOS Our Another Effort To Discriminate Against Transgender Students Just Failed wonderful photographers are working Transgender bill fails in subcommittee, headed to summer study feverishly to prepare and post the pic- tures they took during the confer- Disputed health law rule would broaden transgender rights ence. We will send out an email with TTop-LGBT-stories-2015 directions on viewing and how to order Britain's first transgender military pilot your pictures when they are ready. In Trans-man-sues-montco-supermarket the meantime, please send us the pho- tos you took--we'd love to see US-marine-found-guilty-killing-transgender-filipino. them! Please send them Philly People of the Year to [email protected] or New-group-for-women-trans-femme-cyclists post them (or link) to our Facebook Event-to-benefit-LGBT-photographer-with-cancer page. Putting-the-pieces-together-new-home-to-help-lgbt-homeless-opens-in-n-philly Keystone Conference on Facebook Gay-scoutmaster-remains-ousted Don't forget to share your experiences First-openly-gay-montco-judge-inaugurated there as well! More-water-work-expected-on-rainbow-crosswalks Mayor-Kenney-appoints-two-lgbts-to-new-posts Red Roof Inn Discount We have ne- Since Caitlyn Jenner, Renaming Ceremonies Gain Visibility gotiated a rate of $42.99/night for 2015 Kris Jenner Explains How She Dealt With Caitlyn Jenner’s Transition for both TransCentralPA members and guests. To take advantage of this spe- State agency: D.A. must certify Morris records cial offer, call the hotel directly at (717) Trans woman goes ahead with surgery after court battle 939-1331 and use the rate code In first, White House hires openly trans staffer “TCPA”. Ask for details. They are also offering a special price for their Busi- ‘Glee’ star to give ‘Unique’ Pride show ness King suites. Supreme Court Upholds Key Provision in ACA act for Low-Income Families

9 Trans Dads Share What They Love About Fatherhood National pilot program to train doctors in transgender health Have an announcement? E-mail us at [email protected] Doctor first, transgender second: New Pa. physician general makes LGBT history Girl Scouts Return $100K When Donor Demands It 'Not Be Used' For Trans Girls Girl Scouts Raise $100,000 in One Day After Dropping Transphobic Donor Transgender Decision Raises Questions of Combat Jobs Democrats Plan To Introduce Sweeping LGBT Rights Bill In Congress This Week Louisville specialist helps transgender people with key part of transition — their voices Why we still need statewide protections from discrimination Equality PA Hires Trans-Rights Organizer Pentagon Weighs Allowing Transgender Troops to Serve Openly Transgender Rights-Mara Keisling talks on CSPAN State of CA and Transgender Law Center reach historic settlement over trans prisoner health care Gender-Neutral Bathrooms: (Hopefully) Coming Soon to a City Near You Page 4

Look for It Lionsgate and Silver Pictures Television have set a script deal titled “New People” at Freeform (formerly ABC Family) and award-winning feature film writer/director Don Roos (“The Opposite of Sex”) has come aboard to write and executive produce. The series is inspired by the acclaimed New York Times bestselling novel Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family by Amy Ellis Nutt. Joel Silver and Rodney Ferrell will executive produce through Silver’s shingle and Li- onsgate Television, where Silver has a first-look deal. Ferrell oversees the television division of Silver Pictures. The series and novel are inspired by on the true story of a transgender girl, her identical twin brother and their ordinary family’s extraordinary journey to celebrate the uniqueness in all of us. The book was named one of the 10 best books of 2015 by news outlets including People and Men’s Journal magazines and earned critical praise from the New York Times, Washington Post, Time Magazine and Publishers Weekly.

During Keystone’s ‘Meet the Authors’ event, we were overwhelmed by the number of people wanting to obtain a signed copy of the book, “Becoming “Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family”. We have coordinated to have another shipment of books sent to the author Amy Nutt to be signed.

If you are interested purchasing this book, please respond to [email protected] and we’ll send you an ebill from PayPal for $25. Please give us a few weeks to get the books to Amy, have her return them signed, and then we’ll mail you your copy.

Please provide in your response: 1. Who you want the book to be made out to 2. Your Mailing Name & Address

Again, our apologies for running out of ‘Becoming Nichole’ books.

