VoL~ XXTII..••.• No. 87. TUESDAY MORNING-, APRIL 30, 18~2. [WHOLE No. :1465.

Just "Fu"blisne~ @~~ru'®ltl>J GEORGIA, l JV-CJRTHEB.,V ~ .IJND FOR S.11.LE .AT THE Fmnklin County. 5 ·clerk's Office, Inferior Court. STOCK• .JJ.ND EXCH~NGE ItlMS ~PORK . . HER.lllLD... OFFICE, J., FREDERICK BEALL, Clerk of the Inferior Court of said county, ilo her~by certify the follow mg to be a correct list of per$ons ·?f colour, re~isfered in , 'Office of said county- By the Gross, Dozen or Single. IDta® in confo'rmity to law. All •persons concerned are liereby aot1fied df the same. · UST REGl<;IVED and for sale by the THE HE subscriber bas taken 11.n of" J subscriber, 5000 wt. Northern Ra'ms and T nee ill Lhe building lately oc·cu· , Name,, - .11.geB.1 State. , ·1 No. years. 'oc.cupation. -· pied by Messrs. Stewart &. Har· ::Shoulders. ®Im®lllCBll& graves, on the North side of Broad· ------1------·--- . -.JJLS0- AND James Jacks 24 S. Carolina I 5 Farmer street, _opposite to the Post· Oflice­ Peter ,Jacks 41 1 l~ o 13 do 60 Bbls-. '.Mess PORK where he offers his 11erviees in lhe Charles Jacks J 8 Ueor·g1a 8 - 40 do Prirne llo S0\1'rll-Celll\0L1.NA William Jacobs 6 do 5 · 11.bove business, aod hopes, by strict JVew-Tarlc ·City iii speciion. ·personal atteotio·n, to the pat­ Daniel Hudsoa ·j 26 S. Caroliria 8 Bladksniith Syrus Hudson 23 do . i . Farmer Benjamin Hall. ALMAN ACK, ronage of his frieuds and the public. .\ Yina Hudson 30 -do 8 do March 29 78 FOR THE YE.AR OF OUR LORD The great ·facilities att'or.ded by brok­ do er1 in commercial operations gen· ~~i~i'et~u:J~:O ~~ • ~~ ~ The Dail~ an'1 (fount-r1 U~f&Sa erttHy, reuder it remarkllble that Lhe Nathan Hudson i5 do 8 :Fitifyed Fanny Hudson 1 3 Georgia ·;3 Calculated by R. GRIER, Wilke~ Count!J merch4nts ot' Augusta. and the plan· P eter Hudson l do 1 · ®~®lnlUJ.A~ pur­ asaiost employing tr~nsient Dentists. . , ·clsion ·of those less intere$led, and COfJS~· The Anatomy of Man's ~ody as governed by chaser will at all times kuo\y "here qu~ntly bett_er _qllalified to jurder tog.~~~ . tin1·~ for saru~ . 8 11 \'a.nnah, and this City, .coui;ented to makt: the t~TO Cilies, a permanent of a11y to her parties, Miscellaneous Particulars Ow111g alleg>auce ro none, lie is w i1htmt hos piing, citizens used to the present domehlic . Officers of the Executive of SOUTH-CAHO~ night previpus., ' ' ·. Teeth-or beauty and durability in setting Natural or Art;ficio.I Teet'lh t~~t1ons, wh.11St t~ey contend tor tht: aggran• LINA .2d. Cotton will be sampled antl ra­ d1zement ot the lew againot 1he welfare of' Judges of the Courts of Comm_om Pleas and any cunsiddntions with his employers ; ~e fbt~e~s ~imself he hM·e the many ; and whatev·er may become the ceieve~ from wagons till l t: n o'cloc·k, Sessior1s · the pleasure of givi11g the1!' t!1e most' eut1re 11a_t1Sfact.10.n. co11d1t11>n < ~ f pu.blic ~eeling! the. Georgian Judp;es and Commissioners in Equity A. M,-if o6'ered after that hour, • J:? LADLl<}8 will be w11.1teon at tlmr - dwel~rngs, and Gentleinen shall ever raise ns v01ce ~garn~t the damors Times a d place~ of holding \vlth Courts, sales cannot lie. realized till next day. at his onlce in M ;Iqtosh-8trect, north of the PoH-Office. of faction,-lf evet· there should be formed New-U:<>l' House & Hospital who think, Geo~g1an 1s ·offered. to the patronage of tl}e Do Union Society Will be attended to at all tim"s dur do Liquor Pumps, public, Whose verdict must be concius1ve The Life of Com. STEPHEN D.ECATUR. Do Union Axe and Firemen iog office hnul'!l, ~hic·h will be from do Liquor Measures ofi1~ · fa , e; Alre:tdy in ' possts~on au im- .i\ nble hnn to be more extensively useful t<> P.