Page 5

Trans Billionaire Funds World's First Endowed Chair in Trans Studies By Cleis Abeni The 20-year-old Tawani Foundation has donated $1 million to the University of Victoria in British Columbia to create what is reportedly the world’s first endowed chair in transgender studies, according to a statement by the university. Founded by billionaire philanthropist and investor, Jennifer N. Pritzker—an out trans, re- tired lieutenant colonel in the United States Army and heir to the Chicago Pritzker family fortune—the foundation has also pledged to match other donors’ contributions by up to $1 million to support the endowed professorship. Through the foundation’s generosity, Aaron H. Devor, an internationally regarded sexolo- gist and a trans professor of sociology at the university, has now become the inaugural chair in transgender studies. Devor is also the founder and academic director of the school’s Transgender Archives. Founded in 2012, the collection “represents 17 countries on five continents, more than a century of research and over 50 years of activism,” said the statement, and contains mate- rials that if lined up “along one shelf” would “stretch the length of a football field." The ar- Jennifer Pritzer chives will host the Moving Trans History Forward conference at the university in March. “Far too many trans and gender nonconforming people still live in poverty and fear,” Devor said. “As the inaugural chair, I will act as a resource locally and internationally for those needing information for their own research or for policy devel- opment, as well as building linkages between community-based and academic scholars working in transgender studies.” “I am proud of our campus community’s commitment to diversity, as well as grateful to Dr. Devor, Lt. Col. Pritzker, the Tawani Foundation and all those who help us continually learn and grow in a welcoming environment that promotes the rights and affirms the dignity of all persons,” added the university’s President Jamie Cassels. “The chair in transgender studies sets UVic apart as a place that offers the highest quality research and is also home to exceptional students, fac- ulty and staff who inspire bold action for positive impact on the lives of others.” With a mission expressed on its website “to enhance the awareness and understanding of the importance of the Citizen Soldier,” the Tawani Foundation has supported dozens of nonprofit organizations to advance research in milit ary affairs and history, historic preservation, health and wellness, and human rights. Previously, the foundation awarded $1.35 million to the Palm Center for their Transgender Military Initiative, which brought together 11 research projects that studied the inclusion of trans troops in the U.S. military. The foundation also sponsors the Pritzker Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing. Two universities in the Netherlands previously hosted now-inactive professorships focused on trans issues, reported the Chicago Tribune. One of these positions was at the Free University of Amsterdam, which had a chair of transsexology for 20 years. The other was at the University of Utrecht Medical Centre, which had a chair of gender development and psychopathology for 10 years. Devor also told the Chicago Tribune that transgender research throughout North America has been supported through philanthropy, and the Erickson Educational Foundation was key to that support. Devor has researched the work of Reed Erickson, a Texas-born transgender man who started the Erickson Educational Foundation in the 1960s and supported ONE, Inc., a pioneering gay and lesbian organization fabled for its ONE Magazine and ONE Institute Quarterly. The Er- ickson Educational Foundation also helped sponsor one of the first symposiums of the organization that is now called the Wo ld Professional Association for Transgender Health.

Business Networking Mixer Wednesday, April 13th 6:00-8:00 pm AACA Museum 161 Museum Dr, Hershey, PA 17033 Members: Free Prospective Member: $10 Come join us for worship Bring your business cards and and friendship! 30 second elevator speech. Metropolitan Community Church of the Spirit Business dress requested. 2973 Jefferson Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 www.MCCoftheSpirit.org

Page 6 Notable Notorieties

Support for Lilly Wachowski on social media grows Hollywood director, writer and producer Lilly Wachowski came out publicly as transgender earlier in March and in a statement shared by her hometown's LGBT media outlet, The Windy City Times, she said that, "To be transgender is something largely understood as existing within the dog- matic terminus of male or female. And to 'transition' im- parts a sense of immediacy, a before and after from one terminus to another. But the reality, my reality is that I've Mya Taylor wins at Independent Spirt Awards been transitioning and will continue to transition all of my life, through the infinite that exists between male and fe- Mya Taylor just made history recently. She became the male as it does in the infinite between the binary of zero first transgender performer to win a high-profile Hollywood and one. We need to elevate the dialogue beyond the sim- accolade. plicity of binary." Honored for her work in “Tangerine,” Taylor took home the GLAAD has created a Tip Sheet to help journalists report Film Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Fe- responsibly on the story. male. It marked the culmination of a lengthy awards sea- son for the movie, whose distributor, Magnolia Pictures, Lilly's sister, Lana Wachowski, talked about her transition staged a low-key Oscar campaign that also garnered Tay- at an HRC event in 2012. Under their former names, Lilly lor a Gotham Award for Breakthrough Actor. and Lana Wachowski have written and/or directed some of the most creative and ambitious films of the past two dec- At the Independent Spirit Awards, which recognize Ameri- ades, including the GLAAD Media Award-winning film can movies made for less than $20 million, Taylor was up Bound, The Matrix trilogy, the GLAAD Media Award- against Robin Bartlett (“H.”), Jennifer Jason Leigh nominated films V for Vendetta and Cloud Atlas. They are (“Anomalisa”), Marin Ireland (“Glass Chin”) and Cynthia the co-creators of the current Netflix series , nomi- Nixon (“James White”). Her co-star, Kitana Kiki Rodriguez, nated for Outstanding Drama Series for this year's GLAAD was nominated for Best Female Lead, but lost to Brie Lar- Media Awards. son (“Room”). In response to her statement, many celebrities and artists “There is transgender talent,” Taylor said during her ac- have publicly come forward to support Lilly Wachowski's ceptance speech. “There’s very beautiful transgender tal- courage and willingness to be open about her transition, ent. So, you better get it out there and put it in your next while challenging the media to change its repeated at- movie. tempts to out trans people before they are ready to tell Taylor, 24, isn’t the first transgender performer to earn an their story. Indie Spirit nomination, however. That distinction belongs to Harmony Santana, a 2012 nominee for the drama “Gun Hill Road.” Taylor is, however, along with Idris Elba, one of the only black performers to score acting prizes throughout this awards season. “Tangerine,” one of 2015’s most memorable indie-film victories, revolves around two transgender sex workers who traverse Los Angeles in pursuit of their pimp. Director Sean Baker shot the movie using iPhones and a shoestring budget. It premiered at last year’s Sundance Film Festival and rode a wave of critical plaudits.

Page 7 Keystone Memories

Wicked Jezebel gets things rocking at Saturday night’s Gala Ball

‘Just You’ Girls strike a pose New Friendships

Keystone Gala Dinner

Page 8

Local & National Suicide Resources People dealing with gender identity issues are not immune from other sources of depression and mental illness. There is help available to you with bearing the unbearable. IN A CRISIS, CALL the local and national resources first. It is best to make contact via phone or in person; emailing often does not provide the immediate response needed in an emergency. These are the professionals and organizations trained to help you during a crisis. You are not alone.

National Resources Local Resources Local Resources

National Hopeline Network Amy Keisling, ACSW, LCSW Lancaster CONTACT Helpline (717)299-4855 1-800-SUICIDE (717) 540-1313 1-800-784-2433 (718)Adams, Franklin, Perry, [email protected] Upper-Dauphin CrisisChat.org Alexis Lake, MSS, LSW CONTACT hotline Online Emotional Support (717) 575-3757 1-800-932-4616 Hours Vary [email protected] York Wellspan Crisis Intervention 1-877-YOUTHLINE Adams-Hanover Counseling Services, 1-800-673-2496 1-877-968-8454 Crisis Intervention & Emergency Ser- Teen Line / Kids Line Youth America Hotline vices (717) 394-2000 Counseling for Teens by Teens (717) 637-7633 or 1-866-325-0339 TTY-Deaf & Voice www.imalive.org Carlisle CONTACT hotline (717)299-7184 An Online Crisis Network (717) 249-6226 COLLEGE STUDENTS Suicide & Crisis Chat Camp Hill Holy Spirit Hospital TEEN- Counseling Centers & Crisis Lines LINE The Trevor Project For Your College or University Crisis intervention & Suicide (717) 763-2345 prevention 1-800-722-5385 1-866-488-7386 Cumberland County Crisis Intervention For lesbian, gay, bisexual, TransCentralPA Care Line Camp Hill area: (717) 763-2222 transgender, and questioning youth Carlisle area: (717) 243-6005 717-831-8142 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline All other areas: 1-866-350-HELP 1-800-273-TALK Dauphin County Crisis Intervention 1-800-273-8255 (717) 232-7511 or 1-888-596-4447 •LifeLine Chat• Harrisburg CONTACT hotline 1-800-799-4TTY (717) 652-4400 1-800-799-4889 TTY - Hearing & Speech Impaired