~ proved l'lun his fellow-eiti7. t ns. partment ' l\ooks an(\ ~ta~ionaY]. J \ Do Commis~ioners of'Pilotage. The Georgian is sent to aJl parts of the , John Kinney, jun. Fine Paper Ha11gings, . do Chaodelieru, in a' sets of su­ Do Branch Pilots Union at the i oflo,~ing rates .. o:J Money is sometimes wortb. more than' I penor coustruction Do Certificate do Garden Seeds, do Scouees, an improvedattern, DAILY PAPER, • $8 per Annum. · D •> Steam Boat Company at llthers: Persons having it to loan, may, in I COUNTRY PAPER, (three time.a week) A.ND do Cott'on Seed Oil the strictest confidence, avail themselves of' Cupsi pint and half pint. 8~ d Fayetteville to GLAS s. Or any other article or articles in &igned by JACOB STAILEY a•:,d ~IL: Norfolk, e>ver· a beaut1tul level count_ry, CONSISTiNo OF ~lus iea\ 1.nte\\igence-r, LIAM L.\,1KIN, dated about the 6th c! !1~. goes through in 3 days without travelling the Tin-Plate W nrker's line, by Plain Flint pint Decanteri :A.NU cem ber, 1820, and payable the fir>t of Juue at night. .., Wholesale or, will be fur­ Moulded pint - ·do THE M.INERVIAD, 1822, as the coF1sid etation for w\,ich th~ Road from Augusta to Natchez itoulded T umblers nished a.t the shortest notice and the Note wa$ given has tailerl. t • Do from Aug usta to Nashville. I Quart Moulded Pitchers Devoted to Literature and Amusement I work well executed on the most rea­ W. Lamkin. Do from Augusta-to M1lledgenlle Half Pint Tumblet's Do from Augusta· to A them• FOR THE LADIES-UosTON. sonable terms, by applyios at th6 April 16 St l:S J ALSO, store Do from Augusta to St. Mary's Complete Dinner Setts or Stage Road from Augusta to Maine-. TI-TE Tbird volum;:~ The EuTERPEI.rn, I John Hayles & Co. Live rpool 'Vare, ass0rted r. A handsome discount made to tllose or J\iUSlCAL lNTELLlGENC:ER, is . p_ublished lll~AIBIDll~~Q ~~~fAf' Jr~m the time pr e ~cribed by law,. and TO RENT-On Green- plele, o.nd tliey offer the \vhole to of 1he Eun:HPEIAD, or :Mus1t:AL fN'l'ELLlGEN· ~~~4..'I ~~~ \:,f5) all tho11e indebted, to malL6 pa.y. ci::n, a1 d LA.nn:s' GAZF.TTE, bound. .EXECUTED ON TH!. MOST REA.SONABLE Street,, a Guod 8table and Collch· Country Merch11.nts oir the most ae:.< ment. Printed by T:RUF. and GREJ:Yt , .l[crclta11t8' l TERMS; AT THE Hou11e. Enquire as a.hove. I eomm-0dating ternu~ Hull, 1Jo ~t o11 , John Brigham, Jld ~n!r. 1'' ebr~rl 1 U l Ckto\u~r :H a~ April 19 ~ 84 HERJJLD OFFICE. Ditrl.e C.Ow t~, Feb. tt &*l 6t inlerest at the rate of four per cent. per from the Cvmmencement b( the 16th een • cutio11.•-Gen. Taylor followed .on behalf of condition. We b·egin to' hope, fbr the sake annum, the interest to be payable on the 5th ury, more than 6500 111illions of dollarll, in the accused. On Tuesday last Cbapman of the people of Kentucky; from the ratio n. Lat -f-rom Euglann. of January and the 5th of.July, in each year, gold and sih·er, hue been i•sued. Johnson closeLI the delence, and oi;i Wedne»­ al languag~ ~ow held by th~ Argus, that 1omc The Packet sltip Columbia, Capt. lt~g We bave this evening given "The first dividend of the hew Four per bellishment of the city, are very ex­ the last count of tlm indictment, and we as­ state ofTe1rnessee.-"LouISVILu:, Ky. Marcl;i g er shaai ~ o~r time a11d limits would admit, Cent. Stock to be payable on the Slb Janua­ 20.-The Currency.-We reKret that Olfl' a~ muc • . pensive. The Tbeatre is an elegant edi­ certain the term of the impnsonment m the aud to-morr'ow we shall conunue our ex- ry, 1823. fice, and the two aqueducts by which the pubhc j ail and penitentuiry house, to, be predictions ~elative to the progre1sive d~­ t racts. , . t d · "Books to be opened at the Bank from city receives fresh water, are worthy of no­ one year : Ans we fii >d him not gu_. lty ol the preciati the General Court m June next­ in the conspiracy of Nantes; 1 he Mmister which case they shall be permitted to ex­ troops perform their nocturnal round~ The within a few days'past for specie. We h!lve e-0nsiders, that all fears of inte:nal commo­ press such dissent at any time before the 1st regular noops in garrieun are from five to un less a motiolrin artest of judgmeRt ihould seen as high as iixty-atvcn P.:ud by a bi-dker, tion in France have wholly ~ubsided. day of June, 1822; and any persons who may six thousand. succeed; This motion will be fou~